^ Benchmark | ||
Benchmark_GetAllStartTimesAndSlots | Benchmark_GetStartTime | Benchmark_MeasureTime |
^ Config Vars | ||
GetSetIntConfigVar | SetIntConfigVar_Bitfield |
^ Data Analysis | ||
FindPatternsInString |
^ Datatype-related | ||
FloatCompare | ReturnTypeOfReaperObject | has_alphanumeric | has_control | has_digits | has_hex | has_letter | has_lowercase | has_printables | has_space | has_uppercase | toboolean | type | utf8_len | utf8_sub |
^ Debug | ||
PingMe | deprecated |
^ Function Related | ||
ConvertFunction_FromBase64String | ConvertFunction_FromHexString | ConvertFunction_ToBase64String | ConvertFunction_ToHexString | MakeFunctionUndoable | RunLuaSourceCode | StoreFunctionInExtState |
^ Gmem/Shared Memory | ||
GMem_GetValues_VideoSamplePeeker | GMem_Read_ValueRange | Gmem_GetCurrentAttachedName |
^ LoadFunctionFromExtState | ||
LoadFunctionFromExtState |
^ ProgressBar | ||
PrintProgressBar | ResetProgressBar |
^ ReaScript Console | ||
BringReaScriptConsoleToFront | CloseReaScriptConsole |
^ Reaper Paths | ||
GetReaperColorThemesPath | GetReaperJSFXPath | GetReaperScriptPath | GetReaperWebRCPath |
^ Shortcut Related | ||
CharacterCodes_ReverseLookup |
^ Shortcut related | ||
CharacterCodes_ReverseLookup_KBIni | KBIniGetAllShortcuts |
^ String Output | ||
print2 | print3 | print_alt | print_update |
^ Various Check Functions | ||
IsItemInTrack | IsItemInTrack2 | IsItemInTrack3 | IsOS_Mac | IsOS_Other | IsOS_Windows | IsObjectValidReaperObject | IsValidGuid | IsWithinTimeRange |
^ API-Variables | ||
API_TempPath | Api_InstallPath | Api_Path | Euro | Separator | StartTime |
^ Audio Management | ||
GetHWInputs_Aliasnames | GetHWOutputs_Aliasnames |
^ Batch Converter ^ Misc | ||
BatchConvertFiles | GetBatchConverter_NotifyWhenFinished | SetBatchConverter_NotifyWhenFinished |
^ Clipboard Functions | ||
FromClip | GetMediaItemsFromClipboard | GetStringFromClipboard_SWS | PutMediaItemsToClipboard_MediaItemArray | ToClip |
^ Configuration Settings ^ Menus | ||
GetSetConfigActionMenu |
^ Preferences: Advanced UI | ||
GetSetConfigAlwaysAllowKB | GetSetConfigAudioCloseTrackWnds |
^ Preferences: Audio | ||
GetSetConfigAllStereoPairs | GetSetConfigAudioCloseStop |
^ Preferences: Device | ||
GetSetConfigAudioThreadPr |
^ Preferences: Media | ||
GetSetConfigApplyFXTail |
^ Preferences: Mute/Solo | ||
GetSetConfigAutoMute | GetSetConfigAutoMuteFlags |
^ Preferences: Project | ||
GetSetConfigAutoSaveInt | GetSetConfigAutoSaveMode |
^ Preferences: Recording | ||
GetSetConfigAdjRecLat | GetSetConfigAdjRecManLat | GetSetConfigAdjRecManLatIn |
^ Preferences: Video/REX/Misc | ||
GetSetConfigAcidImport |
^ Project Settings: Media | ||
GetSetConfigAfxCfg |
^ Recording | ||
GetStartNewFileRecSizeState | SetStartNewFileRecSizeState |
^ Transport: Contextmenu | ||
GetSetConfigAudioPrShift |
^ Defer-Management | ||
Defer | GetDeferCycleSettings | GetDeferRunState | SetDeferCycleSettings | StopDeferCycle |
^ Helper functions | ||
APIExists | ApiTest | EditReaScript | RFR | RLR | RRR |
^ Get Envelope | ||
GetClosestEnvelopePointIDX_ByTime | GetEnvelopePoint | GetEnvelopePointIDX_Between | GetLastEnvelopePoint_TrackEnvelope |
^ Set Envelope States | ||
SetArmState_Envelope | SetEnvelopeState_Act | SetEnvelopeState_DefShape | SetEnvelopeState_LaneHeight | SetEnvelopeState_Vis |
^ Helper functions | ||
GetFXByGuid | GetFocusedFX | GetLastTouchedFX | GetRecentFX | InputFX_JSFX_Reload | TakeFX_GetAllGuidsFromAllTakes | TakeFX_JSFX_Reload | TrackFX_GetAllGuidsFromAllTracks | TrackFX_JSFX_Reload |
^ Plugins | ||
AutoDetectVSTPluginsFolder | ScanDXPlugins |
^ File Analysis | ||
CheckForValidFileFormats | CountLinesInFile | GetLengthOfFile | OnlyFilesOfCertainType |
^ Manipulate Files | ||
MakeCopyOfFile | MakeCopyOfFile_Binary |
^ Read Files | ||
ReadBinaryFileFromPattern | ReadBinaryFileUntilPattern | ReadBinaryFile_Offset | ReadFileAsLines_Array | ReadFullFile | ReadLinerangeFromFile | ReadSubtitles_SRT | ReadValueFromFile |
^ Write Files | ||
SaveSubtitles_SRT | WriteValueToFile | WriteValueToFile_Insert | WriteValueToFile_InsertBinary | WriteValueToFile_Replace | WriteValueToFile_ReplaceBinary |
^ Image File Handling | ||
CaptureScreenAreaAsPNG | CaptureWindowAsPNG | ConvertJPG2PNG | ConvertPNG2JPG | ResizeJPG | ResizePNG |
^ Localization | ||
Localize | Localize_RefreshFile | Localize_UseFile |
^ MIDI Management ^ MIDI Editor | ||
MidiEditor_GetFixOverlapState | MidiEditor_SetFixOverlapState | OpenItemInMidiEditor | ZoomHorizontal_MidiEditor | ZoomVertical_MidiEditor |
^ Notes | ||
MIDI_SendMidiCC | MIDI_SendMidiNote | MIDI_SendMidiPC | MIDI_SendMidiPitch | PreviewMidiCCInTrack | PreviewMidiNoteInTrack | PreviewMidiPCInTrack | PreviewMidiPitchInTrack | QueryMIDIMessageNameByID |
^ Manipulate Files | ||
MoveFileOrFolder |
^ Chapter Marker | ||
PrepareChapterMarkers4ReaperExport | RestoreChapterMarkersAfterReaperExport |
^ PodRange Region | ||
AddPodRangeRegion | DeletePodRangeRegion | GetPodRangeRegion | IsRegionPodrange | SetPodRangeRegion |
^ Project Markers | ||
AddProjectMarker |
^ ShowNote Markers | ||
AddShownoteMarker | CountShownoteMarkers | DeleteShownoteMarker | EnumerateShownoteMarkers | GetSetShownoteMarker_Attributes | IsMarkerShownote | SetShownoteMarker |
^ Time Signature Markers | ||
GetAllTimeSigMarkers | GetLastTimeSigMarkerPosition | IsTimeSigmarkerAtPosition | MoveTimeSigMarkersBy |
^ Delete | ||
DeleteMediaItem | DeleteMediaItemsBetween | DeleteMediaItemsFromArray | DeleteMediaItems_Position |
^ Edit | ||
RippleCut | RippleCut_Reverse | SectionCut | SectionCut_Inverse | SplitItemsAtPositionFromArray | SplitMediaItems_Position |
^ MediaItem-Takes | ||
CountMediaItemTake_StateChunk | GetItemSourceFile_Take | GetMediaItemTake | GetMediaItemTake_StateChunk | GetTake_ReverseState |
^ Outtakes Vault | ||
MediaItems_Outtakes_AddSelectedItems | MediaItems_Outtakes_GetAllItems | MediaItems_Outtakes_InsertAllItems |
^ Selected Items | ||
DeselectMediaItems_MediaItemArray | GetAllSelectedMediaItems | GetSelectedMediaItemsAtPosition | GetSelectedMediaItemsBetween | SelectMediaItems_MediaItemArray | SetMediaItemsSelected_TimeSelection |
^ Mediaitem Take Management ^ Misc | ||
GetProjectPosByTakeSourcePos | GetTakeSourcePosByProjectPos | TakeMarker_GetAllTakeMarkers |
^ Metadata Management ^ Extension States Guid | ||
GetGuidExtState | SetGuidExtState |
^ Extension States | ||
DeleteProjExtState_Key | DeleteProjExtState_Section | GetProjExtState_AllKeyValues | ProjExtState_CountAllKeys |
^ Markers | ||
GetMarkerExtState | SetMarkerExtState |
^ Reaper Metadata Management | ||
MetaDataTable_Create | MetaDataTable_GetProject | Metadata_GetAllPresetNames | Metadata_GetMetaDataTable_Presets |
^ Miscellaneous | ||
WinterlySnowflakes |
^ Mute Management ^ Mute Lane | ||
ActivateMute | ActivateMute_TrackObject | DeactivateMute | DeactivateMute_TrackObject |
^ Scrubbing | ||
Scrubbing_MoveCursor_GetToggleState | Scrubbing_MoveCursor_Toggle |
^ Transport | ||
GetLoopState | SetLoopState |
^ Project-Files ^ Helper functions | ||
GetProjectStateChunk |
^ RPP-Files Set | ||
SetProject_GroupOverride |
^ Project-Management ^ AutoSave | ||
AutoSave_GetMinutes | AutoSave_GetOptions | AutoSave_SetMinutes | AutoSave_SetOptions |
^ ProjectBay | ||
GetAllMediaItems_FromProjectBayStateChunk | IsValidProjectBayStateChunk |
^ Misc | ||
RazorEdit_GetAllRazorEdits | RazorEdit_GetFromPoint | RazorEdit_ProjectHasRazorEdit | RazorEdit_Remove | RazorEdit_RemoveAllFromTrackAndEnvelope |
^ ReaMote | ||
AutoSearchReaMoteClients |
^ Reaper Element Positions ^ Reaper Window | ||
ConvertClient2ScreenXCoordinate_ReaperWindow | ConvertScreen2ClientXCoordinate_ReaperWindow | SetReaperWindowToSize |
^ Render Presets | ||
AddRenderPreset | DeleteRenderPreset_Bounds | DeleteRenderPreset_FormatOptions | GetRenderPreset_Names | GetRenderPreset_RenderTable | ResolvePresetName | SetRenderPreset |
^ RenderQueue | ||
AddProjectFileToRenderQueue | AddSelectedItemsToRenderQueue | GetRenderQueuedProjects | RenderProject_RenderQueue |
^ Rendering any Outputformat | ||
RenderProject | RenderProject_Regions | RenderProject_RenderTable | Render_Loop |
^ Hardware Out | ||
AddTrackHWOut | ApplyAllHWOuts | AreHWOutsTablesEqual | ClearRoutingMatrix | CountTrackHWOuts | DeleteTrackHWOut | GetAllHWOuts | GetTrackHWOut | SetTrackHWOut |
^ Item Lanes | ||
ItemLane_Count | ItemLane_GetAllMediaItems | ItemLane_GetFromPoint | ItemLane_GetPositionAndHeight |
^ TrackManager | ||
TrackManager_ClearFilter | TrackManager_OpenClose | TrackManager_SelectionFromList | TrackManager_SelectionFromProject | TrackManager_SetFilter | TrackManager_ShowAll |
^ Ultraschall Specific ^ Followmode | ||
pause_follow_one_cycle |
^ LUFS Loudness Meter | ||
LUFS_Metering_AddEffect | LUFS_Metering_GetValues | LUFS_Metering_MatchGain | LUFS_Metering_Reset | LUFS_Metering_SetValues | LUFS_Metering_ShowEffect |
^ Routing | ||
GetAllAUXSendReceives2 | GetAllHWOuts2 | GetAllMainSendStates2 |
^ Track Management | ||
GetTypeOfTrack | IsTrackSoundboard | IsTrackStudioLink | IsTrackStudioLinkOnAir |
^ Ultraschall.ini | ||
CountUSExternalState_key | CountUSExternalState_sec | DeleteUSExternalState | EnumerateUSExternalState_key | EnumerateUSExternalState_sec | GetUSExternalState | SetUSExternalState |
^ User Interface | ||
GetPreventUIRefreshCount | PreventUIRefresh | RestoreUIRefresh |
^ Context Menus | ||
ShowMenu |
^ Dialogs | ||
BrowseForOpenFiles | GetUserInputs | MB |
^ MediaItems | ||
GetItemButtonsVisible | SetItemButtonsVisible |
^ Miscellaneous | ||
ConvertYCoordsMac2Win | GetDpiFromScale | GetIDEFontSize | GetScaleRangeFromDpi | GetTimeByMouseXPosition | GetUIScale | SetIDEFontSize | SetUIScale |
^ Screen Management | ||
GetScreenHeight | GetScreenWidth |
^ Track Control Panel(TCP) | ||
GetTCPWidth | TCP_SetWidth |
^ Transport and Ruler | ||
SetTimeUnit |
^ Transport | ||
GetPlayCursorWidth | SetPlayCursorWidth |
^ UI-Elements | ||
GetCheckboxState | SetCheckboxState |
^ misc | ||
GetHelpDisplayMode | SetHelpDisplayMode | WiringDiagram_GetOptions | WiringDiagram_SetOptions |
^ Web Interface | ||
WebInterface_GetInstalledInterfaces |
integer num_found_actions, integer sectionID, string sectionName, table actions, table CmdIDs, table ToggleStates, table shortcuts = ultraschall.ActionsList_GetAllActions()
returns the all actions from the actionlist, when opened.
The order of the tables of found actions, ActionCommandIDs and ToggleStates is the same in all of the three tables. They also reflect the order of userselection in the ActionList itself from top to bottom of the ActionList.
returns -1 in case of an error
integer num_found_actions |
the number of found actions; -1, if not opened |
integer sectionID |
the id of the section, from which the found actions are from |
string sectionName |
the name of the found section |
table actions |
the texts of the found actions as a handy table |
table CmdIDs |
the ActionCommandIDs of the found actions as a handy table; all of them are strings, even the numbers, but can be converted using Reaper's own function reaper.NamedCommandLookup |
table ToggleStates |
the current toggle-states of the found actions; 1, on; 0, off; -1, no such toggle state available |
table shortcuts |
the shortcuts of the action as a handy table; separated by ", " |
integer num_found_actions, integer sectionID, string sectionName, table selected_actions, table CmdIDs, table ToggleStates, table shortcuts = ultraschall.ActionsList_GetSelectedActions()
returns the selected entries from the actionlist, when opened.
The order of the tables of found actions, ActionCommandIDs and ToggleStates is the same in all of the three tables. They also reflect the order of userselection in the ActionList itself from top to bottom of the ActionList.
returns -1 in case of an error
integer num_found_actions |
the number of selected actions; -1, if not opened |
integer sectionID |
the id of the section, from which the selected actions are from |
string sectionName |
the name of the selected section |
table selected_actions |
the texts of the found actions as a handy table |
table CmdIDs |
the ActionCommandIDs of the found actions as a handy table; all of them are strings, even the numbers, but can be converted using Reaper's own function reaper.NamedCommandLookup |
table ToggleStates |
the current toggle-states of the selected actions; 1, on; 0, off; -1, no such toggle state available |
table shortcuts |
the shortcuts of the action as a handy table; separated by ", " |
boolean retval = ultraschall.CheckActionCommandIDFormat(action_command_id)
boolean retval |
true, valid action_command_id; false, not a valid action_command_id |
actioncommand_id |
the ActionCommandID you want to check; either a number or an action_command_id with an underscore at the beginning |
boolean retval = ultraschall.CheckActionCommandIDFormat(action_command_id)
boolean retval |
true, valid action_command_id; false, not a valid action_command_id |
actioncommand_id |
the ActionCommandID you want to check; either a number or an action_command_id with an underscore at the beginning |
boolean retval = ultraschall.CheckActionCommandIDFormat2(action_command_id)
boolean retval |
true, valid action_command_id; false, not a valid action_command_id |
actioncommand_id |
the ActionCommandID you want to check; either a number or an action_command_id with an underscore at the beginning |
integer number_of_actions, table actiontable = ultraschall.GetAllActions(integer section)
Returns all actions and accompanying attributes from a specific section as a handy table
The table is of the following format:
actiontable[index]["commandid"] - the command-id-number of the action
actiontable[index]["actioncommandid"] - the action-command-id-string of the action, if it's a named
command(usually scripts or extensions), otherwise empty string
actiontable[index]["name"] - the name of command
actiontable[index]["scriptfilename"] - the filename+path of a command, that is a ReaScript, otherwise empty string
actiontable[index]["termination"] - the termination-state of the action
-1 - not available
4 - Dialogwindow appears(Terminate, New Instance, Abort), if another
instance of a given script is started, that's already running
260 - always Terminate All(!) Instances, if you try to run another
instance of a script, that's already running. When no instance is
running, it simply starts the script.
516 - always start a New Instance of the script, that's already running
actiontable[index]["consolidate"] - the consolidate-state of custom actions;
1 consolidate undo points,
2 show in Actions-Menu,
3 consolidate undo points AND show in Actions Menu
-1, if not available
actiontable[index]["actiontype"] - the type of the action;
"native action", "extension action",
"custom action", "script"
returns -1 in case of an error.
integer number_of_actions |
the number of actions found; -1 in case of an error |
table actiontable |
a table, which holds all attributes of an action(see description for more details) |
integer sections |
the section, whose actions you want to retrieve 0, Main=0 1, invisible actions(shown but not runnable actions) 100, Main (alt recording) 32060, MIDI Editor=32060 32061, MIDI Event List Editor 32062, MIDI Inline Editor 32063, Media Explorer=32063 |
string scriptfilename_with_path = ultraschall.GetScriptFilenameFromActionCommandID(string action_command_id)
string scriptfilename_with_path |
the scriptfilename with path associated with this ActionCommandID |
string Path |
the path to set as new current working directory |
ultraschall.RefreshToolbar_Action(integer section, string actioncommand_id)
integer section |
section 0 - Main 100 - Main (alt recording) 32060 - MIDI Editor 32061 - MIDI Event List Editor 32062 - MIDI Inline Editor 32063 - Media Explorer |
string actioncommand_id |
ActionCommandID of the action, associated with the toolbarbutton |
integer retval = ultraschall.RunCommand(string actioncommand_id)
integer retval |
-1, in case of error |
string actioncommand_id |
the ActionCommandID of the Command/Script/Action you want to run; must be either a number or the ActionCommandID beginning with an underscore _ |
integer retval = ultraschall.ToggleStateAction(integer section, string actioncommand_id, integer state)
integer retval |
state if the action, after it has been toggled |
integer section |
the section of the action(see ShowActionlist-dialog) 0 - Main 100 - Main (alt recording) 32060 - MIDI Editor 32061 - MIDI Event List Editor 32062 - MIDI Inline Editor 32063 - Media Explorer |
string actioncommand_id |
the ActionCommandID of the action to toggle |
integer state |
toggle-state 0, off &1, on/checked in menus &2, on/grayed out in menus &16, on/bullet in front of the entry in menus -1, NA because the action does not have on/off states. |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ToggleStateButton(integer section, string actioncommand_id, integer state)
boolean retval |
true, toggling worked; false, toggling didn't work |
integer section |
the section of the action(see ShowActionlist-dialog) 0 - Main 100 - Main (alt recording) 32060 - MIDI Editor 32061 - MIDI Event List Editor 32062 - MIDI Inline Editor 32063 - Media Explorer |
string actioncommand_id |
the ActionCommandID of the action to toggle |
integer state |
1 or 0 |
number starttime = ultraschall.Benchmark_GetStartTime()
This function is for benchmarking parts of your code. It returns a table with all starttimes of all current benchmark-measurings. The index of the table reflects the slots.
Use Benchmark_MeasureTime to start/reset a new benchmark-measureing.
table starttime_slots |
a table with all starttimes of all current benchmark-measurings, where the index reflects the slots |
number starttime = ultraschall.Benchmark_GetStartTime(optional integer slot)
This function is for benchmarking parts of your code. It returns the starttime of the last benchmark-start, started by Benchmark_MeasureTime.
returns nil, if no benchmark has been made yet.
Use Benchmark_MeasureTime to start/reset a new benchmark-measureing.
number starttime |
the starttime of the currently running benchmark |
optional integer slot |
the slot, whose starttime you want to get |
number elapsed_time, string elapsed_time_string, string measure_evaluation = ultraschall.Benchmark_MeasureTime(optional integer time_mode, optional boolean reset, optional integer slot)
This function is for benchmarking parts of your code. It returns the passed time, since last time calling this function.
Use Benchmark_GetStartTime to start the benchmark.
number elapsed_time |
the elapsed time in seconds |
string elapsed_time_string |
the elapsed time, formatted by parameter time_mode |
string measure_evaluation |
an evaluation of time, mostly starting with < or > an a number of + 0, no time passed >, for elapsed times greater than 1, the following + will show the number of integer digits; example: 12.927 -> ">++" <, for elapsed times smaller than 1, the following + will show the number of zeros+1 in the fraction, until the first non-zero-digit appears; example: 0.0063 -> "<+++" |
optional integer time_mode |
the formatting of elapsed_time_string 0=time 1=measures.beats + time 2=measures.beats 3=seconds 4=samples 5=h:m:s:f |
optional boolean reset |
true, resets the starttime(for new measuring); false, keeps current measure-starttime(for continuing measuring) |
optional integer slot |
if you want to have multiple benchmark-measures at the same time, you can store them in different slots. means, you can measure in slot 1 and slot 2, where you can occasionally reset slot 1 while having continuous measuring in slot 2. this allows you to measure the execution time of the whole script(slot 2) and certain parts of the script on individual basis(slot 1). you can use as many slots, as you want. nil, default slot is 0 |
string script_identifier = ultraschall.GetScriptIdentifier()
string script_identifier |
a unique script-identifier for this script-instance, of the format: ScriptIdentifier: scriptfilename-guid |
string script_identifier_description = ultraschall.GetScriptIdentifier_Description()
The Ultraschall-API gives any script, that uses the API, a unique identifier generated when the script is run. This identifier can be used to communicate with this script. If you start numerous instances of a script, it will create for each instance its own script-identifier, so you can be sure, that you communicate with the right instance.
With this function, you can get its description, that is less cryptic than the ScriptIdentifier itself.
You can set it using SetScriptIdentifier_Description.
string script_identifier_description |
the description of your script |
string script_identifier_title = ultraschall.GetScriptIdentifier_Title()
The Ultraschall-API gives any script, that uses the API, a unique identifier generated when the script is run. This identifier can be used to communicate with this script. If you start numerous instances of a script, it will create for each instance its own script-identifier, so you can be sure, that you communicate with the right instance.
With this function, you can get its description, that is less cryptic than the ScriptIdentifier itself.
Default is the script's filename.
You can set it using SetScriptIdentifier_Title.
string script_identifier_title |
the title of your script; default is the filename of the script |
integer num_params, array params, string caller_script_identifier = ultraschall.GetScriptParameters(optional string script_identifier, optional boolean remove)
integer num_params |
the number of parameters available |
array params |
the values of the parameters as an array |
string caller_script_identifier |
the scriptidentifier of the script, that set the parameters |
optional string script_identifier |
the script-identifier, whose parameters you want to retrieve; use nil, to get the parameters stored for the current script |
optional boolean remove |
true or nil, remove the stored parameter-extstates; false, keep them for later retrieval |
integer num_params, array retvals = ultraschall.GetScriptReturnvalues(string sender_script_identifier, optional boolean remove)
Gets the return-values which a specific sender_script_identifier sent to the current script.
If you have started numerous child-scripts and want to know, which child-script sent you return-values, see GetScriptReturnvalues_Sender
returns -1 in case of an error
integer num_retvals |
the number of return-values available |
array params |
the values of the return-values as an array |
string sender_script_identifier |
the script-identifier, that sent the return-values to your script |
optional boolean remove |
true or nil, remove the stored retval-extstates; false, keep them for later retrieval |
integer count, array retval_sender = ultraschall.GetScriptReturnvalues_Sender()
integer count |
the number of scripts, who have left returnvalues for the current script |
array retval_sender |
the ScriptIdentifier of the scripts, who returned values |
boolean retval, string script_identifier = ultraschall.MIDI_OnCommandByFilename(string filename, optional HWND Midi_EditorHWND, string ...)
Runs a command by a filename in the MIDI-editor-context. It internally registers the file temporarily as command, runs it and unregisters it again. This is especially helpful, when you want to run a command for sure without possible command-id-number-problems.
It returns a unique script-identifier for this script, which can be used to communicate with this script-instance. The started script gets its script-identifier using GetScriptIdentifier. You can use this script-identifier e.g. as extstate.
Returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if running it was successful; false, if not |
string script_identifier |
a unique script-identifier, which can be used as extstate to communicate with the started scriptinstance |
HWND Midi_EditorHWND |
the window-handler of the MIDI-editor, in which to run the script; nil, for the last active MIDI-editor |
string filename |
the name plus path of the scriptfile to run |
string ... |
parameters, that shall be passed over to the script |
boolean retval, string script_identifier = ultraschall.Main_OnCommandByFilename(string filename, string ...)
Runs a command by a filename. It internally registers the file temporarily as command, runs it and unregisters it again. This is especially helpful, when you want to run a command for sure without possible command-id-number-problems.
It returns a unique script-identifier for this script, which can be used to communicate with this script-instance. The started script gets its script-identifier using GetScriptIdentifier. You can use this script-identifier e.g. as extstate.
Returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if running it was successful; false, if not |
string script_identifier |
a unique script-identifier, which can be used as extstate to communicate with the started scriptinstance |
string filename |
the name and path of the scriptfile to run |
string ... |
parameters that shall be passed over to the script |
boolean retval, string script_identifier = ultraschall.Main_OnCommand_LuaCode(string Code, string ...)
Runs LuaCode as new temporary script-instance. It internally registers the code as a file temporarily as command, runs it and unregisters it again. This is especially helpful, when you want to run a command for sure without possible command-id-number-problems.
It returns a unique script-identifier for this script, which can be used to communicate with this script-instance. The started script gets its script-identifier using GetScriptIdentifier. You can use this script-identifier e.g. as extstate.
Returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if running it was successful; false, if not |
string script_identifier |
a unique script-identifier, which can be used as extstate to communicate with the started code |
string Code |
the Lua-code, which shall be run; will not be checked vor validity! |
string ... |
parameters that shall be passed over to the script |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetScriptIdentifier_Description(string description)
The Ultraschall-API gives any script, that uses the API, a unique identifier generated when the script is run. This identifier can be used to communicate with this script. If you start numerous instances of a script, it will create for each instance its own script-identifier, so you can be sure, that you communicate with the right instance.
With this function, you can set its description, that is less cryptic than the ScriptIdentifier itself.
You can get it using GetScriptIdentifier_Description.
returns -1 in case of an error
integer retval |
-1 in case of an error |
string description |
the new description of your script |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetScriptIdentifier_Title(string title)
The Ultraschall-API gives any script, that uses the API, a unique identifier generated when the script is run. This identifier can be used to communicate with this script. If you start numerous instances of a script, it will create for each instance its own script-identifier, so you can be sure, that you communicate with the right instance.
With this function, you can set its title, that is less cryptic than the ScriptIdentifier itself. No \n-newlines, \r-carriage returns or \0-nullbytes are allowed and will be removed
You can get it using GetScriptIdentifier_Title.
returns -1 in case of an error
integer retval |
-1 in case of an error |
string title |
the new title of your script |
boolean retval, string script_identifier = ultraschall.SetScriptParameters(string script_identifier, string ...)
boolean retval |
true, storing was successful |
string script_identifier |
the script_identifier, whose parameters have been set |
string script_identifier |
the script-identifier, whose parameters you want to retrieve; use nil, to set the parameters stored for the current script |
string ... |
the parameters you want to set; there can be more than one, but they must be strings |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetScriptReturnvalues(string script_identifier, string ...)
boolean retval |
true, storing was successful; false, there was an error |
string script_identifier |
the script-identifier of the script-instance, to where you want to send the returnvalues |
string ... |
the returnvalues you want to set; there can be more than one, but they must be strings |
boolean retval, integer config_var_value = ultraschall.GetSetIntConfigVar(string varname, boolean set, optional boolean bit1, ..., optional boolean bit32)
boolean retval |
true, getting/setting the config-var was successful; false, it wasn't successful |
integer config_var_value |
the new/current value of the configuration-variable |
string varname |
the name of the config-variable |
boolean set |
true, set this config-var; false, don't set it |
optional boolean bit1 |
true, set this bit; false, don't set this bit; nil, use the currently set value |
... |
true, set this bit; false, don't set this bit; nil, use the currently set value |
optional boolean bit32 |
true, set this bit; false, don't set this bit; nil, use the currently set value |
boolean retval, integer new_integer_bitfield = ultraschall.SetIntConfigVar_Bitfield(string configvar, boolean set_to, integer bit_1, integer bit_2, ... integer bit_n)
boolean retval |
true, if altering was successful; false, if not successful |
integer new_integer_bitfield |
the newly altered bitfield |
string configvar |
the config-variable, that is stored as an integer-bitfield, that you want to alter. |
boolean set_to |
true, set the bits to 1; false, set the bits to 0; nil, toggle the bits |
integer bit1..n |
one or more parameters, that include the bitvalues toset/unset/toggle with 1 for the first bit; 2 for the second, 4 for the third, 8 for the fourth, etc |
integer count_found_items, array found_items = ultraschall.FindPatternsInString(string SourceString, string pattern, boolean sort_after_finding)
integer count_found_items |
the number of found items in the string; -1, in case of an error |
array found_items |
all occurrences found in the string as an array |
string SourceString |
the source-string to search for all occurences |
string pattern |
the matching-pattern, with which to search for in the string |
boolean sort_after_finding |
true, sorts the entries; false, doesn't sort the entries |
string new_character = ultraschall.AddIntToChar(string character, integer int)
string new_character |
the new character, after parameter int has been added/subtracted from/to character |
string character |
the character, onto which you want to add/subtract parameter int; only single character allowed |
integer int |
the value, that you want to add to the numerical representation of parameter character |
string decoded_string = ultraschall.Base64_Decoder(string source_string, optional integer base64_type)
string decoded_string |
the decoded string |
string source_string |
the Base64-encoded string |
optional integer base64_type |
the Base64-decoding-style nil or 0, for standard default Base64-encoding |
string encoded_string = ultraschall.Base64_Encoder(string source_string, optional integer base64_type, optional integer remove_newlines, optional integer remove_tabs)
string encoded_string |
the encoded string |
string source_string |
the string that you want to convert into Base64 |
optional integer base64_type |
the Base64-decoding-style nil or 0, for standard default Base64-encoding |
optional integer remove_newlines |
1, removes \n-newlines(including \r-carriage return) from the string 2, replaces \n-newlines(including \r-carriage return) from the string with a single space |
optional integer remove_tabs |
1, removes \t-tabs from the string 2, replaces \t-tabs from the string with a single space |
integer count, array individual_values = ultraschall.CSV2IndividualLinesAsArray(string csv_line, optional string separator)
integer count |
the number of entries |
array individual_values |
all values, each in an individual array-position |
string csv_line |
a string as a csv, with all values included and separated by parameter separator |
string separator |
the separator, that separates the individual entries; use nil for commas; separators will be removed from the final strings! |
string values = ultraschall.CSV2Line(string csv_line)
string values |
all values in one string |
integer retval = ultraschall.CombineBytesToInteger(integer bitoffset, integer Byte_1, optional Byte_2, ..., optional Byte_n)
integer retval |
the combined integer |
integer bitoffset |
if you want to start combining the values from a certain bitoffset-onwards, set the offset here; use 0 to start with the first bit. |
integer Byte_1 |
a bytevalue that you want to combine into one |
optional integer Byte_2 |
a bytevalue that you want to combine into one |
optional integer Byte_n |
a bytevalue that you want to combine into one |
table diff_array = ultraschall.CompareArrays(table Array, table CompareArray2)
table diff_array |
an array with all entries from CompareArray2, that are not in Array |
table Array |
the reference-array |
table CompareArray2 |
the array you want to check against Array; all entries in CompareArray2 that are not in Array will be returned |
boolean retval, integer errorposition = ultraschall.CompareStringWithAsciiValues(string string, integer bytevalue_1, integer bytevalue_2, ... integer bytevalue_n)
boolean retval |
true, if check was successful; false, if not successful |
integer errorposition |
if retval is false, this will contain the position in string, where the checking failed; nil, if retval is true |
string string |
the string to check against the bytevalues |
integer bytevalue_1..n |
one or more parameters, that include the bytevalues to check against the accompanying byte in string; -1, if you want to skip check for that position |
integer numentries, array concatenated_table = ultraschall.ConcatIntegerIndexedTables(array table1, array table2)
Concatenates the entries of two tables into one table. The entries of each table must be indexed by integers
The new table still has the same references as the old table, means: if you remove the old tables/entries in the old tables, the concatenated table/accompanying entries will loose elements. To get a "true"-concatenated copy, you should first create new copies of the tables, using MakeCopyOfTable.
integer numentries |
the number of entries in the new table |
array concatenated_table |
the new concatenated table |
array table1 |
the first table to be concatenated; the entries must be indexed by integer-numbers! |
array table2 |
the second table to be concatenated; the entries must be indexed by integer-numbers! |
string hexstring = ultraschall.ConvertAscii2Hex(string ascii_string)
converts an ascii-string into a hexstring.
See ConvertHex2Ascii to convert a HEX-string into its normal string-representation.
Returns nil in case of an error
string hexstring |
the original string with only hexadecimal numbers |
string ascii_string |
the converted string |
integer integervalue = ultraschall.ConvertBitsToInteger(table bitvalues)
integer integer |
the integer-number converted from the integer-entries |
table bitvalues |
a table, where each entry contains the bit-value of integer; first entry for bit 1, 64th entry for bit 64, etc |
string message = ultraschall.ConvertBitsToString(array bitarray)
string message |
the converted bits as string-representation |
array bitarray |
the individual bits in a table, which will be converted into a string-representation each entry in the table must be either 0 or 1; missing bits at the end(usually nil) will be seen as 0 |
string ascii_string = ultraschall.ConvertHex2Ascii(string hexstring)
converts a hexstring into an ascii-string.
Will combine two hexvalues into one byte, until the whole string is converted.
See ConvertAscii2Hex to convert a string into its HEX-representation.
Returns nil in case of an error
string ascii_string |
the converted string |
string hexstring |
the original string with only hexadecimal numbers |
string converted_value = ultraschall.ConvertIntegerIntoString2(integer Size, integer integervalue_1, ..., integer integervalue_n)
string converted_value |
the string-representation of the integer |
integer Size |
the maximum size of the integer to convert, 1(8 bit) to 4(32 bit) |
integer integervalue_1 |
the first integer value to convert from |
... |
integer integervalue_n |
the last integer value to convert from |
string bitvals_csv, table bitvalues = ultraschall.ConvertIntegerToBits(integer integer)
string bitvals_csv |
a comma-separated csv-string of all bitvalues, with bit 1 coming first and bit 32 coming last |
table bitvalues |
a 64-entry table, where each entry contains the bit-value of integer; first entry for bit 1, 64th entry for bit 64 |
integer integer |
the integer-number to separated into it's individual bits |
integer length, table byte_array = ultraschall.ConvertStringToAscii_Array(string string)
integer length |
the number of characters in the string/entries in the returned table byte_array |
table byte_array |
the ByteArray as a table, with the format ByteArray[idx][1]="A" -- the byte itself ByteArray[idx][2]=65 -- the numerical representation of the byte |
string string |
the string to be converted |
integer number_of_bits, array bitarray = ultraschall.ConvertStringToBits(string message)
integer number_of_bits |
the number of bits in the string, -1, in case of an error |
array bitarray |
the individual bits as a handy table |
string message |
the string, which you want to convert into its bit representation |
integer num_integers, array individual_integers = ultraschall.ConvertStringToIntegers(string String, integer Size)
integer num_integers |
the number of integers converted from this string |
array individual_integers |
the individual integers, as converted from the original string |
string String |
the string to convert into its integer representation |
integer Size |
the size of the integers. 1 for 8 bits, 2 for 16 bits, ..., 8 for 64 bits |
integer count, array positions = ultraschall.CountCharacterInString(string checkstring, string character)
integer count |
the number of occurences of character in checkstring |
array positions |
the positionnumbers of the character in checkstring |
string checkstring |
the string to check search through |
string character |
the character to search for. Only single characters are allowed. Controlcodes like \n \t count as single character. Case sensitive. |
integer count, table subtables, integer count_of_subtables = ultraschall.CountEntriesInTable_Main(table the_table)
integer count |
the number of entries in the table |
table subtables |
if an entry of table has a table as value, that table-value will be included in this subtables-table(for recursive counting-usecases) |
integer count_of_subtables |
the number of entries in the subtables-table |
table table |
the table, whose entries you want to count |
integer number_of_lines = ultraschall.CountLinesInString(string String)
integer number_of_lines |
number of lines of the string |
string String |
the string to count the lines of |
integer count, array positions = ultraschall.CountPatternInString(string sourcestring, string searchstring, boolean non_case_sensitive)
integer count |
the number of appearances of searchstring in sourcestring |
array positions |
an array with count-entries, where every entry contains the position of searchstring in sourcestring |
string sourcestring |
the string, you want to search through |
string searchstring |
the string, you want to search for in sourcestring |
boolean non_case_sensitive |
true, the search does not care about case-sensitivity; false, case of searchstring will be kept |
table new_table = ultraschall.CycleTable(table the_table, integer offset)
table new_table |
the altered table |
table the_table |
the table to cycle through |
integer offset |
the offset, by which to cycle the entries through; positive, cycle entries forward; negative, cycle entries backward |
number mkvol_value = ultraschall.DB2MKVOL(number db_value)
Converts an dB-value into a MKVOL-value.
MKVOL-values are used by the routing-functions for HWOut/AUXSendReceive, specifically for their volume-value as these can't be converted using Reaper's own DB2SLIDER or SLIDER2DB, so this function should help you.
See MKVOL2DB to convert a MKVOL-value into it's dB-representation
returns nil in case of an error
number mkvol_value |
the mkvol-value, converted from the dB-value |
number db_value |
the dB-value, that you want to convert into the MKVOL-value; minimum is -144dB |
string escaped_string = ultraschall.EscapeMagicCharacters_String(string sourcestring)
string escaped_string |
the string with all magic characters escaped |
string sourcestring |
the string, whose magic characters you want to escape for future use |
integer count, table foundtypes, table returned_table = ultraschall.GetAllEntriesFromTable(table table)
integer count |
the number of table-entries found |
table foundtypes |
a table, with count-entries, each entry having the type of each entry in the returned_table as string. The types can be "nil", "integer", "float", "string", "boolean", "table", "function", "thread", "userdata" |
table returned_table |
an iterable version of table. The type of each entry can be found in the accompanying entry of foundtypes the format is returned_table[indexnr][1] - indexname/number of the original table-entry returned_table[indexnr][2] - the value of the original table-entry the indexnr is 1 to count, while [indexnr][1] is the indexnr of the original-table-entry, which might be a string, functionname or something else as well |
table table |
the table to get the individual entries from |
integer duplicate_count, array duplicate_array, integer originalscount_array1, array originals_array1, integer originalscount_array2, array originals_array2 = ultraschall.GetDuplicatesFromArrays(array array1, array array2)
integer duplicate_count |
the number of entries in both arrays |
array duplicate_array |
the entries in both arrays |
integer originalscount_array1 |
the number of entries only in array1 |
array originals_array1 |
the entries that are only existing in array1 |
integer originalscount_array2 |
the number of entries only in array2 |
array originals_array2 |
the entries that are only existing in array2 |
array array1 |
the first array to check for duplicates and "original"-entries |
array array2 |
the second array to check for duplicates and "original"-entries |
string partial_string = ultraschall.GetPartialString(string str, string sep1, string sep2)
string partial_string |
the partial string between sep1 and sep2 |
string str |
string to be processed |
string sep1 |
separator on the "left" side of the partial string |
string sep2 |
separator on the "right" side of the partial string |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsValidMatchingPattern(string patstring)
boolean retval |
true, patstring is a valid pattern-matching-string; false, patstring isn't a valid pattern-matching-string |
string patstring |
the string to check for, if it's a valid pattern-matching-string |
table alteredtable = ultraschall.KeepTableEntriesOfType(table worktable, string keeptype)
table alteredtable |
the table, that contains only the entries of the type as given by parameter keeptype |
table worktable |
the unaltered source-table for processing |
string keeptype |
the type that shall remain in table allowed are boolean, integer, float, number, table, string, userdata, thread, ReaProject, MediaTrack, MediaItem, MediaItem_Take, TrackEnvelope, PCM_source |
number altered_number = ultraschall.LimitFractionOfFloat(number number, integer length_of_fraction)
number altered_number |
the altered number with the new fraction-length. Will be equal to parameter number, if number was integer or fraction less digits than length_of_fraction |
number number |
the number, whose fraction shall be limited |
integer length_of_fraction |
the number of digits in the fraction |
number db_value = ultraschall.MKVOL2DB(number mkvol_value)
Converts an MKVOL-value into a dB-value.
MKVOL-values are used by the routing-functions for HWOut/AUXSendReceive, specifically for their volume-value as these can't be converted using Reaper's own DB2SLIDER or SLIDER2DB, so this function should help you.
This function is an adapted one from the function provided in Plugins/reaper_www_root/main.js
See DB2MKVOL to convert a dB-value into it's MKVOL-representation
returns nil in case of an error
number db_value |
the dB-value, converted from the MKVOL-value; minimum -144dB |
number mkvol_value |
the mkvol_value, that you want to convert into dB |
table table_copy = ultraschall.MakeCopyOfTable(table table)
Creates a true copy of a table(not only references).
adapted from Tyler Neylon's function, found at Stack Overflow
Returns nil if table isn't a valid table
table table_copy |
the true copy of the table; nil in case of error |
table table |
the table to create a copy from. |
string csv_retval = ultraschall.Notes2CSV()
string csv_retval |
the project notes, returned as a csv-string; entries separated by a comma |
table alteredtable = ultraschall.RemoveTableEntriesOfType(table worktable, string removetype)
table alteredtable |
the table, that contains only the entries that are nt of the type as given by parameter removetype |
table worktable |
the unaltered source-table for processing |
string removetype |
the type that shall be removed from table allowed are boolean, integer, float, number, table, string, userdata, ReaProject, MediaTrack, MediaItem, MediaItem_Take, TrackEnvelope, PCM_source |
string replaced_string = ultraschall.ReplacePartOfString(string originalstring, string insertstring, integer offset, optional integer length)
string replaced_string |
the altered string |
string originalstring |
the originalstring, in which you want to insert the string |
string insertstring |
the string that shall be inserted |
integer offset |
the position, at which to insert the string; it is the position BEFORE the position at which to insert, so if you want to replace the 25th character, offset is 24! |
optional integer length |
the length of the part of the originalstring that shall be replaced, counted from offset. 0 or nil for simple insertion. |
string altered_string, boolean replaced = ultraschall.ReplacePatternInString(string OriginalString, string pattern, string replacestring, integer index)
string altered_string |
the altered string, where the n'th occurence of the pattern has been replaced |
boolean replaced |
true, there has been a replacement; false, no replacement has happened |
string OriginalString |
the string, from which you want to replace a specific occurence of a matching pattern |
string pattern |
the pattern to look for |
string replacestring |
the string, which shall replace the found pattern |
integer index |
the number of found occurence of the pattern in the string, which shall be replaced |
retval1, retval2, retval3, ... , retval64 = ultraschall.ReturnTableAsIndividualValues(table Table)
retval1 ... retval64 |
the values from Table returned |
table Table |
the table, whose values you want to return. It will only return values with index 1...64! |
integer newbyte = ultraschall.ReverseEndianess_Byte(integer byte)
integer newbyte |
the endianess-reversed byte |
integer byte |
the integer whose endianess you want to reverse |
table reversed_table, integer entry_count = ultraschall.ReverseTable(table the_table)
table reversed_table |
the resulting table with the reversed order of all entries |
integer entry_count |
the number of entries in the reversed_table |
table table |
the table, whose entries you want to reverse |
integer retval = ultraschall.RoundNumber(number num)
integer retval |
the rounded number |
number num |
the floatingpoint number, you'd like to have rounded. |
integer count, array posarray = ultraschall.SearchStringInString(string fullstring, string searchstring)
integer count |
the number of found occurences of searchstring in fullstring |
array posarray |
an array that contains the positions, where searchstring was found within fullstring |
string fullstring |
the string to be searched through |
string searchstring |
the string to search for within fullstring |
string time_string = ultraschall.SecondsToTime(number pos)
string time_string |
timestring in (h)hh:mm:ss.mss |
number pos |
timeposition in seconds |
string timestring = ultraschall.SecondsToTimeString_hh_mm_ss_mss(number time)
string timestring |
the converted timestring. It will always follow the format hh:mm:ss.mss and fill up digits with zeros, if necessary. |
number time |
the time in seconds to be converted into the timestring |
integer new_integer_bitfield = ultraschall.SetBitfield(integer integer_bitfield, boolean set_to, integer bit_1, integer bit_2, ... integer bit_n)
integer new_integer_bitfield |
the newly altered bitfield |
integer integer_bitfield |
the old integer-bitfield that you want to alter |
boolean set_to |
true, set the bits to 1; false, set the bits to 0; nil, toggle the bits |
integer bit1..n |
one or more parameters, that include the bitvalues toset/unset/toggle with 1 for the first bit; 2 for the second, 4 for the third, 8 for the fourth, etc |
integer Byte1, integer Byte2, integer Byte3, integer Byte4 = ultraschall.SplitIntegerIntoBytes(integer integervalue)
integer Byte1 |
the first eight bits of the integer-value as a Byte |
integer Byte2 |
the second eight bits of the integer-value as a Byte |
integer Byte3 |
the third eight bits of the integer-value as a Byte |
integer Byte4 |
the fourth eight bits of the integer-value as a Byte |
integer integeroffset |
the integer-value that you want to split into individual bytes |
integer count, array split_string = ultraschall.SplitStringAtLineFeedToArray(string unsplitstring)
integer count |
number of entries in the split_string-array |
array split_string |
an array with all the individual "postsplit"-pieces of the string |
string unsplitstring |
the string, that shall be split at LineFeed/Tabs/Control Characters. Nil is not allowed. |
integer count, array split_strings = ultraschall.SplitStringAtNULLBytes(string splitstring)
integer count |
the number of found strings |
array split_strings |
the found strings put into an array |
string splitstring |
the string with NULL-Bytes(\0) into it, that you want to split |
string layouted_statechunk = ultraschall.StateChunkLayouter(string statechunk)
..POSITION 6.96537864205337
..LENGTH 1745.2745
..LOOP 0
..FADEIN 1 0.01 0 1 0 0
..FADEOUT 1 0.01 0 1 0 0
..MUTE 0
..SEL 1
..IGUID {020E6372-97E6-4066-9010-B044F67F2772}
..IID 1
..NAME myaudio.flac
..VOLPAN 1 0 1 -1
..PLAYRATE 1 1 0 -1 0 0.0025
..GUID {79F087CE-49E8-4212-91F5-8487FBCF10B1}
....FILE "C:\Users\IncredibleSupergirl\Desktop\X_audiofile.flac"
string layouted_statechunk |
the statechunk, that is now layouted to the rules of rpp-projectfiles |
string statechunk |
a statechunk, that you want to layout properly |
number time = ultraschall.TimeStringToSeconds_hh_mm_ss_mss(string timestring)
number time |
the time in seconds to be converted into the timestring, -1 in case of an error |
string timestring |
the converted timestring. It must always follow the format hh:mm:ss.mss. Fill up digits with zeros, if necessary. |
number position = ultraschall.TimeToSeconds(string timestring)
number position |
the converted position |
string timestring |
a string like: days:hours:minutes:seconds.milliseconds , i.e. 1:16:27:50.098 |
boolean retval, number diff = ultraschall.FloatCompare(number a, number b, number precision)
boolean retval |
true, numbers are equal; false, numbers aren't equal |
number diff |
the difference between numbers a and b |
number a |
the first float-number to compare |
number b |
the second float-number to compare |
number precision |
the precision of the fraction, like 0.1 or 0.0063 |
string objecttype = ultraschall.ReturnTypeOfReaperObject(Reaperobject object)
string objecttype |
the type of the parameter of object the following types can be returned: ReaProject, MediaTrack, MediaItem, MediaItem_Take, TrackEnvelope, PCM_source, None |
Reaperobject object |
a Reaper-object of the following types: ReaProject, MediaTrack, MediaItem, MediaItem_Take, TrackEnvelope, PCM_source returns None if the object isn't a valid Reaper-object |
boolean retval = string.has_alphanumeric(string value)
boolean retval |
true, if yes; false, if not |
string value |
the value to check for alphanumeric-characters |
boolean retval = string.has_control(string value)
boolean retval |
true, if yes; false, if not |
string value |
the value to check for control-characters |
boolean retval = string.has_digits(string value)
boolean retval |
true, if yes; false, if not |
string value |
the value to check for digit-characters |
boolean retval = string.has_hex(string value)
boolean retval |
true, if yes; false, if not |
string value |
the value to check for hex-characters |
boolean retval = string.has_letter(string value)
boolean retval |
true, if yes; false, if not |
string value |
the value to check for letter-characters |
boolean retval = string.has_lowercase(string value)
boolean retval |
true, if yes; false, if not |
string value |
the value to check for lowercase-characters |
boolean retval = string.has_printables(string value)
boolean retval |
true, if yes; false, if not |
string value |
the value to check for printable-characters |
boolean retval = string.has_space(string value)
boolean retval |
true, if yes; false, if not |
string value |
the value to check for space-characters |
boolean retval = string.has_uppercase(string value)
boolean retval |
true, if yes; false, if not |
string value |
the value to check for uppercase-characters |
boolean retval = toboolean(string value)
boolean retval |
true or false, depending on the input variable value |
string value |
the value to be converted to a boolean. True and false can be upper-, lower and camelcase. |
string type_of_object, optional boolean isnumber = ultraschall.type(identifier object)
string type_of_object |
the type of the object; the following are valid: nil, number: integer, number: float, boolean, string, function, table, thread, userdata, ReaProject, MediaItem, MediaItem_Take, MediaTrack, TrackEnvelope, AudioAccessor, joystick_device, PCM_source userdata will be shown, if object isn't of any known type |
optional boolean isnumber |
true, if object is a number(either integer or number) |
identifier object |
the object, whose type you want to know |
integer length = string.utf8_len(string source_string)
integer length |
the length of the utf8-encoded string |
string value |
the value to get the length of the utf8-encoded-string |
string ret_string = string.utf8_sub(string source_string, integer startoffset, integer endoffset)
string ret_string |
the returned string |
string value |
the value to get the utf8-substring from |
integer startoffset |
the startoffset, from which to return the substring; negative offset counts from the end of the string |
integer endoffset |
the endoffset, to which to return the substring; negative offset counts from the end of the string |
string pingmessage = PingMe(optional string message, optional integer outputtarget)
string pingmessage |
returns the pingmessage |
optional string message |
an optional message shown |
optional integer outputtarget |
0, don't show a message 1, output the pingme-message into ReaScript-console 2 or nil, show a messagebox 3, output it into the clipboard 4, add it to the end of the contents of the clipboard 5, add it to the beginning of the contents of the clipboard |
ultraschall.deprecated(string functionname)
If you have a 3rd-party function added to Ultraschall-API, which you want to deprecate, use this function to show a warning message, if that function is used.
It will be shown once when running the script, after (re-)start of Reaper.
That way, you can tell scripters, whether they need to update their scripts using newer/better functions. This is probably shown first to the user, who knows that way a potential problem and can tell the scripter about that.
If there is a line "Author: authorname" in the file(as usual for ReaPack-compatible scripts), it will show the scripter's name in the dialog.
boolean retval |
true, defer-instance is running; false, defer-instance isn't running |
function function = ultraschall.ConvertFunction_FromBase64String(string BASE64_functionstring)
Loads a function from a BASE64-string.
To convert a function into a BASE64-string, use ConvertFunction_ToBase64String
Returns nil in case of an error
function func |
the loaded function |
string BASE64_functionstring |
the function, stored as BASE64-string |
function function = ultraschall.ConvertFunction_FromHexString(string HEX_functionstring)
Loads a function from a HEX-string.
To convert a function into a HEX-string, use ConvertFunction_ToHexString
Returns nil in case of an error
function func |
the loaded function |
string HEX_functionstring |
the function, stored as HEX-string |
string BASE64_functionstring = ultraschall.ConvertFunction_ToBase64String(function to_convert_function, boolean debug)
Converts a function into a BASE64-string.
To load a function from a BASE64-string, use ConvertFunction_FromBase64String
Returns nil in case of an error
string BASE64_functionstring |
the function, stored as BASE64-string |
function to_convert_function |
the function, that you want to convert |
boolean debug |
true, store debug-information as well; false, only store function |
string HEX_functionstring = ultraschall.ConvertFunction_ToHexString(function to_convert_function, boolean debug)
Converts a function into a HEX-string.
To load a function from a HEX-string, use ConvertFunction_FromHexString
Returns nil in case of an error
string HEX_functionstring |
the function, stored as HEX-string |
function to_convert_function |
the function, that you want to convert |
boolean debug |
true, store debug-information as well; false, only store function |
boolean retval, string current_UndoMessage, retvals_1, ..., retvals_2 = ultraschall.MakeFunctionUndoable(function Func, string UndoMessage, integer Flag, Func_parameters_1, ... Func_parameters_n)
boolean retval |
true, undoing was successful; false, undoing wasn't successful |
string current_UndoMessage |
the current UndoMessage for the last action done by Reaper. Use this so see, if getting an undo-point was successful |
retvals_1 ... retvals_2 |
the returnvalues, as returned by function Func |
function Func |
the function, that you want to create an undo-point for |
string UndoMessage |
the undo-message to be displayed by Reaper in the Undo-history |
integer Flag |
you can set a flag, if you want, for this undo-point |
Func_parameters_1, ... Func_parameters_n |
the parameters, as needed by the function Func; will be given to Func as provided by you |
boolean retval = ultraschall.RunLuaSourceCode(string code)
runs the Lua-code stored in the parameter code
Does not check for validity and syntaxerrors in the code!
You can also add new callable functions that way. Just put function-declarations in the parameter code.
For instance from the following code:
code=function main() reaper.MB("I'm only run, when my parent function main is called", "", 0) end
reaper.MB("I'm run immediately", "", 0)"
when called by
only the line reaper.MB("I'm run immediately", "", 0) will be run immediately. If you want to run the function main as well, you need to explicitly call it with main()
returns false in case of an error; nil, in case of an syntax/lua-error in the code itself
boolean retval |
true, code was run successfully; false, code wasn't successfully; nil, code had an error in it, probably syntax error |
string code |
the code, that you want to execute; you can also add new functions that way |
boolean retval = ultraschall.StoreFunctionInExtState(string section, string key, function func, boolean debug)
Stores a function into an extstate. You can store it's debug-information as well.
To load the function again, use LoadFunctionFromExtState
Returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, it was unsuccessful |
string section |
the sectionname of the extstate |
string key |
the keyname of the extstate |
function func |
the function, that you want to store |
boolean debug |
true, store debug-values as well; false, don't store the debug-values as well |
number play_pos, integer samplerate, integer num_channels, integer requested_samplebuffer_length, table samplebuffer = ultraschall.GMem_GetValues_VideoSamplePeeker(optional integer samplesize)
number play_pos |
the playposition, when the sample has been re |
integer samplerate |
the samplerate of the sampledata |
integer num_channels |
the number of channels within the sampledata |
integer requested_samplebuffer_length |
the length of the requested buffer; maximum is the number of values for about 2 seconds |
table samplebuffer |
the values themselves |
optional integer samplesize |
the samplesize you want to get; nil, return the whole 2-seconds-samplebuffer(takes a lot of resources) |
table gmem_values = ultraschall.GMem_Read_ValueRange(integer startindex, integer number_of_indices, optional boolean use_gmem_indices_for_table, optional string gmem_attachname)
table gmem_values |
the requested values. |
integer startindex |
the first index you want to request; must be 0 or higher |
integer number_of_indices |
the number of values to request, from startindex onwards |
optional boolean use_gmem_indices_for_table |
true, index the table according to gmem-index; false or nil, just index from 1 onwards |
optional string gmem_attachname |
the attached gmem, from which you want to get the values; nil, use the currently attached gmem |
string current_gmem_attachname = ultraschall.Gmem_GetCurrentAttachedName()
string current_gmem_attachname |
the name of the currently attached gmem |
function function = ultraschall.LoadFunctionFromExtState(string section, string key)
Loads a function from an extstate, if it has been stored in there before. The extstate must contain a valid function. If something else is stored, the loaded "function" might crash Lua!
To store the function, use StoreFunctionInExtState
Returns false in case of an error
function func |
the stored function, that you want to (re-)load |
string section |
the sectionname of the extstate |
string key |
the keyname of the extstate |
boolean retval, string ProgressString, integer percentage, integer progress_position = ultraschall.PrintProgressBar(boolean show, integer length, integer maximumvalue, integer currentvalue, boolean percentage, integer offset, optional string toptext, optional string bottomtext)
Calculate a simple progressbar, which can be optionally displayed in the ReaScript console; Will clear the console before displaying the next updated progressbar.
Will update it only, if the current-value of last time this function got called is different from the current one or toptext or bottomtext changed.
You can also use the returnvalues to draw your own progressbar, e.g. in a gfx.init-window
If you need to calculate a new progressbar, after the former got to 100%, it is wise to call ResetProgressBar, or it might not update the first time you call this function.
Returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, displaying was successful; false, displaying wasn't successful |
string ProgressString |
the progressbar including its full statuses and layout |
integer percentage |
the progression of the progressbar in percent |
integer progress_position |
the current progress-position, relative to length and maximumvalue |
boolean show |
true, show progressbar in the ReaScript-console; false, don't show it there |
integer length |
the length of the progressbar in characters. Minimum is 10. |
integer maximumvalue |
the maximum integer-value, to which to count; minimum 1 |
integer currentvalue |
the current integer-value, at which we are with counting, minimum 0 |
boolean percentage |
true, show percentage in progressbar; false, show only progressbar |
integer offset |
an offset to be added before the progressbar, so you can indent it |
optional string toptext |
an optional string, that shall be displayed above the progressbar |
optional string bottomtext |
an optional string, that shall be displayed below the progressbar |
boolean retval = ultraschall.CloseReaScriptConsole()
boolean retval |
true, if there is a mute-point; false, if there isn't one |
string reaper_colorthemes_path = ultraschall.GetReaperColorThemesPath()
string reaper_colorthemes_path |
the path of the color-theme-folder of Reaper |
string reaper_jsfx_path = ultraschall.GetReaperJSFXPath()
string reaper_jsfx_path |
the path of the JSFX-plugin-folder of Reaper |
string reaper_script_path = ultraschall.GetReaperScriptPath()
string reaper_script_path |
the path of the scripts-folder of Reaper |
string reaper_webrc_path, string user_webrc_path = ultraschall.GetReaperWebRCPath()
string reaper_script_path |
the path of the JSFX-plugin-folder of Reaper |
string Character, optional boolean special_modifier, optional boolean shift, optional boolean control, optional boolean alt, optional boolean win, optional boolean opt, optional boolean cmd = ultraschall.CharacterCodes_ReverseLookup(integer byte1, integer byte2, integer byte3, optional integer lang)
string Character |
the character/midi-message associated with this character-code |
optional boolean special_modifier |
true, this is the special modifier(byte1=255); false, regular character/midimessage the special modifier stores multizoom, multirotate, multiswipe, mousewheel, mediakbd-buttons |
optional boolean shift |
true, shift-key is needed; false, shift-key is not needed |
optional boolean control |
true, ctrl-key is needed; false, ctrl-key is not needed |
optional boolean alt |
true, alt-key is needed; false, alt-key is not needed |
optional boolean win |
true, win-key is needed; false, win-key is not needed |
optional boolean opt |
true, opt-key is needed; false, opt-key is not needed - (mac only) |
optional boolean cmd |
true, cmd-key is needed; false, cmd-key is not needed - (mac only) |
integer byte1 |
the first byte of the StuffMIDIMessage, usually stores modifiers |
integer byte2 |
the first byte of the StuffMIDIMessage, usually stores character-codes |
integer byte3 |
the first byte of the StuffMIDIMessage, usually stores additional information |
optional integer lang |
the languagekeymap used. The following list includes the specific keymap supported so they might differ in details. I used the ones supported by Windows 7 nil and 1, englisch(usa) default 2, german 3, arabian(saudi arabia) 4, catalan(spain) 5, greek(greece) 6, french(france) 7, hebrew(israel) 8, icelandic(iceland) 9, italian(italy) 10, japanese(japan) 11, russian(russian federation) 12, turkish(turkey) 13, indonesian(indonesia) 14, hindi(india) 15, punjabi(india) 16, chinese_simplified(china) 17, portuguese(portugal) 18, spanish(spain) |
string Character, optional boolean special_modifier, optional boolean shift, optional boolean control, optional boolean alt, optional boolean win, optional boolean opt, optional boolean cmd = ultraschall.CharacterCodes_ReverseLookup_KBIni(integer byte1, integer byte2, optional integer lang)
string Character |
the character/midi-message associated with this KEY-entry-character-code |
optional boolean special_modifier |
true, this is the special modifier(byte1=255); false, regular character/midimessage the special modifier stores multizoom, multirotate, multiswipe, mousewheel, mediakbd-buttons |
optional boolean shift |
true, shift-key is needed; false, shift-key is not needed |
optional boolean control |
true, ctrl-key is needed; false, ctrl-key is not needed |
optional boolean alt |
true, alt-key is needed; false, alt-key is not needed |
optional boolean win |
true, win-key is needed; false, win-key is not needed |
optional boolean opt |
true, opt-key is needed; false, opt-key is not needed - (mac only) |
optional boolean cmd |
true, cmd-key is needed; false, cmd-key is not needed - (mac only) |
integer byte1 |
the first byte of the kb.ini-KEY-entry, usually stores modifiers |
integer byte2 |
the first byte of the kb.ini-KEY-entry, usually stores character-codes |
optional integer lang |
the languagekeymap used. The following list includes the specific keymap supported so they might differ in details. I used the ones supported by Windows 7 nil and 1, englisch(usa) default 2, german 3, arabian(saudi arabia) 4, catalan(spain) 5, greek(greece) 6, french(france) 7, hebrew(israel) 8, icelandic(iceland) 9, italian(italy) 10, japanese(japan) 11, russian(russian federation) 12, turkish(turkey) 13, indonesian(indonesia) 14, hindi(india) 15, punjabi(india) 16, chinese_simplified(china) 17, portuguese(portugal) 18, spanish(spain) |
integer number_of_shortcuts, table shortcut_attributes = ultraschall.KBIniGetAllShortcuts(optional boolean exclude_factory_default, optional integer lang)
integer number_of_shortcuts |
the number of found shortcuts |
table shortcut_attributes |
a nice and handy table of all shortcut-attributes |
optional boolean exclude_factory_default |
true, will only return the custom shortcuts; false or nil, returns all shortcuts, including factory default ones(usually not stored in kb.ini) |
optional integer lang |
the languagekeymap used. The following list includes the specific keymap supported so they might differ in details. I used the ones supported by Windows 7 nil and 1, englisch(usa) default 2, german 3, arabian(saudi arabia) 4, catalan(spain) 5, greek(greece) 6, french(france) 7, hebrew(israel) 8, icelandic(iceland) 9, italian(italy) 10, japanese(japan) 11, russian(russian federation) 12, turkish(turkey) 13, indonesian(indonesia) 14, hindi(india) 15, punjabi(india) 16, chinese_simplified(china) 17, portuguese(portugal) 18, spanish(spain) |
print(parameter_1 to parameter_n)
replaces Lua's own print-function, that is quite useless in Reaper.
displays \0-characters as .
Converts all parametes given into string using tostring() and displays them in the ReaScript-console, separated by a newline and ending with a newline.
parameter_1 to parameter_n |
the parameters, that you want to have printed out |
print2(parameter_1 to parameter_n)
parameter_1 to parameter_n |
the parameters, that you want to have printed out |
print(parameter_1 to parameter_n)
like print, but puts the parameters into the clipboard.
Converts all parametes given into string using tostring() and puts them into the clipboard, with each parameter separated by two spaces.
Unlike print and print2, this does NOT end with a newline!
Note: \0-characters will be seen as string-termination, so strings may be truncated. Please replace \0 with string.gsub, if you need to have the full string with all nil-values included.
parameter_1 to parameter_n |
the parameters, that you want to have put into the clipboard |
print_alt(parameter_1 to parameter_n)
replaces Lua's own print-function, that is quite useless in Reaper.
shows \0-characters as .
like print, but separates the entries by a two spaced, not a newline
parameter_1 to parameter_n |
the parameters, that you want to have printed out |
print_update(parameter_1 to parameter_n)
replaces Lua's own print-function, that is quite useless in Reaper.
Converts all parametes given into string using tostring() and displays them in the ReaScript-console, separated by two spaces, ending with a newline.
Shows \0-characters as .
This is like print, but clears console everytime before displaying the values. Good for status-display, that shall not scroll.
parameter_1 to parameter_n |
the parameters, that you want to have printed out |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsItemInTrack(integer tracknumber, integer itemIDX)
boolean retval |
true, if item is in track, false if item isn't in track |
integer itemIDX |
the number of the item to check of |
integer tracknumber |
the number of the track to check in, with 1 for track 1, 2 for track 2, etc. |
boolean retval, integer tracknumber = ultraschall.IsItemInTrack2(MediaItem MediaItem, integer tracknumber)
Checks, whether a MediaItem is in track with tracknumber.
see IsItemInTrack to use itemidx instead of the MediaItem-object. see IsItemInTrack3 to check against multiple tracks at once using a trackstring.
returns nil in case of error
boolean retval |
true, if item is in track; false, if not |
integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber of the track, in which the item lies |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, of which you want to know the track is is placed in |
integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber to check the parent track of the MediaItem against, with 1 for track 1, etc |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsItemInTrack3(MediaItem MediaItem, string trackstring)
Checks, whether a MediaItem is in any of the tracks, given by trackstring.
see IsItemInTrack to use itemidx instead of the MediaItem-object. see IsItemInTrack2 to check against only one track.
returns nil in case of error
boolean retval |
true, if item is in track; false, if not |
string trackstring |
a string with all tracknumbers, separated by commas; 1 for track 1, 2 for track 2, etc |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, of which you want to know the track is is placed in |
string trackstring |
a string with all tracknumbers, separated by commas; 1 for track 1, 2 for track 2, etc |
boolean is_mac, integer number_of_bits = ultraschall.IsOS_Mac()
boolean is_mac |
true, if the operating-system is mac-osx; false if not |
integer bits |
the number of bits of the operating-system. Either 32 or 64 bit.; nil if is_mac=false |
boolean is_other, integer number_of_bits = ultraschall.IsOS_Other()
boolean is_other |
true, if the operating-system is neither mac or win; false if not |
integer bits |
the number of bits of the operating-system. Either 32 or 64 bit.; nil if is_other=false |
boolean is_windows, integer number_of_bits = ultraschall.IsOS_Windows()
boolean is_windows |
true, if the operating-system is windows; false if not |
integer bits |
the number of bits of the operating-system. Either 32 or 64 bit; nil if is_win==false |
boolean retval, string objecttype = ultraschall.IsObjectValidReaperObject(Reaperobject object)
boolean retval |
true, if it's a valid Reaper-object; false, if not |
string objecttype |
the type of the parameter of object the following types can be returned: ReaProject, MediaTrack, MediaItem, MediaItem_Take, TrackEnvelope, PCM_source, None |
Reaperobject object |
a Reaper-object of the following types: ReaProject, MediaTrack, MediaItem, MediaItem_Take, TrackEnvelope, PCM_source returns None if the object isn't a valid Reaper-object |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsValidGuid(string guid, boolean strict)
boolean retval |
true, guid is/contains a valid guid; false, guid isn't/does not contain a valid guid |
string guid |
the guid to check for validity |
boolean strict |
true, guid must only be the valid guid; false, guid must contain a valid guid somewhere in it(means, can contain trailing or preceding characters) |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsWithinTimeRange(number point_in_time, number start, number stop)
boolean retval |
true, time is between start and stop; false, it isn't |
number point_in_time |
the time in seconds, to check for |
number start |
the starttime in seconds, within to check for |
number stop |
the endtime in seconds, within to check for |
table ini_entries = ultraschall.ConvertIniStringToTable(string ini_string, boolean convert_numbers_to_numbers)
table ini_entries |
the entries of the ini-file as a table |
string ini_string |
the string that contains an ini-file-contents |
boolean convert_numbers_to_numbers |
true, convert values who are valid numbers to numbers; false or nil, keep all values as strings |
table Two_D_table = ultraschall.Create2DTable(integer maxx, integer maxy, optional anytype defval)
table Two_D_table |
the 2d-table you've created |
integer maxx |
the number of rows in the table(x-dimension) |
integer maxy |
the number of lines in the table(y-dimension) |
optional anytype defval |
the default-value to set in each field, can be any type |
table ThreeD_table = ultraschall.Create3DTable(integer maxx, integer maxy, integer maxz, optional anytype defval)
table ThreeD_table |
the 3d-table you've created |
integer maxx |
the number of rows in the table(x-dimension) |
integer maxy |
the number of lines in the table(y-dimension) |
integer maxz |
the number of depths in the table(z-dimension) |
optional anytype defval |
the default-value to set in each field, can be any type |
table multidimtable = ultraschall.CreateMultiDimTable(optional anytype defval, optional integer dimension1, optional integer dimension2, ... , optional integer dimensionN)
table multidimtable |
the multidimensional-table you've created |
optional anytype defval |
the default-value to set in each field, can be any type; set to nil to keep empty |
integer dimension1 |
the number of entries in the first dimension of the table |
integer dimension2 |
the number of entries in the second dimension of the table |
integer dimensionN |
the number of entries in the n'th dimension of the table |
string functionname, string sourcefilename_with_path, integer linenumber = ultraschall.GetReaperWindow_Position(integer show)
string functionname |
the name of the function, in which Debug_ShowCurrentContext was called |
integer linenumber |
the linenumber, in which Debug_ShowCurrentContext was called |
string sourcefilename_with_path |
the filename, in which Debug_ShowCurrentContext was called |
number timestamp |
precise timestamp to differentiate between two Debug_ShowCurrentContext-calls |
integer show |
0, don't show context; 1, show context as messagebox; 2, show context in console; 3, clear console and show context in console |
number versionnumber, string majorversion, string date, string subversion, string tagline, string buildnumber = ultraschall.GetApiVersion()
number versionnumber |
a number, that you can use for comparisons like, "if requestedversion>versionnumber then" |
string majorversion |
the current Api-major-version |
string date |
the release date of this api-version |
string subversion |
a subversion-number of a major-version |
string tagline |
the tagline of the current release |
string hotfix_date |
the release-date of the currently installed hotfix ($ResourceFolder/ultraschall_api/ultraschall_hotfixes.lua); XX_XXX_XXXX if no hotfix is installed currently |
string buildnumber |
the build-number of the current release |
string operating_system, integer bits = ultraschall.GetOS()
string operating_system |
the operating system used; usually "Win", "Mac" or "Other"(e.g. when Linux is used) |
integer bits |
the number of bits of the operating-system. Either 32 or 64 bit. |
string random_string = ultraschall.GetRandomString()
string random_string |
a random string |
integer majorversion, integer subversion, string bits, string operating_system, boolean portable, optional string betaversion = ultraschall.GetReaperAppVersion()
integer majorversion |
the majorversion of Reaper. Can be used for comparisions like "if version<5 then ... end". |
integer subversion |
the subversion of Reaper. Can be used for comparisions like "if subversion<96 then ... end". |
string bits |
the number of bits of the reaper-app |
string operating_system |
the operating system, either "Win", "OSX" or "Other" |
boolean portable |
true, if it's a portable installation; false, if it isn't a portable installation |
optional string betaversion |
if you use a pre-release of Reaper, this contains the beta-version, like "rc9" or "+dev0423" or "pre6" |
integer suggestions = ultraschall.GetSetIDEAutocompleteSuggestions(boolean is_set, integer value)
integer suggestions |
the number of shown suggestions |
boolean is_set |
true, set a new value; false, get the current one |
integer value |
the new value, must be between 0 and 2147483647; default is 50 |
integer retval = ultraschall.OpenURL(string url)
string url |
the url to be opened in the browser; will check for :// in it for validity! |
string exefile_with_path = ultraschall.ReturnReaperExeFile_With_Path()
string exefile_with_path |
the filename and path of the reaper-executable |
integer retval = ultraschall.ReturnsMinusOneInCaseOfError_Arzala()
integer retval |
returns -1 in case of error |
ultraschall.RunBackgroundHelperFeatures(boolean switch_on)
Starts background-scripts supplied with the Ultraschall-API, like:
boolean switch_on |
true, start the background-scripts/start unstarted background-helper-scripts; false, stop all background-helper-scripts |
integer string_count, table strings = ultraschall.SplitReaperString(string ReaperString)
integer string_count |
the number of strings found |
table strings |
a table with all found strings |
string ReaperString |
the string, that you want to split into its individual parts |
number measure = ultraschall.TimeToMeasures(ReaProject project, number Time)
number measure |
the measures, that parameter time needs to be reflected |
ReaProject project |
ReaProject to use the timesignature-settings from |
number time |
in seconds, the time to convert into a time-measurment, which can be used in config-variable "prerollmeas" |
MediaItem MediaItem, MediaItem_Take MediaItem_Take, MediaItem MediaItem_unlocked, boolean Item_moved, number StartDiffTime, number EndDiffTime, number LengthDiffTime, number OffsetDiffTime = ultraschall.get_action_context_MediaItemDiff(optional boolean exlude_mousecursorsize, optional integer x, optional integer y)
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem at the current mouse-position; nil if not found |
MediaItem_Take MediaItem_Take |
the MediaItem_Take underneath the mouse-cursor |
MediaItem MediaItem_unlocked |
if the MediaItem isn't locked, you'll get a MediaItem here. If it is locked, this retval is nil |
boolean Item_moved |
true, the item was moved; false, only a part(either start or end or offset) of the item was moved |
number StartDiffTime |
if the start of the item changed, this is the difference; positive, the start of the item has been changed towards the end of the project negative, the start of the item has been changed towards the start of the project 0, no changes to the itemstart-position at all |
number EndDiffTime |
if the end of the item changed, this is the difference; positive, the end of the item has been changed towards the end of the project negative, the end of the item has been changed towards the start of the project 0, no changes to the itemend-position at all |
number LengthDiffTime |
if the length of the item changed, this is the difference; positive, the length is longer negative, the length is shorter 0, no changes to the length of the item |
number OffsetDiffTime |
if the offset of the item-take has changed, this is the difference; positive, the offset has been changed towards the start of the project negative, the offset has been changed towards the end of the project 0, no changes to the offset of the item-take Note: this is the offset of the take underneath the mousecursor, which might not be the same size, as the MediaItem itself! So changes to the offset maybe changes within the MediaItem or the start of the MediaItem! This could be important, if you want to affect other items with rippling. |
optional boolean exlude_mousecursorsize |
false or nil, get the item underneath, when it can be affected by the mouse-cursor(dragging etc): when in doubt, use this true, get the item underneath the mousecursor only, when mouse is strictly above the item, which means: this ignores the item when mouse is not above it, even if the mouse could affect the item |
optional integer x |
nil, use the current x-mouseposition; otherwise the x-position in pixels |
optional integer y |
nil, use the current y-mouseposition; otherwise the y-position in pixels |
integer number_of_aliases, table aliases = ultraschall.GetHWInputs_Aliasnames()
integer number_of_aliases |
the number of aliases available |
table aliases |
a table, that contains all alias-names and their associated Hardware-Input-channels |
integer number_of_aliases, table aliases = ultraschall.GetHWOutputs_Aliasnames()
integer number_of_aliases |
the number of aliases available |
table aliases |
a table, that contains all alias-names and their associated Hardware-Output-channels |
boolean retval = ultraschall.AutomationItem_Delete(TrackEnvelope env, integer automationitem_idx, optional boolean preservepoints)
boolean retval |
true, deleting was successful; false, deleting was not successful |
TrackEnvelope env |
the TrackEnvelope, in which the automation-item to be deleted is located |
integer automationitem_idx |
the automationitem that shall be deleted; 0, for the first one |
optional boolean preservepoints |
true, keep the envelopepoints and add them to the underlying envelope; nil or false, just delete the AutomationItem |
integer number_of_automationitems, table old_automationitem_selection = ultraschall.AutomationItem_DeselectAllInTrack(TrackEnvelope env)
integer number_of_automationitems |
the number of automation-items that were deselected |
table old_automationitem_selection |
a table with all previous selection-states |
TrackEnvelope env |
the TrackEnvelope, in which the automation-items shall be deselected |
boolean retval = ultraschall.AutomationItem_DeselectAllSelectStates(optional TrackEnvelope omit_envelope)
boolean retval |
true, deselecting was successful; false, deselection was unsuccessful |
optional TrackEnvelope omit_envelope |
the TrackEnvelope, whose automation-items you DON'T want to deselect; nil, to deselect all |
table automationitem_selection = ultraschall.AutomationItem_GetAllSelectStates(optional TrackEnvelope omit_envelope)
table automationitem_selection |
a table with all selection-states of all automation-items in all TrackEnvelopes |
optional TrackEnvelope omit_envelope |
the TrackEnvelope, whose automation-items you DON'T want to get; nil, to get all |
integer number_of_automationitems, table automationitem_selection = ultraschall.AutomationItem_GetSelectStates(TrackEnvelope env)
integer number_of_automationitems |
the number of automation-items in TrackEnvelope |
table automationitem_selection |
a table with all current selection-states of automation-items in TrackEnvelope |
TrackEnvelope env |
the TrackEnvelope, of whose automation-items you want to get the selection state |
boolean retval = ultraschall.AutomationItem_SelectMultiple(TrackEnvelope env, table automationitem_selected_table)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
TrackEnvelope env |
the TrackEnvelope, of whose automation-items you want to get the selection state |
table automationitem_selection |
a table with all the selection-states to set |
boolean retval = ultraschall.AutomationItem_Split(TrackEnvelope Env, number position, integer index, integer selected)
boolean retval |
true, splitting was successful; false, splitting was unsuccessful |
TrackEnvelope Env |
the envelope, whose automation-item you want to split |
number position |
the position in seconds at wich you want to split the automation item |
integer index |
the index of the automation-item, that you want to split |
integer selected |
0, set the newly created automation item unselected 1, set it selected 2, use selection-state of the original automation-item |
integer number_of_automationitems, table AutomationItems_Table = ultraschall.AutomationItems_GetAll()
integer number_of_automationitems |
the number of automation-items found in the current project |
table AutomationItems_Table |
all found automation-items as a handy table(see description for details) |
integer found_automation_items, table automation_item_indices = ultraschall.AutomationItems_GetByTime(TrackEnvelope Env, number position)
integer found_automation_items |
the number of automation-items found; -1, in case of an error |
table automation_item_indices |
the indices of the found automation-items |
TrackEnvelope Env |
the envelope, whose automation-items you want to get |
number position |
the position in seconds from wich you want to get the automation items |
string AutomationItemStateChunk = ultraschall.GetProject_AutomationItemStateChunk(string projectfilename_with_path, integer idx, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string AutomationItemStateChunk |
the statechunk of the idx'th automation-item |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the automation-item-statechunk; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
integer idx |
the number of the requested automation-item from the ProjectStateChunk with 1 for the first AutomItem. |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
integer automation_items_count = ultraschall.GetProject_CountAutomationItems(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer automation_items_count |
the number of automation-items |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the automation-item-count; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file; only used, when projectfilename_with_path=nil |
boolean retval = ultraschall.BatchConvertFiles(table inputfilelist, table outputfilelist, table RenderTable, optional boolean BWFStart, optional integer PadStart, optional integer PadEnd, optional string FXStateChunk, optional boolean UseRCMetaData)
table inputfilelist |
a table of filenames+path, that shall be converted |
table outputfilelist |
a table of the target filenames+path, where the first filename is the target for the first inputfilename, etc |
table RenderTable |
the settings for the conversion; just use the render-table-functions to create one |
optional boolean BWFStart |
true, include BWF-start; false or nil, don't include BWF-start |
optional integer PadStart |
the start of the padding in seconds; nil, to omit it |
optional integer PadEnd |
the end of the padding in seconds; nil, to omit it |
optional string FXStateChunk |
an FXChain as FXStateChunk; with that you can add fx on top of the to-convert-files. |
optional boolean UseRCMetaData |
true, tries to retain the metadata from the sourcefile; false, doesn't try to retain metadata |
boolean retval |
true, conversion was successfully started; false, conversion didn't start |
boolean retval = ultraschall.GetBatchConverter_NotifyWhenFinished()
boolean retval |
true, notify when finished; false, don't notify when finished |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetBatchConverter_NotifyWhenFinished()
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string clipboard_string = FromClip()
string clipboard_string |
the string-content from the clipboard |
integer count, array MediaItemStateChunkArray = ultraschall.GetMediaItemsFromClipboard()
integer count |
the number of items in the clipboard |
array MediaItemStatechunkArray |
the mediaitem-statechunks of the items in the clipboard. One entry for each mediaitem-statechunk. |
string clipboard_string = ultraschall.GetStringFromClipboard_SWS()
string clipboard_string |
the content of the clipboard as a string |
boolean retval = ultraschall.PutMediaItemsToClipboard_MediaItemArray(MediaItemArray MediaItemArray)
boolean retval |
true, if successful; false, if not |
MediaItemArray MediaItemArray |
an array with all MediaItems, that shall be put into the clipboard |
ToClip(string toclipstring)
string toclipstring |
the string, which you want to put into the clipboard |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ApplyColorTableToItemColors(array ColorTable, integer Spread, MediaItemArray MediaItemArray)
Apply a ColorTable to MediaItems in a MediaItemArray, to colorize MediaItems
ColorTables can be created by CreateColorTable
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, adjusting item-colors was successful; false, adjusting item-colors was unsuccessful |
array ColorTable |
the ColorTable to apply to the MediaItemColors |
integer Spread |
0, apply ColorTable once; will return false, if fewer colors are in ColorTable available than items in the MediaItemArray nil or 1, repeat the colors from the ColorTable over and over again over the item; means: if you have 10 items and 5 colors, the colors will fill items 1 to 5 and then again items 6 to 10 2, spread the colors from the ColorTable over all items equally |
MediaItemArray MediaItemArray |
an array with all the MediaItems to colorize |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ApplyColorTableToTrackColors(array ColorTable, integer Spread, integer StartTrack, integer EndTrack)
Apply a ColorTable to Tracks, to colorize MediaTracks
ColorTables can be created by CreateColorTable
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, adjusting track-colors was successful; false, adjusting track-colors was unsuccessful |
array ColorTable |
the ColorTable to apply to the MediaTrackColors |
integer Spread |
0, apply ColorTable once; will return false, if fewer colors are in ColorTable available than tracks in the project nil or 1, repeat the colors from the ColorTable over and over again over the tracks; means: if you have 10 tracks and 5 colors, the colors will fill track 1 to 5 and then again track 6 to 10 2, spread the colors from the ColorTable over all tracks equally |
integer StartTrack |
the first track to colorize; nil, to use the first track in project |
integer EndTrack |
the last track to colorize; nil, to use the last track in project |
integer red, integer green, integer blue, boolean retval = ultraschall.ChangeColorBrightness(integer r, integer g, integer b, integer bright_r, optional integer bright_g, optional integer bright_b)
integer red |
the new red-value |
integer green |
the new green-value |
integer blue |
the new blue-value |
boolean retval |
true, color-calculation was successful; false, color-calculation was unsuccessful |
integer r |
the red-value to be changed |
integer g |
the green-value to be changed |
integer b |
the blue-value to be changed |
integer bright_r |
the change in brightness for the red-color; positive, brighter; negative, darker |
optional integer bright_g |
the change in brightness for the green-color; positive, brighter; negative, darker; if nil, value in bright_r will be used |
optional integer bright_b |
the change in brightness for the blue-color; positive, brighter; negative, darker; if nil, value in bright_r will be used |
integer red, integer green, integer blue, boolean retval = ultraschall.ChangeColorContrast(integer r, integer g, integer b, integer Minimum_r, optional integer Maximum_r, optional integer Minimum_g, optional integer Maximum_g, optional integer Minimum_b, optional integer Maximum_b)
integer red |
the new red-value |
integer green |
the new green-value |
integer blue |
the new blue-value |
boolean retval |
true, color-calculation was successful; false, color-calculation was unsuccessful |
integer r |
the red-value to be changed |
integer g |
the green-value to be changed |
integer b |
the blue-value to be changed |
integer Minimum_r |
the new minimum brightness of the contrast-range of the red-color |
optional integer Maximum_r |
the new maximum brightness of the contrast-range of the red-color; if nil, it will be seen as 255 |
optional integer Minimum_g |
the new minimum brightness of the contrast-range of the green-color; if nil, it will use the value of Minimum_r |
optional integer Maximum_g |
the new maximum brightness of the contrast-range of the green-color; if nil, it will be seen as 255 |
optional integer Minimum_b |
the new minimum brightness of the contrast-range of the blue-color; if nil, it will use the value of Minimum_r |
optional integer Maximum_b |
the new maximum brightness of the contrast-range of the blue-color; if nil, it will be seen as 255 |
integer red, integer green, integer blue, number median, boolean retval = ultraschall.ChangeColorSaturation(integer r, integer g, integer b, integer delta)
integer red |
the new red-value |
integer green |
the new green-value |
integer blue |
the new blue-value |
number median |
the median-value, calculated from the the old red, green and blue, values (red+green+blue)/3, which is the basis for the brightness of the unsaturated value |
boolean retval |
true, color-calculation was successful; false, color-calculation was unsuccessful |
integer r |
the red-value to be changed |
integer g |
the green-value to be changed |
integer b |
the blue-value to be changed |
integer delta |
the saturation/desaturation-value; negative, desaturates color; positive, saturates color |
integer colorvalue, boolean retval = ultraschall.ConvertColor(integer r, integer g, integer b)
integer colorvalue |
the native-system-color; 0 to 33554431 |
integer r |
the red colorvalue |
integer g |
the green colorvalue |
integer b |
the blue colorvalue |
integer red, integer green, integer blue, boolean retval = ultraschall.ConvertColorFromMac(integer mac_colorvalue)
integer red |
the red-value of the color |
integer green |
the green-value of the color |
integer blue |
the blue-value of the color |
boolean retval |
true, if conversion succeeded; false, if conversion failed |
integer mac_colorvalue |
the Mac-native-colorvalue |
integer red, integer green, integer blue, boolean retval = ultraschall.ConvertColorFromWin(integer win_colorvalue)
integer red |
the red-value of the color |
integer green |
the green-value of the color |
integer blue |
the blue-value of the color |
boolean retval |
true, if conversion succeeded; false, if conversion failed |
integer win_colorvalue |
the Windows/Linux-native-colorvalue |
integer r, integer g, integer b, boolean retval = ultraschall.ConvertColorReverse(integer colorvalue)
integer r |
the red colorvalue |
integer g |
the green colorvalue |
integer b |
the blue colorvalue |
boolean retval |
true, color-conversion was successful; false, color-conversion was unsuccessful |
integer colorvalue |
the native-system-color; 0 to 33554431 |
number r, number g, number b, number a = ultraschall.ConvertColorToGFX(integer r, integer g, integer b, integer a)
number r |
the converted red-value between -1 and +1; nil in case of error |
number g |
the converted green-value between -1 and +1 |
number b |
the converted blue-value between -1 and +1 |
number a |
the converted alpha-value between -1 and +1 |
integer r |
the red-color-value between -255 and +255 |
integer g |
the green-color-value between -255 and +255 |
integer b |
the blue-color-value between -255 and +255 |
integer a |
the alpha-color-value between -255 and +255 |
integer mac_colorvalue, boolean retval = ultraschall.ConvertColorToMac(integer red, integer green, integer blue)
integer mac_colorvalue |
the Mac-native-colorvalue |
boolean retval |
true, if conversion succeeded; false, if conversion failed |
integer red |
the red-value of the color |
integer green |
the green-value of the color |
integer blue |
the blue-value of the color |
integer win_linux_colorvalue, boolean retval = ultraschall.ConvertColorToWin(integer red, integer green, integer blue)
integer win_linux_colorvalue |
the Windows/Linux-native-colorvalue |
boolean retval |
true, if conversion succeeded; false, if conversion failed |
integer red |
the red-value of the color |
integer green |
the green-value of the color |
integer blue |
the blue-value of the color |
integer r, integer g, integer b, integer a = ultraschall.ConvertGFXToColor(number r, number g, number b, number a)
integer r |
the red-color-value between -255 and +255 |
integer g |
the green-color-value between -255 and +255 |
integer b |
the blue-color-value between -255 and +255 |
integer a |
the alpha-color-value between -255 and +255 |
number r |
the converted red-value between -1 and +1; nil in case of error |
number g |
the converted green-value between -1 and +1 |
number b |
the converted blue-value between -1 and +1 |
number a |
the converted alpha-value between -1 and +1 |
array ColorTable = ultraschall.CreateColorTable(integer startr, integer startg, integer startb, integer endr, integer endg, integer endb, integer number_of_steps)
Returns a colortable to be used by color-graphics-functions.
The colorvalue for start and end can be 0 to 255 or the other way round 255 to 0
Can be used by ApplyColorTableToTrackColors
returns nil in case of an error
array ColorTable |
a colortable for the colors with the number of steps of your choice; each indexentry holds entries "r"(0-255), "g"(0-255), "b"(0-255), "nativecolor" and "gfxr"(0-1), "gfxg"(0-1), "gfxb"(0-1). |
integer startr |
start redvalue, between 0 and 255 |
integer startg |
start greenvalue, between 0 and 255 |
integer startb |
start bluevalue, between 0 and 255 |
integer endr |
end redvalue, between 0 and 255 |
integer endg |
end greenvalue, between 0 and 255 |
integer endb |
end bluevalue, between 0 and 255 |
integer number_of_steps |
the number of steps from the lowest to the highest r,g,b-color start/end-values |
array ColorTable = ultraschall.CreateSonicRainboomColorTable()
Returns a colortable in Ultraschall's standard-trackcolor-setting "Sonic Rainboom"-style.
Can be used by ApplyColorTableToTrackColors
array ColorTable |
a colortable with all values for Ultraschall's track-color "Sonic Rainboom" |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsValidColorTable(array ColorTable)
boolean retval |
true, if it's a valid ColorTable; false, if it's not a valid ColorTable |
array ColorTable |
a table to check for being a valid ColorTable |
integer graycolor = ultraschall.RGB2Grayscale(integer red, integer green, integer blue)
integer graycolor |
the gray color-value, generated from red,blue and green. |
integer red |
red-value between 0 and 255. |
integer green |
red-value between 0 and 255. |
integer blue |
red-value between 0 and 255. |
integer retval = ultraschall.GetSetConfigActionMenu(boolean set, integer setting, boolean persist)
integer retval |
the current/new setting-value 0, don't show recent actions - unchecked 1, show recent actions - checked |
boolean set |
true, set a new value; false, return the current value |
integer setting |
the current/new setting-value 0, don't show recent actions - unchecked 1, show recent actions - checked |
boolean persist |
true, this setting will be kept after restart of Reaper; false, setting will be lost after exiting Reaper |
integer retval = ultraschall.GetSetConfigAlwaysAllowKB(boolean set, integer setting, boolean persist)
integer retval |
the current/new setting-value; 0(don't allow) to 1(allow) |
boolean set |
true, set a new value; false, return the current value |
integer setting |
the current/new setting-value; 0 to 1 |
boolean persist |
true, this setting will be kept after restart of Reaper; false, setting will be lost after exiting Reaper |
integer retval = ultraschall.GetSetConfigAudioCloseTrackWnds(boolean set, integer setting, boolean persist)
integer retval |
the current/new setting-value 0, it is allowed(on) - checked 1, it is not allowed(off) - unchecked |
boolean set |
true, set a new value; false, return the current value |
integer setting |
the current/new setting-value 0, it is allowed(on) - checked 1, it is not allowed(off) - unchecked |
boolean persist |
true, this setting will be kept after restart of Reaper; false, setting will be lost after exiting Reaper |
integer retval = ultraschall.GetSetConfigAllStereoPairs(boolean set, integer setting, boolean persist)
integer retval |
the current/new setting-value 0, don't show non standard stereo channel pairs(off) - unchecked 1, show non standard stereo channel pairs(on) - checked |
boolean set |
true, set a new value; false, return the current value |
integer setting |
the current/new setting-value 0, don't show non standard stereo channel pairs(off) - unchecked 1, show non standard stereo channel pairs(on) - checked |
boolean persist |
true, this setting will be kept after restart of Reaper; false, setting will be lost after exiting Reaper |
integer retval = ultraschall.GetSetConfigAudioCloseStop(boolean set, integer setting, boolean persist)
integer retval |
the current/new setting-value |
boolean set |
true, set a new value; false, return the current value |
integer setting |
the current/new setting-value |
boolean persist |
true, this setting will be kept after restart of Reaper; false, setting will be lost after exiting Reaper |
integer retval = ultraschall.GetSetConfigAudioThreadPr(boolean set, integer setting, boolean persist)
integer retval |
the current/new setting-value -1, ASIO Default / MMCSS Pro Audio / Time Critical 0, Normal 1, Above normal 2, Highest 3, Time Critical 4, MMCSS / Time Critical |
boolean set |
true, set a new value; false, return the current value |
integer setting |
the current/new setting-value -1, ASIO Default / MMCSS Pro Audio / Time Critical 0, Normal 1, Above normal 2, Highest 3, Time Critical 4, MMCSS / Time Critical |
boolean persist |
true, this setting will be kept after restart of Reaper; false, setting will be lost after exiting Reaper |
integer retval = ultraschall.GetSetConfigApplyFXTail(boolean set, integer setting, boolean persist)
integer retval |
the current/new setting-value; 0 to 2147483647 |
boolean set |
true, set a new value; false, return the current value |
integer setting |
the current/new setting-value; 0 to 2147483647 |
boolean persist |
true, this setting will be kept after restart of Reaper; false, setting will be lost after exiting Reaper |
integer retval = ultraschall.GetSetConfigAutoMute(boolean set, integer setting, boolean persist)
integer retval |
the current/new setting-value 0, No automatic muting 1, Automatically mute master track 2, Automatically mute any track |
boolean set |
true, set a new value; false, return the current value |
integer setting |
the current/new setting-value 0, No automatic muting 1, Automatically mute master track 2, Automatically mute any track |
boolean persist |
true, this setting will be kept after restart of Reaper; false, setting will be lost after exiting Reaper |
integer retval = ultraschall.GetSetConfigAutoMuteFlags(boolean set, integer setting, boolean persist)
integer retval |
the current/new setting-value 0, Reset on playback start(on) - checked 1, Reset on playback start(off) - unchecked |
boolean set |
true, set a new value; false, return the current value |
integer setting |
the current/new setting-value 0, Reset on playback start(on) - checked 1, Reset on playback start(off) - unchecked |
boolean persist |
true, this setting will be kept after restart of Reaper; false, setting will be lost after exiting Reaper |
integer retval = ultraschall.GetSetConfigAutoSaveInt(boolean set, integer setting, boolean persist)
integer retval |
the current/new setting-value 0 to 2147483647; in seconds; higher values become negative |
boolean set |
true, set a new value; false, return the current value |
integer setting |
the current/new setting-value 0 to 2147483647 in seconds |
boolean persist |
true, this setting will be kept after restart of Reaper; false, setting will be lost after exiting Reaper |
integer retval = ultraschall.GetSetConfigAutoSaveMode(boolean set, integer setting, boolean persist)
integer retval |
the current/new setting-value 0, when not recording 1, when stopped 2, any time |
boolean set |
true, set a new value; false, return the current value |
integer setting |
the current/new setting-value 0, when not recording 1, when stopped 2, any time |
boolean persist |
true, this setting will be kept after restart of Reaper; false, setting will be lost after exiting Reaper |
integer retval = ultraschall.GetSetConfigAdjRecLat(boolean set, integer setting, boolean persist)
integer retval |
the current/new setting-value 0, don't use audio driver reported latency(off) - unchecked 1, don't use audio driver reported latency(on) - checked |
boolean set |
true, set a new value; false, return the current value |
integer setting |
the current/new setting-value 0, don't use audio driver reported latency(off) - unchecked 1, don't use audio driver reported latency(on) - checked |
boolean persist |
true, this setting will be kept after restart of Reaper; false, setting will be lost after exiting Reaper |
integer retval = ultraschall.GetSetConfigAdjRecManLat(boolean set, integer setting, boolean persist)
integer retval |
the current/new setting-value; 0 to 2147483647; in samples |
boolean set |
true, set a new value; false, return the current value |
integer setting |
the current/new setting-value; 0 to 2147483647; in samples |
boolean persist |
true, this setting will be kept after restart of Reaper; false, setting will be lost after exiting Reaper |
integer retval = ultraschall.GetSetConfigAdjRecManLatIn(boolean set, integer setting, boolean persist)
integer retval |
the current/new setting-value |
boolean set |
true, set a new value; false, return the current value |
integer setting |
the current/new setting-value |
boolean persist |
true, this setting will be kept after restart of Reaper; false, setting will be lost after exiting Reaper |
integer retval = ultraschall.GetSetConfigAcidImport(boolean set, integer setting, boolean persist)
integer retval |
the current/new setting-value -1, an error occured 0, Adjust media to project tempo 1, Import media at source tempo 2, Always prompt when importing media with embedded tempo |
boolean set |
true, set a new value; false, return the current value |
integer setting |
the current/new setting-value -1, an error occured 0, Adjust media to project tempo 1, Import media at source tempo 2, Always prompt when importing media with embedded tempo |
boolean persist |
true, this setting will be kept after restart of Reaper; false, setting will be lost after exiting Reaper |
integer retval = ultraschall.GetSetConfigAfxCfg(boolean set, integer setting, boolean persist)
integer retval |
the current/newly set audioformat 0, not set yet 1179012432, Video (ffmpeg/libav encoder) 1195984416, Video (GIF) 1279477280, Video (LCF) 1332176723, OGG Opus 1634297446, AIFF 1684303904, DDP 1718378851, FLAC 1769172768, Audio CD Image(CUE/BIN format) 1836069740, MP3 (encoder by LAME project) 1869047670, OGG Vorbis 2002876005, WAV 2004250731, WavPack lossless compressor |
boolean set |
true, set a new value; false, return the current value |
integer setting |
the new set audioformat 1179012432, Video (ffmpeg/libav encoder) 1195984416, Video (GIF) 1279477280, Video (LCF) 1332176723, OGG Opus 1634297446, AIFF 1684303904, DDP 1718378851, FLAC 1769172768, Audio CD Image(CUE/BIN format) 1836069740, MP3 (encoder by LAME project) 1869047670, OGG Vorbis 2002876005, WAV 2004250731, WavPack lossless compressor |
boolean persist |
true, this setting will be standard-setting for new projects after restart of Reaper; false, setting will be lost after exiting Reaper |
boolean start_new_files, boolean offset_file_switches, integer max_rec_size = ultraschall.GetStartNewFileRecSizeState()
boolean start_new_files |
true, Reaper starts a new file, when a recorded file reaches max_rec_size; false, files are as long until recording stops |
boolean offset_file_switches |
true, When recording multiple tracks, offset file switches for better performance; false, don't offset file-switches |
integer max_rec_size |
the maximum length of a recorded file in MegaBytes, before Reaper shall start a new file; only applied when When recording multiple tracks, offset file switches for better performance=true |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetStartNewFileRecSizeState(boolean start_new_files, boolean offset_file_switches, integer maxrecsize, boolean persist)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
boolean start_new_files |
true, Reaper starts a new file, when a recorded file reaches max_rec_size; false, files are as long until recording stops |
boolean offset_file_switches |
true, When recording multiple tracks, offset file switches for better performance; false, don't offset file-switches |
integer max_rec_size |
the maximum length of a recorded file in MegaBytes, before Reaper shall start a new file; only applied when When recording multiple tracks, offset file switches for better performance=true |
boolean persist |
true, set the setting to reaper.ini so it persists after restarting Reaper; false, set it only for the time, until Reaper is restarted |
integer retval = ultraschall.GetSetConfigAudioPrShift(boolean set, integer setting, boolean persist)
integer retval |
the current/new setting-value 0, don't preserve pitch - unchecked 1, preserve pitch - checked |
boolean set |
true, set a new value; false, return the current value 0, don't preserve pitch - unchecked 1, preserve pitch - checked |
integer setting |
the current/new setting-value |
boolean persist |
true, this setting will be kept for new projects, but only after restart of Reaper; false, old standard-project-setting will be kept |
integer keyscount = ultraschall.CountIniFileExternalState_key(string section, string ini_filename_with_path)
integer keyscount |
number of keys with section within an ini-configuration-file |
string section |
the section within the ini-filename |
string ini_filename_with_path |
filename of the ini-file |
integer sectioncount = ultraschall.CountIniFileExternalState_sec(string ini_filename_with_path)
integer sectioncount |
number of sections within an ini-configuration-file |
string ini_filename_with_path |
filename of the ini-file |
integer number_of_keys, string sections_and_keys = ultraschall.CountKeysByPattern(string pattern, string ini_filename_with_path)
integer number_of_keys |
the number of keys, that fit the pattern |
string sections_and_keys |
a string, like: [section1],Key1=,Key2=,Key3=[section2],Key7= |
string pattern |
the pattern itself. Case sensitive. |
string ini_filename_with_path |
filename of the ini-file |
integer number_of_sections, string sectionnames = ultraschall.CountSectionsByPattern(string pattern, string ini_filename_with_path)
integer number_of_sections |
the number of sections, that fit the pattern |
string sectionnames |
a string, like: [section1],[section8],[section99] |
string pattern |
the pattern itself. Case sensitive. |
string ini_filename_with_path |
filename of the ini-file |
integer number_of_values, string sections_and_keys = ultraschall.CountValuesByPattern(string pattern, string ini_filename_with_path)
integer number_of_values |
the number of values, that fit the pattern |
string sections_keys_values |
a string, like: [section1],key1=,value,key4=,value,[section4],key2=,value |
string pattern |
the pattern itself. Case sensitive. |
string ini_filename_with_path |
filename of the ini-file |
string keyname = ultraschall.EnumerateIniFileExternalState_key(string section, integer number, string ini_filename_with_path)
string keyname |
the name of the numberth key within section in the ini-file |
string section |
the name of the section |
integer number |
the number of the key within a section within the ini-filename, with 1 for the first key in the section |
string ini_filename_with_path |
filename of the ini-file |
string sectionname = ultraschall.EnumerateIniFileExternalState_sec(integer number_of_section, string ini_filename_with_path)
string sectionname |
the name of the numberth section in the ini-file |
integer number_of_section |
the section within the ini-filename; 1, for the first section |
string ini_filename_with_path |
filename of the ini-file |
string keyname = ultraschall.EnumerateKeysByPattern(string pattern, string section, integer id, string ini_filename_with_path)
string keyname |
a string, that contains the keyname |
string pattern |
the pattern itself. Case sensitive. |
string section |
the section, in which to look for the key |
integer id |
the number of key, that contains pattern |
string ini_filename_with_path |
filename of the ini-file |
string sectionname = ultraschall.EnumerateSectionsByPattern(string pattern, integer id, string ini_filename_with_path)
string sectionname |
a string, that contains the sectionname |
string pattern |
the pattern itself. Case sensitive. |
integer id |
the number of section, that contains pattern |
string ini_filename_with_path |
filename of the ini-file |
string value, string keyname = ultraschall.EnumerateValuesByPattern(string pattern, string section, string id, string ini_filename_with_path)
string value |
the value that contains the pattern |
string keyname |
a string, that contains the keyname |
string pattern |
the pattern itself. Case sensitive. |
string section |
the section, in which to look for the key |
integer id |
the number of key, that contains pattern |
string ini_filename_with_path |
filename of the ini-file |
string value = ultraschall.GetIniFileExternalState(string section, string key, string ini_filename_with_path)
integer entrylength |
the length of the returned value |
string value |
the value stored in a section->key in a configuration-file |
string section |
section of the external state |
string key |
key of the external state. No = allowed! |
string filename_with_path |
filename of the ini-file |
integer length_of_value, string value = ultraschall.GetIniFileValue(string section, string key, string errval, string inifile)
integer length_of_value |
the length of the value in bytes |
string value |
the value from the key-value-pair |
string section |
the section, in which the key-value-pair is located |
string key |
the key whose value you want |
string errval |
an errorvalue, which will be shown, if key-value-store doesn't exist |
string inifile |
the ini-file, from which you want to retrieve the key-value-store |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetIniFileExternalState(string section, string key, string value, string ini_filename_with_path)
boolean retval |
true, if setting the state was successful; false, if setting was unsuccessful |
string section |
section of the external state. No = allowed! |
string key |
key of the external state. No = allowed! |
string value |
value for the key |
string filename_with_path |
filename of the ini-file |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetIniFileValue(string section, string key, string value, string inifile)
integer retval |
-1, in case of an error; 1, in case of success |
string section |
the section, in which the key-value-pair is located |
string key |
the key whose value you want to change |
string value |
the new value for this key-value-pair |
string inifile |
the ini-file, in which you want to set the key-value-store |
integer actions = ultraschall.CountKBIniActions(string filename_with_path)
integer actions |
number of actions in the reaper-kb.ini |
integer keys = ultraschall.CountKBIniKeys(string filename_with_path)
integer keys |
number of keys in the reaper-kb.ini |
integer scripts = ultraschall.CountKBIniScripts(string filename_with_path)
integer scripts |
number of scripts in the reaper-kb.ini |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DeleteKBIniActions(string filename_with_path, integer idx)
boolean retval |
true, if deleting worked, false if it didn't |
string filename_with_path |
filename with path for the reaper-kb.ini |
integer idx |
indexnumber of the action within the reaper-kb.ini |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DeleteKBIniKeys(string filename_with_path, integer idx)
boolean retval |
true, if deleting worked, false if it didn't |
string filename_with_path |
filename with path for the reaper-kb.ini |
integer idx |
indexnumber of the keybinding within the reaper-kb.ini |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DeleteKBIniScripts(string filename_with_path, integer idx)
boolean retval |
true, if deleting worked, false if it didn't |
string filename_with_path |
filename with path for the reaper-kb.ini |
integer idx |
indexnumber of the script within the reaper-kb.ini |
string ActionCommandID = ultraschall.GetActionCommandIDByFilename(string searchfilename, integer searchsection, optional boolean case_sensitive)
string ActionCommandID |
the actioncommand-id of the scriptfile; "", if no such file is installed; nil, in case of an error |
string searchfilename |
the filename(plus path, if needed) of the script, whose ActionCommandID you want to have. |
integer section |
the section, in which the file is stored 0, Main, 100, Main (alt recording), 32060, MIDI Editor, 32061, MIDI Event List Editor, 32062, MIDI Inline Editor, 32063, Media Explorer. |
optional boolean case_sensitive |
true or nil, search for filename on a case-sensitive base; false, case-sensitivity in filename is ignored |
integer consolidate, integer section, string ActionCommandID, string description, string ActionsToBeExecuted = ultraschall.GetKBIniActions(string filename_with_path, integer idx)
integer consolidate |
consolidate-state 1 consolidate undo points, 2 show in Actions-Menu, 3 consolidate undo points AND show in Actions Menu; maybe 4 and higher? |
integer section |
the section, in which this action is executed 0 - Main 1 - action stays invisible but is kept, if Reaper rewrites the reaper-kb.ini. Menu-buttons with this action associated appear but don't work. 100 - Main (alt recording) 32060 - MIDI Editor 32061 - MIDI Event List Editor 32062 - MIDI Inline Editor 32063 - Media Explorer |
string ActionCommandID |
the ActionCommandID given to this Action |
string description |
the description of this action |
string ActionsToBeExecuted |
the actions that are run, the ActionCommandIDs beginning with _, multiple ActionCommandIDs are separated by whitespaces |
string filename_with_path |
path and filename of the reaper-kb.ini; nil, use current Reaper's reaper-kb.ini |
integer idx |
the number of the action to get, beginning with 1 for the first one |
string retval, integer indexcount, table indices = ultraschall.GetKBIniActionsID_ByActionCommandID(filename_with_path, ActionCommandID)
string retval |
the ids of actions with ActionCommandID, separated by a , |
integer indexcount |
the number of indices found |
table indices |
a table with all indices found |
string filename_with_path |
path and filename of the reaper-kb.ini; nil, use current Reaper's reaper-kb.ini |
string ActionCommandID |
the ActionCommandID |
string kb_ini_path = ultraschall.GetKBIniFilepath()
string kb_ini_path |
path and filename of the reaper-kb.ini |
integer keytype_modifier_midichan, integer key_midinote, string ActionCommandID, integer section = ultraschall.GetKBIniKeys(string filename_with_path, integer idx)
integer keytype_modifier_midichan |
Type of Keytype, modifier or midichannel For a detailed description in how keytype/modifier in KEY-entries work, refer to Reaper-Filetype-Descriptions.html#Reaper-kb.ini. |
integer key_midinote |
the key(like ASCII-Codes) or midinote. For a detailed description in how key/midinotes in KEY-entries work, refer to Reaper-Filetype-Descriptions.html#Reaper-kb.ini. |
string ActionCommandID |
the ActionCommandID associated with this shortcut. |
integer section |
the section, in which this shortcut is used 0 - Main 100 - Main (alt recording) 32060 - MIDI Editor 32061 - MIDI Event List Editor 32062 - MIDI Inline Editor 32063 - Media Explorer |
string filename_with_path |
path and filename of the reaper-kb.ini; nil, use current Reaper's reaper-kb.ini |
integer idx |
the number of the action to get, beginning with 1 for the first one |
string retval, integer indexcount, table indices = ultraschall.GetKBIniKeys_ByActionCommandID(filename_with_path, ActionCommandID)
string retval |
the ids of keys with ActionCommandID, separated by a , |
integer indexcount |
the number of indices found |
table indices |
a table with all indices found |
string filename_with_path |
path and filename of the reaper-kb.ini; nil, use current Reaper's reaper-kb.ini |
string ActionCommandID |
the ActionCommandID |
integer terminateinstance, integer section, string ActionCommandID, string description, string scriptfile = ultraschall.GetKBIniScripts(string filename_with_path, integer idx)
integer terminateinstance |
the state of terminating instances 4 - Dialogwindow appears(Terminate, New Instance, Abort), if another instance of a given script is started, that's already running 260 - always Terminate Instances, when an instance of the script is already running 516 - always start a New Instance of the script already running |
integer section |
the section, in which this action is executed 0 - Main 1 - action stays invisible but is kept, if Reaper rewrites the reaper-kb.ini. Menu-buttons with this action associated appear but don't work. 100 - Main (alt recording) 32060 - MIDI Editor 32061 - MIDI Event List Editor 32062 - MIDI Inline Editor 32063 - Media Explorer |
string ActionCommandID |
the ActionCommandID given to this Action |
string description |
the description of this action |
string scriptfile |
the filename of the script that shall be run |
string filename_with_path |
path and filename of the reaper-kb.ini; nil, use current Reaper's reaper-kb.ini |
integer idx |
the number of the action to get, beginning with 1 for the first one |
string retval, integer indexcount, table indices = ultraschall.GetKBIniScripts_ByActionCommandID(filename_with_path, ActionCommandID)
string retval |
the ids of scripts with ActionCommandID, separated by a , |
integer indexcount |
the number of indices found |
table indices |
a table with all indices found |
string filename_with_path |
path and filename of the reaper-kb.ini; nil, use current Reaper's reaper-kb.ini |
string ActionCommandID |
the ActionCommandID |
string Shortcutname = ultraschall.QueryKeyboardShortcutByKeyID(integer modifier, integer key)
string Shortcutname |
the actual name of the shortcut, like "A" or "F1" or "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Win+PgUp". |
integer modifier |
the modifier value, which is the first one after KEY in a KEY-entry in the reaper-kb.ini-file |
integer key |
the key value, which is the second one after KEY in a KEY-entry in the reaper-kb.ini-file |
boolean retval, integer actionnumber = ultraschall.SetKBIniActions(string filename_with_path, integer consolidate, integer section, string ActionCommandID, string Description, string ActionCommandIDs, boolean replace)
boolean retval |
true, if adding/setting worked, false if it didn't |
integer actionnumber |
the entrynumber within the reaper-kb.ini of this action |
string filename_with_path |
filename with path for the reaper-kb.ini |
integer consolidate |
consolidation state of this action 1 consolidate undo points, 2 show in Actions-Menu, 3 consolidate undo points AND show in Actions Menu; maybe 4 and higher? |
integer section |
section, in which this action is started 0 - Main 1 - action stays invisible but is kept, if Reaper rewrites the reaper-kb.ini. Menu-buttons with this action associated appear but don't work. 100 - Main (alt recording) 32060 - MIDI Editor 32061 - MIDI Event List Editor 32062 - MIDI Inline Editor 32063 - Media Explorer |
string ActionCommandID |
the ActionCommandID of this action |
string Description |
a description for this action |
string ActionCommandIDs |
the ActionCommandIDs for the actions, that are triggered by this action; unlike CommandID-numbers, every ActionCommandID must begin with _ ; will not be checked vor valid ones! |
boolean replace |
true if an already existing entry shall be replaced, false if not |
boolean retval, integer keynumber = ultraschall.SetKBIniKeys(string filename_with_path, integer keytype_modifier_midichan, integer key_midinote, string ActionCommandID, integer section, boolean replace)
boolean retval |
true, if adding/setting worked, false if it didn't |
integer scriptnumber |
the entrynumber within the reaper-kb.ini of this script |
string filename_with_path |
filename with path for the reaper-kb.ini |
integer keytype_modifier_midichan |
Type of Keytype, modifier or midichannel For a detailed description in how keytype/modifier in KEY-entries work, refer to Reaper-Filetype-Descriptions.html#Reaper-kb.ini. |
integer key_midinote |
the key(like ASCII-Codes) or midinote. For a detailed description in how key/midinotes in KEY-entries work, refer to Reaper-Filetype-Descriptions.html#Reaper-kb.ini. |
string ActionCommandID |
the ActionCommandID associated with this shortcut. |
integer section |
the section, in which this shortcut is used 0 - Main 100 - Main (alt recording) 32060 - MIDI Editor 32061 - MIDI Event List Editor 32062 - MIDI Inline Editor 32063 - Media Explorer |
boolean replace |
true if an already existing entry shall be replaced, false if not |
boolean retval, integer scriptnumber = ultraschall.SetKBIniScripts(string filename_with_path, integer terminate, integer section, string ActionCommandID, string Description, string Scriptname, boolean replace)
boolean retval |
true, if adding/setting worked, false if it didn't |
integer scriptnumber |
the entrynumber within the reaper-kb.ini of this script |
string filename_with_path |
filename with path for the reaper-kb.ini |
integer terminate_state |
state of handling mulitple running scripts 4 - Dialogwindow appears(Terminate, New Instance, Abort), if another instance of a given script is started, that's already running 260 - always Terminate Instances, when an instance of the script is already running 516 - always start a New Instance of the script already running |
integer section |
section, in which this script is started 0 - Main 1 - action stays invisible but is kept, if Reaper rewrites the reaper-kb.ini. Menu-buttons with this action associated appear but don't work. 100 - Main (alt recording) 32060 - MIDI Editor 32061 - MIDI Event List Editor 32062 - MIDI Inline Editor 32063 - Media Explorer |
string ActionCommandID |
the ActionCommandID of this action |
string Description |
a description for this script |
string Scriptname |
the name of the ReaScript, like .lua or .eel or .py |
boolean replace |
true if an already existing entry shall be replaced, false if not |
boolean retval, optional string defer_identifier = ultraschall.Defer(function func, string deferidentifier, optional integer mode, optional number timer_counter, optional boolean protected)
runs a custom-defer-cycle, which can be individualized.
You can set, how often this defer-cycle shall be run(every x defer-cycle or every x seconds) and even stop the defer-cycle from in- and outside of the script, using the defer_identifier you have given.
To stop such a defer-cycle, use StopDeferCycle, as long as parameter protected is not set to true! Important: make the deferidentifier as unique as possible(using guids or similar stuff) to avoid naming conflicts with other defer-cycles using the same identifier. Otherwise, you risk stopping multiple such defer-loops, when using StopDeferCycle!
For the old Defer1 to Defer20-behavior, try ultraschall.ScriptIdentifier..".defer_scriptXX" as defer-identifier, where XX is a number.
returns false in case of an error (e.g. already 1024 defer-cycles are running in the current script-instance)
boolean retval |
true, running this defer-cycle was successful; false, it wasn't successful |
optional string defer_identifier |
if running this defer-cycle was successful, this holds the defer-identifier you've chosen |
function func |
the function, you would love to defer to |
string deferidentifier |
an identifier, under which you can access this defer-cycle; make it unique using guids in the name, to avoid name-conflicts! |
optional integer mode |
0 or nil, just run as regular defer-cycle 1, run the defer-cycle only every timer_counter-cycle 2, run the defer-cycle only every timer_counter-seconds |
optional number timer_counter |
the timer for the defer-cycle mode=1: 1 and higher, the next defer-cycle that shall be used by function func. Use 1 for every cycle, 2 for every second cycle. 30 cycles are approximately 1 second. mode=2: 0 and higher, the amount of seconds to wait, until the function func is run the next time. |
optional boolean protected |
true, this defer-cycle is protected from being stopped by StopDeferCycle(); false or nil, you can stop this defer-cycle using StopDeferCycle() |
integer mode, integer timer_counter = ultraschall.GetDeferCycleSettings(string deferidentifier)
integer mode |
the timing mode, in which the defer-cycle runs 0, just run as regular defer-cycle 1, run the defer-cycle only every timer_counter-cycle 2, run the defer-cycle only every timer_counter-seconds |
number timer_counter |
the timer for the defer-cycle mode=1: 1 and higher, the next defer-cycle that shall be used by function func. Use 1 for every cycle, 2 for every second cycle. 30 cycles are approximately 1 second. mode=2: 0 and higher, the amount of seconds to wait, until the function func is run the next time. |
string deferidentifier |
an identifier, under which you can access this defer-cycle; make it unique using guids in the name, to avoid name-conflicts! |
boolean retval = ultraschall.GetDeferRunState(integer deferinstance, optional string scriptidentifier)
returns the run-state of a Ultraschall-defer-loop in a specific scriptinstance
You can either request the runstate of a Defer-deferred-function(set parameter deferinstance to 0).
returns nil in case of an error.
boolean retval |
true, defer-instance is running; false, defer-instance isn't running |
integer deferinstance |
0, to use the parameter identifier |
optional string identifier |
when deferinstance=0 (when using the Defer-function): the identifier of the defer-cycle, you've started with Defer |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetDeferCycleSettings(string deferidentifier, optional integer mode, optional number timer_counter)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string deferidentifier |
an identifier, under which you can access this defer-cycle; make it unique using guids in the name, to avoid name-conflicts! |
optional integer mode |
the timing mode, in which the defer-cycle runs nil, reset to the default-settings of the Defer-Cycle 0, just run as regular defer-cycle 1, run the defer-cycle only every timer_counter-cycle 2, run the defer-cycle only every timer_counter-seconds |
optional number timer_counter |
the timer for the defer-cycle mode=1: 1 and higher, the next defer-cycle that shall be used by function func. Use 1 for every cycle, 2 for every second cycle. 30 cycles are approximately 1 second. mode=2: 0 and higher, the amount of seconds to wait, until the function func is run the next time. |
boolean retval = ultraschall.StopDeferCycle(string defer_identifier)
boolean retval |
true, stopping this defer-cycle was successful; false, it wasn't successful |
string defer_identifier |
the identifier of the defer-cycle of a script-instance |
boolean retval, integer errorcount = ultraschall.AddErrorMessage(string functionname, string parametername, string errormessage, integer errorcode)
boolean retval |
true, if it worked; false if it didn't |
integer errorcount |
the number of the errormessage within the Ultraschall-Api-Error-messagesystem; nil, if errormessages are suppressed currently |
string functionname |
the function, where the error happened |
string parametername |
the parameter, that caused the problem |
string errormessage |
a longer description of what cause the problem and a hint to a possible solution |
integer errorcode |
a number, that represents the error-message. Will be -1 by default, if not given. |
integer number_of_errormessages = ultraschall.CountErrorMessage_Funcname(string functionname)
integer number_of_errormessages |
the number of errormessages functionname has left in the Error-Messaging-System |
string functionname |
the name of the function, whose error messages you want to count |
integer errorcounter = ultraschall.CountErrorMessages()
integer errorcounter |
the number of errormessages currently available in the error-message-system. Includes read and unread ones. |
boolean retval = DAEM()
boolean retval |
true, if it worked; false if it didn't |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DeleteAllErrorMessages()
boolean retval |
true, if it worked; false if it didn't |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DeleteErrorMessage(integer errornumber)
boolean retval |
true, if such an error exists; false if it didn't |
integer errornumber |
the number of the error to delete, beginning with 1. Use CountErrorMessages to get the current number of error-messages. |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DeleteLastErrorMessage()
boolean retval |
true, if it worked; false if it didn't |
integer errorindex, string parametername, string errormessage, integer errorcode = ultraschall.GetErrorMessage_Funcname(string functionname, integer index)
integer errorindex |
the index of the error within the Error-Messaging-System |
string parametername |
the parameter that produced the problem, or "" if no parameter was involved |
string errormessage |
the errormessage |
integer errorcode |
the errorcode the error has |
string functionname |
the name of the function, whose last error message you want to retrieve |
integer index |
the index of the error-message for functionname |
boolean retval, integer errcode, string functionname, string parmname, string errormessage, string lastreadtime, string err_creation_date, string err_creation_timestamp, integer errorcounter, string context_function, string context_sourcefile, string context_sourceline = ultraschall.GetLastErrorMessage()
boolean retval |
true, if it worked; false if it didn't |
integer errcode |
the errorcode of this message, as set by the function that created this errormessage; -1 is default value |
string functionname |
the name of the function, where the problem happened |
string parmname |
the parameter, that was used wrong by the programmer; "" if no parameter was involved in this error |
string errormessage |
the message of the problem with a possible hint to a solution |
string readstatus |
"unread" if the message hasn't been read yet or a date_time from when the message has been read already |
string err_creation_date |
the date_time of when the error-message was created |
string err_creation_timestamp |
the timestamp of when the error-message was created. Usually seconds, since system got started |
integer errorcounter |
the error-message-number within the Ultraschall-Error-Message-System |
string context_function |
the function, in which AddErrorMessage was called |
string context_sourcefile |
the sourcefile, in which AddErrorMessage was called |
string context_sourceline |
the line in the sourcefile, in which AddErrorMessage was called |
integer errornumber |
the number of the error, beginning with 1. Use CountErrorMessages to get the current number of error-messages. |
boolean retval, array ErrorMessages = ultraschall.GetLastErrorMessage2(integer count, boolean setread)
boolean retval |
true, if it worked; false if it didn't |
array ErrorMessages |
an array, that contains all values for the chosen number of errormessages. The fields are ErrorMessages[errornumber][x], where x stands for "errcode" - the errorcode of this function, default is -1 "funcname" - functionname "parmname" - name of the parameter, that caused the error "errmsg" - errormessage "readstate" - readstatus "date" - errorcreation date_time "time" - errorcreation timestamp in seconds, usually seconds since computer has been started |
integer count |
the number of the last few errors, you want to get returned. Use CountErrorMessages to get the current number of error-messages. |
integer errorindex, string parametername, string errormessage, integer errorcode = ultraschall.GetLastErrorMessage_Funcname(string functionname)
integer errorindex |
the index of the error within the Error-Messaging-System |
string parametername |
the parameter that produced the problem, or "" if no parameter was involved |
string errormessage |
the errormessage |
integer errorcode |
the errorcode the error has |
string functionname |
the name of the function, whose last error message you want to retrieve |
boolean retval, integer errcode, string functionname, string parmname, string errormessage, string lastreadtime, string err_creation_date, string err_creation_timestamp, string context_function, string context_sourcefile, string context_sourceline = ultraschall.ReadErrorMessage(integer errornumber, optional boolean keep_unread)
boolean retval |
true, if it worked; false if it didn't |
integer errcode |
the errorcode of this message, as set by the function that created this errormessage; -1 is default value |
string functionname |
the name of the function, where the problem happened |
string parmname |
the parameter, that was used wrong by the programmer; "" if no parameter was involved in this error |
string errormessage |
the message of the problem with a possible hint to a solution |
string readstatus |
"unread" if the message hasn't been read yet or a date_time from when the message has been read already |
string err_creation_date |
the date_time of when the error-message was created |
string err_creation_timestamp |
the timestamp of when the error-message was created. Usually seconds, since system got started |
string context_function |
the function, in which AddErrorMessage was called |
string context_sourcefile |
the sourcefile, in which AddErrorMessage was called |
string context_sourceline |
the line in the sourcefile, in which AddErrorMessage was called |
integer errornumber |
the number of the error, beginning with 1. Use CountErrorMessages to get the current number of error-messages. |
optional boolean keep_unread |
true, keeps the message unread; false or nil, sets the readstate of the message |
requested_error_message = SFEM(optional integer dunk, optional integer target, optional integer message_type)
requested_error_message |
the errormessage requested; |
optional integer dunk |
allows to index the last x'ish message to be returned; nil or 0, the last one; 1, the one before the last one, etc. |
optional integer target |
the target, where the error-message shall be output to 0 or nil, target is a message box 1, target is the ReaScript-Console 2, target is the clipboard 3, target is a returned string |
optional integer message_type |
if target is set to 3, you can set, which part of the error-messageshall be returned as returnvalue nil or 1, returns true, if error has happened, false, if error didn't happen 2, returns the errcode 3, returns the functionname which caused the error 4, returns the parmname which caused the error 5, returns the errormessage 6, returns the lastreadtime 7, returns the err_creation_date 8, returns the err_creation_timestamp |
requested_error_message = SLEM(optional integer dunk, optional integer target, optional integer message_type)
requested_error_message |
the errormessage requested; |
optional integer dunk |
allows to index the last x'ish message to be returned; nil or 0, the last one; 1, the one before the last one, etc. |
optional integer target |
the target, where the error-message shall be output to 0 or nil, target is a message box 1, target is the ReaScript-Console 2, target is the clipboard 3, target is a returned string |
optional integer message_type |
if target is set to 3, you can set, which part of the error-messageshall be returned as returnvalue nil or 1, returns true, if error has happened, false, if error didn't happen 2, returns the errcode 3, returns the functionname which caused the error 4, returns the parmname which caused the error 5, returns the errormessage 6, returns the lastreadtime 7, returns the err_creation_date 8, returns the err_creation_timestamp |
ultraschall.ShowErrorMessagesInReascriptConsole(boolean state)
boolean state |
true, show error-messages in the ReaScript-Console when they happen; false, don't show errormessages |
requested_error_message = ultraschall.ShowLastErrorMessage(optional integer dunk, optional integer target, optional integer message_type)
requested_error_message |
the errormessage requested; |
optional integer dunk |
allows to index the last x'ish message to be returned; nil or 0, the last one; 1, the one before the last one, etc. |
optional integer target |
the target, where the error-message shall be output to 0 or nil, target is a message box 1, target is the ReaScript-Console 2, target is the clipboard 3, target is a returned string |
optional integer message_type |
if target is set to 3, you can set, which part of the error-messageshall be returned as returnvalue nil or 1, returns true, if error has happened, false, if error didn't happen 2, returns the errcode 3, returns the functionname which caused the error 4, returns the parmname which caused the error 5, returns the errormessage 6, returns the lastreadtime 7, returns the err_creation_date 8, returns the err_creation_timestamp |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SuppressErrorMessages(boolean flag)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, you didn't pass a boolean as parameter |
boolean flag |
true, suppress error-messages; false, don't suppress error-messages |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ToggleIDE_Errormessages(optional boolean togglevalue)
boolean retval |
true, if errors will be shown at the bottom of the IDE; false, if not |
optional boolean togglevalue |
true, if errormessages shall be shown at the bottom of the IDE, false if not. If omitted, it toggles what was set before. |
boolean retval = ultraschall.APIExists(string functionname)
boolean retval |
true, if element exists; false if it doesn't exist |
string functionname |
the name of the function to check for; only the functionname without ultraschall. ! |
boolean retval, optional command_id, boolean created_new_script = ultraschall.EditReaScript(optional string filename, optional integer add_ultraschall_api_or_reagirl, optional integer add_to_actionlist_section, optional integer x_pos, optional integer y_pos, optional integer width, optional integer height, optional integer showstate, optional integer watchlist_size, optional integer watchlist_size_row1, optional integer watchlist_size_row2, optional string default_script_content)
boolean retval |
true, opening was successful; false, opening was unsuccessful |
optional integer command_id |
the command-id of the script, when it gets newly created; nil, if script wasn't added |
boolean created_new_script |
true, a new script had been created; false, the script already existed |
optional string filename |
the filename of the new reascript-file to create(add .lua or .py or .eel to select the language). nil, opens the last ReaScript-file you opened with this function |
optional integer add_ultraschall_api_or_reagirl |
0 or false or nil, create a blank script |
1 or true, add Ultraschall |
API-call into the script(only in newly created ones!) |
2, add basic ReaGirl |
structure into the script(only in newly crated ones!) |
3, add Ultraschall |
API-functioncall and ReaGirl basic structure into the script |
optional integer add_to_actionlist_section |
the section, into which you want to add the script nil, don't add, only open the script in IDE 0, Main 100, Main (alt recording) Note: If you already added to main(section 0), this function automatically adds the script to Main(alt) as well. 32060, MIDI Editor 32061, MIDI Event List Editor 32062, MIDI Inline Editor 32063, Media Explorer |
optional integer x_pos |
x-position of the ide-window in pixels; nil, use the last one used |
optional integer y_pos |
y-position of the ide-window in pixels; nil, use the last one used |
optional integer width |
width of the ide-window in pixels; nil, use the last one used |
optional integer height |
height of the ide-window in pixels; nil, use the last one used |
optional boolean showstate |
nil, use last used settings 0, show regularly 1, dock the window |
optional integer watchlist_size |
sets the size of the watchlist, from 80 to screenwidth-80 |
optional integer watchlist_size_row1 |
sets the size of the Name-row in the watchlist |
optional integer watchlist_size_row2 |
sets the size of the Value-row in the watchlist |
optional string default_script_content |
a string that shall be added to the beginning of the new script, when a script is newly created |
... = RFR(integer length, ...)
various ... |
the requested first-n returnvalues |
integer length |
the number of the first return-values to return |
various ... |
further parameters, which can be multiple values or just the return-values of another function. |
... = RLR(integer length, ...)
various ... |
the requested last-n returnvalues |
integer length |
the number of the last return-values to return |
various ... |
further parameters, which can be multiple values or just the return-values of another function. |
... = RRR(integer position, integer length, ...)
various ... |
the requested n returnvalues between position and length+position |
integer position |
the first return-value to return |
integer length |
the number of return-values to return(position+length) |
various ... |
further parameters, which can be multiple values or just the return-values of another function. |
integer number_of_takeenvelopes, table TakeEnvelopes_Table = ultraschall.GetAllTakeEnvelopes()
integer number_of_takeenvelopes |
the number of TakeEnvelopes found in the current project |
table TakeEnvelopes_Table |
all found TakeEnvelopes as a handy table(see description for details) |
integer number_of_trackenvelopes, table TrackEnvelopes_Table = ultraschall.GetAllTrackEnvelopes()
integer number_of_trackenvelopes |
the number of TrackEnvelopes found in the current project |
table TrackEnvelopes_Table |
all found TrackEnvelopes as a handy table(see description for details) |
TakeEnvelope env, MediaItem_Take take, number projectposition = ultraschall.GetTakeEnvelopeFromPoint(integer x, integer y)
TakeEnvelope env |
the take-envelope found unterneath the mouse; nil, if none has been found |
MediaItem_Take take |
the take from which the take-envelope is |
number projectposition |
the project-position |
integer x |
the x-position in pixels, at which to look for envelopes |
integer y |
the y-position in pixels, at which to look for envelopes |
TakeEnvelope env, MediaItem_Take take, number projectposition = ultraschall.GetTakeEnvelopeUnderMouseCursor()
TakeEnvelope env |
the take-envelope found unterneath the mouse; nil, if none has been found |
MediaItem_Take take |
the take from which the take-envelope is |
number projectposition |
the project-position |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsAnyMuteEnvelopeVisible(string name)
boolean retval |
true, there are visible mute-envelopes in the project; false, no mute-envelope visible |
string name |
the name of the envelope; case-sensitive, just take the one displayed in the envelope-lane Standard-Envelopes are: "Volume (Pre-FX)", "Pan (Pre-FX)", "Width (Pre-FX)", "Volume", "Pan", "Width", "Trim Volume", "Mute" Plugin's envelopes can also be checked against, like "Freq-Band 1 / ReaEQ" |
boolean is_track_envelope = ultraschall.IsEnvelopeTrackEnvelope(TrackEnvelope Envelope)
boolean is_track_envelope |
true, envelope is a TrackEnvelope; false, envelope is not TakeEnvelope |
TrackEnvelope Envelope |
the envelope to check, if it's a TrackEnvelope |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsEnvelope_Track(TrackEnvelope env)
boolean retval |
true, the envelope is a TrackEnvelope; false, the envelope is a TakeEnvelope |
TrackEnvelope env |
the envelope to check |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsTrackEnvelopeVisible_ArrangeView(TrackEnvelope env)
boolean retval |
true, the envelope is a TrackEnvelope; false, the envelope is a TakeEnvelope |
TrackEnvelope env |
the envelope to check for visibility |
integer retval = ultraschall.GetArmState_Envelope(TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope, optional string EnvelopeStateChunk)
integer retval |
0, unarmed; 1, armed |
TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope |
the TrackEnvelope, whose armed-state you want to know; nil, to use parameter EnvelopeStateChunk instead |
optional string EnvelopeStateChunk |
if TrackEnvelope is set to nil, you can pass an EnvelopeStateChunk into this parameter, to get that armed state |
integer act, integer automation_settings = ultraschall.GetEnvelopeState_Act(TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope, optional string EnvelopeStateChunk)
integer act |
0, bypass on 1, no bypass |
integer automation_settings |
automation item-options for this envelope -1, project default behavior, outside of automation items 0, automation items do not attach underlying envelope 1, automation items attach to the underlying envelope on the right side 2, automation items attach to the underlying envelope on both sides 3, no automation item-options for this envelope 4, bypass underlying envelope outside of automation items |
TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope |
the TrackEnvelope, whose state you want to know; nil, to use parameter EnvelopeStateChunk instead |
optional string EnvelopeStateChunk |
if TrackEnvelope is set to nil, you can pass an EnvelopeStateChunk into this parameter, to get that armed state |
integer shape, integer pitch_custom_envelope_range_takes, integer pitch_snap_values = ultraschall.GetEnvelopeState_DefShape(TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope, optional string EnvelopeStateChunk)
integer shape |
0, linear 1, square 2, slow start/end 3, fast start 4, fast end 5, bezier |
integer pitch_custom_envelope_range_takes |
the custom envelope range as set in the Pitch Envelope Settings; only available in take-fx-envelope "Pitch" -1, if unset or for non pitch-envelopes 0, Custom envelope range-checkbox unchecked 1-2147483647, the actual semitones |
integer pitch_snap_values |
the snap values-dropdownlist as set in the Pitch Envelope Settings-dialog; only available in take-fx-envelope "Pitch" -1, unset/Follow global default 0, Off 1, 1 Semitone 2, 50 cent 3, 25 cent 4, 10 cent 5, 5 cent 6, 1 cent |
TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope |
the TrackEnvelope, whose state you want to know; nil, to use parameter EnvelopeStateChunk instead |
optional string EnvelopeStateChunk |
if TrackEnvelope is set to nil, you can pass an EnvelopeStateChunk into this parameter, to get that armed state |
string envelopename, optional integer fx_env_id, optional string wet_byp, optional number minimum_range, optional number maximum_range, optional number unknown = ultraschall.GetEnvelopeState_EnvName(TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope, optional string EnvelopeStateChunk)
string envelopename |
the name of the envelope, usually: VOLENV2 - for Volume-envelope PANENV2 - for Pan-envelope WIDTHENV2 - for Width-envelope VOLEN - for Pre-FX-Volume-envelope PANENV - for Pre-FX-Pan-envelope WIDTHENV - for Pre-FX-Width-envelope MUTEENV - for Mute-envelope VOLENV3 - for Trim-Volume-envelope PARMENV - an envelope for an FX-plugin |
optional integer fx_env_id |
fx_env is the id of the envelope, as provided by this fx; beginning with 1 for the first |
optional string wet_byp |
wet_byp is either "" if not existing, wet or bypass |
optional number minimum_range |
the minimum value, accepted by this envelope; 6 digits-precision |
optional number maximum_range |
the maximum-value, accepted by this envelope; 6 digits-precision |
optional number unknown |
unknown |
TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope |
the TrackEnvelope, whose state you want to know; nil, to use parameter EnvelopeStateChunk instead |
optional string EnvelopeStateChunk |
if TrackEnvelope is set to nil, you can pass an EnvelopeStateChunk into this parameter, to get that armed state |
integer height, integer compacted = ultraschall.GetEnvelopeState_LaneHeight(TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope, optional string EnvelopeStateChunk)
integer height |
the height of this envelope in pixels; 24 - 263 pixels |
integer compacted |
1, envelope-lane is compacted("normal" height is not shown but still stored in height); 0, envelope-lane is "normal" height |
TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope |
the TrackEnvelope, whose state you want to know; nil, to use parameter EnvelopeStateChunk instead |
optional string EnvelopeStateChunk |
if TrackEnvelope is set to nil, you can pass an EnvelopeStateChunk into this parameter, to get that armed state |
table values = ultraschall.GetEnvelopeState_NumbersOnly(string state, optional string EnvelopeStateChunk, optional string functionname, optional boolean numbertoggle)
table values |
all values found as numerical indexed array |
string state |
the state, whose attributes you want to retrieve |
string TrackStateChunk |
a statechunk of an envelope |
optional string functionname |
if this function is used within specific gettrackstate-functions, pass here the "host"-functionname, so error-messages will reflect that |
optional boolean numbertoggle |
true or nil; converts all values to numbers; false, keep them as string versions |
number position, integer volume, integer point_shape_1, integer point_shape_2, integer selected, number bezier_tens1, number bezier_tens2 = ultraschall.GetEnvelopeState_PT(TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope, optional string EnvelopeStateChunk)
number position |
position of the point in seconds |
integer volume |
volume as fader-value |
integer point_shape |
may disappear with certain shapes, when point is unselected the values for point_shape_1 and point_shape_2 are: 0 0, linear 1 0, square 2 0, slow start/end 3 0, fast start 4 0, fast end 5 1, bezier |
integer selected |
1, selected; disappearing, unselected |
number unknown |
disappears, if no bezier is set |
number bezier_tens2 |
disappears, if no bezier is set; -1 to 1 0, for no bezier tension -0.5, for fast-start-beziertension 0.5, for fast-end-beziertension 1, for square-tension |
integer index |
the index-number of the envelope-point, whose states you want to have |
TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope |
the TrackEnvelope, whose state you want to know; nil, to use parameter EnvelopeStateChunk instead |
optional string EnvelopeStateChunk |
if TrackEnvelope is set to nil, you can pass an EnvelopeStateChunk into this parameter, to get that armed state |
integer id, number position, number length, number start_offset, number playrate, integer selected, number baseline, integer loopsource, integer i, number j, integer pool_id, integer mute = ultraschall.GetEnvelopeState_PooledEnvInstance(integer index, TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope, optional string EnvelopeStateChunk)
integer id |
counter of automation-items; 1-based |
number position |
position in seconds |
number length |
length in seconds |
number start_offset |
offset in seconds |
number playrate |
playrate; minimum value is 0.001; default is 1.000 |
integer selected |
1, automation item is selected; 0, automation item isn't selected |
number baseline |
0(-100) to 1(+100); default 0.5(0) |
number amplitude |
-2(-200) to 2(+200); default 1 (100) |
integer loopsource |
Loop Source; 0 and 1 are allowed settings; 1 is default |
integer i |
unknown; 0 is default |
number j |
unknown; 0 is default |
integer pool_id |
counts the automation-item-instances in this project, including deleted ones; 1-based |
integer mute |
1, mute automation-item; 0, unmute automation-item |
integer index |
the index-number of the automation-item, whose states you want to have |
TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope |
the TrackEnvelope, whose state you want to know; nil, to use parameter EnvelopeStateChunk instead |
optional string EnvelopeStateChunk |
if TrackEnvelope is set to nil, you can pass an EnvelopeStateChunk into this parameter, to get that armed state |
integer visible, integer lane, integer unknown = ultraschall.GetEnvelopeState_Vis(TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope, optional string EnvelopeStateChunk)
integer visible |
1, envelope is visible 0, envelope is not visible |
integer lane |
1, envelope is in it's own lane 0, envelope is in media-lane |
integer unknown |
unknown; default=1 |
TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope |
the TrackEnvelope, whose state you want to know; nil, to use parameter EnvelopeStateChunk instead |
optional string EnvelopeStateChunk |
if TrackEnvelope is set to nil, you can pass an EnvelopeStateChunk into this parameter, to get that armed state |
integer voltype = ultraschall.GetEnvelopeState_Voltype(TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope, optional string EnvelopeStateChunk)
integer voltype |
1, default volume-type is fader-scaling; if VOLTYPE-entry is not existing, default volume-type is amplitude-scaling |
TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope |
the TrackEnvelope, whose state you want to know; nil, to use parameter EnvelopeStateChunk instead |
optional string EnvelopeStateChunk |
if TrackEnvelope is set to nil, you can pass an EnvelopeStateChunk into this parameter, to get that armed state |
integer idxpre, array EnvelopePointObjectPre, integer idxpost, array EnvelopePointObjectPost = ultraschall.GetClosestEnvelopePointIDX_ByTime(integer Tracknumber, string EnvelopeName, number CheckTime)
integer idxpre |
the idx of the closest envelopepoint at or before CheckTime |
array EnvelopePointObjectPre |
an EnvelopePointObject of idxpre |
integer idxpost |
the idx of the closest envelopepoint after CheckTime |
array EnvelopePointObjectPost |
an EnvelopePointObject of idxpost |
integer Tracknumber |
the number of the track, beginning with 1. Use 0 for Master Track. |
string EnvelopeName |
the name of the envelope-lane |
number CheckTime |
the time in seconds to check for the closest envelope-points |
number time, number value, integer shape, number tension, boolean selected, number dBVal, array EnvelopePointObject = ultraschall.GetEnvelopePoint(integer Tracknumber, string EnvelopeName, integer idx)
number time |
the time of the envelope point |
number value |
the raw-value of the envelope point |
integer shape |
the shape of this envelope 0 - Linear 1 - Square 2 - Slow start/end 3 - Fast start 4 - Fast end 5 - Bezier |
number tension |
the intensity of the tension of the shape |
boolean selected |
true, if this point is selected; false if not |
number dBVal |
the envelopevalue converted to dB |
array EnvelopePointObject |
an array with all elements of an envelopepoint [1] - TrackEnvelope-object [2] - Envelope-idx, beginning with 0 for the first one [3] - time [4] - value [5] - shape [6] - tension [7] - selected [8] - dBValue converted from value |
integer Tracknumber |
the number of the track, beginning with 1. Use 0 for Master Track. |
string EnvelopeName |
the name of the envelope-lane |
integer idx |
the number of the envelope-point, beginning with 0 |
string EnvelopeString, array EnvelopePointArray = ultraschall.GetEnvelopePointIDX_Between(integer Tracknumber, string EnvelopeName, number startposition, number endposition)
string EnvelopeString |
a string with all envelope-point-idx in the selection, separated by commas. |
array EnvelopePointArray |
an array with all EnvelopePointObjects of all envelope-points in selection. |
integer Tracknumber |
the number of the track. 1 for track 1, 2 for track 2, etc. 0 for Master-track. |
string EnvelopeName |
the name of the envelope-lane, where you want to have the envelope-points of. |
number startposition |
the startposition of the selection in seconds. Must be bigger than or equal 0. |
number endposition |
the endposition of the selection in seconds. Must be bigger than startposition. |
boolean retval, optional integer envpointidx, optional number time, optional number value, optional integer shape, optional number tension, optional boolean selected = ultraschall.GetLastEnvelopePoint_TrackEnvelope(TrackEnvelope Envelope)
boolean retval |
true, getting the envelopepoint was successful; false, in case of an error |
optional integer envpointidx |
the idx of the found envelope-point; with 0 for the first one on the Envelope |
optional number time |
the time of the envelope-point in seconds |
optional number value |
the value of the envelope-point |
optional integer shape |
the shape of the envelope-point 0 - Linear 1 - Square 2 - Slow start/end 3 - Fast start 4 - Fast end 5 - Bezier |
optional number tension |
the intensity of the tension of the shape |
optional boolean selected |
true, envelope-point is selected; false, it is not selected |
TrackEnvelope Envelope |
the Trackenvelope/MediaItemenvelope, whose last point you want |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ActivateEnvelope(TrackEnvelope env, optional boolean visible, optional boolean bypass)
boolean retval |
true, activating was successful; false, activating was unsuccessful |
TrackEnvelope Envelope |
the envelope, which you want to activate |
optional boolean visible |
true or nil, show envelope; false, don't show envelope |
optional boolean bypass |
true or nil, don't bypass envelope; false, bypass envelope |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ActivateTrackPanEnv(integer track)
boolean retval |
true, activating was successful; false, activating was unsuccessful |
integer track |
the track, whose pan-envelope you want to activate; 1, for the first track |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ActivateTrackPanEnv_TrackObject(MediaTrack track)
boolean retval |
true, activating was successful; false, activating was unsuccessful |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose pan-envelope you want to activate |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ActivateTrackPreFXPanEnv(integer track)
boolean retval |
true, activating was successful; false, activating was unsuccessful |
integer track |
the track, whose preFX-pan-envelope you want to activate; 1, for the first track |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ActivateTrackPreFXPanEnv_TrackObject(MediaTrack track)
boolean retval |
true, activating was successful; false, activating was unsuccessful |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose prefx-pan-envelope you want to activate |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ActivateTrackPreFXVolumeEnv(integer track)
boolean retval |
true, activating was successful; false, activating was unsuccessful |
integer track |
the track, whose preFX-volume-envelope you want to activate; 1, for the first track |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ActivateTrackPreFXVolumeEnv_TrackObject(MediaTrack track)
boolean retval |
true, activating was successful; false, activating was unsuccessful |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose prefx-volume-envelope you want to activate |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ActivateTrackTrimVolumeEnv(integer track)
boolean retval |
true, activating was successful; false, activating was unsuccessful |
integer track |
the track, whose trim-volume-envelope you want to activate; 1, for the first track |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ActivateTrackTrimVolumeEnv_TrackObject(MediaTrack track)
boolean retval |
true, activating was successful; false, activating was unsuccessful |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose trim-volume-envelope you want to activate |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ActivateTrackVolumeEnv(integer track)
boolean retval |
true, activating was successful; false, activating was unsuccessful |
integer track |
the track, whose volume-envelope you want to activate; 1, for the first track |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ActivateTrackVolumeEnv_TrackObject(MediaTrack track)
boolean retval |
true, activating was successful; false, activating was unsuccessful |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose volume-envelope you want to activate |
boolean retval = ultraschall.CheckEnvelopePointObject(array EnvelopePointObject)
boolean retval |
true, if it's a valid EnvelopePointObject; false if not |
array EnvelopePointObject |
an array with all information of an envelope point |
integer envpoint_count = ultraschall.CountEnvelopePoints(integer Tracknumber, string EnvelopeName)
integer envpoint_count |
the number of envelope-points in requested track+envelope-lane |
integer Tracknumber |
the number of the track, beginning with 1. Use 0 for Master Track. |
string EnvelopeName |
the name of the envelope-lane |
boolean retval, array EnvelopePointObject = ultraschall.CreateEnvelopePointObject(TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope, integer idx, number time, number value, integer shape, number tension, boolean selected)
boolean retval |
false in case of error, true in case of success. |
array EnvelopePointObject |
an array with all elements of the envelopepoint [1] - TrackEnvelope-object [2] - Envelope-idx, beginning with 0 for the first one [3] - time [4] - value [5] - shape [6] - tension [7] - selected [8] - dBValue converted from value |
TrackEnvelope env |
the track-envelope, in which this EnvelopePointObject shall be |
integer idx |
the number of the envelope-point, beginning with 0 |
number time |
the time of the envelope point in seconds |
number value |
the raw-value of the envelope point |
integer shape |
the shape of this envelope 0 - Linear 1 - Square 2 - Slow start/end 3 - Fast start 4 - Fast end 5 - Bezier |
number tension |
the intensity of the tension of the shape |
boolean selected |
true, if this point is selected; false if not |
integer number_of_active_envelopes, table found_envelopes = ultraschall.GetAllActiveEnvelopes_Take(MediaItem_Take take)
integer number_of_active_envelopes |
the number of active envelopes; -1, in case of an error |
table found_envelopes |
the found envelopes(see description for more details) |
MediaItem_Take take |
the take, whose active envelopes you want to get |
integer number_of_active_envelopes, table found_envelopes = ultraschall.GetAllActiveEnvelopes_Track(MediaTrack track)
integer number_of_active_envelopes |
the number of active envelopes; -1, in case of an error |
table found_envelopes |
the found envelopes(see description for more details) |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose active envelopes you want to get |
TrackEnvelope envelope = ultraschall.GetTrackEnvelopeFromPoint(integer x, integer y)
TrackEnvelope envelope |
the envelope found at position x and y |
integer x |
the x-position in pixels, at which to look for envelopes |
integer y |
the y-position in pixels, at which to look for envelopes |
boolean clickstate, number position, MediaTrack track, TrackEnvelope envelope, integer EnvelopePointIDX = ultraschall.GetTrackEnvelope_ClickState(integer mouse_button)
boolean clickstate |
true, an envelopepoint has been clicked; false, no envelopepoint has been clicked |
number position |
the position, at which the mouse has clicked |
MediaTrack track |
the track, from which the envelope and it's corresponding point is taken from |
TrackEnvelope envelope |
the TrackEnvelope, in which the clicked envelope-point lies |
integer EnvelopePointIDX |
the id of the clicked EnvelopePoint |
integer mouse_button |
the mousebutton, that shall be clicked at the envelope; you can combine them as flags -1, get all states &1, only left mouse button &2, only right mouse button &4, Ctrl/Cmd-key &8, Shift-key &16, Alt key &32, Windows key &64, Middle mouse button |
boolean valid = ultraschall.IsValidEnvStateChunk(string EnvelopeStateChunk)
boolean valid |
true, if the string is a valid statechunk; false, if not a valid statechunk |
string EnvelopeStateChunk |
a string to check, if it's a valid EnvelopeStateChunk |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsValidEnvelopePointArray(EnvelopePointArray EnvelopePointArray)
boolean retval |
true, EnvelopePointArray is a valid one; false, EnvelopePointArray isn't valid |
EnvelopePointArray EnvelopePointArray |
the EnvelopePointArray to check for it's validity |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsValidEnvelopePointObject(array EnvelopePointObject)
boolean retval |
true, if it's a valid EnvelopePointObject; false if not |
array EnvelopePointObject |
an array with all information of an envelope point |
boolean retval, optional string EnvelopeStateChunk = ultraschall.SetArmState_Envelope(TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope, integer state, optional string EnvelopeStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
optional string EnvelopeStateChunk |
the altered EnvelopeStateChunk, when parameter TrackEnvelope is set to nil |
TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope |
the TrackEnvelope, whose armed-state you want to change |
integer state |
0, unarmed; 1, armed |
optional string EnvelopeStateChunk |
if parameter TrackEnvelope is set to nil, you can pass an EnvelopeStateChunk into this parameters and change its arm-state |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetEnvelopeState_Act(TrackEnvelope env, integer act, integer automation_settings, optional string EnvelopeStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string EnvelopeStateChunk |
the altered EnvelopeStateChunk |
TrackEnvelope env |
the envelope, in whose envelope you want set the bypass and automation-item-states; nil, to use parameter EnvelopeStateChunk instead |
integer act |
bypass-setting; 0, bypass on 1, no bypass |
integer automation_settings |
automation item-options for this envelope -1, project default behavior, outside of automation items 0, automation items do not attach underlying envelope 1, automation items attach to the underlying envelope on the right side 2, automation items attach to the underlying envelope on both sides 3, no automation item-options for this envelope 4, bypass underlying envelope outside of automation items |
optional string EnvelopeStateChunk |
an EnvelopeStateChunk, in which you want to set these settings |
boolean retval, string EnvelopeStateChunk = ultraschall.SetEnvelopeState_DefShape(TrackEnvelope env, integer shape, integer pitch_custom_envelope_range, integer pitch_snap_values, optional string EnvelopeStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string EnvelopeStateChunk |
the altered EnvelopeStateChunk |
TrackEnvelope env |
the envelope, in whose envelope you want set the default shape and pitch-snap states; nil, to use parameter EnvelopeStateChunk instead |
integer shape |
the default shape of envelope-points 0, linear 1, square 2, slow start/end 3, fast start 4, fast end 5, bezier |
integer pitch_custom_envelope_range_takes |
the custom envelope range as set in the Pitch Envelope Settings; only available in take-fx-envelope "Pitch" -1, if unset or for non pitch-envelopes 0, Custom envelope range-checkbox unchecked 1-2147483647, the actual semitones |
integer pitch_snap_values |
the snap values-dropdownlist as set in the Pitch Envelope Settings-dialog; only available in take-fx-envelope "Pitch" -1, unset/Follow global default 0, Off 1, 1 Semitone 2, 50 cent 3, 25 cent 4, 10 cent 5, 5 cent 6, 1 cent |
optional string EnvelopeStateChunk |
an EnvelopeStateChunk, in which you want to set these settings |
boolean retval, string EnvelopeStateChunk = ultraschall.SetEnvelopeState_LaneHeight(TrackEnvelope env, integer height, integer compacted, optional string EnvelopeStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string EnvelopeStateChunk |
the altered EnvelopeStateChunk |
TrackEnvelope env |
the envelope, whose envelope you want set the height and compacted-states; nil, to us parameter EnvelopeStateChunk instead |
integer height |
the height of the laneheight; the height of this envelope in pixels; 24 - 263 pixels |
integer compacted |
1, envelope-lane is compacted("normal" height is not shown but still stored in height); 0, envelope-lane is "normal" height |
optional string EnvelopeStateChunk |
an EnvelopeStateChunk, in which you want to set these settings |
boolean retval, string EnvelopeStateChunk = ultraschall.SetEnvelopeState_Vis(TrackEnvelope env, integer visibility, integer lane, integer unknown, optional string EnvelopeStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string EnvelopeStateChunk |
the altered EnvelopeStateChunk |
TrackEnvelope env |
the envelope, in whose envelope you want set the visibility states; nil, to us parameter EnvelopeStateChunk instead |
integer visibility |
the visibility of the envelope; 0, invisible; 1, visible |
integer lane |
the position of the envelope in the lane; 0, envelope is in media-lane; 1, envelope is in it's own lane |
integer unknown |
unknown; default=1 |
optional string EnvelopeStateChunk |
an EnvelopeStateChunk, in which you want to set these settings |
boolean retval = ultraschall.AddEnvelopePoints_EnvelopePointArray(array EnvelopePointArray, boolean sort_in)
boolean retval |
true, if it's a valid EnvelopePointObject; false if not |
array EnvelopePointArray |
an array with all EnvelopePointObjects you want to insert |
boolean sort_in |
set true, if setting multiple points at once and call Envelope_SortPoints when done. |
boolean retval = ultraschall.AddEnvelopePoints_EnvelopePointObject(array EnvelopePointObject, boolean sort_in)
boolean retval |
true, if it's a valid EnvelopePointObject; false if not |
array EnvelopePointObject |
an array with all information of an envelope point |
boolean sort_in |
set true, if setting multiple points at once and call Envelope_SortPoints when done. |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DeleteEnvelopePoints_EnvelopePointArray(array EnvelopePointArray)
boolean retval |
true, if it's a valid EnvelopePointObject; false if not |
array EnvelopePointArray |
an array with all EnvelopePointObjects you want to insert |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DeleteEnvelopePoints_EnvelopePointObject(array EnvelopePointObject)
boolean retval |
true, if it's a valid EnvelopePointObject; false if not |
array EnvelopePointObject |
an array with all information of an envelope point |
integer retval = ultraschall.DeleteTrackEnvelopePointsBetween(number startposition, number endposition, MediaTrack MediaTrack)
integer retval |
-1 in case of failure |
number startposition |
the startposition in seconds |
number endposition |
the endposition in seconds |
MediaTrack MediaTrack |
the MediaTrack object of the track, where the EnvelopsPoints shall be moved |
integer retval = ultraschall.MoveTrackEnvelopePointsBy(number startposition, number endposition, number moveby, MediaTrack MediaTrack, boolean cut_at_border)
integer retval |
-1 in case of failure |
number startposition |
the startposition in seconds |
number endposition |
the endposition in seconds |
number moveby |
in seconds, negative values: move toward beginning of project, positive values: move toward the end of project |
MediaTrack MediaTrack |
the MediaTrack object of the track, where the EnvelopsPoints shall be moved |
boolean cut_at_border |
true, cut envelope-points, that would move outside section between startposition and endposition |
boolean retval, string TrackEnvelopeStateChunk = ultraschall.SetEnvelopeHeight(integer Height, boolean Compacted, TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope, string TrackEnvelopeStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true in case of success; false in case of error |
string TrackEnvelopeStateChunk |
the altered TrackEnvelopeStateChunk |
integer Height |
the height of the envelopelane in pixels when not compacted. Reaper accepts 24-443 currently. Nil keeps old value. |
boolean Compacted |
shall the envelopelane be compacted(true) or not(false). Nil keeps old value. |
TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope |
the TrackEnvelope to alter, or nil to use the TrackEnvelopeStateChunk instead |
optional string TrackEnvelopeStateChunk |
the TrackEnvelopeStateChunk you want to alter. Will be used only, if TrackEnvelope is set to nil |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetEnvelopePoints_EnvelopePointArray(array EnvelopePointArray, boolean sort_in)
boolean retval |
true, if it's a valid EnvelopePointObject; false if not |
array EnvelopePointArray |
an array with all EnvelopePointObjects you want to insert |
boolean sort_in |
set true, if setting multiple points at once and call Envelope_SortPoints when done. |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetEnvelopePoints_EnvelopePointObject(array EnvelopePointObject, boolean sort_in)
boolean retval |
true, if it's a valid EnvelopePointObject; false if not |
array EnvelopePointObject |
an array with all information of an envelope point |
boolean sort_in |
set true, if setting multiple points at once and call Envelope_SortPoints when done. |
string event_identifier = ultraschall.EventManager_AddEvent(string EventName, integer CheckAllXSeconds, integer CheckForXSeconds, boolean StartActionsOnceDuringTrue, boolean EventPaused, function CheckFunction, table Actions)
string event_identifier |
the unique identifier for this registered event, which can be used later for setting, deleting, etc |
string EventName |
a name for the event, which you can choose freely; duplicated eventnames are allowed |
integer CheckAllXSeconds |
only check all x seconds; 0, for constant checking this value will be used as approximate time, not necessarily exact. That means, 2 seconds given may be 2.5 in some cases! This is due general limitations with backgroundscripts. |
integer CheckForXSeconds |
only check for x seconds; 0, check until the event is removed this value will be used as approximate time, not necessarily exact. That means, 2 seconds given may be 2.5 in some cases! This is due general limitations with backgroundscripts. |
boolean StartActionsOnceDuringTrue |
if the event occurred: true, run the actions only once; false, run until the CheckFunction returns false again |
boolean EventPaused |
false, register the event and check for it immediately; true, register the event but don't check for it yet |
function CheckFunction |
the function, which shall check if the event occurred this function must return true if the event occurred and false, if not No global variables allowed! Instead, the eventmanager will pass to it as first parameter a table which can be used for storing information |
table Actions |
a table which holds all actions and their accompanying sections, who shall be run when the event occurred each entry of the table must be of the format "actioncommandid,section", e.g.: Actions[1]="1007,0" Actions[2]="1012,0" You can have as many actions as you like, but be aware, that running too many actions may delay further eventchecking! |
string event_identifier = ultraschall.EventManager_AddStartupEvent(string EventName, integer CheckAllXSeconds, integer CheckForXSeconds, boolean StartActionsOnceDuringTrue, boolean EventPaused, function CheckFunction, table Actions)
string event_identifier |
the unique identifier for this registered event, which can be used later for setting, deleting, etc |
string EventName |
a name for the event, which you can choose freely; duplicated eventnames are allowed |
integer CheckAllXSeconds |
only check all x seconds; 0, for constant checking this value will be used as approximate time, not necessarily exact. That means, 2 seconds given may be 2.5 in some cases! This is due general limitations with backgroundscripts. |
integer CheckForXSeconds |
only check for x seconds; 0, check until the event is removed this value will be used as approximate time, not necessarily exact. That means, 2 seconds given may be 2.5 in some cases! This is due general limitations with backgroundscripts. |
boolean StartActionsOnceDuringTrue |
if the event occurred: true, run the actions only once; false, run until the CheckFunction returns false again |
boolean EventPaused |
false, register the event and check for it immediately; true, register the event but don't check for it yet |
function CheckFunction |
the function, which shall check if the event occurred this function must return true if the event occurred and false, if not No global variables allowed! Instead, the eventmanager will pass to the function as first parameter a table which can be used for storing information |
table Actions |
a table which holds all actions and their accompanying sections, who shall be run when the event occurred each entry of the table must be of the format "actioncommandid,section", e.g.: Actions[1]="1007,0" Actions[2]="1012,0" You can have as many actions as you like, but be aware, that running too many actions may delay further eventchecking! |
integer count_of_registered_events = ultraschall.EventManager_CountRegisteredEvents()
integer count_of_registered_events |
the number of currently registered events |
integer count_startup_events = ultraschall.EventManager_CountStartupEvents()
integer count_startup_events |
the number of currently available start-up-events for the EventManager |
ultraschall.EventManager_DebugMode(boolean toggle)
Starts Debugmode of the EventManager, which returns additional internal states.
Allows you to get the contents of the UserSpace of a certain checkfunction of a registered event, see EventManager_DebugMode_UserSpace.
Note: Debugmode is not for productive usecases, as it costs resources. Please turn it off again, after you've finished debugging.
boolean toggle |
true, turn debugmode on; false, turn debugmode off |
integer userspace_count, table userspace = ultraschall.EventManager_DebugMode_UserSpace(integer index)
Returns the current contents of the UserSpace, as stored by the checkfunction of a registered event in the EventManager.
The table is of the format:
userspace[index]["index"] - the name of the index
userspace[index]["datatype"] - the datatype of the value in this userspace-index
userspace[index]["value"] - the value in this userspace-index
Note: Debugmode is not for productive usecases, as it costs resources. Please turn it off again, after you've finished debugging. See EventManager_DebugMode for more details on stopping DebugMode.
returns nil in case of an error
integer userspace_count |
the number of values within the userspace |
table userspace |
the contents of the userspace as a handy table |
integer index |
the index of the event, whose UserSpace you want to retrieve |
table runstates = ultraschall.EventManager_Debug_GetAllActionRunStates()
table runstates |
a table with all runstates of the actions of events, if they were run the last time(true) or not(false) |
number seconds_eventcheck_functions, number seconds_between_eventcheck_cycles = ultraschall.EventManager_Debug_GetExecutionTime()
number seconds_eventcheck_functions |
the number of seconds it took, for all event-check functions to check in the last event-check-cycle |
number seconds_between_eventcheck_cycles |
the time between two event-check-cycles, usually when other actions are run |
string EventIdentifier, string EventName, string CallerScriptIdentifier, integer CheckAllXSeconds, integer CheckForXSeconds, boolean StartActionsOnceDuringTrue, boolean EventPaused, function CheckFunction, integer NumberOfActions, table Actions = ultraschall.EventManager_EnumerateEvents(integer id)
string EventIdentifier |
the EventIdentifier of the registered event |
string EventName |
the name of the event |
string CallerScriptIdentifier |
the ScriptIdentifier of the script, who registered the event |
integer CheckAllXSeconds |
only check all x seconds; 0, for constant checking this value will be used as approximate time, not necessarily exact. That means, 2 seconds given may be 2.5 in some cases! This is due general limitations with backgroundscripts. |
integer CheckForXSeconds |
only check for x seconds; 0, check until the event is removed this value will be used as approximate time, not necessarily exact. That means, 2 seconds given may be 2.5 in some cases! This is due general limitations with backgroundscripts. |
boolean StartActionsOnceDuringTrue |
if the event occurred: true, run the actions only once false, run until the CheckFunction returns false again |
boolean EventPaused |
true, eventcheck is currently paused; false, eventcheck is currently running |
function CheckFunction |
the function, which shall check if the event occurred |
integer NumberOfActions |
the number of actions currently registered with this event |
table Actions |
a table which holds all actions and their accompanying sections, who are run when the event occurred each entry of the table is of the format "actioncommandid,section", e.g.: Actions[1]="1007,0" Actions[2]="1012,0" |
integer id |
the id of the currently registered event, of which you want to have the attributes; starting with 1 for the first |
string EventIdentifier, string EventName, string CallerScriptIdentifier, integer CheckAllXSeconds, integer CheckForXSeconds, boolean StartActionsOnceDuringTrue, boolean EventPaused, function CheckFunction, integer NumberOfActions, table Actions = ultraschall.EventManager_EnumerateEvents2(string EventIdentifier)
string EventIdentifier |
the EventIdentifier of the registered event |
string EventName |
the name of the event |
string CallerScriptIdentifier |
the ScriptIdentifier of the script, who registered the event |
integer CheckAllXSeconds |
only check all x seconds; 0, for constant checking this value will be used as approximate time, not necessarily exact. That means, 2 seconds given may be 2.5 in some cases! This is due general limitations with backgroundscripts. |
integer CheckForXSeconds |
only check for x seconds; 0, check until the event is removed this value will be used as approximate time, not necessarily exact. That means, 2 seconds given may be 2.5 in some cases! This is due general limitations with backgroundscripts. |
boolean StartActionsOnceDuringTrue |
if the event occurred: true, run the actions only once false, run until the CheckFunction returns false again |
boolean EventPaused |
true, eventcheck is currently paused; false, eventcheck is currently running |
function CheckFunction |
the function, which shall check if the event occurred |
integer NumberOfActions |
the number of actions currently registered with this event |
table Actions |
a table which holds all actions and their accompanying sections, who are run when the event occurred each entry of the table is of the format "actioncommandid,section", e.g.: Actions[1]="1007,0" Actions[2]="1012,0" |
string Eventidentifier |
the EventIdentifier of the currently registered event, of which you want to have the attributes |
string EventIdentifier, string Eventname, string CallerScriptIdentifier, number CheckAllXSeconds, number CheckForXSeconds, boolean StartActionsOnceDuringTrue, boolean Paused, function CheckFunction, number NumberOfActions, table Actions = ultraschall.EventManager_EnumerateStartupEvents(integer index)
string EventIdentifier |
the EventIdentifier of the startup-event |
string EventName |
a name for the startupevent |
string CallerScriptIdentifier |
the ScriptIdentifier of the script, which added this event to the StartUpEvents |
integer CheckAllXSeconds |
only check all x seconds; 0, for constant checking this value will be used as approximate time, not necessarily exact. That means, 2 seconds given may be 2.5 in some cases! This is due general limitations with backgroundscripts. |
integer CheckForXSeconds |
only check for x seconds; 0, check until the event is removed this value will be used as approximate time, not necessarily exact. That means, 2 seconds given may be 2.5 in some cases! This is due general limitations with backgroundscripts. |
boolean StartActionsOnceDuringTrue |
if the event occurred: true, run the actions only once; false, run until the CheckFunction returns false again |
boolean Paused |
true, the event shall be started as paused; false, the event shall be run immediately |
function CheckFunction |
the function, which shall check if the event occurred |
integer NumberOfActions |
the number of actions currently registered with this event |
table Actions |
a table which holds all actions and their accompanying sections, who are run when the event occurred each entry of the table is of the format "actioncommandid,section", e.g.: Actions[1]="1007,0" Actions[2]="1012,0" |
integer index |
the index of the StartUp-event, whose attributes you want to get; 1 for the first, etc |
integer index, string EventIdentifier, string Eventname, string CallerScriptIdentifier, number CheckAllXSeconds, number CheckForXSeconds, boolean StartActionsOnceDuringTrue, boolean Paused, function CheckFunction, number NumberOfActions, table Actions = ultraschall.EventManager_EnumerateStartupEvents2(string EventIdentifier)
integer index |
the index of the StartupEvent within all StartUpEvents |
string EventIdentifier |
the EventIdentifier of the startup-event |
string EventName |
a name for the startupevent |
string CallerScriptIdentifier |
the ScriptIdentifier of the script, which added this event to the StartUpEvents |
integer CheckAllXSeconds |
only check all x seconds; 0, for constant checking this value will be used as approximate time, not necessarily exact. That means, 2 seconds given may be 2.5 in some cases! This is due general limitations with backgroundscripts. |
integer CheckForXSeconds |
only check for x seconds; 0, check until the event is removed this value will be used as approximate time, not necessarily exact. That means, 2 seconds given may be 2.5 in some cases! This is due general limitations with backgroundscripts. |
boolean StartActionsOnceDuringTrue |
if the event occurred: true, run the actions only once; false, run until the CheckFunction returns false again |
boolean Paused |
true, the event shall be started as paused; false, the event shall be run immediately |
function CheckFunction |
the function, which shall check if the event occurred |
integer NumberOfActions |
the number of actions currently registered with this event |
table Actions |
a table which holds all actions and their accompanying sections, who are run when the event occurred each entry of the table is of the format "actioncommandid,section", e.g.: Actions[1]="1007,0" Actions[2]="1012,0" |
string EventIdentifier |
the identifier of the StartupEvent, that you want to enumerate |
table eventidentifier = ultraschall.EventManager_GetAllEventIdentifier()
table eventidentifier |
a table with all existing event-identifiers in order of registration |
table eventidentifier = ultraschall.EventManager_GetAllEventIdentifier()
table eventidentifier |
a table with all existing event-identifiers in order of registration |
table eventnames = ultraschall.EventManager_GetAllEventNames()
table eventidentifier |
a table with all existing event-names |
string event_identifier = ultraschall.EventManager_GetEventIdentifier(integer id)
integer id |
the id of the event, whose EventIdenrifier you want to retrieve; 1, the first event; 2, the second event, etc |
boolean check_state, number last_statechange_precise_time = ultraschall.EventManager_GetLastCheckfunctionState(integer id)
integer id |
the id of the event, whose eventcheckfunction-retval you want to retrieve; 1, the first event; 2, the second event, etc |
boolean check_state, number last_statechange_precise_time = ultraschall.EventManager_GetLastCheckfunctionState2(string EventIdentifier)
string EventIdentifier |
the EventIdentifier of the event, whose last checkfunction-state you want to retrieve |
string datetime, number precise_time = ultraschall.EventManager_GetLastUpdateTime()
string datetime |
the date and time of the last update, as returned by os.date() |
number precise_time |
the last update time as number, as returned by reaper.time_precise() |
boolean paused_state = ultraschall.EventManager_GetPausedState(integer id)
integer id |
the id of the event, whose paused-state you want to retrieve; 1, the first event; 2, the second event, etc |
boolean paused_state = ultraschall.EventManager_GetPausedState2(string EventIdentifier)
string EventIdentifier |
the identifier of the registered event, whose pause state you want to retrieve |
integer id = ultraschall.EventManager_GetRegisteredEventID(string EventIdentifier)
string EventIdentifier |
the EventIdentifier of the event, whose id you want to retrieve |
boolean valid, boolean valid_inuse = ultraschall.EventManager_IsValidEventIdentifier(string event_identifier)
boolean valid |
true, valid EventIdentifier; false, no valid EventIdentifier |
boolean valid_inuse |
true, valid EventIdentifier, which is currently registered and in use by the EventManager; false, no currently registered EventIdentifier |
string event_identifier |
the unique identifier of the registered event, that you want to check |
boolean retval = ultraschall.EventManager_PauseEvent(string event_identifier)
boolean retval |
true, pausing was successful; false, pausing was unsuccessful |
string event_identifier |
the unique identifier of the registered event, which you want to pause in the EventManager |
boolean retval = ultraschall.EventManager_RemoveAllEvents_Script(string ScriptIdentifier)
boolean retval |
true, removing was successful; false, removing was unsuccessful |
string ScriptIdentifier |
the unique identifier of the registered event, which you want to remove from the EventManager |
boolean retval = ultraschall.EventManager_RemoveEvent(string event_identifier)
boolean retval |
true, removing was successful; false, removing was unsuccessful |
string event_identifier |
the unique identifier of the registered event, which you want to remove from the EventManager |
boolean retval = ultraschall.EventManager_RemoveStartupEvent(string event_identifier)
boolean retval |
true, removing was successful; false, removing was unsuccessful |
string event_identifier |
the unique identifier of the startup event, which you want to remove from the EventManager-startup-procedure |
boolean retval = ultraschall.EventManager_RemoveStartupEvent2(integer id)
boolean retval |
true, removing was successful; false, removing was unsuccessful |
string event_identifier |
the unique identifier of the startup event, which you want to remove from the EventManager-startup-procedure |
boolean retval = ultraschall.EventManager_ResumeEvent(string event_identifier)
boolean retval |
true, resuming was successful; false, resuming was unsuccessful |
string event_identifier |
the unique identifier of the registered event, which you want to resume in the EventManager |
boolean retval = ultraschall.EventManager_SetEvent(string EventIdentifier, optional string EventName, optional integer CheckAllXSeconds, optional integer CheckForXSeconds, optional boolean StartActionsOnceDuringTrue, optional boolean EventPaused, optional function CheckFunction, optional table Actions)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting wasn't successful |
string EventIdentifier |
the EventIdentifier of the registered event, which you want to set |
optional string EventName |
a name for the event, which you can choose freely; duplicated eventnames are allowed; nil, keep the old name |
optional integer CheckAllXSeconds |
only check all x seconds; 0, for constant checking; nil, keep the old value this value will be used as approximate time, not necessarily exact. That means, 2 seconds given may be 2.5 in some cases! This is due general limitations with backgroundscripts. |
optional integer CheckForXSeconds |
only check for x seconds; 0, check until the event is removed; nil, keep the old value this value will be used as approximate time, not necessarily exact. That means, 2 seconds given may be 2.5 in some cases! This is due general limitations with backgroundscripts. |
optional boolean StartActionsOnceDuringTrue |
if the event occurred: true, run the actions only once; false, run until the CheckFunction returns false again nil, keep the old value |
optional boolean EventPaused |
false, register the event and check for it immediately; true, register the event but don't check for it yet; nil, keep the old value |
optional function CheckFunction |
the function, which shall check if the event occurred; nil, keep the old function this function must return true if the event occurred and false, if not No global variables allowed! Instead, the eventmanager will pass to the function as first parameter a table which can be used for storing information |
optional table Actions |
a table which holds all actions and their accompanying sections, who shall be run when the event occurred; nil, keep the old actionlist each entry of the table must be of the format "actioncommandid,section", e.g.: Actions[1]="1007,0" Actions[2]="1012,0" You can have as many actions as you like, but be aware, that running too many actions may delay further eventchecking! |
string event_identifier = ultraschall.EventManager_SetStartupEvent(string EventIdentifier, optional string EventName, optional integer CheckAllXSeconds, optional integer CheckForXSeconds, optional boolean StartActionsOnceDuringTrue, optional boolean EventPaused, optional function CheckFunction, optional table Actions)
string event_identifier |
the unique identifier for this registered event, which can be used later for setting, deleting, etc |
string EventIdentifier |
the EventIdentifier of the startup-event, which you want to set |
optional string EventName |
a name for the event, which you can choose freely; duplicated eventnames are allowed; nil, to keep current name |
optional integer CheckAllXSeconds |
only check all x seconds; 0, for constant checking; nil, to keep current value this value will be used as approximate time, not necessarily exact. That means, 2 seconds given may be 2.5 in some cases! This is due general limitations with backgroundscripts. |
optional integer CheckForXSeconds |
only check for x seconds; 0, check until the event is removed; nil, to keep current value this value will be used as approximate time, not necessarily exact. That means, 2 seconds given may be 2.5 in some cases! This is due general limitations with backgroundscripts. |
optional boolean StartActionsOnceDuringTrue |
if the event occurred: true, run the actions only once; false, run until the CheckFunction returns false again nil, to keep current value |
optional boolean EventPaused |
false, register the event and check for it immediately; true, register the event but don't check for it yet; nil, to keep current value |
optional function CheckFunction |
the function, which shall check if the event occurred; nil, to keep current function this function must return true if the event occurred and false, if not No global variables allowed! Instead, the eventmanager will pass to the function as first parameter a table which can be used for storing information |
optional table Actions |
a table which holds all actions and their accompanying sections, who shall be run when the event occurred; nil, to keep current actionlist each entry of the table must be of the format "actioncommandid,section", e.g.: Actions[1]="1007,0" Actions[2]="1012,0" You can have as many actions as you like, but be aware, that running too many actions may delay further eventchecking! |
boolean retval = ultraschall.EventManager_Start()
boolean retval |
true, EventManager has been started successfully; false, EventManager couldn't be started |
ultraschall.EventManager_Stop(optional boolean force, optional string ScriptIdentifier)
optional boolean force |
true, stops the EventManager, even if other scripts have registered events to it; false or nil, don't force stop |
optional string ScriptIdentifier |
if you want to unregister events from a different script, pass here the ScriptIdentifier of this script; nil, use the ScriptIdentifier of the current script |
integer count_of_fx= ultraschall.CountFXFromFXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk)
integer count_of_fx |
the number of fx within the FXStateChunk |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk in which you want to count the fx |
integer count_of_takefx_statechunks, integer count_of_trackfx_statechunks = ultraschall.CountFXStateChunksInStateChunk(string StateChunk)
integer count_of_takefx_statechunks |
the number of take-fx-StateChunks within the StateChunk. When passing Track/ProjectStateChunks, it returns number of all FXStateChunks from all Takes within the StateChunk |
integer count_of_trackfx_statechunks |
the number of TrackFX-StateChunks; each track alawys has a single one, so it should match the number of tracks within the StateChunk; 0, if you pass a ItemStateChunk |
string StateChunk |
the StateChunk, whose count of FXStateChunks you want to retrieve |
integer count_of_RFXChainfiles, array RFXChainfiles = ultraschall.GetAllRFXChainfilenames()
integer count_of_RFXChainfiles |
the number of available RFXChainFiles |
array RFXChainfiles |
the filenames of the RFXChainfiles |
string FXStateChunk = ultraschall.GetBatchConverter_FXStateChunk()
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk of the BatchConverter |
string FXStateChunk = ultraschall.GetBatchConverter_FXStateChunk()
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk of the BatchConverter |
string FXStateChunk, integer linenumber = ultraschall.GetFXStateChunk(string StateChunk, optional integer TakeFXChain_id)
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, stored in the StateChunk |
integer linenumber |
returns the first linenumber, at which the found FXStateChunk starts in the StateChunk |
string StateChunk |
the StateChunk, from which you want to retrieve the FXStateChunk |
optional integer TakeFXChain_id |
when using MediaItemStateChunks, this allows you to choose the take of which you want the FXChain; default is 1 |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsValidFXStateChunk(string StateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, it is a valid FXStateChunk; false, it is not |
string StateChunk |
the StateChunk, which you want to check, whether it's a valid FXStateChunk |
string FXStateChunk = ultraschall.LoadFXStateChunkFromRFXChainFile(string filename, integer trackfx_or_takefx)
string FXStateChunk |
the loaded FXStateChunk; nil, in case of an error |
string filename |
the filename of the RFXChain-file(must include ".RfxChain"); omit the path to load it from the folder ResourcePath/FXChains |
integer trackfx_or_takefx |
0, return the FXStateChunk as Track-FXStateChunk; 1, return the FXStateChunk as Take-FXStateChunk |
string alteredItemStateChunk = ultraschall.RemoveFXStateChunkFromItemStateChunk(string ItemStateChunk, integer take_id)
string alteredItemStateChunk |
the StateChunk, from which the FXStateChunk was removed |
string ItemStateChunk |
the ItemStateChunk, from which you want to remove an FXStateChunk |
integer take_id |
the take, whose FXStateChunk you want to remove |
string altered_TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.RemoveFXStateChunkFromTrackStateChunk(string TrackStateChunk)
string altered_TrackStateChunk |
the TrackStateChunk, cleared of the Track-FXStateChunk |
string TrackStateChunk |
the TrackStateChunk, whose FXStateChunk you want to remove |
integer retval = ultraschall.SaveFXStateChunkAsRFXChainfile(string filename, string FXStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of failure, 1 in case of success |
string filename |
the filename of the output-RFXChain-file(must include ".RfxChain"); omit the path to save it into the folder ResourcePath/FXChains |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, which you want to set into the TrackStateChunk |
boolean retval, optional string alteredStateChunk = ultraschall.SetFXStateChunk(string StateChunk, string FXStateChunk, optional integer TakeFXChain_id)
boolean retval |
true, if setting fxstatechunk was successful; false, if setting was unsuccessful |
optional string alteredStateChunk |
the altered StateChunk |
string StateChunk |
the TrackStateChunk, into which you want to set the FXChain |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, which you want to set into the TrackStateChunk |
optional integer TakeFXChain_id |
when using MediaItemStateChunks, this allows you to choose the take of which you want the FXChain; default is 1 |
integer dockstate = ultraschall.GetDocked_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk)
integer dockstate |
0, undocked; 1, docked |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, whose dockstate you want to get |
boolean reduce_cpu, boolean autobypass_when_fx_open, boolean disable_autobypass_when_offline = ultraschall.GetFXAutoBypassSettings()
boolean reduce_cpu |
true, reduce CPU use of silent tracks during playback; false, don't reduce cpu use of silent tracks during playback |
boolean autobypass_when_fx_open |
true, Auto-bypass FX (when set via project or manual setting) even when FX configuration is open; false, don't auto-bypass fx |
boolean disable_autobypass_when_offline |
true, Disable FX auto-bypass when using offline render/apply FX/render stems; false, don't disable FX auto-bypass when using offline render/apply FX/render stems |
boolean auto_bypass_report_tail |
true, Auto-bypass FX that report tail length or have auto-tail set; false, don't auto-bypass FX that report tail length or have auto-tail set |
integer auto_bypass_report_tail_thresh |
Auto-bypass FX that report tail length or have auto-tail set, threshold in dB; always negative |
integer state = ultraschall.GetFXAutoBypass_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid)
integer state |
0, autobypass is disabled; 1, autobypass is enabled |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, from whose fx you want to return the autobypass-state |
integer fxid |
the fx, whose autobypass-state you want to retrieve |
integer bypass, integer offline, integer unknown = ultraschall.GetFXBypass_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid)
integer bypass |
0, non-bypassed; 1, bypassed |
integer offline |
0, online; 1, offline |
integer unknown |
unknown; default is 0 |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, from whose fx you want to return the BYPASS-entry |
integer fxid |
the fx, whose BYPASS-entryvalues you want to return |
string comment = ultraschall.GetFXComment_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid)
string comment |
the comment as stored for this specific fx; "", if no comment exists |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, from whose fx you want to return a specific fx-comment |
integer fxid |
the fx, whose comment you want to return |
boolean floating, integer x, integer y, integer width, integer height = ultraschall.GetFXFloatPos_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid)
boolean floating |
true, fx-window is floating; false, fx-window isn't floating |
integer x |
the x-position of the floating window; 0, if it hasn't been floating yet |
integer y |
the y-position of the floating window; 0, if it hasn't been floating yet |
integer width |
the width of the floating window; 0, if it hasn't been floating yet |
integer height |
the height of the floating window; 0, if it hasn't been floating yet |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, from whose fx you want to return the FLOAT/FLOATPOS-entry |
integer fxid |
the fx, whose FLOAT/FLOATPOS-entryvalues you want to return |
string fx_lines, integer startoffset, integer endoffset = ultraschall.GetFXFromFXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxindex)
string fx_lines |
the statechunk-lines associated with this fx |
integer startoffset |
the startoffset in bytes of these lines within the FXStateChunk |
integer endoffset |
the endoffset in bytes of these lines within the FXStateChunk |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk from which you want to retrieve the fx's-lines |
integer fxindex |
the index of the fx, whose statechunk lines you want to retrieve; with 1 for the first |
string guid = ultraschall.GetFXGuid_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid)
string guid |
the guid of the fx |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, from whose fx you want to return the guid-entry |
integer fxid |
the fx, whose guid you want to return |
integer midi_preset = ultraschall.GetFXMidiPreset_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid)
integer midi_preset |
0, No Link; 17, Link all channels sequentially; 1-16, MIDI-channel 1-16 |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, from whose fx you want to return the MIDIPRESET-entry |
integer fxid |
the fx, whose MIDIPRESET-entryvalues you want to return |
string fx_statestring_base64, string fx_statestring = ultraschall.GetFXSettingsString_FXLines(string fx_lines)
Returns the fx-states-string of a fx, as stored as an base64-string.byte It returns its decoded and encoded version of it.
Use GetFXFromFXStateChunk to get the requested parameter "fx_lines"
returns nil in case of an error
string fx_statestring_base64 |
the base64-version of the state-string, which holds all fx-settings of the fx |
string fx_statestring |
the decoded binary-version of the state-string, which holds all fx-settings of the fx |
string fx_lines |
the statechunk-lines of an fx, as returned by the function GetFXFromFXStateChunk() |
integer keyboard_input_2_plugin, integer fx_embed_state = ultraschall.GetFXWak_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid)
integer keyboard_input_2_plugin |
0, don't send all the keyboard-input to plugin; 1, send all keyboard-input to plugin |
integer fx_embed_state |
set embedding of the fx; &1=TCP, &2=MCP |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, from whose fx you want to return the WAK-entry |
integer fxid |
the fx, whose WAK-entryvalues you want to return |
integer last_selected_fx = ultraschall.GetLastSel_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk)
integer last_selected_fx |
the last selected fx; 1, the first fx; 2, the second fx; 3, the third fx |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, whose last-selected-fx you want to get |
integer showstate = ultraschall.GetShow_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk)
integer shownstate |
0, the fx-chain is not shown; 1, first fx is shown; 2, second fx is shown, etc |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, whose show-state you want to get |
string comment = ultraschall.GetTakeFXComment(MediaItem item, integer takeid, integer fxid)
string comment |
the comment of a track-fx |
MediaItem item |
the mediaitem, whose takefx-comment you want to request |
integer take_id |
the id of the take, whose takefx-comment you want to request |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, whose comment you want to have |
string alternative_fx_name = ultraschall.GetTakeFX_AlternativeName(integer tracknumber, integer take_id, integer fx_id)
string alternative_fx_name |
the alternative fx-name set for this fx |
string comment = ultraschall.GetTrackFXComment(MediaTrack track, integer fxid)
string comment |
the comment of a track-fx |
MediaTrack track |
the mediatrack, of which you want to request a trackfx's comment |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, whose comment you want to have |
string alternative_fx_name = ultraschall.GetTrackFX_AlternativeName(integer tracknumber, integer fx_id)
string alternative_fx_name |
the alternative fx-name set for this fx |
integer x, integer y, integer width, integer height = ultraschall.GetWndRect_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk)
integer x |
the x-position of the floating window; 0, if it hasn't been floating yet |
integer y |
the y-position of the floating window; 0, if it hasn't been floating yet |
integer width |
the width of the floating window; 0, if it hasn't been floating yet |
integer height |
the height of the floating window; 0, if it hasn't been floating yet |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, whose floating-window-position you want to get |
table found_fx = ultraschall.GetFXByGuid()
table found_fx |
the found fx with guid |
integer retval, integer tracknumber, integer fxidx, integer itemnumber, integer takeidx, MediaTrack track, optional MediaItem item, optional MediaItemTake take = ultraschall.GetFocusedFX()
integer retval |
0, if no FX window has focus 1, if a track FX window has focus or was the last focused and still open 2, if an item FX window has focus or was the last focused and still open &4, if fx is not focused anymore but is still opened |
integer tracknumber |
tracknumber; 0, master track; 1, track 1; etc. |
integer fxidx |
the index of the FX; 1-based |
integer itemnumber |
-1, if it's a track-fx; 1 and higher, the mediaitem-number |
integer takeidx |
-1, if it's a track-fx; 1 and higher, the take-number |
MediaTrack track |
the MediaTrack-object |
optional MediaItem item |
the MediaItem, if take-fx |
optional MediaItemTake take |
the MediaItem-Take, if take-fx |
boolean retval, integer sourcetype, integer track_take_number, integer fxnumber, integer paramnumber, integer takeID, optional MediaTrack track, optional MediaItemTake take = ultraschall.GetLastTouchedFX()
boolean retval |
true, valid FX; false, no valid FX |
integer sourcetype |
0, takeFX; 1, trackFX |
integer track_take_number |
the track or takenumber(see sourcetype-retval); 1-based |
integer fxnumber |
the number of the fx; 1-based |
integer paramnumber |
the number of the parameter; 1-based |
integer takeID |
the number of the take; 1-based; -1, if takeFX |
optional MediaTrack track |
the track of the TrackFX |
optional MediaItemTake take |
the take of the TakeFX |
integer count_of_RecentFX, array RecentFX = ultraschall.GetRecentFX()
integer count_of_RecentFX |
the number of available recent fx |
array RecentFX |
the names of the recent fx |
boolean retval = ultraschall.InputFX_JSFX_Reload(MediaTrack track, integer fxindex)
boolean retval |
true, fx has been updated; false, fx has not been updated |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose rec-inputfx-jsfx you want to update; use master track to update within input-monitoring-fx |
integer fxindex |
the index of the track-jsfx, that you want to refresh |
table found_guids = ultraschall.TakeFX_GetAllGuidsFromAllTakes()
table found_guids |
the found guids of all take-fx in the project |
boolean retval = ultraschall.TakeFX_JSFX_Reload(MediaItem_take take, integer fxindex)
boolean retval |
true, fx has been updated; false, fx has not been updated |
MediaItem_take |
the take, whose jsfx you want to update |
integer fxindex |
the index of the take-jsfx, that you want to refresh |
table found_guids = ultraschall.TrackFX_GetAllGuidsFromAllTracks()
table found_guids |
the found guids of all track-fx in the project |
boolean retval = ultraschall.TrackFX_JSFX_Reload(MediaTrack track, integer fxindex)
boolean retval |
true, fx has been updated; false, fx has not been updated |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose jsfx you want to update |
integer fxindex |
the index of the track-jsfx, that you want to refresh |
integer retval = ultraschall.InputFX_AddByName(string fxname, boolean always_new_instance, optional integer tracknumber)
integer retval |
the index of the newly inserted fx or the index of the already existing fx; -1, in case of an error |
string fxname |
the name of the fx to be inserted |
boolean always_new_instance |
true, always add a new instance of the fx; false, only add if there's none yet |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, to whose inputFX the fx shall be added; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval = ultraschall.InputFX_CopyFX(integer old_fxindex, integer new_fxindex, optional integer tracknumber_source, optional integer tracknumber_target)
integer retval |
the index of the inserted fx(in case of being different from new_fxindex); -1, in case of an error; 1-based |
integer old_fxindex |
the index of the input-fx to be copied; 1-based |
integer new_fxindex |
the position of the newly inserted input-fx; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber_source |
the tracknumber of the track, from whose inputFX you want to move the fx; 1-based; nil, master-track |
optional integer tracknumber_target |
the tracknumber of the track, to which you want to move the inputFX; 1-based; nil, master-track |
integer dest_fx = ultraschall.InputFX_CopyFXFromTakeFX(MediaItem_Take take, integer src_fx, integer dest_fx, optional integer dest_tracknumber)
integer dest_fx |
the index of the inserted FX, just in case it differs; 1-based |
MediaItem_Take take |
the take, from which you want to copy the takeFX |
integer src_fx |
the index takeFX that shall be copied; 1-based |
integer dest_fx |
the index, at which you want to insert the fx into the monitoring FXChain; 1-based |
optional integer dest_tracknumber |
the tracknumber, to which you want to copy a new inputFX; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
integer retval = ultraschall.InputFX_CopyFXFromTrackFX(MediaTrack track, integer old_fxindex, integer new_fxindex, optional integer tracknumberInputFX)
integer retval |
the index of the inserted fx(in case of being different from new_fxindex); -1, in case of an error; 1-based |
MediaTrack track |
the track from which you want to copy a trackfx |
integer old_fxindex |
the index of the track-fx to be copied; 1-based |
integer new_fxindex |
the position of the newly inserted input-fx; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumberInputFX |
the tracknumber, to whose inputFX the fx shall be copied; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
integer dest_fx = ultraschall.InputFX_CopyFXToTakeFX(integer src_fx, MediaItem_Take take, integer dest_fx, optional integer src_tracknumber)
integer dest_fx |
the index of the inserted FX, just in case it differs; 1-based |
integer src_fx |
the index inputFX that shall be copied; 1-based |
MediaItem_Take take |
the take, into which you want to insert the fx as takeFX |
integer dest_fx |
the index, at which you want to insert the fx; 1-based |
optional integer src_tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX you want to copy; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
integer retval = ultraschall.InputFX_CopyFXToTrackFX(integer old_fxindex, MediaTrack track, integer new_fxindex, optional integer tracknumberInputFX)
integer retval |
the index of the inserted fx(in case of being different from new_fxindex); -1, in case of an error |
integer old_fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx to be copied; 1-based |
MediaTrack track |
the track into which you want to insert the trackFX |
integer new_fxindex |
the position of the newly inserted track-fx; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumberInputFX |
the tracknumber, from whose inputFX the fx shall be copied from; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval = ultraschall.InputFX_Delete(integer fxindex, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, removing was successful; false, removing was unsuccessful |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx to be deleted; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX shall be deleted; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval = ultraschall.InputFX_EndParamEdit(integer fxindex, integer paramindex, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, unknown; false, unknown |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx |
integer paramindex |
the index of the parameter of the monitoring-fx |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-parameter shall be ended in editing; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval, string formatted_value = ultraschall.InputFX_FormatParamValue(integer fxindex, integer paramindex, number value, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, formatting was successful; false, formatting was unsuccessful(no such fx, parameter, no support for Cockos VST extension |
string formatted_value |
the value in the format of the parameter; "", if not available |
integer fxindex |
the index of the fx; 1-based |
integer paramindex |
the parameter, whose formatting-style you want to applied to value; 1-based |
number value |
the value you want to have formatted in the style of the parameter |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-parameter you want to format; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval, string formatted_value = ultraschall.InputFX_FormatParamValueNormalized(integer fxindex, integer paramindex, number value, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, formatting was successful; false, formatting was unsuccessful(no such fx, parameter, no support for Cockos VST extension |
string formatted_value |
the value in the format of the parameter; "", if not available |
integer fxindex |
the index of the fx; 1-based |
integer paramindex |
the parameter, whose formatting-style you want to applied to value; 1-based |
number value |
the value you want to have formatted in the style of the parameter |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-parameter you want to get formatted and normalized; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean inputfx_chain_visible, integer visible_inputfx = ultraschall.InputFX_GetChainVisible(optional integer tracknumber)
boolean inputfx_chain_visible |
true, fxchain is visible; false, fxchain is not visible |
integer visible_inputfx |
the index of the currently visible monitoring-fx; -1, if nothing is visible; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-chain-visibility you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
string comment = ultraschall.InputFX_GetComment(integer fxid)
string comment |
the comment of a track-fx |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, whose comment you want to have |
integer monitoring_fx_count = ultraschall.InputFX_GetCount(optional integer tracknumber)
integer monitoring_fx_count |
the number of available monitoring-fx |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX you want to count; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
integer index = ultraschall.InputFX_GetEQ(boolean instantiate, optional integer tracknumber)
integer index_of_reaeq |
the index of the first instance of ReaEQ in the monitoringFX; 0, if no ReaEQ is in the monitoringFX; -1, in case of an error |
boolean instantiate |
true, add ReaEQ into monitoring-fx if not existing yet; false, don't add a ReaEQ-instance if not existing in monitoring-FXChain yet |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-eq-position you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean enabled = ultraschall.InputFX_GetEQBandEnabled(integer fxindex, integer bandtype, integer bandidx, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean enabled |
true, band is enabled; false, band is disabled |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx; 1-based |
integer bandtype |
the bandtype of the band to change; -1, master gain 0, hipass 1, loshelf 2, band 3, notch 4, hishelf 5, lopass 6, bandpass |
integer bandidx |
0, first band matching bandtype; 1, 2nd band matching bandtype, etc. |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-EQ-Band-enabled-state you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval, number bandtype, number bandidx, number paramtype, number normval = ultraschall.InputFX_GetEQParam(integer fxindex, integer paramidx, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, if it's a ReaEQ-instance; false, is not a ReaEQ-instance or in case of an error |
integer bandtype |
the bandtype of the band to change; -1, master gain 0, hipass 1, loshelf 2, band 3, notch 4, hishelf 5, lopass 6, bandpass |
integer bandidx |
0, first band matching bandtype; 1, 2nd band matching bandtype, etc. |
number paramtype |
0, freq; 1, gain; 2, Q |
number normval |
the normalized value |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx; 1-based |
integer paramidx |
the parameter whose eq-states you want to retrieve; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-eq-param you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean inputfx_enabled = ultraschall.InputFX_GetEnabled(integer fxindex, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean inputfx_enabled |
true, fx is enabled; false, fxchain is not enabled |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx, whose enabled state you want to query; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-enabledness you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
string FXStateChunk = ultraschall.InputFX_GetFXChain(integer fxstatechunk_type, optional integer tracknumber)
string FXStateChunk |
the loaded FXStateChunk; nil, in case of an error |
integer fxstatechunk_type |
0, return the FXStateChunk as Track-FXStateChunk 1, return the FXStateChunk as Take-FXStateChunk 2, return the FXStateChunk as Track-InputFX-FXStateChunk |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber of the track, whose fxinput-chain you want to get nil or 0, global monitoring-fx; 1 and higher, the inputFX-chain from track 1 and higher |
string fxguid = ultraschall.InputFX_GetFXGUID(integer fxindex, optional integer tracknumber)
string fxguid |
the guid of the monitoring-fx |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx, whose guid you want to query; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-fx-guid you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval, string fxname = ultraschall.InputFX_GetFXName(integer fxindex, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, monitoring fx exists; false, no such monitoring-fx exists |
string fxname |
the name of the monitoring-fx |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx, whose name you want to query; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-fxname you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
HWND inputfx_floating_hwnd = ultraschall.InputFX_GetFloatingWindow(integer fxindex, optional integer tracknumber)
HWND inputfx_floating_hwnd |
the hwnd of the floating montitoring fx; nil, if not available |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx, whose floating-monitoring-fx-hwnd you want to get; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-floating-window-hwnd you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval, string formatted_value = ultraschall.InputFX_GetFormattedParamValue(integer fxindex, integer paramindex, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, getting was successful; false, getting was unsuccessful |
string formatted_value |
the value of the formatted parameter; "", if not available |
integer fxindex |
the index of the fx; 1-based |
integer paramindex |
the parameter, whose formatted value you want to get; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-parameter-value you want to get as formatted; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
integer retval, optional number inputPins, optional number outputPins = ultraschall.InputFX_GetIOSize(integer fxindex, optional integer tracknumber)
integer retval |
the plugin-type -1, no such plugin 0, VSTi 2, JSFX 3, VST 5, Mac AU 6, Video Processor |
optional number inputPins |
the number of input-pins available |
optional number outputPins |
the number of output-pins available |
integer fxindex |
the index of the fx; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-plugintype/in-out-pins you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval, string config_parm_name = ultraschall.InputFX_GetNamedConfigParm(integer fxindex, string parmname, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, name is available; false, name is not available |
string config_parm_name |
the name of the config parameter |
integer fxindex |
the index of the fx; 1-based |
string parmname |
the value of the named config parm you want to get |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-named-config-parameter-state you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
integer count_params = ultraschall.InputFX_GetNumParams(integer fxindex, optional integer tracknumber)
integer count_params |
the number of parameters of the monitoring-fx |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx, whose number of parameters you want to query; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-fxname you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean is_offline = ultraschall.InputFX_GetOffline(integer fxindex, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean is_offline |
true, fx is offline; false, fx is not offline |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx, whose offline-state you want to query; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-offline-state you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean is_open = ultraschall.InputFX_GetOpen(integer fxindex, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean is_open |
true, fx is visible; false, fx is not visible |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx, whose visibility-state you want to query; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-visibility-state you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
number curval, number minval, number maxval = ultraschall.InputFX_GetParam(integer fxindex, integer paramindex, optional integer tracknumber)
number curval |
the current value of the parameter |
number minval |
the minimum value of this parameter |
number maxval |
the maximum value of this parameter |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx; 1-based |
integer paramindex |
the parameter, whose value you want to retrieve; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-parameter-states you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
number curval, number minval, number maxval, number midval = ultraschall.InputFX_GetParamEx(integer fxindex, integer paramindex, optional integer tracknumber)
number curval |
the current value of the parameter |
number minval |
the minimum value of this parameter |
number maxval |
the maximum value of this parameter |
number midval |
the mid-value of this parameter |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx; 1-based |
integer paramindex |
the parameter, whose value you want to retrieve; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-param-states you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval, string paramname = ultraschall.InputFX_GetParamName(integer fxindex, integer paramindex, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, name can be returned; false, name cannot be returned |
string paramname |
the name of the parameter |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx; 1-based |
integer paramindex |
the parameter, whose name you want to retrieve; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-parameter-name you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
integer normalized_value = ultraschall.InputFX_GetParamNormalized(integer fxindex, integer paramindex, optional integer tracknumber)
integer normalized_value |
the normalized version of the current value |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx; 1-based |
integer paramindex |
the parameter, whose normalized value you want to retrieve; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-param-normalized-state you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval, number step, number smallstep, number largestep, boolean istoggle = ultraschall.InputFX_GetParameterStepSizes(integer fxindex, integer paramindex, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, stepsize is available; false; stepsize is not available; nil, in case of an error |
number step |
the stepsize of this parameter |
number smallstep |
the stepsize of a small step of this parameter |
number largestep |
the stepsize of a large step of this parameter |
boolean istoggle |
true, this parameter is a toggle parameter; false, this parameter is not a togle parameter |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx; 1-based |
integer paramindex |
the parameter, whose values you want to retrieve; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-parameter-stepsizes you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
integer pinmappings_Lo32Bit, integer pinmappings_Hi32Bit = ultraschall.InputFX_GetPinMappings(integer fxindex, integer isoutput, integer pin, optional integer tracknumber)
integer pinmappings_Lo32Bit |
a bitmask for the first 32 connectors, where each bit represents, if this pin is connected(1) or not(0) |
integer pinmappings_Hi32Bit |
a bitmask for the second 32 connectors, where each bit represents, if this pin is connected(1) or not(0) |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx; 1-based |
integer isoutput |
0, for querying input pins; 1, for querying output pins |
integer pin |
the pin requested, like 0(left), 1(right), etc. |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-pinmappings you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval, string preset = ultraschall.InputFX_GetPreset(integer fxindex, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, fx exists; false, fx does not exist |
string preset |
the name of the currently selected preset; "", if no preset is selected |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx, whose currently selected presetname-state you want to query; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-preset you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
integer selected_preset, integer number_of_presets = ultraschall.InputFX_GetPresetIndex(integer fxindex, optional integer tracknumber)
integer selected_preset |
the index of the currently selected preset; 0, if no preset is selected |
integer number_of_presets |
the number of presets available |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx, whose currently selected preset-index you want to query; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-preset you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
string preset_filename = ultraschall.InputFX_GetUserPresetFilename(integer fxindex, optional integer tracknumber)
string preset_filename |
the filename of the preset-file; nil, of not existing |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx, whose preset's-filename you want to query; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-preset-filename you want to get; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval = ultraschall.InputFX_MoveFX(integer old_fxindex, integer new_fxindex, optional integer tracknumber_source, optional integer tracknumber_target)
boolean retval |
true, moving was successful; false, moving was unsuccessful |
integer old_fxindex |
the index of the input-fx to be moved; 1-based |
integer new_fxindex |
the new position of the input-fx; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber_source |
the tracknumber of the track, from whose inputFX you want to move the fx; 1-based; nil, master-track |
optional integer tracknumber_target |
the tracknumber of the track, to which you want to move the inputFX; 1-based; nil, master-track |
integer dest_fx = ultraschall.InputFX_MoveFXFromTakeFX(MediaItem_Take take, integer src_fx, integer dest_fx, optional integer dest_tracknumber)
integer dest_fx |
the index of the inserted FX, just in case it differs; 1-based |
MediaItem_Take take |
the take, from which you want to move the takeFX |
integer src_fx |
the index takeFX that shall be movd; 1-based |
integer dest_fx |
the index, at which you want to insert the fx into the monitoring FXChain; 1-based |
optional integer dest_tracknumber |
the tracknumber, to which you want to move a new inputFX; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
integer retval = ultraschall.InputFX_MoveFXFromTrackFX(MediaTrack track, integer old_fxindex, integer new_fxindex, optional integer tracknumberInputFX)
integer retval |
the index of the inserted fx(in case of being different from new_fxindex); -1, in case of an error |
MediaTrack track |
the track from which you want to copy a trackfx to monitoring-fx |
integer old_fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx to be moved; 1-based |
integer new_fxindex |
the position of the newly inserted input-fx; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumberInputFX |
the tracknumber, to whose inputFX the fx shall be moved to; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
integer dest_fx = ultraschall.InputFX_MoveFXToTakeFX(integer src_fx, MediaItem_Take take, integer dest_fx)
integer dest_fx |
the index of the inserted FX, just in case it differs; 1-based |
integer src_fx |
the index inputFX that shall be moved; 1-based |
MediaItem_Take take |
the take, into which you want to insert the fx as takeFX |
integer dest_fx |
the index, at which you want to insert the fx; 1-based |
optional integer src_tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX you want to move; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
integer retval = ultraschall.InputFX_MoveFXToTrackFX(integer old_fxindex, MediaTrack track, integer new_fxindex)
integer retval |
the index of the inserted fx(in case of being different from new_fxindex); -1, in case of an error |
integer old_fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx to be moved; 1-based |
MediaTrack track |
the track into which you want to insert the trackFX |
integer new_fxindex |
the position of the newly inserted track-fx; 1-based |
boolean retval = ultraschall.InputFX_NavigatePresets(integer fxindex, integer presetmove, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, altering was successful; false, altering was unsuccessful |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx, whose preset you want to switch through; 1-based |
integer presetmove |
positive, move forward by value of presetmove; negative, move backwards by value of presetmove |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-preset you want to navigate; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
integer fxindex = ultraschall.InputFX_QueryFirstFXIndex(string fxname, optional integer tracknumber)
integer fxindex |
the index of the queried fx; 1-based; -1, in case of an error |
string fxname |
the name of the fx to be queried |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, to whose inputFX the fx shall be added; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval = ultraschall.InputFX_SetEQBandEnabled(integer fxindex, integer bandtype, integer bandidx, boolean enable, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx; 1-based |
integer bandtype |
the bandtype of the band to change; -1, master gain 0, hipass 1, loshelf 2, band 3, notch 4, hishelf 5, lopass 6, bandpass |
integer bandidx |
0, first band matching bandtype; 1, 2nd band matching bandtype, etc. |
boolean enable |
true, enable band; false, disable band |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-eq-band-enabled-state you want to set; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval = ultraschall.InputFX_SetEQParam(integer fxindex, integer bandtype, integer bandidx, integer paramtype, number val, boolean isnorm)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx; 1-based |
integer bandtype |
the bandtype of the band to change; -1, master gain 0, hipass 1, loshelf 2, band 3, notch 4, hishelf 5, lopass 6, bandpass |
integer bandidx |
(ignored for master gain): 0, target first band matching bandtype; 1, target 2nd band matching bandtype, etc. |
integer paramtype |
0, freq; 1, gain; 2, Q |
number val |
the new value for the paramtype of a bandidx |
boolean isnorm |
true, value is normalized; false, value is not normalized |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-eq-param-state you want to set; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval = ultraschall.InputFX_SetEnabled(integer fxindex, boolean enabled, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx which you want to disable/enable; 1-based |
boolean enabled |
true, enable the monitoring-fx; false, disable the monitoring-fx |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-enabled-state you want to set; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval = ultraschall.InputFX_SetFXChain(string FXStateChunk, boolean replacefx, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk that shall be set as monitoring fx-chain |
boolean replacefx |
true, replace the current monitoring-fx-chain with the new one; false, only insert the new fx at the end of the FXChain |
optional integer tracknumber |
the track, whose inputFX-chain you want to set; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx |
boolean retval = ultraschall.InputFX_SetOffline(integer fxindex, boolean offline, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx which you want to set offline/online; 1-based |
boolean offline |
true, set the monitoring-fx offline; false, set the monitoring-fx online |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-offline-state you want to set; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval = ultraschall.InputFX_SetOpen(integer fxindex, boolean open, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx which you want to visible/invisible; 1-based |
boolean open |
true, set the monitoring-fx visible; false, set the monitoring-fx invisible |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-visibility-state you want to set; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval = ultraschall.InputFX_SetParam(integer fxindex, index parameterindex, number val, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx; 1-based |
index parameterindex |
the index of the parameter to be set; 1-based |
number val |
the new value to set |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-param-state you want to set; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval = ultraschall.InputFX_SetParamNormalized(integer fxindex, index parameterindex, number val, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx; 1-based |
index parameterindex |
the index of the parameter to be set; 1-based |
number val |
the new value to set |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-parameter you want to set normalized; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval = ultraschall.InputFX_SetPinMappings(integer fxindex, integer isoutput, integer pin, integer low32bits, integer hi32bits, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx; 1-based |
integer isoutput |
0, for querying input pins; 1, for querying output pins |
integer pin |
the pin requested, like 0(left), 1(right), etc. |
integer pinmappings_Lo32Bit |
a bitmask for the first 32 connectors, where each bit represents, if this pin is connected(1) or not(0) |
integer pinmappings_Hi32Bit |
a bitmask for the second 32 connectors, where each bit represents, if this pin is connected(1) or not(0) |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-pinmappings you want to set; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval = ultraschall.InputFX_SetPreset(integer fxindex, string presetname)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx of which you want to set the preset; 1-based |
string presetname |
the name of the preset, that you want to select |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-preset you want to set; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval = ultraschall.InputFX_SetPresetByIndex(integer fxindex, integer presetindex, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx which you want to set the preset; 1-based |
integer presetindex |
the index of the preset, that you want to select; 0, for default; -1, for no preset; 1-based |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-preset you want to set; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval = ultraschall.InputFX_Show(integer fxindex, integer showflag, optional integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer fxindex |
the index of the monitoring-fx which you want to set the preset; 1-based |
integer showflag |
0, for hidechain 1, for show chain(index valid) 2, for hide floating window (index valid) 3, for show floating window (index valid) |
optional integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose inputFX-shown-state you want to set; 0 or nil, global monitoring fx; 1 and higher, track 1 and higher |
boolean retval, optional string alteredFXStateChunk = ultraschall.AddParmAlias_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer parmidx, string parmalias)
boolean retval |
true, if setting new values was successful; false, if setting was unsuccessful(e.g. no such ParmLearn) |
optional string alteredFXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, in which you want to set a Parm-Alias-entry |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, which holds the to-set-Parm-Alias-entry; beginning with 1 |
integer parmidx |
the parameter, whose alias you want to add |
string parmalias |
the new aliasname of the parameter |
integer count = ultraschall.CountParmAlias_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid)
integer count |
the number of ParmAliases found |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, in which you want to count a Parm-Learn-entry |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, which holds the to-count-Parm-Learn-entry; beginning with 1 |
boolean retval, string alteredFXStateChunk = ultraschall.DeleteParmAlias2_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer parmidx)
boolean retval |
true, if deletion was successful; false, if the function couldn't delete anything |
string alteredFXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, which you want to delete a ParmAlias from |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, which holds the to-delete-ParmAlias-entry; beginning with 1 |
integer parmidx |
the id of the parameter, whose parmalias you want to delete; beginning with 1 |
boolean retval, string alteredFXStateChunk = ultraschall.DeleteParmAlias_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer id)
Deletes a ParmAlias-entry from an FXStateChunk.
It's the PARMALIAS-entry
See GetParmAliasID_by_FXParam_FXStateChunk to get the parameter id by fx-parameter-index instead.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if deletion was successful; false, if the function couldn't delete anything |
string alteredFXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, which you want to delete a ParmAlias from |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, which holds the to-delete-ParmAlias-entry; beginning with 1 |
integer id |
the id of the ParmAlias-entry to delete; beginning with 1 |
integer count_aliasnames, array parameteridx, array parameter_aliasnames = ultraschall.GetAllParmAliasNames_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid)
integer count_aliasnames |
the number of parameter-aliases found for this fx |
array parameteridx |
an array, which holds all parameter-index-numbers of all fx with parameter-aliasnames |
array parameter_aliasnames |
an array with all parameter-aliasnames found |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, from which you want to get all Parm-Aliases |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, whose Parm-Aliases you want to get |
integer parm_idx, string parm_aliasname = ultraschall.GetParmAlias2_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer id)
integer parm_idx |
the idx of the parameter; order is exactly like the order in the contextmenu of Parameter List -> Learn |
string parm_aliasname |
the alias-name of the parameter |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, from which you want to retrieve the ParmAlias-settings |
integer fxid |
the fx, of which you want to get the parameter-alias-settings |
integer parmidx |
the id of the parameter whose aliasname you want to have, starting with 1 for the first |
integer parmalias_id, = ultraschall.GetParmAliasID_by_FXParam_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer param_id)
integer parmalias_id |
the idx of the parmalias, that you can use for Add/Get/Set/DeleteParmAlias-functions; -1, if parameter has no ParmAlias associated |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, from which you want to retrieve the parmalias_id |
integer fxid |
the fx, of which you want to get the parmalias_id |
integer param_id |
the parameter, whose parmalias_id you want to get |
integer parm_idx, string parm_aliasname = ultraschall.GetParmAlias_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer id)
Returns a parameter-alias-setting from an FXStateChunk An FXStateChunk holds all FX-plugin-settings for a specific MediaTrack or MediaItem.
Parameter-aliases are only stored for MediaTracks.
It is the PARMALIAS-entry
See GetParmAliasID_by_FXParam_FXStateChunk to get the parameter id by fx-parameter-index instead.
Returns nil in case of an error
integer parm_idx |
the idx of the parameter; order is exactly like the order in the contextmenu of Parameter List -> Learn |
string parm_aliasname |
the alias-name of the parameter |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, from which you want to retrieve the ParmAlias-settings |
integer fxid |
the fx, of which you want to get the parameter-alias-settings |
integer id |
the id of the ParmAlias-settings you want to have, starting with 1 for the first |
integer parm_idx, string parm_aliasname = ultraschall.GetParmAlias_MediaTrack(MediaTrack MediaTrack, integer fxid, integer id)
integer parm_idx |
the idx of the parameter; order is exactly like the order in the contextmenu of Parameter List -> Learn |
string parm_aliasname |
the alias-name of the parameter |
MediaTrack MediaTrack |
the MediaTrack, whose ParmAlias-setting you want to get |
integer fxid |
the fx, of which you want to get the parameter-alias-settings |
integer id |
the id of the ParmAlias-settings you want to have, starting with 1 for the first |
boolean retval, optional string alteredFXStateChunk = ultraschall.SetParmAlias2_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer id, string parmalias)
boolean retval |
true, if setting new values was successful; false, if setting was unsuccessful(e.g. no such ParmLearn) |
optional string alteredFXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, in which you want to set a Parm-Alias-entry |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, which holds the to-set-Parm-Alias-entry; beginning with 1 |
integer id |
the index of the parameter, whose Parm-Alias-entry you want to to set; beginning with 1 |
string parmalias |
the new aliasname of the parameter |
boolean retval, optional string alteredFXStateChunk = ultraschall.SetParmAlias_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer id, string parmalias)
Sets an already existing Parm-Learn-entry of an FX-plugin from an FXStateChunk.
It's the PARMALIAS-entry
The parameter id counts with the first aliasname found in the FXStateChunk for this fx, regardless, if the first found aliasname is for parameter 1 or 23, etc. If you want to adress it by parameter-index, use SetParmAlias2_FXStateChunk instead.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if setting new values was successful; false, if setting was unsuccessful(e.g. no such ParmLearn) |
optional string alteredFXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, in which you want to set a Parm-Alias-entry |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, which holds the to-set-Parm-Alias-entry; beginning with 1 |
integer id |
the id of the Parm-Alias-entry to set; beginning with 1 |
string parmalias |
the new aliasname of the parameter |
boolean retval, optional string alteredFXStateChunk = ultraschall.AddParmLFOLearn_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer parmidx, string parmname, integer midi_note, integer checkboxflags, optional string osc_message)
boolean retval |
true, if setting new values was successful; false, if setting was unsuccessful(e.g. no such ParmLearn) |
optional string alteredFXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, in which you want to set a Parm-Learn-entry |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, which holds the to-set-Parm-Learn-entry; beginning with 1 |
integer parmidx |
the parameter, whose alias you want to add |
string parmname |
the name of the parameter, usually \"\" or \"byp\" for bypass or \"wet\" for wet; when using wet or bypass, these are essential to give! |
integer midi_note |
the midinote, that is assigned to this; this is a multibyte value, with the first byte being the MIDI-mode, and the second byte the MIDI/CC-note 0, OSC is used 176, MIDI Chan 1 CC 0 (Byte1=176, Byte2=0) ... 432, MIDI Chan 1 CC 1 (Byte1=176, Byte2=1) ... 144, MIDI Chan 1 Note 1 (Byte1=144, Byte2=0) 400, MIDI Chan 1 Note 1 (Byte1=144, Byte2=1) ... 9360, MIDI Chan 1 Note 36 (Byte1=144, Byte2=36) 9616, MIDI Chan 1 Note 37 (Byte1=144, Byte2=37) 9872, MIDI Chan 1 Note 38 (Byte1=144, Byte2=38) ... CC Mode-dropdownlist: set the following flags to their specific values (0=0, 1=the value beginning &, like &65536 or &131072 or &262144) &65536 &131072 &262144 0 0 0, Absolute 1 0 0, Relative 1(127=-1, 1=+1) 0 1 0, Relative 2(63=-1, 65=+1) 1 1 0, Relative 3(65=-1, 1=+1) 0 0 1, Toggle (>0=toggle) |
integer checkboxflags |
the checkboxes checked in the MIDI/OSC-learn dialog 0, no checkboxes 1, enable only when track or item is selected 2, Soft takeover (absolute mode only) 3, Soft takeover (absolute mode only)+enable only when track or item is selected 4, enable only when effect configuration is focused 20, enable only when effect configuration is visible |
optional string osc_message |
the osc-message, that triggers the ParmLFOLearn, only when midi_note is set to 0! |
integer count = ultraschall.CountParmLFOLearn_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid)
integer count |
the number of LFOLearn-entries found |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, in which you want to count a Parm-LFOLearn-entry |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, which holds the to-count-Parm-LFOLearn-entry; beginning with 1 |
boolean retval, string alteredFXStateChunk = ultraschall.DeleteParmLFOLearn_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer id)
Deletes a ParmLFO-Learn-entry from an FXStateChunk.
It's the LFOLEARN-entry
See GetParmLFOLearnID_by_FXParam_FXStateChunk to get the parameter id by fx-parameter-index instead.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if deletion was successful; false, if the function couldn't delete anything |
string alteredFXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, which you want to delete a ParmLFO-Learn-entry from |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, which holds the to-delete-ParmLFO-Learn-entry; beginning with 1 |
integer id |
the id of the ParmLFO-Learn-entry to delete; beginning with 1 |
integer parm_lfolearn_id, = ultraschall.GetParmLFOLearnID_by_FXParam_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer param_id)
integer parm_lfolearn_id |
the idx of the parm_lfolearn, that you can use for Add/Get/Set/DeleteParmLFOLearn-functions; -1, if parameter has no ParmLFOLearn associated |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, from which you want to retrieve the parm_lfolearn_id |
integer fxid |
the fx, of which you want to get the parameter-lfo_learn-settings |
integer param_id |
the parameter, whose parm_lfolearn_id you want to get |
integer parm_idx, string parmname, integer midi_note, integer checkboxflags, optional string osc_message = ultraschall.GetParmLFOLearn_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer id)
Returns a parameter-lfo-learn-setting from an FXStateChunk An FXStateChunk holds all FX-plugin-settings for a specific MediaTrack or MediaItem.
It is the LFOLEARN-entry
See GetParmLFOLearnID_by_FXParam_FXStateChunk to get the parameter id by fx-parameter-index instead.
Returns nil in case of an error
integer parm_idx |
the idx of the parameter; order is exactly like the order in the contextmenu of Parameter List -> Learn |
string parmname |
the name of the parameter, though usually only wet or bypass |
integer midi_note |
the midinote, that is assigned to this; this is a multibyte value, with the first byte being the MIDI-mode, and the second byte the MIDI/CC-note 0, OSC is used 176, MIDI Chan 1 CC 0 (Byte1=176, Byte2=0) ... 432, MIDI Chan 1 CC 1 (Byte1=176, Byte2=1) ... 144, MIDI Chan 1 Note 1 (Byte1=144, Byte2=0) 400, MIDI Chan 1 Note 1 (Byte1=144, Byte2=1) ... 9360, MIDI Chan 1 Note 36 (Byte1=144, Byte2=36) 9616, MIDI Chan 1 Note 37 (Byte1=144, Byte2=37) 9872, MIDI Chan 1 Note 38 (Byte1=144, Byte2=38) ... CC Mode-dropdownlist: set the following flags to their specific values (0=0, 1=the value beginning &, like &65536 or &131072 or &262144) &65536 &131072 &262144 0 0 0, Absolute 1 0 0, Relative 1(127=-1, 1=+1) 0 1 0, Relative 2(63=-1, 65=+1) 1 1 0, Relative 3(65=-1, 1=+1) 0 0 1, Toggle (>0=toggle) |
integer checkboxflags |
the checkboxes checked in the MIDI/OSC-learn dialog 0, no checkboxes 1, enable only when track or item is selected 2, Soft takeover (absolute mode only) 3, Soft takeover (absolute mode only)+enable only when track or item is selected 4, enable only when effect configuration is focused 20, enable only when effect configuration is visible |
optional string osc_message |
the osc-message, that triggers the ParmLFOLearn |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, from which you want to retrieve the ParmLFOLearn-settings |
integer fxid |
the fx, of which you want to get the parameter-lfo-learn-settings |
integer id |
the id of the ParmLFOLearn-settings you want to have, starting with 1 for the first |
integer parm_idx, string parmname, integer midi_note, integer checkboxflags, optional string osc_message = ultraschall.GetParmLFOLearn_MediaItem(MediaItem MediaItem, integer fxid, integer id)
integer parm_idx |
the idx of the parameter; order is exactly like the order in the contextmenu of Parameter List -> Learn |
string parmname |
the name of the parameter, though usually only wet or bypass |
integer midi_note |
the midinote, that is assigned to this; this is a multibyte value, with the first byte being the MIDI-mode, and the second byte the MIDI/CC-note 0, OSC is used 176, MIDI Chan 1 CC 0 (Byte1=176, Byte2=0) ... 432, MIDI Chan 1 CC 1 (Byte1=176, Byte2=1) ... 144, MIDI Chan 1 Note 1 (Byte1=144, Byte2=0) 400, MIDI Chan 1 Note 1 (Byte1=144, Byte2=1) ... 9360, MIDI Chan 1 Note 36 (Byte1=144, Byte2=36) 9616, MIDI Chan 1 Note 37 (Byte1=144, Byte2=37) 9872, MIDI Chan 1 Note 38 (Byte1=144, Byte2=38) ... CC Mode-dropdownlist: set the following flags to their specific values (0=0, 1=the value beginning &, like &65536 or &131072 or &262144) &65536 &131072 &262144 0 0 0, Absolute 1 0 0, Relative 1(127=-1, 1=+1) 0 1 0, Relative 2(63=-1, 65=+1) 1 1 0, Relative 3(65=-1, 1=+1) 0 0 1, Toggle (>0=toggle) |
integer checkboxflags |
the checkboxes checked in the MIDI/OSC-learn dialog 0, no checkboxes 1, enable only when track or item is selected 2, Soft takeover (absolute mode only) 3, Soft takeover (absolute mode only)+enable only when track or item is selected 4, enable only when effect configuration is focused 20, enable only when effect configuration is visible |
optional string osc_message |
the osc-message, that triggers the ParmLFOLearn |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose ParmLFOLearn-setting you want to get |
integer fxid |
the fx, of which you want to get the parameter-lfo-learn-settings |
integer id |
the id of the ParmLFOLearn-settings you want to have, starting with 1 for the first |
integer parm_idx, string parmname, integer midi_note, integer checkboxflags, optional string osc_message = ultraschall.GetParmLFOLearn_MediaTrack(MediaTrack MediaTrack, integer fxid, integer id)
integer parm_idx |
the idx of the parameter; order is exactly like the order in the contextmenu of Parameter List -> Learn |
string parmname |
the name of the parameter, though usually only wet or bypass |
integer midi_note |
the midinote, that is assigned to this; this is a multibyte value, with the first byte being the MIDI-mode, and the second byte the MIDI/CC-note 0, OSC is used 176, MIDI Chan 1 CC 0 (Byte1=176, Byte2=0) ... 432, MIDI Chan 1 CC 1 (Byte1=176, Byte2=1) ... 144, MIDI Chan 1 Note 1 (Byte1=144, Byte2=0) 400, MIDI Chan 1 Note 1 (Byte1=144, Byte2=1) ... 9360, MIDI Chan 1 Note 36 (Byte1=144, Byte2=36) 9616, MIDI Chan 1 Note 37 (Byte1=144, Byte2=37) 9872, MIDI Chan 1 Note 38 (Byte1=144, Byte2=38) ... CC Mode-dropdownlist: set the following flags to their specific values (0=0, 1=the value beginning &, like &65536 or &131072 or &262144) &65536 &131072 &262144 0 0 0, Absolute 1 0 0, Relative 1(127=-1, 1=+1) 0 1 0, Relative 2(63=-1, 65=+1) 1 1 0, Relative 3(65=-1, 1=+1) 0 0 1, Toggle (>0=toggle) |
integer checkboxflags |
the checkboxes checked in the MIDI/OSC-learn dialog 0, no checkboxes 1, enable only when track or item is selected 2, Soft takeover (absolute mode only) 3, Soft takeover (absolute mode only)+enable only when track or item is selected 4, enable only when effect configuration is focused 20, enable only when effect configuration is visible |
optional string osc_message |
the osc-message, that triggers the ParmLFOLearn |
MediaTrack MediaTrack |
the MediaTrack, whose ParmLFOLearn-setting you want to get |
integer fxid |
the fx, of which you want to get the parameter-lfo-learn-settings |
integer id |
the id of the ParmLFOLearn-settings you want to have, starting with 1 for the first |
boolean retval, optional string alteredFXStateChunk = ultraschall.SetParmLFOLearn_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer id, integer midi_note, integer checkboxflags, optional string osc_message)
Sets an already existing ParmLFO-Learn-entry of an FX-plugin from an FXStateChunk.
It's the LFOLEARN-entry
See GetParmLFOLearnID_by_FXParam_FXStateChunk to get the parameter id by fx-parameter-index instead.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if setting new values was successful; false, if setting was unsuccessful(e.g. no such ParmLFO) |
optional string alteredFXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, in which you want to set a ParmLFO-Learn-entry |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, which holds the to-set-ParmLFO-Learn-entry; beginning with 1 |
integer id |
the id of the ParmLFO-Learn-entry to set; beginning with 1 |
integer midi_note |
the midinote, that is assigned to this; this is a multibyte value, with the first byte being the MIDI-mode, and the second byte the MIDI/CC-note 0, OSC is used 176, MIDI Chan 1 CC 0 (Byte1=176, Byte2=0) ... 432, MIDI Chan 1 CC 1 (Byte1=176, Byte2=1) ... 144, MIDI Chan 1 Note 1 (Byte1=144, Byte2=0) 400, MIDI Chan 1 Note 1 (Byte1=144, Byte2=1) ... 9360, MIDI Chan 1 Note 36 (Byte1=144, Byte2=36) 9616, MIDI Chan 1 Note 37 (Byte1=144, Byte2=37) 9872, MIDI Chan 1 Note 38 (Byte1=144, Byte2=38) ... CC Mode-dropdownlist: set the following flags to their specific values (0=0, 1=the value beginning &, like &65536 or &131072 or &262144) &65536 &131072 &262144 0 0 0, Absolute 1 0 0, Relative 1(127=-1, 1=+1) 0 1 0, Relative 2(63=-1, 65=+1) 1 1 0, Relative 3(65=-1, 1=+1) 0 0 1, Toggle (>0=toggle) |
integer checkboxflags |
the checkboxes checked in the MIDI/OSC-learn dialog 0, no checkboxes 1, enable only when track or item is selected 2, Soft takeover (absolute mode only) 3, Soft takeover (absolute mode only)+enable only when track or item is selected 4, enable only when effect configuration is focused 20, enable only when effect configuration is visible |
optional string osc_message |
the osc-message, that triggers the ParmLFOLearn, only when midi_note is set to 0! |
boolean retval, optional string alteredFXStateChunk = ultraschall.AddParmLearn_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer parmidx, string parmname, integer midi_note, integer checkboxflags, optional string osc_message)
boolean retval |
true, if setting new values was successful; false, if setting was unsuccessful(e.g. no such ParmLearn) |
optional string alteredFXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, in which you want to set a Parm-Learn-entry |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, which holds the to-set-Parm-Learn-entry; beginning with 1 |
integer parmidx |
the parameter, whose Parameter Learn you want to add |
string parmname |
the name of the parameter, usually \"\" or \"byp\" for bypass or \"wet\" for wet; when using wet or bypass, these are essential to give, otherwise just pass "" |
integer midi_note |
an integer representation of the MIDI-note, which is set as command; 0, in case of an OSC-message examples: 0, OSC is used 176, MIDI Chan 1 CC 0 ... 432, MIDI Chan 1 CC 1 ... 9360, MIDI Chan 1 Note 36 9616, MIDI Chan 1 Note 37 9872, MIDI Chan 1 Note 38 ... CC Mode-dropdownlist: set the following flags to their specific values (0=0, 1=the value beginning &, like &65536 or &131072 or &262144) &65536 &131072 &262144 0 0 0, Absolute 1 0 0, Relative 1(127=-1, 1=+1) 0 1 0, Relative 2(63=-1, 65=+1) 1 1 0, Relative 3(65=-1, 1=+1) 0 0 1, Toggle (>0=toggle) |
integer checkboxflags |
the checkboxes checked in the MIDI/OSC-learn dialog 0, no checkboxes 1, enable only when track or item is selected 2, Soft takeover (absolute mode only) 3, Soft takeover (absolute mode only)+enable only when track or item is selected 4, enable only when effect configuration is focused 20, enable only when effect configuration is visible |
optional string osc_message |
the osc-message, that triggers the ParmLearn, only when midi_note is set to 0! |
boolean retval, optional string alteredFXStateChunk = ultraschall.AddParmLearn_FXStateChunk2(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer parmidx, string parmname, integer input_mode, integer channel, integer cc_note, integer cc_mode, integer checkboxflags, optional string osc_message)
boolean retval |
true, if setting new values was successful; false, if setting was unsuccessful(e.g. no such ParmLearn) |
optional string alteredFXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, in which you want to set a Parm-Learn-entry |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, which holds the to-set-Parm-Learn-entry; beginning with 1 |
integer parmidx |
the parameter, whose Parameter Learn you want to add; 0-based |
string parmname |
the name of the parameter, usually \"\" or \"byp\" for bypass or \"wet\" for wet; when using wet or bypass, these are essential to give, otherwise just pass "" |
integer input_mode |
the input mode of this ParmLearn-entry 0, OSC 1, MIDI Note 2, MIDI CC 3, MIDI PC 4, MIDI Pitch |
integer channel |
the midi-channel used; 1-16 |
integer cc_note |
the midi/cc-note used; 0-127 |
integer cc_mode |
the cc-mode-dropdownlist 0, Absolute 1, Relative 1(127=-1, 1=+1) 2, Relative 2(63=-1, 65=+1) 3, Relative 3(65=-1, 1=+1) 4, Toggle (>0=toggle) |
integer checkboxflags |
the checkboxes checked in the MIDI/OSC-learn dialog 0, no checkboxes 1, enable only when track or item is selected 2, Soft takeover (absolute mode only) 3, Soft takeover (absolute mode only)+enable only when track or item is selected 4, enable only when effect configuration is focused 20, enable only when effect configuration is visible |
optional string osc_message |
the osc-message, that triggers the ParmLearn, only when midi_note is set to 0! |
integer count = ultraschall.CountParmLearn_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid)
integer count |
the number of ParmLearn-entries found |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, in which you want to count a Parm-Learn-entry |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, which holds the to-count-Parm-Learn-entry; beginning with 1 |
boolean retval, string alteredFXStateChunk = ultraschall.DeleteParmLearn_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer parmlearn_id)
Deletes a ParmLearn-entry from an FXStateChunk.
Unlike DeleteParmLearn2_FXStateChunk, this indexes by the already existing parmlearns and not by parameters.
See GetParmLearnID_by_FXParam_FXStateChunk to get the parmlearnid by fx-parameter-index instead of parmid.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if deletion was successful; false, if the function couldn't delete anything |
string alteredFXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, which you want to delete a ParmLearn from |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, which holds the to-delete-ParmLearn-entry; beginning with 1 |
integer parmlearn_id |
the id of the ParmLearn-entry to delete; beginning with 1 |
integer parmlearn_id, = ultraschall.GetParmLearnID_by_FXParam_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer param_id)
integer parmlearn_id |
the idx of the parmlearn, that you can use for Add/Get/Set/DeleteParmLearn-functions; -1, if parameter has no ParmLearn associated |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, from which you want to retrieve the parmlearn |
integer fxid |
the fx, of which you want to get the parmlearn_id |
integer param_id |
the parameter, whose parmlearn_id you want to get |
integer enable_state, boolean softtakeover, integer ccmode = ultraschall.GetParmLearn_Default()
integer enable_state |
the radiobuttons in the parmlearn-dialog 0, no option selected 1, enable only when track or item is selected 2, enable only when effect configuration is focused 3, enable only when effect configuration is visible |
boolean softtakeover |
true, set softtakeover checkbox checked; false, set softtakeover checkbox unchecked |
integer ccmode |
the ccmode-dropdownlist 0, Absolute 1, Relative 1 (127=-1, 1=+1) 2, Relative 2 (63=-1, 65=+1) 3, Relative 3 (65=-1, 1=+1) 4, Toggle (>0=Toggle) |
integer parm_idx, string parmname, integer midi_note, integer checkboxflags, optional string osc_message = ultraschall.GetParmLearn_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer parmlearn_id)
Returns a parameter-learn-setting from an FXStateChunk An FXStateChunk holds all FX-plugin-settings for a specific MediaTrack or MediaItem.
It is the PARMLEARN-entry
See GetParmLearnID_by_FXParam_FXStateChunk to get the parmlearnid by fx-parameter-index instead of parmid.
Returns nil in case of an error
integer parm_idx |
the idx of the parameter; order is exactly like the order in the contextmenu of Parameter List -> Learn |
string parmname |
the name of the parameter, though usually only "wet" or "byp" or "" to get the actual displayed parametername, you need to use the reaper.TrackFX_GetParamName-function |
integer midi_note |
the midinote, that is assigned to this; this is a multibyte value, with the first byte being the MIDI-mode, and the second byte the MIDI/CC-note 0, OSC is used 176, MIDI Chan 1 CC 0 (Byte1=176, Byte2=0) ... 432, MIDI Chan 1 CC 1 (Byte1=176, Byte2=1) ... 144, MIDI Chan 1 Note 1 (Byte1=144, Byte2=0) 400, MIDI Chan 1 Note 1 (Byte1=144, Byte2=1) ... 9360, MIDI Chan 1 Note 36 (Byte1=144, Byte2=36) 9616, MIDI Chan 1 Note 37 (Byte1=144, Byte2=37) 9872, MIDI Chan 1 Note 38 (Byte1=144, Byte2=38) ... CC Mode-dropdownlist: set the following flags to their specific values (0=0, 1=the value beginning &, like &65536 or &131072 or &262144) &65536 &131072 &262144 0 0 0, Absolute 1 0 0, Relative 1(127=-1, 1=+1) 0 1 0, Relative 2(63=-1, 65=+1) 1 1 0, Relative 3(65=-1, 1=+1) 0 0 1, Toggle (>0=toggle) |
integer checkboxflags |
the checkboxes checked in the MIDI/OSC-learn dialog 0, no checkboxes 1, enable only when track or item is selected 2, Soft takeover (absolute mode only) 3, Soft takeover (absolute mode only)+enable only when track or item is selected 4, enable only when effect configuration is focused 20, enable only when effect configuration is visible |
optional string osc_message |
the osc-message, that triggers the ParmLearn |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, from which you want to retrieve the ParmLearn-settings |
integer fxid |
the fx, of which you want to get the parameter-learn-settings |
integer parmlearn_id |
the id of the ParmLearn-settings you want to have, starting with 1 for the first |
integer parm_idx, string parmname, integer input_mode, integer channel, integer cc_note, integer checkboxflags, optional string osc_message = ultraschall.GetParmLearn_FXStateChunk2(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer id)
integer parm_idx |
the idx of the parameter; order is exactly like the order in the contextmenu of Parameter List -> Learn |
string parmname |
the name of the parameter, though usually only "wet" or "byp" or "" to get the actual displayed parametername, you need to use the reaper.TrackFX_GetParamName-function |
integer input_mode |
the input mode of this ParmLearn-entry 0, OSC 1, MIDI Note 2, MIDI CC 3, MIDI PC 4, MIDI Pitch |
integer channel |
the midi-channel used; 1-16 |
integer cc_note |
the midi/cc-note used; 0-127 |
integer cc_mode |
the cc-mode-dropdownlist 0, Absolute 1, Relative 1(127=-1, 1=+1) 2, Relative 2(63=-1, 65=+1) 3, Relative 3(65=-1, 1=+1) 4, Toggle (>0=toggle) |
integer checkboxflags |
the checkboxes checked in the MIDI/OSC-learn dialog 0, no checkboxes 1, enable only when track or item is selected 2, Soft takeover (absolute mode only) 3, Soft takeover (absolute mode only)+enable only when track or item is selected 4, enable only when effect configuration is focused 20, enable only when effect configuration is visible |
optional string osc_message |
the osc-message, that triggers the ParmLearn |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, from which you want to retrieve the ParmLearn-settings |
integer fxid |
the fx, of which you want to get the parameter-learn-settings |
integer id |
the id of the ParmLearn-settings you want to have, starting with 1 for the first |
integer parm_idx, string parmname, integer midi_note, integer checkboxflags, optional string osc_message = ultraschall.GetParmLearn_MediaItem(MediaItem MediaItem, integer fxid, integer id)
integer parm_idx |
the idx of the parameter; order is exactly like the order in the contextmenu of Parameter List -> Learn |
string parmname |
the name of the parameter, though usually only wet or bypass |
integer midi_note |
the midinote, that is assigned to this; this is a multibyte value, with the first byte being the MIDI-mode, and the second byte the MIDI/CC-note 0, OSC is used 176, MIDI Chan 1 CC 0 (Byte1=176, Byte2=0) ... 432, MIDI Chan 1 CC 1 (Byte1=176, Byte2=1) ... 144, MIDI Chan 1 Note 1 (Byte1=144, Byte2=0) 400, MIDI Chan 1 Note 1 (Byte1=144, Byte2=1) ... 9360, MIDI Chan 1 Note 36 (Byte1=144, Byte2=36) 9616, MIDI Chan 1 Note 37 (Byte1=144, Byte2=37) 9872, MIDI Chan 1 Note 38 (Byte1=144, Byte2=38) ... CC Mode-dropdownlist: set the following flags to their specific values (0=0, 1=the value beginning &, like &65536 or &131072 or &262144) &65536 &131072 &262144 0 0 0, Absolute 1 0 0, Relative 1(127=-1, 1=+1) 0 1 0, Relative 2(63=-1, 65=+1) 1 1 0, Relative 3(65=-1, 1=+1) 0 0 1, Toggle (>0=toggle) |
integer checkboxflags |
the checkboxes checked in the MIDI/OSC-learn dialog 0, no checkboxes 1, enable only when track or item is selected 2, Soft takeover (absolute mode only) 3, Soft takeover (absolute mode only)+enable only when track or item is selected 4, enable only when effect configuration is focused 20, enable only when effect configuration is visible |
optional string osc_message |
the osc-message, that triggers the ParmLearn |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose ParmLearn-setting you want to get |
integer fxid |
the fx, of which you want to get the parameter-learn-settings |
integer id |
the id of the ParmLearn-settings you want to have, starting with 1 for the first |
integer parm_idx, string parmname, integer midi_note, integer checkboxflags, optional string osc_message = ultraschall.GetParmLearn_MediaTrack(MediaTrack MediaTrack, integer fxid, integer id)
integer parm_idx |
the idx of the parameter; order is exactly like the order in the contextmenu of Parameter List -> Learn |
string parmname |
the name of the parameter, though usually only wet or bypass |
integer midi_note |
the midinote, that is assigned to this; this is a multibyte value, with the first byte being the MIDI-mode, and the second byte the MIDI/CC-note 0, OSC is used 176, MIDI Chan 1 CC 0 (Byte1=176, Byte2=0) ... 432, MIDI Chan 1 CC 1 (Byte1=176, Byte2=1) ... 144, MIDI Chan 1 Note 1 (Byte1=144, Byte2=0) 400, MIDI Chan 1 Note 1 (Byte1=144, Byte2=1) ... 9360, MIDI Chan 1 Note 36 (Byte1=144, Byte2=36) 9616, MIDI Chan 1 Note 37 (Byte1=144, Byte2=37) 9872, MIDI Chan 1 Note 38 (Byte1=144, Byte2=38) ... CC Mode-dropdownlist: set the following flags to their specific values (0=0, 1=the value beginning &, like &65536 or &131072 or &262144) &65536 &131072 &262144 0 0 0, Absolute 1 0 0, Relative 1(127=-1, 1=+1) 0 1 0, Relative 2(63=-1, 65=+1) 1 1 0, Relative 3(65=-1, 1=+1) 0 0 1, Toggle (>0=toggle) |
integer checkboxflags |
the checkboxes checked in the MIDI/OSC-learn dialog 0, no checkboxes 1, enable only when track or item is selected 2, Soft takeover (absolute mode only) 3, Soft takeover (absolute mode only)+enable only when track or item is selected 4, enable only when effect configuration is focused 20, enable only when effect configuration is visible |
optional string osc_message |
the osc-message, that triggers the ParmLearn |
MediaTrack MediaTrack |
the MediaTrack, whose ParmLearn-setting you want to get |
integer fxid |
the fx, of which you want to get the parameter-learn-settings |
integer id |
the id of the ParmLearn-settings you want to have, starting with 1 for the first |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetParmLearn_Default(integer enable_state, boolean softtakeover, integer ccmode)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer enable_state |
the radiobuttons in the parmlearn-dialog 0, no option selected 1, enable only when track or item is selected 2, enable only when effect configuration is focused 3, enable only when effect configuration is visible |
boolean softtakeover |
true, set softtakeover checkbox checked; false, set softtakeover checkbox unchecked |
integer ccmode |
the ccmode-dropdownlist 0, Absolute 1, Relative 1 (127=-1, 1=+1) 2, Relative 2 (63=-1, 65=+1) 3, Relative 3 (65=-1, 1=+1) 4, Toggle (>0=Toggle) |
boolean retval, optional string alteredFXStateChunk = ultraschall.SetParmLearn_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer parmlearn_id, integer midi_note, integer checkboxflags, optional string osc_message)
Sets an already existing Parm-Learn-entry of an FX-plugin from an FXStateChunk.
It's the PARMLEARN-entry
See GetParmLearnID_by_FXParam_FXStateChunk to get the parmlearnid by fx-parameter-index instead of parmid.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if setting new values was successful; false, if setting was unsuccessful(e.g. no such ParmLearn) |
optional string alteredFXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, in which you want to set a Parm-Learn-entry |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, which holds the to-set-Parm-Learn-entry; beginning with 1 |
integer parmlearn_id |
the id of the Parm-Learn-entry to set; beginning with 1 |
integer midi_note |
the midinote, that is assigned to this; this is a multibyte value, with the first byte being the MIDI-mode, and the second byte the MIDI/CC-note 0, OSC is used 176, MIDI Chan 1 CC 0 (Byte1=176, Byte2=0) ... 432, MIDI Chan 1 CC 1 (Byte1=176, Byte2=1) ... 144, MIDI Chan 1 Note 1 (Byte1=144, Byte2=0) 400, MIDI Chan 1 Note 1 (Byte1=144, Byte2=1) ... 9360, MIDI Chan 1 Note 36 (Byte1=144, Byte2=36) 9616, MIDI Chan 1 Note 37 (Byte1=144, Byte2=37) 9872, MIDI Chan 1 Note 38 (Byte1=144, Byte2=38) ... CC Mode-dropdownlist: set the following flags to their specific values (0=0, 1=the value beginning &, like &65536 or &131072 or &262144) &65536 &131072 &262144 0 0 0, Absolute 1 0 0, Relative 1(127=-1, 1=+1) 0 1 0, Relative 2(63=-1, 65=+1) 1 1 0, Relative 3(65=-1, 1=+1) 0 0 1, Toggle (>0=toggle) |
integer checkboxflags |
the checkboxes checked in the MIDI/OSC-learn dialog 0, no checkboxes 1, enable only when track or item is selected 2, Soft takeover (absolute mode only) 3, Soft takeover (absolute mode only)+enable only when track or item is selected 4, enable only when effect configuration is focused 20, enable only when effect configuration is visible |
optional string osc_message |
the osc-message, that triggers the ParmLearn, only when midi_note is set to 0! |
boolean retval, optional string alteredFXStateChunk = ultraschall.SetParmLearn_FXStateChunk2(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer parmidx, string parmname, integer input_mode, integer channel, integer cc_note, integer cc_mode, integer checkboxflags, optional string osc_message)
boolean retval |
true, if setting new values was successful; false, if setting was unsuccessful(e.g. no such ParmLearn) |
optional string alteredFXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, in which you want to set a Parm-Learn-entry |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, which holds the to-set-Parm-Learn-entry; beginning with 1 |
integer parmidx |
the parameter, whose Parameter Learn you want to add; 0-based |
string parmname |
the name of the parameter, usually \"\" or \"byp\" for bypass or \"wet\" for wet; when using wet or bypass, these are essential to give, otherwise just pass "" |
integer input_mode |
the input mode of this ParmLearn-entry 0, OSC 1, MIDI Note 2, MIDI CC 3, MIDI PC 4, MIDI Pitch |
integer channel |
the midi-channel used; 1-16 |
integer cc_note |
the midi/cc-note used; 0-127 |
integer cc_mode |
the cc-mode-dropdownlist 0, Absolute 1, Relative 1(127=-1, 1=+1) 2, Relative 2(63=-1, 65=+1) 3, Relative 3(65=-1, 1=+1) 4, Toggle (>0=toggle) |
integer checkboxflags |
the checkboxes checked in the MIDI/OSC-learn dialog 0, no checkboxes 1, enable only when track or item is selected 2, Soft takeover (absolute mode only) 3, Soft takeover (absolute mode only)+enable only when track or item is selected 4, enable only when effect configuration is focused 20, enable only when effect configuration is visible |
optional string osc_message |
the osc-message, that triggers the ParmLearn, only when midi_note is set to 0! |
string FXStateChunk = ultraschall.AddParmMod_ParmModTable(string FXStateChunk, integer fxindex, table ParmModTable)
Takes a ParmModTable and adds with its values a new Parameter Modulation of a specific fx within an FXStateChunk.
The expected table's format is as follows:
ParmModTable["PARAM_NR"] - the parameter that you want to modulate; 1 for the first, 2 for the second, etc
ParmModTable["PARAM_TYPE"] - the type of the parameter, usually "", "wet" or "bypass"
- Enable parameter modulation, baseline value(envelope overrides)-checkbox;
true, checked; false, unchecked
ParmModTable["PARAMOD_BASELINE"] - Enable parameter modulation, baseline value(envelope overrides)-slider;
0.000 to 1.000
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL"] - is the Audio control signal(sidechain)-checkbox checked; true, checked; false, unchecked
Note: if true, this needs all AUDIOCONTROL_-entries to be set
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_CHAN"] - the Track audio channel-dropdownlist; When stereo, the first stereo-channel;
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_STEREO"] - 0, just use mono-channels; 1, use the channel AUDIOCONTROL_CHAN plus
AUDIOCONTROL_CHAN+1; nil, if not available
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_ATTACK"] - the Attack-slider of Audio Control Signal; 0-1000 ms; nil, if not available
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_RELEASE"] - the Release-slider; 0-1000ms; nil, if not available
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_MINVOLUME"] - the Min volume-slider; -60dB to 11.9dB; must be smaller than AUDIOCONTROL_MAXVOLUME;
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_MAXVOLUME"] - the Max volume-slider; -59.9dB to 12dB; must be bigger than AUDIOCONTROL_MINVOLUME;
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_STRENGTH"] - the Strength-slider; 0(0%) to 1000(100%)
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_DIRECTION"] - the direction-radiobuttons; -1, negative; 0, centered; 1, positive
ParmModTable["X2"]=0.5 - the audiocontrol signal shaping-x-coordinate
ParmModTable["Y2"]=0.5 - the audiocontrol signal shaping-y-coordinate
ParmModTable["LFO"] - if the LFO-checkbox checked; true, checked; false, unchecked
Note: if true, this needs all LFO_-entries to be set
ParmModTable["LFO_SHAPE"] - the LFO Shape-dropdownlist;
0, sine; 1, square; 2, saw L; 3, saw R; 4, triangle; 5, random
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["LFO_SHAPEOLD"] - use the old-style of the LFO_SHAPE;
0, use current style of LFO_SHAPE;
1, use old style of LFO_SHAPE;
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["LFO_TEMPOSYNC"] - the Tempo sync-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
ParmModTable["LFO_SPEED"] - the LFO Speed-slider; 0(0.0039Hz) to 1(8.0000Hz); nil, if not available
ParmModTable["LFO_STRENGTH"] - the LFO Strength-slider; 0.000(0.0%) to 1.000(100.0%)
ParmModTable["LFO_PHASE"] - the LFO Phase-slider; 0.000 to 1.000; nil, if not available
ParmModTable["LFO_DIRECTION"] - the LFO Direction-radiobuttons; -1, Negative; 0, Centered; 1, Positive
ParmModTable["LFO_PHASERESET"] - the LFO Phase reset-dropdownlist;
0, On seek/loop(deterministic output)
1, Free-running(non-deterministic output)
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["MIDIPLINK"] - true, if any parameter-linking with MIDI-stuff; false, if not
Note: if true, this needs all MIDIPLINK_-entries and PARMLINK_LINKEDPLUGIN=-100 to be set
ParmModTable["PARMLINK"] - the Link from MIDI or FX parameter-checkbox
true, checked; false, unchecked
ParmModTable["PARMLINK_LINKEDPLUGIN"] - the selected plugin; nil, if not available
- will be ignored, when PARMLINK_LINKEDPLUGIN_RELATIVE is set
-1, nothing selected yet
-100, MIDI-parameter-settings
1 - the first fx-plugin
2 - the second fx-plugin
3 - the third fx-plugin, etc
ParmModTable["PARMLINK_LINKEDPLUGIN_RELATIVE"] - the linked plugin relative to the current one in the FXChain
- 0, use parameter of the current fx-plugin
- negative, use parameter of a plugin above of the current plugin(-1, the one above; -2, two above, etc)
- positive, use parameter of a plugin below the current plugin(1, the one below; 2, two below, etc)
- nil, use only the plugin linked absolute(the one linked with PARMLINK_LINKEDPARMIDX)
ParmModTable["PARMLINK_LINKEDPARMIDX"] - the id of the linked parameter; -1, if none is linked yet; nil, if not available
When MIDI, this is irrelevant.
When FX-parameter:
0 to n; 0 for the first; 1, for the second, etc
ParmModTable["PARMLINK_OFFSET"] - the Offset-slider; -1.00(-100%) to 1.00(+100%); nil, if not available
ParmModTable["PARMLINK_SCALE"] - the Scale-slider; -1.00(-100%) to 1.00(+100%); nil, if not available
ParmModTable["MIDIPLINK"] - true, if any parameter-linking with MIDI-stuff; false, if not
Note: if true, this needs all MIDIPLINK_-entries and PARMLINK_LINKEDPLUGIN=-100 to be set
ParmModTable["MIDIPLINK_BUS"] - the MIDI-bus selected in the button-menu;
0 to 15 for bus 1 to 16;
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["MIDIPLINK_CHANNEL"] - the MIDI-channel selected in the button-menu;
0, omni; 1 to 16 for channel 1 to 16;
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["MIDIPLINK_MIDICATEGORY"] - the MIDI_Category selected in the button-menu; nil, if not available
144, MIDI note
160, Aftertouch
176, CC 14Bit and CC
192, Program Change
208, Channel Pressure
224, Pitch
ParmModTable["MIDIPLINK_MIDINOTE"] - the MIDI-note selected in the button-menu; nil, if not available
When MIDI note:
0(C-2) to 127(G8)
When Aftertouch:
0(C-2) to 127(G8)
When CC14 Bit:
128 to 159; see dropdownlist for the commands(the order of the list
is the same as this numbering)
When CC:
0 to 119; see dropdownlist for the commands(the order of the list
is the same as this numbering)
When Program Change:
When Channel Pressure:
When Pitch:
ParmModTable["WINDOW_ALTERED"] - false, if the windowposition hasn't been altered yet; true, if the window has been altered
Note: if true, this needs all WINDOW_-entries to be set
ParmModTable["WINDOW_ALTEREDOPEN"] - if the position of the ParmMod-window is altered and currently open;
nil, unchanged; 0, unopened; 1, open
ParmModTable["WINDOW_XPOS"] - the x-position of the altered ParmMod-window in pixels; nil, default position
ParmModTable["WINDOW_YPOS"] - the y-position of the altered ParmMod-window in pixels; nil, default position
ParmModTable["WINDOW_RIGHT"] - the right-position of the altered ParmMod-window in pixels;
nil, default position; only readable
ParmModTable["WINDOW_BOTTOM"] - the bottom-position of the altered ParmMod-window in pixels;
nil, default position; only readable
This function does not check, if the values are within valid value-ranges, only if the datatypes are valid.
returns nil in case of an error
string FXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk, where the ParameterModulation shall be added |
string FXStateChunk |
an FXStateChunk, of which you want to add the values of a specific parameter-modulation |
integer fxindex |
the index of the fx, of which you want to add specific parameter-modulation-values |
table ParmModTable |
the table which holds all parameter-modulation-values to be added |
integer number_of_parmmodulations = ultraschall.CountParmModFromFXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxindex)
integer number_of_parmmodulations |
the number of parameter-modulations available for this fx within this FXStateChunk |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk from which you want to count the parameter-modulations available for a specific fx |
integer fxindex |
the index of the fx, whose number of parameter-modulations you want to know |
table ParmModTable = ultraschall.CreateDefaultParmModTable()
returns a parameter-modulation-table with default settings set. You can alter these settings to your needs before committing it to an FXStateChunk.
The checkboxes for "Audio control signal (sidechain)", "LFO", "Link from MIDI or FX parameter" are unchecked and the fx-parameter is set to 1(the first parameter of the plugin). To enable and change them, you need to alter the following entries accordingly, or applying the ParmModTable has no effect:
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL"] - the checkbox for "Audio control signal (sidechain)"
ParmModTable["LFO"] - the checkbox for "LFO"
ParmModTable["PARMLINK"] - the checkbox for "Link from MIDI or FX parameter"
ParmModTable["PARAM_NR"] - the index of the fx-parameter for which the parameter-modulation-table is intended
The table's format and its default-values is as follows:
ParmModTable["PARAM_NR"] - the parameter that you want to modulate; 1 for the first, 2 for the second, etc
ParmModTable["PARAM_TYPE"] - the type of the parameter, usually "", "wet" or "bypass"
- Enable parameter modulation, baseline value(envelope overrides)-checkbox;
true, checked; false, unchecked
ParmModTable["PARAMOD_BASELINE"] - Enable parameter modulation, baseline value(envelope overrides)-slider;
0.000 to 1.000
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL"] - is the Audio control signal(sidechain)-checkbox checked; true, checked; false, unchecked
Note: if true, this needs all AUDIOCONTROL_-entries to be set
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_CHAN"] - the Track audio channel-dropdownlist; When stereo, the first stereo-channel;
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_STEREO"] - 0, just use mono-channels; 1, use the channel AUDIOCONTROL_CHAN plus
AUDIOCONTROL_CHAN+1; nil, if not available
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_ATTACK"] - the Attack-slider of Audio Control Signal; 0-1000 ms; nil, if not available
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_RELEASE"] - the Release-slider; 0-1000ms; nil, if not available
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_MINVOLUME"] - the Min volume-slider; -60dB to 11.9dB; must be smaller than AUDIOCONTROL_MAXVOLUME;
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_MAXVOLUME"] - the Max volume-slider; -59.9dB to 12dB; must be bigger than AUDIOCONTROL_MINVOLUME;
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_STRENGTH"] - the Strength-slider; 0(0%) to 1000(100%)
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_DIRECTION"] - the direction-radiobuttons; -1, negative; 0, centered; 1, positive
ParmModTable["X2"]=0.5 - the audiocontrol signal shaping-x-coordinate
ParmModTable["Y2"]=0.5 - the audiocontrol signal shaping-y-coordinate
ParmModTable["LFO"] - if the LFO-checkbox checked; true, checked; false, unchecked
Note: if true, this needs all LFO_-entries to be set
ParmModTable["LFO_SHAPE"] - the LFO Shape-dropdownlist;
0, sine; 1, square; 2, saw L; 3, saw R; 4, triangle; 5, random
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["LFO_SHAPEOLD"] - use the old-style of the LFO_SHAPE;
0, use current style of LFO_SHAPE;
1, use old style of LFO_SHAPE;
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["LFO_TEMPOSYNC"] - the Tempo sync-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
ParmModTable["LFO_SPEED"] - the LFO Speed-slider; 0(0.0039Hz) to 1(8.0000Hz); nil, if not available
ParmModTable["LFO_STRENGTH"] - the LFO Strength-slider; 0.000(0.0%) to 1.000(100.0%)
ParmModTable["LFO_PHASE"] - the LFO Phase-slider; 0.000 to 1.000; nil, if not available
ParmModTable["LFO_DIRECTION"] - the LFO Direction-radiobuttons; -1, Negative; 0, Centered; 1, Positive
ParmModTable["LFO_PHASERESET"] - the LFO Phase reset-dropdownlist;
0, On seek/loop(deterministic output)
1, Free-running(non-deterministic output)
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["MIDIPLINK"] - true, if any parameter-linking with MIDI-stuff; false, if not
Note: if true, this needs all MIDIPLINK_-entries and PARMLINK_LINKEDPLUGIN=-100 to be set
ParmModTable["PARMLINK"] - the Link from MIDI or FX parameter-checkbox
true, checked; false, unchecked
ParmModTable["PARMLINK_LINKEDPLUGIN"] - the selected plugin; nil, if not available
- will be ignored, when PARMLINK_LINKEDPLUGIN_RELATIVE is set
-1, nothing selected yet
-100, MIDI-parameter-settings
1 - the first fx-plugin
2 - the second fx-plugin
3 - the third fx-plugin, etc
ParmModTable["PARMLINK_LINKEDPLUGIN_RELATIVE"] - the linked plugin relative to the current one in the FXChain
- 0, use parameter of the current fx-plugin
- negative, use parameter of a plugin above of the current plugin(-1, the one above; -2, two above, etc)
- positive, use parameter of a plugin below the current plugin(1, the one below; 2, two below, etc)
- nil, use only the plugin linked absolute(the one linked with PARMLINK_LINKEDPARMIDX)
ParmModTable["PARMLINK_LINKEDPARMIDX"] - the id of the linked parameter; -1, if none is linked yet; nil, if not available
When MIDI, this is irrelevant.
When FX-parameter:
0 to n; 0 for the first; 1, for the second, etc
ParmModTable["PARMLINK_OFFSET"] - the Offset-slider; -1.00(-100%) to 1.00(+100%); nil, if not available
ParmModTable["PARMLINK_SCALE"] - the Scale-slider; -1.00(-100%) to 1.00(+100%); nil, if not available
ParmModTable["MIDIPLINK"] - true, if any parameter-linking with MIDI-stuff; false, if not
Note: if true, this needs all MIDIPLINK_-entries and PARMLINK_LINKEDPLUGIN=-100 to be set
ParmModTable["MIDIPLINK_BUS"] - the MIDI-bus selected in the button-menu;
0 to 15 for bus 1 to 16;
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["MIDIPLINK_CHANNEL"] - the MIDI-channel selected in the button-menu;
0, omni; 1 to 16 for channel 1 to 16;
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["MIDIPLINK_MIDICATEGORY"] - the MIDI_Category selected in the button-menu; nil, if not available
144, MIDI note
160, Aftertouch
176, CC 14Bit and CC
192, Program Change
208, Channel Pressure
224, Pitch
ParmModTable["MIDIPLINK_MIDINOTE"] - the MIDI-note selected in the button-menu; nil, if not available
When MIDI note:
0(C-2) to 127(G8)
When Aftertouch:
0(C-2) to 127(G8)
When CC14 Bit:
128 to 159; see dropdownlist for the commands(the order of the list
is the same as this numbering)
When CC:
0 to 119; see dropdownlist for the commands(the order of the list
is the same as this numbering)
When Program Change:
When Channel Pressure:
When Pitch:
ParmModTable["WINDOW_ALTERED"] - false, if the windowposition hasn't been altered yet; true, if the window has been altered
Note: if true, this needs all WINDOW_-entries to be set
ParmModTable["WINDOW_ALTEREDOPEN"] - if the position of the ParmMod-window is altered and currently open;
nil, unchanged; 0, unopened; 1, open
ParmModTable["WINDOW_XPOS"] - the x-position of the altered ParmMod-window in pixels; nil, default position
ParmModTable["WINDOW_YPOS"] - the y-position of the altered ParmMod-window in pixels; nil, default position
ParmModTable["WINDOW_RIGHT"] - the right-position of the altered ParmMod-window in pixels;
nil, default position; only readable
ParmModTable["WINDOW_BOTTOM"] - the bottom-position of the altered ParmMod-window in pixels;
nil, default position; only readable
table ParmModTable |
a ParmModTable with all settings set to Reaper's defaults |
string altered_FXStateChunk, boolean altered = ultraschall.DeleteParmModFromFXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxindex, integer parmidx)
string altered_FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, from which the |
boolean altered |
true, deleting was successful; false, deleting was unsuccessful |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk from which you want to delete a parameter-modulation of a specific fx |
integer fxindex |
the index of the fx, whose parameter-modulations you want to delete |
integer parmmodidx |
the parameter-index, whose parameter-modulation you want to delete |
table ParmModulationTable = ultraschall.GetParmModTable_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxindex, integer parmodindex)
Returns a table with all values of a specific Parameter-Modulation from an FXStateChunk.
The table's format is as follows:
ParmModTable["PARAM_NR"] - the parameter that you want to modulate; 1 for the first, 2 for the second, etc
ParmModTable["PARAM_TYPE"] - the type of the parameter, usually "", "wet" or "bypass"
- Enable parameter modulation, baseline value(envelope overrides)-checkbox;
true, checked; false, unchecked
ParmModTable["PARAMOD_BASELINE"] - Enable parameter modulation, baseline value(envelope overrides)-slider;
0.000 to 1.000
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL"] - is the Audio control signal(sidechain)-checkbox checked; true, checked; false, unchecked
Note: if true, this needs all AUDIOCONTROL_-entries to be set
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_CHAN"] - the Track audio channel-dropdownlist; When stereo, the first stereo-channel;
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_STEREO"] - 0, just use mono-channels; 1, use the channel AUDIOCONTROL_CHAN plus
AUDIOCONTROL_CHAN+1; nil, if not available
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_ATTACK"] - the Attack-slider of Audio Control Signal; 0-1000 ms; nil, if not available
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_RELEASE"] - the Release-slider; 0-1000ms; nil, if not available
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_MINVOLUME"] - the Min volume-slider; -60dB to 11.9dB; must be smaller than AUDIOCONTROL_MAXVOLUME;
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_MAXVOLUME"] - the Max volume-slider; -59.9dB to 12dB; must be bigger than AUDIOCONTROL_MINVOLUME;
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_STRENGTH"] - the Strength-slider; 0(0%) to 1000(100%)
ParmModTable["AUDIOCONTROL_DIRECTION"] - the direction-radiobuttons; -1, negative; 0, centered; 1, positive
ParmModTable["X2"]=0.5 - the audiocontrol signal shaping-x-coordinate
ParmModTable["Y2"]=0.5 - the audiocontrol signal shaping-y-coordinate
ParmModTable["LFO"] - if the LFO-checkbox checked; true, checked; false, unchecked
Note: if true, this needs all LFO_-entries to be set
ParmModTable["LFO_SHAPE"] - the LFO Shape-dropdownlist;
0, sine; 1, square; 2, saw L; 3, saw R; 4, triangle; 5, random
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["LFO_SHAPEOLD"] - use the old-style of the LFO_SHAPE;
0, use current style of LFO_SHAPE;
1, use old style of LFO_SHAPE;
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["LFO_TEMPOSYNC"] - the Tempo sync-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
ParmModTable["LFO_SPEED"] - the LFO Speed-slider; 0(0.0039Hz) to 1(8.0000Hz); nil, if not available
ParmModTable["LFO_STRENGTH"] - the LFO Strength-slider; 0.000(0.0%) to 1.000(100.0%)
ParmModTable["LFO_PHASE"] - the LFO Phase-slider; 0.000 to 1.000; nil, if not available
ParmModTable["LFO_DIRECTION"] - the LFO Direction-radiobuttons; -1, Negative; 0, Centered; 1, Positive
ParmModTable["LFO_PHASERESET"] - the LFO Phase reset-dropdownlist;
0, On seek/loop(deterministic output)
1, Free-running(non-deterministic output)
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["MIDIPLINK"] - true, if any parameter-linking with MIDI-stuff; false, if not
Note: if true, this needs all MIDIPLINK_-entries and PARMLINK_LINKEDPLUGIN=-100 to be set
ParmModTable["PARMLINK"] - the Link from MIDI or FX parameter-checkbox
true, checked; false, unchecked
ParmModTable["PARMLINK_LINKEDPLUGIN"] - the selected plugin; nil, if not available
- will be ignored, when PARMLINK_LINKEDPLUGIN_RELATIVE is set
-1, nothing selected yet
-100, MIDI-parameter-settings
1 - the first fx-plugin
2 - the second fx-plugin
3 - the third fx-plugin, etc
ParmModTable["PARMLINK_LINKEDPLUGIN_RELATIVE"] - the linked plugin relative to the current one in the FXChain
- 0, use parameter of the current fx-plugin
- negative, use parameter of a plugin above of the current plugin(-1, the one above; -2, two above, etc)
- positive, use parameter of a plugin below the current plugin(1, the one below; 2, two below, etc)
- nil, use only the plugin linked absolute(the one linked with PARMLINK_LINKEDPARMIDX)
ParmModTable["PARMLINK_LINKEDPARMIDX"] - the id of the linked parameter; -1, if none is linked yet; nil, if not available
When MIDI, this is irrelevant.
When FX-parameter:
0 to n; 0 for the first; 1, for the second, etc
ParmModTable["PARMLINK_OFFSET"] - the Offset-slider; -1.00(-100%) to 1.00(+100%); nil, if not available
ParmModTable["PARMLINK_SCALE"] - the Scale-slider; -1.00(-100%) to 1.00(+100%); nil, if not available
ParmModTable["MIDIPLINK"] - true, if any parameter-linking with MIDI-stuff; false, if not
Note: if true, this needs all MIDIPLINK_-entries and PARMLINK_LINKEDPLUGIN=-100 to be set
ParmModTable["MIDIPLINK_BUS"] - the MIDI-bus selected in the button-menu;
0 to 15 for bus 1 to 16;
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["MIDIPLINK_CHANNEL"] - the MIDI-channel selected in the button-menu;
0, omni; 1 to 16 for channel 1 to 16;
nil, if not available
ParmModTable["MIDIPLINK_MIDICATEGORY"] - the MIDI_Category selected in the button-menu; nil, if not available
144, MIDI note
160, Aftertouch
176, CC 14Bit and CC
192, Program Change
208, Channel Pressure
224, Pitch
ParmModTable["MIDIPLINK_MIDINOTE"] - the MIDI-note selected in the button-menu; nil, if not available
When MIDI note:
0(C-2) to 127(G8)
When Aftertouch:
0(C-2) to 127(G8)
When CC14 Bit:
128 to 159; see dropdownlist for the commands(the order of the list
is the same as this numbering)
When CC:
0 to 119; see dropdownlist for the commands(the order of the list
is the same as this numbering)
When Program Change:
When Channel Pressure:
When Pitch:
ParmModTable["WINDOW_ALTERED"] - false, if the windowposition hasn't been altered yet; true, if the window has been altered
Note: if true, this needs all WINDOW_-entries to be set
ParmModTable["WINDOW_ALTEREDOPEN"] - if the position of the ParmMod-window is altered and currently open;
nil, unchanged; 0, unopened; 1, open
ParmModTable["WINDOW_XPOS"] - the x-position of the altered ParmMod-window in pixels; nil, default position
ParmModTable["WINDOW_YPOS"] - the y-position of the altered ParmMod-window in pixels; nil, default position
ParmModTable["WINDOW_RIGHT"] - the right-position of the altered ParmMod-window in pixels;
nil, default position; only readable
ParmModTable["WINDOW_BOTTOM"] - the bottom-position of the altered ParmMod-window in pixels;
nil, default position; only readable
returns nil in case of an error
table ParmModulationTable |
a table which holds all values of a specfic parameter-modulation |
string FXStateChunk |
an FXStateChunk, of which you want to get the values of a specific parameter-modulation |
integer fxindex |
the index if the fx, of which you want to get specific parameter-modulation-values |
integer parmodindex |
the parameter-modulation, whose values you want to get; 1, for the first; 2, for the second, etc |
string parm_modulation_chunk = ultraschall.GetParmModulationChunk_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer id)
string parm_modulation_chunk |
a chunk of the parameter-modulation settings |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, from which you want to retrieve the Parameter-modulation-settings |
integer fxid |
the fx, of which you want to get the parameter-modulation-chunk-settings |
integer id |
the id of the Parameter-modulation you want to have, starting with 1 for the first |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsValidParmModTable(table ParmModTable)
boolean retval |
true, ParmModTable is a valid one; false, ParmModTable has errors(use SLEM() to get which one) |
table ParmModTable |
the table to check, if it's a valid ParmModTable |
string FXStateChunk = ultraschall.SetParmMod_ParmModTable(string FXStateChunk, integer fxindex, table ParmModTable)
string FXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk, where the ParameterModulation had been set |
string FXStateChunk |
an FXStateChunk, of which you want to set the values of a specific parameter-modulation |
integer fxindex |
the index if the fx, of which you want to set specific parameter-modulation-values |
table ParmModTable |
the table which holds all parameter-modulation-values to be set |
ultraschall.ScanDXPlugins(optional boolean re_scan)
optional boolean clear_cache |
true, re-scan all DX-plugins; false or nil, only scan new DX-plugins |
string FXStateChunk = ultraschall.SetDocked_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer docked)
string FXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk with the new DOCKED-state |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, into which you want to set the new last-selected-fx-state |
integer docked |
the docked-state of the fx-chain-window; 0, undocked; 1, docked |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetFXAutoBypassSettings(boolean reduce_cpu, boolean autobypass_when_fx_open, boolean disable_autobypass_when_offline, boolean auto_bypass_report_tail, integer auto_bypass_report_tail_thresh)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
boolean reduce_cpu |
true, reduce CPU use of silent tracks during playback; false, don't reduce cpu use of silent tracks during playback |
boolean autobypass_when_fx_open |
true, Auto-bypass FX (when set via project or manual setting) even when FX configuration is open; false, don't auto-bypass fx |
boolean disable_autobypass_when_offline |
true, Disable FX auto-bypass when using offline render/apply FX/render stems; false, don't disable FX auto-bypass when using offline render/apply FX/render stems |
boolean auto_bypass_report_tail |
true, Auto-bypass FX that report tail length or have auto-tail set; false, don't auto-bypass FX that report tail length or have auto-tail set |
integer auto_bypass_report_tail_thresh |
Auto-bypass FX that report tail length or have auto-tail set, threshold in dB; always negative |
string FXStateChunk = ultraschall.SetFXAutoBypass_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer newstate)
string FXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk with the new AUTOBYPASS-state |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, into which you want to set the new bypass-state |
integer fxid |
the fx, whose bypass-state you want to set |
integer newstate |
1, autobypass enabled; 0, autobypass disabled |
string FXStateChunk = ultraschall.SetFXBypass_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer bypass, integer offline, integer unknown)
string FXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk with the new BYPASS-state |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, into which you want to set the new bypass-state |
integer fxid |
the fx, whose bypass-state you want to set |
integer bypass |
0, non-bypassed; 1, bypassed |
integer offline |
0, online; 1, offline |
integer unknown |
unknown; default is 0 |
string FXStateChunk = ultraschall.SetFXComment_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, string NewComment)
string FXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk with the new comment |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, into which you want to set the new comment |
integer fxid |
the fx, whose comment you want to set |
string NewComment |
the new comment; "", to remove the currently set comment; newlines are allowed |
string FXStateChunk = ultraschall.SetFXFloatPos_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, boolean floating, integer x, integer y, integer w, integer h)
string FXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk with the new BYPASS-state |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, into which you want to set the new bypass-state |
integer fxid |
the fx, whose bypass-state you want to set |
boolean floating |
true, window is floating; false, window is not floating |
integer x |
the x-position of the floating-window |
integer y |
the y-position of the floating-window |
integer w |
the width of the window(will be ignored, when committing changed statechunk only once to current project's track/item) |
integer h |
the height of the window(will be ignored, when committing changed statechunk only once to current project's track/item) |
string FXStateChunk = ultraschall.SetFXGuid_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, string guid)
string FXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk with the new BYPASS-state |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, into which you want to set the new gui |
integer fxid |
the fx, whose guid you want to set |
string guid |
a guid for this fx; use reaper.genGuid to create one |
string FXStateChunk = ultraschall.SetFXMidiPreset_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer midi_preset)
string FXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk with the new comment |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, into which you want to set the new comment |
integer fxid |
the fx, whose comment you want to set |
integer midi_preset |
0, No Link; 17, Link all channels sequentially; 1-16, MIDI-channel 1-16 |
string FXStateChunk = ultraschall.SetFXWak_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer fxid, integer send_all_keyboard_input_to_fx, integer fx_embed_state)
string FXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk with the new wak-state |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, into which you want to set the new wak-state |
integer fxid |
the fx, whose wak-state you want to set |
integer send_all_keyboard_input_to_fx |
state of sen all keyboard input to plug-in; 0, turned off; 1, turned on |
integer fx_embed_state |
set embedding of the fx; &1=TCP, &2=MCP |
string FXStateChunk = ultraschall.SetLastSel_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer lastsel)
string FXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk with the new LASTSEL-state |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, into which you want to set the new last-selected-fx-state |
integer lastsel |
the last fx selected; 1, for the first fx; 2, for the second fx; etc |
string FXStateChunk = ultraschall.SetShow_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer showstate)
string FXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk with the new SHOW-state |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, into which you want to set the new shown-fx-state |
integer showstate |
the fx shown; 1, for the first fx; 2, for the second fx; etc |
string comment = ultraschall.SetTakeFXComment(MediaItem item, integer takeid, integer fxid, string Comment)
string comment |
the comment of a track-fx |
MediaItem item |
the mediaitem, whose takefx-comment you want to set |
integer take_id |
the id of the take, whose takefx-comment you want to set |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, whose comment you want to set |
string Comment |
the new Comment for this takefx |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetTakeFX_AlternativeName(integer tracknumber, integer take_id, integer fx_id, string newname)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetTrackFXComment(MediaTrack track, integer fxid, string Comment)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
MediaTrack track |
the mediatrack, of which you want to set a trackfx's comment |
integer fxid |
the id of the fx, whose comment you want to set |
string Comment |
the new comment |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetTrackFX_AlternativeName(integer tracknumber, integer fx_id, string newname)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string FXStateChunk = ultraschall.SetWndRect_FXStateChunk(string FXStateChunk, integer x, integer y, integer w, integer h)
string FXStateChunk |
the altered FXStateChunk with the new WNDRECT-state |
string FXStateChunk |
the FXStateChunk, into which you want to set the new undocked-windowposition-state |
integer x |
the x-position of the undocked window |
integer y |
the y-position of the undocked window |
integer w |
the width of the window-rectangle |
integer h |
the height of the window-rectangle |
integer current_copyqueue_position = ultraschall.CopyFile_AddFileToQueue(string filename, string targetfilename, boolean overwrite)
Adds a new file to the copy-queue.
If you try to copy a file into a subdirectory, which does not exist yet, this subdirectory will be created.
If the background-copying is still active(the copying-queue not finished with copying) at the time of adding, the file will be copied right away.
To check, whether you need to start if there are still running copying-instances in the background, use CopyFile_IsCurrentlyCopying.
The returned value in current_copyqueue_position allows you get the current copying status and possible error-messages using CopyFile_GetCopiedStatus
returns -1 in case of an error.
integer current_copyqueue_position |
the position in the copy-queue |
string filename |
the file to be copied, including its path |
string targetfilename |
the targetfile, to which the file shall be copied including its path |
boolean overwrite |
true, overwrite an already existing file; false, don't overwrite an already existing file |
Flushes the queue for the already copied files.
This invalidates the files-index given by CopyFile_AddFileToQueue!
integer buffer_size = ultraschall.CopyFile_GetBufferSize()
integer buffer_size |
the buffer-size for the copying instances in bytes |
string filename, boolean already_processed, string error_message, string error_code = ultraschall.CopyFile_GetCopiedStatus(integer fileindex)
string filename |
the filename of the file to be copied |
boolean already_processed |
true, files has been processed; false, the file has not been processed, yet |
string error_message |
the error-message, when copying didn't work; "" if no error occurred |
string error_code |
an error-code for the error happening |
integer fileindex |
the index of the file within the copying-queue |
integer number_of_remaining_files, string filename, integer remaining_bytes_to_copy, integer percentage = ultraschall.CopyFile_GetCurrentlyCopiedFile()
integer number_of_remaining_files |
the number of files still in the copying-queue |
string filename |
the filename with path of the file currently copied |
integer remaining_bytes_to_copy |
the number of bytes not copied yet of the current file |
integer percentage |
the percentage of the already copied part of the file |
integer number_of_instances = ultraschall.CopyFile_GetCurrentlyRunningCopyInstances()
Returns the number of copying-instances currently started by CopyFile_StartCopying
integer number_of_instances |
the number of copying instances started |
boolean retval = ultraschall.CopyFile_GetPausedState()
boolean retval |
true, copying is paused; false, copying isn't paused |
integer filecount = ultraschall.CopyFile_GetRemainingFilesToCopy()
integer filecount |
the number of files to be copied |
boolean retval = ultraschall.CopyFile_IsCurrentlyCopying()
boolean retval |
true, currently copying files; false, no file currently copying |
boolean retval = ultraschall.CopyFile_Pause(boolean toggle)
boolean retval |
true, pausing was successful; false, pausing was unsuccessful |
integer toogle |
true, pause the copying; false, go on with copying of the files |
boolean retval = ultraschall.CopyFile_SetBufferSize(integer buffersize)
boolean retval |
true, setting this was successful; false, setting this was unsuccessful |
integer buffersize |
the amount of bytes of the buffer-size |
integer instance_number = ultraschall.CopyFile_StartCopying()
Starts copying the files added to the background-copy-queue.
You can run this function multiple times, to have multiple background-copy-instances, depending on how fast the copying shall be and how much ressources it should eat. Each instance copies the amount of data set with CopyFile_SetBufferSize, so if the buffersize is set to 1048576(1 MB) then each instance will copy 1 MB per defer-cycle. That way you can balance the amount of data copied each defer-cycle with the amount of time each defer-cycle uses Reaper's processing-time. So having multiple instances with smaller buffer-sizes can prevent lagging of the gui of Reaper.
You can have up to 30 instances running in the background at the same time.
Add files with CopyFile_AddFileToQueue
If all files are copied, the instances will be stopped completely, so using CopyFile_GetCurrentlyRunningCopyInstances returning 0 can tell you, if the copying is finished already.
Will return -1, if all possible 30 instances are started already.
integer instance_number |
the copying-instance started |
string filename |
the last filename that has been processed |
string filename_target |
the target of the last filename, that has been processed |
string fileformat, boolean supported_by_reaper, string mediatype = ultraschall.CheckForValidFileFormats(string filename_with_path)
string fileformat |
the format of the file; JPG, PNG, GIF, LCF, ICO, WAV, AIFF, ASF/WMA/WMV, MP3, MP3 -ID3TAG, FLAC, MKV/MKA/MKS/MK3D/WEBM, AVI, RPP_PROJECT, unknown |
boolean supported_by_reaper |
true, if importing of the fileformat is supported by Reaper; false, if not |
string mediatype |
the type of the media; Image, Audio, Audio/Video, Video, Reaper |
string filename_with_path |
the file to check for its image-fileformat |
integer linesinfile = ultraschall.CountLinesInFile(string filename_with_path)
integer linesinfile |
number of lines in a textfile; -1 in case of error |
string filename_with_path |
filename of the file to be read |
integer length_of_file = ultraschall.GetLengthOfFile(string filename_with_path)
integer length_of_file |
the length of the file in bytes. -1 in case of error |
string filename_with_path |
filename to write the value to |
integer foundfilecount, array foundfilearray = ultraschall.OnlyFilesOfCertainType(array filearray, string filetype)
integer foundfilecount |
the number of files that contain the right filetype |
array foundfilearray |
an array with all the files that contain the right filetype |
array filearray |
an array with files to check for; index is 1-based |
string fileformat |
the format of the file; JPG, PNG, GIF, LCF, ICO, WAV, AIFF, ASF/WMA/WMV, MP3, MP3 -ID3TAG, FLAC, MKV/MKA/MKS/MK3D/WEBM, AVI, RPP_PROJECT, unknown |
integer filecount, integer dircount = ultraschall.CountDirectoriesAndFilesInPath(string path)
integer filecount |
the number of files found in path |
integer dircount |
the number of directories found in path |
string path |
the path to count the files and directories from |
string tempfilename = ultraschall.CreateValidTempFile(string filename_with_path, boolean create, string suffix, boolean retainextension)
string tempfilename |
the valid temporary filename found |
string filename_with_path |
the original filename |
boolean create |
true, if you want to create that temporary file as an empty file; false, just return the filename |
string suffix |
if you want to alter the temporary filename with an additional suffix, use this parameter |
boolean retainextension |
true, keep the extension(if existing) at the end of the tempfile; false, just add the suffix~number at the end. |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DirectoryExists(string path, string directory)
boolean retval |
true, directory exists; false, directory does not exist |
string path |
the path, in which to look for the existence of parameter directory |
string directory |
the name of the directory to check for in path |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DirectoryExists2(string Path)
boolean retval |
true, if path exists; false, if not |
string Path |
the path to check for |
integer filecount, array directories = ultraschall.GetAllDirectoriesInPath(string path, optional string filter)
integer filecount |
the number of directories found in path |
array files |
the directories found in path |
string path |
the path to get the directories from |
optional string filter |
a filter, that allows you to just get directory-names of a certain pattern follows Lua's pattern-matching pattern! |
integer filecount, array files = ultraschall.GetAllFilenamesInPath(string path, optional string filter)
integer filecount |
the number of files found in path |
array files |
the filenames found in path |
string path |
the path to get the filenames from |
optional string filter |
a filter, that allows you to just get filenames of a certain pattern follows Lua's pattern-matching pattern! |
integer found_dirs, array dirs_array, integer found_files, array files_array = ultraschall.GetAllRecursiveFilesAndSubdirectories(string path, optional string dir_filter, optional string dir_case_sensitive, optional string file_filter, optional string file_case_sensitive)
integer found_dirs |
the number of directories found; -1, in case of an error |
array dirs_array |
the full path to the found directories as an array |
integer found_files |
the number of files found |
array files_array |
the full path to the found files as an array |
string path |
the path from where to retrieve the files and subdirectories |
optional string dir_filter |
a matching-string, that omits all folders, that don't match this string; default is "" follows Lua's pattern-matching! |
optional string dir_case_sensitive |
true, filter-pattern for dir is case-sensitive(default); false, filter-pattern for dir isn't case-sensitive |
optional string file_filter |
a matching-string, that omits all files, that don't match this string; default is "" follows Lua's pattern-matching! |
optional string file_case_sensitive |
true, filter-pattern for file is case-sensitive(default); false, filter-pattern for file isn't case-sensitive |
string path, string filename = ultraschall.GetPath(string str, optional string sep)
string path |
the path as a string |
string filename |
the filename, without the path |
string str |
the path with filename you want to process |
string sep |
a separator, with which the function knows, how to separate filename from path; nil to use the last useful separator in the string, which is either / or \\ |
string current_workdir = ultraschall.GetReaperWorkDir()
string current_workdir |
the current workdir of Reaper |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetReaperWorkDir(string Path)
boolean retval |
true, if path could be set; false, if not |
string Path |
the path to set as new current working directory |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MakeCopyOfFile(string input_filename_with_path, string output_filename_with_path)
boolean retval |
true, if copy worked, false if it didn't. |
string input_filename_with_path |
filename of the file to copy |
string output_filename_with_path |
filename of the copied file to be created. |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MakeCopyOfFile_Binary(string input_filename_with_path, string output_filename_with_path)
boolean retval |
returns true, if copy worked; false if it didn't |
string input_filename_with_path |
filename of the file to copy |
string output_filename_with_path |
filename of the copied file, that shall be created |
integer length, string content = ultraschall.ReadBinaryFileFromPattern(string input_filename_with_path, string pattern)
integer length |
the length of the returned data |
string content |
the content of the file, that has been read from pattern to the end |
string filename_with_path |
filename of the file to be read |
string pattern |
a pattern to search for. Case-sensitive. |
integer length, string content = ultraschall.ReadBinaryFileUntilPattern(string input_filename_with_path, string pattern)
integer length |
the length of the returned data |
string content |
the content of the file, that has been read until pattern |
string filename_with_path |
filename of the file to be read |
string pattern |
a pattern to search for. Case-sensitive. |
integer length, string content = ultraschall.ReadBinaryFile_Offset(string input_filename_with_path, integer startoffset, integer numberofbytes)
integer length |
the length of the returned part of the file, might be shorter than requested, if file ends before |
string content |
the content of the file, that has been read |
string input_filename_with_path |
filename of the file to be read |
integer startoffset |
the offset, at where to begin the fileread. 0 for the beginning of the file; negative values set offset from the end of the file |
integer numberofbytes |
the number of bytes to read. -1 for until the end of the file. If there are fewer bytes than requested, the returned string will be shorter. |
array contents, boolean correctnumberoflines, integer number_of_lines = ultraschall.ReadFileAsLines_Array(string filename_with_path, integer firstlinenumber, integer lastlinenumber)
array contents |
the contents the lines of the file, that you requested as an array, in which each entry hold one line of the file |
boolean correctnumberoflines |
true, if the number of lines are returned, as you requested; false if fewer lines are returned |
integer number_of_lines |
the number of lines returned |
string filename_with_path |
filename of the file to be read |
integer firstlinenumber |
the first linenumber to be returned. First line in the file begins with 1! |
integer lastlinenumber |
the last linenumber to be returned; -1, read all lines in the file |
string contents, integer length_of_file, integer number_of_lines = ultraschall.ReadFullFile(string filename_with_path, boolean binary)
string contents |
the contents of the whole file. |
integer length_of_file |
the number of bytes of the file |
integer number_of_lines |
number of lines in file (-1 if parameter binary is set to true) |
string filename_with_path |
filename of the file to be read |
boolean binary |
true if the file shall be read as a binary file; false if read as ASCII. Default is ASCII. |
string contents, boolean correctnumberoflines, integer number_of_lines = ultraschall.ReadLinerangeFromFile(string filename_with_path, integer firstlinenumber, integer lastlinenumber)
string contents |
the contents the lines of the file, that you requested |
boolean correctnumberoflines |
true, if the number of lines are returned, as requested; false if fewer lines are returned |
integer number_of_lines |
the number of read lines |
string filename_with_path |
filename of the file to be read |
integer firstlinenumber |
the first linenumber to be returned. First line in the file begins with 1! |
integer lastlinenumber |
the last linenumber to be returned; -1, for the whole file |
integer Captions_Counter, table Captions = ultraschall.ReadSubtitles_SRT(string filename_with_path)
integer Captions_Counter |
the number of captions in the file |
table Captions |
the Captions as a table of the format: Captions[index]["start"]= the starttime of this caption in seconds Captions[index]["end"]= the endtime of this caption in seconds Captions[index]["caption"]= the caption itself |
string filename_with_path |
the filename with path of the subrip srt-file |
string contents, string linenumbers, integer numberoflines, integer number_of_foundlines = ultraschall.ReadValueFromFile(string filename_with_path, string value)
string contents |
the contents of the file, or the lines that contain parameter value in it, separated by a newline |
string linenumbers |
a string, that contains the linenumbers returned as a , separated csv-string |
integer numberoflines_in_file |
the total number of lines in the file |
integer number_of_foundlines |
the number of found lines |
string filename_with_path |
filename of the file to be read |
string value |
the value to look in the file for. Not case-sensitive. |
integer retval = ultraschall.SaveSubtitles_SRT(string subtitle_filename_with_path, table subtitle_table)
string guid |
the guid of the marker/region of the marker with a specific index |
string subtitle_filename_with_path |
the filename of the subtitle-file, into which you want to store the subtitles |
table Table |
the subtitle-table, which holds all captions and the start- and endtimes of displaying the caption |
integer retval = ultraschall.WriteValueToFile(string filename_with_path, string value, optional boolean binarymode, optional boolean append)
integer retval |
-1 in case of failure, 1 in case of success |
string filename_with_path |
the filename with it's path |
string value |
the value to export, can be a long string that includes newlines and stuff. nil is not allowed! |
boolean binarymode |
true or nil, it will store the value as binary-file; false, will store it as textstring |
boolean append |
true, add the value to the end of the file; false or nil, write value to file and erase all previous data in the file |
integer retval = ultraschall.WriteValueToFile_Insert(string filename_with_path, integer linenumber, string value)
integer retval |
1, in case of success, -1 in case of error |
string filename_with_path |
filename to write the value to |
integer linenumber |
the linenumber, at where to insert the value into the file |
string value |
the value to be inserted into the file |
integer retval = ultraschall.WriteValueToFile_InsertBinary(string filename_with_path, integer byteposition, string value)
integer retval |
1, in case of success, -1 in case of error |
string filename_with_path |
filename to write the value to |
integer byteposition |
the byteposition, at where to insert the value into the file |
string value |
the value to be inserted into the file |
integer retval = ultraschall.WriteValueToFile_Replace(string filename_with_path, integer startlinenumber, integer endlinenumber, string value)
integer retval |
1, in case of success, -1 in case of error |
string filename_with_path |
filename to write the value to |
integer startlinenumber |
the first linenumber, to be replaced with value in the file |
integer endlinenumber |
the last linenumber, to be replaced with value in the file |
string value |
the value to be inserted into the file |
integer retval = ultraschall.WriteValueToFile_ReplaceBinary(string filename_with_path, integer startbyteposition, integer endbyteposition, string value)
integer retval |
1, in case of success, -1 in case of error |
string filename_with_path |
filename to write the value to |
integer startbyteposition |
the first byte in the file to be replaced, starting with 1, if you want to replace at the beginning of the file. Everything before startposition will be kept. |
integer endbyteposition |
the first byte after the replacement. Everything from endbyteposition to the end of the file will be kept. |
string value |
the value to be inserted into the file |
boolean retval = ultraschall.CaptureScreenAreaAsPNG(string filename_with_path, integer x, integer y, integer w, integer h)
boolean retval |
true, capturing was successful; false, capturing was unsuccessful |
string filename_with_path |
the filename with path of the png-file to write |
integer x |
the x-position of the area to capture |
integer y |
the y-position of the area to capture |
integer w |
the width of the area to capture |
integer h |
the height of the area to capture |
boolean retval = ultraschall.CaptureWindowAsPNG(identifier window_or_windowtitle, string filename_with_path, integer x, integer y, integer w, integer h, boolean win10)
boolean retval |
true, capturing was successful; false, capturing was unsuccessful |
identifier window_or_windowtitle |
either a hwnd or the exact windowtitle of the window, which you want to capture |
string filename_with_path |
the filename with path of the output-file |
integer x |
the x-position within the window to capture; nil, to use the left side of the window |
integer y |
the y-position within the window to capture; nil, to use the top side of the window |
integer w |
the width of the capture-area; nil, to use the width of the window |
integer h |
the height of the capture-area; nil, to use the height of the window |
boolean win10 |
true, use the workaround for invisible window-borders on windows 10; false, just capture the window |
integer count = ultraschall.ConvertJPG2PNG(string filename_with_path, string outputfilename_with_path, integer quality)
boolean retval |
true, converting was successful; false, converting was unsuccessful |
string filename_with_path |
the jpg-file, that you want to store as png |
string outputfilename_with_path |
the output-file, where to store the png-file |
integer count = ultraschall.ConvertPNG2JPG(string filename_with_path, string outputfilename_with_path, integer quality)
boolean retval |
true, converting was successful; false, converting was unsuccessful |
string filename_with_path |
the png-file, that you want to convert into jpg |
string outputfilename_with_path |
the output-file, where to store the jpg |
integer quality |
the quality of the jpg in percent; 1 to 100 |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ResizeJPG(string filename_with_path, string outputfilename_with_path, boolean aspectratio, integer width, integer height, integer quality)
boolean retval |
true, resizing was successful; false, resizing was unsuccessful |
string filename_with_path |
the jpg-file, that you want to resize |
string outputfilename_with_path |
the output-file, where to store the resized jpg |
boolean aspectratio |
true, keep aspect-ratio(use size of param width as base); false, don't keep aspect-ratio |
integer width |
the width of the newly created jpg in pixels |
integer height |
the height of the newly created jpg in pixels |
integer quality |
the quality of the jpg in percent; 1 to 100 |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ResizePNG(string filename_with_path, string outputfilename_with_path, boolean aspectratio, integer width, integer height)
boolean retval |
true, resizing was successful; false, resizing was unsuccessful |
string filename_with_path |
the png-file, that you want to resize |
string outputfilename_with_path |
the output-file, where to store the resized png |
boolean aspectratio |
true, keep aspect-ratio(use size of param width as base); false, don't keep aspect-ratio |
integer width |
the width of the newly created png in pixels |
integer height |
the height of the newly created png in pixels |
string translated_string, boolean retval = ultraschall.Localize(string original_string, ...)
Translates the string original_string into its translated version, as stored in a translation-file.
To set a translationfile, see Localize_UseFile.
If the string contains %s, the optional parameters "..." will replace them. The order of the parameters is the order of the replacement of the %s in the string.
If no translation is available, it returns the original string. In that case, %s in the string could be replaced by optional parameters ...
This function can be used with or without ultraschall. at the beginning, for your convenience.
see specs for more information.
returns nil in case of an error
string translated_string |
the translated string; will be the original_string(with optional substitution), if translation is not possible |
boolean retval |
true, translation-was successful; false, translation wasn't successful |
string original_string |
the original string, that you want to translate |
... |
optional parameters, who will be used to substitute %s in the returned string; order of the optional parameters reflects order of %s in the string |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Localize_RefreshFile()
Reloads the translation-file, that has been set using Localize_UseFile.
boolean retval |
true, translation-file has been found and set successfully; false, translation-file hasn't been found |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Localize_UseFile(string filename, string section, string language)
Sets the localize-file and the section to use in the localize-file. If file cannot be found, the function will also look into resource-path/LangPack/ as well to find it.
The file is of the format: ;comment ;another comment [section] original text=translated text More Text with\nNewlines and %s - substitution=Translated Text with\nNewlines and %s - substitution A third\=example with escaped equal\=in it = translated text with escaped\=equaltext
see specs for more information.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, translation-file has been found and set successfully; false, translation-file hasn't been found |
string filename |
the filename with path to the translationfile; if no path is given, it will look in resource-folder/LangPack for the translation-file |
string section |
the section of the translation-file, from which to read the translated strings |
string language |
the language, which will be put after filename and before extension, like mylangpack_de.USLangPack; us, usenglish es, spanish fr, french de, german jp, japanese etc |
boolean newstate = ultraschall.MidiEditor_GetFixOverlapState(optional boolean state)
boolean newstate |
the new state of the toggled option |
optional boolean state |
true, set the option checked; false, set the option unchecked; nil, toggle option |
boolean newstate = ultraschall.MidiEditor_SetFixOverlapState(boolean state)
boolean newstate |
the new state of the toggled option |
boolean state |
true, set the option checked; false, set the option unchecked |
boolean retval = ultraschall.OpenItemInMidiEditor(MediaItem MediaItem)
boolean retval |
true, if opening was successful; false, if not |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem to be opened in the MIDI-Editor |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ZoomHorizontal_MidiEditor(integer zoomamt, optional HWND midieditor_hwnd)
boolean retval |
true, if zooming was successful; false, if not |
integer zoomamt |
the zoom-factor; positive values, zoom in; negative values, zoom out |
optional HWND midieditor_hwnd |
the HWND of the MIDI-Editor, in which you want to zoom; nil, uses active MIDI-Editor |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ZoomVertical_MidiEditor(integer zoomamt, optional HWND midieditor_hwnd)
boolean retval |
true, if zooming was successful; false, if not |
integer zoomamt |
the zoom-factor; positive values, zoom in; negative values, zoom out |
optional HWND midieditor_hwnd |
the HWND of the MIDI-Editor, in which you want to zoom; nil, uses active MIDI-Editor |
ultraschall.MIDI_SendMidiCC(integer Channel, integer Note, integer Velocity, optional integer Mode)
integer Channel |
the channel, to which the Midi-note shall be sent; 1-16 |
integer Note |
the note to be played; 0-127 |
integer Velocity |
the velocity of the note; 0-255 |
optional integer Mode |
0 for VKB 1 for control (actions map etc) 2 for VKB-on-current-channel 16 for external MIDI device 0, 17 for external MIDI device 1, etc |
ultraschall.MIDI_SendMidiNote(integer Channel, integer Note, integer Velocity, optional integer Mode)
integer Channel |
the channel, to which the Midi-note shall be sent; 1-16 |
integer Note |
the note to be played; 0-127 |
integer Velocity |
the velocity of the note; 0-255 |
optional integer Mode |
0 for VKB 1 for control (actions map etc) 2 for VKB-on-current-channel 16 for external MIDI device 0, 17 for external MIDI device 1, etc |
ultraschall.MIDI_SendMidiPC(integer Channel, integer Note, integer Velocity, optional integer Mode)
integer Channel |
the channel, to which the Midi-note shall be sent; 1-16 |
integer Note |
the note to be played; 0-127 |
integer Velocity |
the velocity of the note; 0-255 |
optional integer Mode |
0 for VKB 1 for control (actions map etc) 2 for VKB-on-current-channel 16 for external MIDI device 0, 17 for external MIDI device 1, etc |
ultraschall.MIDI_SendMidiPitch(integer Channel, integer Pitch, optional integer Mode)
integer Channel |
the channel, to which the Midi-pitch shall be sent; 1-16 |
integer Pitch |
the pitchbend of the note; 0-127 |
optional integer Mode |
0 for VKB 1 for control (actions map etc) 2 for VKB-on-current-channel 16 for external MIDI device 0, 17 for external MIDI device 1, etc |
ultraschall.PreviewMidiCCInTrack(integer track, integer cc, integer Velocity)
integer track |
the number of the track, in which you want to preview the midi-note |
integer cc |
the cc to be played; 0-127 |
integer velocity |
the velocity of the note; 0-255 |
ultraschall.PreviewMidiNoteInTrack(integer track, integer note, integer Velocity)
integer track |
the number of the track, in which you want to preview the midi-note |
integer note |
the note to be played; 0-127 |
integer velocity |
the velocity of the note; 0-255 |
ultraschall.PreviewMidiPCInTrack(integer track, integer pc, integer Velocity)
integer track |
the number of the track, in which you want to preview the midi-note |
integer pc |
the pc to be played; 0-127 |
integer velocity |
the velocity of the note; 0-255 |
ultraschall.PreviewMidiPitchInTrack(integer track, integer pitch)
integer track |
the number of the track, in which you want to preview the midi-note |
integer pitch |
the pitch to be played; 0-127 |
string midimessage_name = ultraschall.QueryMIDIMessageNameByID(integer modifier, integer key)
string midimessage_name |
the actual name of the midi-message, like "A" or "F1" or "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Win+PgUp". |
integer modifier |
the modifier value, which is the second parameter of StuffMIDIMessage |
integer key |
the key value, which is the third parameter of StuffMIDIMessage |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MoveFileOrFolder(string file_foldername, string oldpath, string newpath)
boolean retval |
true, moving was successful; false, moving was unsuccessful |
string file_foldername |
the folder- or filename, which you want to move |
string oldpath |
the old path, in which the file or folder is located |
string newpath |
the new path, into which the file or folder shall be moved |
integer count_markers, integer count_regions = ultraschall.CountMarkersAndRegions()
integer count_markers |
the number of markers available in the project |
integer count_regions |
the number of regions available in the project |
integer index, string custom_marker_name = ultraschall.GetCustomMarkerIDFromGuid(string guid)
integer index |
the index of the custom-marker, whose guid you have passed to this function; 0-based |
string custom_marker_name |
the name of the custom-marker |
string guid |
the guid of the custom-marker, whose index-number you want to retrieve |
integer index, string custom_region_name = ultraschall.GetCustomRegionIDFromGuid(string guid)
integer index |
the index of the custom-region, whose guid you have passed to this function; 0-based |
string custom_region_name |
the name of the region-marker |
string guid |
the guid of the custom-region, whose index-number you want to retrieve |
integer index = ultraschall.GetEditMarkerIDFromGuid(string guid)
integer index |
the index of the edit-marker, whose guid you have passed to this function |
string guid |
the guid of the edit-marker, whose index-number you want to retrieve |
integer index = ultraschall.GetEditRegionIDFromGuid(string guid)
integer index |
the index of the edit-region, whose guid you have passed to this function |
string guid |
the guid of the edit-region, whose index-number you want to retrieve |
string guid = ultraschall.GetGuidFromCustomMarkerID(string markername, integer index)
string guid |
the guid of the custom marker with a specific index |
string markername |
the name of the custom-marker |
integer index |
the index of the custom marker, whose guid you want to retrieve; 0-based |
string guid = ultraschall.GetGuidFromCustomRegionID(string regionname, integer index)
string guid |
the guid of the custom region with a specific index |
string regionname |
the name of the custom-region |
integer index |
the index of the custom region, whose guid you want to retrieve; 0-based |
string guid = ultraschall.GetGuidFromEditMarkerID(integer index)
string guid |
the guid of the edit marker with a specific index |
integer index |
the index of the edit marker, whose guid you want to retrieve |
string guid = ultraschall.GetGuidFromEditRegionID(integer index)
string guid |
the guid of the edit region with a specific index |
integer index |
the index of the edit region, whose guid you want to retrieve |
string guid = ultraschall.GetGuidFromMarkerID(integer index)
string guid |
the guid of the marker/region of the marker with a specific index |
integer index |
the index of the marker/region, whose guid you want to retrieve |
string guid = ultraschall.GetGuidFromNormalMarkerID(integer index)
string guid |
the guid of the normal marker with a specific index |
integer index |
the index of the normal marker, whose guid you want to retrieve |
string guid = ultraschall.GetGuidFromShownoteMarkerID(integer index)
string guid |
the guid of the shownote marker with a specific index |
integer index |
the index of the shownote marker, whose guid you want to retrieve |
string marker, string marker_index = ultraschall.GetMarkerByScreenCoordinates(integer xmouseposition)
string marker |
a string with all markernumbers, markerpositions and markertitles, separated by a newline. Can contain numerous markers, if there are more markers in one position. |
string marker_index |
a newline separated string with all marker-index-numbers found; 0-based |
integer xmouseposition |
the absolute x-screen-position, like current mouse-position |
string markers, string marker_index = ultraschall.GetMarkerByTime(number position)
string marker |
a string with all markernumbers, markerpositions and markertitles, separated by a newline. Can contain numerous markers, if there are more markers in one position. |
string marker_index |
a newline separated string with all marker-index-numbers found; 0-based |
number position |
the time-position in seconds |
integer index = ultraschall.GetMarkerIDFromGuid(string guid)
integer index |
the index of the marker/region, whose guid you have passed to this function; 1 for the first marker/region |
string guid |
the guid of the marker/region, whose index-number you want to retrieve |
string markertype = ultraschall.GetMarkerType(integer markerid)
string markertype |
see description for more details |
integer markerid |
the markerid of all markers/regions in the project, beginning with 0 for the first marker/region |
integer marker_update_counter = ultraschall.GetMarkerUpdateCounter()
integer marker_update_counter |
the number of times a marker in any project in Reaper has been updated |
integer free_shown_number = ultraschall.GetNextFreeRegionIndex()
returns the next unused region-index-number, beginning with 0.
integer free_shown_number |
the next free/unused region-index-number |
integer index = ultraschall.GetNormalMarkerIDFromGuid(string guid)
integer index |
the index of the marker, whose guid you have passed to this function |
string guid |
the guid of the marker, whose index-number you want to retrieve |
string markers, string region_index = ultraschall.GetRegionByScreenCoordinates(integer xmouseposition)
string marker |
a string with all regionnumbers, regionpositions and regionnames, separated by a newline. Can contain numerous regions, if there are more regions in one position. |
string region_index |
a newline separated string with all region-index-numbers found; 0-based |
integer xmouseposition |
the absolute x-screen-position, like current mouse-position |
string markers, string region_index = ultraschall.GetRegionByTime(number position)
string marker |
a string with all regionnumbers, regionpositions and regionnames, separated by a newline. Can contain numerous regions, if there are more regions in one position. |
string region_index |
a newline separated string with all region-index-numbers found; 0-based |
number position |
position in seconds |
integer index = ultraschall.GetShownoteMarkerIDFromGuid(string guid)
integer index |
the index of the shownote-marker, whose guid you have passed to this function |
string guid |
the guid of the shownote-marker, whose index-number you want to retrieve |
integer marker_id, string guid = ultraschall.GetTemporaryMarker(optional integer index)
integer marker_id |
the current id of the stored marker/region; 0-based; -1, in case of an error |
string guid |
the guid of the marker |
optional integer index |
a numerical index, if you stored multiple temporary markers/regions; default is 1 |
string markers = ultraschall.GetTimeSignaturesByScreenCoordinates(integer xmouseposition)
string marker |
a string with all markernumbers and markerpositions, separated by a newline. Can contain numerous markers, if there are more markers in one position. |
integer xmouseposition |
the absolute x-screen-position, like current mouse-position |
string markers = ultraschall.GetTimeSignaturesByTime(number position)
string marker |
a string with all markernumbers and markerpositions, separated by a newline. Can contain numerous markers, if there are more markers in one position. |
number position |
position in seconds |
boolean retval, integer count, string markersstring, array markersarray = ultraschall.IsMarkerAtPosition(number position)
boolean retval |
true, if the function found marker(s); false, if no markers are available at position |
integer count |
the count of markers at position |
string markersstring |
a string with all the markernumbers, separated by a , |
array markersarray |
an array with each entry consisting a markernumber |
number position |
the position to check for markers in seconds; only positive numbers |
boolean retval, integer count, string regionsstring, array regionsarray = ultraschall.IsRegionAtPosition(number position)
boolean retval |
true, if the function found region(s); false, if no regions are available at position |
integer count |
the count of regions at position |
string regionsstring |
a string with all the regionnumbers, separated by a , |
array regionsarray |
an array with each entry consisting a regionnumber |
number position |
the position to check for regions in seconds; only positive numbers |
integer retval = ultraschall.MoveMarkersBy(number startposition, number endposition, number moveby, boolean cut_at_borders)
integer retval |
-1 in case of failure |
number startposition |
the startposition in seconds |
number endposition |
the endposition in seconds |
number moveby |
in seconds, negative values: move toward beginning of project, positive values: move toward the end of project |
boolean cut_at_borders |
shortens or cuts markers, that leave the section between startposition and endposition when applying moveby |
integer retval = ultraschall.MoveRegionsBy(number startposition, number endposition, number moveby, boolean cut_at_borders)
integer retval |
-1 in case of failure |
number startposition |
the startposition in seconds |
number endposition |
the endposition in seconds |
number moveby |
in seconds, negative values: move toward beginning of project, positive values: move toward the end of project |
boolean cut_at_borders |
shortens or cuts markers, that leave the section between startposition and endposition |
integer number_of_entries, array markerarray = ultraschall.ParseMarkerString(string markerstring, boolean strict)
integer number_of_entries |
the number of markers in markerstring |
array markerarray |
a table with all the information of a marker markertable[1][markernumber] - the timestring of the marker, -1 if no time is available markertable[2][markernumber] - the time, converted into position in seconds, -1 if no time is available markertable[3][markernumber] - the name of the marker |
string markerstring |
a string with all markers. An entry is "timestring markertitle\n". Each marker-entry must be separated by a newline from each other. |
boolean strict |
interpret the time in timestring more strict or more loosely? true, the time in markerstring must follow the format hh:mm:ss.mss , e.g. 11:22:33.444 false, the time can be more flexible, leading to possible misinterpretation of indexnumbers as time/seconds |
integer retval = ultraschall.RenumerateMarkers(integer colorvalue, integer startingnumber)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, nil in case of success |
integer colorvalue |
the (systemdependent)colorvalue a marker must have. -1 if you want all markers to be numbered. Keep in mind, that colors are differently interpreted on Mac compared to Windows! |
integer startingnumber |
the first number that shall be given. |
boolean retval = ultraschall.StoreTemporaryMarker(integer marker_id, optional integer index)
boolean retval |
true, storing temporary marker was successful; false, storing temporary marker was unsuccessful |
integer marker_id |
the index of the marker/region within all markers and regions, that you want to temporarily store; 0-based; -1, to remove this temporary marker; -2, to store the last marker before edit-cursor position -3, to store the last marker before play-cursor position -4, to store the last marker before position underneath mouse-cursor |
optional integer index |
a numerical index, if you want to temporarily store multiple markers/regions; default is 1 |
boolean retval, integer markernumber, string guid, integer custommarker_index = ultraschall.AddCustomMarker(string custom_marker_name, number pos, string name, integer shown_number, integer color)
Will add new custom-marker with a certain name.
A custom-marker has the naming-scheme
_customname: text for this marker
You just need to pass customname to this function, leaving out the preceding _ and the trailing : Exception: if the custom-marker has the name
__customname:: test for this marker
The custom-marker VanillaChief has the custom_marker_name VanillaChief and will be shown as _VanillaChief: text in the project. So you pass VanillaChief to this function to get all _VanillaChief:-markers.
Will not add custom-regions, use AddCustomRegion instead.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if adding the custom-marker was successful; false, if not or an error occurred |
integer markernumber |
the indexnumber of the newly added custommarker within all regions and markers; 0-based use this for Reaper's own marker-management-functions |
string guid |
the guid of the custommarker |
integer custommarker_index |
the index of the custom-marker within the custom-markers only(!); 0-based use this for Ultraschall-API's custom-markers-functions |
string custom_marker_name |
the name of the custom-marker. Don't include the _ at the beginning and the : at the end, or it might not be found. Exception: Your custom-marker is called "__CustomMarker::"; nil, adds a normal marker |
number pos |
the position of the marker in seconds |
string name |
the name of the marker, exluding the custom-marker-name |
integer shown_number |
the markernumber, that is displayed in the timeline of the arrangeview |
integer color |
the color of the marker |
boolean retval, integer shown_number, integer markerindex, string guid, integer customregion_index = ultraschall.AddCustomRegion(string custom_region_name, number pos, number regionend, string name, integer shown_number, integer color)
Will add new custom-region with a certain name.
A custom-region has the naming-scheme
_customname: text for this region
You just need to pass customname to this function, leaving out the preceding _ and the trailing : Exception: if the custom-region has the name
__customname:: test for this region
The custom-region VanillaChief has the custom_region_name VanillaChief and will be shown as _VanillaChief: text in the project. So you pass VanillaChief to this function to get all _VanillaChief:-regions.
Will not add custom-markers, use AddCustomMarker instead.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if adding the custom-region was successful; false, if not or an error occurred |
integer shown_number |
if the desired shown_number is already used by another region, this will hold the alternative number for the new custom-region |
integer markernumber |
the indexnumber of the newly added customregion within all regions and markers; 0-based use this for Reaper's own marker-management-functions |
string guid |
the guid of the customregion |
integer customregion_index |
the index of the custom-region within the custom-regions only(!); 0-based use this for Ultraschall-API's custom-regions-functions |
string custom_marker_name |
the name of the custom-region. Don't include the _ at the beginning and the : at the end, or it might not be found. Exception: Your custom-region is called "__CustomRegion::"; nil, make it a normal regionname |
number pos |
the position of the region in seconds |
number regionend |
the endposition of the region in seconds |
string name |
the name of the region, exluding the custom-region-name |
integer shown_number |
the regionnumber, that is displayed in the timeline of the arrangeview |
integer color |
the color of the marker |
integer count = ultraschall.CountAllCustomMarkers(string custom_marker_name, optional number starttime, optional number endtime)
Will count all custom-markers with a certain name.
A custom-marker has the naming-scheme
_customname: text for this marker
You just need to pass customname to this function, leaving out the preceding _ and the trailing : Exception: if the custom-marker has the name
__customname:: test for this marker
The custom-marker VanillaChief has the custom_marker_name VanillaChief and will be shown as _VanillaChief: text in the project. So you pass VanillaChief to this function to get all _VanillaChief:-markers.
Will not count custom-regions, use CountAllCustomRegions instead.
returns -1 in case of an error
integer count |
the number of found markers; -1, in case of an error |
string custom_marker_name |
the name of the custom-marker. Don't include the _ at the beginning and the : at the end, or it might not be found. Exception: Your custom-marker is called "__CustomMarker::" Lua-pattern-matching-expressions are allowed. This parameter is NOT case-sensitive. "" counts all custom markers, regardless of their name |
optional number starttime |
the starttime, from which to count the markers |
optional number endtime |
the endtime, to which to count the markers |
integer count = ultraschall.CountAllCustomRegions(string custom_region_name)
Will count all custom-regions with a certain name.
A custom-region has the naming-scheme
_customname: text for this region
You just need to pass customname to this function, leaving out the preceding _ and the trailing : Exception: if the custom-region has the name
__customname:: test for this region
The custom-region VanillaChief has the custom_region_name VanillaChief and will be shown as _VanillaChief: text in the project. So you pass VanillaChief to this function to get all _VanillaChief:-regions.
Will not count custom-markers, use CountAllCustomMarkers instead.
returns -1 in case of an error
integer count |
the number of found regions; -1, in case of an error |
string custom_region_name |
the name of the custom-region. Don't include the _ at the beginning and the : at the end, or it might not be found. Exception: Your custom-region is called "__CustomRegion::" Lua-pattern-matching-expressions are allowed. This parameter is NOT case-sensitive. "" will count all custom-regions, regardless of their names |
boolean retval, integer marker_index, number pos, string name, integer shown_number, integer color = ultraschall.DeleteCustomMarkers(string custom_marker_name, integer idx)
Will delete a specific custom-marker with a certain name.
A custom-marker has the naming-scheme
_customname: text for this marker
You just need to pass customname to this function, leaving out the preceding _ and the trailing : Exception: if the custom-marker has the name
__customname:: test for this marker
The custom-marker VanillaChief has the custom_marker_name VanillaChief and will be shown as _VanillaChief: text in the project. So you pass VanillaChief to this function to get all _VanillaChief:-markers.
Will not delete custom-regions, use DeleteCustomRegions instead.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if the custom-marker exists; false, if not or an error occurred |
integer marker_index |
the index of the marker within all markers and regions, as positioned in the project, with 0 for the first, 1 for the second, etc |
number pos |
the position of the marker in seconds |
string name |
the name of the marker, exluding the custom-marker-name |
integer shown_number |
the markernumber, that is displayed in the timeline of the arrangeview |
integer color |
the color of the marker |
string custom_marker_name |
the name of the custom-marker. Don't include the _ at the beginning and the : at the end, or it might not be found. Exception: Your custom-marker is called "__CustomMarker::" Lua-pattern-matching-expressions are allowed. This parameter is NOT case-sensitive. "" will delete over all custom-markers available, regardless of their name |
integer idx |
the index of the marker within all same-named custom-markers; 0, for the first custom-marker |
boolean retval, integer marker_index, number pos, number regionend, string name, integer shown_number, integer color = ultraschall.DeleteCustomRegions(string custom_marker_name, integer idx)
Deletes a specific custom-region with a certain name.
A custom-region has the naming-scheme
_customname: text for this region
You just need to pass customname to this function, leaving out the preceding _ and the trailing : Exception: if the custom-region has the name
__customname:: test for this region
The custom-region VanillaChief has the custom_region_name VanillaChief and will be shown as _VanillaChief: text in the project. So you pass VanillaChief to this function to get all _VanillaChief:-regions.
Will not delete custom-markers, use DeleteCustomMarkers instead.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if the custom-region exists; false, if not or an error occurred |
integer marker_index |
the index of the region within all custom regions, by position in the project, with 0 for the first, 1 for the second, etc |
number pos |
the position of the region in seconds |
number rgnend |
the end of the region in seconds |
string name |
the name of the region, exluding the custom-region-name |
integer shown_number |
the regionnumber, that is displayed in the timeline of the arrangeview |
integer color |
the color of the region |
string custom_region_name |
the name of the custom-region. Don't include the _ at the beginning and the : at the end, or it might not be found. Exception: Your custom-region is called "__CustomRegion::" Lua-pattern-matching-expressions are allowed. This parameter is NOT case-sensitive. "" will delete over all custom-regions available, regardless of their name |
integer idx |
the index of the region within all same-named custom-regions; 0, for the first custom-region |
boolean retval, integer marker_index, number pos, string name, integer shown_number, integer color, string guid = ultraschall.EnumerateCustomMarkers(string custom_marker_name, integer idx)
Will return a specific custom-marker with a certain name.
A custom-marker has the naming-scheme
_customname: text for this marker
You just need to pass customname to this function, leaving out the preceding _ and the trailing : Exception: if the custom-marker has the name
__customname:: test for this marker
The custom-marker VanillaChief has the custom_marker_name VanillaChief and will be shown as _VanillaChief: text in the project. So you pass VanillaChief to this function to get all _VanillaChief:-markers.
Will not enumerate custom-regions, use EnumerateCustomRegions instead.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if the custom-marker exists; false, if not or an error occurred |
integer marker_index |
the index of the marker within all markers and regions, as positioned in the project, with 0 for the first, 1 for the second, etc |
number pos |
the position of the marker in seconds |
string name |
the name of the marker, exluding the custom-marker-name |
integer shown_number |
the markernumber, that is displayed in the timeline of the arrangeview |
integer color |
the color of the marker |
string guid |
the guid of the custom-marker |
string custom_marker_name |
the name of the custom-marker. Don't include the _ at the beginning and the : at the end, or it might not be found. Exception: Your custom-marker is called "__CustomMarker::" Lua-pattern-matching-expressions are allowed. This parameter is NOT case-sensitive. "" will enumerate over all existing custom-markers |
integer idx |
the index of the marker within all same-named custom-markers; 0, for the first custom-marker |
boolean retval, integer marker_index, number pos, number regionend, string name, integer shown_number, integer color, string guid = ultraschall.EnumerateCustomRegions(string custom_marker_name, integer idx)
Will return a specific custom-region with a certain name.
A custom-region has the naming-scheme
_customname: text for this region
You just need to pass customname to this function, leaving out the preceding _ and the trailing : Exception: if the custom-region has the name
__customname:: test for this region
The custom-region VanillaChief has the custom_region_name VanillaChief and will be shown as _VanillaChief: text in the project. So you pass VanillaChief to this function to get all _VanillaChief:-regions.
Will not enumerate custom-markers, use EnumerateCustomMarkers instead.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if the custom-region exists; false, if not or an error occurred |
integer marker_index |
the index of the marker within all markers and regions, as positioned in the project, with 0 for the first, 1 for the second, etc |
number pos |
the position of the region in seconds |
number rgnend |
the end of the region in seconds |
string name |
the name of the region, exluding the custom-region-name |
integer shown_number |
the regionnumber, that is displayed in the timeline of the arrangeview |
integer color |
the color of the region |
string guid |
the guid of the custom-region |
string custom_region_name |
the name of the custom-region. Don't include the _ at the beginning and the : at the end, or it might not be found. Exception: Your custom-region is called "__CustomRegion::" Lua-pattern-matching-expressions are allowed. This parameter is NOT case-sensitive. |
integer idx |
the index of the region within all same-named custom-regions; 0, for the first custom-region |
integer count, table custom_marker_names = ultraschall.GetAllCustomMarkerNames()
integer count |
the number of found markers; -1, in case of an error |
table custom_marker_names |
a table with all found custom-markernames. |
integer count, table marker_array = ultraschall.GetAllCustomMarkers(string custom_marker_name)
Will return all custom-markers with a certain name.
A custom-marker has the naming-scheme
_customname: text for this marker
You just need to pass customname to this function, leaving out the preceding _ and the trailing : Exception: if the custom-marker has the name
__customname:: test for this marker
The custom-marker VanillaChief has the custom_marker_name VanillaChief and will be shown as _VanillaChief: text in the project. So you pass VanillaChief to this function to get all _VanillaChief:-markers.
Will not check custom-regions, use GetAllCustomRegions instead.
returns -1 in case of an error
integer count |
the number of found markers; -1, in case of an error |
table marker_array |
an array with all found custom-markers. It follows the scheme: marker_array[index]["index"] - index of the marker, in timeline-order, with 0 for the first in the project marker_array[index]["pos"] - position of the marker in seconds marker_array[index]["name"] - name of the marker, excluding the custom-marker-name marker_array[index]["shown_number"] - the number of the marker, that is displayed in the timeline marker_array[index]["color"] - color-value of the marker marker_array[index]["guid"] - the guid of the marker |
string custom_marker_name |
the name of the custom-marker. Don't include the _ at the beginning and the : at the end, or it might not be found. Exception: Your custom-marker is called "__CustomMarker::" Lua-pattern-matching-expressions are allowed. This parameter is NOT case-sensitive. "" will return all custom marker |
integer count, table custom_region_names = ultraschall.GetAllCustomRegionNames()
integer count |
the number of found markers; -1, in case of an error |
table custom_region_names |
a table with all found custom-regionnames. |
integer count, table marker_array = ultraschall.GetAllCustomRegions(string custom_region_name)
Will return all custom-regions with a certain name.
A custom-region has the naming-scheme
_customname: text for this region
You just need to pass customname to this function, leaving out the preceding _ and the trailing : Exception: if the custom-region has the name
__customname:: test for this region
The custom-region VanillaChief has the custom_region_name VanillaChief and will be shown as _VanillaChief: text in the project. So you pass VanillaChief to this function to get all _VanillaChief:-regions.
Will not check custom-markers, use GetAllCustomMarkers instead.
returns -1 in case of an error
integer count |
the number of found regions; -1, in case of an error |
table region_array |
an array with all found custom-markers. It follows the scheme: region_array[index]["index"] - index of the region, in timeline-order, with 0 for the first in the project region_array[index]["pos"] - position of the region in seconds region_array[index]["regionend"] - the endposition of the region in seconds region_array[index]["name"] - name of the region, excluding the custom-region-name region_array[index]["shown_number"] - the number of the region, that is displayed in the timeline region_array[index]["color"] - color-value of the region region_array[index]["guid"] - the guid of the region |
string custom_region_name |
the name of the custom-region. Don't include the _ at the beginning and the : at the end, or it might not be found. Exception: Your custom-region is called "__CustomRegion::" Lua-pattern-matching-expressions are allowed. This parameter is NOT case-sensitive. "" will return all custom-regions |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsMarkerValidCustomMarker(string custom_marker_name, integer markeridx)
boolean retval |
true, marker is a valid custom-marker of type custom_marker_name; false, it is not or an error occurred |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsRegionValidCustomRegion(string custom_region_name, integer markeridx)
boolean retval |
true, marker is a valid custom-region of type custom_region_name; false, it is not or an error occurred |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetCustomMarker(string custom_marker_name, integer idx, number pos, string name, integer shown_number, integer color)
Will set attributes of an already existing custom-marker with a certain name.
A custom-marker has the naming-scheme
_customname: text for this marker
You just need to pass customname to this function, leaving out the preceding _ and the trailing : Exception: if the custom-marker has the name
__customname:: test for this marker
The custom-marker VanillaChief has the custom_marker_name VanillaChief and will be shown as _VanillaChief: text in the project. So you pass VanillaChief to this function to get all _VanillaChief:-markers.
Will not set custom-regions, use SetCustomRegion instead.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if setting the new attributes of the custom-marker was successful; false, if not or an error occurred |
string custom_marker_name |
the name of the custom-marker. Don't include the _ at the beginning and the : at the end, or it might not be found. Exception: Your custom-marker is called "__CustomMarker::"; nil, make it a normal marker "" will use idx over all custom-markers, regardless of their name |
integer idx |
the index-number of the custom-marker within all custom-markers |
number pos |
the position of the marker in seconds |
string name |
the name of the marker, exluding the custom-marker-name |
integer shown_number |
the markernumber, that is displayed in the timeline of the arrangeview |
integer color |
the color of the marker |
boolean retval, integer shown_number = ultraschall.SetCustomRegion(string custom_region_name, integer idx, number pos, number regionend, string name, integer shown_number, integer color)
Will set an already existing custom-region with a certain name.
A custom-region has the naming-scheme
_customname: text for this region
You just need to pass customname to this function, leaving out the preceding _ and the trailing : Exception: if the custom-region has the name
__customname:: test for this region
The custom-region VanillaChief has the custom_region_name VanillaChief and will be shown as _VanillaChief: text in the project. So you pass VanillaChief to this function to get all _VanillaChief:-regions.
Will not add custom-markers, use AddCustomMarker instead.
returns false in case of an error, like the desired shown_number is already taken by another region
boolean retval |
true, if adding the region was successful; false, if not or an error occurred false could be an indicator, that there's already a region using the number passed over in shown_number |
integer shown_number |
if the desired shown_number is already used by another region, this will hold the alternative number for the new custom-region |
string custom_marker_name |
the name of the custom-region. Don't include the _ at the beginning and the : at the end, or it might not be found. Exception: Your custom-region is called "__CustomRegion::" "" will use idx over all custom-markers, regardless of their name |
integer idx |
the index of the custom region to change |
number pos |
the position of the region in seconds |
string name |
the name of the region, exluding the custom-region-name |
integer shown_number |
the regionnumber, that is displayed in the timeline of the arrangeview |
integer color |
the color of the marker |
integer marker_number, string guid, integer edit_marker_idx = ultraschall.AddEditMarker(number position, integer shown_number, string edittitle)
integer marker_number |
the overall-marker-index, can be used for reaper's own marker-management functions |
string guid |
the guid, associated with this marker |
integer edit_marker_idx |
the index if the edit-marker within all edit-markers; 1-based |
number position |
position in seconds. |
integer shown_number |
the number, that will be shown within Reaper. Can be multiple times. Use -1 to let Reaper decide the number. |
string edittitle |
the title of the edit-marker; will be shown as _Edit:edittitle |
integer markernr, string guid, integer edit_region_index = ultraschall.AddEditRegion(number startposition, number endposition, string text)
integer markernr |
the number of the newly created region |
string guid |
the guid, associated with this edit-region |
integer edit_region_index |
the index of the edit-region within all edit-regions |
number startposition |
startposition in seconds |
number endposition |
endposition in seconds |
string text |
the title of the marker |
integer number_of_edit_markers = ultraschall.CountEditMarkers()
integer number_of_edit_markers |
number of edit markers |
integer retval = ultraschall.CountEditRegions()
integer retval |
the number of edit-regions in the project |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DeleteEditMarker(integer edit_index)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if not |
integer edit_index |
number of an edit marker |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DeleteEditRegion(integer number)
boolean retval |
true, in case of success, false if not |
integer number |
the number of the edit-region, beginning with 1 for the first edit-region |
integer idx, integer shown_number, number position, string markertitle = ultraschall.EditToMarker(integer edit_index)
integer idx |
overallmarker/regionnumber of marker beginning with 1 for the first marker; ignore the order of first,second,etc creation of markers but counts from position 00:00:00 to end of project. So if you created a marker at position 00:00:00 and move the first created marker to the end of the timeline, it will be the last one, NOT the first one in the retval! For use with reaper's own marker-functions. |
integer shown_number |
the shown number of the marker |
number position |
the position of the marker in seconds |
string markertitle |
the markertitle |
integer edit_index |
number of the edit-marker. Refer ultraschall.CountEditMarkers for getting the number of edit-markers. |
integer retnumber, integer shown_number, number position, string edittitle, string guid = ultraschall.EnumerateEditMarkers(integer edit_index)
integer retnumber |
overallmarker/regionnumber of marker beginning with 1 for the first marker; ignore the order of first,second,etc creation of markers but counts from position 00:00:00 to end of project. So if you created a marker at position 00:00:00 and move the first created marker to the end of the timeline, it will be the last one, NOT the first one in the retval! For use with reaper's own marker-functions. |
integer shown_number |
indexnumber of the marker |
number position |
the position of the marker |
string edittitle |
the name of the marker |
string guid |
the guid of the editmarker |
integer edit_index |
number of the edit-marker. Refer ultraschall.CountEditMarkers for getting the number of edit-markers. |
integer retval, number position, number endposition, string title, integer rgnindexnumber, string guid = ultraschall.EnumerateEditRegion(integer number)
integer retval |
the overall marker-index-number of all markers in the project, -1 in case of error |
number position |
position in seconds |
number endposition |
endposition in seconds |
string title |
the title of the region |
integer rgnindexnumber |
the overall region index number, as used by other of Reaper's own marker-functions |
string guid |
the guid of the edit-region |
integer number |
the number of the edit-region, beginning with 1 for the first edit-region |
integer retval = ultraschall.ExportEditMarkersToFile(string filename_with_path, number PodRangeStart, number PodRangeEnd)
integer retval |
1 in case of success, -1 if it failed |
string filename_with_path |
the name of the export-file |
number PodRangeStart |
beginning of the podcast in seconds |
number PodRangeEnd |
end of the podcast in seconds |
integer number_of_editmarkers, array editmarkersarray = ultraschall.GetAllEditMarkers()
integer number_of_editmarkers |
the number of editmarkers returned |
array editmarkersarray |
an array with all the edit-markers of the project |
array editmarkers = ultraschall.ImportEditFromFile(string filename_with_path, PodRangestart)
array chapters |
array[0] is position of marker+PodRangeStart, array[1] is name of the marker |
string filename_with_path |
markerfile to be imported |
number PodRangeStart |
podcast-start-offset |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsMarkerEdit(integer markerid)
boolean retval |
true, if it's an edit-marker, false if not |
integer markerid |
the markerid of all markers in the project, beginning with 0 for the first marker |
integer idx, integer shown_number, number position, string markertitle = ultraschall.MarkerToEditMarker(integer markerindex)
integer idx |
overallmarker/regionnumber of marker beginning with 1 for the first marker; ignore the order of first,second,etc creation of markers but counts from position 00:00:00 to end of project. So if you created a marker at position 00:00:00 and move the first created marker to the end of the timeline, it will be the last one, NOT the first one in the retval! For use with reaper's own marker-functions. |
integer shown_number |
the shown number of the marker |
number position |
the position of the marker in seconds |
string markertitle |
the markertitle |
integer markerindex |
number of the normal-marker. Refer ultraschall.CountNormalMarkers for getting the number of normal-markers. |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetEditMarker(integer edit_index, number position, integer shown_number, string edittitle)
boolean retval |
true if successful and false if not(i.e. marker doesn't exist) |
integer edit_index |
the index of the edit marker |
number position |
position of the marker in seconds |
integer shown_number |
the number of the marker |
string markertitle |
title of the marker |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetEditRegion(integer number, number position, number endposition, string edittitle)
boolean retval |
true, in case of success, false if not |
integer number |
the number of the edit-region, beginning with 1 for the first edit-region |
number startposition |
startposition in seconds, nil to retain the old value |
number endposition |
endposition in seconds, nil to retain the old value |
string text |
the title of the marker, nil to retain the old value |
integer number_of_all_markers, array allmarkersarray = ultraschall.GetAllMarkers()
integer number_of_allmarkers |
the number of markers returned |
array allmarkersarray |
an array, that holds all markers(not regions!) of the project |
integer number_of_all_markers, array allmarkersarray = ultraschall.GetAllMarkersBetween(optional number startposition, optional number endposition)
integer number_of_allmarkers |
the number of markers returned |
array allmarkersarray |
an array, that holds all markers(not regions!) of the project |
optional number startposition |
the earliest position a returned marker may have; nil for projectposition 0 |
optional number endposition |
the latest position a returned marker may have; nil for end of project |
integer number_of_all_regions, array allregionsarray = ultraschall.GetAllRegions()
integer number_of_allregions |
the number of regions returned |
array regionsarray |
an array, that holds all regions(not markers!) of the project |
integer number_of_all_regions, array allregionsarray = ultraschall.GetAllRegionsBetween(optional number startposition, optional number endposition, optional boolean partial)
integer number_of_allregions |
the number of regions returned |
array regionsarray |
an array, that holds all regions(not markers!) of the project |
optional number startposition |
the earliest position a returned region may have; nil, startposition=0 |
optional number endposition |
the latest position a returned region may have; nil, endposition=end of project |
optional boolean retval |
true or nil, to get regions that are partially within start and endposition as well; false, only regions completely within start/endposition. |
number position, integer marker_idx = ultraschall.GetLastMarkerPosition()
number position |
the position of the last marker in the project |
integer marker_idx |
the idx of the last marker in the project. Not the shown number! |
number position, number endposition, integer region_idx = ultraschall.GetLastRegion()
number startposition |
the startposition of the last region in the project |
number endposition |
the endposition of the last region in the project |
integer region_idx |
the idx of the last region in the project. Not the shown number! |
string name, integer shown_number, integer color, number pos, optional number rgnend, string guid = ultraschall.GetMarkerAndRegionsByIndex(integer idx, boolean searchisrgn)
string name |
the name of the marker/region |
integer markrgnindexnumber |
the shown number of the marker/region |
integer color |
the color-value of the marker/region |
number pos |
the position of the marker/region |
optional number rgnend |
the end of the region |
string guid |
the guid of the marker/region; if it's a marker, the retval rgnend will be nil! |
integer idx |
the number of the requested marker/region; counts only within either markers or regions, depending on what you've set searchisrgn to; 1-based! |
boolean searchisrgn |
true, search only within regions; false, search only within markers |
integer count_markers, array foundmarkers, array found_guids = ultraschall.GetMarkerByName(string searchname, boolean searchisrgn)
integer count_markers |
the number of found markers/regions |
array foundmarkers |
an array with all marker/region-numbers of the found markers; counts only regions or markers(depending on parameter searchisrgn); markernumbers are 0-based |
array found_guids |
the guids of all markers/regions found |
string searchname |
the name to look for; must be exact; not case-sensitive |
boolean searchisrgn |
true, search only within regions; false, search only within markers |
integer count_markers, array foundmarkers, array foundguids = ultraschall.GetMarkerByName_Pattern(string searchname, boolean searchisrgn)
integer count_markers |
the number of found markers/regions |
array foundmarkers |
an array with all marker/region-numbers of the found markers; counts only regions or markers(depending on parameter searchisrgn) |
array foundguids |
the guids of all found markers/regions |
string searchname |
the name to look for; a character-sequence that shall be part of the name; not case-sensitive |
boolean searchisrgn |
true, search only within regions; false, search only within markers |
array markers = ultraschall.ImportMarkersFromFile(string filename_with_path, PodrangeStart)
array chapters |
array[0] is position of marker+PodRangeStart, array[1] is name of the marker |
string filename_with_path |
markerfile to be imported |
number PodRangeStart |
podcast-start-offset |
boolean were_regions_altered, integer number_of_altered_regions, array altered_regions = ultraschall.RippleCut_Regions(number startposition, number endposition)
boolean were_regions_altered |
true, if regions were cut/altered; false, if not |
integer number_of_altered_regions |
the number of regions that were altered/cut/moved |
array altered_regions |
the regions that were altered: altered_regions_array[index_of_region][0] - old startposition altered_regions_array[index_of_region][1] - old endposition altered_regions_array[index_of_region][2] - name altered_regions_array[index_of_region][3] - old indexnumber of the region within all markers in the project altered_regions_array[index_of_region][4] - the shown index-number altered_regions_array[index_of_region][5] - the color of the region altered_regions_array[index_of_region][6] - the change that was applied to this region altered_regions_array[index_of_region][7] - the new startposition altered_regions_array[index_of_region][8] - the new endposition |
number startposition |
the startposition from where regions shall be cut from |
number endposition |
the endposition to which regions shall be cut from; all regions/parts of regions after that will be moved toward projectstart |
boolean were_regions_altered, integer number_of_altered_regions, array altered_regions = ultraschall.RippleCut_Regions_Reverse(number startposition, number endposition)
boolean were_regions_altered |
true, if regions were cut/altered; false, if not |
integer number_of_altered_regions |
the number of regions that were altered/cut/moved |
array altered_regions |
the regions that were altered: altered_regions_array[index_of_region][0] - old startposition altered_regions_array[index_of_region][1] - old endposition altered_regions_array[index_of_region][2] - name altered_regions_array[index_of_region][3] - old indexnumber of the region within all markers in the project altered_regions_array[index_of_region][4] - the shown index-number altered_regions_array[index_of_region][5] - the color of the region altered_regions_array[index_of_region][6] - the change that was applied to this region altered_regions_array[index_of_region][7] - the new startposition altered_regions_array[index_of_region][8] - the new endposition |
number startposition |
the startposition from where regions shall be cut from; all regions/parts of regions before that will be moved toward projectend |
number endposition |
the endposition to which regions shall be cut from |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetMarkerByIndex(integer idx, boolean searchisrgn, integer shown_number, number position, position rgnend, string name, integer color, integer flags)
boolean retval |
true, setting the marker/region was successful; false, setting of the marker/region was unsuccessful. |
integer idx |
the number of the requested marker/region; counts only within either markers or regions, depending on what you've set searchisrgn to |
boolean searchisrgn |
true, search only within regions; false, search only within markers |
integer shown_number |
the shown-number of the region/marker; no duplicate numbers for regions allowed; nil to keep previous shown_number |
number position |
the position of the marker/region in seconds; nil to keep previous position |
position rgnend |
the end of the region in seconds; nil to keep previous region-end |
string name |
the name of the marker/region; nil to keep the previous name |
integer color |
color should be 0 to not change, or ColorToNative(r,g,b)|0x1000000; nil to keep the previous color |
integer flags |
flags&1 to clear name; 0, keep it; nil to use the previous setting |
integer number_of_entries = ultraschall.MarkerMenu_CountEntries(string marker_name, boolean is_marker_region, integer clicktype)
integer number_of_entries |
the number of entries available; -1, in case of an error |
string marker_name |
the custom-marker/region name, whose menu-entries you want to count |
boolean is_marker_region |
true, if the marker is a region; false, if not |
integer clicktype |
the clicktype; 0, right-click |
integer number_of_entries = ultraschall.MarkerMenu_CountEntries_DefaultMarkers(integer marker_type, integer clicktype)
integer number_of_entries |
the number of entries available; -1, in case of an error |
integer marker_type |
the marker_type, whose menu-entry you want to remove 0, normal(chapter) markers 1, planned markers (Custom markers whose name is _Planned:) 2, edit (Custom markers, whose name is _Edit: or _Edit) 3, shownote 4, region 5, action marker |
integer clicktype |
the clicktype; 0, right-click |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MarkerMenu_Debug(integer messages)
boolean retval |
true, setting debug-messages worked; false, setting debug-messages did not work |
integer messages |
0, show no debug messages in marker-menu-background-script 1, show the markertype of the last clicked-marker/region 2 - show marker-information as first entry in the marker-menu(type, overall marker-number, guid) |
table marker_types = ultraschall.MarkerMenu_GetAvailableTypes()
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string description, string action_command_id, string additional_data, integer submenu, boolean greyed, optional boolean checked = ultraschall.MarkerMenu_GetEntry(string marker_name, boolean is_marker_region, integer clicktype, integer entry_nr)
string description |
the currently set description for this marker-entry; "", entry is a separator |
string action_command_id |
the currently set action-command-id for this marker-entry |
string additional_data |
potential additional data, stored with this menu-entry |
integer submenu |
0, entry is no submenu(but can be within a submenu!); 1, entry is start of a submenu; 2, entry is last entry in a submenu |
boolean greyed |
true, entry is greyed(submenu-entries will not be accessible!); false, entry is not greyed and therefore selectable |
optional boolean checked |
true, entry has a checkmark; false, entry has no checkmark; nil, entry will show checkmark depending on toggle-state of action_command_id |
string marker_name |
the name of the custom marker/region, whose menu-entry you want to retrieve |
boolean is_marker_region |
true, it's a custom-region; false, it's a custom-marker |
integer clicktype |
the clicktype; 0, right-click |
integer entry_nr |
the entry-number, that you want to retrieve |
string description, string action_command_id, string additional_data, integer submenu, boolean greyed, optional boolean checked = ultraschall.MarkerMenu_GetEntry_DefaultMarkers(integer marker_type, integer clicktype, integer entry_nr)
string description |
the new description for this marker-entry; "", entry is a separator |
string action_command_id |
the new action-command-id for this marker-entry |
string additional_data |
potentially stored additional data with this menuentry |
integer submenu |
0, entry is no submenu(but can be within a submenu!); 1, entry is start of a submenu; 2, entry is last entry in a submenu |
boolean greyed |
true, entry is greyed(submenu-entries will not be accessible!); false, entry is not greyed and therefore selectable |
optional boolean checked |
true, entry has a checkmark; false, entry has no checkmark; nil, entry will show checkmark depending on toggle-state of action_command_id |
integer marker_type |
the marker_type, whose menu-entry you want to get 0, normal(chapter) markers 1, planned markers (Custom markers whose name is _Planned:) 2, edit (Custom markers, whose name is _Edit: or _Edit) 3, shownote 4, region 5, action marker |
integer clicktype |
the clicktype; 0, right-click |
integer entry_nr |
the entry-number, that you want to get |
string last_marker_clickstate = ultraschall.MarkerMenu_GetLastClickState()
integer last_marker_clickstate |
the last clickstate on a marker &1, left mouse button &2, right mouse button &4, Control key &8, Shift key &16, Alt key &32, Windows key &64, middle mouse button |
string markermenu_entry, string markermenu_entry_additionaldata, string markermenu_entry_markertype, string markermenu_entry_number = ultraschall.MarkerMenu_GetLastClickedMenuEntry()
string markermenu_entry |
the text of the clicked menu-entry |
string markermenu_entry_additionaldata |
additional data, that is associated with this menu-entry |
string markermenu_entry_markertype |
the type of the marker |
string markermenu_entry_number |
the number of the marker-entry |
integer last_touched_marker_region = ultraschall.MarkerMenu_GetLastTouchedMarkerRegion()
integer last_touched_marker |
the index of the last touched marker/region; 0-based |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MarkerMenu_InsertEntry(string marker_name, boolean is_marker_region, integer clicktype, integer entry_nr, string action, string description, string additional_data, integer submenu, boolean greyed, optional boolean checked)
boolean retval |
true, inserting was successful; false, inserting was unsuccessful |
string marker_name |
the custom-marker/region name, whose menu-entry you want to insert |
boolean is_marker_region |
true, if the marker is a region; false, if not |
integer clicktype |
the clicktype; 0, right-click |
integer entry_nr |
the entry-number, that you want to insert |
string action |
the action-command-id for this new marker-entry |
string description |
the description for this new marker-entry; "", entry is a separator |
string additional_data |
additional data, that will be sent by the marker-menu, when clicking this menuentry |
integer submenu |
0, entry is no submenu; 1, entry is start of submenu, 2, entry if last entry in the submenu |
boolean greyed |
true, the entry is greyed(if it's a submenu, its entries will NOT show!); false, the entry is shown normally |
optional boolean checked |
true, the entry will show a checkmark false, the entry will show no checkmark nil, the entry will show a checkmark depending on the toggle-command-state of the action for this menuentry |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MarkerMenu_InsertEntry_DefaultMarkers(integer marker_type, integer clicktype, integer entry_nr, string action, string description, string additional_data, integer submenu, boolean greyed, optional boolean checked)
boolean retval |
true, inserting was successful; false, inserting was unsuccessful |
integer marker_type |
the marker_type, whose menu-entry you want to get 0, normal(chapter) markers 1, planned markers (Custom markers whose name is _Planned:) 2, edit (Custom markers, whose name is _Edit: or _Edit) 3, shownote 4, region 5, action marker |
integer clicktype |
the clicktype; 0, right-click |
integer entry_nr |
the entry-number, that you want to insert |
string action |
the action-command-id for this new marker-entry |
string description |
the description for this new marker-entry; "", entry is a separator |
string additional_data |
additional data, that will be sent by the marker-menu, when clicking this menuentry |
integer submenu |
0, entry is no submenu; 1, entry is start of submenu, 2, entry if last entry in the submenu |
boolean greyed |
true, the entry is greyed(if it's a submenu, its entries will NOT show!); false, the entry is shown normally |
optional boolean checked |
true, the entry will show a checkmark false, the entry will show no checkmark nil, the entry will show a checkmark depending on the toggle-command-state of the action for this menuentry |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MarkerMenu_RemoveEntry(string marker_name, boolean is_marker_region, integer clicktype, integer entry_nr)
boolean retval |
true, removing was successful; false, removing was unsuccessful |
string marker_name |
the custom-marker/region name, whose menu-entry you want to remove |
boolean is_marker_region |
true, if the marker is a region; false, if not |
integer clicktype |
the clicktype; 0, right-click |
integer entry_nr |
the entry-number, that you want to remove |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MarkerMenu_RemoveEntry_DefaultMarkers(integer marker_type, integer clicktype, integer entry_nr)
boolean retval |
true, removing was successful; false, removing was unsuccessful |
integer marker_type |
the marker_type, whose menu-entry you want to remove 0, normal(chapter) markers 1, planned markers (Custom markers whose name is _Planned:) 2, edit (Custom markers, whose name is _Edit: or _Edit) 3, shownote 4, region 5, action marker |
integer clicktype |
the clicktype; 0, right-click |
integer entry_nr |
the entry-number, that you want to remove |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MarkerMenu_RemoveSubMenu(string marker_name, boolean is_marker_region, integer clicktype, integer entry_nr)
boolean retval |
true, removing submenu worked; false, removing of submenus didn't work |
string marker_name |
the name of the custom-marker/region, whose sub-menu-entry you want to remove |
boolean is_marker_region |
true, the custom-marker is a region; false, the custom-marker is not a region |
integer clicktype |
the clicktype; 0, right-click |
integer entry_nr |
the entry-number, that is the first entry in the submenu |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MarkerMenu_RemoveSubMenu_DefaultMarkers(integer marker_type, integer clicktype, integer entry_nr)
boolean retval |
true, removing submenu worked; false, removing of submenus didn't work |
integer marker_type |
the marker_type, whose sub-menu-entry you want to remove 0, normal(chapter) markers 1, planned markers (Custom markers whose name is _Planned:) 2, edit (Custom markers, whose name is _Edit: or _Edit) 3, shownote 4, region 5, action marker |
integer clicktype |
the clicktype; 0, right-click |
integer entry_nr |
the entry-number, that is the first entry in the submenu |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MarkerMenu_SetEntry(string marker_name, boolean is_marker_region, integer clicktype, integer entry_nr, string action, string description, string additional_data, integer submenu, boolean greyed, optional boolean checked)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string marker_name |
the name of the custom marker/region, whose menu-entry you want to set |
boolean is_marker_region |
true, it's a custom-region; false, it's a custom-marker |
integer clicktype |
the clicktype; 0, right-click |
integer entry_nr |
the entry-number, that you want to set |
string action |
the new action-command-id for this marker-entry |
string description |
the new description for this marker-entry; "", entry is a separator |
string additional_data |
additional data, that will be sent by the marker-menu, when clicking this menuentry |
integer submenu |
0, entry is no submenu; 1, entry is start of submenu, 2, entry if last entry in the submenu |
boolean greyed |
true, the entry is greyed(if it's a submenu, its entries will NOT show!); false, the entry is shown normally |
optional boolean checked |
true, the entry will show a checkmark false, the entry will show no checkmark nil, the entry will show a checkmark depending on the toggle-command-state of the action for this menuentry |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MarkerMenu_SetEntry_DefaultMarkers(integer marker_type, integer clicktype, integer entry_nr, string action, string description, string additional_data, integer submenu, boolean greyed, optional boolean checked)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer marker_type |
the marker_type, whose menu-entry you want to set 0, normal(chapter) markers 1, planned markers (Custom markers whose name is _Planned:) 2, edit (Custom markers, whose name is _Edit: or _Edit) 3, shownote 4, region 5, action marker |
integer clicktype |
the clicktype; 0, right-click |
integer entry_nr |
the entry-number, that you want to set |
string action |
the new action-command-id for this marker-entry |
string description |
the new description for this marker-entry; "", entry is a separator |
string additional_data |
optional additional data, that will be passed over by the marker-menu, when this menu-entry has been clicked; "", if not needed |
integer submenu |
0, entry is no submenu; 1, entry is start of submenu, 2, entry if last entry in the submenu |
boolean greyed |
true, the entry is greyed(if it's a submenu, its entries will NOT show!); false, the entry is shown normally |
optional boolean checked |
true, the entry will show a checkmark false, the entry will show no checkmark nil, the entry will show a checkmark depending on the toggle-command-state of the action for this menuentry |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MarkerMenu_SetStartupAction(string marker_name, boolean is_marker_region, integer clicktype, string action)
boolean retval |
true, adding startup-action was successful; false, adding startup-action was unsuccessful |
string marker_name |
the custom-marker/region name, whose menu-entry you want to add a startup-action for |
boolean is_marker_region |
true, if the marker is a region; false, if not |
integer clicktype |
the clicktype; 0, right-click |
string action |
the action-command-id for this new marker-entry |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MarkerMenu_SetStartupAction_DefaultMarkers(integer marker_type, integer clicktype, string action)
boolean retval |
true, adding startup-action was successful; false, adding startup-action was unsuccessful |
integer marker_type |
the marker_type, whose menu-entry you want to add a startup-action for 0, normal(chapter) markers 1, planned markers (Custom markers whose name is _Planned:) 2, edit (Custom markers, whose name is _Edit: or _Edit) 3, shownote 4, region 5, action marker |
integer clicktype |
the clicktype; 0, right-click |
string action |
the action-command-id for this startup-action |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MarkerMenu_Start()
boolean retval |
true, marker-menu has been started; false, markermenu is already running |
boolean retval |
true, marker-menu has been started; false, markermenu is already running |
integer marker_number, string guid, integer normal_marker_idx = ultraschall.AddNormalMarker(number position, integer shown_number, string markertitle)
integer marker_number |
the overall-marker-index, can be used for reaper's own marker-management functions |
string guid |
the guid, associated with this marker |
integer normal_marker_idx |
the index of the normal marker |
number position |
position in seconds. |
integer shown_number |
the number, that will be shown within Reaper. Can be multiple times. Use -1 to let Ultraschall-API add +1 to the highest number used. |
string markertitle |
the title of the marker |
integer number_of_markers = ultraschall.CountNormalMarkers(optional number starttime, optional number endtime)
integer number_of_markers |
number of normal markers |
optional number starttime |
the starttime, from which to count the markers |
optional number endtime |
the endtime, to which to count the markers |
integer number_normal_markers = ultraschall.CountNormalMarkers_NumGap()
integer gap_number |
the number of the first "gap" in the numbering of the shown marker-numbers |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DeleteNormalMarker(integer number)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if not |
integer number |
number of a normal marker; 0-based |
integer retnumber, integer shown_number, number position, string markertitle, string guid = ultraschall.EnumerateNormalMarkers(integer number)
integer retnumber |
overallmarker/regionnumber of marker beginning with 1 for the first marker; ignore the order of first,second,etc creation of markers but counts from position 00:00:00 to end of project. So if you created a marker at position 00:00:00 and move the first created marker to the end of the timeline, it will be the last one, NOT the first one in the retval! For use with reaper's own marker-functions. |
integer shown_number |
shown number of the marker |
number position |
the position of the marker |
string markertitle |
the name of the marker |
string guid |
the guid of the enumerated marker |
integer number |
number of the marker(normal markers only). Refer ultraschall.CountNormalMarkers for getting the number of normal markers. |
integer retval = ultraschall.ExportNormalMarkersToFile(string filename_with_path, number PodRangeStart, number PodRangeEnd)
integer retval |
1 in case of success, -1 if it failed |
string filename_with_path |
the name of the export-file |
number PodRangeStart |
beginning of the podcast in seconds |
number PodRangeEnd |
end of the podcast in seconds |
index number_of_normalmarkers, array normalmarkersarray = ultraschall.GetAllNormalMarkers()
integer number_of_normalmarkers |
the number of normalmarkers returned |
array normalmarkersarray |
an array, that holds all normal markers of the project |
boolean retval, string content = ultraschall.GetSetChapterMarker_Attributes(boolean is_set, integer idx, string attributename, string content, optional boolean planned)
boolean retval |
true, if the attribute exists/could be set; false, if not or an error occurred |
string content |
the content of a specific attribute |
boolean is_set |
true, set the attribute; false, retrieve the current content |
integer idx |
the index of the chapter-marker, whose attribute you want to get; 1-based |
string attributename |
the attributename you want to get/set |
string content |
the new contents to set the attribute with |
optional boolean planned |
true, get/set this attribute with planned marker; false or nil, get/set this attribute with normal marker(chapter marker) |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsMarkerNormal(integer markerid)
boolean retval |
true, if it's an normal-marker, false if not |
integer markerid |
the markerid of all markers in the project, beginning with 0 for the first marker |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetNormalMarker(integer number, number position, integer shown_number, string markertitle)
boolean retval |
true if successful and false if not(i.e. marker doesn't exist) |
integer number |
the number of the normal marker |
number position |
position of the marker in seconds |
integer shown_number |
the number of the marker |
string markertitle |
title of the marker |
integer marker_number, string guid = ultraschall.AddPodRangeRegion(number startposition, number endposition)
integer marker_number |
the overall-marker-index, can be used for reaper's own marker-management functions |
string guid |
the guid of the PodRangeRegion |
number startposition |
begin of the podcast in seconds |
number endposition |
end of the podcast in seconds |
integer retval = ultraschall.DeletePodRangeRegion()
boolean retval |
true, if deleting was successful; false, if not |
number start_position, number end_position, string guid = ultraschall.GetPodRangeRegion()
number start_position |
beginning of the podrangeregion, that marks the beginning of the podcast |
number end_position |
end of the podrangeregion, that marks the end of the podcast |
string guid |
the guid associated with this marker |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsRegionPodrange(integer markerid)
boolean retval |
true, if it's a PodRange-Region, false if not |
integer markerid |
the markerid of all markers in the project, beginning with 0 for the first marker |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetPodRangeRegion(number startposition, number endposition)
integer retval |
number of the region, -1 if it fails |
number startposition |
begin of the podcast in seconds |
number endposition |
end of the podcast in seconds |
integer index, integer marker_region_index, string guid = ultraschall.AddProjectMarker2(ReaProject proj, boolean isrgn, number pos, number rgnend, string name, integer wantidx, integer color)
integer index |
the shown-number of the newly created marker/region |
integer marker_region_index |
the index of the newly created marker/region within all markers/regions |
string guid |
the guid of the newly created marker/region |
ReaProject proj |
the project, in which to add the new marker; use 0 for the current project; |
boolean isrgn |
true, if it shall be a region; false, if a normal marker |
number pos |
the position of the newly created marker/region in seconds |
number rgnend |
if the marker is a region, this is the end of the region in seconds |
string name |
the shown name of the marker |
integer wantidx |
the shown number of the marker/region. Markers can have the same shown marker multiple times. Regions will get another number, if wantidx is already given. |
integer color |
the color of the marker |
integer markernumber, string guid, integer shownotemarker_index = ultraschall.AddShownoteMarker(number pos, string name)
integer markernumber |
the indexnumber of the newly added shownotemarker within all regions and markers; 0-based use this for Reaper's regular marker-functions -1 in case of an error |
string guid |
the guid of the shownotemarker |
integer shownotemarker_index |
the index of the shownote-marker within shownotes only; 1-based. Use this for the other Ultraschall-API-shownote-functions! |
number pos |
the position of the marker in seconds |
string name |
the name of the shownote-marker |
integer num_shownotes = ultraschall.CountShownoteMarkers(optional number starttime, optional number endtime)
integer num_shownotes |
the number of shownotes in the current project |
optional number starttime |
the starttime, from which to count the markers |
optional number endtime |
the endtime, to which to count the markers |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DeleteShownoteMarker(integer idx)
boolean retval |
true, shownote deleted; false, shownote not deleted |
integer idx |
the index of the shownote to delete, within all shownotes; 1-based |
boolean retval, integer marker_index, number pos, string name, integer shown_number, string guid = ultraschall.EnumerateShownoteMarkers(integer idx)
boolean retval |
true, if the shownote-marker exists; false, if not or an error occurred |
integer marker_index |
the index of the shownote-marker within all markers and regions, as positioned in the project, with 0 for the first, 1 for the second, etc |
number pos |
the position of the shownote in seconds |
string name |
the name of the shownote |
integer shown_number |
the markernumber, that is displayed in the timeline of the arrangeview |
string guid |
the guid of the shownote-marker |
integer idx |
the index of the marker within all shownote-markers; 1, for the first shownote-marker |
boolean retval, string content = ultraschall.GetSetShownoteMarker_Attributes(boolean is_set, integer idx, string attributename, string content, optional string additional_content)
boolean retval |
true, if the attribute exists/could be set; false, if not or an error occurred |
string content |
the content of a specific attribute |
optional string additional_content |
additional content, needed by some attributes; see list of attributes for more details |
boolean is_set |
true, set the attribute; false, retrieve the current content |
integer idx |
the index of the shownote-marker, whose attribute you want to get; 1-based |
string attributename |
the attributename you want to get/set |
string content |
the new contents to set the attribute with |
optional string additional_content |
additional content, needed by some attributes; see list of attributes for more details |
boolean retval, integer shownote_idx = ultraschall.IsMarkerShownote(integer markerid)
boolean retval |
true, if it's an shownote-marker, false if not |
integer shownote_idx |
the index of the shownote; 1-based |
integer markerid |
the markerid of all markers in the project, beginning with 0 for the first marker |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetShownoteMarker(integer idx, number pos, string name, optional integer shown_number)
boolean retval |
true, if setting the shownote-marker was successful; false, if not or an error occurred |
integer idx |
the index of the shownote marker within all shownote-markers you want to set; 1-based |
number pos |
the new position of the marker in seconds |
string name |
the new name of the shownote-marker |
optional integer shown_number |
the shown-number of the marker; set to nil to use the current one |
integer num_timesig_markers, array TimeSigArray = ultraschall.GetAllTimeSigMarkers()
integer num_timesig_markers |
the number of time-signature-markers in the project |
array TimeSigArray |
an array with all time-signature-markers and all their attributes; see Description for more details |
number position, number measureposition, number beatposition, integer timesig_idx = ultraschall.GetLastTimeSigMarkerPosition()
number position |
the position of the last timesig-marker in the project |
number measureposition |
the measureposition of the last timesig-marker in the project |
number beatposition |
the beatposition of the last timesig-marker in the project |
integer timesig_idx |
the idx of the last timesig-marker in the project. |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsTimeSigmarkerAtPosition(number position, optional integer position_mode)
boolean retval |
true, marker found; false, marker not found |
number position |
the position to check, whether there's a timesignature marker |
optional integer position_mode |
nil or 0, use position in seconds; 1, use position in measures |
integer retval = ultraschall.MoveTimeSigMarkersBy(number startposition, number endposition, number moveby, boolean cut_at_borders, boolean update_timeline)
integer retval |
-1 in case of failure |
number startposition |
the startposition in seconds |
number endposition |
the endposition in seconds |
number moveby |
in seconds, negative values: move toward beginning of project, positive values: move toward the end of project |
boolean cut_at_borders |
shortens or cuts markers, that leave the section between startposition and endposition |
boolean update_timeline |
true, updates the timeline after moving time-signature markers; false, don't update timeline(must be done manually then) |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MediaExplorer_OnCommand(integer actioncommandid)
boolean retval |
true, could update run the action in the Media Explorer; false, couldn't run it |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MediaExplorer_SetAutoplay(boolean state)
boolean retval |
true, setting the value was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
boolean state |
true, activate autoplay; false, deactivate autoplay |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MediaExplorer_SetDeviceOutput(integer channel, boolean mono)
boolean retval |
true, setting the value was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer channel |
the channel to set the media-explorer-output to when mono: 1-512 when stereo: 1-511 -1, Play through first track named "Media Explorer Preview" or first selected track |
boolean mono |
true, use the mono-channel; false, use stereo-channels |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MediaExplorer_SetPitch(number pitch)
boolean retval |
true, setting the value was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
number rate |
the value to set the pitch to |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MediaExplorer_SetRate(number rate)
boolean retval |
true, setting the value was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
number rate |
the value to set the rate to |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MediaExplorer_SetStartOnBar(boolean state)
boolean retval |
true, setting the value was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
boolean state |
true, activate start on bar; false, deactivate start on bar |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MediaExplorer_SetVolume(number value)
boolean retval |
true, setting the value was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
number value |
the value to set the volume to; -127 to +12 |
boolean retval = ultraschall.UpdateMediaExplorer()
boolean retval |
true, could update the listview of the Media Explorer; false, couldn't update the listview |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ApplyActionToMediaItem(MediaItem MediaItem, string actioncommandid, integer repeat_action, boolean midi, optional HWND MIDI_hwnd)
boolean retval |
true, if running the action was successful; false, if not or an error occured |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, to whom the action shall be applied to |
string actioncommandid |
the commandid-number or ActionCommandID, that shall be run. |
integer repeat_action |
the number of times this action shall be applied to each item; minimum value is 1 |
boolean midi |
true, run an action from MIDI-Editor-section-context; false, run an action from the main section |
optional HWND MIDI_hwnd |
the HWND-handle of the MIDI-Editor, to which a MIDI-action shall be applied to; nil, to use the currently selected one |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ApplyActionToMediaItemArray(MediaItemArray MediaItemArray, string actioncommandid, integer repeat_action, boolean midi, optional HWND MIDI_hwnd)
Applies an action to the MediaItems in MediaItemArray, in either main or MIDI-Editor section-context The action given must support applying itself to selected items.
This function applies the action to each MediaItem individually. To apply the action to all MediaItems in MediaItemArray at once, see ApplyActionToMediaItemArray2.
Returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if running the action was successful; false, if not or an error occured |
MediaItemArray MediaItemArray |
an array with all MediaItems, to whom the action shall be applied to |
string actioncommandid |
the commandid-number or ActionCommandID, that shall be run. |
integer repeat_action |
the number of times this action shall be applied to each item; minimum value is 1 |
boolean midi |
true, run an action from MIDI-Editor-section-context; false, run an action from the main section |
optional HWND MIDI_hwnd |
the HWND-handle of the MIDI-Editor, to which a MIDI-action shall be applied to; nil, to use the currently selected one |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ApplyActionToMediaItemArray2(MediaItemArray MediaItemArray, string actioncommandid, integer repeat_action, boolean midi, optional HWND MIDI_hwnd)
Applies an action to the MediaItems in MediaItemArray, in either main or MIDI-Editor section-context The action given must support applying itself to selected items.
This function applies the action to all MediaItems at once. To apply the action to each MediaItem in MediaItemArray individually, see ApplyActionToMediaItemArray
Returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if running the action was successful; false, if not or an error occured |
MediaItemArray MediaItemArray |
an array with all MediaItems, to whom the action shall be applied to |
string actioncommandid |
the commandid-number or ActionCommandID, that shall be run. |
integer repeat_action |
the number of times this action shall be applied to each item; minimum value is 1 |
boolean midi |
true, run an action from MIDI-Editor-section-context; false, run an action from the main section |
optional HWND MIDI_hwnd |
the HWND-handle of the MIDI-Editor, to which a MIDI-action shall be applied to; nil, to use the currently selected one |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ApplyActionToMediaItemTake(MediaItem MediaItem, integer takeid, string actioncommandid, integer repeat_action)
boolean retval |
true, if running the action was successful; false, if not or an error occured |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, that holds the take |
integer takeid |
the id of the take, at which the actions shall be applied to; 1-based; 0, use currently active take |
string actioncommandid |
the commandid-number or ActionCommandID, that shall be run. |
integer repeat_action |
the number of times this action shall be applied to each take; minimum value is 1 |
table returnvalues = ultraschall.ApplyFunctionToMediaItemArray(MediaItemArray MediaItemArray, function functionname, functionparameters1, ..., functionparametersn)
table returnvalues |
a table with all returnvalues of the following structure: returnvalues[1]=boolean - true, running the function succeeded; false, running the function did not succeed returnvalues[2]=optional(!) string - the errormessage, if returnvalues[1]=false; will be omitted if returnvalues[1]=true all other tableentries contain the returnvalues, as returned by function "functionname" |
MediaItemArray MediaItemArray |
an array with all MediaItems, who you want to apply functionname to. |
function functionname |
the name of the function to apply to every MediaItem in MediaItemArray |
functionparameters1...n |
the parameters needed for function "functionname". Important: the function-parameter that is intended for the MediaItem, must be nil. This nil-parameter will be filled with the appropriate MediaItem by ApplyFunctionToMediaItemArray automatically |
boolean retval, integer count, array retMediaItemArray = ultraschall.CheckMediaItemArray(array MediaItemArray)
boolean retval |
returns true if MediaItemArray is valid, false if not |
integer count |
the number of entries in the returned retMediaItemArray |
array retMediaItemArray |
the, possibly, altered MediaItemArray |
array MediaItemArray |
a MediaItemArray that shall be checked for validity |
boolean retval, integer count, array retMediaItemStateChunkArray = ultraschall.CheckMediaItemStateChunkArray(array MediaItemStateChunkArray)
boolean retval |
returns true if MediaItemStateChunkArray is valid, false if not |
integer count |
the number of entries in the returned retMediaItemStateChunkArray |
array retMediaItemStateChunkArray |
the, possibly, altered MediaItemStateChunkArray |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
a MediaItemStateChunkArray that shall be checked for validity |
MediaItem newMediaItem, MediaItemStateChunk statechunk = ultraschall.CopyMediaItemToDestinationTrack(MediaItem MediaItem, MediaTrack MediaTrack_destination, number position)
MediaItem newMediaItem |
the newly created MediaItem; nil, if no item could be created |
MediaItemStateChunk statechunk |
the statechunk of the newly created MediaItem |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, that you want to create a copy from |
MediaTrack MediaTrack_destination |
the track, into which you want to copy the MediaItem |
number position |
the position of the copy of the MediaItem; negative, to keep the position of the source-MediaItem |
table AttributeTable = ultraschall.GetAllMediaItemAttributes_Table(MediaItem MediaItem)
table AttributeTable |
a table with all attributes of a MediaItem |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose attributes you want to retrieve |
table GUID_Array, integer count_of_GUID = ultraschall.GetAllMediaItemGUIDs()
table diff_array |
an array with all entries from CompareArray2, that are not in Array |
table GUID_Array |
an array with all GUIDs of all MediaItems |
integer count_of_GUID |
the number of GUIDs(from MediaItems) in the GUID_Array |
number end_of_item_position = ultraschall.GetEndOfItem(MediaItem MediaItem)
number end_of_item_position |
the position of the ending edge of the MediaItem |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose ending-position you want to know |
integer number_of_gaps, array gaptable = ultraschall.GetGapsBetweenItems(MediaTrack MediaTrack)
integer number_of_gaps |
the number of gaps found between items; -1, in case of error |
array gaptable |
an array with all gappositions found gaptable[idx][1]=startposition of gap gaptable[idx][2]=endposition of gap |
MediaTrack MediaTrack |
the track, of which you want to have the gaps between items |
boolean clickstate, number position, MediaItem item, MediaItem_Take take = ultraschall.GetItem_ClickState(integer mouse_button)
boolean clickstate |
true, item is clicked on; false, item isn't clicked on |
number position |
the position, at which the item is currently clicked at |
MediaItem item |
the Item, which is currently clicked at |
MediaItem_Take take |
the take found at clickposition |
integer mouse_button |
the mousebutton, that shall be clicked at the item; you can combine them as flags -1, get all states &1, only left mouse button &2, only right mouse button &4, Ctrl/Cmd-key &8, Shift-key &16, Alt key &32, Windows key &64, Middle mouse button |
integer highest_item_reccount, integer found = ultraschall.GetItem_HighestRecCounter()
integer highest_item_reccount |
the highest reccount of all MediaItems, which usually means, that so many Items have been recorded in this project |
integer found |
the number of MediaItems, who have a recpass-entry in their StateChunk, means, who have been recorded. |
integer itemidx = ultraschall.GetItem_Number(MediaItem MediaItem)
integer itemidx |
the indexnumber of the MediaItem, zero based. |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose itemidx you want to have |
integer start, integer end, integer length = ultraschall.GetMediaItemArrayLength(array MediaItemArray)
integer start |
the beginning of the earliest item in the MediaItemArray in seconds |
integer end |
the end of the latest item in the MediaItemArray, timewise, in seconds |
integer length |
the length of the MediaItemArray in seconds |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with MediaItems, as returned by functions like GetAllMediaItemsBetween or GetMediaItemsAtPosition or similar. |
integer start, integer end, integer length = ultraschall.GetMediaItemStateChunkArrayLength(array MediaItemStateChunkArray)
integer start |
the beginning of the earliest item in the MediaItemArray in seconds |
integer end |
the end of the latest item in the MediaItemArray, timewise, in seconds |
integer length |
the length of the MediaItemArray in seconds |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
an array with MediaItemStateChunks, as returned by functions like GetAllMediaItemsBetween or GetMediaItemsAtPosition or similar. |
integer number_of_items, array MediaItemArray_StateChunks = ultraschall.GetMediaItemStateChunksFromItems(array MediaItemArray)
integer number_of_items |
the number of trackstatechunks, usually the same as MediaItems in MediaItemArray |
array MediaItemArray_StateChunks |
an array with the StateChunks of the MediaItems in MediaItemArray |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with the MediaItems you want the statechunks of |
integer count, array MediaItemStateChunkArray = ultraschall.GetMediaItemStateChunksFromMediaItemArray(array MediaItemArray)
integer count |
the number of statechunks returned. -1 in case of failure |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
the statechunks of the items in mediaitemarray |
array MediaItemArray |
the statechunkarray of the items to be checked. |
number length, integer numchannels, integer Samplerate, string Filetype = ultraschall.GetMediafileAttributes(string filename)
number length |
the length of the mediafile in seconds |
integer numchannels |
the number of channels of the mediafile |
integer Samplerate |
the samplerate of the mediafile in hertz |
string Filetype |
the type of the mediafile, like MP3, WAV, MIDI, FLAC, RPP_PROJECT etc |
string filename |
the file whose attributes you want to have |
integer tracknumber, MediaTrack mediatrack = ultraschall.GetParentTrack_MediaItem(MediaItem MediaItem)
integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber of the track, in which the MediaItem is placed; 1 for track 1, 2 for track 2, etc |
MediaTrack mediatrack |
the MediaTrack-object of the track, in which the MediaItem is placed |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, of which you want to know the track is is placed in |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsItemInTimerange(MediaItem MediaItem, number startposition, number endposition, boolean inside)
boolean retval |
true, item is in timerange; false, item isn't in timerange |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem to check for, if it's within the timerange |
number startposition |
the starttime of the timerange, in which the MediaItem must be, in seconds |
number endposition |
the endtime of the timerange, in which the MediaItem must be, in seconds |
boolean inside |
true, MediaItem must be fully within timerange; false, MediaItem can be partially inside timerange |
boolean visible, boolean parent_track_visible, boolean within_start_and_endtime = ultraschall.IsItemVisible(MediaItem item, boolean completely_visible)
boolean visible |
true, the item is visible; false, the item is not visible |
boolean parent_track_visible |
true, its parent-track is visible; false, its parent track is not visible |
boolean within_start_and_endtime |
true, the item is within start and endtime of the arrangeview; false, it is not |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose visibility you want to query |
boolean completely_visible |
false, all tracks including partially visible ones; true, only fully visible tracks |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsSplitAtPosition(string trackstring, number position)
boolean retval |
true, there's a split/mediaitemend/mediaitemstart at position; false, it isn't |
string trackstring |
the tracknumbers, within to search for, as comma separated string. Starting 1 for the first track. |
number position |
the position, at which to check for. |
boolean retval, integer count, array retMediaItemArray = ultraschall.IsValidMediaItemArray(array MediaItemArray)
boolean retval |
returns true if MediaItemArray is valid, false if not |
integer count |
the number of entries in the returned retMediaItemArray |
array retMediaItemArray |
the, possibly, altered MediaItemArray |
array MediaItemArray |
a MediaItemArray that shall be checked for validity |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsValidMediaItemStateChunk(string MediaItemStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, MediaItemStateChunk is valid; false, MediaItemStateChunk isn't a valid statechunk |
string MediaItemStateChunk |
the string to check, if it's a valid MediaItemStateChunk |
boolean retval, integer count, array retMediaItemStateChunkArray = ultraschall.IsValidMediaItemStateChunkArray(array MediaItemStateChunkArray)
boolean retval |
returns true if MediaItemStateChunkArray is valid, false if not |
integer count |
the number of entries in the returned retMediaItemStateChunkArray |
array retMediaItemStateChunkArray |
the, possibly, altered MediaItemStateChunkArray |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
a MediaItemStateChunkArray that shall be checked for validity |
integer count_of_transients, table transient_positions = ultraschall.MediaItem_GetAllVisibleTransients_ActiveTake(MediaItem item)
integer count_of_transients |
the number of found transients |
table transient_positions |
a table with all project positions of the transients |
MediaItem item |
the item, whose visible active-take transients you want to get |
integer count, MediaItemArray MediaItemArray = ultraschall.OnlyItemsInTracksAndTimerange(MediaItemArray MediaItemArray, string trackstring, number starttime, number endtime, boolean inside)
integer count |
the number of items that fit the requested tracks and timerange |
MediaItemArray MediaItemArray |
the altered MediaItemArray, that has only the MediaItems from tracks as requested by trackstring and from within timerange |
MediaItemArray MediaItemArray |
an array with all MediaItems, that shall be checked for trackexistence and timerange |
string trackstring |
a string with all requested tracknumbers in which the MediaItem must be, separated by commas; 1 for track 1, 2 for track 2, etc |
number starttime |
the starttime of the timerange, in which the MediaItem must be, in seconds |
number endtime |
the endtime of the timerange, in which the MediaItem must be, in seconds |
boolean inside |
true, only MediaItems are returned, that are fully within starttime and endtime; false, return also MediaItems partially in timerange |
integer retval, array MediaItemArray = ultraschall.OnlyMediaItemsOfTracksInTrackstring(array MediaItemArray, string trackstring)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
array MediaItemArray |
the "cleared" array, that contains only Items in tracks, as given by trackstring, -1 in case of error |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with MediaItems; no nil-entries allowed, will be seen as the end of the array |
string trackstring |
the tracknumbers, separated by a comma |
integer retval, array MediaItemStateChunkArray = ultraschall.OnlyMediaItemsOfTracksInTrackstring_StateChunk(array MediaItemStateChunkArray, string trackstring)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
array MediaItemStateChunkarray |
the "cleared" array, that contains only the statechunks of MediaItems in tracks, as given by trackstring, -1 in case of error |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
an array with MediaItems; no nil-entries allowed, will be seen as the end of the array |
string trackstring |
the tracknumbers, separated by a comma |
integer retval = ultraschall.PreviewMediaFile(string filename_with_path, optional number gain, optional boolean loop, optional outputChannel)
boolean retval |
true, starting preview was successful; false, starting preview wasn't successful |
string filename_with_path |
the filename with path of the media-file to play |
optional number gain |
the gain of the volume; nil, defaults to 1 |
optional boolean loop |
true, loop the previewed file; false or nil, don't loop the file |
optional integer outputChannel |
the outputChannel; for multichannel files, this is the first hardware-output-channel for e.g. left channel of a stereo file; default, 0 |
boolean retval = ultraschall.PreviewMediaItem(MediaItem MediaItem, integer Previewtype)
boolean retval |
false, in case of error; true, in case of success |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, of which you want to play a preview |
integer Previewtype |
the type of the preview 0, Preview the MediaItem in the Media Explorer 1, Preview the MediaItem 2, Preview the MediaItem at track fader volume of the track, in which it lies 3, Preview the MediaItem through the track, in which it lies(including FX-settings) |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetAllMediaItemAttributes_Table(MediaItem MediaItem, table AttributeTable)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting attributes failed |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose attributes you want to set |
table AttributeTable |
a table which holds all settings, that you want to set |
boolean retval, boolean curstate = ultraschall.ToggleCrossfadeStateForSplits(optional boolean toggle)
boolean retval |
true, setting state was successful; false, setting state was unsuccessful |
boolean curstate |
true, crossfade split is turned on; false, crossfade split is turned off |
optional boolean toggle |
nil, toggle setting of crossfade-splitstate; true, set crossfade split on; false, set crossfade split off |
boolean retval, string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.DeleteMediaItem(MediaItem MediaItem)
boolean retval |
true, delete was successful; false was unsuccessful |
string MediaItemStateChunk |
the StateChunk of the deleted MediaItem the statechunk contains an additional entry "ULTRASCHALL_TRACKNUMBER" which holds the tracknumber, in which the deleted MediaItem was located |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem to be deleted |
boolean retval, array MediaItemStateChunkArray = ultraschall.DeleteMediaItemsBetween(number startposition, number endposition, string trackstring, boolean inside)
boolean retval |
true, delete was successful; false was unsuccessful |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
and array with all statechunks of all deleted MediaItems; each statechunk contains an additional entry "ULTRASCHALL_TRACKNUMBER" which holds the tracknumber, in which the deleted MediaItem was located |
number startposition |
the startposition in seconds |
number endposition |
the endposition in seconds |
string trackstring |
the tracknumbers, separated by a comma |
boolean inside |
true, delete only MediaItems that are completely within start and endposition; false, also include MediaItems partially within start and endposition |
boolean retval, array MediaItemArray = ultraschall.DeleteMediaItemsFromArray(array MediaItemArray)
boolean retval |
true, delete was successful; false was unsuccessful |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
and array with all statechunks of all deleted MediaItems; each statechunk contains an additional entry "ULTRASCHALL_TRACKNUMBER" which holds the tracknumber, in which the deleted MediaItem was located |
array MediaItemArray |
a array with MediaItem-objects to delete; no nil entries allowed |
boolean retval, array MediaItemStateChunkArray = ultraschall.DeleteMediaItems_Position(number position, string trackstring)
boolean retval |
true, delete was successful; false was unsuccessful |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
and array with all statechunks of all deleted MediaItems; each statechunk contains an additional entry "ULTRASCHALL_TRACKNUMBER" which holds the tracknumber, in which the deleted MediaItem was located |
number position |
the position in seconds |
string trackstring |
the tracknumbers, separated by a comma |
integer number_items, array MediaItemArray_StateChunk, array altered_markers, array altered_regions = ultraschall.RippleCut(number startposition, number endposition, string trackstring, boolean moveenvelopepoints, boolean add_to_clipboard, boolean movemarkers)
integer number_items |
the number of cut items |
array MediaItemArray_StateChunk |
an array with the mediaitem-states of the cut items |
array altered_markers |
an array with all moved and deleted markers affected_markers[1]="deleted" or "moved" affected_markers[2]=index affected_markers[3]=old_position affected_markers[4]=name affected_markers[5]=shownmarker affected_markers[6]=color |
array altered_regions |
the regions that were altered: altered_regions_array[index_of_region][0] - old startposition altered_regions_array[index_of_region][1] - old endposition altered_regions_array[index_of_region][2] - name altered_regions_array[index_of_region][3] - old indexnumber of the region within all markers in the project altered_regions_array[index_of_region][4] - the shown index-number altered_regions_array[index_of_region][5] - the color of the region altered_regions_array[index_of_region][6] - the change that was applied to this region altered_regions_array[index_of_region][7] - the new startposition altered_regions_array[index_of_region][8] - the new endposition |
number startposition |
the startposition of the section in seconds |
number endposition |
the endposition of the section in seconds |
string trackstring |
the tracknumbers, separated by , |
boolean moveenvelopepoints |
moves envelopepoints, if existing, as well |
boolean add_to_clipboard |
true, puts the cut items into the clipboard; false, don't put into the clipboard |
boolean movemarkers |
true or nil, move markers; false, don't move markers |
integer number_items, array MediaItemArray_StateChunk, array altered_markers, array altered_regions = ultraschall.RippleCut_Reverse(number startposition, number endposition, string trackstring, boolean moveenvelopepoints, boolean add_to_clipboard, optional boolean movemarkers)
integer number_items |
the number of cut items |
array MediaItemArray_StateChunk |
an array with the mediaitem-states of the cut items |
array altered_markers |
an array with all moved and deleted markers affected_markers[1]="deleted" or "moved" affected_markers[2]=index affected_markers[3]=old_position affected_markers[4]=name affected_markers[5]=shownmarker affected_markers[6]=color |
array altered_regions |
the regions that were altered: altered_regions_array[index_of_region][0] - old startposition altered_regions_array[index_of_region][1] - old endposition altered_regions_array[index_of_region][2] - name altered_regions_array[index_of_region][3] - old indexnumber of the region within all markers in the project altered_regions_array[index_of_region][4] - the shown index-number altered_regions_array[index_of_region][5] - the color of the region altered_regions_array[index_of_region][6] - the change that was applied to this region altered_regions_array[index_of_region][7] - the new startposition altered_regions_array[index_of_region][8] - the new endposition |
number startposition |
the startposition of the section in seconds |
number endposition |
the endposition of the section in seconds |
string trackstring |
the tracknumbers, separated by , |
boolean moveenvelopepoints |
moves envelopepoints, if existing, as well |
boolean add_to_clipboard |
true, puts the cut items into the clipboard; false, don't put into the clipboard |
optional boolean movemarkers |
true or nil, moves markers from before start-position towards end-position; false, don't move markers |
integer number_items, array MediaItemArray_StateChunk = ultraschall.SectionCut(number startposition, number endposition, string trackstring, boolean add_to_clipboard)
integer number_items |
the number of cut items |
array MediaItemArray_StateChunk |
an array with the mediaitem-states of the cut items. |
number startposition |
the startposition of the section in seconds |
number endposition |
the endposition of the section in seconds |
string trackstring |
the tracknumbers, separated by , |
boolean add_to_clipboard |
true, puts the cut items into the clipboard; false, don't put into the clipboard |
integer number_items_beforestart, array MediaItemArray_StateChunk_beforestart, integer number_items_afterend, array MediaItemArray_StateChunk_afterend = ultraschall.SectionCut_Inverse(number startposition, number endposition, string trackstring, boolean add_to_clipboard)
integer number_items_beforestart |
the number of cut items before startposition |
array MediaItemArray_StateChunk_beforestart |
an array with the mediaitem-states of the cut items before startposition |
integer number_items_afterend |
the number of cut items after endposition |
array MediaItemArray_StateChunk_afterend |
an array with the mediaitem-states of the cut items after endposition |
number startposition |
the startposition of the section in seconds |
number endposition |
the endposition of the section in seconds |
string trackstring |
the tracknumbers, separated by , |
boolean add_to_clipboard |
true, puts the cut items into the clipboard; false, don't put into the clipboard |
boolean retval, array MediaItemArray = ultraschall.SplitItemsAtPositionFromArray(number position, array MediaItemArray, boolean crossfade)
boolean retval |
true - success, false - error |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with the items on the right side of the split |
number position |
the position in seconds |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with the items, where split shall be applied to. No nil-entries allowed! |
boolean crossfade |
true - automatic crossfade(if enabled) will be applied; false - automatic crossfade is off |
boolean retval, array MediaItemArray = ultraschall.SplitMediaItems_Position(number position, string trackstring, boolean crossfade)
boolean retval |
true - success, false - error |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with the items on the right side of the split |
number position |
the position in seconds |
string trackstring |
the numbers for the tracks, where split shall be applied to; numbers separated by a comma |
boolean crossfade |
true or nil, automatic crossfade(if enabled) will be applied; false, automatic crossfade is off |
integer alltakes = ultraschall.GetItemAllTakes(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
integer alltakes |
Play all takes(1) or don't play all takes(0) |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose all-takes-playstate you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
integer beatstate = ultraschall.GetItemBeat(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
integer beatstate |
the item-timebase state nil - Track/project default timebase 0 - Time 1 - Beats (posiiton, length, rate) 2 - Beats (position only) |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose beatstate/timebase-state you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
integer channelmode = ultraschall.GetItemChanMode(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
integer channelmode |
channelmode of the MediaItem 0 - normal 1 - reverse stereo 2 - Mono (Mix L+R) 3 - Mono Left 4 - Mono Right 5 - Mono 3 ... 66 - Mono 64 67 - Stereo 1/2 ... 129 - Stereo 63/64 |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose channelmode-state you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
integer autofade_state = ultraschall.GetItemFadeFlag(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
integer autofade_state |
the autofade-state; 1, autofade is off; nil, autofade is on |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose fadeflag-state you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
number curvetype1, number fadein_length, number fadein_length2, number curvetype2, integer fadestate5, number curve, number fadestate7 = ultraschall.GetItemFadeIn(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
number curvetype1 |
the type of the curve: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.1; must be set like curvetype2 |
number fadein_length |
fadein in seconds |
number fadein_length2 |
the fadein-length in seconds; overrides fadein_length and will be moved to fadein_length when fadein-length changes(e.g. mouse-drag); might be autocrossfade-length |
number curvetype2 |
the type of the curve: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.1; must be set like curvetype1 |
integer fadestate5 |
unknown, either 0 or 1; fadeinstate entry as set in the rppxml-mediaitem-statechunk |
number curve |
curve -1 to 1 |
number fadestate7 |
unknown |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose fadein-state you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
number curvetype1, number fadeout_length, number fadeout_length2, number curvetype2, integer fadestate5, number curve, number fadestate7 = ultraschall.GetItemFadeOut(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
number curvetype1 |
the type of the curve: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.1; must be set like curvetype2 |
number fadeout_length |
the current fadeout-length in seconds |
number fadeout_length2 |
the fadeout-length in seconds; overrides fadeout_length and will be moved to fadeout_length when fadeout-length changes(e.g. mouse-drag); might be autocrossfade-length |
number curvetype2 |
the type of the curve: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.1; must be set like curvetype1 |
integer fadestate5 |
unknown, either 0 or 1; fadeinstate entry as set in the rppxml-mediaitem-statechunk |
number curve |
curvation of the fadeout, -1 to 1 |
number fadestate7 |
unknown |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose fadeout-state you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
string GUID = ultraschall.GetItemGUID(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
string GUID |
the GUID of the item |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose GUID-state you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
integer item_group = ultraschall.GetItemGroup(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
integer item_group |
the group the item belongs to; nil, if item doesn't belong to any group |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose ItemGroup-state you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
string IGUID = ultraschall.GetItemIGUID(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
string IGUID |
the IGUID of the item |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose IGUID-state you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
integer IID = ultraschall.GetItemIID(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
integer IID |
the IID of the item; the item-id, which is basically a counter of all items created within this project. May change, so use it only as a counter. If you want to identify a specific item, use GUID and IGUID instead. |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose ItemIID-state you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
string filename = ultraschall.GetItemImage(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
string filename |
the filename of the item-image; "", if not image is associated with this item |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose itemimage you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
number length = ultraschall.GetItemLength(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
number length |
the length in seconds, as set in the statechunk |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose length you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
integer lock_state = ultraschall.GetItemLock(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
integer lock_state |
the lock-state; 1, item is locked; nil, item is not locked |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose itemlock-state you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
integer loopstate = ultraschall.GetItemLoop(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
integer loopstate |
the loopstate, as set in the statechunk; 1, loop source; 0, don't loop source |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
integer itemmix_state = ultraschall.GetItemMixFlag(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
integer itemmix_state |
the item-mix-behavior nil - Project Default item mix behavior 0 - Enclosed items replace enclosing items 1 - Items always mix 2 - Items always replace earlier items |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose item-mix-behavior-state you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
integer mutestate1, integer mutestate2 = ultraschall.GetItemMute(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
integer mutestate1 |
actual mutestate, item solo overrides; 0, item is muted; 1, item is unmuted |
integer mutestate2 |
mutestate, ignores solo; 0, item is muted; 1, item is unmuted |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose mute-state you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
string name = ultraschall.GetItemName(MediaItem MediaItem, string MediaItemStateChunk)
string name |
the name of the item |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose itemname-state you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
number playbackrate, integer preserve_pitch, number pitch_adjust, integer takepitch_timestretch_mode, integer optimize_tonal_content, number stretch_marker_fadesize = ultraschall.GetItemPlayRate(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
number playbackrate |
1 is 1x, 2 is 2x, 1.8 is 1.8x,etc |
integer preserve_pitch |
preserve pitch; 1, preserve; 0, don't preserve |
number pitch_adjust |
pitch_adjust(semitones); negative values allowed; 1.1=1.1 semitones higher, -0.3=0.3 semitones lower,etc |
integer takepitch_timestretch_mode |
the item's pitchmode - 65536 for project-default |
integer optimize_tonal_content |
2, checkbox for optimize-tonal-content is set on; 0, checkbox for optimize-tonal-content is set off |
number stretch_marker_fadesize |
in milliseconds; negative values are allowed |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose playback-rate-state you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
number position = ultraschall.GetItemPosition(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
number position |
the position in seconds, as set in the statechunk |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose position you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
integer recpass_state = ultraschall.GetItemRecPass(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
integer recpass_state |
the number of recorded mediaitem; every recorded item gets it's counting-number. |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose recpass-state you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
number sampleoffset, optional number sampleoffset2 = ultraschall.GetItemSampleOffset(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
number sampleoffset |
sampleoffset in seconds |
optional number sampleoffset2 |
unknown |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose sample-offset-state you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
integer selected_state = ultraschall.GetItemSelected(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
integer selected_state |
the item-selected-state; 1 - item is selected; 0 - item is not selected |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose selection-state you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
number snapoffset = ultraschall.GetItemSnapOffset(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
number snapoffset |
the snapoffset in seconds, as set in the statechunk |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose snapoffset you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
boolean retval, string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.GetItemStateChunk(MediaItem MediaItem, boolean AddTracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, if getting the statechunk was successful; false, if not |
string MediaItemStateChunk |
the statechunk of the MediaItem |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose statechunk you want to have |
boolean AddTracknumber |
nil or true; add the tracknumber, where the MediaItem lies, as additional entry entry "ULTRASCHALL_TRACKNUMBER" to the statechunk; false, just return the original statechunk. |
integer tracknumber, MediaTrack track = ultraschall.GetItemUSTrackNumber_StateChunk(string MediaItemStateChunk)
Returns the tracknumber as well as the mediatrack-object from where the mediaitem was from, as given by a MediaItemStateChunk. This works only, if the StateChunk contains the entry "ULTRASCHALL_TRACKNUMBER", which holds the original tracknumber of the MediaItem.
This entry will only be added by functions from the Ultraschall-API, like GetAllMediaItemsBetween
Returns -1 in case of error.
integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, where this item came from; starts with 1 for the first track! |
MediaTrack track |
the accompanying track as MediaTrack-object |
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
number volpan1, number pan, number volume, number volpan4 = ultraschall.GetItemVolPan(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
number volpan1 |
unknown; 0, seems to mute the item without using mute; 1, seems to keep the item unmuted |
number pan |
from -1(100%L) to 1(100%R), 0 is center |
number volume |
from 0(-inf) to 3.981072(+12db), 1 is 0db; higher numbers are allowed; negative means phase inverted |
number volpan4 |
unknown |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose volpan-state you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
number y_position, number y_height, integer lane_or_fipm = ultraschall.GetItemYPos(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
number y_position |
the y-position of the MediaItem in fipm/within all track-lanes, calculate the used item-lane(see description for details) |
number y_height |
the height of the item in fipm/within the track-lanes, calculate the used item-lane(see description for details) |
integer lane_or_fipm |
1, item is in free item positioning; 2, item is in an item-lane |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose yposition-state you want to know; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
boolean checked_state = ultraschall.GetItem_Video_IgnoreAudio(MediaItem Item, integer take_index, optional string StateChunk)
boolean checked_state |
true, checkbox is checked; false, checkbox is unchecked |
MediaItem item, integer itemcount, array MediaItemArray = ultraschall.EnumerateMediaItemsInTrack(integer tracknumber, integer itemnumber)
MediaItem item |
the Mediaitem, as requested by parameter itemnumber |
integer itemcount |
the number of items in that track |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with all MediaItems from this track |
integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, from where you want to get the item |
integer itemnumber |
the itemnumber within that track. 1 for the first, 2 for the second, etc |
integer countlock, array locked_MediaItemArray, integer countunlock, array unlocked_MediaItemArray = ultraschall.GetAllLockedItemsFromMediaItemArray(array MediaItemArray)
integer countlock |
the number of locked items. -1 in case of failure |
array locked_MediaItemArray |
the locked items in a mediaitemarray |
integer countunlock |
the number of un(!)locked items |
array unlocked_MediaItemArray |
the un(!)locked items in a mediaitemarray |
array MediaItemArray |
the statechunkarray of the items to be checked. |
integer itemcount, MediaItemArray MediaItemArray = ultraschall.GetAllMediaItems()
integer itemcount |
the number of items in the MediaItemArray |
MediaItemArray MediaItemArray |
an array with all MediaItems from the current project |
integer count, array MediaItemArray, array MediaItemStateChunkArray = ultraschall.GetAllMediaItemsBetween(number startposition, number endposition, string trackstring, boolean inside)
integer count |
the number of found items |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with all the found MediaItems |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
an array with the MediaItemStateChunks, that can be used to create new items with InsertMediaItem_MediaItemStateChunk |
number startposition |
startposition in seconds |
number endposition |
endposition in seconds |
string trackstring |
the tracknumbers, separated by a comma |
boolean inside |
true, only items that are completely within selection; false, include items that are partially within selection |
integer itemcount, array MediaItemArray, array MediaItemStateChunkArray = ultraschall.GetAllMediaItemsFromTrack(integer tracknumber)
integer itemcount |
the number of items in that track |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with all MediaItems from this track |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
an array with all MediaItemStateCunks from this track |
integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, from where you want to get the item |
integer count, array MediaItemArray = ultraschall.GetAllMediaItemsInTimeSelection(string trackstring, boolean inside)
integer count |
the number of items found in time-selection |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with all MediaItems found within time-selection |
string trackstring |
a string with all tracknumbers, separated by a comma; 1 for the first track, 2 for the second |
integer count, array MediaItemArray, array MediaItemStateChunkArray = ultraschall.GetAllSelectedMediaItemsBetween(number startposition, number endposition, string trackstring, boolean inside)
integer count |
the number of selected items |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with all the found and selected MediaItems |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
an array with the MediaItemStateChunks, that can be used to create new items with InsertMediaItem_MediaItemStateChunk |
number startposition |
startposition in seconds |
number endposition |
endposition in seconds |
string trackstring |
the tracknumbers, separated by a comma |
boolean inside |
true, only items that are completely within selection; false, include items that are partially within selection |
integer number_of_items, array MediaItemArray, array MediaItemStateChunkArray = ultraschall.GetMediaItemsAtPosition(number position, string trackstring)
integer number_of_items |
the number of items at position |
array MediaItemArray |
an array, that contains all MediaItems at position from the tracks given by trackstring. |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
an array, that contains all Mediaitem's MediaItemStatechunks at position from the tracks given by trackstring. |
number position |
position in seconds |
string trackstring |
the tracknumbers, separated by a comma |
boolean retval, MediaItem item = ultraschall.InsertImageFile(string filename_with_path, integer track, number position, number length, boolean looped)
boolean retval |
true, if inserting was successful; false, if inserting was unsuccessful |
MediaItem item |
the MediaItem of the newly inserted image |
string filename_with_path |
the file to check for it's image-fileformat |
integer track |
the track, in which the image shall be inserted |
number position |
the position of the inserted image in seconds |
number length |
the length of the image-item in seconds; 1, for the default length of 1 second |
boolean looped |
true, loop the inserted image-file; false, don't loop the inserted image-file |
integer number_of_items, array MediaItemArray = ultraschall.InsertMediaItemArray(number position, array MediaItemArray, string trackstring)
integer number_of_items |
the number of MediaItems created |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with the newly created MediaItems |
number position |
the position of the newly created mediaitem |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with the MediaItems to be inserted |
string trackstring |
the numbers of the tracks, separated by a , |
integer retval, MediaItem item, number endposition, integer numchannels, integer Samplerate, string Filetype, number editcursorposition, MediaTrack track = ultraschall.InsertMediaItemFromFile(string filename, integer track, number position, number length, integer editcursorpos, optional number offset, optional boolean looped, optional boolean locked)
integer retval |
0, if insertion worked; -1, if it failed |
MediaItem item |
the newly created MediaItem |
number endposition |
the endposition of the newly created MediaItem in seconds |
integer numchannels |
the number of channels of the mediafile |
integer Samplerate |
the samplerate of the mediafile in hertz |
string Filetype |
the type of the mediafile, like MP3, WAV, MIDI, FLAC, etc |
number editcursorposition |
the (new) editcursorposition |
MediaTrack track |
returns the MediaTrack, in which the item is included |
string filename |
the path+filename of the mediafile to be inserted into the project |
integer track |
the track, in which the file shall be inserted 0, insert the file into a newly inserted track after the last track -1, insert the file into a newly inserted track before the first track -2, insert into the last touched track |
number position |
the position of the newly inserted item |
number length |
the length of the newly created mediaitem; -1, use the length of the sourcefile |
integer editcursorpos |
the position of the editcursor after insertion of the mediafile 0, the old editcursorposition 1, the position, at which the item was inserted 2, the end of the newly inserted item |
optional number offset |
an offset, to delay the insertion of the item, to overcome possible "too late"-starting of playback of item during recording |
optional boolean looped |
true, loop source; false or nil, don't loop source |
optional boolean locked |
true, lock MediaItem; false or nil, don't lock MediaItem |
integer number_of_items, array MediaItemArray = ultraschall.InsertMediaItemStateChunkArray(number position, array MediaItemStateChunkArray, string trackstring, optional boolean add_needed_tracks)
integer number_of_items |
the number of MediaItems created |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with the newly created MediaItems |
number position |
the position of the newly created mediaitem |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
an array with the statechunks of the MediaItems to be inserted |
string trackstring |
the numbers of the tracks, separated by a , |
optional boolean add_needed_tracks |
true, adds tracks to the project, if needed; nil or false, will only insert into existing tracks |
integer retval, MediaItem MediaItem, number startposition, number endposition, number length = ultraschall.InsertMediaItem_MediaItem(number position, MediaItem MediaItem, MediaTrack MediaTrack)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the newly created MediaItem |
number startposition |
the startposition of the inserted MediaItem in seconds |
number endposition |
the endposition of the inserted MediaItem in seconds |
number length |
the length of the inserted MediaItem in seconds |
number position |
the position of the newly created mediaitem |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem that shall be inserted into a track |
MediaTrack MediaTrack |
the track, where the item shall be inserted to |
integer retval, MediaItem MediaItem, number startposition, number endposition, number length = ultraschall.InsertMediaItem_MediaItemStateChunk(number position, string MediaItemStateChunk, MediaTrack MediaTrack)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the newly created MediaItem |
number startposition |
the startposition of the inserted MediaItem in seconds |
number endposition |
the endposition of the inserted MediaItem in seconds |
number length |
the length of the inserted MediaItem in seconds |
number position |
the position of the newly created mediaitem |
string MediaItemStatechunk |
the Statechunk for the MediaItem, that shall be inserted into a track |
MediaTrack MediaTrack |
the track, where the item shall be inserted to; nil, use the statechunk-entry ULTRASCHALL_TRACKNUMBER for the track instead. |
integer number_of_items, array MediaItemArray, number endpos_inserted_items = ultraschall.RippleInsert(number position, array MediaItemArray, string trackstring, boolean moveenvelopepoints, boolean movemarkers)
integer number_of_items |
the number of newly created items |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with the newly created MediaItems |
number endpos_inserted_items |
the endposition of the last newly inserted MediaItem |
number position |
the position of the newly created mediaitem |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with the MediaItems to be inserted |
string trackstring |
the numbers of the tracks, separated by a , |
boolean moveenvelopepoints |
true, move the envelopepoints as well; false, keep the envelopepoints where they are |
boolean movemarkers |
true, move markers as well; false, keep markers where they are |
integer number_of_items, array MediaItemStateChunkArray, number endpos_inserted_items = ultraschall.RippleInsert_MediaItemStateChunks(number position, array MediaItemStateChunkArray, string trackstring, boolean moveenvelopepoints, boolean movemarkers)
integer number_of_items |
the number of newly created items |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
an array with the newly created MediaItems as StateChunkArray |
number endpos_inserted_items |
the endposition of the last newly inserted MediaItem |
number position |
the position of the newly created mediaitem |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
an array with the statechunks of MediaItems to be inserted |
string trackstring |
the numbers of the tracks, separated by a , |
boolean moveenvelopepoints |
true, move the envelopepoints as well; false, keep the envelopepoints where they are |
boolean movemarkers |
true, move markers as well; false, keep markers where they are |
string changedMediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.AddLockStateToMediaItemStateChunk(string MediaItemStateChunk, boolean lockstate)
string changedMediaItemStateChunk |
the lockstate-modified MediaItemStateChunk |
string MediaItemStateChunk |
the statechunk of the item to be processed, as returned by functions like reaper.GetItemStateChunk |
boolean lockstate |
true, to set the MediaItemStateChunk to locked, false to set it to unlocked |
integer count, array changedMediaItemStateChunkArray = ultraschall.AddLockStateTo_MediaItemStateChunkArray(array MediaItemStateChunkArray, boolean lockstate)
integer count |
the number of entries in the changed MediaItemStateChunkArray |
array changedMediaItemStateChunkArray |
the lockstate-modified MediaItemStateChunkArray |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
the statechunkarray of the items to be processed, as returned by functions like reaper.GetItemStateChunk |
boolean lockstate |
true, to set the MediaItemStateChunk to locked, false to set it to unlocked |
boolean retval, integer skippeditemscount, array skipped_MediaItemStateChunkArray = ultraschall.ApplyStateChunkToItems(array MediaItemStateChunkArray, boolean undostate)
boolean retval |
true it worked, false it didn't |
integer skippeditemscount |
the number of entries that couldn't be applied |
array skipped_MediaItemStateChunkArray |
the StateChunks, that couldn't be aplied |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
the statechunkarray of the items to be applied, as returned by functions like reaper.GetItemStateChunk |
boolean undostate |
true, sets the changed undo-possible, false undo-impossible |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ChangeDeltaLengthOfMediaItems_FromArray(array MediaItemArray, number deltalength)
boolean retval |
true in case of success; false in case of failure |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with items to be changed. No nil entries allowed! |
number deltalength |
the change of the length of the items in seconds, positive value - longer, negative value - shorter |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ChangeDeltaOffsetOfMediaItems_FromArray(array MediaItemArray, number deltaoffset)
boolean retval |
true in case of success; false in case of failure |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with items to be changed. No nil entries allowed! |
number newoffset |
the new offset of the items in seconds |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ChangeLengthOfMediaItems_FromArray(array MediaItemArray, number newlength)
boolean retval |
true in case of success; false in case of failure |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with items to be changed. No nil entries allowed! |
number newlength |
the new length of the items in seconds |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ChangeOffsetOfMediaItems_FromArray(array MediaItemArray, number newoffset)
boolean retval |
true, in case of success; false, in case of failure |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with items to be changed. No nil entries allowed! |
number newoffset |
the new offset of the items in seconds |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MoveMediaItemsAfter_By(number old_position, number change_position_by, string trackstring)
boolean retval |
true in case of success; false in case of failure |
number oldposition |
the position, from where the movement shall be applied to, in seconds |
number change_position_by |
the change of the position in seconds; positive - toward the end of the project, negative - toward the beginning. |
string trackstring |
the tracknumbers, separated by a comma |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MoveMediaItemsBefore_By(number old_position, number change_position_by, string trackstring)
boolean retval |
true in case of success; false in case of failure |
number oldposition |
the position, from where the movement shall be applied to, in seconds |
number change_position_by |
the change of the position in seconds; positive - toward the end of the project, negative - toward the beginning. |
string trackstring |
the tracknumbers, separated by a comma |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MoveMediaItemsBetween_To(number startposition, number endposition, number newposition, string trackstring, boolean inside)
boolean retval |
true in case of success; false in case of failure |
number startposition |
begin of the item-selection in seconds |
number endposition |
end of the item-selection in seconds |
number newposition |
new position in seconds |
string trackstring |
the tracknumbers, separated by a , |
boolean inside |
true, only items completely within the section; false, also items partially within the section |
integer retval, number earliest_itemtime, number latest_itemtime = ultraschall.MoveMediaItems_FromArray(array MediaItemArray, number newposition)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, else returns 1 |
number earliest_itemtime |
the new earliest starttime of all MediaItems moved |
number latest_itemtime |
the new latest endtime of all MediaItems moved |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with the MediaItems to be inserted |
number newposition |
the new position in seconds |
integer retval = ultraschall.NormalizeItems(array MediaItemArray)
integer retval |
-1, in case of an error |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with all MediaItems, that shall be normalized |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetItemsLockState(array MediaItemArray, boolean lockstate)
boolean retval |
true in case of success, false in case of error |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with the MediaItems to be processed |
boolean lockstate |
true, to set the MediaItems to locked, false to set them to unlocked |
integer number_of_takes = ultraschall.CountMediaItemTake_StateChunk(string MediaItemStateChunk)
integer number_of_takes |
the number of takes in this MediaItemStateChunk |
string MediaItemStateChunk |
the statechunk of the mediaitem, whose takes you want to count |
string source_filename, PCM_source source, MediaItem_Take take = ultraschall.GetItemSourceFile_Take(MediaItem MediaItem, integer take_nr)
string source_filename |
the filename of the requested take |
PCM_source source |
the PCM_source-object of the requested take |
MediaItem_Take take |
the Media-Item_Take-object of the requested take |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem-object, in which the requested take lies |
integer take_nr |
the number of the requested take; use 0 for the active take |
MediaItem_Take Take, integer TakeCount = ultraschall.GetMediaItemTake(MediaItem MediaItem, integer TakeNr)
MediaItem_Take Take |
the requested take of a MediaItem |
integer TakeCount |
the number of takes available within this Mediaitem |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, of whom you want to request a certain take. |
integer TakeNr |
the take that you want to request; 1 for the first; 2 for the second, etc; 0, for the current active take |
string TakeStateChunk = ultraschall.GetMediaItemTake_StateChunk(string MediaItemStateChunk, integer takeid)
string TakeStateChunk |
the statechunk-entries of the requested take |
string MediaItemStateChunk |
the statechunk of the mediaitem, whose take you want to get |
integer takeid |
the number of the take, whose statechunk-entries you want; 0, get selected take |
boolean retval = ultraschall.GetTake_ReverseState(MediaItem item, integer takenumber)
boolean retval |
true, take is reversed; false, take is not reversed |
MediaItem item |
the MediaItem, of whose take you want to get the reverse-state |
integer takenumber |
the take, whose reverse-state you want to know; 1, for the first take, etc |
integer number_of_items = ultraschall.MediaItems_Outtakes_AddSelectedItems(ReaProject TargetProject)
integer number_of_items |
the number of items, added to the outtakes-vault |
ReaProject TargetProject |
the project, into whose outtakes-vault the selected items shall be added to; 0 or nil, for the current project |
integer number_of_items, array MediaItemStateChunkArray = ultraschall.MediaItems_Outtakes_GetAllItems(ReaProject TargetProject, optional boolean EachItemsAfterAnother)
integer number_of_items |
the number of items, added to the outtakes-vault |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
all the MediaItemStateChunks of the stored MediaItems in the outtakes vault |
ReaProject TargetProject |
the project, into whose outtakes-vault the selected items shall be added to; 0 or nil, for the current project |
optional boolean EachItemsAfterAnother |
position the MediaItems one after the next, so if you import them, they would be stored one after another true, position the startposition of the MediaItems one after another false, keep old startpositions |
boolean retval, integer number_of_items, array MediaItemArray = ultraschall.MediaItems_Outtakes_InsertAllItems(ReaProject TargetProject, integer tracknumber, number Startposition)
boolean retval |
true, adding was successful; false, adding was unsuccessful |
integer number_of_items |
the number of added items |
array MediaItemArray |
all the inserted MediaItems |
ReaProject TargetProject |
the project, into whose outtakes-vault the selected items shall be added to; 0 or nil, for the current project |
integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, into which to insert all items from the outtakes-vault |
number Startposition |
the position, at which to insert the first MediaItem; nil, startposition=0 |
integer retval = ultraschall.DeselectMediaItems_MediaItemArray(array MediaItemArray)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with all the MediaItemObjects, that shall be deselected |
integer count, array MediaItemArray, array MediaItemStateChunkArray = ultraschall.GetAllSelectedMediaItems()
integer count |
the number of entries in the returned MediaItemArray |
array MediaItemArray |
all selected MediaItems returned as an array |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
the statechunks of all found MediaItems as an array |
integer count, array MediaItemArray, array MediaItemStateChunkArray = ultraschall.GetSelectedMediaItemsAtPosition(number position, string trackstring)
integer count |
the number of entries in the returned MediaItemArray |
array MediaItemArray |
the found MediaItems returned as an array |
number position |
position in seconds |
string trackstring |
the tracknumbers, separated by commas |
integer count, array MediaItemArray = ultraschall.GetSelectedMediaItemsBetween(number startposition, number endposition, string trackstring, boolean inside)
integer count |
the number of entries in the returned MediaItemArray |
array MediaItemArray |
the found MediaItems returned as an array |
number startposition |
startposition in seconds |
number endposition |
endposition in seconds |
string trackstring |
the tracknumbers, separated by commas |
boolean inside |
true, only items completely within start/endposition; false, also items, that are partially within start/endposition |
integer retval = ultraschall.SelectMediaItems_MediaItemArray(array MediaItemArray)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
array MediaItemArray |
an array with all the MediaItemObjects, that shall be selected |
ultraschall.SetMediaItemsSelected_TimeSelection(optional boolean inside)
optional boolean inside |
true, select only items completely inside the time-selection; false or nil, include also items, that are partially inside the time-selection |
string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.SetItemAllTakes(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk, integer all_takes)
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose state you want to change; nil, use parameter MediaItemStateChunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
integer all_takes |
play all takes-setting; 0, don't play all takes; 1, play all takes |
string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.SetItemChanMode(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk, integer chanmode)
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose state you want to change; nil, use parameter MediaItemStateChunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
integer chanmode |
the channel-mode of the item; 0 and higher 0, normal 1, Mono (Mix L+R) 2, Mono (Left) 3, Mono (Right) 4, Mono 3 ... 66, Mono 64 67, Stereo 1/2 67, Stereo 2/3 ... 129, Stereo 63/64 higher, (unknown) |
string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.SetItemFadeIn(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk, number curvetype1, number fadein_length, number fadein_length2, number curvetype2, integer fadestate5, number curve, number fadestate7)
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose state you want to change; nil, use parameter MediaItemStateChunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
number curvetype1 |
the type of the curve: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.1; must be set like curvetype2 |
number fadein_length |
the current fadein-length in seconds; minimum 0 |
number fadein_length2 |
the fadein-length in seconds; overrides fadein_length and will be moved to fadein_length when fadein-length changes(e.g. mouse-drag); might be autocrossfade-length; minimum 0 |
number curvetype2 |
the type of the curve: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.1; must be set like curvetype1 |
integer fadestate5 |
unknown, either 0 or 1; fadeinstate entry as set in the rppxml-mediaitem-statechunk |
number curve |
curve -1 to 1 |
number fadestate7 |
unknown |
string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.SetItemFadeOut(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk, number curvetype1, number fadeout_length, number fadeout_length2, number curvetype2, integer fadestate5, number curve, number fadestate7)
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose state you want to change; nil, use parameter MediaItemStateChunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
number curvetype1 |
the type of the curve: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.1; must be set like curvetype2 |
number fadeout_length |
the current fadeout-length in seconds; minimum 0 |
number fadeout_length2 |
the fadeout-length in seconds; overrides fadeout_length and will be moved to fadeout_length when fadeout-length changes(e.g. mouse-drag); might be autocrossfade-length; minimum 0 |
number curvetype2 |
the type of the curve: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.1; must be set like curvetype1 |
integer fadestate5 |
unknown, either 0 or 1; fadeoutstate entry as set in the rppxml-mediaitem-statechunk |
number curve |
curve -1 to 1 |
number fadestate7 |
unknown |
string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.SetItemGUID(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk, string guid)
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose state you want to change; nil, use parameter MediaItemStateChunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
string guid |
the new guid of the item |
string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.SetItemGUID(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk, string guid)
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose state you want to change; nil, use parameter MediaItemStateChunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
string guid |
the new guid of the item |
string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.SetItemIID(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk, integer iid)
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose state you want to change; nil, use parameter MediaItemStateChunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
integer iid |
the new item-id; 1 and higher; function will not check, whether the iid is already in use! |
string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.SetItemImage(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk, string imagefilename)
string MediaItemStateChunk |
the altered MediaItemStateChunk |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose itemimage you want to set; nil, use parameter MediaItemStatechunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk; set to nil, if not needed |
string filename |
the filename of the item-image; "", if not image is associated with this item |
string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.SetItemLength(MediaItem MediaItem, integer length, string MediaItemStateChunk)
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose state you want to change; nil, use parameter MediaItemStateChunk instead |
integer length |
length in seconds |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.SetItemLoop(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk, integer loop)
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose state you want to change; nil, use parameter MediaItemStateChunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
integer loop |
the loopstate of the item/item-statechunk; 0, loop is off; 1, loop is on |
string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.SetItemMute(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk, integer mutestate1, integer mutestate2)
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose state you want to change; nil, use parameter MediaItemStateChunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
integer mutestate1 |
actual mutestate, item solo overrides; 0, item is muted; 1, item is unmuted |
integer mutestate2 |
mutestate, ignores solo; 0, item is muted; 1, item is unmuted |
string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.SetItemName(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk, string name)
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose state you want to change; nil, use parameter MediaItemStateChunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
string name |
the new name of the first take in the item |
string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.SetItemPlayRate(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk, number playbackrate, integer preserve_pitch, number pitch_adjust, integer takepitch_timestretch_mode, integer optimize_tonal_content, number stretch_marker_fadesize)
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose state you want to change; nil, use parameter MediaItemStateChunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
number playbackrate |
1 is 1x, 2 is 2x, 1.8 is 1.8x,etc |
integer preserve_pitch |
preserve pitch; 1, preserve; 0, don't preserve |
number pitch_adjust |
pitch_adjust(semitones); negative values allowed; 1.1=1.1 semitones higher, -0.3=0.3 semitones lower,etc |
integer takepitch_timestretch_mode |
the item's pitchmode - 65536 for project-default |
integer optimize_tonal_content |
2, checkbox for optimize-tonal-content is set on; 0, checkbox for optimize-tonal-content is set off |
number stretch_marker_fadesize |
in milliseconds; negative values are allowed |
string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.SetItemPosition(MediaItem MediaItem, integer position, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose state you want to change; nil, use parameter MediaItemStateChunk instead |
integer position |
position in seconds |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.SetItemSampleOffset(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk, number soffs1, number soffs2)
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose state you want to change; nil, use parameter MediaItemStateChunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
number soffs1 |
the offset in seconds |
optional number soffs2 |
unknown, probably something with QN(?); seems to be set by Reaper automatically, when committing to a MediaItem |
string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.SetItemSelected(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk, integer selected)
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose state you want to change; nil, use parameter MediaItemStateChunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
integer selected |
the selected state; 0, item is unselected; 1, item is selected |
string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.SetItemUSTrackNumber_StateChunk(string MediaItemStateChunk, integer tracknumber)
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber you want to set, with 1 for track 1, 2 for track 2 |
string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.SetItemVolPan(MediaItem MediaItem, optional string MediaItemStateChunk, number volpan1, number pan, number volume, number volpan4)
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, whose state you want to change; nil, use parameter MediaItemStateChunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
number volpan1 |
unknown; 0, seems to mute the item without using mute; 1, seems to keep the item unmuted |
number pan |
from -1(100%L) to 1(100%R), 0 is center |
number volume |
from 0(-inf) to 3.981072(+12db), 1 is 0db; higher numbers are allowed; negative means phase inverted |
number volpan4 |
unknown |
string statechunk = ultraschall.SetItem_Video_IgnoreAudio(MediaItem Item, integer take_index, boolean checkbox_state, optional string StateChunk)
string statechunk |
the altered statechunk |
boolean retval, string trackstatechunk = ultraschall.SetMediaItemStateChunk_in_TrackStateChunk(string trackstatechunk, integer idx, string mediaitemstatechunk)
boolean retval |
true in case of success, false in case of error |
string trackstatechunk |
the new trackstatechunk with the idx'th item replaced |
string trackstatechunk |
a trackstatechunk, as returned by reaper's api function reaper.GetTrackStateChunk |
integer idx |
the number of the item you want to delete |
string mediaitemstatechunk |
a mediaitemstatechunk, as returned by reaper's api function reaper.GetItemStateChunk |
boolean retval, MediaItemStateChunk statechunk = ultraschall.AddItemSpectralEdit(integer itemidx, number start_pos, number length, number gain, number fade, number freq_fade, number freq_range_bottom, number freq_range_top, integer h, integer byp_solo, number gate_thres, number gate_floor, number comp_thresh, number comp_exp_ratio, number n, number o, number fade2, number freq_fade2, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if adding was successful; false, if adding wasn't successful |
optional MediaItemStateChunk statechunk |
the altered MediaItemStateChunk |
integer itemidx |
the MediaItem to add to another spectral-edit-entry; -1, to use the parameter MediaItemStateChunk instead |
number start_pos |
the startposition of the spectral-edit-region in seconds |
number length |
the length of the spectral-edit-region in seconds |
number gain |
the gain as slider-value; 0(-224dB) to 98350.1875(99.68dB); 1 for 0dB |
number fade |
0(0%)-0.5(100%); adjusting this affects also parameter fade2! |
number freq_fade |
0(0%)-0.5(100%); adjusting this affects also parameter freq_fade2! |
number freq_range_bottom |
the bottom of the edit-region, but can be moved to be top as well! 0 to device-samplerate/2 (e.g 96000 for 192kHz) |
number freq_range_top |
the top of the edit-region, but can be moved to be bottom as well! 0 to device-samplerate/2 (e.g 96000 for 192kHz) |
integer h |
unknown |
integer byp_solo |
sets the solo and bypass-state. 0, no solo, no bypass; 1, bypass only; 2, solo only; 3, bypass and solo |
number gate_thres |
sets the threshold of the gate; 0(-224dB)-98786.226563(99.89dB) |
number gate_floor |
sets the floor of the gate; 0(-224dB)-99802.171875(99.98dB) |
number comp_thresh |
sets the threshold for the compressor; 0(-224dB)-98842.484375(99.90dB); 1(0dB)is default |
number comp_exp_ratio |
sets the ratio of the compressor/expander; 0.1(1:10.0)-100(100:1.0); 1(1.0:1) is default |
number n |
unknown |
number o |
unknown |
number fade2 |
negative with fade_in set; positive with fadeout-set |
number freq_fade2 |
negative with low frequency-fade, positive with high-frequency-fade |
string MediaItemStateChunk |
if itemidx is -1, this can be a MediaItemStateChunk to use, otherwise this will be ignored |
integer count = ultraschall.CountItemSpectralEdits(integer itemidx, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
integer count |
the number of spectral-edits available in a given MediaItem/MediaItemStateChunk |
integer itemidx |
the MediaItem to look in for the spectral-edit; -1, to use the parameter MediaItemStateChunk instead |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
if itemidx is -1, this can be a MediaItemStateChunk to use, otherwise this will be ignored |
boolean retval, string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.DeleteItemSpectralEdit(integer itemidx, integer spectralidx, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if deleting an spectral-edit-entry was successful; false, if it was unsuccessful |
string MediaItemStateChunk |
the altered MediaItemStateChunk |
integer itemidx |
the MediaItem to look in for the spectral-edit; -1, to use the parameter MediaItemStateChunk instead |
integer spectralidx |
the number of the spectral-edit to delete; 1 for the first, 2 for the second, etc |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
if itemidx is -1, this can be a MediaItemStateChunk to use, otherwise this will be ignored |
integer item_spectral_config = ultraschall.GetItemSpectralConfig(integer itemidx, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
integer item_spectral_config |
the fft-size in points for the spectral-view; 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024(default), 2048, 4096, 8192; -1, if not existing |
integer itemidx |
the number of the item, with 1 for the first item, 2 for the second, etc.; -1, to use the parameter MediaItemStateChunk |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
you can give a MediaItemStateChunk to process, if itemidx is set to -1 |
integer item_spectral_config = ultraschall.GetItemSpectralConfig(MediaItem Item, integer take_id, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
integer item_spectral_config |
the fft-size in points for the spectral-view; 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024(default), 2048, 4096, 8192; -1, if not existing |
MediaItem Item |
the item, whose spectral-config-attribute you want to get; nil, to use the parameter MediaItemStateChunk |
integer take_id |
the id of the take; 1-based; 0, for active take |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
you can give a MediaItemStateChunk to process, if itemidx is set to -1 |
integer item_spectral_config = ultraschall.GetItemSpectralConfig(MediaItem Item, integer take_id, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
integer item_spectral_config |
the fft-size in points for the spectral-view; 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024(default), 2048, 4096, 8192; -1, if not existing |
MediaItem Item |
the item, whose spectral-config-attribute you want to get; nil, to use the parameter MediaItemStateChunk |
integer take_id |
the id of the take; 1-based; 0, for active take |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
you can give a MediaItemStateChunk to process, if itemidx is set to -1 |
number start_pos, number length, number gain, number fade, number freq_fade, number freq_range_bottom, number freq_range_top, integer h, integer byp_solo, number gate_thres, number gate_floor, number comp_thresh, number comp_exp_ratio, number n, number o, number fade2, number freq_fade2 = ultraschall.GetItemSpectralEdit(integer itemidx, integer spectralidx, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
number start_pos |
the startposition of the spectral-edit-region in seconds |
number length |
the length of the spectral-edit-region in seconds |
number gain |
the gain as slider-value; 0(-224dB) to 98350.1875(99.68dB); 1 for 0dB |
number fade |
0(0%)-0.5(100%); adjusting this affects also parameter fade2! |
number freq_fade |
0(0%)-0.5(100%); adjusting this affects also parameter freq_fade2! |
number freq_range_bottom |
the bottom of the edit-region, but can be moved to be top as well! 0 to device-samplerate/2 (e.g 96000 for 192kHz) |
number freq_range_top |
the top of the edit-region, but can be moved to be bottom as well! 0 to device-samplerate/2 (e.g 96000 for 192kHz) |
integer h |
unknown |
integer byp_solo |
sets the solo and bypass-state. 0, no solo, no bypass; 1, bypass only; 2, solo only; 3, bypass and solo |
number gate_thres |
sets the threshold of the gate; 0(-224dB)-98786.226563(99.89dB) |
number gate_floor |
sets the floor of the gate; 0(-224dB)-99802.171875(99.98dB) |
number comp_thresh |
sets the threshold for the compressor; 0(-224dB)-98842.484375(99.90dB); 1(0dB)is default |
number comp_exp_ratio |
sets the ratio of the compressor/expander; 0.1(1:10.0)-100(100:1.0); 1(1.0:1) is default |
number n |
unknown |
number o |
unknown |
number fade2 |
negative with fade_in set; positive with fadeout-set |
number freq_fade2 |
negative with low frequency-fade, positive with high-frequency-fade |
integer itemidx |
the MediaItem to look in for the spectral-edit; -1, to use the parameter MediaItemStateChunk instead |
integer spectralidx |
the number of the spectral-edit to return; 1 for the first, 2 for the second, etc |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
if itemidx is -1, this can be a MediaItemStateChunk to use, otherwise this will be ignored |
boolean retval, number start_pos, number length, number gain, number fade, number freq_fade, number freq_range_bottom, number freq_range_top, integer h, integer byp_solo, number gate_thres, number gate_floor, number comp_thresh, number comp_exp_ratio, number n, number o, number fade2, number freq_fade2 = ultraschall.GetItemSpectralEdit2(MediaItem Item, integer take_id, integer spectralidx, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, getting states was successful; false, getting states was unsuccessful |
number start_pos |
the startposition of the spectral-edit-region in seconds |
number length |
the length of the spectral-edit-region in seconds |
number gain |
the gain as slider-value; 0(-224dB) to 98350.1875(99.68dB); 1 for 0dB |
number fade |
0(0%)-0.5(100%); adjusting this affects also parameter fade2! |
number freq_fade |
0(0%)-0.5(100%); adjusting this affects also parameter freq_fade2! |
number freq_range_bottom |
the bottom of the edit-region, but can be moved to be top as well! 0 to device-samplerate/2 (e.g 96000 for 192kHz) |
number freq_range_top |
the top of the edit-region, but can be moved to be bottom as well! 0 to device-samplerate/2 (e.g 96000 for 192kHz) |
integer h |
unknown |
integer byp_solo |
sets the solo and bypass-state. 0, no solo, no bypass; 1, bypass only; 2, solo only; 3, bypass and solo |
number gate_thres |
sets the threshold of the gate; 0(-224dB)-98786.226563(99.89dB) |
number gate_floor |
sets the floor of the gate; 0(-224dB)-99802.171875(99.98dB) |
number comp_thresh |
sets the threshold for the compressor; 0(-224dB)-98842.484375(99.90dB); 1(0dB)is default |
number comp_exp_ratio |
sets the ratio of the compressor/expander; 0.1(1:10.0)-100(100:1.0); 1(1.0:1) is default |
number n |
unknown |
number o |
unknown |
number fade2 |
negative with fade_in set; positive with fadeout-set |
number freq_fade2 |
negative with low frequency-fade, positive with high-frequency-fade |
MediaItem Item |
the MediaItem to look in for the spectral-edit; nil, to use the parameter MediaItemStateChunk instead |
integer take_id |
the index of the take, whose spectral-edit-information you want to retrieve; 1-based; 0, active take |
integer spectralidx |
the number of the spectral-edit to return; 1 for the first, 2 for the second, etc |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
if itemidx is -1, this can be a MediaItemStateChunk to use, otherwise this will be ignored |
integer spectrogram_state = ultraschall.GetItemSpectralVisibilityState(integer itemidx, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
integer item_spectral_config |
0, if spectral-config isn't shown in arrange-view; 1, if spectral-config is shown in arrange-view |
integer itemidx |
the number of the item, with 1 for the first item, 2 for the second, etc.; -1, to use the parameter MediaItemStateChunk |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
you can give a MediaItemStateChunk to process, if itemidx is set to -1 |
boolean retval, string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.SetItemSpectralConfig(integer itemidx, integer item_spectral_config, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if setting spectral-config worked; false, if not |
string MediaItemStateChunk |
the altered MediaItemStateChunk |
integer itemidx |
the number of the item, with 1 for the first item, 2 for the second, etc.; -1, if you want to use the optional parameter MediaItemStateChunk |
integer item_spectral_config |
the fft-size in points for the spectral-view; 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024(default), 2048, 4096, 8192; nil, to remove it nil will only remove it, when SPECTRAL_EDIT is removed from item first; returned statechunk will have it removed still |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
a MediaItemStateChunk you want to have altered; works only, if itemdidx is set to -1, otherwise it will be ignored |
string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.SetItemSpectralEdit(integer itemidx, integer spectralidx, number start_pos, number length, number gain, number fade, number freq_fade, number freq_range_bottom, number freq_range_top, integer h, integer byp_solo, number gate_thres, number gate_floor, number comp_thresh, number comp_exp_ratio, number n, number o, number fade2, number freq_fade2, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
integer itemidx |
the number of the item in the project; use -1 to use MediaItemStateChunk instead |
integer spectralidx |
the number of the spectral-edit-instance, that you want to set |
number start_pos |
the startposition of the spectral-edit-region in seconds |
number length |
the length of the spectral-edit-region in seconds |
number gain |
the gain as slider-value; 0(-224dB) to 98350.1875(99.68dB); 1 for 0dB |
number fade |
0(0%)-0.5(100%); adjusting this affects also parameter fade2! |
number freq_fade |
0(0%)-0.5(100%); adjusting this affects also parameter freq_fade2! |
number freq_range_bottom |
the bottom of the edit-region, but can be moved to be top as well! 0 to device-samplerate/2 (e.g 96000 for 192kHz) |
number freq_range_top |
the top of the edit-region, but can be moved to be bottom as well! 0 to device-samplerate/2 (e.g 96000 for 192kHz) |
integer h |
unknown |
integer byp_solo |
sets the solo and bypass-state. 0, no solo, no bypass; 1, bypass only; 2, solo only; 3, bypass and solo |
number gate_thres |
sets the threshold of the gate; 0(-224dB)-98786.226563(99.89dB) |
number gate_floor |
sets the floor of the gate; 0(-224dB)-99802.171875(99.98dB) |
number comp_thresh |
sets the threshold for the compressor; 0(-224dB)-98842.484375(99.90dB); 1(0dB)is default |
number comp_exp_ratio |
sets the ratio of the compressor/expander; 0.1(1:10.0)-100(100:1.0); 1(1.0:1) is default |
number n |
unknown |
number o |
unknown |
number fade2 |
negative with fade_in set; positive with fadeout-set |
number freq_fade2 |
negative with low frequency-fade, positive with high-frequency-fade |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
string MediaItemStateChunk = ultraschall.SetItemSpectralVisibilityState(integer itemidx, integer state, optional string MediaItemStateChunk)
string MediaItemStateChunk |
the altered rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk |
integer itemidx |
the number of the item in the project; use -1 to use MediaItemStateChunk instead |
integer state |
the state of the SPECTROGRAM; 0, to hide SpectralEdit; 1, to set SpectralEdit visible |
optional string MediaItemStateChunk |
an rpp-xml-statechunk, as created by reaper-api-functions like GetItemStateChunk; only read, when itemidx=-1 |
number noise_threshold, number variance, number opacity = ultraschall.SpectralPeak_GetColorAttributes()
number noise_threshold |
the noise threshold, between 0.25 and 8.00 |
number variance |
the variance of the spectrum, between 0 and 1 |
number opacity |
the opacity of the spectrum, between 0 and 1.33; 1, for default |
number max_color = ultraschall.SpectralPeak_GetMaxColor()
number max_color |
the maximum color of the spectral peak |
number min_color = ultraschall.SpectralPeak_GetMinColor()
number min_color |
the minimum color of the spectral peak |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SpectralPeak_SetColorAttributes(optional number noise_threshold, optional number variance, optional number opacity)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
optional number noise_threshold |
the noise threshold, between 0.25 and 8.00 |
optional number variance |
the variance of the spectrum, between 0 and 1 |
optional number opacity |
the opacity of the spectrum, between 0 and 1.33; 1, for default |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SpectralPeak_SetMaxColor(number color, optional boolean update_arrange)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
number color |
the maximum color of the spectral peak |
optional boolean update_arrange |
true, update arrange; false or nil, don't update arrange |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SpectralPeak_SetMaxColor_Relative(number color, optional boolean update_arrange)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
number color |
the maximum spectrum of the spectral peak relative to the minimum color |
optional boolean update_arrange |
true, update arrange; false or nil, don't update arrange |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SpectralPeak_SetMinColor(number min_color, optional boolean update_arrange)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
number min_color |
the minimum color of the spectral peak |
optional boolean update_arrange |
true, update arrange; false or nil, don't update arrange |
number project_pos = ultraschall.GetProjectPosByTakeSourcePos(number source_pos, MediaItem_Take take)
number project_pos |
the project-position, converted from the take's source-position |
number source_pos |
the position within the source of the take in seconds |
MediaItem_Take take |
the take, whose source-position you want to retrieve |
number source_pos = ultraschall.GetTakeSourcePosByProjectPos(number project_pos, MediaItem_Take take)
number source_pos |
the position within the source of the take in seconds |
number project_pos |
the project-position, from which you want to get the take's source-position |
MediaItem_Take take |
the take, whose source-position you want to retrieve |
integer count_takemarkers, table all_takemarkers = ultraschall.TakeMarker_GetAllTakeMarkers(MediaItem_Take take)
integer count_takemarkers |
the number of available take-markers |
table all_takemarkers |
a table with all takemarkers of the take(see description for details) |
MediaItem_Take take |
the take, whose source-position you want to retrieve |
integer retval, string value = ultraschall.GetGuidExtState(string guid, string key, integer savelocation)
integer retval |
the idx of the extstate(if a project extension state); 1, successful(with extension states), -1, unsuccessful |
string value |
the returned value from the extstate |
string guid |
the guid of the object, for whom you want to get the key/value-pair; can have additional characters before and after the guid, but must contain a valid guid! |
string key |
the key for this guid |
integer savelocation |
0, get as project extension state(from the currently opened project); 1, get as global extension state(when persist=true, from reaper-extstate.ini in the resourcesfolder) |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetGuidExtState(string guid, string key, string value, integer savelocation, boolean overwrite, boolean persists)
integer retval |
the idx of the extstate(if a project extension state); >=1 number of stored extension states(means successful), -1, unsuccessful |
string guid |
the guid of the object, for whom you want to store a key/value-pair; can have additional characters before and after the guid, but must contain a valid guid! |
string key |
the key for this guid; "", deletes all keys+values stored with this marker |
string value |
the value to store into the key/value-store; "", deletes the value for this key |
integer savelocation |
0, store as project extension state(into the currently opened project); 1, store as global extension state(when persist=true, into reaper-extstate.ini in the resourcesfolder) |
boolean overwrite |
true, overwrite a previous given value; false, don't overwrite, if a value exists already |
boolean persists |
true, make extension state persistent(available after Reaper-restart); false, don't make it persistent; Only with global extension states |
integer retval = ultraschall.DeleteProjExtState_Key(string section, section key)
integer retval |
0, in case of success; -1, in case of an error |
string section |
the section/extname, from whom a key/value shall be deleted |
string key |
the key, whose value shall be deleted |
integer retval = ultraschall.DeleteProjExtState_Section(string section)
integer retval |
0, in case of success; -1, in case of an error |
string section |
the section/extname, whose key/values shall be deleted |
integer retval = ultraschall.GetProjExtState_AllKeyValues(string section)
integer retval |
0, in case of success; -1, in case of an error |
string section |
the section/extname, from whom a key/value shall be deleted |
integer count = ultraschall.ProjExtState_CountAllKeys(string section)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string section |
the section, of which you want to count all keys |
string value = ultraschall.GetMarkerExtState(integer index, string key)
string value |
the value, that has been stored into the marker-extstate; nil, in case of an error |
integer index |
the marker/region-index, for which an extstate has been stored; starting with 1 for first marker/region, 2 for second marker/region |
string key |
the key, in which the marker-extstate is stored |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetMarkerExtState(integer index, string key, string value)
integer retval |
-1, in case of an error; >=1 number of stored extension states(means successful), -1, unsuccessful |
integer index |
the marker/region-index, for which to store an extstate; starting with 1 for first marker/region, 2 for second marker/region |
string key |
the key, into which the marker-extstate shall be stored; "", deletes all keys+values stored with this marker |
string value |
the value, which you want to store into the marker-extstate; "", deletes the value for this key |
integer contributors_count = ultraschall.CountContributors()
integer contributors_count |
the number of stored contributors in this project |
string chaptermetadata_json = ultraschall.GetChapterAttributesAsJSON(integer chaptermarker_id, integer shown_id, number within_start, number within_end, optional number offset)
string chaptermetadata_json |
the chapter-metadata as json |
integer chaptermarker_id |
the index of the chapter-marker, whose metadata-entry you want to get as JSON; 1-based |
integer shown_id |
the number to give to this chapter within the JSON |
number within_start |
the starttime of the range to export valid chapters |
number within_end |
the starttime of the range to export valid chapters |
optional number offset |
subtracts time from the position of the chapter |
integer index = ultraschall.GetEpisodeAttributePresetSlotByName(string name)
integer index |
the index of the preset; -1, in case of an error |
string name |
the name of the preset, non case-sensitive |
string episodemetadata_json = ultraschall.GetEpisodeAttributesAsJSON()
string episodemetadata_json |
the podcast's episode-metadata as json |
integer index = ultraschall.GetPodcastAttributePresetSlotByName(string name)
integer index |
the index of the preset; -1, in case of an error |
string name |
the name of the preset, non case-sensitive |
string podcastmetadata_json = ultraschall.GetPodcastAttributesAsJSON()
string podcastmetadata_json |
the podcast-metadata as json |
string preset_name = ultraschall.GetPodcastAttributesPreset_Name(integer preset_slot)
string preset_name |
the name of the podcast-metadata-preset |
integer preset_slot |
the preset-slot, whose name you want to get |
string podcastmetadata_json = ultraschall.GetPodcastContributorAttributesAsJSON()
string contributorsmetadata_json |
the contributor's-metadata as json |
string preset_name = ultraschall.GetPodcastEpisodeAttributesPreset_Name(integer preset_slot)
string preset_name |
the name of the podcast-metadata-preset |
integer preset_slot |
the preset-slot, whose name you want to get |
boolean retval, string content = ultraschall.GetSetContributor_Attributes(boolean is_set, integer index, string attributename, string content, integer preset_slot)
boolean retval |
true, if the url could be set; false, if an error occurred |
string content |
the content of the attribute for this contributor; when preset_slot is not nil then this will be content of the preset-slot |
boolean is_set |
true, set the attribute; false, retrieve the current content |
integer index |
the index of the contributor to store, 1 and higher |
string attributename |
the name of the attribute for the contributor |
string additional_attribute |
the additional attribute for some attributes; set to nil, if not needed. |
string content |
the value for this contributor |
optional index preset_slot |
nil, don't return any preset's content; 1 and higher, set/return the contributor's entry as stored in the presets |
boolean retval, string content = ultraschall.GetSetPodcastEpisode_Attributes(boolean is_set, string attributename, string content, optional integer preset_slot)
Will get/set metadata-attributes for a podcast-episode.
This is about the individual podcast-episode, NOT the global podcast itself..
For podcast's-metadata, use GetSetPodcast_Attributes
Supported attributes are: "epsdtitle" - the title of the episode "epsdnumber" - the number of the episode "epsdseason" - the season of the episode "epsdreleasedate" - releasedate of the episode; yyyy-mm-dd "epsdreleasetime" - releasedate of the episode; hh:mm:ss "epsdreleasetimezone" - the time's timezone in UTC of the release-time; +hh:mm or -hh:mm "epsddescription" - the descriptionof the episode "epsdcover" - the cover-image of the episode(path+filename) "epsdlanguage" - the language of the episode; Languagecode according to ISO639-2/T "epsdexplicit" - yes, if explicit; "", if not explicit "epsddescriptivetags" - some tags, that describe the content of the episode, must separated by commas "epsdcontentnotificationtags" - some tags, that warn of specific content; must be separated by commas "epsd_guid" - a unique identifier for this episode; contains three guids in a row; read-only; can't be stored in presets!
preset-values will be stored into resourcepath/ultraschall_podcast_presets.ini
You can either set the current project's attributes(preset_slot=nil) or a preset(preset_slot=1 and higher)
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if the attribute exists/could be set; false, if not or an error occurred |
string content |
the content of a specific attribute; when preset_slot is not nil then this is the content of the presetslot |
boolean is_set |
true, set the attribute; false, retrieve the current content |
string attributename |
the attributename you want to get/set |
string content |
the new contents to set the attribute |
optional integer preset_slot |
the slot in the podcast-presets to get/set the value from/to; nil, no preset used |
boolean retval, string name, string description, string url = ultraschall.GetSetPodcastWebsite(boolean is_set, integer index, string name, string description, string url, optional index preset_slot)
boolean retval |
true, if the url could be set; false, if an error occurred |
string name |
the name of the url; when preset_slot is not nil then this is the content of the presetslot |
string description |
a description of this url; when preset_slot is not nil then this is the content of the presetslot |
string url |
the url itself; when preset_slot is not nil then this is the content of the presetslot |
boolean is_set |
true, set the attribute; false, retrieve the current content |
integer index |
the index of the url to store, 1 and higher |
string name |
the name of the url |
string description |
a description of this url |
string url |
the url itself |
optional index preset_slot |
nil, don't return any preset's content; 1 and higher, set/return the website of the index-slot |
boolean retval, string content = ultraschall.GetSetPodcast_Attributes(boolean is_set, string attributename, string content, optional integer preset_slot)
Will get/set metadata-attributes for a podcast.
This is about the podcast globally, NOT the individual episodes.
"podc_title" - the title of the podcast
"podc_tagline" - a tagline for this episode
"podc_description" - a description for your podcast
"podc_contact_email" - an email-address that can be used to contact the podcasters
"podc_feed" - the url of the podcast-feed
"podc_descriptive_tags" - some tags, who describe the podcast, must be separated by commas
"podc_category" - a category that describes the podcast
For episode's-metadata, use GetSetPodcastEpisode_Attributes
preset-values will be stored into resourcepath/ultraschall_podcast_presets.ini
You can either set the current project's attributes(preset_slot=nil) or a preset(preset_slot=1 and higher)
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if the attribute exists/could be set; false, if not or an error occurred |
string content |
the content of a specific attribute; when preset_slot is not nil then this is the content of the presetslot |
boolean is_set |
true, set the attribute; false, retrieve the current content |
string attributename |
the attributename you want to get/set |
string additional_attribute |
some attributes allow additional attributes to be set; in all other cases set to "" when attribute="podcast_website", set this to a number, 1 and higher, which will index possibly multiple websites you have for your podcast use 1 for the main-website |
string content |
the new contents to set the attribute |
optional integer preset_slot |
the slot in the podcast-presets to get/set the value from/to; nil, no preset used |
string shownotemetadata_json = ultraschall.GetShownoteAttributesAsJSON(integer shownotemarker_id, integer shown_id, number within_start, number within_end, optional number offset)
string shownotemetadata_json |
the shownote-metadata as json |
integer chaptermarker_id |
the index of the shownote-marker, whose metadata-entry you want to get as JSON; 1-based |
integer shown_id |
the number to give to this shownote within the JSON |
number within_start |
the starttime of the range to export valid shownotes |
number within_end |
the starttime of the range to export valid shownotes |
optional number offset |
subtracts time from the position of the shownotes |
string website_entry_JSON = ultraschall.PodcastMetaData_ExportWebsiteAsJSON()
string website_entry_JSON |
the podcast's website-metadata as json according to the PodMeta_v1-standard |
string podmeta_entry_JSON = ultraschall.PodcastMetadata_CreateJSON_Entry(number start_time, number end_time, optional number offset, optional string filename, optional boolean do_id3, optional boolean do_vorbis, optional boolean do_ape, optional boolean do_ixml)
string podmeta_entry_JSON |
the podcast's entire-metadata as json according to the PodMeta_v1-standard |
number start_time |
the starttime from which to add chapters/shownotes into the JSON |
number end_time |
the endtime to which to add chapters/shownotes into the JSON |
optional number offset |
the offset to subtract from the position-attributes of the shownotes/chapters |
optional string filename |
path+filename to where the JSON shall be output to |
optional boolean do_id3 |
true, add to the ID3-metadata storage of Reaper for the current project; false or nil, don't add(default) |
optional boolean do_vorbis |
true, add to the VORBIS-metadata storage of Reaper for the current project; false or nil, don't add(default) |
optional boolean do_ape |
true, add to the APE-metadata storage of Reaper for the current project; false or nil, don't add(default) |
optional boolean do_ixml |
true, add to the IXML-metadata storage of Reaper for the current project; false or nil, don't add(default) |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetPodcastAttributesPreset_Name(integer preset_slot, string preset_name)
boolean retval |
true, if setting the name was successful; false, if setting the name was unsuccessful |
integer preset_slot |
the preset-slot, whose name you want to set |
string preset_name |
the new name of the preset |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetPodcastEpisodeAttributesPreset_Name(integer preset_slot, string preset_name)
boolean retval |
true, if setting the name was successful; false, if setting the name was unsuccessful |
integer preset_slot |
the preset-slot, whose name you want to set |
string preset_name |
the new name of the preset |
table MetaDataTable = ultraschall.MetaDataTable_Create()
table MetaDataTable |
a table with all metadata-entries available in Reaper |
table MetaDataTable = ultraschall.MetaDataTable_GetProject()
table MetaDataTable |
a table with all metadata-entries available in Reaper and set with all metadata of current project |
integer count_of_presets, table presetnames = ultraschall.Metadata_GetAllPresetNames(string PresetName)
integer count_of_presets |
the number of found metadata-presetnames |
table presetnames |
all metadata-presetnames found |
table MetaDataTable = ultraschall.Metadata_GetMetaDataTable_Presets(string PresetName)
table MetaDataTable |
a table with all metadata-entries from a preset. Unset entries in the preset will be set to "" |
string PresetName |
the name of the preset, whose metadata you want |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Metadata_AIFF_GetSet(string Tag, optional string Value)
string value |
the value of the specific tag |
string Tag |
the tag, whose value you want to get/set; see description for a list of supported AIFF-Tags |
optional string Value |
nil, only get the current value; any other value, set the value |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Metadata_APE_GetSet(string Tag, optional string Value)
string value |
the value of the specific tag |
string Tag |
the tag, whose value you want to get/set; see description for a list of supported APE-Tags |
optional string Value |
nil, only get the current value; any other value, set the value |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Metadata_ASWG_GetSet(string Tag, optional string Value)
string value |
the value of the specific tag |
string Tag |
the tag, whose value you want to get/set; see description for a list of supported ASWG-Tags |
optional string Value |
nil, only get the current value; any other value, set the value |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Metadata_AXML_GetSet(string Tag, optional string Value)
string value |
the value of the specific tag |
string Tag |
the tag, whose value you want to get/set; see description for a list of supported AXML-Tags |
optional string Value |
nil, only get the current value; any other value, set the value |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Metadata_BWF_GetSet(string Tag, optional string Value)
string value |
the value of the specific tag |
string Tag |
the tag, whose value you want to get/set; see description for a list of supported BWF-Tags |
optional string Value |
nil, only get the current value; any other value, set the value |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Metadata_CAFINFO_GetSet(string Tag, optional string Value)
string value |
the value of the specific tag |
string Tag |
the tag, whose value you want to get/set; see description for a list of supported CAFINFO-Tags |
optional string Value |
nil, only get the current value; any other value, set the value |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Metadata_CART_GetSet(string Tag, optional string Value)
string value |
the value of the specific tag |
string Tag |
the tag, whose value you want to get/set; see description for a list of supported CART-Tags |
optional string Value |
nil, only get the current value; any other value, set the value |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Metadata_CUE_GetSet(string Tag, optional string Value)
string value |
the value of the specific tag |
string Tag |
the tag, whose value you want to get/set; see description for a list of supported CUE-Tags |
optional string Value |
nil, only get the current value; any other value, set the value |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Metadata_FLACPIC_GetSet(string Tag, optional string Value)
string value |
the value of the specific tag |
string Tag |
the tag, whose value you want to get/set; see description for a list of supported FLACPIC-Tags |
optional string Value |
nil, only get the current value; any other value, set the value |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Metadata_ID3_GetSet(string Tag, optional string Value)
string value |
the value of the specific tag |
string Tag |
the tag, whose value you want to get/set; see description for a list of supported ID3-Tags |
optional string Value |
nil, only get the current value; any other value, set the value |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Metadata_IFF_GetSet(string Tag, optional string Value)
string value |
the value of the specific tag |
string Tag |
the tag, whose value you want to get/set; see description for a list of supported IFF-Tags |
optional string Value |
nil, only get the current value; any other value, set the value |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Metadata_INFO_GetSet(string Tag, optional string Value)
string value |
the value of the specific tag |
string Tag |
the tag, whose value you want to get/set; see description for a list of supported INFO-Tags |
optional string Value |
nil, only get the current value; any other value, set the value |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Metadata_IXML_GetSet(string Tag, optional string Value)
string value |
the value of the specific tag |
string Tag |
the tag, whose value you want to get/set; see description for a list of supported IXML-Tags |
optional string Value |
nil, only get the current value; any other value, set the value |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Metadata_VORBIS_GetSet(string Tag, optional string Value)
string value |
the value of the specific tag |
string Tag |
the tag, whose value you want to get/set; see description for a list of supported VORBIS-Tags |
optional string Value |
nil, only get the current value; any other value, set the value |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Metadata_WAVEXT_GetSet(string Tag, optional string Value)
string value |
the value of the specific tag |
string Tag |
the tag, whose value you want to get/set; see description for a list of supported WAVEXT-Tags |
optional string Value |
nil, only get the current value; any other value, set the value |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Metadata_XMP_GetSet(string Tag, optional string Value)
string value |
the value of the specific tag |
string Tag |
the tag, whose value you want to get/set; see description for a list of supported XMP-Tags |
optional string Value |
nil, only get the current value; any other value, set the value |
integer retval = ultraschall.WinterlySnowflakes(boolean toggle, number falling_speed, integer number_snowflakes)
integer retval |
returns -1 in case of a'JS_Window_ListFind' n error; 1, in case of success |
boolean toggle |
true, toggles falling snow on; false, toggles falling snow off |
number falling_speed |
the falling speed of the snowflakes, 1.3 is recommended |
integer number_snowflakes |
the number of falling snowflakes at the same time on screen; 2000 is recommended |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ActivateMute(integer track, optional boolean visible)
boolean retval |
true, activating was successful; false, activating was unsuccessful |
integer track |
the track, whose mute-envelope you want to activate; 1, for the first track |
optional boolean visible |
true, show the activated mute-envelope; false, don't show the activated mute-envelope |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ActivateMute_TrackObject(MediaTrack track, optional boolean visible)
boolean retval |
true, activating was successful; false, activating was unsuccessful |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose mute-envelope you want to activate |
optional boolean visible |
true, show the activated mute-envelope; false, don't show the activated mute-envelope |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DeactivateMute(integer track)
boolean retval |
true, deactivating was successful; false, deactivating was unsuccessful |
integer track |
the track, whose mute-envelope you want to deactivate; 1, for the first track |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DeactivateMute_TrackObject(integer track)
boolean retval |
true, deactivating was successful; false, deactivating was unsuccessful |
integer track |
the track, whose mute-envelope you want to deactivate |
integer retval = ultraschall.CountMuteEnvelopePoints(integer track)
integer retval |
number of mute-envelope-points |
integer track |
the track-number, for which you want to count the mute-envelope-points, beginning with 1. |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DeleteMuteState(integer tracknumber, number position)
boolean retval |
true, deleting was successful; false, deleting wasn't successful. |
integer tracknumber |
the track in which to delete the mute-point; is 1-based, means 1 for track 1 |
number position |
the position of the mute-point to delete |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DeleteMuteState_TrackObject(MediaTrack MediaTrack, number position)
boolean retval |
true, deleting was successful; false, deleting wasn't successful. |
MediaTrack MediaTrack |
the track in which to delete the mute-point |
number position |
the position of the mute-point to delete |
integer envIDX, number envVal, number envPosition = ultraschall.GetNextMuteState(integer track, number position)
integer envIDX |
number of the muteenvelope-point |
number envVal |
value of the muteenvelope-point (0 or 1) |
number envPosition |
position of the muteenvelope-point in seconds |
integer track |
the track-number, for where you want to set the mute-envelope-lane, beginning with 1. |
number position |
position in seconds, from where to look for the next mute-envelope-point |
integer envIDX, number envVal, number envPosition = ultraschall.GetNextMuteState_TrackObject(MediaTrack track, number position)
integer envIDX |
number of the muteenvelope-point |
number envVal |
value of the muteenvelope-point (0 or 1) |
number envPosition |
position of the muteenvelope-point in seconds |
MediaTrack track |
the MediaTrack-object, for the track, where you want to set the mute-envelope-lane. |
number position |
position in seconds, from where to look for the next mute-envelope-point |
integer envIDX, number envVal, number envPosition = ultraschall.GetPreviousMuteState(integer track, number position)
integer envIDX |
number of the muteenvelope-point |
number envVal |
value of the muteenvelope-point (0 or 1) |
number envPosition |
position of the muteenvelope-point in seconds |
integer track |
the track-number, for where you want to set the mute-envelope-lane, beginning with 1. |
number position |
position in seconds, from where to look for the previous mute-envelope-point |
integer envIDX, number envVal, number envPosition = ultraschall.GetPreviousMuteState_TrackObject(MediaTrack track, number position)
integer envIDX |
number of the muteenvelope-point |
number envVal |
value of the muteenvelope-point (0 or 1) |
number envPosition |
position of the muteenvelope-point in seconds |
MediaTrack track |
the MediaTrack-object, for the track, where you want to set the mute-envelope-lane. |
number position |
position in seconds, from where to look for the previous mute-envelope-point |
boolean retval, optional integer envIDX, optional number envVal = ultraschall.IsMuteAtPosition(integer tracknumber, number position)
boolean retval |
true, if there is a mute-point; false, if there isn't one |
optional integer envIDX |
if a mute-point is at position, this holds the index of the envelope-point |
optional number envVal |
the current set value of the mute-point |
integer tracknumber |
the track in which to check for a mute-point; is 1-based, means 1 for track 1 |
number position |
the position to check for a mute-point |
boolean retval, optional integer envIDX, optional number envVal = ultraschall.IsMuteAtPosition_TrackObject(MediaTrack MediaTrack, number position)
boolean retval |
true, if there is a mute-point; false, if there isn't one |
optional integer envIDX |
if a mute-point is at position, this holds the index of the envelope-point |
optional number envVal |
the current set value of the mute-point |
MediaTrack MediaTrack |
the track in which to check for a mute-point |
number position |
the position to check for a mute-point |
integer retval = ultraschall.ToggleMute(integer track, number position, integer state)
integer retval |
toggling was 0, success; -1, fail |
integer track |
the track-number, for where you want to set the mute-envelope-lane; 1, for the first track; 2, for the second |
number position |
position in seconds |
integer state |
0, for mute the track on this position; 1, for unmuting the track on this position |
integer retval = ultraschall.ToggleMute_TrackObject(MediaTrack trackobject, number position, integer state)
integer retval |
toggling was 0, success; -1, fail |
MediaTrack trackobject |
the track-object for the track, where you want to set the mute-envelope-lane. Refer GetTrack() for more details. |
number position |
position in seconds |
integer state |
0, for mute the track on this position, 1, for unmuting the track on this position |
ultraschall.CenterViewToCursor(integer cursortype, optional number position)
integer cursortype |
the cursortype to center 1 - change arrangeview with edit-cursor centered 2 - change arrangeview with play-cursor centered 3 - change arrangeview with mouse-cursor-position centered 4 - change arrangeview with optional parameter position centered |
optional number position |
the position to center the arrangeview to; only used, when cursortype=4 |
number elementposition_prev, string elementtype_prev, integer number_prev, number elementposition_next, string elementtype_next, integer number_next = ultraschall.GetClosestGoToPoints(string trackstring, number time_position, optional boolean check_itemedge, optional boolean check_marker, optional boolean check_region)
number elementposition_prev |
previous closest markers/regions/item starts/itemends |
string elementtype_prev |
type of the previous closest markers/regions/item starts/itemends the type can be either Itembeg, Itemend, Marker: name, Region_beg: name; Region_end: name, ProjectStart, ProjectEnd; "name" is the name of the marker or region |
integer number_prev |
number of previous closest markers/regions/item starts/itemends |
number elementposition_next |
previous closest markers/regions/item starts/itemends |
string elementtype_next |
type of the previous closest markers/regions/item starts/itemends the type can be either Itembeg, Itemend, Marker: name, Region_beg: name; Region_end: name, ProjectStart, ProjectEnd; "name" is the name of the marker or region |
integer number_next |
number of previous closest markers/regions/item starts/itemends |
string trackstring |
tracknumbers, separated by a comma. |
number time_position |
a time position in seconds, from where to check for the next/previous closest items/markers/regions. -1, for editcursorposition; -2, for playcursor-position, -3, the mouse-cursor-position in seconds(where in the project the mousecursor hovers over) |
optional boolean check_itemedge |
true, look for itemedges as possible goto-points; false, do not |
optional boolean check_marker |
true, look for markers as possible goto-points; false, do not |
optional boolean check_region |
true, look for regions as possible goto-point; false, do not |
integer markerindex, number position, string markertitle, integer markerindex_shownnumber = ultraschall.GetClosestNextMarker(integer cursor_type, optional number time_position)
integer markerindex |
the next closest marker-index within all(!) markers and regions |
number position |
the position of the next closest marker |
string markertitle |
the name of the next closest marker |
integer markerindex_shownnumber |
the next closest shown markerindex |
integer cursor_type |
previous closest marker related to the current position of 0 - Edit Cursor, 1 - Play Cursor, 2 - Mouse Cursor, 3 - Timeposition |
optional number time_position |
only, when cursor_type=3, a time position in seconds, from where to check for the next closest marker. When omitted, it will take the current play(during play and rec) or edit-cursor-position. |
integer markerindex, number position, string markertitle, string edge_type, integer markerindex_shownnumber = ultraschall.GetClosestNextRegionEdge(integer cursor_type, optional number time_position)
integer markerindex |
the next closest markerindex (of all(!) markers) |
number position |
the position of the next closest region |
string markertitle |
the name of the next closest region |
string edge_type |
the type of the edge of the region, either "beg" or "end" |
integer markerindex_shownnumber |
the next closest shown number of the found region |
integer cursor_type |
previous closest regionstart/end related to the current position of 0, Edit Cursor, 1, Play Cursor, 2, Mouse Cursor, 3, Timeposition |
only number time_position |
only, when cursor_type=3, a time position in seconds, from where to check for the next closest regionstart/end. When omitted, it will take the current play(during play and rec) or edit-cursor-position. |
integer markerindex, number position, string markertitle, integer markerindex_shownnumber = ultraschall.GetClosestPreviousMarker(integer cursor_type, optional number time_position)
integer markerindex |
the previous closest marker-index within all(!) markers and regions |
number position |
the position of the previous closest marker |
string markertitle |
the name of the previous closest marker |
integer markerindex_shownnumber |
the previous closest shown number of the found marker |
integer cursor_type |
previous closest marker related to the current position of 0 - Edit Cursor, 1 - Play Cursor, 2 - Mouse Cursor, 3 - Timeposition |
optional number time_position |
only, when cursor_type=3, a time position in seconds, from where to check for the previous closest marker. When omitted, it will take the current play(during play and rec) or edit-cursor-position. |
integer markerindex, number position, string markertitle, string edge_type, integer markerindex_shownnumber = ultraschall.GetClosestPreviousRegionEdge(integer cursor_type, optional number time_position)
integer markerindex |
the previous closest markerindex (of all(!) markers) |
number position |
the position of the previous closest marker |
string markertitle |
the name of the previous closest marker |
string edge_type |
the type of the edge of the region, either "beg" or "end" |
integer markerindex_shownnumber |
the previous closest shown number of the found region |
integer cursor_type |
previous closest regionstart/end related to the current position of 0 - Edit Cursor, 1 - Play Cursor, 2 - Mouse Cursor, 3 - Timeposition |
optional number time_position |
only, when cursor_type=3, a time position in seconds, from where to check for the previous closest regionstart/end. When omitted, it will take the current play(during play and rec) or edit-cursor-position. |
number last_editcursor_position, number new_editcursor_position, number statechangetime = ultraschall.GetLastCursorPosition()
Returns the last and current editcursor-position. Needs Ultraschall-API-background-scripts started first, see RunBackgroundHelperFeatures().
Has an issue, when editcursor-position was changed using a modifier, like alt+click or shift+click! Because of that, you should use this only in defer-scripts.
returns -1, if Ultraschall-API-backgroundscripts weren't started yet.
number last_editcursor_position |
the last cursorposition before the current one; -1, in case of an error |
number new_editcursor_position |
the new cursorposition; -1, in case of an error |
number statechangetime |
the time, when the state has changed the last time |
string last_loop_state, string new_loop_state, number statechangetime = ultraschall.GetLastLoopState()
Returns the last and current loopstate. Needs Ultraschall-API-background-scripts started first, see RunBackgroundHelperFeatures().
Possible states are LOOPED, UNLOOPED
returns -1, if Ultraschall-API-backgroundscripts weren't started yet.
string last_loop_state |
the last loopstate before the current one; -1, in case of an error |
string new_loop_state |
the current loopstate; -1, in case of an error |
number statechangetime |
the time, when the state has changed the last time |
string last_play_state, string new_play_state, number statechangetime = ultraschall.GetLastPlayState()
Returns the last and current playstate. Needs Ultraschall-API-background-scripts started first, see RunBackgroundHelperFeatures().
possible states are STOP, PLAY, PLAYPAUSE, REC, RECPAUSE
returns -1, if Ultraschall-API-backgroundscripts weren't started yet.
string last_play_state |
the last playstate before the current one; -1, in case of an error |
string new_play_state |
the new playstate; -1, in case of an error |
number statechangetime |
the time, when the state has changed the last time |
number position, integer item_number, string edgetype, MediaItem found_item = ultraschall.GetNextClosestItemEdge(string trackstring, integer cursor_type, optional number time_position)
number position |
the position of the next closest item-edge in tracks in trackstring |
integer item_number |
the itemnumber in the project |
string edgetype |
"beg" for beginning of the item, "end" for the end of the item |
MediaItem found_item |
the next closest found MediaItem |
string trackstring |
a string with the numbers of tracks to check for closest items, separated by a comma (e.g. "0,1,6") |
integer cursor_type |
next closest item related to the current position of 0 - Edit Cursor, 1 - Play Cursor, 2 - Mouse Cursor, 3 - Timeposition |
optional number time_position |
only, when cursor_type=3, a time position in seconds, from where to check for the next closest item. When omitted, it will take the current play(during play and rec) or edit-cursor-position. |
number position, MediaItem item = ultraschall.GetNextClosestItemEnd(string trackstring, number time_position)
number position |
the position of the item-start |
MediaItem item |
the MediaItem found |
string trackstring |
tracknumbers, separated by a comma. |
number time_position |
a time position in seconds, from where to check for the next closest item-end |
number position, MediaItem item = ultraschall.GetNextClosestItemStart(string trackstring, number time_position)
number position |
the position of the item-start |
MediaItem item |
the MediaItem found |
string trackstring |
tracknumbers, separated by a comma. |
number time_position |
a time position in seconds, from where to check for the next closest item-start |
number position, number position, integer item_number, string edgetype, MediaItem found_item = ultraschall.GetPreviousClosestItemEdge(string tracks, integer cursor_type, optional number time_position)
number position |
the position of the previous closest item edge in tracks in trackstring |
integer item_number |
the itemnumber in the project |
string edgetype |
"beg" for beginning of the item, "end" for the end of the item |
MediaItem found_item |
the next closest found MediaItem |
string tracks |
a string with the numbers of tracks to check for closest items, separated by a comma (e.g. "0,1,6") |
integer cursor_type |
previous closest item related to the current position of 0 - Edit Cursor, 1 - Play Cursor, 2 - Mouse Cursor, 3 - Timeposition |
optional time_position |
only, when cursor_type=3, a time position in seconds, from where to check for the previous closest item. When omitted, it will take the current play(during play and rec) or edit-cursor-position. |
number position, MediaItem item = ultraschall.GetPreviousClosestItemEnd(string trackstring, number time_position)
number position |
the position of the item-start |
MediaItem item |
the MediaItem found |
string trackstring |
tracknumbers, separated by a comma. |
number time_position |
a time position in seconds, from where to check for the previous closest item-end |
number position, MediaItem item = ultraschall.GetPreviousClosestItemStart(string trackstring, number time_position)
number position |
the position of the item-start |
MediaItem item |
the MediaItem found |
string trackstring |
tracknumbers, separated by a comma. |
number time_position |
a time position in seconds, from where to check for the previous closest item-start |
ultraschall.JumpBackwardBy(number seconds, boolean seekplay)
number seconds |
jump backwards by seconds |
boolean seekplay |
true, move playcursor as well; false, leave playcursor at it's old position |
ultraschall.JumpBackwardBy_Recording(number seconds)
number seconds |
restart recording backwards by seconds |
ultraschall.JumpForwardBy(number seconds, boolean seekplay)
number seconds |
jump forward by seconds |
boolean seekplay |
true, move playcursor as well; false, don't move playcursor |
ultraschall.JumpForwardBy_Recording(number seconds)
number seconds |
restart recording forwards by seconds |
ultraschall.SetPlayAndEditCursor_WhenPlaying(number position)
number position |
in seconds |
ultraschall.SetPlayCursor_WhenPlaying(number position)
number position |
in seconds |
ultraschall.ToggleScrollingDuringPlayback(integer scrolling_switch, boolean move_editcursor, boolean goto_playcursor)
integer retval |
-1, in case of an error |
integer scrolling_switch |
1, on; 0, off |
boolean move_editcursor |
when scrolling stops, shall the editcursor be moved to current position of the playcursor(true) or not(false) |
boolean goto_playcursor |
true, move view to playcursor; false, don't move |
boolean state = ultraschall.Scrubbing_MoveCursor_GetToggleState()
boolean retval |
true, scrub is on; false, scrub is off |
boolean state, optional integer new_scrubmode = ultraschall.Scrubbing_MoveCursor_Toggle(boolean toggle)
boolean retval |
true, toggling was successful; false, toggling was unsuccessful |
optional integer new_scrubmode |
this is the new value of the configvariable scrubmode, which is altered by this function |
boolean toggle |
true, toggles scrubbing on; false, toggles scrubbing off |
integer retval = ultraschall.GetLoopState()
integer retval |
0, loop is on; 1, loop is off |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetLoopState(integer state)
boolean retval |
true, if setting was successful; false, if setting was unsuccessful |
integer state |
0, loop is on; 1, loop is off |
string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.GetProjectStateChunk(optional string projectfilename_with_path, optional boolean keepqrender)
string ProjectStateChunk |
the ProjectStateChunk of the current project; nil, if getting the ProjectStateChunk took too long |
optional string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of an rpp-projectfile, that you want to load as ProjectStateChunk; nil, to get the ProjectStateChunk from the currently active project |
optional boolean keepqrender |
true, keeps the QUEUED_RENDER_OUTFILE and QUEUED_RENDER_ORIGINAL_FILENAME entries in the ProjectStateChunk, if existing; false or nil, remove them |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_GroupOverride(string projectfilename_with_path, integer group_override1, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer group_override1 |
the group-override state |
integer group_override2 |
the group-override state |
integer group_override3 |
the group-override state |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer minutes = ultraschall.AutoSave_GetMinutes()
integer minutes |
0, autosave is turned off; 1 to 2147483647, the number of minutes at which a new autosaved-project shall be saved |
boolean timestamp_in_project, boolean save_undo_history = ultraschall.AutoSave_GetOptions()
boolean timestamp_in_project |
Save to timestamped file in project directory; true, set to on; false, set to off |
boolean save_undo_history |
Save undo history (RPP-UNDO)(if enabled in general prefs); true, set to on; false, set to off |
boolean retval = ultraschall.AutoSave_SetMinutes(integer minutes)
boolean retval |
true, setting worked; false, setting didn't work |
integer minutes |
0, turn off autosave; 1 to 2147483647, the number of minutes at which a new autosaved-project shall be saved |
boolean retval = ultraschall.AutoSave_SetOptions(optional boolean timestamp_in_project, optional boolean save_undo_history)
optional boolean timestamp_in_project |
Save to timestamped file in project directory; true, set to on; false, set to off; nil, keep current setting |
optional boolean save_undo_history |
Save undo history (RPP-UNDO)(if enabled in general prefs); true, set to on; false, set to off; nil, keep current setting |
boolean retval, integer countReorderedProj, array reorderedProj, integer countNewProj, array newProj, integer countClosedProj, array closedProj, integer countRenamedProjects, array RenamesProjects = ultraschall.CheckForChangedProjectTabs(boolean update)
boolean retval |
false, no changes in the projecttabs at all; true, either order, newprojects or closed project-changes |
integer countReorderedProj |
the number of reordered projects |
array reorderedProj |
ReaProjects, who got reordered within the tabs |
integer countNewProj |
the number of new projects |
array newProj |
the new projects as ReaProjects |
integer countClosedProj |
the number of closed projects |
array closedProj |
the closed projects as ReaProjects |
integer countRenamedProjects |
the number of projects, who got renamed by either saving under a new filename or loading of another project |
array RenamesProjects |
the renamed projects, by loading a new project or saving the project under another filename |
boolean update |
true, update Ultraschall's internal projecttab-monitoring-list to the current state of all tabs false, don't update the internal projecttab-monitoring-list, so it will keep the "old" project-tab-state as checking-reference |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ConvertOldProjectToCurrentReaperVersion(string filename_with_path)
boolean retval |
true, conversion was successfull; false, conversion wasn't successful(file doesn't exist or a copy can't be created) |
string filename_with_path |
the filename with path of the rpp-projectfile to be converted. |
integer number_of_projecttabs = ultraschall.CountProjectTabs()
integer number_of_projecttabs |
the number of projecttabs currently opened |
string tempfile = ultraschall.CreateTemporaryFileOfProjectfile(string projectfilename_with_path)
string tempfile |
the temporary-file, that is a valid copy of the projectfilename_with_path |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the project to render; nil, for the currently opened project(needs to be saved first) |
ReaProject retval, string projfn = ultraschall.EnumProjects(integer idx)
ReaProject retval |
a ReaProject-object of the project you requested; nil, if not existing |
string projfn |
the path+filename.rpp of the project. returns "" if no filename exists |
integer idx |
the project to request; 1(first project-tab) to n(last project-tab), 0 for current project; -1 for currently-rendering project |
number length = ultraschall.GetCurrentTimeLengthOfFrame(ReaProject ReaProject)
number length |
the current length of a frame of ReaProject in seconds |
ReaProject ReaProject |
the project to check for; use nil or 0 for the current project |
number length = ultraschall.GetLengthOfFrames(integer frames, ReaProject ReaProject)
number length |
the current length of frames of ReaProject in seconds |
integer frames |
the number of frames, whose length you would love to know |
ReaProject ReaProject |
the project to check for; use nil or 0 for the current project |
string projectfilename_with_path = ultraschall.GetProjectFilename(ReaProject proj)
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the project; "", project hasn't been saved yet; nil, in case of an error |
ReaProject proj |
a currently opened project, whose filename you want to know |
number project_length, number last_itemedge, number last_regionedgepos, number last_markerpos, number last_timesigmarker = ultraschall.GetProjectLength(optional boolean return_last_itemedge, optional boolean return_last_markerpos, optional boolean return_lat_timesigmarkerpos, optional boolean include_rec)
Returns the position of the last itemedge, regionend, marker, time-signature-marker in the project.
It will return -1, if no such elements are found, means: last_markerpos=-1 if no marker has been found Exception when no items are found, it will return nil for last_itemedge
You can optimise the speed of the function, by setting the appropriate parameters to false. So if you don't need the last itemedge, setting return_last_itemedge=false speeds up execution massively.
If you want to have the full projectlength during recording, means, including items currently recorded, set include_rec=true
To do the same for projectfiles, use: GetProject_Length
number length_of_project |
the overall length of the project, including markers, regions, itemedges and time-signature-markers |
number last_itemedge |
the position of the last itemedge in the project; nil, if not found |
number last_regionedgepos |
the position of the last regionend in the project; -1, if not found |
number last_markerpos |
the position of the last marker in the project; -1, if not found |
number last_timesigmarker |
the position of the last timesignature-marker in the project; -1, if not found |
optional boolean return_last_itemedge |
true or nil, return the last itemedge; false, don't return it |
optional boolean return_last_markerpos |
true or nil, return the last marker/regionend-position; false, don't return it |
optional boolean return_lat_timesigmarkerpos |
true or nil, return the last timesignature-marker-position; false, don't return it |
optional boolean include_rec |
true, takes into account the projectlength during recording; nil or false, only the projectlength exluding currently recorded MediaItems |
number length, number last_itemedge, number last_marker_reg_edge, number last_timesig_marker = ultraschall.GetProject_Length(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
Returns the projectlength of an rpp-project-file.
It's returning the position of the overall length, as well as the position of the last itemedge/regionedge/marker/time-signature-marker of the project.
It will not take the effect of stretch-markers and time-signature-markers and change of playrate into account!
To do the same for currently opened projects, use: GetProjectLength
Returns -1 in case of an error
number length |
the length of the project |
number last_itemedge |
the postion of the last itemedge in the project |
number last_marker_reg_edge |
the position of the last marker/regionedge in the project |
number last_timesig_marker |
the position of the last time-signature-marker in the project |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the project, that you want to know it's length of; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to count the length of; only available when projectfilename_with_path=nil |
number length, number last_itemedge, number last_marker_reg_edge, number last_timesig_marker = ultraschall.GetProject_Length(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
Returns the projectlength of an rpp-project-file.
It's returning the position of the overall length, as well as the position of the last itemedge/regionedge/marker/time-signature-marker of the project.
It will not take the effect of stretch-markers and time-signature-markers and change of playrate into account!
To do the same for currently opened projects, use: GetProjectLength
Returns -1 in case of an error
number length |
the length of the project |
number last_itemedge |
the postion of the last itemedge in the project |
number last_marker_reg_edge |
the position of the last marker/regionedge in the project |
number last_timesig_marker |
the position of the last time-signature-marker in the project |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the project, that you want to know it's length of; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to count the length of; only available when projectfilename_with_path=nil |
integer number_of_projecttabs, array projecttablist = ultraschall.GetProject_Tabs()
integer number_of_projecttabs |
the number of projecttabs currently opened |
array projecttablist |
an array, that holds all ReaProjects as well as the projectfilenames projecttablist[idx][1] = ReaProject projecttablist[idx][2] = projectfilename with path |
integer count_of_RecentProjects, array RecentProjectsFilenamesWithPath = ultraschall.GetRecentProjects()
integer count_of_RecentProjects |
the number of available recent projects |
array RecentProjectsFilenamesWithPath |
the filenames of the recent projects |
boolean retval, optional number start_of_timeselection, optional number end_of_timeselection = ultraschall.IsTimeSelectionActive(optional ReaProject Project)
boolean retval |
true, there is a time-selection; false, there isn't a time-selection |
optional number start_of_timeselection |
start of the time-selection |
optional number end_of_timeselection |
end of the time-selection |
optional ReaProject Project |
the project, whose time-selection-state you want to know; 0 or nil, the current project |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsValidProjectStateChunk(string ProjectStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if it's a valid ProjectStateChunk; false, if not |
string ProjectStateChunk |
the string to check, if it's a valid ProjectStateChunk |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsValidReaProject(ReaProject ReaProject)
boolean retval |
true, if parameter ReaProject is a valid ReaProject; false, if parameter ReaProject isn't a valid ReaProject |
ReaProject ReaProject |
the object that you want to check for being a valid ReaProject |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Main_SaveProject(ReaProject proj, string filename_with_path, integer options, boolean overwrite, boolean create_backup)
boolean retval |
true, projectfile was saved; false, projectfile was not saved |
ReaProject proj |
the project, that you want to save as rpp-file |
string filename_with_path |
the filename with path of the project |
integer options |
options to save with: &1, save selected tracks as track template &2, include media with track templates &4, include envelopes with track template |
boolean overwrite |
true, overwrite an already existing file; false, don't overwrite an already existing file |
boolean create_backup |
true, make already existing project into a -bak-file; false, don't make backup file |
ReaProject newproject = ultraschall.NewProjectTab(boolean switch_to_new_tab)
ReaProject newproject |
the newly created project-object of the projecttab |
boolean switch_to_new_tab |
true, switch to the newly created project-tab; false, stay in the "old" project-tab |
integer count, array MediaItemStateChunkArray = ultraschall.GetAllMediaItems_FromProjectBayStateChunk(string ProjectBayStateChunk)
integer count |
the number of items found in the ProjectBayStateChunk |
array MediaitemStateChunkArray |
all items as ItemStateChunks in a handy array |
string ProjectBayStateChunk |
a string, that you want to check for being a valid ProjectBayStateChunk |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsValidProjectBayStateChunk(string ProjectBayStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, valid ProjectBayStateChunk; false, not a valid ProjectBayStateChunk |
string ProjectBayStateChunk |
a string, that you want to check for being a valid ProjectBayStateChunk |
table values = ultraschall.GetProjectState_NumbersOnly(string projectfilename_with_path, string state, optional string ProjectStateChunk, optional boolean numbertoggle)
table values |
all values found as numerical indexed array |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the states; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
string state |
the state, whose attributes you want to retrieve |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
optional string functionname |
if this function is used within specific getprojectstate-functions, pass here the "host"-functionname, so error-messages will reflect that |
optional boolean numbertoggle |
true or nil; converts all values to numbers; false, keep them as string versions |
integer state = ultraschall.GetProject_AddMediaToProjectAfterRender(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer state |
the state of the "Add rendered items to new tracks in project"- checkbox and "Do not render files that are likely silent"-checkbox &1, rendered media shall be added to the project afterwards; 0, don't add &2, don't render likely silent files; 0, render anyway |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
string applyfx_cfg_string = ultraschall.GetProject_ApplyFXCFG(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string applyfx_cfg_string |
the file-format-configuration for fx-appliance as encoded string |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
string projectauthor = ultraschall.GetProject_Author(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string author |
the author of the project; "", if there's no author given |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer autocrossfade_state = ultraschall.GetProject_AutoCrossFade(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer autocrossfade_state |
the autocrossfade-state |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename |
integer number_of_markers_and_regions, integer number_of_regions_only, integer number_of_markers_only = ultraschall.GetProject_CountMarkersAndRegions(string projectfilename_with_path)
integer number_of_markers_and_regions |
the number of all markers and regions |
integer number_of_regions_only |
the number of regions |
integer number_of_markers_only |
the number of markers only |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfilename in which to count the markers |
integer count_of_hwouts = ultraschall.GetProject_CountMasterHWOuts(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer count_of_hwouts |
the number of available hwouts in an rpp-project or ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to count the master-hwouts; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
number cursorpos = ultraschall.GetProject_CursorPos(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
number cursorpos |
editcursorposition in seconds |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer def_pitch_mode_state, integer stretch_marker_mode = ultraschall.GetProject_DefPitchMode(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer def_pitch_mode_state |
the default pitch mode |
integer stretch_marker_mode |
the stretch marker mode 0, Balanced 1, Tonal-optimized 2, Transient-optimized 3, No pre-echo reduction |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer env_attach = ultraschall.GetProject_EnvAttach(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer env_attach |
the env-attach state |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path of the rpp-project-file; nil, use parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk to read the value from; only used, projectfilename_with_path is nil |
string ExtensionsStateChunk = ultraschall.GetProject_Extensions(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string ExtensionsStateChunk |
the statechunk of the Extensions-settings |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the extension-statechunk; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
integer feedback_state = ultraschall.GetProject_Feedback(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer feedback_state |
feedback-state |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
boolean retval, integer shownnumber, number markerposition, string markertitle, integer markercolor = ultraschall.GetProject_GetMarker(string projectfilename_with_path, integer idx)
boolean retval |
true, in case of success; false in case of failure |
integer shownnumber |
the number that is shown with the marker in the arrange-view |
number markerposition |
the position of the marker in seconds |
string markertitle |
the name of the marker. "" if no name is given. |
integer markercolor |
the colorvalue of the marker |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfilename from where to get the marker |
integer idx |
the number of the marker, you want to have the information of |
boolean retval, integer shownnumber, number start_of_region, number end_of_region, string regionname, integer regioncolor = ultraschall.GetProject_GetRegion(string projectfilename_with_path, integer idx)
boolean retval |
true, in case of success; false in case of failure |
integer shownnumber |
the number that is shown with the region in the arrange-view |
number start_of_region |
the startposition of the region in seconds |
number end_of_region |
the endposition of the region in seconds |
string regionname |
the name of the region. "" if no name is given. |
integer regioncolor |
the colorvalue of the region |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfilename from where to get the region |
integer idx |
the number of the marker, you want to have the information of |
integer globalauto_state = ultraschall.GetProject_GlobalAuto(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer globalauto_state |
the global automation override state, this sets the same automation mode to all tracks! -1, No global automation override, automation-mode will be set by track 0, trim/read mode 1, read mode 2, touch mode 3, write mode 4, latch mode 5, latch preview mode 6, bypass all automation |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the global-automation-state; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
integer gridstate1, integer gridstate2, number gridstate3, integer gridstate4, number gridstate5, integer gridstate6, integer gridstate7, number gridstate8 = ultraschall.GetProject_Grid(string projectfilename_with_path)
integer gridstate1 |
gridstate1 |
integer gridstate2 |
gridstate2 |
number gridstate3 |
gridstate3 |
integer gridstate4 |
gridstate4 |
number gridstate5 |
gridstate5 |
integer gridstate6 |
gridstate6 |
integer gridstate7 |
gridstate7 |
number gridstate8 |
gridstate8 |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path of the rpp-project-file |
integer disabled1, integer disabled2 = ultraschall.GetProject_GroupDisabled(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer disabled1 |
the disabled groups; it is a bitfield, with &1 for group 1; &32 for group 32; if it's set, the accompanying group is disabled |
integer disabled2 |
the disabled groups_high; it is a bitfield, with &1 for group 33; &32 for group 64; if it's set, the accompanying group is disabled |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the groups-disabled-state; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
string groupname = ultraschall.GetProject_GroupName(string projectfilename_with_path, integer idx, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string groupname |
the associated groupname of the itemgroup; nil, no such group or no name is given(default Group idx) |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
integer idx |
the index of the item-group, whose name you want to know |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer group_override1, integer group_override2, integer group_override3 = ultraschall.GetProject_GroupOverride(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer group_override1 |
the group-override state |
integer track_group_enabled |
the track_group_enabled-setting, as set in the context-menu of the Master-Track; 1, checked; 0, unchecked |
integer group_override3 |
the group-override state |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
number hzoom, integer hzoomscrollpos, integer scrollbarfactor = ultraschall.GetProject_HorizontalZoom(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
number hzoom |
HorizontalZoomfactor, 0.007 to 1000000 |
integer hzoomscrollpos |
horizontalscrollbarposition - 0 - 4294967296 |
integer scrollbarfactor |
0 to 500837, counts up, when maximum hzoomscrollpos overflows |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer item_mix_behav_state = ultraschall.GetProject_ItemMixBehavior(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer item_mix_behav_state |
item mix behavior 0 - Enclosed items replace enclosing items 1 - Items always mix 2 - Items always replace earlier items |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer lock_state = ultraschall.GetProject_Lock(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer lock_state |
the lock-state, which is a bitfield &1 - Time selection &2 - Items (full) &4 - Track envelopes &8 - Markers &16 - Regions &32 - Time signature markers &64 - Items (prevent left/right movement) &128 - Items (prevent up/down movement) &256 - Item edges &512 - Item fade/volume handles &1024 - Loop points locked &2048 - Item envelopes &4096 - Item stretch markers &16384 - Enable locking |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the lock-state; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
integer loopbutton_state = ultraschall.GetProject_Loop(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer loop_mode |
loopbutton-state, 0 - off, 1 - on |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer loopgran_state1, number loopgran_state2 = ultraschall.GetProject_LoopGran(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer loopgran_state1 |
loopgran_state1 |
number loopgran_state2 |
loopgran_state2 |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer markerregioncount, integer NumMarker, integer Numregions, array Markertable = ultraschall.GetProject_MarkersAndRegions(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer markerregioncount |
the number of markers and regions in the projectfile/ProjectStateChunk |
array markertable |
an array with all elements of markers/regions markertable has the following entries: markertable[id][1] = boolean isrgn - true, marker is a region; false, marker is a normal marker markertable[id][2] = number pos - the startposition of the marker/region markertable[id][3] = number rgnend - the endposition of a region; 0, if it's a marker markertable[id][4] = string name - the name of the marker/region markertable[id][5] = integer markrgnindexnumber - the shown number of the region/marker markertable[id][6] = integer color - the color-value of the marker markertable[id][7] = string guid - the guid of the marker markertable[id][8] = if a region: true, region is selected; false, region is not selected markertable[id][9] = if a region: true, region-render-matrix Master mix is selected; false, region-render-matrix Master mix is unselected markertable[id][10]= if a region: true, region-render-matrix All tracks is selected; false, region-render-matrix All tracks is unselected |
MarkerArray[MarkerCount][8]=tonumber(isrgn)&8==8 |
- is region selected? |
MarkerArray[MarkerCount][9]=tonumber(isrgn)&4==4 |
- is region-matrix-mastermix selected? |
MarkerArray[MarkerCount][10]=tonumber(isrgn)&2==2 |
- is region-matrix-All tracks selected? |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer automode = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterAutomode(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer automode |
the automation-mode, as set in the Envelopes for Master Track 0, Trim/Read 1, Read 2, Touch 3, Write 4, Latch 5, Latch Preview |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the master-automation-mode; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
string MasterDualPanEnv2StateChunk = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterDualPanEnv2StateChunk(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string MasterDualPanEnvStateChunk |
the statechunk of the Master-DualPan-Env-state |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the master-dualpan-env2-statechunk; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
string MasterDualPanEnvL2StateChunk = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterDualPanEnvL2StateChunk(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string MasterDualPanEnvL2StateChunk |
the statechunk of the Master-DualPan-EnvL2-state |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the master-dualpan-envL2-statechunk; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
string MasterDualPanEnvLStateChunk = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterDualPanEnvLStateChunk(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string MasterDualPanEnvLStateChunk |
the statechunk of the Master-DualPan-EnvL-state |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the master-dualpan-envL-statechunk; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
string MasterDualPanEnvStateChunk = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterDualPanEnvStateChunk(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string MasterDualPanEnvStateChunk |
the statechunk of the Master-DualPan-Env-state |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the master-dualpan-env-statechunk; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
integer fx_byp_state = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterFXByp(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer fx_byp_state |
the fx-bypass-state; 0, master-track-fx bypassed; 1, master-track-fx normal |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the master-fx-bypass-state; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
string MasterFXListStateChunk = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterFXListStateChunk(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string MasterFXListStateChunk |
the statechunk of the Master-FX-list |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the master-fxlist-statechunk; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
integer GroupState_as_Flags, array IndividualGroupState_Flags = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterGroupFlagsHighState(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer GroupState_as_Flags |
returns a flagvalue with 23 bits, that tells you, which grouping-flag is set in at least one of the 32 groups available. returns -1 in case of failure the following flags are available: 2^0 - Volume Master 2^1 - Volume Slave 2^2 - Pan Master 2^3 - Pan Slave 2^4 - Mute Master 2^5 - Mute Slave 2^6 - Solo Master 2^7 - Solo Slave 2^8 - Record Arm Master 2^9 - Record Arm Slave 2^10 - Polarity/Phase Master 2^11 - Polarity/Phase Slave 2^12 - Automation Mode Master 2^13 - Automation Mode Slave 2^14 - Reverse Volume 2^15 - Reverse Pan 2^16 - Do not master when slaving 2^17 - Reverse Width 2^18 - Width Master 2^19 - Width Slave 2^20 - VCA Master 2^21 - VCA Slave 2^22 - VCA pre-FX slave |
array IndividualGroupState_Flags |
returns an array with 23 entries. Every entry represents one of the GroupState_as_Flags, but it's value is a flag, that describes, in which of the 32 Groups a certain flag is set. e.g. If Volume Master is set only in Group 1, entry 1 in the array will be set to 1. If Volume Master is set on Group 2 and Group 4, the first entry in the array will be set to 10. refer to the upper GroupState_as_Flags list to see, which entry in the array is for which set flag, e.g. array[22] is VCA pre-F slave, array[16] is Do not master when slaving, etc As said before, the values in each entry is a flag, that tells you, which of the groups is set with a certain flag. The following flags determine, in which group a certain flag is set: 2^0 - Group 1 2^1 - Group 2 2^2 - Group 3 2^3 - Group 4 ... 2^30 - Group 31 2^31 - Group 32 |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the groupshigh-state-state; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
integer GroupState_as_Flags, array IndividualGroupState_Flags = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterGroupFlagsState(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer GroupState_as_Flags |
returns a flagvalue with 23 bits, that tells you, which grouping-flag is set in at least one of the 32 groups available. returns -1 in case of failure the following flags are available: 2^0 - Volume Master 2^1 - Volume Slave 2^2 - Pan Master 2^3 - Pan Slave 2^4 - Mute Master 2^5 - Mute Slave 2^6 - Solo Master 2^7 - Solo Slave 2^8 - Record Arm Master 2^9 - Record Arm Slave 2^10 - Polarity/Phase Master 2^11 - Polarity/Phase Slave 2^12 - Automation Mode Master 2^13 - Automation Mode Slave 2^14 - Reverse Volume 2^15 - Reverse Pan 2^16 - Do not master when slaving 2^17 - Reverse Width 2^18 - Width Master 2^19 - Width Slave 2^20 - VCA Master 2^21 - VCA Slave 2^22 - VCA pre-FX slave |
array IndividualGroupState_Flags |
returns an array with 23 entries. Every entry represents one of the GroupState_as_Flags, but it's value is a flag, that describes, in which of the 32 Groups a certain flag is set. e.g. If Volume Master is set only in Group 1, entry 1 in the array will be set to 1. If Volume Master is set on Group 2 and Group 4, the first entry in the array will be set to 10. refer to the upper GroupState_as_Flags list to see, which entry in the array is for which set flag, e.g. array[22] is VCA pre-F slave, array[16] is Do not master when slaving, etc As said before, the values in each entry is a flag, that tells you, which of the groups is set with a certain flag. The following flags determine, in which group a certain flag is set: 2^0 - Group 1 2^1 - Group 2 2^2 - Group 3 2^3 - Group 4 ... 2^30 - Group 31 2^31 - Group 32 |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the groups-state-state; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
integer state1, integer state2, number volume, number pan, integer mute, integer phase, integer output_channels, number state8 = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterHWOut(string projectfilename_with_path, integer idx, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer state1 |
unknown |
integer state2 |
unknown |
number volume |
volume of the HWOut; |
number pan |
the panning; -1(left), 1(right), 0(center) |
integer mute |
mute-state; 0, unmuted; 1, muted |
integer phase |
phase-inversion; 0, normal phase; 1, inversed phase |
integer output_channels |
-1 - None |
0 |
Stereo Source 1/2 |
4 |
Stereo Source 5/6 |
12 |
New Channels On Sending Track Stereo Source Channel 13/14 |
1024 |
Mono Source 1 |
1029 |
Mono Source 6 |
1030 |
New Channels On Sending Track Mono Source Channel 7 |
1032 |
New Channels On Sending Track Mono Source Channel 9 |
2048 |
MultiChannel 4 Channels 1-4 |
2050 |
Multichannel 4 Channels 3-6 |
3072 |
Multichannel 6 Channels 1-6 |
number state8 |
unknown |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the master-hwout-states; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
integer idx |
the number of the requested HWOut-setting; 1 for the first, etc. |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
string MasterHWPanEnvStateChunk = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterHWPanEnvStateChunk(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string MasterHWPanEnvStateChunk |
the statechunk of the Master-volenv3-state |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the master-HW-pan-env-statechunk; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
string MasterHWVolEnvStateChunk = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterHWVolEnvStateChunk(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string MasterHWVolEnvStateChunk |
the statechunk of the HWVolEnv |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the master-hwvolenv-statechunk; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
integer mute_solo_state = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterMuteSolo(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer mute_solo_state |
the mute-solo-state; it is a bitfield 0, no mute, no solo, Mono mode L+R &1, master-track muted &2, master-track soloed &4, master-track mono-button &8, Mono mode:L &16, Mono mode:R add 24 for Mono mode L-R |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the master-mute-solo-state; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
integer number_of_channels, integer peak_metering = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterNChans(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer number_of_channels |
the number of output-channels, as set in the "Outputs for the Master Channel -> Track Channels"-dialog |
integer peak_metering |
2, Multichannel peak metering-setting, as set in the "Master VU settings"-dialog |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the master-nchans; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
integer panmode = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterPanMode(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer panmode |
the panmode for the master-track; -1, Project default (Stereo balance) 3, Stereo balance / mono pan(default) 5, Stereo Pan 6, Dual Pan nil, REAPER 3.x balance(deprecated) |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the master-panmode; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
string MasterHWPanModeEx_StateChunk = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterPanMode_Ex(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string MasterHWPanModeEx_StateChunk |
the statechunk of the Master-pan-mode-ex |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the master-HW-pan-env-statechunk; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
string MasterPlayspeedStateChunk = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterPlayspeed(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string MasterPlayspeedStateChunk |
the statechunk of the MasterPlaySpeed |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the master-playspeed-statechunk; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
integer selection = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterSel(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer selection |
the selection-state; 0, master-track unselected; 1, master-track selected |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the master-selection; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
integer color = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterTrackColor(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer color |
the color for the master-track |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the mastertrack-color; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
integer height_state, integer height_lock = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterTrackHeight(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer height_state |
the current-height of the master-track, from 24 to 260 |
integer height_lock |
0, height-lock is off; 1, height-lock is on |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the mastertrackheight-state; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
integer tcp_visibility, number state2, number state3, number state4, integer state5, integer state6, integer state7, integer state8, integer state9, integer state10, integer state11, integer state12, number state13 = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterTrackView(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer tcp_visibility |
0, Master-track is invisible in MCP; 1, Master-track is visible in MCP |
number state2 |
unknown |
number state3 |
unknown |
number state4 |
unknown |
integer state5 |
unknown |
integer state6 |
unknown |
integer state7 |
unknown |
integer state8 |
unknown |
integer state9 |
unknown |
integer state10 |
unknown |
integer state11 |
unknown |
integer state12 |
unknown |
integer state13 |
unknown |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the trackview-states; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
string MasterVolEnv2StateChunk = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterVolEnv2StateChunk(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string MasterVolEnv2StateChunk |
the statechunk of the Master-volenv2-state |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the master-volenv2-statechunk; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
string MasterVolEnv3StateChunk = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterVolEnv3StateChunk(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string MasterVolEnv3StateChunk |
the statechunk of the Master-volenv3-state |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the master-volenv3-statechunk; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
string MasterVolEnvStateChunk = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterVolEnvStateChunk(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string MasterVolEnvStateChunk |
the statechunk of the Master-volenv-state |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the master-volenv-statechunk; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
number volume, number pan, number pan_law, number state4, number pan_knob3 = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterVolume(string projectfilename_with_path, integer idx, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
number volume |
Volume; 0(-inf dB) to 3.981071705535(+12dB);1 for 0dB |
number pan |
Panning; -1(left), 1(right), 0(center) |
number pan_law |
Pan_Law, as set in the "Pan Law: Master Track"-dialog; 1(0dB); 0.5(-6.02dB) |
number state4 |
unknown |
number pan_knob3 |
the second pan_knob for pan-mode "Dual Pan" |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the master-volume-states; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
number pan_knob_two = ultraschall.GetProject_MasterWidth(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
number pan_knob_two |
-1(left), 1(right), 0(center) |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the masterwidth-state; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
integer limit_project_length, number projectlength_limit = ultraschall.GetProject_MaxProjectLength(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer limit_project_length |
checkbox "Limit project length, stop playback/recording at:" - 0 off, 1 on |
number projectlength_limit |
projectlength-limit in seconds |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
string MetaDataStateChunk = ultraschall.GetProject_MetaDataStateChunk(string ProjectStateChunk, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string MetaDataStateChunk |
the statechunk of the metadata |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the projectbay-statechunk; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
string MetronomeStateChunk = ultraschall.GetProject_Metronome(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string MetronomeStateChunk |
the statechunk of the Metronome |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the metronome-statechunk; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
integer state1, integer state2 = ultraschall.GetProject_MixerUIFlags(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer state1 |
folders, receives, etc 0 - Show tracks in folders, Auto arrange tracks in mixer 1 - Show normal top level tracks 2 - Show Folders 4 - Group folders to left 8 - Show tracks that have receives 16 - Group tracks that have receives to left 32 - don't show tracks that are in folder 64 - No Autoarrange tracks in mixer 128 - ? 256 - ? |
integer state2 |
master-track, FX, Mixer 0 - Master track in mixer 1 - Don't show multiple rows of tracks, when size permits 2 - Show maximum rows even when tracks would fit in less rows 4 - Master Show on right side of mixer 8 - ? 16 - Show FX inserts when size permits 32 - Show sends when size permits 64 - Show tracks in mixer 128 - Show FX parameters, when size permits 256 - Don't show Master track in mixer |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer number_of_tracks = ultraschall.GetProject_NumberOfTracks(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer number_of_tracks |
the number of tracks within an projectfile |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
number panlaw_state = ultraschall.GetProject_PanLaw(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
number panlaw_state |
state of the panlaw, as set in the project-settings->Advanced->Pan law/mode->Pan:law(db). 0.5(-6.02 db) to 1(default +0.0 db) |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer panmode_state = ultraschall.GetProject_PanMode(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer panmode_state |
panmode-state 0 reaper 3.x balance (deprecated) 3 Stereo balance / mono pan (default) 5 Stereo pan 6 Dual Pan |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
number peakgain_state = ultraschall.GetProject_PeakGain(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
number peakgain_state |
peakgain-state |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path of the rpp-project-file |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
number playrate, integer preserve_pitch, number min_playrate, number max_playrate = ultraschall.GetProject_Playrate(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
number playrate |
the currently set playrate; 0.01 to 10 |
integer preserve_pitch |
0, don't preserve pitch, when changing playrate; 1, preserve pitch, when changing playrate |
number min_playrate |
the minimum playrate possible in the project; 0.01 to 10 |
number max_playrate |
the maximum playrate possible in the project; 0.01 to 10 |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the playrate-state; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
integer pooled_env_attach = ultraschall.GetProject_PooledEnvAttach(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer pooled_env_attach |
the pooled-env-attach state |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path of the rpp-project-file; nil, use parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk to read the value from; only used, projectfilename_with_path is nil |
number start_time, integer start_measure, integer base_ruler_marking_off_this_measure = ultraschall.GetProject_ProjOffsets(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
number start_time |
the project-start-time in seconds |
integer start_measure |
starting with 0, unlike the Settingswindow, where the 0 becomes 1 as measure |
integer base_ruler_marking_off_this_measure |
0, checkbox unchecked; 1, checkbox checked |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
string ProjectBayStateChunk = ultraschall.GetProject_ProjectBay(string ProjectStateChunk, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string ProjectBayStateChunk |
the statechunk of the ProjectBay |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the projectbay-statechunk; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
string qrender_originalproject_file = ultraschall.GetProject_QRenderOriginalProject(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string qrender_originalproject_file |
the original-projectfilename of the queue-render-project |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer count_outfiles, table QRenderOutFilesList, table QRenderOutFilesListGuid, boolean AutoCloseWhenFinished, boolean AutoIncrementFilename, boolean SaveCopyToOutfile = ultraschall.GetProject_QRenderOutFiles(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer count_outfiles |
the number of render-outfiles |
table QRenderOutFilesList |
an array with all filenames-with-paths that the rendered files will have; if the filename contains "-001" or higher, this represents a file for a rendered stem, otherwise it is the one for the master. |
table QRenderOutFilesListGuid |
the guids of the rendered outfiles |
boolean AutoCloseWhenFinished |
true, the render-dialog will be closed after render is finished; false, the render-dialog keeps open |
boolean AutoIncrementFilename |
true, autoincrement filename if the file already exists; false, don't autoincrement filename |
boolean SaveCopyToOutfile |
true, save a copy of the project as e.g. "outfile.wav.RPP"; false, don't save a copy of the project |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
string reaperversion, string timestamp = ultraschall.GetProject_ReaperVersion(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string reaperversion |
the version of Reaper, with which this project had been saved |
string timestamp |
a timestamp for this project |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer rec_mode = ultraschall.GetProject_RecMode(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer rec_mode |
recording-mode-state 0 - Autopunch/Selected Items 1 - normal 2 - Time Selection/Auto Punch |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
string prim_recpath, string sec_recpath = ultraschall.GetProject_RecPath(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string prim_recpath |
the primary recording path |
string sec_recpath |
the secondary recording path |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
string recording_cfg_string = ultraschall.GetProject_RecordCFG(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string recording_cfg_string |
the record-configuration as encoded string |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
string render_cfg, string render_cfg2 = ultraschall.GetProject_RenderCFG(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string render_cfg |
the renderstring, which contains all render-settings for a project/projectstatechunk |
string render_cfg2 |
the renderstring, which contains all secondary-render-settings for a project/projectstatechunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer renderdither_state = ultraschall.GetProject_RenderDitherState(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer renderdither_state |
the state of render dithering &1, Dither Master mix &2, Noise shaping Master mix &4, Dither Stems &8, Noise shaping Stems |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
string render_filename = ultraschall.GetProject_RenderFilename(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string render_filename |
the filename for rendering, check also GetProject_RenderPattern |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer unknown, integer rendernum_chans, integer render_frequency = ultraschall.GetProject_RenderFreqNChans(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer unknown |
unknown number |
integer rendernum_chans |
Number_Channels 0-seems default-project-settings(?), 1-Mono, 2-Stereo, ... up to 64 channels |
integer render_frequency |
RenderFrequency -2147483647 to 2147483647, except 0, which seems to be default-project-settings-frequency |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
string render_pattern = ultraschall.GetProject_RenderPattern(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string render_pattern |
the pattern, with which the rendering-filename will be automatically created. Check also GetProject_RenderFilename |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
boolean qdelay_checkstate, integer qdelay_seconds = ultraschall.GetProject_Selection(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
boolean qdelay_checkstate |
true, the checkbox is checked; false, it is unchecked |
integer qdelay_seconds |
the length of the queued-render-delay in seconds |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer bounds, number time_start, number time_end, integer tail, integer tail_length = ultraschall.GetProject_RenderRange(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer bounds |
the bounds of the project to be rendered 0, Custom Time Range 1, Entire Project 2, Time Selection, 3, Project Regions 4, Selected Media Items(in combination with RENDER_STEMS 32); to get RENDER_STEMS, refer GetProject_RenderStems 5, Selected regions |
number time_start |
TimeStart in milliseconds -2147483647 to 2147483647 |
number time_end |
TimeEnd in milliseconds 2147483647 to 2147483647 |
integer tail |
Tail on/off-flags for individual bounds 0, tail off for all bounds 1, custom time range -> tail on 2, entire project -> tail on 4, time selection -> tail on 8, project regions -> tail on |
integer tail_length |
TailLength in milliseconds, valuerange 0 - 2147483647 |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer resample_mode, integer playback_resample_mode, integer project_smplrate4mix_and_fx = ultraschall.GetProject_RenderResample(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer resample_mode |
Resample_Mode 0-medium (64pt Sinc), 1-Low (Linear Interpolation), 2-Lowest (Point Sampling), 3-Good(192pt Sinc), 4-Better(384pt Sinc), 5-Fast (IIR + Linear Interpolation), 6-Fast (IIRx2 + Linear Interpolation), 7-Fast (16pt sinc) - Default, 8-HQ (512pt Sinc), 9-Extreme HQ (768pt HQ Sinc) |
integer playback_resample_mode |
Playback Resample Mode (as set in the Project-Settings) 0-medium (64pt Sinc), 1-Low (Linear Interpolation), 2-Lowest (Point Sampling), 3-Good(192pt Sinc), 4-Better(384pt Sinc), 5-Fast (IIR + Linear Interpolation), 6-Fast (IIRx2 + Linear Interpolation), 7-Fast (16pt sinc) - Default, 8-HQ (512pt Sinc), 9-Extreme HQ (768pt HQ Sinc) |
integer project_smplrate4mix_and_fx |
Use project sample rate for mixing and FX/synth processing-checkbox; 1, checked; 0, unchecked |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer render_speed = ultraschall.GetProject_RenderSpeed(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer render_speed |
render_speed 0-Fullspeed Offline 1-1x Offline 2-Online Render 3-Offline Render (Idle) 4-1x Offline Render (Idle) |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer render_stems = ultraschall.GetProject_RenderStems(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer render_stems |
the state of Render Stems 0, Source Master Mix, 1, Source Master mix + stems, 3, Source Stems, selected tracks, &4, Multichannel Tracks to Multichannel Files, 8, Source Region Render Matrix, &16, Tracks with only Mono-Media to Mono Files, 32, Selected Media Items(in combination with RENDER_RANGE->Bounds->4, refer to GetProject_RenderRange to get RENDER_RANGE) 64, Selected media items via master 128, Selected tracks via master &256, Embed stretch markers/transient guides-checkbox &512, Embed metadata-checkbox &1024, Embed Take markers &2048, 2nd pass rendering &8192, Render stems pre-fader &16384, Only render channels that are sent to parent &32768, (Preserve) Metadata-checkbox &65536, (Preserve) Start offset-checkbox(only with Selected media items as source) 4096, Razor edit areas 4224, Razor edit areas via master |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer render_normalize_mode, number normalize_target, optional number brickwall_target, optional number fadein_length, optional number fadeout_length, optional integer fadein_shape, optional integer fadeout_shape = ultraschall.GetProject_Render_Normalize(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer render_normalize_method |
the normalize-method &1, Enable normalizing 0, unchecked(off) 1, checked(on) 0, LUFS-I 2 , RMS-I 4, Peak 6, True Peak 8, LUFS-M max 10, LUFS-S max &32, Normalize stems to master target-checkbox 0, unchecked(off) 1, checked(on) &64, Brickwall-enabled-checkbox 0, unchecked(off) 1, checked(on) &128, Brickwall-mode 0, Peak 1, True Peak &256, only normalize files that are too loud 0, disabled 1, enabled |
number normalize_target |
the normalize-target as amp-volume. Use ultraschall.MKVOL2DB to convert it to dB. |
optional number brickwall_target |
the brickwall-target as amp-volume. Use ultraschall.MKVOL2DB to convert it to dB. |
optional number fadein_length |
the length of the fade-in in seconds(use fractions for milliseconds) |
optional number fadeout_length |
the length of the fade-out in seconds(use fractions for milliseconds) |
optional integer fadein_shape |
the shape of the fade-in-curve 0, linear fade-in 1, inverted quadratic fade-in 2, quadratic fade-in 3, inverted quartic fade-in 4, quartic fade-in 5, Cosine S-curve fade-in 6, Quartic S-curve fade-in |
optional integer fadeout_shape |
the shape of the fade-out-curve 0, linear fade-out 1, inverted quadratic fade-out 2, quadratic fade-out 3, inverted quartic fade-out 4, quartic fade-out 5, Cosine S-curve fade-out 6, Quartic S-curve fade-out |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the trackview-states; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
integer ripplestate = ultraschall.GetProject_RippleState(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer ripplestate |
0, no Ripple; 1, Ripple One Track; 2, Ripple All |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer smptesync_state1, number smptesync_fps, integer smptesync_resyncdrift, integer smptesync_skipdropframes, integer smptesync_syncseek, integer smptesync_freewheel, integer smptesync_userinput, number smptesync_offsettimecode, integer smptesync_stop_rec_drift, integer smptesync_state10, integer smptesync_stop_rec_lacktime = ultraschall.GetProject_SMPTESync(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer smptesync_state1 |
flag 0 - external timecode synchronization disabled 1 - external timecode synchronization enabled 4 - Start playback on valid timecode when stopped 8 - turned off: display flashing notification window when waiting for sync for recording 16 - playback off 32 - recording off 256 - MTC - 24/30fps MTC is 23.976/29.97ND works only with smptesync_userinput set to 4159 512 - MTC - 24/30fps MTC is 24/30ND |
number smptesync_fps |
framerate in fps |
integer smptesync_resyncdrift |
"Re-synchronize if drift exceeds" in ms (0 = never) |
integer smptesync_skipdropframes |
"skip/drop frames if drift exceeds" in ms(0 - never) |
integer smptesync_syncseek |
"Synchronize by seeking ahead" in ms (default = 1000) |
integer smptesync_freewheel |
"Freewheel on missing time code for up to" in ms(0 = forever) |
integer smptesync_userinput |
User Input-flag 0 - LTC: Input 1 1 - LTC: Input 2 4159 - MTC - All inputs - 24/30 fps MTC 23.976ND/29.97ND if project is ND 4223 - SPP: All Inputs 8192 - ASIO Positioning Protocol |
number smptesync_offsettimecode |
Offset incoming timecode by in seconds |
integer smptesync_stop_rec_drift |
"Stop recording if drift exceeds" in ms(0 = never) |
integer smptesync_state10 |
smptesync-state |
integer smptesync_stop_rec_lacktime |
"stop recording on lack of timecode after" in ms(0 = never) |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer sample_rate, integer project_sample_rate, integer force_tempo_time_sig = ultraschall.GetProject_SampleRate(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer sample_rate |
Project Sample Rate in Hz |
integer project_sample_rate |
Checkbox: Project Sample Rate |
integer force_tempo_time_sig |
Checkbox: Force Project Tempo/Time Signature changes to occur on whole samples |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
number start_selection, number end_selection, number start_selection2, number end_selection2 = ultraschall.GetProject_Selection(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
number start_selection |
start of the time-selection |
number end_selection |
end of the time-selection |
number start_selection2 |
start of the time-selection |
number end_selection2 |
end of the time-selection |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer take_lane_state = ultraschall.GetProject_TakeLane(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer take_lane_state |
take-lane-state |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
number bpm, integer beat, integer denominator = ultraschall.GetProject_Tempo(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
number bpm |
the tempo of the project in bpm |
integer beat |
the beat of the project |
integer denominator |
the denominator for the beat |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the tempo-state; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
string TempoStateChunk = ultraschall.GetProject_TempoEnvEx(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string TempoStateChunk |
the statechunk of the Tempo |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the tempo-statechunk; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
string TempoEnv_ExStateChunk = ultraschall.GetProject_TempoEnv_ExStateChunk(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string TempoEnv_ExStateChunk |
the statechunk of the Tempo-Env-Ex |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile+path, from which to get the tempo-env-ex-statechunk; nil to use ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a statechunk of a project, usually the contents of a rpp-project-file |
integer tempotimesignature = ultraschall.GetProject_TempoTimeSignature(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer tempotimesignature |
the timebase for tempo/time-signature as set in the project settings 0 - Time 1 - Beats |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer timebase = ultraschall.GetProject_TimeBase(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer timebase |
the timebase for items/envelopes/markers as set in the project settings 0 - Time, 1 - Beats (position, length, rate), 2 - Beats (position only) |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer ruler_timemode, integer timemode2, integer showntime, integer timemode4, integer timemode5, integer timemode6, integer timemode7 = ultraschall.GetProject_Timemode(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer ruler_timemode |
ruler-timemode-state -1, Use ruler time unit 0, Minutes:Seconds 1, Measures.Beats / Minutes:Seconds 2, Measures.Beats 3, Seconds 4, Samples 5, Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames 8, Absolute Frames |
integer timemode2 |
timemode-state |
integer showntime |
Transport shown time -1 - use ruler time unit 0 - minutes:seconds 1 - measures:beats/minutes:seconds 2 - measures:beats 3 - seconds 4 - samples 5 - hours:minutes:seconds:frames 8 - absolute frames |
integer timemode4 |
timemode-state |
integer timemode5 |
timemode-state |
integer timemode6 |
timemode-state |
integer timemode7 |
timemode-state |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer track_mixing_depth = ultraschall.GetProject_TrackMixingDepth(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer track_mixing_depth |
track mixing depth nil - 64bit float (default) 1 - 32 bit float 2 - 39 bit integer 3 - 24 bit integer 4 - 16 bit integer 5 - 12 bit integer 6 - 8 bit integer |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
string trackstatechunk = ultraschall.GetProject_TrackStateChunk(string projectfilename_with_path, integer idx, boolean deletetrackid, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
string trackstatechunk |
an RPP-XML-Trackstate-chunk, that can be used by functions like reaper.SetTrackStateChunk() |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
integer idx |
the tracknumber you want to have |
boolean deletetrackid |
deletes the trackID in the trackstate-chunk, to avoid possible conflicts within a project, where it shall be imported to |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer rec_cfg = ultraschall.GetProject_UseRecConfig(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer rec_cfg |
recording-cfg-state 0 - Automatic .wav (recommended) 1 - Custom (use ultraschall.GetProject_ApplyFXCFG to get recording_cfg_string) 2 - Recording Format |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer vzoom = ultraschall.GetProject_VerticalZoom(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer vzoom |
vertical zoomfactor(0-40) |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer preferredVidSizeX, integer preferredVidSizeY, integer settingsflags = ultraschall.GetProject_VideoConfig(string projectfilename_with_path, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer preferredVidSizeX |
preferred video size, x pixels |
integer preferredVidSizeY |
preferred video size, y pixels |
integer settingsflags |
settings 0 - turned on/selected: use high quality filtering, preserve aspect ratio(letterbox) when resizing, Video colorspace set to Auto, Items in higher numbered tracks replace lower, as well as Video colorspace set to Auto 1 - Video colorspace: I420/YV12 2 - Video colorspace: YUV2 3 - RGB 256 - Items in lower numbered tracks replace higher 512 - Always resize video sources to preferred video size 1024 - Always resize output to preferred video size 2048 - turn off "Use high quality filtering when resizing" 4096 - turn off "preserve aspect ratio (letterbox) when resizing" |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path for the rpp-projectfile; nil, if you want to use parameter ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a ProjectStateChunk to use instead if a filename; only used, when projectfilename_with_path is nil |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_AddMediaToProjectAfterRender(string projectfilename_with_path, integer state, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer state |
the state of the "Add rendered items to new tracks in project"- checkbox and "Do not render files that are likely silent"-checkbox &1, rendered media shall be added to the project afterwards; 0, don't add &2, don't render likely silent files; 0, render anyway |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_ApplyFXCFG(string projectfilename_with_path, string applyfx_cfg_string, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
string applyfx_cfg_string |
the file-format-configuration for fx-appliance as encoded string |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_AutoCrossFade(string projectfilename_with_path, integer autocrossfade_state, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer autocrossfade_state |
autocrossfade-state |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_CursorPos(string projectfilename_with_path, number cursorpos, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
number cursorpos |
editcursorposition in seconds |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_DefPitchMode(string projectfilename_with_path, integer def_pitch_mode_state, integer stretch_marker_mode, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer def_pitch_mode_state |
the default pitch mode |
integer stretch_marker_mode |
the stretch marker mode 0, Balanced 1, Tonal-optimized 2, Transient-optimized 3, No pre-echo reduction |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_EnvAttach(string projectfilename_with_path, integer env_attach, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer env_attach |
env_attach-state |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_Feedback(string projectfilename_with_path, integer feedback_state, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer feedback_state |
feedback-state |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetProject_GlobalAuto(string projectfilename_with_path, integer global_auto_state, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer global_auto_state |
the global automation override state, this sets the same automation mode to all tracks! -1, No global automation override, automation-mode will be set by track 0, trim/read mode 1, read mode 2, touch mode 3, write mode 4, latch mode 5, latch preview mode 6, bypass all automation |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_Grid(string projectfilename_with_path, integer gridstate1, integer gridstate2, number gridstate3, integer gridstate4, number gridstate5, integer gridstate6, integer gridstate7, number gridstate8, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer gridstate1 |
gridstate1 |
integer gridstate2 |
gridstate2 |
number gridstate3 |
gridstate3 |
integer gridstate4 |
gridstate4 |
number gridstate5 |
gridstate5 |
integer gridstate6 |
gridstate6 |
integer gridstate7 |
gridstate7 |
number gridstate8 |
gridstate8 |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_HorizontalZoom(string projectfilename_with_path, number hzoom, integer hzoomscrollpos, integer scrollbarfactor, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
number hzoom |
HorizontalZoomfactor, 0.007 to 1000000 |
integer hzoomscrollpos |
horizontalscrollbarposition - 0 - 4294967296 |
integer scrollbarfactor |
0 to 500837, counts up, when maximum hzoomscrollpos overflows |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_ItemMixBehavior(string projectfilename_with_path, integer item_mix_behav_state, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
filename with path of the rpp-project-file |
integer item_mix_behav_state |
item mix behavior 0 - Enclosed items replace enclosing items 1 - Items always mix 2 - Items always replace earlier items |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetProject_Lock(string projectfilename_with_path, integer lock_state, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer lock_state |
the lock-state, which is a bitfield &1 - Time selection &2 - Items (full) &4 - Track envelopes &8 - Markers &16 - Regions &32 - Time signature markers &64 - Items (prevent left/right movement) &128 - Items (prevent up/down movement) &256 - Item edges &512 - Item fade/volume handles &1024 - Loop points locked &2048 - Item envelopes &4096 - Item stretch markers &16384 - Enable locking |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_Loop(string projectfilename_with_path, integer loopbutton_state, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer loop_mode |
loopbutton-state, 0, off; 1, on |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_LoopGran(string projectfilename_with_path, integer loopgran_state1, number loopgran_state2, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer loopgran_state1 |
loopgran_state1 |
number loopgran_state2 |
loopgran_state2 |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetProject_MasterAutomode(string projectfilename_with_path, integer automode, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer automode |
the automation mode for the master-track 0, trim/read mode 1, read mode 2, touch mode 3, write mode 4, latch mode 5, latch preview mode |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetProject_MasterFXByp(string projectfilename_with_path, integer fx_byp_state, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer fx_byp_state |
the fx-bypass-state; 0, master-track-fx bypassed; 1, master-track-fx normal |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetProject_MasterMuteSolo(string projectfilename_with_path, integer mute_solo_state, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer mute_solo_state |
the mute-solo-state; it is a bitfield 0, no mute, no solo, Mono mode L+R &1, master-track muted &2, master-track soloed &4, master-track mono-button &8, Mono mode:L &16, Mono mode:R add 24 for Mono mode L-R |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetProject_MasterNChans(string projectfilename_with_path, integer number_of_channels, integer peak_metering, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer number_of_channels |
the number of output-channels, as set in the "Outputs for the Master Channel -> Track Channels"-dialog |
integer peak_metering |
2, Multichannel peak metering-setting, as set in the "Master VU settings"-dialog |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetProject_MasterPanMode(string projectfilename_with_path, integer panmode, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer panmode |
the panmode for the master-track; -1, Project default (Stereo balance) 3, Stereo balance / mono pan(default) 5, Stereo Pan 6, Dual Pan nil, REAPER 3.x balance(deprecated) |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetProject_MasterSel(string projectfilename_with_path, integer selection_state, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer selection_state |
the selection-state of the MasterTrack; 0, unselected; 1, selected |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetProject_MasterTrackColor(string projectfilename_with_path, integer color, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
Sets the color for the master-track of an rpp-projectfile or a ProjectStateChunk.
To generate the correct color-value, use ConvertColor. Note: This color reverses red and blue component on Mac, so it looks different on Mac compared to Windows and Linux!
It's the entry MASTERPEAKCOL
Returns -1 in case of error.
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer color |
the color-value of the MasterTrack |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetProject_MasterTrackHeight(string projectfilename_with_path, integer height_state, integer height_lock, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer height_state |
the current-height of the master-track, from 24 to 260 |
integer height_lock |
0, height-lock is off; 1, height-lock is on |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_MasterTrackView(string projectfilename_with_path, integer tcp_visibility, number state2, number state3, number state4, integer state5, integer state6, integer state7, integer state8, integer state9, integer state10, integer state11, integer state12, number state13, optional string ProjectStatechunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer tcp_visibility |
0, Master-track is invisible in MCP; 1, Master-track is visible in MCP |
number state2 |
unknown |
number state3 |
unknown |
number state4 |
unknown |
integer state5 |
unknown |
integer state6 |
unknown |
integer state7 |
unknown |
integer state8 |
unknown |
integer state9 |
unknown |
integer state10 |
unknown |
integer state11 |
unknown |
integer state12 |
unknown |
number state13 |
unknown |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_MaxProjectLength(string projectfilename_with_path, integer limit_project_length, number projectlength_limit, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer limit_project_length |
checkbox "Limit project length, stop playback/recording at:" - 0 off, 1 on |
number projectlength_limit |
projectlength-limit in seconds |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_MixerUIFlags(string projectfilename_with_path, integer state_bitfield1, integer state_bitfield2, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer state_bitfield1 |
folders, receives, etc 0 - Show tracks in folders, Auto arrange tracks in mixer 1 - Show normal top level tracks 2 - Show Folders 4 - Group folders to left 8 - Show tracks that have receives 16 - Group tracks that have receives to left 32 - don't show tracks that are in folder 64 - No Autoarrange tracks in mixer 128 - ? 256 - ? |
integer state_bitfield2 |
master-track, FX, Mixer 0 - Master track in mixer 1 - Don't show multiple rows of tracks, when size permits 2 - Show maximum rows even when tracks would fit in less rows 4 - Master Show on right side of mixer 8 - ? 16 - Show FX inserts when size permits 32 - Show sends when size permits 64 - Show tracks in mixer 128 - Show FX parameters, when size permits 256 - Don't show Master track in mixer |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_PanLaw(string projectfilename_with_path, number panlaw_state, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
number panlaw_state |
state of the panlaw, as set in the project-settings->Advanced->Pan law/mode->Pan:law(db). 0.5(-6.02 db) to 1(default +0.0 db) |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_PanMode(string projectfilename_with_path, integer panmode_state, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer panmode_state |
panmode-state - ProjectSettings->Advanced->Pan law/mode->Pan mode 0 reaper 3.x balance (deprecated) 3 Stereo balance / mono pan (default) 5 Stereo pan 6 Dual Pan |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_PeakGain(string projectfilename_with_path, number peakgain_state, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
number peakgain_state |
peak-gain-state |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetProject_Playrate(string projectfilename_with_path, number playrate, integer preserve_pitch, number min_playrate, number max_playrate, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
number playrate |
the currently set playrate; 0.01 to 10 |
integer preserve_pitch |
0, don't preserve pitch, when changing playrate; 1, preserve pitch, when chaning playrate |
number min_playrate |
the minimum playrate possible in the project; 0.01 to 10 |
number max_playrate |
the maximum playrate possible in the project; 0.01 to 10 |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_ProjOffsets(string projectfilename_with_path, number start_time, integer start_measure, integer base_ruler_marking_off_this_measure, optional ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
number start_time |
the project-start-time in seconds |
integer start_measure |
the start-measure; starting with 0, unlike in the Project-Settings-window, where the 0 becomes 1 as startmeasure |
integer base_ruler_marking_off_this_measure |
0, checkbox unchecked; 1, checkbox checked |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_RecMode(string projectfilename_with_path, integer rec_mode, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer rec_mode |
recording mode 0, Autopunch/Selected Items 1, normal 2, Time Selection/Auto Punch |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_RecPath(string projectfilename_with_path, string prim_recpath, string sec_recpath, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
string prim_recpath |
primary recording path |
string sec_recpath |
secondary recording path |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_RecordCFG(string projectfilename_with_path, string recording_cfg_string, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
recording_cfg_string |
the record-configuration as encoded string |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_RenderCFG(string projectfilename_with_path, string rendercfg_string, string rendercfg_string2, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
rendercfg_string |
the render-configuration as encoded string |
rendercfg_string2 |
the secondary render-configuration as encoded string; use "" or nil to not set it |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_RenderDitherState(string projectfilename_with_path, integer renderdither_state, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer renderdither_state |
the state of render dithering &1, Dither Master mix &2, Noise shaping Master mix &4, Dither Stems &8, Noise shaping Stems |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_RenderFilename(string projectfilename_with_path, string renderfilename, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk insteadO |
string render_filename |
the filename for rendering, check also GetProject_RenderPattern |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_RenderFreqNChans(string projectfilename_with_path, integer unknown, integer rendernum_chans, integer render_frequency, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer unknown |
unknown number |
integer rendernum_chans |
Number_Channels 0-seems default-project-settings(?), 1-Mono, 2-Stereo, ... up to 64 channels |
integer render_frequency |
RenderFrequency -2147483647 to 2147483647, except 0, which seems to be default-project-settings-frequency |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetProject_RenderPattern(string projectfilename_with_path, string render_pattern, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
string render_pattern |
the pattern, with which the rendering-filename will be automatically created. Check also GetProject_RenderFilename |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_RenderQueueDelay(string projectfilename_with_path, integer renderqdelay, optional string ProjectStatechunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer renderqdelay |
0 and higher, sets the checkbox "Delay queued render to allow samples to load and the amount of time to wait in seconds nil, if you want to turn off render-queue-delay in the project/ProjectStateChunk |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_RenderRange(string projectfilename_with_path, integer bounds, number time_start, number time_end, integer tail, integer tail_length, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer bounds |
the bounds of the project to be rendered 0, Custom Time Range 1, Entire Project 2, Time Selection, 3, Project Regions 4, Selected Media Items(in combination with RENDER_STEMS 32); to get RENDER_STEMS, refer GetProject_RenderStems 5, Selected regions |
number time_start |
TimeStart in milliseconds -2147483647 to 2147483647 |
number time_end |
TimeEnd in milliseconds 2147483647 to 2147483647 |
integer tail |
Tail on/off-flags for individual bounds 0, tail off for all bounds 1, custom time range -> tail on 2, entire project -> tail on 4, time selection -> tail on 8, project regions -> tail on |
integer tail_length |
TailLength in milliseconds, valuerange 0 - 2147483647 |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_RenderResample(string projectfilename_with_path, integer resample_mode, integer playback_resample_mode, integer project_smplrate4mix_and_fx, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer resample_mode |
Resample_Mode 0-medium (64pt Sinc), 1-Low (Linear Interpolation), 2-Lowest (Point Sampling), 3-Good(192pt Sinc), 4-Better(384pt Sinc), 5-Fast (IIR + Linear Interpolation), 6-Fast (IIRx2 + Linear Interpolation), 7-Fast (16pt sinc) - Default, 8-HQ (512pt Sinc), 9-Extreme HQ (768pt HQ Sinc) |
integer playback_resample_mode |
Playback Resample Mode (as set in the Project-Settings) 0-medium (64pt Sinc), 1-Low (Linear Interpolation), 2-Lowest (Point Sampling), 3-Good(192pt Sinc), 4-Better(384pt Sinc), 5-Fast (IIR + Linear Interpolation), 6-Fast (IIRx2 + Linear Interpolation), 7-Fast (16pt sinc) - Default, 8-HQ (512pt Sinc), 9-Extreme HQ (768pt HQ Sinc) |
integer project_smplrate4mix_and_fx |
Use project sample rate for mixing and FX/synth processing-checkbox; 1, checked; 0, unchecked |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_RenderSpeed(string projectfilename_with_path, integer render_speed, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer render_speed |
render_speed 0-Fullspeed Offline 1-1x Offline 2-Online Render 3-Offline Render (Idle) 4-1x Offline Render (Idle) |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_RenderStems(string projectfilename_with_path, integer render_stems, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer render_stems |
the state of Render Stems 0, Source Master Mix, 1, Source Master mix + stems, 3, Source Stems, selected tracks, &4, Multichannel Tracks to Multichannel Files, 8, Source Region Render Matrix, &16, Tracks with only Mono-Media to Mono Files, 32, Selected Media Items(in combination with RENDER_RANGE->Bounds->4, refer to GetProject_RenderRange to get RENDER_RANGE) 64, Selected media items via master 128, Selected tracks via master &256, Embed stretch markers/transient guides-checkbox &512, Embed metadata-checkbox &1024, Embed Take markers &2048, 2nd pass rendering &8192, Render stems pre-fader &16384, Only render channels that are sent to parent &32768, (Preserve) Metadata-checkbox &65536, (Preserve) Start offset-checkbox(only with Selected media items as source) 4096, Razor edit areas 4224, Razor edit areas via master |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetProject_Render_Normalize(string projectfilename_with_path, integer render_normalize_method, number normalize_target, optional string ProjectStateChunk, optional number brickwall_target, optional number fadein_length, optional number fadeout_length, optional integer fadein_shape, optional integer fadeout_shape)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer render_normalize_method |
the normalize-method &1, Enable normalizing 0, unchecked(off) 1, checked(on) 0, LUFS-I 2 , RMS-I 4, Peak 6, True Peak 8, LUFS-M max 10, LUFS-S max &32, Normalize stems to master target-checkbox 0, unchecked(off) 1, checked(on) &64, Brickwall-enabled-checkbox 0, unchecked(off) 1, checked(on) &128, Brickwall-mode 0, Peak 1, True Peak &256, only normalize files that are too loud 0, disabled 1, enabled |
number normalize_target |
the normalize-target as amp-volume. Use ultraschall.DB2MKVOL to convert it from dB. |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
optional number brickwall_target |
the brickwall-normalizatin-target as amp-volume. Use ultraschall.DB2MKVOL to convert it from dB. |
optional number fadein_length |
the length of the fade-in in seconds(use fractions for milliseconds) |
optional number fadeout_length |
the length of the fade-out in seconds(use fractions for milliseconds) |
optional integer fadein_shape |
the shape of the fade-in-curve 0, linear fade-in 1, inverted quadratic fade-in 2, quadratic fade-in 3, inverted quartic fade-in 4, quartic fade-in 5, Cosine S-curve fade-in 6, Quartic S-curve fade-in |
optional integer fadeout_shape |
the shape of the fade-out-curve 0, linear fade-out 1, inverted quadratic fade-out 2, quadratic fade-out 3, inverted quartic fade-out 4, quartic fade-out 5, Cosine S-curve fade-out 6, Quartic S-curve fade-out |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_RippleState(string projectfilename_with_path, integer ripple_state, optional string ProjectStatechunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer ripple_state |
0, no Ripple; 1, Ripple One Track; 2, Ripple All |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_SMPTESync(string projectfilename_with_path, integer smptesync_state1, number smptesync_fps, integer smptesync_resyncdrift, integer smptesync_skipdropframes, integer smptesync_syncseek, integer smptesync_freewheel, integer smptesync_userinput, number smptesync_offsettimecode, integer smptesync_stop_rec_drift, integer smptesync_state10, integer smptesync_stop_rec_lacktime, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer smptesync_state1 |
flag 0 - external timecode synchronization disabled 1 - external timecode synchronization enabled 4 - Start playback on valid timecode when stopped 8 - turned off: display flashing notification window when waiting for sync for recording 16 - playback off 32 - recording off 256 - MTC - 24/30fps MTC is 23.976/29.97ND works only with smptesync_userinput set to 4159 512 - MTC - 24/30fps MTC is 24/30ND |
number smptesync_fps |
framerate in fps |
integer smptesync_resyncdrift |
"Re-synchronize if drift exceeds" in ms (0 = never) |
integer smptesync_skipdropframes |
"skip/drop frames if drift exceeds" in ms(0 - never) |
integer smptesync_syncseek |
"Synchronize by seeking ahead" in ms (default = 1000) |
integer smptesync_freewheel |
"Freewheel on missing time code for up to" in ms(0 = forever) |
integer smptesync_userinput |
User Input-flag 0 - LTC: Input 1 1 - LTC: Input 2 4159 - MTC - All inputs - 24/30 fps MTC 23.976ND/29.97ND if project is ND 4223 - SPP: All Inputs 8192 - ASIO Positioning Protocol |
number smptesync_offsettimecode |
Offset incoming timecode by in seconds |
integer smptesync_stop_rec_drift |
"Stop recording if drift exceeds" in ms(0 = never) |
integer smptesync_state10 |
smptesync-state |
integer smptesync_stop_rec_lacktime |
"stop recording on lack of timecode after" in ms(0 = never) |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_SampleRate(string projectfilename_with_path, integer sample_rate, integer project_sample_rate, integer force_tempo_time_sig, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer sample_rate |
Project Sample Rate in Hz |
integer project_sample_rate |
Checkbox: Project Sample Rate |
integer force_tempo_time_sig |
Checkbox: Force Project Tempo/Time Signature changes to occur on whole samples |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_Selection(string projectfilename_with_path, number starttime, number endtime, number starttime2, number endtime2, optional string ProjectStatechunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
number starttime |
start of the selection in seconds |
number endtime |
end of the selection in seconds |
number starttime2 |
start of the second selection in seconds |
number endtime2 |
end of the second selection in seconds |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_TakeLane(string projectfilename_with_path, integer take_lane_state, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer take_lane_state |
take-lane-state |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetProject_Tempo(string projectfilename_with_path, integer bpm, integer beat, integer denominator, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer bpm |
the tempo of the project in bpm |
integer beat |
the beat of the project |
integer denominator |
the denominator for the beat |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_TempoTimeSignature(string projectfilename_with_path, integer tempotimesignature, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer tempotimesignature |
the timebase for tempo/time-signature as set in the project settings 0 - Time 1 - Beats |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_TimeBase(string projectfilename_with_path, integer timebase, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer timebase |
the timebase for items/envelopes/markers as set in the project settings 0 - Time, 1 - Beats (position, length, rate), 2 - Beats (position only) |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_Timemode(string projectfilename_with_path, integer timemode1, integer timemode2, integer showntime, integer timemode4, integer timemode5, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer ruler_timemode |
ruler-timemode-state -1, Use ruler time unit 0, Minutes:Seconds 1, Measures.Beats / Minutes:Seconds 2, Measures.Beats 3, Seconds 4, Samples 5, Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames 8, Absolute Frames |
integer timemode2 |
timemode-state |
integer showntime |
Transport shown time -1 - use ruler time unit 0 - minutes:seconds 1 - measures:beats/minutes:seconds 2 - measures:beats 3 - seconds 4 - samples 5 - hours:minutes:seconds:frames 8 - absolute frames |
integer timemode4 |
timemode-state |
integer timemode5 |
timemode-state |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_TrackMixingDepth(string projectfilename_with_path, integer mixingdepth, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer mixingdepth |
the track mixing depth 1 - 32 bit float 2 - 39 bit integer 3 - 24 bit integer 4 - 16 bit integer 5 - 12 bit integer 6 - 8 bit integer |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_UseRecConfig(string projectfilename_with_path, integer rec_cfg, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer rec_cfg |
recording-cfg-state 0 - Automatic .wav (recommended) 1 - Custom (use ultraschall.GetProject_ApplyFXCFG to get recording_cfg_string) 2 - Recording Format |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_VerticalZoom(string projectfilename_with_path, integer vzoom, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer vzoom |
vertical zoomfactor(0-40) |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
integer retval, optional string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.SetProject_VideoConfig(string projectfilename_with_path, integer preferredVidSizeX, integer preferredVidSizeY, integer settingsBitfield, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered ProjectStateChunk |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the filename of the projectfile; nil, to use Parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
integer preferredVidSizeX |
preferred video size, x pixels |
integer preferredVidSizeY |
preferred video size, y pixels |
integer settingsBitfield |
settings 0 - turned on/selected: use high quality filtering, preserve aspect ratio(letterbox) when resizing, Video colorspace set to Auto, Items in higher numbered tracks replace lower, as well as Video colorspace set to Auto 1 - Video colorspace: I420/YV12 2 - Video colorspace: YUV2 3 - RGB 256 - Items in lower numbered tracks replace higher 512 - Always resize video sources to preferred video size 1024 - Always resize output to preferred video size 2048 - turn off "Use high quality filtering when resizing" 4096 - turn off "preserve aspect ratio (letterbox) when resizing" |
optional string ProjectStateChunk |
a projectstatechunk, that you want to be changed |
string altered_razor_edit_string = ultraschall.RazorEdit_Add_Envelope(TrackEnvelope envelope, number start_position, number end_position)
string altered_razor_edit_string |
the altered razor-edit-areas that are now stored in the track, as used by GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String |
TrackEnvelope envelope |
the envelope, to which you want to add razor-edits |
number start_position |
the start-position, from which to add the razor-edit |
number end_position |
the end-position, to which to add the razor-edit |
boolean retval, string position, number start_position, number end_position = ultraschall.RazorEdit_CheckForPossibleOverlap_Envelope(TrackEnvelope envelope, number startposition, number endposition)
boolean retval |
true, there's an overlap; false, there's no overlap |
string position |
"startposition", the startposition overlaps; "endposition", the endposition overlaps; "start/endposition", it overlaps with both |
number start_position |
the startposition of the razor-edit-area, where it overlaps |
number end_position |
the endposition of the razor-edit-area, where it overlaps |
TrackEnvelope envelope |
the TrackEnvelope, where you want to check, if start-position and end-position overlap with any existing razor-edits |
number startposition |
the start-position, to check, whether it overlaps |
number endposition |
the end-position to check, whether it overlaps |
integer razor_edit_area_count = ultraschall.RazorEdit_CountAreas_Envelope(TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope)
integer razor_edit_area_count |
the number of razor-edit-areas in this envelope; -1, in case of an error |
TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope |
the envelope, whose razor-edit-areas you want to count |
integer found_razor_edits, table razor_edit_index = ultraschall.RazorEdit_GetBetween_Envelope(TrackEnvelope envelope, number start_position, number end_position, boolean inside)
integer found_razor_edits |
the number of found razor edit-areas |
table razor_edit_index |
the found razor edit-areas |
TrackEnvelope envelope |
the envelope, from which to retrieve the razor-edit-areas |
number start_position |
the startposition in seconds |
number end_position |
the endposition in seconds |
boolean inside |
true, only razor edits that start and end within start/endposition; false, include partial razor-edits |
boolean retval, optional number start_pos, optional number end_pos, optional integer razor_area_index = ultraschall.RazorEdit_IsAtPosition_Envelope(TrackEnvelope envelope, number position)
boolean retval |
true, there's a razor-edit at position; false, there's no razor-edit at position; nil, an error occurred |
optional number start_pos |
the start of the razor-edit or razor-edit gap; nil if position is before 0 |
optional number end_pos |
the end of the razor-edit or razor-edit gap; nil if position is before 0 |
optional integer razor_area_index |
the index of the found razor-edit-area; 1-based; -1, if it's a gap |
TrackEnvelope envelope |
the envelope, whose razor-edit-areas/gaps you want to check for |
number position |
the position, at which to look for a razor-edit-area or a gap of it |
boolean retval = ultraschall.RazorEdit_Nudge_Envelope(TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope, number nudge_delta, optional integer index)
boolean retval |
true, nudging was successful; false, nudging was unsuccessful |
TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope |
the envelope, whose razor-edit-areas you want to nudge |
number nudge_delta |
the amount to nudge the razor-edit-areas, negative, left; positive, right |
optional integer index |
allows to nudge only the n-th razor-edit-area in the envelope; nil, to nudge all in the envelope |
boolean retval = ultraschall.RazorEdit_RemoveAllFromEnvelope(TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope)
removes all Razor Edits from a TrackEnvelope
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, removing was successful; false, removing was unsuccessful |
TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope |
the envelope, whose razor-edits you want to remove |
string altered_razor_edit_string = ultraschall.RazorEdit_RemoveByIndex_Envelope(TrackEnvelope envelope, integer razor_edit_area_index)
string altered_razor_edit_string |
the altered razor-edit-areas that are now stored in the track, as used by GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String |
TrackEnvelope envelope |
the envelope, from which you want to remove razor-edit-areas |
integer razor_edit_area_index |
the index of the razor-edit-area that you want to remove |
string altered_razor_edit_string = ultraschall.RazorEdit_Remove_Envelope(TrackEnvelope envelope, number start_position, number end_position)
string altered_razor_edit_string |
the altered razor-edit-areas that are now stored in the track, as used by GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String |
TrackEnvelope envelope |
the envelope, from which you want to remove razor-edit-areas |
number start_position |
the start-position, from which to remove razor-edit-areas |
number end_position |
the end-position, to which to remove the razor-edit-areas |
boolean retval = ultraschall.RazorEdit_ResizeByFactor_Envelope(TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope, number length, integer edge, optional integer index)
boolean retval |
true, resizing was successful; false, resizing was unsuccessful |
TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope |
the envelope, whose razor-edit-areas you want to nudge |
number factor |
the factor by whicht to resize; 2=double the size, 0.5=half the size |
integer edge |
1, cut at the front, 2, cut at the back |
optional integer index |
allows to resize only the n-th razor-edit-area in the envelope; nil, to resize all in the envelope |
boolean retval = ultraschall.RazorEdit_Resize_Envelope(TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope, number length, integer index, optional integer index)
boolean retval |
true, resizing was successful; false, resizing was unsuccessful |
TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope |
the envelope, whose razor-edit-areas you want to nudge |
number length |
the new length of the razor-edit-areas |
integer edge |
1, cut at the front, 2, cut at the back |
optional integer index |
allows to resize only the n-th razor-edit-area in the envelope; nil, to resize all in the envelope |
boolean retval = ultraschall.RazorEdit_Set_Envelope(TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope, integer index, number startpostion, number endposition)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope |
the envelope, in which you want to set an already existing razor-edit |
integer index |
the razor-edit to set to a new start/endposition |
number startpostion |
the new startposition of the razor-edit |
number endposition |
the new endposition of the razor-edit |
integer number_razor_edits, table RazorEditTable = ultraschall.RazorEdit_GetAllRazorEdits(optional boolean exclude_envelope, optional boolean exclude_track)
integer number_razor_edits |
the number of razor_edits available in the current project; 0, if none |
table RazorEditTable |
a table with all attributes of all Razor-Edits available |
optional boolean exclude_envelope |
true, exclude the envelope-razor-edit-areas from the list; false or nil, include envelope-razor-edit-areas |
optional boolean exclude_track |
true, exclude the track-razor-edit-areas from the list; false or nil, include track-razor-edit-areas |
integer razor_edit_index, number start_position, number end_position, MediaTrack track, optional TrackEnvelope envelope = ultraschall.RazorEdit_GetFromPoint(integer x, integer y)
integer razor_edit_index |
the index of the found razor-edit area; -1, if it's a gap within razor-edits |
number start_position |
the start-position of the razor-edit-area/gap |
number end_position |
the end-position of the razor-edit-area/gap |
MediaTrack track |
the track, in which the razor-edit-area has been found |
optional TrackEnvelope envelope |
the envelope, in which a razor-edit-area has been found; nil, if not in an envelope but rather in the track |
integer x |
the x-position in pixels, at which to look for razor-edit-areas |
integer y |
the y-position in pixels, at which to look for razor-edit-areas |
boolean retval = ultraschall.RazorEdit_ProjectHasRazorEdit()
boolean retval |
true, project has razor-edits; false, project has no razor-edits |
boolean retval = ultraschall.RazorEdit_Remove(MediaTrack track)
removes all Razor Edits from a MediaTrack including its envelopes.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, removing was successful; false, removing was unsuccessful |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose razor-edits you want to remove(including its envelopes) |
boolean retval = ultraschall.RazorEdit_RemoveAllFromTrackAndEnvelope(MediaTrack track)
removes all Razor Edits from a MediaTrack including its envelopes.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, removing was successful; false, removing was unsuccessful |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose razor-edits you want to remove(including its envelopes) |
string altered_razor_edit_string = ultraschall.RazorEdit_Add_Track(MediaTrack track, number start_position, number end_position)
string altered_razor_edit_string |
the altered razor-edit-areas that are now stored in the track, as used by GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String |
MediaTrack track |
the track, to which you want to add razor-edits |
number start_position |
the start-position, from which to add the razor-edit |
number end_position |
the end-position, to which to add the razor-edit |
boolean retval, string position, number start_position, number end_position = ultraschall.RazorEdit_CheckForPossibleOverlap_Track(MediaTrack track, number startposition, number endposition)
boolean retval |
true, there's an overlap; false, there's no overlap |
string position |
"startposition", the startposition overlaps; "endposition", the endposition overlaps; "start/endposition", it overlaps with both |
number start_position |
the startposition of the razor-edit-area, where it overlaps |
number end_position |
the endposition of the razor-edit-area, where it overlaps |
MediaTrack track |
the MediaTrack, where you want to check, if start-position and end-position overlap with any existing razor-edits |
number startposition |
the start-position, to check, whether it overlaps |
number endposition |
the end-position to check, whether it overlaps |
integer razor_edit_area_count = ultraschall.RazorEdit_CountAreas_Track(MediaTrack track)
integer razor_edit_area_count |
the number of razor-edit-areas in this track; -1, in case of an error |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose razor-edit-areas you want to count |
integer found_razor_edits, table razor_edit_index = ultraschall.RazorEdit_GetBetween_Track(MediaTrack track, number start_position, number end_position, boolean inside)
integer found_razor_edits |
the number of found razor edit-areas |
table razor_edit_index |
the found razor edit-areas |
MediaTrack track |
the track, from which you want to get the razor-edits |
number start_position |
the startposition in seconds |
number end_position |
the endposition in seconds |
boolean inside |
true, only razor edits that start and end within start/endposition; false, include partial razor-edits |
integer number_razor_edits, table RazorEditTable = ultraschall.RazorEdit_GetRazorEdits_Track(MediaTrack track, optional boolean exclude_envelope, optional boolean exclude_track)
integer number_razor_edits |
the number of razor_edits available in the track; 0, if none |
table RazorEditTable |
a table with all attributes of all track-Razor-Edits available |
optional boolean exclude_envelope |
true, exclude the envelope-razor-edit-areas from the list; false or nil, include envelope-razor-edit-areas |
optional boolean exclude_track |
true, exclude the track-razor-edit-areas from the list; false or nil, include track-razor-edit-areas |
boolean retval, optional number start_pos, optional number end_pos, optional integer razor_area_index = ultraschall.RazorEdit_IsAtPosition_Track(MediaTrack track, number position)
boolean retval |
true, there's a razor-edit at position; false, there's no razor-edit at position; nil, an error occurred |
optional number start_pos |
the start of the razor-edit or razor-edit gap; nil if position is before 0 or after project-length |
optional number end_pos |
the end of the razor-edit or razor-edit gap; nil if position is before 0 or after project-length |
optional integer razor_area_index |
the index of the found razor-edit-area; 1-based; -1, if it's a gap |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose razor-edit-areas/gaps you want to check for |
number position |
the position, at which to look for a razor-edit-area or a gap of it |
boolean retval = ultraschall.RazorEdit_Nudge_Track(MediaTrack track, number nudge_delta, optional integer index)
boolean retval |
true, nudging was successful; false, nudging was unsuccessful |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose razor-edits you want to nudge |
number nudge_delta |
the amount to nudge the razor-edit-areas, negative, left; positive, right |
optional integer index |
allows to nudge only the n-th razor-edit-area in the track; nil, to nudge all in the track(except envelope) |
boolean retval = ultraschall.RazorEdit_RemoveAllFromTrack(MediaTrack track)
removes all Razor Edits from a MediaTrack(leaves razor-edit-areas of envelopes untouched!)
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, removing was successful; false, removing was unsuccessful |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose razor-edits you want to remove |
string altered_razor_edit_string = ultraschall.RazorEdit_RemoveByIndex_Track(MediaTrack track, integer razor_edit_area_index)
string altered_razor_edit_string |
the altered razor-edit-areas that are now stored in the track, as used by GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String |
MediaTrack track |
the track, from which you want to remove razor-edit-areas |
integer razor_edit_area_index |
the index of the razor-edit-area that you want to remove |
string altered_razor_edit_string = ultraschall.RazorEdit_Remove_Track(MediaTrack track, number start_position, number end_position)
string altered_razor_edit_string |
the altered razor-edit-areas that are now stored in the track, as used by GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String |
MediaTrack track |
the track, from which you want to remove razor-edit-areas |
number start_position |
the start-position, from which to remove razor-edit-areas |
number end_position |
the end-position, to which to which to remove the razor-edit-areas |
boolean retval = ultraschall.RazorEdit_ResizeByFactor_Track(MediaTrack track, number length, integer edge, optional integer index)
boolean retval |
true, resizing was successful; false, resizing was unsuccessful |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose razor-edits you want to resize |
number factor |
the factor to resize the razor-edit-areas to; 2=double the size, 0.5=half the size |
integer edge |
1, cut at the front, 2, cut at the back |
optional integer index |
allows to length only the n-th razor-edit-area in the track; nil, to length all in the track(except envelope) |
boolean retval = ultraschall.RazorEdit_Resize_Track(MediaTrack track, number length, integer edge, optional integer index)
boolean retval |
true, resizing was successful; false, resizing was unsuccessful |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose razor-edits you want to resize |
number length |
the length to resize the razor-edit-areas to |
integer edge |
1, cut at the front, 2, cut at the back |
optional integer index |
allows to length only the n-th razor-edit-area in the track; nil, to length all in the track(except envelope) |
boolean retval = ultraschall.RazorEdit_Set_Track(MediaTrack track, integer index, number startposition, number endposition)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
MediaTrack track |
the track, in which the RazorEdit is located, that you wan to set |
integer index |
the RazorEdit to set the new start/endposition of |
number startposition |
the new startposition of the RazorEdit |
number endposition |
the new endposition of the RazorEdit |
integer Xscreencoordinate = ultraschall.ConvertClient2ScreenXCoordinate_ReaperWindow(integer Xclientcoordinate)
integer Xscreencoordinate |
coordinate within the screen. |
integer Xclientcoordinate |
the screen-coordinate, you want to have converted to. Negative, if left of the left edge of the main Reaper-window. |
integer Xclientcoordinate = ultraschall.ConvertScreen2ClientXCoordinate_ReaperWindow(integer Xscreencoordinate)
integer Xclientcoordinate |
coordinate within the main Reaper-window. Negative, if the coordinate is left of the edge of the window; -1, in case of error |
integer Xscreencoordinate |
the screen-coordinate, you want to have converted to. |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetReaperWindowToSize(integer width, integer height)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error |
integer w |
the new width of the Reaper-window in pixels |
integer h |
the new height of the reaper-windows in pixels |
string outputformat, string renderstring_decoded, string renderstring_encoded = ultraschall.GetOutputFormat_RenderCfg(string Renderstring, optional ReaProject ReaProject)
string outputformat |
the outputformat, set in the render-cfg-string The following are valid: "WAV", "AIFF", "CAF", "AUDIOCD-IMAGE", "DDP", "FLAC", "MP3", "OGG", "Opus", "Video", "Video (Mac)", "Video GIF", "Video LCF", "WAVPACK", "Unknown" |
string renderstring_decoded |
the base64-decoded renderstring, which is either the renderstring you've passed or the one from the ReaProject you passed as second parameter |
string renderstring_encoded |
the base64-encoded renderstring, which is either the renderstring you've passed or the one from the ReaProject you passed as second parameter |
string Renderstring |
the render-cfg-string from a rpp-projectfile or the reaper-render.ini nil, to get the settings of the currently opened project |
optional ReaProject ReaProject |
a ReaProject, whose renderformat you want to know; only available, when Renderstring=nil set to nil, to use the currently opened project pass as integer to get the renderformat of a specific projecttab, with 0 for the current, 1 for the first, 2 for the second, etc |
integer bitdepth, boolean EmbedBeatLength = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_AIFF(string rendercfg)
integer bitdepth |
the bitdepth of the AIFF-file(8, 16, 24, 32) |
boolean EmbedBeatLength |
Embed beat length if exact-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the aiff-settings nil, get the current new-project-default render-settings for aiff |
integer VIDEO_CODEC, integer MJPEG_quality, integer AUDIO_CODEC, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio, string VideoExportOptions, string AudioExportOptions = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_AVI_Video(string rendercfg)
integer VIDEO_CODEC |
the used VideoCodec for the AVI-video 0, DV 1, MJPEG 2, FFV1 (lossless) 3, Hufyuv (lossless) 4, MPEG-2 (only with FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 5, XVid (only with FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 6, H.264 (only with FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 7, NONE |
integer MJPEG_quality |
the MJPEG-quality of the AVI-video, if VIDEO_CODEC=1 or VIDEO_CODEC=6 |
integer AUDIO_CODEC |
the audio-codec of the avi-video 0, 16 bit PCM 1, 24 bit PCM 2, 32 bit FP 3, MP3 (only with FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 4, AAC (only with FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 5, AC3 (only with FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 6, NONE |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the video in pixels |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the video in pixels |
number FPS |
the fps of the video; must be a double-precision-float value (9.09 or 25.00); due API-limitations, this supports 0.01fps to 2000.00fps |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
string VideoExportOptions |
the options for FFMPEG to apply to the video; examples: g=1 ; all keyframes crf=1 ; h264 high quality crf=51 ; h264 small size |
string AudioExportOptions |
the options for FFMPEG to apply to the audio; examples: q=0 ; mp3 VBR highest q=9 ; mp3 VBR lowest |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the avi-settings |
integer trackmode, boolean use_markers_hashes, integer leadin_silence_tracks, integer leadin_silence_disc, boolean burn_cd_after_render = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_AudioCD(string rendercfg)
integer trackmode |
the trackmode 0, Markers define new tracks 1, Regions define tracks (other areas ignored) 2, One track |
boolean use_markers_hashes |
Only use markers starting with #-checkbox; only available when trackmode=0, otherwise it will be ignored true, checkbox is checked; false, checkbox is unchecked |
integer leadin_silence_tracks |
the leadin-silence for tracks in milliseconds(0 to 2147483647) |
integer leadin_silence_disc |
the leadin-silence for discs in milliseconds(0 to 2147483647) |
boolean burn_cd_after_render |
burn cd image after render-checkbox true, checkbox is checked; false, checkbox is unchecked |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the audiocd-settings |
integer bitdepth, boolean EmbedTempo, integer include_markers = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_CAF(string rendercfg)
integer bitdepth |
the bitdepth of the CAF-file(8, 16, 24, 32(fp), 33(pcm), 64) |
boolean EmbedTempo |
Embed tempo-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked |
integer include_markers |
the include markers and regions dropdownlist 0, Do not include markers or regions 1, Markers + Regions 2, Markers + Regions starting with # 3, Markers only 4, Markers starting with # only 5, Regions only 6, Regions starting with # only |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the caf-settings nil, get the current new-project-default render-settings for caf |
boolean retval = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_DDP(string rendercfg)
boolean retval |
true, if renderstring is of the format DDP; false, if not |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the DDP-settings |
integer encoding_depth, integer compression = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_FLAC(string rendercfg)
integer encoding_depth |
the encoding-depth of the flac in bits(16 to 24) |
integer compression |
the data-compression speed from fastest and worst efficiency(0) to slowest but best efficiency(8); default is 5 |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the flac-settings; nil, get the current new-project-default render-settings for flac |
integer VIDEO_CODEC, integer MJPEG_quality, integer AUDIO_CODEC, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio, string VideoExportOptions, string AudioExportOptions = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_FLV_Video(string rendercfg)
integer VIDEO_CODEC |
the used VideoCodec for the FLV-video 0, H.264 1, FLV1 2, NONE |
integer MJPEG_quality |
the MJPEG-quality of the MKV-video, if VIDEO_CODEC=0 |
integer AUDIO_CODEC |
the audio-codec of the FLV-video 0, MP3 1, AAC 2, NONE |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the video in pixels |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the video in pixels |
number FPS |
the fps of the video; must be a double-precision-float value (9.09 or 25.00); due API-limitations, this supports 0.01fps to 2000.00fps |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
string VideoExportOptions |
the options for FFMPEG to apply to the video; examples: g=1 ; all keyframes crf=1 ; h264 high quality crf=51 ; h264 small size |
string AudioExportOptions |
the options for FFMPEG to apply to the audio; examples: q=0 ; mp3 VBR highest q=9 ; mp3 VBR lowest |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the MPEG-2-settings |
integer Width, integer Height, number MaxFramerate, boolean PreserveAspectRatio, integer IgnoreLowBits, boolean Transparency = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_GIF(string rendercfg)
integer Width |
the width of the gif in pixels; 1 to 2147483647 pixels |
integer Height |
the height of the gif in pixels; 1 to 2147483647 pixels |
number MaxFramerate |
the maximum framerate of the gif |
boolean PreserveAspectRatio |
Preserve aspect ratio (black bars, if necessary)-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked |
integer IgnoreLowBits |
Ignore changed in low bits of color (0-7, 0 = full quality)-inputbox |
boolean Transparency |
Encode transparency (bad for normal video, good for some things possibly)-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the gif-settings |
integer Width, integer Height, number MaxFramerate, boolean PreserveAspectRatio, string TweakSettings = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_LCF(string rendercfg)
integer Width |
the width of the gif in pixels; 1 to 2147483647 pixels |
integer Height |
the height of the gif in pixels; 1 to 2147483647 pixels |
number MaxFramerate |
the maximum framerate of the gif |
boolean PreserveAspectRatio |
Preserve aspect ratio (black bars, if necessary)-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked |
string TweakSettings |
the tweak-settings for LCF, default is "t20 x128 y16" |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the lcf-settings |
integer AUDKBPS, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_M4AMac(string rendercfg)
integer AUDKBPS |
the audio-bitrate of the audio in kbps |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the audio in pixels |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the audio in pixels |
number FPS |
the fps of the audio; must be a double-precision-float value (9.09 or 25.00); due API-limitations, this supports 0.01fps to 2000.00fps |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the webm-settings |
integer VIDEO_CODEC, integer MJPEG_quality, integer AUDIO_CODEC, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio, string VideoExportOptions, string AudioExportOptions = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_MKV_Video(string rendercfg)
integer VIDEO_CODEC |
the used VideoCodec for the MKV-video 0, FFV1 (lossless) 1, Hufyuv (lossless) 2, MJPEG 3, MPEG-2 (needs FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 4, H.264 (needs FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 5, XviD (needs FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 6, NONE |
integer MJPEG_quality |
the MJPEG-quality of the MKV-video, if VIDEO_CODEC=2 or when VIDEO_CODEC=4 |
integer AUDIO_CODEC |
the audio-codec of the MKV-video 0, 16 bit PCM 1, 24 bit PCM 2, 32 bit FP 3, MP3 (needs FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 4, AAC (needs FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 5, NONE |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the video in pixels |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the video in pixels |
number FPS |
the fps of the video; must be a double-precision-float value (9.09 or 25.00); due API-limitations, this supports 0.01fps to 2000.00fps |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
string VideoExportOptions |
the options for FFMPEG to apply to the video; examples: g=1 ; all keyframes crf=1 ; h264 high quality crf=51 ; h264 small size |
string AudioExportOptions |
the options for FFMPEG to apply to the audio; examples: q=0 ; mp3 VBR highest q=9 ; mp3 VBR lowest |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the mkv-settings |
integer VideoCodec, integer VIDKBPS, integer MJPEG_quality, integer AudioCodec, integer AUDKBPS, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio, integer Format = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_MOVMac_Video(string rendercfg)
integer VideoCodec |
the videocodec used for this setting 0, h264 1, Apple ProRes 4444 2, Apple ProRes 422 3, MJPEG |
integer VIDKBPS |
the video-bitrate of the video in kbps |
integer MJPEG_quality |
when VideoCodec==3, then MJPEG is used; given in percent |
integer AudioCodec |
the audiocodec used 0, AAC 1, 16-bit PCM 2, 24-bit PCM 3, 32-bit FP PCM |
integer AUDKBPS |
the audio-bitrate of the video in kbps |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the video in pixels |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the video in pixels |
number FPS |
the fps of the video; must be a double-precision-float value (9.09 or 25.00); due API-limitations, this supports 0.01fps to 2000.00fps |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
integer Format |
the format-dropdownlist 0, MPEG-4 Video (streaming optimized) 1, MPEG-4 Video 2, Quicktime MOV 3, MPEG-4 Audio |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the webm-settings |
integer Mode, integer enc_quality, integer vbr_quality, integer abr_bitrate, integer cbr_bitrate, boolean no_joint_stereo, boolean write_replay_gain = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_MP3(string rendercfg)
integer Mode |
the encoding-mode 32, Target quality(VBR) 1056, Target bitrate (ABR) 65344, Constant bitrate (CBR) 65088, Maximum bitrate/quality |
integer enc_quality |
the encoding-quality 0, Maximum(slow) 2, Better(recommended) 3, Normal 5, Fast encode 7, Faster encode 9, Fastest encode |
integer vbr_quality |
target-quality for VBR; 0(best 100%) to 9(worst 10%); 4, when Mode is set to ABR, CBR or Maximum bitrate/quality |
integer abr_bitrate |
the average bitrate for ABR in kbps 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320 |
integer cbr_bitrate |
the bitrate for CBR in kbps 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320 |
boolean no_joint_stereo |
the do not allow joint stereo-checkbox true, checkbox is checked; false, checkbox is unchecked |
boolean write_replay_gain |
the write ReplayGain tag-checkbox true, checkbox is checked; false, checkbox is unchecked |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the mp3-settings |
integer bitrate, integer enc_quality, boolean no_joint_stereo, boolean write_replay_gain = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_MP3ABR(string rendercfg)
integer bitrate |
the encoding quality for the mp3 0, 8 kbps 1, 16 kbps 2, 24 kbps 3, 32 kbps 4, 40 kbps 5, 48 kbps 6, 56 kbps 7, 64 kbps 8, 80 kbps 9, 96 kbps 10, 112 kbps 11, 128 kbps 12, 160 kbps 13, 192 kbps 14, 224 kbps 15, 256 kbps 16, 320 kbps |
integer enc_quality |
the encoding-quality 0, Maximum(slow) 2, Better(recommended) 3, Normal 5, Fast encode 7, Faster encode 9, Fastest encode |
boolean no_joint_stereo |
the do not allow joint stereo-checkbox true, checkbox is checked; false, checkbox is unchecked |
boolean write_replay_gain |
the write ReplayGain tag-checkbox true, checkbox is checked; false, checkbox is unchecked |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the mp3-abr-settings |
integer cbr_bitrate, integer enc_quality, boolean no_joint_stereo, boolean write_replay_gain = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_MP3CBR(string rendercfg)
integer cbr_bitrate |
the bitrate for CBR in kbps 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320 |
integer enc_quality |
the encoding-quality 0, Maximum(slow) 2, Better(recommended) 3, Normal 5, Fast encode 7, Faster encode 9, Fastest encode |
boolean no_joint_stereo |
the do not allow joint stereo-checkbox true, checkbox is checked; false, checkbox is unchecked |
boolean write_replay_gain |
the write ReplayGain tag-checkbox true, checkbox is checked; false, checkbox is unchecked |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the mp3-cbr-settings |
integer retval, boolean write_replay_gain = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_MP3MaxQuality(string rendercfg)
integer retval |
0, the renderstring is a valid MP3-MaxQuality-setting; -1, it is not a valid renderstring for MP3-MaxQuality |
boolean write_replay_gain |
the write ReplayGain tag-checkbox true, checkbox is checked; false, checkbox is unchecked |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the mp3-maxquality-settings |
integer vbr_bitrate, integer enc_quality, boolean no_joint_stereo, boolean write_replay_gain = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_MP3VBR(string rendercfg)
integer vbr_quality |
the variable-bitrate quality; 1(for 10%) to 10(for 100%) |
integer enc_quality |
the encoding-quality 0, Maximum(slow) 2, Better(recommended) 3, Normal 5, Fast encode 7, Faster encode 9, Fastest encode |
boolean no_joint_stereo |
the do not allow joint stereo-checkbox true, checkbox is checked; false, checkbox is unchecked |
boolean write_replay_gain |
the write ReplayGain tag-checkbox true, checkbox is checked; false, checkbox is unchecked |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the mp3-vbr-settings |
boolean Stream, integer VIDKBPS, integer AUDKBPS, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_MP4Mac_Video(string rendercfg)
boolean Stream |
true, mp4-video would be stream-optimized; false, mp4-video would not be stream-optimized |
integer VIDKBPS |
the video-bitrate of the video in kbps |
integer AUDKBPS |
the audio-bitrate of the video in kbps |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the video in pixels |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the video in pixels |
number FPS |
the fps of the video; must be a double-precision-float value (9.09 or 25.00); due API-limitations, this supports 0.01fps to 2000.00fps |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the webm-settings |
integer VIDEO_CODEC, integer AUDIO_CODEC, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio, string VideoExportOptions, string AudioExportOptions = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_MPEG1_Video(string rendercfg)
integer VIDEO_CODEC |
the used VideoCodec for the MPEG-1-video 0, MPEG-1 1, NONE |
integer AUDIO_CODEC |
the audio-codec of the MPEG-1-video 0, mp3 1, mp2 2, NONE |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the video in pixels |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the video in pixels |
number FPS |
the fps of the video; must be a double-precision-float value (9.09 or 25.00); due API-limitations, this supports 0.01fps to 2000.00fps |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
string VideoExportOptions |
the options for FFMPEG to apply to the video; examples: g=1 ; all keyframes crf=1 ; h264 high quality crf=51 ; h264 small size |
string AudioExportOptions |
the options for FFMPEG to apply to the audio; examples: q=0 ; mp3 VBR highest q=9 ; mp3 VBR lowest |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the MPEG-1-settings |
integer VIDEO_CODEC, integer AUDIO_CODEC, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio, string VideoExportOptions, string AudioExportOptions = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_MPEG2_Video(string rendercfg)
integer VIDEO_CODEC |
the used VideoCodec for the MPEG-2-video 0, MPEG-2 1, NONE |
integer AUDIO_CODEC |
the audio-codec of the MPEG-2-video 0, aac 1, mp3 2, mp2 3, NONE |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the video in pixels |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the video in pixels |
number FPS |
the fps of the video; must be a double-precision-float value (9.09 or 25.00); due API-limitations, this supports 0.01fps to 2000.00fps |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
string VideoExportOptions |
the options for FFMPEG to apply to the video; examples: g=1 ; all keyframes crf=1 ; h264 high quality crf=51 ; h264 small size |
string AudioExportOptions |
the options for FFMPEG to apply to the audio; examples: q=0 ; mp3 VBR highest q=9 ; mp3 VBR lowest |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the MPEG-2-settings |
integer Mode, integer VBR_quality, integer CBR_KBPS, integer ABR_KBPS, integer ABR_KBPS_MIN, integer ABR_KBPS_MAX = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_OGG(string rendercfg)
integer Mode |
the mode for the ogg-file; 0, VBR; 1, CBR; 2, ABR |
integer VBR_quality |
the quality for VBR-mode; a floating-value between 0 and 1 |
integer CBR_KBPS |
the bitrate for CBR-mode; 0 to 4294967295 |
integer ABR_KBPS |
the bitrate for ABR-mode; 0 to 4294967295 |
integer ABR_KBPS_MIN |
the minimum bitrate for ABR-mode; 0 to 4294967295 |
integer ABR_KBPS_MAX |
the maximum bitrate for ABR-mode; 0 to 4294967295 |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the ogg-settings nil, get the current new-project-default render-settings for ogg |
integer Mode, integer Bitrate, integer Complexity, boolean channel_audio, boolean per_channel = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_OPUS(string rendercfg)
integer Mode |
the Mode for the Opus-file; 0, VBR; 1, CVBR; 2, HARDCBR |
integer Bitrate |
the kbps of the opus-file; between 1 and 256 |
integer Complexity |
the complexity-setting between 0(lowest quality) and 10(highest quality, slow encoding) |
boolean channel_audio |
true, Encode 3-8 channel audio as 2.1-7.1(LFE) -> checked; false, DON'T Encode 3-8 channel audio as 2.1-7.1(LFE) -> unchecked |
boolean per_channel |
true, kbps per channel (6-256); false, kbps combined for all channels |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the opus-settings nil, get the current new-project-default render-settings for opus |
integer MJPEG_quality, integer AUDIO_CODEC, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio, integer VIDEOCODEC, string VideoExportOptions, string AudioExportOptions = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_QTMOVMP4_Video(string rendercfg)
integer MJPEG_quality |
the MJPEG-quality of the video, when VIDEO_CODEC=0 or VIDEO_CODEC=2 |
integer AUDIO_CODEC |
the audio-codec of the video 0, 16 bit PCM 1, 24 bit PCM 2, 32 bit FP 3, AAC(only with FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 4, MP3(only with FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 5, NONE |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the video in pixels |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the video in pixels |
number FPS |
the fps of the video; must be a double-precision-float value (9.09 or 25.00); due API-limitations, this supports 0.01fps to 2000.00fps |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
integer VIDEOCODEC |
the video-codec 0, H.264(only with FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 1, MPEG-2(only with FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 2, MJPEG 3, NONE |
string VideoExportOptions |
the options for FFMPEG to apply to the video; examples: g=1 ; all keyframes crf=1 ; h264 high quality crf=51 ; h264 small size |
string AudioExportOptions |
the options for FFMPEG to apply to the audio; examples: q=0 ; mp3 VBR highest q=9 ; mp3 VBR lowest |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the qt/mov/mp4-settings |
integer bitrate, boolean write_sidecar_file = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_RAW(string rendercfg)
integer bitrate |
the encoding-depth of the raw-pcm |
integer bitrate |
the bitrate 1, 8 bit unsigned 2, 8 bit signed 3, 16 bit little endian 4, 24 bit little endian 5, 32 bit little endian 6, 16 bit big endian 7, 24 bit big endian 8, 32 bit big endian 9, 32 bit FP little endian 10, 64 bit FP little endian 11, 32 bit FP big endian 12, 64 bit FP big endian |
boolean write_sidecar_file |
true, write .rsrc.txt sidecar file; false, don't write a sidecar file |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the raw-settings; |
integer BitDepth, integer LargeFiles, integer BWFChunk, integer IncludeMarkers, boolean EmbedProjectTempo = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_WAV(string rendercfg)
integer BitDepth |
the bitdepth of the WAV-file 0, 8 Bit PCM 1, 16 Bit PCM 2, 24 Bit PCM 3, 32 Bit FP 4, 64 Bit FP 5, 4 Bit IMA ADPCM 6, 2 Bit cADPCM 7, 32 Bit PCM 8, 8 Bit u-Law |
integer LargeFiles |
how shall Reaper treat large WAV-files 0, Auto WAV/Wave64 1, Auto Wav/RF64 2, Force WAV 3, Force Wave64 4, Force RF64 |
integer BWFChunk |
The "Write BWF ('bext') chunk" and "Include project filename in BWF data" - checkboxes &1, checked - write BWF-checkbox; 0, unchecked &2, checked - Include project filename in BWF data-checkbox; 0, unchecked |
integer IncludeMarkers |
The include markerlist-dropdownlist 0, Do not include markers and regions 1, Markers + regions 2, Markers + regions starting with # 3, Markers only 4, Markers starting with # only 5, Regions only 6, Regions starting with # only |
boolean EmbedProjectTempo |
Embed tempo-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the wav-settings nil, get the current new-project-default render-settings for wav |
integer Mode, integer Bitdepth, integer Writemarkers, boolean WriteBWFChunk, boolean IncludeFilenameBWF = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_WAVPACK(string rendercfg)
integer Mode |
0, Normal; 1, Fast; 2, High; 3, Very High(slowest) |
integer Bitdepth |
the bitdepth of the WAVPACK-file 0(16Bit) 1(24Bit) 2(32Bit integer) 3(32Bit floating point) 4(23/24 Bit) 5(22/24 Bit) 6(21/24 Bit) 7(20/24 Bit) 8(19/24 Bit) 9(18/24 Bit) 10(17/24 Bit) 11(32 bit floating point -144dB floor) 12(32 bit floating point -120dB floor) 13(32 bit floating point -96dB floor) |
integer Writemarkers |
Write markers as cues-checkboxes 0, nothing checked 1, Write markers as cues->checked 2, Write markers as cues and Only write markers starting with #->checked |
boolean WriteBWFChunk |
the Write BWF chunk-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked |
boolean IncludeFilenameBWF |
the include project filename in BWF data-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the wavpack-settings nil, get the current new-project-default render-settings for wavpack |
integer OutputFormat, integer VIDEO_CODEC, integer VideoBitrate, integer AUDIO_CODEC, integer AudioBitrate, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_WMF(string rendercfg)
integer OutputFormat |
the used OutputFormat 0, MPEG-4 |
integer VIDEO_CODEC |
the used VideoCodec for the mp4-video 0, H.264 1, no video(Reaper 6.59+) 255, no video(before Reaper 6.59) |
integer VideoBitrate |
in kbps; 0 to 2147483647 |
integer AUDIO_CODEC |
the audio-codec of the mp4-video 0, AAC 2, no audio(Reaper 6.59+) |
integer AudioBitrate |
in kbps; 0 to 2147483647 |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the video in pixels |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the video in pixels |
number FPS |
the fps of the video; must be a double-precision-float value (9.09 or 25.00); due API-limitations, this supports 0.01fps to 2000.00fps |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the wmf-settings |
integer VIDKBPS, integer AUDKBPS, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio, integer VideoCodec, integer AudioCodec, string VideoExportOptions, string AudioExportOptions = ultraschall.GetRenderCFG_Settings_WebM_Video(string rendercfg)
integer VIDKBPS |
the video-bitrate of the video in kbps |
integer AUDKBPS |
the audio-bitrate of the video in kbps |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the video in pixels |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the video in pixels |
number FPS |
the fps of the video; must be a double-precision-float value (9.09 or 25.00); due API-limitations, this supports 0.01fps to 2000.00fps |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
integer VideoCodec |
the video-codec used 0, VP8 1, VP9 (needs FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 2, NONE |
integer AudioCodec |
the video-codec used 0, VORBIS 1, OPUS (needs FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 2, NONE |
string VideoExportOptions |
the options for FFMPEG to apply to the video; examples: g=1 ; all keyframes crf=1 ; h264 high quality crf=51 ; h264 small size |
string AudioExportOptions |
the options for FFMPEG to apply to the audio; examples: q=0 ; mp3 VBR highest q=9 ; mp3 VBR lowest |
string render_cfg |
the render-cfg-string, that contains the webm-settings |
boolean retval, boolean dirty = ultraschall.ApplyRenderTable_Project(table RenderTable, optional boolean apply_rendercfg_string, optional boolean dirtyness)
Sets all stored render-settings from a RenderTable as the current project-settings.
Note: On Reaper 6.10, you cannot set AddToProj and NoSilentRender simultaneously due a bug in Reaper; is fixed in higher versions.
Expected table is of the following structure:
RenderTable["AddToProj"] - Add rendered items to new tracks in project-checkbox;
true, checked;
false, unchecked
RenderTable["Brickwall_Limiter_Enabled"] - true, brickwall limiting is enabled; false, brickwall limiting is disabled
RenderTable["Brickwall_Limiter_Method"] - brickwall-limiting-mode; 1, peak; 2, true peak
RenderTable["Brickwall_Limiter_Target"] - the volume of the brickwall-limit
RenderTable["Bounds"] - 0, Custom time range;
1, Entire project;
2, Time selection;
3, Project regions;
4, Selected Media Items(in combination with Source 32);
5, Selected regions
6, Razor edit areas
7, All project markers
8, Selected markers
RenderTable["Channels"] - the number of channels in the rendered file;
1, mono;
2, stereo;
higher, the number of channels
RenderTable["CloseAfterRender"] - true, close rendering to file-dialog after render;
false, don't close it
RenderTable["Dither"] - &1, dither master mix;
&2, noise shaping master mix;
&4, dither stems;
&8, dither noise shaping stems
RenderTable["EmbedMetaData"] - Embed metadata; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["EmbedStretchMarkers"] - Embed stretch markers/transient guides; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["EmbedTakeMarkers"] - Embed Take markers; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["Enable2ndPassRender"] - true, 2nd pass render is enabled; false, 2nd pass render is disabled
RenderTable["Endposition"] - the endposition of the rendering selection in seconds
RenderTable["FadeIn_Enabled"] - true, fade-in is enabled; false, fade-in is disabled
RenderTable["FadeIn"] - the fade-in-time in seconds
RenderTable["FadeIn_Shape"] - the fade-in-shape
- 0, Linear fade in
- 1, Inverted quadratic fade in
- 2, Quadratic fade in
- 3, Inverted quartic fade in
- 4, Quartic fade in
- 5, Cosine S-curve fade in
- 6, Quartic S-curve fade in
RenderTable["FadeOut_Enabled"] - true, fade-out is enabled; false, fade-out is disabled
RenderTable["FadeOut"] - the fade-out time in seconds
RenderTable["FadeOut_Shape"] - the fade-out-shape
- 0, Linear fade in
- 1, Inverted quadratic fade in
- 2, Quadratic fade in
- 3, Inverted quartic fade in
- 4, Quartic fade in
- 5, Cosine S-curve fade in
- 6, Quartic S-curve fade in
RenderTable["MultiChannelFiles"] - Multichannel tracks to multichannel files-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["Normalize_Enabled"] - true, normalization enabled;
false, normalization not enabled
RenderTable["Normalize_Method"] - the normalize-method-dropdownlist
1, RMS-I
2, Peak
3, True Peak
4, LUFS-M max
5, LUFS-S max
RenderTable["Normalize_Only_Files_Too_Loud"] - Only normalize files that are too loud,checkbox
- true, checkbox checked
- false, checkbox unchecked
RenderTable["Normalize_Stems_to_Master_Target"] - true, normalize-stems to master target(common gain to stems)
false, normalize each file individually
RenderTable["Normalize_Target"] - the normalize-target as dB-value
RenderTable["NoSilentRender"] - Do not render files that are likely silent-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["OfflineOnlineRendering"] - Offline/Online rendering-dropdownlist;
0, Full-speed Offline;
1, 1x Offline;
2, Online Render;
3, Online Render(Idle);
4, Offline Render(Idle)
RenderTable["OnlyChannelsSentToParent"] - true, option is checked; false, option is unchecked
RenderTable["OnlyMonoMedia"] - Tracks with only mono media to mono files-checkbox;
true, checked;
false, unchecked
RenderTable["Preserve_Start_Offset"] - true, preserve start-offset-checkbox(with Bounds=4 and Source=32); false, don't preserve
RenderTable["Preserve_Metadata"] - true, preserve metadata-checkbox; false, don't preserve
RenderTable["ProjectSampleRateFXProcessing"] - Use project sample rate for mixing and FX/synth processing-checkbox;
true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["RenderFile"] - the contents of the Directory-inputbox of the Render to File-dialog
RenderTable["RenderPattern"] - the render pattern as input into the File name-inputbox of the Render to File-dialog
RenderTable["RenderQueueDelay"] - Delay queued render to allow samples to load-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["RenderQueueDelaySeconds"] - the amount of seconds for the render-queue-delay
RenderTable["RenderResample"] - Resample mode-dropdownlist;
0, Sinc Interpolation: 64pt (medium quality)
1, Linear Interpolation: (low quality)
2, Point Sampling (lowest quality, retro)
3, Sinc Interpolation: 192pt
4, Sinc Interpolation: 384pt
5, Linear Interpolation + IIR
6, Linear Interpolation + IIRx2
7, Sinc Interpolation: 16pt
8, Sinc Interpolation: 512pt(slow)
9, Sinc Interpolation: 768pt(very slow)
10, r8brain free (highest quality, fast)
RenderTable["RenderStems_Prefader"] - true, option is checked; false, option is unchecked
RenderTable["RenderString"] - the render-cfg-string, that holds all settings of the currently set render-output-format as BASE64 string
RenderTable["RenderString2"] - the render-cfg-string, that holds all settings of the currently set secondary-render-output-format as BASE64 string
RenderTable["RenderTable"]=true - signals, this is a valid render-table
RenderTable["SampleRate"] - the samplerate of the rendered file(s)
RenderTable["SaveCopyOfProject"] - the "Save copy of project to outfile.wav.RPP"-checkbox;
true, checked;
false, unchecked
RenderTable["SilentlyIncrementFilename"] - Silently increment filenames to avoid overwriting-checkbox;
true, checked
false, unchecked
RenderTable["Source"] - 0, Master mix;
1, Master mix + stems;
3, Stems (selected tracks);
8, Region render matrix;
32, Selected media items; 64, selected media items via master;
64, selected media items via master;
128, selected tracks via master
136, Region render matrix via master
4096, Razor edit areas
4224, Razor edit areas via master
RenderTable["Startposition"] - the startposition of the rendering selection in seconds
RenderTable["TailFlag"] - in which bounds is the Tail-checkbox checked?
&1, custom time bounds;
&2, entire project;
&4, time selection;
&8, all project regions;
&16, selected media items;
&32, selected project regions
&64, razor edit areas
RenderTable["TailMS"] - the amount of milliseconds of the tail
Returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, setting the render-settings was successful; false, it wasn't successful |
boolean dirty |
true, settings have been altered(project is dirty); false, settings haven't been altered(undirty) |
table RenderTable |
a RenderTable, that contains all render-dialog-settings |
optional boolean apply_rendercfg_string |
true or nil, apply it as well; false, don't apply it |
optional boolean dirtyness |
true, function set the project to dirty, if any project setting has been altered by RenderTable(only if dirty==true); false and nil, don't set to dirty, if anything changed |
boolean retval, string ProjectStateChunk = ultraschall.ApplyRenderTable_ProjectFile(table RenderTable, string projectfilename_with_path, optional boolean apply_rendercfg_string, optional string ProjectStateChunk)
Sets all stored render-settings from a RenderTable as the current project-settings.
Expected table is of the following structure:
RenderTable["AddToProj"] - Add rendered items to new tracks in project-checkbox;
true, checked;
false, unchecked
RenderTable["Brickwall_Limiter_Enabled"] - true, brickwall limiting is enabled; false, brickwall limiting is disabled
RenderTable["Brickwall_Limiter_Method"] - brickwall-limiting-mode; 1, peak; 2, true peak
RenderTable["Brickwall_Limiter_Target"] - the volume of the brickwall-limit
RenderTable["Bounds"] - 0, Custom time range;
1, Entire project;
2, Time selection;
3, Project regions;
4, Selected Media Items(in combination with Source 32);
5, Selected regions
6, Razor edit areas
7, All project markers
8, Selected markers
RenderTable["Channels"] - the number of channels in the rendered file;
1, mono;
2, stereo;
higher, the number of channels
RenderTable["CloseAfterRender"] - true, close rendering to file-dialog after render;
false, don't close it
RenderTable["Dither"] - &1, dither master mix;
&2, noise shaping master mix;
&4, dither stems;
&8, dither noise shaping stems
RenderTable["EmbedMetaData"] - Embed metadata; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["EmbedStretchMarkers"] - Embed stretch markers/transient guides; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["EmbedTakeMarkers"] - Embed Take markers; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["Enable2ndPassRender"] - true, 2nd pass render is enabled; false, 2nd pass render is disabled
RenderTable["Endposition"] - the endposition of the rendering selection in seconds
RenderTable["FadeIn_Enabled"] - true, fade-in is enabled; false, fade-in is disabled
RenderTable["FadeIn"] - the fade-in-time in seconds
RenderTable["FadeIn_Shape"] - the fade-in-shape
- 0, Linear fade in
- 1, Inverted quadratic fade in
- 2, Quadratic fade in
- 3, Inverted quartic fade in
- 4, Quartic fade in
- 5, Cosine S-curve fade in
- 6, Quartic S-curve fade in
RenderTable["FadeOut_Enabled"] - true, fade-out is enabled; false, fade-out is disabled
RenderTable["FadeOut"] - the fade-out time in seconds
RenderTable["FadeOut_Shape"] - the fade-out-shape
- 0, Linear fade in
- 1, Inverted quadratic fade in
- 2, Quadratic fade in
- 3, Inverted quartic fade in
- 4, Quartic fade in
- 5, Cosine S-curve fade in
- 6, Quartic S-curve fade in
RenderTable["MultiChannelFiles"] - Multichannel tracks to multichannel files-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["Normalize_Enabled"] - true, normalization enabled;
false, normalization not enabled
RenderTable["Normalize_Only_Files_Too_Loud"] - Only normalize files that are too loud,checkbox
- true, checkbox checked
- false, checkbox unchecked
RenderTable["Normalize_Method"] - the normalize-method-dropdownlist
1, RMS-I
2, Peak
3, True Peak
4, LUFS-M max
5, LUFS-S max
RenderTable["Normalize_Stems_to_Master_Target"] - true, normalize-stems to master target(common gain to stems)
false, normalize each file individually
RenderTable["Normalize_Target"] - the normalize-target as dB-value
RenderTable["NoSilentRender"] - Do not render files that are likely silent-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["OfflineOnlineRendering"] - Offline/Online rendering-dropdownlist;
0, Full-speed Offline;
1, 1x Offline;
2, Online Render;
3, Online Render(Idle);
4, Offline Render(Idle)
RenderTable["OnlyChannelsSentToParent"] - true, option is checked; false, option is unchecked
RenderTable["OnlyMonoMedia"] - Tracks with only mono media to mono files-checkbox;
true, checked;
false, unchecked
RenderTable["Preserve_Start_Offset"] - true, preserve start-offset-checkbox(with Bounds=4 and Source=32); false, don't preserve
RenderTable["Preserve_Metadata"] - true, preserve metadata-checkbox; false, don't preserve
RenderTable["ProjectSampleRateFXProcessing"] - Use project sample rate for mixing and FX/synth processing-checkbox;
true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["RenderFile"] - the contents of the Directory-inputbox of the Render to File-dialog
RenderTable["RenderPattern"] - the render pattern as input into the File name-inputbox of the Render to File-dialog
RenderTable["RenderQueueDelay"] - Delay queued render to allow samples to load-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["RenderQueueDelaySeconds"] - the amount of seconds for the render-queue-delay
RenderTable["RenderResample"] - Resample mode-dropdownlist;
0, Sinc Interpolation: 64pt (medium quality)
1, Linear Interpolation: (low quality)
2, Point Sampling (lowest quality, retro)
3, Sinc Interpolation: 192pt
4, Sinc Interpolation: 384pt
5, Linear Interpolation + IIR
6, Linear Interpolation + IIRx2
7, Sinc Interpolation: 16pt
8, Sinc Interpolation: 512pt(slow)
9, Sinc Interpolation: 768pt(very slow)
10, r8brain free (highest quality, fast)
RenderTable["RenderStems_Prefader"] - true, option is checked; false, option is unchecked
RenderTable["RenderString"] - the render-cfg-string, that holds all settings of the currently set render-output-format as BASE64 string
RenderTable["RenderString2"] - the render-cfg-string, that holds all settings of the currently set secondary-render-output-format as BASE64 string
RenderTable["RenderTable"]=true - signals, this is a valid render-table
RenderTable["SampleRate"] - the samplerate of the rendered file(s)
RenderTable["SaveCopyOfProject"] - the "Save copy of project to outfile.wav.RPP"-checkbox;
true, checked;
false, unchecked
RenderTable["SilentlyIncrementFilename"] - Silently increment filenames to avoid overwriting-checkbox;
true, checked
false, unchecked
RenderTable["Source"] - 0, Master mix;
1, Master mix + stems;
3, Stems (selected tracks);
8, Region render matrix;
32, Selected media items; 64, selected media items via master;
64, selected media items via master;
128, selected tracks via master
136, Region render matrix via master
4096, Razor edit areas
4224, Razor edit areas via master
RenderTable["Startposition"] - the startposition of the rendering selection in seconds
RenderTable["TailFlag"] - in which bounds is the Tail-checkbox checked?
&1, custom time bounds;
&2, entire project;
&4, time selection;
&8, all project regions;
&16, selected media items;
&32, selected project regions
&64, razor edit areas
RenderTable["TailMS"] - the amount of milliseconds of the tail
Returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, setting the render-settings was successful; false, it wasn't successful |
string ProjectStateChunk |
the altered project/ProjectStateChunk as a string |
table RenderTable |
a RenderTable, that contains all render-dialog-settings |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the rpp-projectfile, to which you want to apply the RenderTable; nil, to use parameter ProjectStateChunk instead |
optional boolean apply_rendercfg_string |
true or nil, apply it as well; false, don't apply it |
optional parameter ProjectStateChunk |
the ProjectStateChunkk, to which you want to apply the RenderTable |
boolean retval, optional integer count_differentEntries1, optional table differentEntries1, optional integer count_differentEntries2, optional table differentEntries2 = ultraschall.AreRenderTablesEqual(table RenderTable1, table RenderTable2)
boolean retval |
true, RenderTables are equal; false, RenderTables aren't equal |
optional integer count_differentEntries1 |
the number of different table-entries in RenderTable1 |
optional table differentEntries1 |
the table-entry-names, that are different in RenderTable1 |
optional integer count_differentEntries2 |
the number of different table-entries in RenderTable2 |
optional table differentEntries2 |
the table-entry-names, that are different in RenderTable2 |
table RenderTable1 |
the first RenderTable, that you want to compare |
table RenderTable2 |
the second RenderTable, that you want to compare |
table RenderTable = ultraschall.CreateNewRenderTable(optional integer Source, optional integer Bounds, optional number Startposition, optional number Endposition, optional integer TailFlag, optional integer TailMS, optional string RenderFile, optional string RenderPattern, optional integer SampleRate, optional integer Channels, optional integer OfflineOnlineRendering, optional boolean ProjectSampleRateFXProcessing, optional integer RenderResample, optional boolean OnlyMonoMedia, optional boolean MultiChannelFiles, optional integer Dither, optional string RenderString, optional boolean SilentlyIncrementFilename, optional boolean AddToProj, optional boolean SaveCopyOfProject, optional boolean RenderQueueDelay, optional integer RenderQueueDelaySeconds, optional boolean CloseAfterRender, optional boolean EmbedStretchMarkers, optional string RenderString2, optional boolean EmbedTakeMarkers, optional boolean DoNotSilentRender, optional boolean EmbedMetadata, optional boolean Enable2ndPassRender, optional boolean Normalize_Enabled, optional integer Normalize_Method, optional boolean Normalize_Stems_to_Master_Target, optional number Normalize_Target, optional boolean Brickwall_Limiter_Enabled, optional integer Brickwall_Limiter_Method, optional number Brickwall_Limiter_Target, optional boolean Normalize_Only_Files_Too_Loud, optional boolean FadeIn_Enabled, optional number FadeIn, optional integer FadeIn_Shape, optional boolean FadeOut_Enabled, optional number FadeOut, optional integer FadeOut_Shape, optional boolean OnlyChannelsSentToParent, optional boolean RenderStems_Prefader, optional boolean Preserve_Start_Offset, optional boolean Preserve_Metadata)
table RenderTable |
the created RenderTable |
optional integer Source |
The Source-dropdownlist; 0, Master mix(default) 1, Master mix + stems 3, Stems (selected tracks) 8, Region render matrix 32, Selected media items 256, Embed stretch markers/transient guides-checkbox=on; optional, as parameter EmbedStretchMarkers is meant for that |
optional integer Bounds |
The Bounds-dropdownlist 0, Custom time range 1, Entire project(default) 2, Time selection 3, Project regions 4, Selected Media Items(in combination with Source 32) 5, Selected regions 6, Razor edit areas 7, All project markers 8, Selected markers |
optional number Startposition |
the startposition of the render-section in seconds; only used when Bounds=0(Custom time range); default=0 |
optional number Endposition |
the endposition of the render-section in seconds; only used when Bounds=0(Custom time range); default=0 |
optional integer TailFlag |
in which bounds is the Tail-checkbox checked? (default=18) &1, custom time bounds &2, entire project &4, time selection &8, all project regions &16, selected media items &32, selected project regions |
optional integer TailMS |
the amount of milliseconds of the tail(default=1000) |
optional string RenderFile |
the contents of the Directory-inputbox of the Render to File-dialog; default="" |
optional string RenderPattern |
the render pattern as input into the File name-inputbox of the Render to File-dialog; set to "" if you don't want to use it; default="" |
optional integer SampleRate |
the samplerate of the rendered file(s); default=44100 |
optional integer Channels |
the number of channels in the rendered file; 1, mono 2, stereo(default) 3 and higher, the number of channels |
optional integer OfflineOnlineRendering |
Offline/Online rendering-dropdownlist 0, Full-speed Offline(default) 1, 1x Offline 2, Online Render 3, Online Render(Idle) 4, Offline Render(Idle) |
optional boolean ProjectSampleRateFXProcessing |
Use project sample rate for mixing and FX/synth processing-checkbox; true(default), checked; false, unchecked |
optional integer RenderResample |
Resample mode-dropdownlist 0, Sinc Interpolation: 64pt (medium quality) 1, Linear Interpolation: (low quality) 2, Point Sampling (lowest quality, retro) 3, Sinc Interpolation: 192pt 4, Sinc Interpolation: 384pt 5, Linear Interpolation + IIR 6, Linear Interpolation + IIRx2 7, Sinc Interpolation: 16pt 8, Sinc Interpolation: 512pt(slow) 9, Sinc Interpolation: 768pt(very slow) 10, r8brain free (highest quality, fast) |
optional boolean OnlyMonoMedia |
Tracks with only mono media to mono files-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked(default) |
optional boolean MultiChannelFiles |
Multichannel tracks to multichannel files-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked(default) |
optional integer Dither |
the Dither/Noise shaping-checkboxes; default=0 &1, dither master mix &2, noise shaping master mix &4, dither stems &8, dither noise shaping stems |
optional string RenderString |
the render-cfg-string, that holds all settings of the currently set render-output-format as BASE64 string default is "ZXZhdw==" = WAV, 24 bit PCM, Auto WAV/Wave 64, WriteBWFChunk checked, Include project filename in BWF unchecked, Do not include markers or regions, Embed tempo unchecked. |
optional boolean SilentlyIncrementFilename |
Silently increment filenames to avoid overwriting-checkbox; default=true |
optional boolean AddToProj |
Add rendered items to new tracks in project-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked(default) |
optional boolean SaveCopyOfProject |
the "Save copy of project to outfile.wav.RPP"-checkbox; default=false |
optional boolean RenderQueueDelay |
Delay queued render to allow samples to load-checkbox; default=false |
optional integer RenderQueueDelaySeconds |
the amount of seconds for the render-queue-delay; default=0 |
optional boolean CloseAfterRender |
true, closes rendering to file-dialog after render(default); false, doesn't close it |
optional boolean EmbedStretchMarkers |
true, Embed stretch markers/transient guides-checkbox=on; false or nil, Embed stretch markers/transient guides"-checkbox=off(default) |
optional string RenderString2 |
the render-string for the secondary rendering; default="" |
optional boolean EmbedTakeMarkers |
the "Take markers"-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked(default) |
optional boolean DoNotSilentRender |
the "Do not render files that are likely silent"-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked(default) |
optional boolean EmbedMetadata |
the "Embed metadata"-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked(default) |
optional boolean Enable2ndPassRender |
true, 2nd pass render is enabled; false, 2nd pass render is disabled |
optional boolean Normalize_Enabled |
true, normalization enabled; false, normalization not enabled |
optional integer Normalize_Method |
the normalize-method-dropdownlist 0, LUFS-I 1, RMS-I 2, Peak 3, True Peak 4, LUFS-M max 5, LUFS-S max |
optional boolean Normalize_Stems_to_Master_Target |
true, normalize-stems to master target(common gain to stems); false, normalize each file individually |
optional number Normalize_Target |
the normalize-target as dB-value |
optional boolean Brickwall_Limiter_Enabled |
true, enable brickwall-limiter |
optional integer Brickwall_Limiter_Method |
the brickwall-limiter-method; 1, peak; 2, True Peak |
optional number Brickwall_Limiter_Target |
the target of brickwall-limiter in dB |
optional boolean Normalize_Only_Files_Too_Loud |
only normalize files that are too loud; true, enabled; false, disabled |
optional boolean FadeIn_Enabled |
true, fade in is enabled; false, fade-in is not enabled |
optional number FadeIn |
the fade-in in seconds |
optional integer FadeIn_Shape |
the fade-in-shape 0, Linear fade in 1, Inverted quadratic fade in 2, Quadratic fade in 3, Inverted quartic fade in 4, Quartic fade in 5, Cosine S-curve fade in 6, Quartic S-curve fade in |
optional boolean FadeOut_Enabled |
true, fade-out is enabled; false, fade-out is disabled |
optional number FadeOut |
the fade-out time in seconds |
optional integer FadeOut_Shape |
the fade-out-shape 0, Linear fade in 1, Inverted quadratic fade in 2, Quadratic fade in 3, Inverted quartic fade in 4, Quartic fade in 5, Cosine S-curve fade in 6, Quartic S-curve fade in |
optional boolean OnlyChannelsSentToParent |
true, will only render channels sent to parent; false, normal rendering |
optional boolean RenderStems_Prefader |
true, stems will be rendered pre-fader; false, normal rendering of stems |
optional boolean Preserve_Start_Offset |
true, preserve start-offset (when selected media items as source); false, don't preserve start-offset |
optional boolean Preserve_Metadata |
true, preserve metadata(when selected media items as source); false, don't preserve metadata |
array last_render_paths = ultraschall.GetLastRenderPaths()
array last_render_paths |
a table, which holds the last 20 used render-output-paths, used by any project in Reaper |
array last_render_patterns = ultraschall.GetLastUsedRenderPatterns()
array last_render_patterns |
a table, which holds the last 12 used render-patterns, used by any project in Reaper |
table RenderTable = ultraschall.GetRenderTable_ExtState(string section)
table RenderTable |
the stored render-settings as a RenderTable |
string section |
the section-name, in which you stored the render-settings |
table RenderTable = ultraschall.GetRenderTable_ProjExtState(ReaProject proj, string section)
table RenderTable |
the stored render-settings as a RenderTable |
ReaProject proj |
the project, in which you stored the render-settings |
string section |
the section-name, in which you stored the render-settings |
table RenderTable = ultraschall.GetRenderTable_Project()
Returns all stored render-settings for the current project, as a handy table.
RenderTable["AddToProj"] - Add rendered items to new tracks in project-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["Brickwall_Limiter_Enabled"] - true, brickwall limiting is enabled; false, brickwall limiting is disabled
RenderTable["Brickwall_Limiter_Method"] - brickwall-limiting-mode; 1, peak; 2, true peak
RenderTable["Brickwall_Limiter_Target"] - the volume of the brickwall-limit
RenderTable["Bounds"] - 0, Custom time range;
1, Entire project;
2, Time selection;
3, Project regions;
4, Selected Media Items(in combination with Source 32);
5, Selected regions
6, Razor edit areas
7, All project markers
8, Selected markers
RenderTable["Channels"] - the number of channels in the rendered file;
1, mono;
2, stereo;
higher, the number of channels
RenderTable["CloseAfterRender"] - true, closes rendering to file-dialog after render; false, doesn't close it
RenderTable["Dither"] - &1, dither master mix;
&2, noise shaping master mix;
&4, dither stems;
&8, dither noise shaping stems
RenderTable["EmbedMetaData"] - Embed metadata; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["EmbedStretchMarkers"] - Embed stretch markers/transient guides; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["EmbedTakeMarkers"] - Embed Take markers; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["Enable2ndPassRender"] - true, 2nd pass render is enabled; false, 2nd pass render is disabled
RenderTable["Endposition"] - the endposition of the rendering selection in seconds
RenderTable["FadeIn_Enabled"] - true, fade-in is enabled; false, fade-in is disabled
RenderTable["FadeIn"] - the fade-in-time in seconds
RenderTable["FadeIn_Shape"] - the fade-in-shape
- 0, Linear fade in
- 1, Inverted quadratic fade in
- 2, Quadratic fade in
- 3, Inverted quartic fade in
- 4, Quartic fade in
- 5, Cosine S-curve fade in
- 6, Quartic S-curve fade in
RenderTable["FadeOut_Enabled"] - true, fade-out is enabled; false, fade-out is disabled
RenderTable["FadeOut"] - the fade-out time in seconds
RenderTable["FadeOut_Shape"] - the fade-out-shape
- 0, Linear fade in
- 1, Inverted quadratic fade in
- 2, Quadratic fade in
- 3, Inverted quartic fade in
- 4, Quartic fade in
- 5, Cosine S-curve fade in
- 6, Quartic S-curve fade in
RenderTable["MultiChannelFiles"] - Multichannel tracks to multichannel files-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["Normalize_Enabled"] - true, normalization enabled; false, normalization not enabled
RenderTable["Normalize_Method"] - the normalize-method-dropdownlist
1, RMS-I
2, Peak
3, True Peak
4, LUFS-M max
5, LUFS-S max
RenderTable["Normalize_Only_Files_Too_Loud"] - Only normalize files that are too loud,checkbox
- true, checkbox checked
- false, checkbox unchecked
RenderTable["Normalize_Stems_to_Master_Target"] - true, normalize-stems to master target(common gain to stems)
false, normalize each file individually
RenderTable["Normalize_Target"] - the normalize-target as dB-value
RenderTable["NoSilentRender"] - Do not render files that are likely silent-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["OfflineOnlineRendering"] - Offline/Online rendering-dropdownlist;
0, Full-speed Offline
1, 1x Offline
2, Online Render
3, Online Render(Idle)
4, Offline Render(Idle)
RenderTable["OnlyMonoMedia"] - Tracks with only mono media to mono files-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["OnlyChannelsSentToParent"] - true, option is checked; false, option is unchecked
RenderTable["ProjectSampleRateFXProcessing"] - Use project sample rate for mixing and FX/synth processing-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["RenderFile"] - the contents of the Directory-inputbox of the Render to File-dialog
RenderTable["RenderPattern"] - the render pattern as input into the File name-inputbox of the Render to File-dialog
RenderTable["RenderQueueDelay"] - Delay queued render to allow samples to load-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["RenderQueueDelaySeconds"] - the amount of seconds for the render-queue-delay
RenderTable["RenderResample"] - Resample mode-dropdownlist;
0, Sinc Interpolation: 64pt (medium quality)
1, Linear Interpolation: (low quality)
2, Point Sampling (lowest quality, retro)
3, Sinc Interpolation: 192pt
4, Sinc Interpolation: 384pt
5, Linear Interpolation + IIR
6, Linear Interpolation + IIRx2
7, Sinc Interpolation: 16pt
8, Sinc Interpolation: 512pt(slow)
9, Sinc Interpolation: 768pt(very slow)
10, r8brain free (highest quality, fast)
RenderTable["RenderStems_Prefader"] - true, option is checked; false, option is unchecked
RenderTable["RenderString"] - the render-cfg-string, that holds all settings of the currently set render-output-format as BASE64 string
RenderTable["RenderString2"] - the render-cfg-string, that holds all settings of the currently set secondary-render-output-format as BASE64 string
RenderTable["RenderTable"]=true - signals, this is a valid render-table
RenderTable["SampleRate"] - the samplerate of the rendered file(s)
RenderTable["SaveCopyOfProject"] - the "Save copy of project to outfile.wav.RPP"-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["SilentlyIncrementFilename"] - Silently increment filenames to avoid overwriting-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["Source"] - 0, Master mix;
1, Master mix + stems;
3, Stems (selected tracks);
8, Region render matrix;
32, Selected media items;
64, Selected media items via master;
128, selected tracks via master
136, Region render matrix via master
4096, Razor edit areas
4224, Razor edit areas via master
RenderTable["Startposition"] - the startposition of the rendering selection in seconds
RenderTable["TailFlag"] - in which bounds is the Tail-checkbox checked
&1, custom time bounds;
&2, entire project;
&4, time selection;
&8, all project regions;
&16, selected media items;
&32, selected project regions
&64, razor edit areas
RenderTable["TailMS"] - the amount of milliseconds of the tail
Returns nil in case of an error
table RenderTable |
a table with all of the current project's render-settings |
table RenderTable = ultraschall.GetRenderTable_ProjectDefaults()
Returns all stored render-settings for the project-defaults, as a handy table.
RenderTable["AddToProj"] - Add rendered items to new tracks in project-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["Brickwall_Limiter_Enabled"] - true, brickwall limiting is enabled; false, brickwall limiting is disabled
RenderTable["Brickwall_Limiter_Method"] - brickwall-limiting-mode; 1, peak; 2, true peak
RenderTable["Brickwall_Limiter_Target"] - the volume of the brickwall-limit
RenderTable["Bounds"] - not stored with project defaults; will use the default bounds for the source
0, Custom time range;
1, Entire project;
2, Time selection;
3, Project regions;
4, Selected Media Items(in combination with Source 32);
5, Selected regions
6, Razor edit areas
7, All project markers
8, Selected markers
RenderTable["Channels"] - the number of channels in the rendered file;
1, mono;
2, stereo;
higher, the number of channels
RenderTable["CloseAfterRender"] - true, closes rendering to file-dialog after render; false, doesn't close it
RenderTable["Dither"] - &1, dither master mix;
&2, noise shaping master mix;
&4, dither stems;
&8, dither noise shaping stems
RenderTable["EmbedMetaData"] - Embed metadata; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["EmbedStretchMarkers"] - Embed stretch markers/transient guides; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["EmbedTakeMarkers"] - Embed Take markers; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["Enable2ndPassRender"] - true, 2nd pass render is enabled; false, 2nd pass render is disabled
RenderTable["Endposition"] - the endposition of the rendering selection in seconds; always 0 because it's not stored with project defaults
RenderTable["FadeIn_Enabled"] - true, fade-in is enabled; false, fade-in is disabled
RenderTable["FadeIn"] - the fade-in-time in seconds
RenderTable["FadeIn_Shape"] - the fade-in-shape
- 0, Linear fade in
- 1, Inverted quadratic fade in
- 2, Quadratic fade in
- 3, Inverted quartic fade in
- 4, Quartic fade in
- 5, Cosine S-curve fade in
- 6, Quartic S-curve fade in
RenderTable["FadeOut_Enabled"] - true, fade-out is enabled; false, fade-out is disabled
RenderTable["FadeOut"] - the fade-out time in seconds
RenderTable["FadeOut_Shape"] - the fade-out-shape
- 0, Linear fade in
- 1, Inverted quadratic fade in
- 2, Quadratic fade in
- 3, Inverted quartic fade in
- 4, Quartic fade in
- 5, Cosine S-curve fade in
- 6, Quartic S-curve fade in
RenderTable["MultiChannelFiles"] - Multichannel tracks to multichannel files-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["Normalize_Enabled"] - true, normalization enabled; false, normalization not enabled
RenderTable["Normalize_Method"] - the normalize-method-dropdownlist
1, RMS-I
2, Peak
3, True Peak
4, LUFS-M max
5, LUFS-S max
RenderTable["Normalize_Only_Files_Too_Loud"] - Only normalize files that are too loud,checkbox
- true, checkbox checked
- false, checkbox unchecked
RenderTable["Normalize_Stems_to_Master_Target"] - true, normalize-stems to master target(common gain to stems)
false, normalize each file individually
RenderTable["Normalize_Target"] - the normalize-target as dB-value
RenderTable["NoSilentRender"] - Do not render files that are likely silent-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["OfflineOnlineRendering"] - Offline/Online rendering-dropdownlist;
0, Full-speed Offline
1, 1x Offline
2, Online Render
3, Online Render(Idle)
4, Offline Render(Idle)
RenderTable["OnlyChannelsSentToParent"] - true, option is checked; false, option is unchecked
RenderTable["OnlyMonoMedia"] - Tracks with only mono media to mono files-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["Preserve_Start_Offset"] - true, preserve start-offset-checkbox(with Bounds=4 and Source=32); false, don't preserve
RenderTable["Preserve_Metadata"] - true, preserve metadata-checkbox; false, don't preserve
RenderTable["ProjectSampleRateFXProcessing"] - Use project sample rate for mixing and FX/synth processing-checkbox;
true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["RenderFile"] - the contents of the Directory-inputbox of the Render to File-dialog;
always "" because it's not stored with project defaults
RenderTable["RenderPattern"] - the render pattern as input into the File name-inputbox of the Render to File-dialog;
always "" because it's not stored with project defaults
RenderTable["RenderQueueDelay"] - Delay queued render to allow samples to load-checkbox;
true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["RenderQueueDelaySeconds"] - the amount of seconds for the render-queue-delay
RenderTable["RenderResample"] - Resample mode-dropdownlist;
0, Sinc Interpolation: 64pt (medium quality)
1, Linear Interpolation: (low quality)
2, Point Sampling (lowest quality, retro)
3, Sinc Interpolation: 192pt
4, Sinc Interpolation: 384pt
5, Linear Interpolation + IIR
6, Linear Interpolation + IIRx2
7, Sinc Interpolation: 16pt
8, Sinc Interpolation: 512pt(slow)
9, Sinc Interpolation: 768pt(very slow)
10, r8brain free (highest quality, fast)
RenderTable["RenderStems_Prefader"] - true, option is checked; false, option is unchecked
RenderTable["RenderString"] - the render-cfg-string, that holds all settings of the currently set render-output-format as BASE64 string
RenderTable["RenderString2"] - the render-cfg-string, that holds all settings of the currently set secondary-render-output-format as BASE64 string
RenderTable["RenderTable"]=true - signals, this is a valid render-table
RenderTable["SampleRate"] - the samplerate of the rendered file(s)
RenderTable["SaveCopyOfProject"] - the "Save copy of project to outfile.wav.RPP"-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["SilentlyIncrementFilename"] - Silently increment filenames to avoid overwriting-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["Source"] - 0, Master mix;
1, Master mix + stems;
3, Stems (selected tracks);
8, Region render matrix;
32, Selected media items;
64, selected media items via master;
128, selected tracks via master
136, Region render matrix via master
4096, Razor edit areas
4224, Razor edit areas via master
RenderTable["Startposition"] - the startposition of the rendering selection in seconds; always 0 because it's not stored with project defaults
RenderTable["TailFlag"] - in which bounds is the Tail-checkbox checked
&1, custom time bounds;
&2, entire project;
&4, time selection;
&8, all project regions;
&16, selected media items;
&32, selected project regions
&64, razor edit areas
RenderTable["TailMS"] - the amount of milliseconds of the tail
Returns nil in case of an error
table RenderTable |
a table with all of the current project's default render-settings |
table RenderTable = ultraschall.GetRenderTable_ProjectFile(string projectfilename_with_path)
Returns all stored render-settings in a projectfile, as a handy table.
RenderTable["AddToProj"] - Add rendered items to new tracks in project-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["Brickwall_Limiter_Enabled"] - true, brickwall limiting is enabled; false, brickwall limiting is disabled
RenderTable["Brickwall_Limiter_Method"] - brickwall-limiting-mode; 1, peak; 2, true peak
RenderTable["Brickwall_Limiter_Target"] - the volume of the brickwall-limit
RenderTable["Bounds"] - 0, Custom time range;
1, Entire project;
2, Time selection;
3, Project regions;
4, Selected Media Items(in combination with Source 32);
5, Selected regions
6, Razor edit areas
7, All project markers
8, Selected markers
RenderTable["Channels"] - the number of channels in the rendered file;
1, mono;
2, stereo;
higher, the number of channels
RenderTable["CloseAfterRender"] - true, closes rendering to file-dialog after render; always true, as this isn't stored in projectfiles
RenderTable["Dither"] - &1, dither master mix;
&2, noise shaping master mix;
&4, dither stems;
&8, dither noise shaping stems
RenderTable["EmbedMetaData"] - Embed metadata; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["EmbedStretchMarkers"] - Embed stretch markers/transient guides; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["EmbedTakeMarkers"] - Embed Take markers; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["Enable2ndPassRender"] - true, 2nd pass render is enabled; false, 2nd pass render is disabled
RenderTable["Endposition"] - the endposition of the rendering selection in seconds
RenderTable["FadeIn_Enabled"] - true, fade-in is enabled; false, fade-in is disabled
RenderTable["FadeIn"] - the fade-in-time in seconds
RenderTable["FadeIn_Shape"] - the fade-in-shape
- 0, Linear fade in
- 1, Inverted quadratic fade in
- 2, Quadratic fade in
- 3, Inverted quartic fade in
- 4, Quartic fade in
- 5, Cosine S-curve fade in
- 6, Quartic S-curve fade in
RenderTable["FadeOut_Enabled"] - true, fade-out is enabled; false, fade-out is disabled
RenderTable["FadeOut"] - the fade-out time in seconds
RenderTable["FadeOut_Shape"] - the fade-out-shape
- 0, Linear fade in
- 1, Inverted quadratic fade in
- 2, Quadratic fade in
- 3, Inverted quartic fade in
- 4, Quartic fade in
- 5, Cosine S-curve fade in
- 6, Quartic S-curve fade in
RenderTable["MultiChannelFiles"] - Multichannel tracks to multichannel files-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["Normalize_Enabled"] - true, normalization enabled; false, normalization not enabled
RenderTable["Normalize_Method"] - the normalize-method-dropdownlist
1, RMS-I
2, Peak
3, True Peak
4, LUFS-M max
5, LUFS-S max
RenderTable["Normalize_Stems_to_Master_Target"] - true, normalize-stems to master target(common gain to stems)
false, normalize each file individually
RenderTable["Normalize_Target"] - the normalize-target as dB-value
RenderTable["NoSilentRender"] - Do not render files that are likely silent-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["OfflineOnlineRendering"] - Offline/Online rendering-dropdownlist;
0, Full-speed Offline;
1, 1x Offline;
2, Online Render;
3, Online Render(Idle);
4, Offline Render(Idle)
RenderTable["OnlyChannelsSentToParent"] - true, option is checked; false, option is unchecked
RenderTable["OnlyMonoMedia"] - Tracks with only mono media to mono files-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["ProjectSampleRateFXProcessing"] - Use project sample rate for mixing and FX/synth processing-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["RenderFile"] - the contents of the Directory-inputbox of the Render to File-dialog
RenderTable["RenderPattern"] - the render pattern as input into the File name-inputbox of the Render to File-dialog
RenderTable["RenderQueueDelay"] - Delay queued render to allow samples to load-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["RenderQueueDelaySeconds"] - the amount of seconds for the render-queue-delay
RenderTable["RenderResample"] - Resample mode-dropdownlist;
0, Sinc Interpolation: 64pt (medium quality)
1, Linear Interpolation: (low quality)
2, Point Sampling (lowest quality, retro)
3, Sinc Interpolation: 192pt
4, Sinc Interpolation: 384pt
5, Linear Interpolation + IIR
6, Linear Interpolation + IIRx2
7, Sinc Interpolation: 16pt
8, Sinc Interpolation: 512pt(slow)
9, Sinc Interpolation: 768pt(very slow)
10, r8brain free (highest quality, fast)
RenderTable["RenderStems_Prefader"] - true, option is checked; false, option is unchecked
RenderTable["RenderString"] - the render-cfg-string, that holds all settings of the currently set render-output-format as BASE64 string
RenderTable["RenderString2"] - the render-cfg-string, that holds all settings of the currently set secondary-render-output-format as BASE64 string
RenderTable["RenderTable"]=true - signals, this is a valid render-table
RenderTable["SampleRate"] - the samplerate of the rendered file(s)
RenderTable["SaveCopyOfProject"] - the "Save copy of project to outfile.wav.RPP"-checkbox; always true(checked), as this isn't stored in projectfiles
RenderTable["SilentlyIncrementFilename"] - Silently increment filenames to avoid overwriting-checkbox; always false, as this is not stored in projectfiles
RenderTable["Source"] - 0, Master mix;
1, Master mix + stems;
3, Stems (selected tracks);
8, Region render matrix;
32, Selected media items;
64, selected media items via master;
128, selected tracks via master
136, Region render matrix via master
4096, Razor edit areas
4224, Razor edit areas via master
RenderTable["Startposition"] - the startposition of the rendering selection in seconds
RenderTable["TailFlag"] - in which bounds is the Tail-checkbox checked
&1, custom time bounds;
&2, entire project;
&4, time selection;
&8, all project regions;
&16, selected media items;
&32, selected project regions
&64, razor edit areas
RenderTable["TailMS"] - the amount of milliseconds of the tail
Returns nil in case of an error
table RenderTable |
a table with all of the current project's render-settings |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile, whose render-settings you want to get |
string path, integer file_count, array filenames_with_path = ultraschall.GetRenderTargetFiles()
string path |
the output-path for the rendered files |
integer file_count |
the number of files that would be rendered |
array filenames_with_path |
the filenames with path of the files that would be rendered |
integer blocksize = ultraschall.GetSetRenderBlocksize(boolean is_set, integer value)
integer blocksize |
the blocksize |
boolean is_set |
true, set a new value; false, get the current one |
integer value |
the new value, must be between 4 and 2147483647; lower for auto |
boolean retval, optional number render_position, optional number render_projectlength, optional ReaProject proj, optional boolean queue_render = ultraschall.IsReaperRendering()
boolean retval |
true, Reaper is rendering; false, Reaper does not render |
optional number render_position |
the current rendering-position of the rendering project |
optional number render_projectlength |
the length of the currently rendering project |
optional ReaProject proj |
the project currently rendering |
optional boolean queue_render |
true, if a project from the queued-folder is currently being rendered; false, if not; a hint if queued-rendering is currently active |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsValidRenderTable(table RenderTable)
boolean retval |
true, RenderTable is a valid RenderTable; false, it is not a valid RenderTable |
table RenderTable |
the table, that you want to check for validity |
ultraschall.StoreRenderTable_ExtState(string section, table RenderTable, boolean persist)
string section |
the section-name, into which you want to store the render-settings |
table RenderTable |
the RenderTable which holds all render-settings |
boolean persist |
true, the settings shall be stored long-term; false, the settings shall be stored until Reaper exits |
ultraschall.StoreRenderTable_ProjExtState(ReaProject proj, string section, table RenderTable)
ReaProject proj |
the project, into which you want to store the render-settings |
string section |
the section-name, into which you want to store the render-settings |
table RenderTable |
the RenderTable which holds all render-settings |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_AIFF(integer bits, optional boolean EmbedBeatLength)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected AIFF-settings |
integer bits |
the bitdepth of the aiff-file; 8, 16, 24 and 32 are supported |
optional boolean EmbedBeatLength |
Embed beat length if exact-checkbox; true, checked; false or nil, unchecked |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_AVI_Video(integer VideoCodec, integer MJPEG_quality, integer AudioCodec, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio, optional string VideoOptions, optional string AudioOptions)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected AVI-Video-settings |
integer VideoCodec |
the videocodec used for the video; 1, DV 2, MJPEG 3, FFV1 (lossless) 4, Hufyuv (lossless) 5, MPEG-2 6, XviD (only with FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 7, H.264 (only with FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 8, NONE |
integer MJPEG_quality |
set here the MJPEG-quality in percent when VideoCodec=2, otherwise just set it to 0 |
integer AudioCodec |
the audiocodec to use for the video 1, 16 bit PCM 2, 24 bit PCM 3, 32 bit FP 4, MP3 (only with FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 5, AAC (only with FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 6, AC3 (only with FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 7, NONE |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the video in pixels; 1 to 2147483647; only even values(2,4,6,etc) will be accepted by Reaper, uneven will be rounded up! |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the video in pixels; 1 to 2147483647; only even values(2,4,6,etc) will be accepted by Reaper, uneven will be rounded up! |
number FPS |
the fps of the video; must be a double-precision-float value (e.g. 9.09 or 25.00); 0.01 to 2000.00 |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
optional string VideoOptions |
additional FFMPEG-options for rendering the video; examples: g=1 ; all keyframes crf=1 ; h264 high quality crf=51 ; h264 small size |
optional string AudioOptions |
additional FFMPEG-options for rendering the video; examples: q=0 ; mp3 VBR highest q=9 ; mp3 VBR lowest |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_AudioCD(integer trackmode, boolean only_markers_starting_with_hash, integer leadin_silence_tracks, integer leadin_silence_disc, boolean burncd_image_after_render)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected AudioCD-image-settings |
integer trackmode |
Track mode-dropdownlist: 1, Markers define new track; 2, Regions define tracks (other areas ignored); 3, One Track |
boolean only_markers_starting_with_hash |
Only use markers starting with #-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked |
integer leadin_silence_tracks |
Lead-in silence for tracks-inputbox, in milliseconds |
integer leadin_silence_disc |
Extra lead-in silence for disc-inputbox, in milliseconds |
boolean burncd_image_after_render |
Burn CD image after render-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_CAF(integer bits, boolean EmbedTempo, integer include_markers)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected CAF-settings |
integer bitdepth |
the bitdepth of the CAF-file(8, 16, 24, 32(fp), 33(pcm), 64) |
boolean EmbedTempo |
Embed tempo-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked |
integer include_markers |
the include markers and regions dropdownlist 0, Do not include markers or regions 1, Markers + Regions 2, Markers + Regions starting with # 3, Markers only 4, Markers starting with # only 5, Regions only 6, Regions starting with # only |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_DDP()
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected DDP-settings |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_FLAC(integer Bitrate, integer EncSpeed)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected FLAC-settings |
integer Bitrate |
the bitrate of the flac-file; 0, 24 bit 1, 23/24 bit 2, 22/24 bit 3, 21/24 bit 4, 20/24 bit 5, 19/24 bit 6, 18/24 bit 7, 17/24 bit 8, 16 bit |
integer EncSpeed |
the encoding speed; 0(fastest) to 8(slowest); 5(default) |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_FLV_Video(integer VideoCodec, integer VIDKBPS, integer AudioCodec, integer AUDKBPS, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio, optional string VideoOptions, optional string AudioOptions)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected MPEG-2-Video-settings |
integer VideoCodec |
the videocodec used for the video; 1, H.264 2, FLV1 3, NONE |
integer VIDKBPS |
the video-bitrate of the video in kbps; 1 to 2147483647 |
integer AudioCodec |
the audiocodec to use for the video 1, MP3 2, AAC 3, NONE |
integer AUDKBPS |
the audio-bitrate of the video in kbps; 1 to 2147483647 |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the video in pixels; 1 to 2147483647; only even values(2,4,6,etc) will be accepted by Reaper, uneven will be rounded up! |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the video in pixels; 1 to 2147483647; only even values(2,4,6,etc) will be accepted by Reaper, uneven will be rounded up! |
number FPS |
the fps of the video; must be a double-precision-float value (e.g. 9.09 or 25.00); 0.01 to 2000.00 |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
optional string VideoOptions |
additional FFMPEG-options for rendering the video; examples: g=1 ; all keyframes crf=1 ; h264 high quality crf=51 ; h264 small size |
optional string AudioOptions |
additional FFMPEG-options for rendering the video; examples: q=0 ; mp3 VBR highest q=9 ; mp3 VBR lowest |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_GIF(integer Width, integer Height, number MaxFPS, boolean AspectRatio, integer IgnoreLowBits, boolean EncodeTransparency)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected GIF-settings |
integer Width |
the width of the gif in pixels; 1 to 2147483647 |
integer Height |
the height of the gif in pixels; 1 to 2147483647 |
number MaxFPS |
the maximum framerate of the gif in fps; 0.01 to 2000.01 supported by the Ultraschall API |
boolean AspectRatio |
Preserve aspect ratio-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked |
integer IgnoreLowBits |
Ignore changes in low bits of color-inputbox, 0-7 |
boolean EncodeTransparency |
Encode transparency-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_LCF(integer Width, integer Height, number MaxFPS, boolean AspectRatio, optional string LCFoptionstweak)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected LCF-settings |
integer Width |
the width of the lcf in pixels; 1 to 2147483647 |
integer Height |
the height of the lcf in pixels; 1 to 2147483647 |
number MaxFPS |
the maximum framerate of the lcf in fps; 0.01 to 2000.01 supported by the Ultraschall API |
boolean AspectRatio |
Preserve aspect ratio-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked |
optional string LCFoptionstweak |
a 64bytes string, which can hold tweak-settings for lcf; default is "t20 x128 y16"; this function does not check for these options to be valid! |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_M4AMAC(integer AUDKBPS, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected M4A-Mac-settings |
integer AUDKBPS |
the audio-bitrate for the video; 0 to 2147483647 kbps |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the video in pixels; 1 to 2147483647; only even values(2,4,6,etc) will be accepted by Reaper, uneven will be rounded up! |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the video in pixels; 1 to 2147483647; only even values(2,4,6,etc) will be accepted by Reaper, uneven will be rounded up! |
number FPS |
the fps of the video; must be a double-precision-float value (e.g. 9.09 or 25.00); 0.01 to 2000.00 |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_MKV_Video(integer VideoCodec, integer MJPEG_quality, integer AudioCodec, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio, optional integer VIDKBPS, optional integer AUDKBPS, optional string VideoOptions, optional string AudioOptions)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected MKV-Video-settings |
integer VideoCodec |
the videocodec used for the video; 1, FFV1 (lossless) 2, Hufyuv (lossles) 3, MJPEG 4, MPEG-2 5, H.264 6, XviD 7, NONE |
integer MJPEG_quality |
set here the MJPEG-quality in percent, when VideoCodec=3; otherwise just set it to 0 |
integer AudioCodec |
the audiocodec to use for the video 1, 16 bit PCM 2, 24 bit PCM 3, 32 bit FP 4, MP3 5, AAC 6, NONE |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the video in pixels; 1 to 2147483647; only even values(2,4,6,etc) will be accepted by Reaper, uneven will be rounded up! |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the video in pixels; 1 to 2147483647; only even values(2,4,6,etc) will be accepted by Reaper, uneven will be rounded up! |
number FPS |
the fps of the video; must be a double-precision-float value (e.g. 9.09 or 25.00); 0.01 to 2000.00 |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
optional integer VIDKBPS |
the video-bitrate of the video in kbps; 1 to 2147483647(default is 2048) |
optional integer AUDKBPS |
the audio-bitrate of the video in kbps; 1 to 2147483647(default is 128) |
optional string VideoOptions |
additional FFMPEG-options for rendering the video; examples: g=1 ; all keyframes crf=1 ; h264 high quality crf=51 ; h264 small size |
optional string AudioOptions |
additional FFMPEG-options for rendering the video; examples: q=0 ; mp3 VBR highest q=9 ; mp3 VBR lowest |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_MOVMAC_Video(integer VideoCodec, integer VIDKBPS, integer MJPEG_quality, integer AudioCodec, integer AUDKBPS, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio, optional integer VideoFormat)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected MP4-Mac-Video-settings |
integer VideoCodec |
the videocodec used for this setting 0, h264 1, Apple ProRes 4444 2, Apple ProRes 422 3, MJPEG |
integer VIDKBPS |
the video-bitrate of the video in kbps |
integer MJPEG_quality |
when VideoCodec==3, then MJPEG is used; given in percent |
integer AudioCodec |
the audiocodec used 0, AAC 1, 16-bit PCM 2, 24-bit PCM 3, 32-bit FP PCM |
integer AUDKBPS |
the audio-bitrate of the video in kbps |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the video in pixels |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the video in pixels |
number FPS |
the fps of the video; must be a double-precision-float value (9.09 or 25.00); due API-limitations, this supports 0.01fps to 2000.00fps |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_MP3ABR(integer bitrate, integer quality, optional boolean no_joint_stereo, optional boolean write_replay_gain)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected MP3-ABR-settings |
integer bitrate |
the encoding quality for the mp3 0, 8 kbps 1, 16 kbps 2, 24 kbps 3, 32 kbps 4, 40 kbps 5, 48 kbps 6, 56 kbps 7, 64 kbps 8, 80 kbps 9, 96 kbps 10, 112 kbps 11, 128 kbps 12, 160 kbps 13, 192 kbps 14, 224 kbps 15, 256 kbps 16, 320 kbps |
integer quality |
the encoding speed for the mp3 0, Maximum 1, Better 2, Normal 3, FastEncode 4, FasterEncode 5, FastestEncode |
optional boolean no_joint_stereo |
the "Do not allow joint stereo"-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked; default is unchecked |
optional boolean write_replay_gain |
the "Write ReplayGain-tag"-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked; default is unchecked |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_MP3CBR(integer bitrate, integer quality, optional boolean no_joint_stereo, optional boolean write_replay_gain)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected MP3-CBR-settings |
integer bitrate |
the encoding quality for the mp3 0, 8 kbps 1, 16 kbps 2, 24 kbps 3, 32 kbps 4, 40 kbps 5, 48 kbps 6, 56 kbps 7, 64 kbps 8, 80 kbps 9, 96 kbps 10, 112 kbps 11, 128 kbps 12, 160 kbps 13, 192 kbps 14, 224 kbps 15, 256 kbps 16, 320 kbps |
integer quality |
the encoding speed for the mp3 0, Maximum 1, Better 2, Normal 3, FastEncode 4, FasterEncode 5, FastestEncode |
optional boolean no_joint_stereo |
the "Do not allow joint stereo"-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked; default is unchecked |
optional boolean write_replay_gain |
the "Write ReplayGain-tag"-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked; default is unchecked |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_MP3MaxQuality(optional boolean write_replay_gain)
string render_cfg_string |
the renderstring for MP3 with maximum quality |
optional boolean write_replay_gain |
the "Write ReplayGain-tag"-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked; default is unchecked |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_MP3VBR(integer vbr_quality, integer quality, optional boolean no_joint_stereo, optional boolean write_replay_gain)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected MP3-VBR-settings |
integer vbr_quality |
the variable-bitrate quality; 1(for 10%) to 10(for 100%) |
integer quality |
the encoding speed for the mp3 0, Maximum 1, Better 2, Normal 3, FastEncode 4, FasterEncode 5, FastestEncode |
optional boolean no_joint_stereo |
the "Do not allow joint stereo"-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked; default is unchecked |
optional boolean write_replay_gain |
the "Write ReplayGain-tag"-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked; default is unchecked |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_MP4MAC_Video(boolean stream, integer VIDKBPS, integer AUDKBPS, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected MP4-Mac-Video-settings |
boolean Stream |
true, the mp4-video is stream-optimized; false, the video is not stream-optimized |
integer VIDKBPS |
the video-bitrate for the video; 0 to 2147483647kbps |
integer AUDKBPS |
the audio-bitrate for the video; 0 to 2147483647kbps |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the video in pixels; 1 to 2147483647; only even values(2,4,6,etc) will be accepted by Reaper, uneven will be rounded up! |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the video in pixels; 1 to 2147483647; only even values(2,4,6,etc) will be accepted by Reaper, uneven will be rounded up! |
number FPS |
the fps of the video; must be a double-precision-float value (e.g. 9.09 or 25.00); 0.01 to 2000.00 |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_MPEG1_Video(integer VideoCodec, integer VIDKBPS, integer AudioCodec, integer AUDKBPS, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio, optional string VideoOptions, optional string AudioOptions)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected MPEG-1-Video-settings |
integer VideoCodec |
the videocodec used for the video; 1, MPEG-1 2, NONE |
integer VIDKBPS |
the video-bitrate of the video in kbps; 1 to 2147483647 |
integer AudioCodec |
the audiocodec to use for the video 1, MP3 2, MP2 3, NONE |
integer AUDKBPS |
the audio-bitrate of the video in kbps; 1 to 2147483647 |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the video in pixels; 1 to 2147483647; only even values(2,4,6,etc) will be accepted by Reaper, uneven will be rounded up! |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the video in pixels; 1 to 2147483647; only even values(2,4,6,etc) will be accepted by Reaper, uneven will be rounded up! |
number FPS |
the fps of the video; must be a double-precision-float value (e.g. 9.09 or 25.00); 0.01 to 2000.00 |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
optional string VideoOptions |
additional FFMPEG-options for rendering the video; examples: g=1 ; all keyframes crf=1 ; h264 high quality crf=51 ; h264 small size |
optional string AudioOptions |
additional FFMPEG-options for rendering the video; examples: q=0 ; mp3 VBR highest q=9 ; mp3 VBR lowest |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_MPEG2_Video(integer VideoCodec, integer VIDKBPS, integer AudioCodec, integer AUDKBPS, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio, optional string VideoOptions, optional string AudioOptions)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected MPEG-2-Video-settings |
integer VideoCodec |
the videocodec used for the video; 1, MPEG-2 2, NONE |
integer VIDKBPS |
the video-bitrate of the video in kbps; 1 to 2147483647 |
integer AudioCodec |
the audiocodec to use for the video 1, AAC 2, MP3 3, MP2 4, NONE |
integer AUDKBPS |
the audio-bitrate of the video in kbps; 1 to 2147483647 |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the video in pixels; 1 to 2147483647; only even values(2,4,6,etc) will be accepted by Reaper, uneven will be rounded up! |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the video in pixels; 1 to 2147483647; only even values(2,4,6,etc) will be accepted by Reaper, uneven will be rounded up! |
number FPS |
the fps of the video; must be a double-precision-float value (e.g. 9.09 or 25.00); 0.01 to 2000.00 |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
optional string VideoOptions |
additional FFMPEG-options for rendering the video; examples: g=1 ; all keyframes crf=1 ; h264 high quality crf=51 ; h264 small size |
optional string AudioOptions |
additional FFMPEG-options for rendering the video; examples: q=0 ; mp3 VBR highest q=9 ; mp3 VBR lowest |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_OGG(integer Mode, number VBR_Quality, integer CBR_KBPS, integer ABR_KBPS, integer ABR_KBPS_MIN, integer ABR_KBPS_MAX)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected OGG-settings |
integer Mode |
the mode for the ogg-file; 0, VBR; 1, CBR; 2, ABR |
number VBR_Quality |
the quality for VBR-mode; a floating-value between 0 and 1 |
integer CBR_KBPS |
the bitrate for CBR-mode; 0 to 2048 |
integer ABR_KBPS |
the bitrate for ABR-mode; 0 to 2048 |
integer ABR_KBPS_MIN |
the minimum-bitrate for ABR-mode; 0 to 2048 |
integer ABR_KBPS_MAX |
the maximum-bitrate for ABR-mode; 0 to 2048 |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_Opus(integer Mode, integer Kbps, integer Complexity, optional boolean channel_audio, optional boolean per_channel)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected Opus-settings |
integer Mode |
the Mode for the Opus-file; 0, VBR; 1, CVBR; 2, HARDCBR |
integer Kbps |
the kbps of the opus-file; Ultraschall-Api supports between 1 and 10256 |
integer Complexity |
the complexity-setting between 0(lowest quality) and 10(highest quality, slow encoding) |
boolean channel_audio |
true, Encode 3-8 channel audio as 2.1-7.1(LFE); false, DON'T Encode 3-8 channel audio as 2.1-7.1(LFE) |
boolean per_channel |
true, kbps per channel (6-256); false, kbps combined for all channels |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_QTMOVMP4_Video(integer VideoCodec, integer MJPEG_quality, integer AudioCodec, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio, optional integer VIDKBPS, optional integer AUDKBPS, optional string VideoOptions, optional string AudioOptions)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected QT/MOV/MP4-Video-settings |
integer VideoCodec |
the videocodec used for the video; 1, MJPEG 2, H.264(needs FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 3, MPEG-2(needs FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 4, NONE |
integer MJPEG_quality |
set here the MJPEG-quality in percent |
integer AudioCodec |
the audiocodec to use for the video 1, 16 bit PCM 2, 24 bit PCM 3, 32 bit FP 4, AAC(needs FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 5, MP3(needs FFMPEG 4.1.3 installed) 6, NONE |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the video in pixels; 1 to 2147483647; only even values(2,4,6,etc) will be accepted by Reaper, uneven will be rounded up! |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the video in pixels; 1 to 2147483647; only even values(2,4,6,etc) will be accepted by Reaper, uneven will be rounded up! |
number FPS |
the fps of the video; must be a double-precision-float value (e.g. 9.09 or 25.00); 0.01 to 2000.00 |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
optional integer VIDKBPS |
the video-bitrate of the video in kbps; 1 to 2147483647(default 2048) |
optional integer AUDKBPS |
the video-bitrate of the video in kbps; 1 to 2147483647(default 128) |
optional string VideoOptions |
additional FFMPEG-options for rendering the video; examples: g=1 ; all keyframes crf=1 ; h264 high quality crf=51 ; h264 small size |
optional string AudioOptions |
additional FFMPEG-options for rendering the video; examples: q=0 ; mp3 VBR highest q=9 ; mp3 VBR lowest |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_RAW(integer bitrate, boolean write_sidecar_file)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected RAW PCM-settings |
integer bitrate |
the bitrate 1, 8 bit unsigned 2, 8 bit signed 3, 16 bit little endian 4, 24 bit little endian 5, 32 bit little endian 6, 16 bit big endian 7, 24 bit big endian 8, 32 bit big endian 9, 32 bit FP little endian 10, 64 bit FP little endian 11, 32 bit FP big endian 12, 64 bit FP big endian |
boolean write_sidecar_file |
true, write a .rsrc.txt sidecar file; false, don't write a sidecar file |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_WAV(integer BitDepth, integer LargeFiles, integer BWFChunk, integer IncludeMarkers, boolean EmbedProjectTempo)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected WAV-settings |
integer BitDepth |
the bitdepth of the WAV-file 0, 8 Bit PCM 1, 16 Bit PCM 2, 24 Bit PCM 3, 32 Bit FP 4, 64 Bit FP 5, 4 Bit IMA ADPCM 6, 2 Bit cADPCM 7, 32 Bit PCM 8, 8 Bit u-Law |
integer LargeFiles |
how shall Reaper treat large WAV-files 0, Auto WAV/Wave64 1, Auto Wav/RF64 2, Force WAV 3, Force Wave64 4, Force RF64 |
integer BWFChunk |
Write BWF ('bext') chunk and Include project filename in BWF data - checkboxes 0, unchecked - unchecked 1, checked - unchecked 2, unchecked - checked 3, checked - checked |
integer IncludeMarkers |
The include markerlist-dropdownlist 0, Do not include markers and regions 1, Markers + regions 2, Markers + regions starting with # 3, Markers only 4, Markers starting with # only 5, Regions only 6, Regions starting with # only |
boolean EmbedProjectTempo |
Embed tempo-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_WAVPACK(integer Mode, integer Bitdepth, integer Writemarkers, boolean WriteBWFChunk, boolean IncludeFilenameBWF)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected WAVPACK-settings |
integer Mode |
0, Normal; 1, Fast; 2, High; 3, Very High(slowest) |
integer Bitdepth |
the bitdepth of the WAVPACK-file 0(16Bit) 1(24Bit) 2(32Bit integer) 3(32Bit floating point) 4(23/24 Bit) 5(22/24 Bit) 6(21/24 Bit) 7(20/24 Bit) 8(19/24 Bit) 9(18/24 Bit) 10(17/24 Bit) 11(32 bit floating point -144dB floor) 12(32 bit floating point -120dB floor) 13(32 bit floating point -96dB floor) |
integer Writemarkers |
Write markers as cues-checkboxes 0, nothing checked 1, Write markers as cues->checked 2, Write markers as cues and Only write markers starting with #->checked |
boolean WriteBWFChunk |
the Write BWF chunk-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked |
boolean IncludeFilenameBWF |
the include project filename in BWF data-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_WMF(integer VideoFormat, integer VideoCodec, integer VideoBitrate, integer AudioCodec, integer AudioBitrate, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected wmf-Video-settings |
integer OutputFormat |
the used OutputFormat 0, MPEG-4 |
integer VIDEO_CODEC |
the used VideoCodec for the mp4-video 0, H.264 1, no video |
integer VideoBitrate |
in kbps; 0 to 2147483647 |
integer AUDIO_CODEC |
the audio-codec of the mp4-video 0, AAC 2, no audio |
integer AudioBitrate |
in kbps; 0 to 2147483647 |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the video in pixels |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the video in pixels |
number FPS |
the fps of the video; must be a double-precision-float value (9.09 or 25.00); due API-limitations, this supports 0.01fps to 2000.00fps |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
string render_cfg_string = ultraschall.CreateRenderCFG_WebM_Video(integer VIDKBPS, integer AUDKBPS, integer WIDTH, integer HEIGHT, number FPS, boolean AspectRatio, integer VideoCodec, integer AudioCodec, optional string VideoOptions, optional string AudioOptions)
string render_cfg_string |
the render-cfg-string for the selected WebM-Video-settings |
integer VIDKBPS |
the video-bitrate of the video in kbps; 1 to 2147483647 |
integer AUDKBPS |
the audio-bitrate of the video in kbps; 1 to 2147483647 |
integer WIDTH |
the width of the video in pixels; 1 to 2147483647; only even values(2,4,6,etc) will be accepted by Reaper, uneven will be rounded up! |
integer HEIGHT |
the height of the video in pixels; 1 to 2147483647; only even values(2,4,6,etc) will be accepted by Reaper, uneven will be rounded up! |
number FPS |
the fps of the video; must be a double-precision-float value (e.g. 9.09 or 25.00); 0.01 to 2000.00 |
boolean AspectRatio |
the aspect-ratio; true, keep source aspect ratio; false, don't keep source aspect ratio |
integer VideoCodec |
the videocodec used for the video; 1, VP8 2, VP9(needs FFMPEG 4.1.3 to be installed) 3, NONE |
integer AudioCodec |
the audiocodec to use for the video 1, VORBIS 2, OPUS(needs FFMPEG 4.1.3 to be installed) 3, NONE |
optional string VideoOptions |
additional FFMPEG-options for rendering the video; examples: g=1 ; all keyframes crf=1 ; h264 high quality crf=51 ; h264 small size |
optional string AudioOptions |
additional FFMPEG-options for rendering the video; examples: q=0 ; mp3 VBR highest q=9 ; mp3 VBR lowest |
boolean retval = ultraschall.AddRenderPreset(string Bounds_Name, string Options_and_Format_Name, table RenderTable)
boolean retval |
true, adding was successful; false, adding was unsuccessful |
string Bounds_Name |
the name of the Bounds-render-preset you want to add; nil, to not add a new Bounds-render-preset |
string Options_and_Format_Name |
the name of the Renderformat-options-render-preset you want to add; to not add a new Render-Format-Options-render-preset |
table RenderTable |
the RenderTable, which holds all information for inclusion into the Render-Preset |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DeleteRenderPreset_Bounds(string Bounds_Name)
deletes a Bounds-render-preset from Reaper's render-presets.
This deletes all(!) occurrences of the Bounds-render-preset with the same name. Though, you shouldn't store multiple Bounds-render-presets with the same name into reaper-render.ini in the first place.
use GetRenderPreset_Names to get the available render-preset-names.
Returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, deleting was successful; false, deleting was unsuccessful |
string Bounds_Name |
the name of the Bounds-render-preset you want to get; case-insensitive |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DeleteRenderPreset_FormatOptions(string Options_and_Format_Name)
deletes a Render-Format-Options-render-preset from Reaper's render-presets.
This deletes all(!) occurrences of the Render-Format-Options-render-preset with the same name. Though, you shouldn't store multiple Render-Format-Options-render-preset with the same name into reaper-render.ini in the first place.
use GetRenderPreset_Names to get the available render-preset-names.
Returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, deleting was successful; false, deleting was unsuccessful |
string Options_and_Format_Name |
the name of the Renderformat-options-render-preset you want to get; case-insensitive |
integer bounds_presets, table bounds_names, integer options_format_presets, table options_format_names, integer both_presets, table both_names = ultraschall.GetRenderPreset_Names()
integer bounds_presets |
the number of found bounds and output-pattern-presets |
table bounds_names |
the names of all found bounds and output-pattern-presets |
integer options_format_presets |
the number of found options and format-presets |
table options_format_names |
the names of all found options and format-presets |
integer both_presets |
the number of found presets, who both share the same name |
table both_names |
the names of all found presets, who both share the same name |
table RenderTable = ultraschall.GetRenderPreset_RenderTable(string Bounds_Name, string Options_and_Format_Name)
returns a rendertable, that contains all settings of a specific render-preset.
use GetRenderPreset_Names to get the available render-preset-names.
Some settings aren't stored in Presets and will get default values: TailMS=0, SilentlyIncrementFilename=false, AddToProj=false, SaveCopyOfProject=false, RenderQueueDelay=false, RenderQueueDelaySeconds=false, NoSilentRender=false
returned table if of the following format:
RenderTable["AddToProj"] - Add rendered items to new tracks in project-checkbox;
always false, as this isn't stored in render-presets
RenderTable["Brickwall_Limiter_Enabled"] - true, brickwall limiting is enabled; false, brickwall limiting is disabled
RenderTable["Brickwall_Limiter_Method"] - brickwall-limiting-mode; 1, peak; 2, true peak
RenderTable["Brickwall_Limiter_Target"] - the volume of the brickwall-limit
RenderTable["Bounds"] - 0, Custom time range;
1, Entire project;
2, Time selection;
3, Project regions;
4, Selected Media Items(in combination with Source 32);
5, Selected regions
6, Razor edit areas
7, All project markers
8, Selected markers
RenderTable["Channels"] - the number of channels in the rendered file;
1, mono;
2, stereo;
higher, the number of channels
RenderTable["CloseAfterRender"] - close rendering to file-dialog after rendering;
always true, as this isn't stored in render-presets
RenderTable["Dither"] - &1, dither master mix;
&2, noise shaping master mix;
&4, dither stems;
&8, dither noise shaping stems
RenderTable["EmbedMetaData"] - Embed metadata; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["EmbedStretchMarkers"] - Embed stretch markers/transient guides; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["EmbedTakeMarkers"] - Embed Take markers; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["Enable2ndPassRender"] - true, 2nd pass render is enabled; false, 2nd pass render is disabled
RenderTable["Endposition"] - the endposition of the rendering selection in seconds
RenderTable["FadeIn_Enabled"] - true, fade-in is enabled; false, fade-in is disabled
RenderTable["FadeIn"] - the fade-in-time in seconds
RenderTable["FadeIn_Shape"] - the fade-in-shape
- 0, Linear fade in
- 1, Inverted quadratic fade in
- 2, Quadratic fade in
- 3, Inverted quartic fade in
- 4, Quartic fade in
- 5, Cosine S-curve fade in
- 6, Quartic S-curve fade in
RenderTable["FadeOut_Enabled"] - true, fade-out is enabled; false, fade-out is disabled
RenderTable["FadeOut"] - the fade-out time in seconds
RenderTable["FadeOut_Shape"] - the fade-out-shape
- 0, Linear fade in
- 1, Inverted quadratic fade in
- 2, Quadratic fade in
- 3, Inverted quartic fade in
- 4, Quartic fade in
- 5, Cosine S-curve fade in
- 6, Quartic S-curve fade in
RenderTable["MultiChannelFiles"] - Multichannel tracks to multichannel files-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["Normalize_Enabled"] - true, normalization enabled;
false, normalization not enabled
RenderTable["Normalize_Only_Files_Too_Loud"] - Only normalize files that are too loud,checkbox
- true, checkbox checked
- false, checkbox unchecked
RenderTable["Normalize_Method"] - the normalize-method-dropdownlist
1, RMS-I
2, Peak
3, True Peak
4, LUFS-M max
5, LUFS-S max
RenderTable["Normalize_Stems_to_Master_Target"] - true, normalize-stems to master target(common gain to stems);
false, normalize each file individually
RenderTable["Normalize_Target"] - the normalize-target as dB-value
RenderTable["NoSilentRender"] - Do not render files that are likely silent-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["OfflineOnlineRendering"] - Offline/Online rendering-dropdownlist;
0, Full-speed Offline;
1, 1x Offline;
2, Online Render;
3, Online Render(Idle);
4, Offline Render(Idle)
RenderTable["OnlyChannelsSentToParent"] - true, option is checked; false, option is unchecked
RenderTable["OnlyMonoMedia"] - Tracks with only mono media to mono files-checkbox;
true, checked;
false, unchecked
RenderTable["Preserve_Start_Offset"] - true, preserve start-offset-checkbox(with Bounds=4 and Source=32); false, don't preserve
RenderTable["Preserve_Metadata"] - true, preserve metadata-checkbox; false, don't preserve
RenderTable["ProjectSampleRateFXProcessing"] - Use project sample rate for mixing and FX/synth processing-checkbox;
true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["RenderFile"] - the contents of the Directory-inputbox of the Render to File-dialog
RenderTable["RenderPattern"] - the render pattern as input into the File name-inputbox of the Render to File-dialog
RenderTable["RenderQueueDelay"] - Delay queued render to allow samples to load-checkbox;
always false, as this isn't stored in render-presets
RenderTable["RenderQueueDelaySeconds"] - the amount of seconds for the render-queue-delay;
always 0, as this isn't stored in render-presets
RenderTable["RenderResample"] - Resample mode-dropdownlist;
0, Sinc Interpolation: 64pt (medium quality)
1, Linear Interpolation: (low quality)
2, Point Sampling (lowest quality, retro)
3, Sinc Interpolation: 192pt
4, Sinc Interpolation: 384pt
5, Linear Interpolation + IIR
6, Linear Interpolation + IIRx2
7, Sinc Interpolation: 16pt
8, Sinc Interpolation: 512pt(slow)
9, Sinc Interpolation: 768pt(very slow)
10, r8brain free (highest quality, fast)
RenderTable["RenderStems_Prefader"] - true, option is checked; false, option is unchecked
RenderTable["RenderString"] - the render-cfg-string, that holds all settings of the currently set render-output-format as BASE64 string
RenderTable["RenderString2"] - the render-cfg-string, that holds all settings of the currently set secondary-render-output-format as BASE64 string
RenderTable["RenderTable"]=true - signals, this is a valid render-table
RenderTable["SampleRate"] - the samplerate of the rendered file(s)
RenderTable["SaveCopyOfProject"] - the "Save copy of project to outfile.wav.RPP"-checkbox; always false, as this isn't stored in render-presets
RenderTable["SilentlyIncrementFilename"] - Silently increment filenames to avoid overwriting-checkbox;
always true, as this isn't stored in Presets
RenderTable["Source"] - 0, Master mix;
1, Master mix + stems;
3, Stems (selected tracks);
8, Region render matrix;
32, Selected media items; 64, selected media items via master;
64, selected media items via master;
128, selected tracks via master
136, Region render matrix via master
4096, Razor edit areas
4224, Razor edit areas via master
RenderTable["Startposition"] - the startposition of the rendering selection in seconds
RenderTable["TailFlag"] - in which bounds is the Tail-checkbox checked?
&1, custom time bounds;
&2, entire project;
&4, time selection;
&8, all project regions;
&16, selected media items;
&32, selected project regions
&64, razor edit areas
RenderTable["TailMS"] - the amount of milliseconds of the tail; for presets stored in Reaper 6.61 and
- earlier, it's always 0, as this wasn't stored in render-presets back then
Returns nil in case of an error
table RenderTable |
a render-table, which contains all settings from a render-preset |
string Bounds_Name |
the name of the Bounds-render-preset you want to get; case-insensitive |
string Options_and_Format_Name |
the name of the Renderformat-options-render-preset you want to get; case-insensitive |
string Bounds_Name, string Options_and_Format_Name = ultraschall.ResolvePresetName(string Bounds_Name, string Options_and_Format_Name)
string Bounds_Name |
the name of the Bounds-render-preset in correct case-sensitivity as stored |
string Options_and_Format_Name |
the name of the Renderformat-options-render-preset in correct case-sensitivity as stored |
string Bounds_Name |
the name of the Bounds-render-preset you want to query |
string Options_and_Format_Name |
the name of the Renderformat-options-render-preset you want to query |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetRenderPreset(string Bounds_Name, string Options_and_Format_Name, table RenderTable)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string Bounds_Name |
the name of the Bounds-render-preset you want to add; nil, to not add a new Bounds-render-preset; case-insensitive |
string Options_and_Format_Name |
the name of the Renderformat-options-render-preset you want to add; to not add a new Render-Format-Options-render-preset; case-insensitive |
table RenderTable |
the RenderTable, which holds all information for inclusion into the Render-Preset |
boolan curcheckstate = ultraschall.GetRender_AddRenderedFilesToProject()
boolean curcheckstate |
true, checkbox is checked; false, checkbox is unchecked |
boolean retval = ultraschall.GetRender_AutoIncrementFilename()
boolean state |
true, check the checkbox; false, uncheck the checkbox |
boolean retval = ultraschall.GetRender_EmbedMetaData()
boolean state |
true, check the checkbox; false, uncheck the checkbox |
boolean retval = ultraschall.GetRender_EmbedStretchMarkers()
boolean state |
true, check the checkbox; false, uncheck the checkbox |
boolan curcheckstate = ultraschall.GetRender_NoSilentFiles()
boolean curcheckstate |
true, checkbox is checked; false, checkbox is unchecked |
integer mode = ultraschall.GetRender_OfflineOnlineMode()
integer mode |
the mode, that is set 0, Full-speed Offline 1, 1x Offline 2, Online Render 3, Offline Render (Idle) 4, 1x Offline Render (Idle) |
boolean retval = ultraschall.GetRender_ProjectSampleRateForMix()
boolean state |
true, check the checkbox; false, uncheck the checkbox |
boolean retval, integer length = ultraschall.GetRender_QueueDelay()
boolean state |
true, check the checkbox; false, uncheck the checkbox |
integer length |
the number of seconds the delay shall be |
integer mode = ultraschall.GetRender_ResampleMode()
integer mode |
the mode, that is set 0, Sinc Interpolation: 64pt (medium quality) 1, Linear Interpolation: (low quality) 2, Point Sampling (lowest quality, retro) 3, Sinc Interpolation: 192pt 4, Sinc Interpolation: 384pt 5, Linear Interpolation + IIR 6, Linear Interpolation + IIRx2 7, Sinc Interpolation: 16pt 8, Sinc Interpolation: 512pt(slow) 9, Sinc Interpolation: 768pt(very slow) 10, r8brain free (highest quality, fast) |
boolean retval = ultraschall.GetRender_SaveCopyOfProject()
boolean retval |
true, checkbox is checked; false, checkbox is unchecked |
boolean retval = ultraschall.GetRender_SaveRenderStats()
boolean state |
true, check the checkbox; false, uncheck the checkbox |
integer taillength_ms = ultraschall.GetRender_TailLength()
integer taillength_ms |
the current taillength in ms |
boolan retval = ultraschall.SetRender_AddRenderedFilesToProject(boolean state)
boolean retval |
true, setting checkbox was successful; false, setting checkbox was unsuccessful |
boolean state |
true, checkbox is checked; false, checkbox is unchecked |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetRender_AutoIncrementFilename(boolean state)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, it was unsuccessful |
boolean state |
true, check the checkbox; false, uncheck the checkbox |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetRender_EmbedMetaData(boolean state)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, it was unsuccessful |
boolean state |
true, check the checkbox; false, uncheck the checkbox |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetRender_EmbedStretchMarkers(boolean state)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, it was unsuccessful |
boolean state |
true, check the checkbox; false, uncheck the checkbox |
boolan retval = ultraschall.SetRender_NoSilentFiles(boolean state)
boolean retval |
true, setting checkbox was successful; false, setting checkbox was unsuccessful |
boolean state |
true, checkbox is checked; false, checkbox is unchecked |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetRender_OfflineOnlineMode(integer mode)
boolean retval |
true, setting it was successful; false, setting it was unsuccessful |
integer mode |
the mode, that you want to set 0, Full-speed Offline 1, 1x Offline 2, Online Render 3, Offline Render (Idle) 4, 1x Offline Render (Idle) |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetRender_ProjectSampleRateForMix(boolean state)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, it was unsuccessful |
boolean state |
true, check the checkbox; false, uncheck the checkbox |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetRender_QueueDelay(boolean state, integer length)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, it was unsuccessful |
boolean state |
true, check the checkbox; false, uncheck the checkbox |
integer length |
the number of seconds the delay shall be |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetRender_ResampleMode(integer mode)
boolean retval |
true, setting it was successful; false, setting it was unsuccessful |
integer mode |
the mode, that is set 0, Sinc Interpolation: 64pt (medium quality) 1, Linear Interpolation: (low quality) 2, Point Sampling (lowest quality, retro) 3, Sinc Interpolation: 192pt 4, Sinc Interpolation: 384pt 5, Linear Interpolation + IIR 6, Linear Interpolation + IIRx2 7, Sinc Interpolation: 16pt 8, Sinc Interpolation: 512pt(slow) 9, Sinc Interpolation: 768pt(very slow) 10, r8brain free (highest quality, fast) |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetRender_SaveCopyOfProject(boolean state)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, it was unsuccessful |
boolean state |
true, check the checkbox; false, uncheck the checkbox |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetRender_SaveRenderStats(boolean state)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, it was unsuccessful |
boolean state |
true, check the checkbox; false, uncheck the checkbox |
boolan retval = ultraschall.SetRender_TailLength(boolean state)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer taillength |
the taillength in milliseconds |
boolean retval = ultraschall.AddProjectFileToRenderQueue(string projectfilename_with_path)
boolean retval |
true, adding was successful; false, adding was unsuccessful |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfile, that you want to add to the render-queue; nil, to add the current active project |
boolean retval, integer num_queued_projects = ultraschall.AddSelectedItemsToRenderQueue(optional boolean render_items_individually, optional boolean render_items_through_master, optional table RenderTable)
boolean retval |
true, adding was successful; false, adding was unsuccessful |
integer num_queued_projects |
the number of newly created projects in the render-queue |
optional boolean render_items_individually |
false or nil, render all selected MediaItems in one render-queued-project; true, render all selected MediaItems individually as separate Queued-projects |
optional boolean render_items_through_master |
false or nil, just render the MediaItems; true, render the MediaItems through the Master-channel |
optional table RenderTable |
a RenderTable to apply for the renders in the render-queue |
integer Filecount, array Filearray = ultraschall.GetRenderQueuedProjects()
integer Filecount |
the number of project-files in the render-queue |
array Filearray |
filenames with path of all queued-projectfiles |
boolean retval = ultraschall.RenderProject_RenderQueue(integer index)
Renders a specific project from the render-queue.
See GetRenderQueuedProjects to get the names of the currently existing render-queue-projects, where the filename-order reflects the index needed for this function.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
false, a problem occurred; true, rendering went through; returns true as well, when rendering is aborted! |
integer index |
the index of the render-queued-project; beginning with 1; -1 to render all projects in the render-queue |
integer retval, integer renderfilecount, array MediaItemStateChunkArray, array Filearray = ultraschall.RenderProject(string projectfilename_with_path, string renderfilename_with_path, number startposition, number endposition, boolean overwrite_without_asking, boolean renderclosewhendone, boolean filenameincrease, optional string rendercfg, optional string rendercfg2)
integer retval |
-1, in case of error; 0, in case of success |
integer renderfilecount |
the number of rendered files |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
the MediaItemStateChunks of all rendered files, with the one in entry 1 being the rendered master-track(when rendering stems+master) |
array Filearray |
the filenames of the rendered files, including their paths. The filename in entry 1 is the one of the mastered track(when rendering stems+master) |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the project to render; nil, for the currently opened project |
string renderfilename_with_path |
the filename with path of the output-file. If you give the wrong extension, Reaper will exchange it by the correct one. You can use wildcards to some extend in the actual filename(not the path!) note: parameter overwrite_without_asking only works, when you give the right extension and use no wildcards, due API-limitations! |
number startposition |
the startposition of the render-area in seconds; -1, to use the startposition set in the projectfile itself; -2, to use the start of the time-selection |
number endposition |
the endposition of the render-area in seconds; -1, to use the endposition set in the projectfile/current project itself -2, to use the end of the time-selection |
boolean overwrite_without_asking |
true, overwrite an existing renderfile; false, don't overwrite an existing renderfile works only, when renderfilename_with_path has the right extension given and when not using wildcards(due API-limitations)! |
boolean renderclosewhendone |
true, automatically close the render-window after rendering; false, keep rendering window open after rendering; nil, use current settings |
boolean filenameincrease |
true, silently increase filename, if it already exists; false, ask before overwriting an already existing outputfile; nil, use current settings |
optional string rendercfg |
the rendercfg-string, that contains all render-settings for an output-format To get render-cfg-strings, see CreateRenderCFG_xxx-functions, like: CreateRenderCFG_AIFF, CreateRenderCFG_DDP, CreateRenderCFG_FLAC, CreateRenderCFG_OGG, CreateRenderCFG_Opus, CreateRenderCFG_WAVPACK, CreateRenderCFG_WebMVideo If you want to render the current project, you can use a four-letter-version of the render-string; will use the default settings for that format. Not available with projectfiles! "evaw" for wave, "ffia" for aiff, " iso" for audio-cd, " pdd" for ddp, "calf" for flac, "l3pm" for mp3, "vggo" for ogg, "SggO" for Opus, "PMFF" for FFMpeg-video, "FVAX" for MP4Video/Audio on Mac, " FIG" for Gif, " FCL" for LCF, "kpvw" for wavepack |
optional string rendercfg2 |
just like rendercfg, but for the secondary render-format |
integer retval, integer renderfilecount, array MediaItemStateChunkArray, array Filearray = ultraschall.RenderProject_Regions(string projectfilename_with_path, string renderfilename_with_path, integer region, boolean addregionname, boolean overwrite_without_asking, boolean renderclosewhendone, boolean filenameincrease, string rendercfg, optional string addregionnameseparator, optional string rendercfg2)
integer retval |
-1, in case of error; 0, in case of success |
integer renderfilecount |
the number of rendered files |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
the MediaItemStateChunks of all rendered files, with the one in entry 1 being the rendered master-track(when rendering stems) |
array Filearray |
the filenames of the rendered files, including their paths. The filename in entry 1 is the one of the mastered track(when rendering stems) |
string projectfilename_with_path |
the project to render; nil, for the currently opened project |
string renderfilename_with_path |
the filename of the output-file. You can use wildcards to some extend in the actual filename(not the path!); doesn't support $region yet Will be seen as path only, when you set addregionname=true and addregionnameseparator="/" |
integer region |
the number of the region in the Projectfile to render |
boolean addregionname |
add the name of the region to the renderfilename; only works, when you don't add a file-extension to renderfilename_with_path |
boolean overwrite_without_asking |
true, overwrite an existing renderfile; false, don't overwrite an existing renderfile |
boolean renderclosewhendone |
true, automatically close the render-window after rendering; false, keep rendering window open after rendering; nil, use current settings |
boolean filenameincrease |
true, silently increase filename, if it already exists; false, ask before overwriting an already existing outputfile; nil, use current settings |
string rendercfg |
the rendercfg-string, that contains all render-settings for an output-format To get render-cfg-strings, see CreateRenderCFG_xxx-functions, like: CreateRenderCFG_AIFF, CreateRenderCFG_DDP, CreateRenderCFG_FLAC, CreateRenderCFG_OGG, CreateRenderCFG_Opus, CreateRenderCFG_WAVPACK, CreateRenderCFG_WebMVideo If you want to render the current project, you can use a four-letter-version of the render-string; will use the default settings for that format. Not available with projectfiles! "evaw" for wave, "ffia" for aiff, " iso" for audio-cd, " pdd" for ddp, "calf" for flac, "l3pm" for mp3, "vggo" for ogg, "SggO" for Opus, "PMFF" for FFMpeg-video, "FVAX" for MP4Video/Audio on Mac, " FIG" for Gif, " FCL" for LCF, "kpvw" for wavepack |
optional string addregionnameseparator |
when addregionname==true, this parameter allows you to set a separator between renderfilename_with_path and regionname. Also allows / or \\ to use renderfilename_with_path as only path as folder, into which the files are stored having the regionnames only. Default is an empty string. |
optional string rendercfg2 |
the render-cfg-string for secondary render-format |
integer count, array MediaItemStateChunkArray, array Filearray = ultraschall.RenderProject_RenderTable(optional string projectfilename_with_path, optional table RenderTable, optional boolean AddToProj, optional boolean CloseAfterRender, optional boolean SilentlyIncrementFilename)
Renders a projectfile or the current active project, using the settings from a RenderTable.
Expected RenderTable is of the following structure:
RenderTable["AddToProj"] - Add rendered items to new tracks in project-checkbox;
true, checked;
false, unchecked
RenderTable["Bounds"] - 0, Custom time range;
1, Entire project;
2, Time selection;
3, Project regions;
4, Selected Media Items(in combination with Source 32);
5, Selected regions
6, Razor edit areas
7, All project markers
8, Selected markers
RenderTable["Channels"] - the number of channels in the rendered file;
1, mono;
2, stereo;
higher, the number of channels
RenderTable["CloseAfterRender"] - true, close rendering to file-dialog after render;
false, don't close it
RenderTable["Dither"] - &1, dither master mix;
&2, noise shaping master mix;
&4, dither stems;
&8, dither noise shaping stems
RenderTable["EmbedMetaData"] - Embed metadata; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["EmbedStretchMarkers"] - Embed stretch markers/transient guides; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["EmbedTakeMarkers"] - Embed Take markers; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["Enable2ndPassRender"] - true, 2nd pass render is enabled; false, 2nd pass render is disabled
RenderTable["Endposition"] - the endposition of the rendering selection in seconds
RenderTable["MultiChannelFiles"] - Multichannel tracks to multichannel files-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["Normalize_Enabled"] - true, normalization enabled;
false, normalization not enabled
RenderTable["Normalize_Method"] - the normalize-method-dropdownlist
1, RMS-I
2, Peak
3, True Peak
4, LUFS-M max
5, LUFS-S max
RenderTable["Normalize_Only_Files_Too_Loud"] - Only normalize files that are too loud,checkbox
- true, checkbox checked
- false, checkbox unchecked
RenderTable["Normalize_Stems_to_Master_Target"] - true, normalize-stems to master target(common gain to stems)
false, normalize each file individually
RenderTable["Normalize_Target"] - the normalize-target as dB-value
RenderTable["NoSilentRender"] - Do not render files that are likely silent-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["OfflineOnlineRendering"] - Offline/Online rendering-dropdownlist;
0, Full-speed Offline;
1, 1x Offline;
2, Online Render;
3, Online Render(Idle);
4, Offline Render(Idle)
RenderTable["OnlyMonoMedia"] - Tracks with only mono media to mono files-checkbox;
true, checked;
false, unchecked
RenderTable["ProjectSampleRateFXProcessing"] - Use project sample rate for mixing and FX/synth processing-checkbox;
true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["RenderFile"] - the contents of the Directory-inputbox of the Render to File-dialog
RenderTable["RenderPattern"] - the render pattern as input into the File name-inputbox of the Render to File-dialog
RenderTable["RenderQueueDelay"] - Delay queued render to allow samples to load-checkbox; true, checked; false, unchecked
RenderTable["RenderQueueDelaySeconds"] - the amount of seconds for the render-queue-delay
RenderTable["RenderResample"] - Resample mode-dropdownlist;
0, Sinc Interpolation: 64pt (medium quality)
1, Linear Interpolation: (low quality)
2, Point Sampling (lowest quality, retro)
3, Sinc Interpolation: 192pt
4, Sinc Interpolation: 384pt
5, Linear Interpolation + IIR
6, Linear Interpolation + IIRx2
7, Sinc Interpolation: 16pt
8, Sinc Interpolation: 512pt(slow)
9, Sinc Interpolation: 768pt(very slow)
10, r8brain free (highest quality, fast)
RenderTable["RenderString"] - the render-cfg-string, that holds all settings of the currently set render-output-format as BASE64 string
RenderTable["RenderString2"] - the render-cfg-string, that holds all settings of the currently set secondary-render-output-format as BASE64 string
RenderTable["RenderTable"]=true - signals, this is a valid render-table
RenderTable["SampleRate"] - the samplerate of the rendered file(s)
RenderTable["SaveCopyOfProject"] - the "Save copy of project to outfile.wav.RPP"-checkbox;
true, checked;
false, unchecked
RenderTable["SilentlyIncrementFilename"] - Silently increment filenames to avoid overwriting-checkbox;
true, checked
false, unchecked
RenderTable["Source"] - 0, Master mix;
1, Master mix + stems;
3, Stems (selected tracks);
8, Region render matrix;
32, Selected media items; 64, selected media items via master;
64, selected media items via master;
128, selected tracks via master
136, Region render matrix via master
4096, Razor edit areas
4224, Razor edit areas via master
RenderTable["Startposition"] - the startposition of the rendering selection in seconds
RenderTable["TailFlag"] - in which bounds is the Tail-checkbox checked?
&1, custom time bounds;
&2, entire project;
&4, time selection;
&8, all project regions;
&16, selected media items;
&32, selected project regions
&64, razor edit areas
RenderTable["TailMS"] - the amount of milliseconds of the tail
Returns -1 in case of an error
integer count |
the number of files that have been rendered |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
the MediaItemStateChunks of all the rendered files |
array Filearray |
filenames with path of all rendered files |
optional string projectfilename_with_path |
the projectfilename with path of the rpp-file that you want to render; nil, to render the current active project |
optional table RenderTable |
the RenderTable with all render-settings, that you want to apply; nil, use the project's existing settings |
optional boolean AddToProj |
true, add the rendered files to the project; nil or false, don't add them; will overwrite the settings in the RenderTable; will default to true, if no RenderTable is passed only has an effect, when rendering the current active project |
optional boolean CloseAfterRender |
true or nil, closes rendering to file-dialog after rendering is finished; false, keep it open will overwrite the settings in the RenderTable; will default to true, if no RenderTable is passed |
optional boolean SilentlyIncrementFilename |
true or nil, silently increment filename, when file already exists; false, ask for overwriting will overwrite the settings in the RenderTable; will default to true, if no RenderTable is passed |
integer count, array MediaItemStateChunkArray, array Filearray = ultraschall.Render_Loop(table RenderTable, string RenderFilename, boolean AutoIncrement, number FirstStart, number FirstEnd, number SecondStart, number SecondEnd, number FadeIn, number FadeOut, integer FadeInShape, integer FadeOutShape)
integer count |
the number of rendered files |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
all MediaItemStateChunks within an array |
array Filearray |
all rendered filenames including path |
table RenderTable |
the RenderTable, which holds the render-settings for the second pass |
string RenderFilename |
the filename with path of the final rendered file |
boolean AutoIncrement |
true, autoincrement the filename(if it already exists); false, ask before rendering(if file already exists) |
number FirstStart |
the beginning of the first-pass-render in seconds |
number FirstEnd |
the end of the first-pass-render in seconds |
number SecondStart |
the beginning of the second-pass-render in seconds |
number SecondEnd |
the end of the second-pass-render in seconds |
number FadeIn |
the length of the fade-in in the second-pass-render and therefore the final rendered file in seconds |
number FadeOut |
the length of the fade-out in the second-pass-render and therefore the final rendered file in seconds |
integer FadeInShape |
the shape of the fade-in-curve; fadein shape, 0..6, 0=linear |
integer FadeOutShape |
the shape of the fade-out-curve; fadeout shape, 0..6, 0=linear |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ApplyAllThemeLayoutParameters(table ThemeLayoutParameters, boolean persist, boolean refresh)
allows applying all theme-layout-parameter-values from a ThemeLayoutParameters-table, as gettable by GetAllThemeLayoutParameters
the table ThemeLayoutParameters is of the following format:
ThemeLayoutParameters[parameter_index]["name"] - the name of the parameter ThemeLayoutParameters[parameter_index]["description"] - the description of the parameter ThemeLayoutParameters[parameter_index]["value"] - the value of the parameter ThemeLayoutParameters[parameter_index]["value default"] - the defult value of the parameter ThemeLayoutParameters[parameter_index]["value min"] - the minimum value of the parameter ThemeLayoutParameters[parameter_index]["value max"] - the maximum value of the parameter
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
table ThemeLayoutParameters |
a table, which holds all theme-layout-parameter-values to apply; set values to nil to use default-value |
boolean persist |
true, the new values shall be persisting; false, values will not be persisting and lost after theme-change/Reaper restart |
boolean refresh |
true, refresh the theme to show the applied changes; false, don't refresh |
table ThemeElements = ultraschall.GetAllThemeElements()
table ThemeElements |
a table with all walter-theme elements-names available |
integer index, table ThemeLayoutNames= ultraschall.GetAllThemeLayoutNames()
integer index |
the number of theme-layout-parameters available |
table ThemeLayoutParameters |
a table with all theme-layout-parameter available in the current theme |
integer index, table ThemeLayoutParameters = ultraschall.GetAllThemeLayoutParameters()
integer index |
the number of theme-layout-parameters available |
table ThemeLayoutParameters |
a table with all theme-layout-parameter available in the current theme |
integer parameterindex, string retval, optional string desc, optional number value, optional number defValue, optional number minValue, optional number maxValue = ultraschall.GetThemeParameterIndexByDescription(string description)
integer parameterindex |
the index of the theme-parameter |
string retval |
the name of the theme-parameter |
optional string desc |
the description of the theme-parameter |
optional number value |
the current value of the theme-parameter |
optional number defValue |
the default value of the theme-parameter |
optional number minValue |
the minimum-value of the theme-parameter |
optional number maxValue |
the maximum-value of the theme-parameter |
string description |
the description of the theme-parameter, whose attributes you want to get |
integer parameterindex, string retval, optional string desc, optional number value, optional number defValue, optional number minValue, optional number maxValue = ultraschall.GetThemeParameterIndexByName(string parametername)
integer parameterindex |
the index of the theme-parameter |
string retval |
the name of the theme-parameter |
optional string desc |
the description of the theme-parameter |
optional number value |
the current value of the theme-parameter |
optional number defValue |
the default value of the theme-parameter |
optional number minValue |
the minimum-value of the theme-parameter |
optional number maxValue |
the maximum-value of the theme-parameter |
string parametername |
the name of the theme-parameter, whose attributes you want to get(default v6-Theme has usually paramX, where X is a number between 0 and 80, other themes may differ from that) |
table ThemeElements = ultraschall.GetTrack_ThemeElementPositions(MediaTrack track)
table ThemeElements |
a table with all walter-theme elements, their positions and their visibility-state |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose Walter-theme-element-positions you want to query |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetThemeParameterIndexByDescription(string description, integer value, boolean persist, optional boolean strict)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string description |
the description of the theme-parameter, whose attributes you want to set |
integer value |
the new value to set |
boolean persist |
true, the new value shall persist; false, the new value shall only be used until Reaper is closed |
optional boolean strict |
true or nil, only allow values within the minimum and maximum values of the parameter; false, allows setting values out of the range |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetThemeParameterIndexByName(string parametername, integer value, boolean persist, optional boolean strict)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string parametername |
the name of the theme-parameter, whose attributes you want to set(default v6-Theme has usually paramX, where X is a number between 0 and 80, other themes may differ from that) |
integer value |
the new value to set |
boolean persist |
true, the new value shall persist; false, the new value shall only be used until Reaper is closed |
optional boolean strict |
true or nil, only allow values within the minimum and maximum values of the parameter; false, allows setting values out of the range |
integer size = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_GetEnvFaderSize()
integer size |
the size of the fader in envelopes 0, Knob 1, 40 2, 70 3, 100 4, 130 5, 160 6, 190 |
integer size = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_GetEnvFolderIndent()
integer indentation |
the indentation of the enveloper in relation to the track-folder 1, Don't match track folder indent 2, Match track folder indent |
integer size = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_GetEnvNameSize()
integer size |
the size of the name in envelopes 0, Auto 1, 20 2, 50 3, 80 4, 110 5, 140 6, 170 |
integer size = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_GetEnvSize()
integer size |
the envelope-size 1, normal 2, 150% 3, 200% |
boolean retval, boolean if_mixer_visible, boolean if_track_not_selected, boolean if_track_not_armed, boolean always_hide = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_GetHideTCPElement(string Layout, integer Element)
boolean retval |
true, getting was successful; false, getting was unsuccessful |
boolean if_mixer_visible |
true, element is hidden, when mixer is visible; false, element is not hidden, when mixer is visible |
boolean if_track_not_selected |
true, element is hidden, when track is not selected; false, element is not hidden when track is not selected |
boolean if_track_not_armed |
true, element is hidden, when track is not armed; false, element is not hidden when track is not armed |
boolean always_hide |
true, element is always hidden; false, element isn't always hidden |
string Layout |
the layout, whose element-hide/unhide-state you want to get; either "A", "B" or "C" |
integer Element |
the element, whose hide-state you want to get 1, record arm 2, monitor 3, trackname 4, volume 5, routing 6, insert fx 7, envelope 8, pan and width 9, record mode 10, input 11, labels and values 12, meter values |
integer alignement = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_GetMCPAlignControls()
integer alignement |
the alignment-setting of mcp-controls 1, Folder Indent 2, Aligned |
integer size = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_GetMCPBorderStyle(string Layout)
integer style |
the current syle of the border of the mcp 0, None 1, Left edge 2, Right edge 3, Root folders 4, Around folders |
string Layout |
the layout, whose mcp-borderstyle you want to get; either "A", "B" or "C" |
integer alignement = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_GetMCPFolderIndent()
integer indentation |
the indentation of folders in mcp 0, None 1, 1/8 2, 1/4 3, 1/2 4, 1 5, 2 6, Max |
integer size = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_GetMCPMeterExpansion(string Layout)
integer size |
the new size of the meter-expansion of the mcp 0, None 1, +2 pixels 2, +4 pixels 3, +8 pixels |
string Layout |
the layout, whose mcp-meter-expansion you want to get; either "A", "B" or "C" |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_GetMCPSizeAndLayout(integer tracknumber, string Layout, integer size)
string Layout |
the current layout of the mcp; either "A", "B", "C" or ""(if no layout is set yet) |
integer size |
the current size of the mcp 1, normal 2, 150% 3, 200% |
integer tracknumber |
the number of the track, whose MCP-layout and size you want to get(no master track supported) |
boolean retval, boolean is_track_is_selected, boolean if_track_not_selected, boolean is_track_is_armed, boolean if_track_not_armed = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_GetStyleMCPElement(string Layout, integer Element)
boolean retval |
true, getting was successful; false, getting was unsuccessful |
boolean if_track_selected |
true, if track is selected; false, if not |
boolean if_track_not_selected |
true, if track is not selected; false, if not |
boolean if_track_armed |
true, if track is armed; false, if not |
boolean if_track_not_armed |
true, if track is unarmed; false, if not |
string Layout |
the layout, whose element you want to style-get; either "A", "B" or "C" |
integer Element |
the element, whose style-state you want to set 1, extend with sidebar 2, Narrow form 3, Do meter expansion 4, Element labels |
integer alignement = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_GetTCPAlignControls()
integer alignement |
the alignment-setting of tcp-controls 1, Folder Indent 2, Aligned 3, Extend Name |
integer indent = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_GetTCPFolderIndent()
integer indent |
the indentation-setting of tcp-folders 0, None 1, 1/8 2, 1/4 3, 1/2 4, 1 5, 2 6, MAX |
integer size = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_GetTCPInputSize(string Layout)
integer size |
the current size of the tcp-input 0, MIN 1, 25 2, 40 3, 60 4, 90 5, 150 6, 200 |
string Layout |
the layout, whose input-size you want to get; either "A", "B" or "C" |
integer location = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_GetTCPMeterLocation(string Layout)
integer location |
the current location of the tcp-meter 1, Left 2, Right 3, Left if armed |
string Layout |
the layout, whose meter-location you want to get; either "A", "B" or "C" |
integer size = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_GetTCPMeterSize(string Layout)
integer size |
the current size of the tcp-meter 1, 4 2, 10 3, 20 4, 40 5, 80 6, 160 7, 320 |
string Layout |
the layout, whose meter-size you want to get; either "A", "B" or "C" |
integer size = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_GetTCPNameSize(string Layout)
integer size |
the current size of the tcp-trackname-label 0, auto 1, 20 2, 50 3, 80 4, 110 5, 140 6, 170 |
string Layout |
the layout, whose trackname-size you want to get; either "A", "B" or "C" |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_GetTCPSizeAndLayout(integer tracknumber, string Layout, integer size)
string Layout |
the current layout of the tcp; either "A", "B", "C" or ""(if no layout is set yet) |
integer size |
the current size of the tcp 1, normal 2, 150% 3, 200% |
integer tracknumber |
the number of the track, whose TCP-layout and size you want to get(no master track supported) |
integer size = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_GetTCPVolumeSize(string Layout)
integer size |
the current size of the tcp-volume 0, knob 1, 40 2, 70 3, 100 4, 130 5, 160 6, 190 |
string Layout |
the layout, whose volume-size you want to get; either "A", "B" or "C" |
integer size = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_GetTransPlayRateSize()
integer size |
the playrate-slidersize of transport-controls 0, Knob 1, 80 2, 130 3, 160 4, 200 5, 250 6, 310 |
integer size = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_GetTransSize()
integer size |
the transport-size 1, normal 2, 150% 3, 200% |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_SetEnvFaderSize(integer size, boolean persist)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer size |
the size of the fader in envelopes 0, Knob 1, 40 2, 70 3, 100 4, 130 5, 160 6, 190 |
boolean persist |
true, this setting persists after restart of Reaper; false, this setting is only valid until closing Reaper |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_SetEnvFolderIndent(integer indentation, boolean persist)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer indentation |
the indentation of the enveloper in relation to the track-folder 1, Don't match track folder indent 2, Match track folder indent |
boolean persist |
true, this setting persists after restart of Reaper; false, this setting is only valid until closing Reaper |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_SetEnvNameSize(integer size, boolean persist)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer size |
the size of the name in envelopes 0, Auto 1, 20 2, 50 3, 80 4, 110 5, 140 6, 170 |
boolean persist |
true, this setting persists after restart of Reaper; false, this setting is only valid until closing Reaper |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_SetEnvSize(integer size)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer size |
the envelope-size 1, normal 2, 150% 3, 200% |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_SetHideTCPElement(string Layout, integer Element, boolean if_mixer_visible, boolean if_track_not_selected, boolean if_track_not_armed, boolean always_hide, boolean persist)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string Layout |
the layout, whose element you want to hide/unhide; either "A", "B" or "C" |
integer Element |
the element, whose hide-state you want to set 1, record arm 2, monitor 3, trackname 4, volume 5, routing 6, insert fx 7, envelope 8, pan and width 9, record mode 10, input 11, labels and values 12, meter values |
boolean if_mixer_visible |
true, hide element, when mixer is visible; false, don't hide element, when mixer is visible |
boolean if_track_not_selected |
true, hide element, when track is not selected; false, don't hide element when track is not selected |
boolean if_track_not_armed |
true, hides element, when track is not armed; false, don't hide element when track is not armed |
boolean always_hide |
true, always hides element; false, don't always hide element |
boolean persist |
true, this setting persists after restart of Reaper; false, this setting is only valid until closing Reaper |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_SetMCPAlignControls(integer alignement, boolean persist)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer alignement |
the alignment-setting of mcp-controls 1, Folder Indent 2, Aligned |
boolean persist |
true, this setting persists after restart of Reaper; false, this setting is only valid until closing Reaper |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_SetMCPBorderStyle(string Layout, integer style, boolean persist)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string Layout |
the layout, whose mcp-borderstyle you want to set; either "A", "B" or "C" |
integer style |
the new style of the border of the mcp 0, None 1, Left edge 2, Right edge 3, Root folders 4, Around folders |
boolean persist |
true, this setting persists after restart of Reaper; false, this setting is only valid until closing Reaper |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_SetMCPFolderIndent(integer indentation, boolean persist)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer indentation |
the indentation of folders in mcp 0, None 1, 1/8 2, 1/4 3, 1/2 4, 1 5, 2 6, Max |
boolean persist |
true, this setting persists after restart of Reaper; false, this setting is only valid until closing Reaper |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_SetMCPMeterExpansion(string Layout, integer size, boolean persist)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string Layout |
the layout, whose mcp-meter-expansion you want to set; either "A", "B" or "C" |
integer size |
the new size of the meter-expansion of the mcp 0, None 1, +2 pixels 2, +4 pixels 3, +8 pixels |
boolean persist |
true, this setting persists after restart of Reaper; false, this setting is only valid until closing Reaper |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_SetMCPSizeAndLayout(integer tracknumber, string Layout, integer size)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer tracknumber |
the number of the track, whose MCP-layout and size you want to set(no master track supported) |
string Layout |
the new mcp-layout; either "A", "B" or "C" |
integer size |
the new size of the mcp 1, normal 2, 150% 3, 200% |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_SetStyleMCPElement(string Layout, integer Element, boolean if_track_selected, boolean if_track_not_selected, boolean if_track_armed, boolean if_track_not_armed, boolean persist)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string Layout |
the layout, whose element you want to style-set; either "A", "B" or "C" |
integer Element |
the element, whose style-state you want to set 1, extend with sidebar 2, Narrow form 3, Do meter expansion 4, Element labels |
boolean if_track_selected |
true, if track is selected; false, if not |
boolean if_track_not_selected |
true, if track is not selected; false, if not |
boolean if_track_armed |
true, if track is armed; false, if not |
boolean if_track_not_armed |
true, if track is unarmed; false, if not |
boolean persist |
true, this setting persists after restart of Reaper; false, this setting is only valid until closing Reaper |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_SetTCPAlignControls(integer size, boolean persist)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer alignement |
the alignment-setting of tcp-controls 1, Folder Indent 2, Aligned 3, Extend Name |
boolean persist |
true, this setting persists after restart of Reaper; false, this setting is only valid until closing Reaper |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_SetTCPFolderIndent(integer indent, boolean persist)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer indent |
the indentation-setting of tcp-folders 0, None 1, 1/8 2, 1/4 3, 1/2 4, 1 5, 2 6, MAX |
boolean persist |
true, this setting persists after restart of Reaper; false, this setting is only valid until closing Reaper |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_SetTCPInputSize(string Layout, integer size, boolean persist)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string Layout |
the layout, whose input-size you want to set; either "A", "B" or "C" |
integer size |
the new size of the tcp-input 0, MIN 1, 25 2, 40 3, 60 4, 90 5, 150 6, 200 |
boolean persist |
true, this setting persists after restart of Reaper; false, this setting is only valid until closing Reaper |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_SetTCPMeterLocation(string Layout, integer location, boolean persist)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string Layout |
the layout, whose meter-location you want to set; either "A", "B" or "C" |
integer location |
the new location of the tcp-meter 1, LEFT 2, RIGHT 3, LEFT IF ARMED |
boolean persist |
true, this setting persists after restart of Reaper; false, this setting is only valid until closing Reaper |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_SetTCPMeterSize(string Layout, integer size, boolean persist)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string Layout |
the layout, whose meter-size you want to set; either "A", "B" or "C" |
integer size |
the new size of the tcp-meter 1, 4 2, 10 3, 20 4, 40 5, 80 6, 160 7, 320 |
boolean persist |
true, this setting persists after restart of Reaper; false, this setting is only valid until closing Reaper |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_SetTCPNameSize(string Layout, integer size, boolean persist)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string Layout |
the layout, whose trackname-label-size you want to set; either "A", "B" or "C" |
integer size |
the new size of the tcp-trackname-label 0, auto 1, 20 2, 50 3, 80 4, 110 5, 140 6, 170 |
boolean persist |
true, this setting persists after restart of Reaper; false, this setting is only valid until closing Reaper |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_SetTCPSizeAndLayout(integer tracknumber, string Layout, integer size)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer tracknumber |
the number of the track, whose TCP-layout and size you want to set(no master track supported) |
string Layout |
the new tcp-layout; either "A", "B" or "C" |
integer size |
the new size of the mcp 1, normal 2, 150% 3, 200% |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_SetTCPVolumeSize(string Layout, integer size, boolean persist)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
string Layout |
the layout, whose volume-size you want to set; either "A", "B" or "C" |
integer size |
the new size of the tcp-volume 0, knob 1, 40 2, 70 3, 100 4, 130 5, 160 6, 190 |
boolean persist |
true, this setting persists after restart of Reaper; false, this setting is only valid until closing Reaper |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_SetTransPlayRateSize(integer size, boolean persist)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer size |
the playrate-slidersize of transport-controls 0, Knob 1, 80 2, 130 3, 160 4, 200 5, 250 6, 310 |
boolean persist |
true, this setting persists after restart of Reaper; false, this setting is only valid until closing Reaper |
boolean retval = ultraschall.Theme_Defaultv6_SetTransSize(integer size)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer size |
the transport-size 1, normal 2, 150% 3, 200% |
string trackstatechunk = ultraschall.AddMediaItemStateChunk_To_TrackStateChunk(string trackstatechunk, string mediaitemstatechunk)
string trackstatechunk |
the new trackstatechunk with mediaitemstatechunk added |
string trackstatechunk |
a trackstatechunk, as returned by reaper's api function reaper.GetTrackStateChunk |
string mediaitemstatechunk |
a mediaitemstatechunk, as returned by reaper's api function reaper.GetItemStateChunk |
boolean retval = ultraschall.AnyTrackFXBypass(optional boolean master)
boolean retval |
true, at least one track has fx bypass activated; false, no track has fx-bypass activated |
optional boolean master |
true, include the master-track; false, don't include the master-track |
boolean retval = ultraschall.AnyTrackFreeItemPositioningMode()
boolean retval |
true, at least one track has freemode activated; false, no track has freemode-activated |
boolean retval = ultraschall.AnyTrackHiddenMCP(optional boolean master)
boolean retval |
true, at least one track is hidden in MCP; false, no track is hidden |
optional boolean master |
true, include the master-track; false, don't include the master-track |
boolean retval = ultraschall.AnyTrackHiddenTCP(optional boolean master)
boolean retval |
true, at least one track is hidden in TCP; false, no track is hidden |
optional boolean master |
true, include the master-track; false, don't include the master-track |
boolean retval = ultraschall.AnyTrackMute(optional boolean master)
boolean retval |
true, if any track is muted; false, if not |
optional boolean master |
true, include the master-track as well; false, don't include master-track |
boolean retval = ultraschall.AnyTrackPhased()
boolean retval |
true, at least one track has an activated phase-invert; false, no track is phase-inverted |
boolean retval = ultraschall.AnyTrackRecMonitored()
boolean retval |
true, at least one track has an activated rec-monitoring; false, no track is rec-monitored |
boolean retval = ultraschall.AnyTrackRecarmed()
boolean retval |
true, at least one track is recarmed; false, no track is recarmed |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ApplyActionToTrack(string trackstring, string/number actioncommandid)
boolean retval |
true, running action was successful; false, running the action was unsuccessful |
string trackstring |
a string with all tracknumbers, separated by a comma; 1 for the first track, 2 for the second |
integer count, array individual_tracknumbers = ultraschall.ConvertTrackstringToArray(string trackstring)
integer count |
number of tracks in trackstring |
array individual_tracknumbers |
an array that contains all tracknumbers in trackstring |
string trackstring |
the trackstring to check, if it's a valid one |
integer countitems = ultraschall.CountItemsInTrackStateChunk(string trackstatechunk)
integer countitems |
number of items in the trackstatechunk |
string trackstatechunk |
a trackstatechunk, as returned by reaper's api function reaper.GetTrackStateChunk |
string trackstring = ultraschall.CreateTrackString(integer firstnumber, integer lastnumber, optional integer step)
string trackstring |
a string with all tracknumbers, separated by a , |
integer firstnumber |
the number, with which the string starts |
integer lastnumber |
the number, with which the string ends |
integer step |
how many numbers shall be skipped inbetween. Can lead to a different lastnumber, when step is not 1! nil or invalid value=1 |
string trackstring = ultraschall.CreateTrackStringByGUID(string guid_csv_string)
string trackstring |
a string with all the tracknumbers of the tracks given as GUIDs in guid_csv_string |
string guid_csv_string |
a comma-separated csv-string, that includes all GUIDs of all track to be included in the trackstring. |
string trackstring = ultraschall.CreateTrackStringByMediaTracks(array MediaTrackArray)
string trackstring |
a string with all the tracknumbers of the MediaTrack-objects given in parameter MediaTrackArray |
array MediaTrackArray |
an array, that includes all MediaTrack-objects to be included in the trackstring; a nil-entry is seen as the end of the array |
string trackstring = ultraschall.CreateTrackStringByTracknames(string tracknames_csv_string)
string trackstring |
a string with all the tracknumbers of the tracks given as tracknames in tracknames_csv_string |
string tracknames_csv_string |
a newline(!)-separated csv-string, that includes all tracknames of all track to be included in the trackstring. Tracknames are case sensitive! |
string trackstring = ultraschall.CreateTrackString_AllTracks()
string trackstring |
a string with all tracknumbers, separated by commas. |
string trackstring = ultraschall.CreateTrackString_ArmedTracks()
string trackstring |
a trackstring with the tracknumbers of all armed tracks as comma separated csv-string, eg: "1,3,4,7" |
string trackstring = ultraschall.CreateTrackString_SelectedTracks()
string trackstring |
a string with the tracknumbers, separated by a string |
string trackstring = ultraschall.CreateTrackString_UnarmedTracks()
string trackstring |
a trackstring with the tracknumbers of all unarmed tracks as comma separated csv-string, eg: "1,3,4,7" |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DeleteTracks_TrackString(string trackstring)
boolean retval |
true, setting it was successful; false, setting it was unsuccessful |
string trackstring |
a string with all tracknumbers, separated by commas |
integer count, array MediaItemStateChunkArray = ultraschall.GetAllMediaItemsFromTrackStateChunk(string trackstatechunk)
integer count |
number of MediaItemStateChunks in the returned array. -1 in case of error |
array MediaItemStateChunkArray |
an array with all MediaItemStateChunks from trackstatechunk |
string trackstatechunk |
a trackstatechunk, as returned by functions like reaper.GetTrackStateChunk |
string trackstring, integer tracktable_count, table tracktable = ultraschall.GetAllVisibleTracks_Arrange(optional boolean master_track, optional boolean completely_visible)
string trackstring |
a string with holds all tracknumbers from all found tracks, separated by a comma; beginning with 1 for the first track |
integer tracktable_count |
the number of tracks found |
table tracktable |
a table which holds all MediaTrack-objects |
optional boolean master_track |
nil or true, check for visibility of the master-track; false, don't include the master-track |
optional boolean completely_visible |
nil or false, all tracks including partially visible ones; true, only fully visible tracks |
boolean retval, string mediaitemstatechunk = ultraschall.GetItemStateChunkFromTrackStateChunk(string trackstatechunk, integer idx)
boolean retval |
true in case of success, false in case of error |
string mediaitemstatechunk |
number of items in the trackstatechunk |
string trackstatechunk |
a trackstatechunk, as returned by reaper's api function reaper.GetTrackStateChunk |
integer idx |
the number of the item you want to have returned as mediaitemstatechunk |
integer length = ultraschall.GetLengthOfAllMediaItems_Track(integer Tracknumber)
integer length |
the length of all MediaItems in the track combined, in seconds |
integer Tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose length you want to know; 1, track 1; 2, track 2, etc |
integer length = ultraschall.GetTrackLength(integer Tracknumber)
integer length |
the length of the track in seconds |
integer Tracknumber |
the tracknumber, whose length you want to know |
integer tracknumber, MediaTrack tr = ultraschall.GetTracknumberByGuid(string guid)
integer tracknumber |
the number of the track; 0, for master track; 1, for track 1; 2, for track 2, etc. -1, in case of an error |
MediaTrack tr |
the MediaTrack-object of the requested track; nil, if no track is found |
string gui |
the guid of the track, that you want to request |
string trackarray, integer new_track_count, array trackarray_newtracks = ultraschall.InsertTrackAtIndex(integer index, integer number_of_tracks, boolean wantdefaults)
string trackstring |
a trackstring with all newly created tracknumbers |
integer new_track_count |
the number of newly created tracks |
array trackarray_newtracks |
an array with the MediaTrack-objects of all newly created tracks |
integer index |
the index, at which to include the new tracks; 0, for including before the first track |
integer number_of_tracks |
the number of tracks that you want to create; 0 for including before track 1; number of tracks+1, include new tracks after last track |
boolean wantdefaults |
true, set the tracks with default settings/fx/etc; false, create new track without any defaults |
boolean retval, MediaTrack MediaTrack = ultraschall.InsertTrack_TrackStateChunk(string trackstatechunk)
boolean retval |
true, if creation succeeded, false if not |
MediaTrack MediaTrack |
the newly created track, as MediaItem-trackobject |
string trackstatechunk |
the rpp-xml-Trackstate-Chunk, as created by reaper.GetTrackStateChunk or GetProject_TrackStateChunk |
string inv_trackstring = ultraschall.InverseTrackstring(string trackstring, integer limit)
string inv_trackstring |
the tracknumbers, that are NOT in the parameter trackstring, from 0 to limit |
string trackstring |
the tracknumbers, separated with a , |
integer limit |
the maximum tracknumber to include. Use reaper.CountTracks(0) function to use the maximum tracks in current project |
boolean retval, integer tracknumber = ultraschall.IsTrackObjectTracknumber(MediaTrack track, integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true if track is tracknumber, false if not |
integer tracknumber |
the number of track, so in case of false, you know it's number |
MediaTrack track |
the MediaTrack of which you want to check it's number |
integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber you want to check for |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsTrackVisible(MediaTrack track, boolean completely_visible)
boolean retval |
true, track is visible; false, track is not visible |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose visibility you want to query |
boolean completely_visible |
false, all tracks including partially visible ones; true, only fully visible tracks |
boolean valid = ultraschall.IsValidTrackStateChunk(string TrackStateChunk)
boolean valid |
true, if the string is a valid statechunk; false, if not a valid statechunk |
string TrackStateChunk |
a string to check, if it's a valid TrackStateChunk |
boolean valid, integer count, array individual_tracknumbers = ultraschall.IsValidTrackString(string trackstring)
boolean valid |
true, is a valid trackstring; false, is not a valid trackstring |
integer count |
the number of entries found in trackstring |
array individual_tracknumbers |
an array that contains all available tracknumbers |
string trackstring |
the trackstring to check, if it's a valid one |
boolean retval = ultraschall.MoveTracks(string trackstring, integer targetindex, integer makepreviousfolder)
boolean retval |
true, moving was successful; false, moving wasn't successful |
string trackstring |
a string with all tracknumbers of the tracks you want to move, separated by commas |
integer targetindex |
the index, to which to move the tracks; 0, move tracks before track 1; number of tracks+1, move after the last track |
integer makepreviousfolder |
make tracks a folder or not 0, for normal, 1, as child of track preceding track specified by makepreviousfolder 2, if track preceding track specified by makepreviousfolder is last track in folder, extend folder |
integer retval, string trackstring, array trackstringarray, integer number_of_entries = ultraschall.OnlyTracksInBothTrackstrings(string trackstring1, string trackstring2)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
string trackstring |
the cleared trackstring, -1 in case of error |
array trackstringarray |
the "cleared" trackstring as an array |
integer number_of_entries |
the number of entries in the trackstring |
string trackstring1 |
a string with the tracknumbers, separated by commas |
string trackstring2 |
a string with the tracknumbers, separated by commas |
integer retval, string trackstring, array trackstringarray, integer number_of_entries = ultraschall.OnlyTracksInOneTrackstring(string trackstring1, string trackstring2)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
string trackstring |
the cleared trackstring, -1 in case of error |
array trackstringarray |
the "cleared" trackstring as an array |
integer number_of_entries |
the number of entries in the trackstring |
string trackstring1 |
a string with the tracknumbers, separated by commas |
string trackstring2 |
a string with the tracknumbers, separated by commas |
integer retval, string trackstring, array trackstringarray, integer number_of_entries = ultraschall.RemoveDuplicateTracksInTrackstring(string trackstring)
integer retval |
-1 in case of error, 1 in case of success |
string trackstring |
the cleared trackstring, -1 in case of error |
array trackstringarray |
the "cleared" trackstring as an array |
integer number_of_entries |
the number of entries in the trackstring |
string trackstring |
the tracknumbers, separated by a comma |
boolean retval, string trackstatechunk = ultraschall.RemoveMediaItemByGUID_TrackStateChunk(string trackstatechunk, string GUID)
boolean retval |
true in case of success, false in case of error |
string trackstatechunk |
the new trackstatechunk with the GUID-item deleted |
string trackstatechunk |
a trackstatechunk, as returned by reaper's api function reaper.GetTrackStateChunk |
string GUID |
the GUID of the item you want to delete |
boolean retval, string trackstatechunk = ultraschall.RemoveMediaItemByIGUID_TrackStateChunk(string trackstatechunk, string IGUID)
boolean retval |
true in case of success, false in case of error |
string trackstatechunk |
the new trackstatechunk with the IGUID-item deleted |
string trackstatechunk |
a trackstatechunk, as returned by reaper's api function reaper.GetTrackStateChunk |
string IGUID |
the IGUID of the item you want to delete |
boolean retval, string trackstatechunk = ultraschall.RemoveMediaItem_TrackStateChunk(string trackstatechunk, integer idx)
boolean retval |
true in case of success, false in case of error |
string trackstatechunk |
the new trackstatechunk with the idx'th item deleted |
string trackstatechunk |
a trackstatechunk, as returned by reaper's api function reaper.GetTrackStateChunk |
integer idx |
the number of the item you want to delete |
string locked_trackstring, string unlocked_trackstring = ultraschall.GetAllLockedTracks()
string locked_trackstring |
the tracknumbers of all tracks, that are locked; empty string if none is locked |
string unlocked_trackstring |
the tracknumbers of all tracks, that are NOT locked; empty string if all are locked |
string selected_trackstring, string unselected_trackstring = ultraschall.GetAllSelectedTracks()
string selected_trackstring |
the tracknumbers of all tracks, that are selected; empty string if none is selected |
string unselected_trackstring |
the tracknumbers of all tracks, that are NOT selected; empty string if all are selected |
integer AutoRecArmState = ultraschall.GetTrackAutoRecArmState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer AutoRecArmState |
state of autorecarm; 1 for set; nil, if unset |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer automodestate = ultraschall.GetTrackAutomodeState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer automodestate |
is set to 0 - trim/read, 1 - read, 2 - touch, 3 - write, 4 - latch. |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
number BeatState = ultraschall.GetTrackBeatState(integer tracknumber,optional string TrackStateChunk)
number BeatState |
-1 - Project time base; 0 - Time; 1 - Beats position, length, rate; 2 - Beats position only |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
number BusCompState1, number BusCompState2, number BusCompState3, number BusCompState4, number BusCompState5 = ultraschall.GetTrackBusCompState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
number BusCompState1 |
0 - no compacting, 1 - compacted tracks, 2 - minimized tracks |
number BusCompState2 |
0 - unknown,1 - unknown |
number BusCompState3 |
0 - unknown,1 - unknown |
number BusCompState4 |
0 - unknown,1 - unknown |
number BusCompState5 |
0 - unknown,1 - unknown |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer FXState = ultraschall.GetTrackBypFXState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer FXState |
off/bypass(0) or nobypass(1) |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer collapsed_state, integer state2, integer show_only_lane = ultraschall.GetTrackFixedLanesState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer collapsed_state |
&2, unknown &8, collapsed state(set=not collapsed; unset=collapsed) |
integer state2 |
unknown |
integer show_only_lane |
0, show all lanes; 1, show only one lane |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer FreeModeState = ultraschall.GetTrackFreeModeState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer FreeModeState |
1 - enabled, 0 - not enabled |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer GroupState_as_Flags, array IndividualGroupState_Flags = ultraschall.GetTrackGroupFlagsState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer GroupState_as_Flags |
returns a flagvalue with 23 bits, that tells you, which grouping-flag is set in at least one of the 32 groups available. returns -1 in case of failure the following flags are available: &1 - Volume Master &2 - Volume Follow &4 - Pan Master &8 - Pan Follow &16 - Mute Master &32 - Mute Follow &64 - Solo Master &128 - Solo Follow &256 - Record Arm Master &512 - Record Arm Follow &1024 - Polarity/Phase Master &2048 - Polarity/Phase Follow &4096 - Automation Mode Master &8192 - Automation Mode Follow &16384 - Reverse Volume &32768 - Reverse Pan &65536 - Do not master when slaving &131072 - Reverse Width &262144 - Width Master &524288 - Width Follow &1048576 - VCA Master &2097152 - VCA Follow &4194304 - VCA pre-FX Follow &8388608 - Media/Razor Edit Lead &16777216 - Media/Razor Edit Follow |
array IndividualGroupState_Flags |
returns an array with 23 entries. Every entry represents one of the GroupState_as_Flags, but it's value is a flag, that describes, in which of the 32 Groups a certain flag is set. e.g. If Volume Master is set only in Group 1, entry 1 in the array will be set to 1. If Volume Master is set on Group 2 and Group 4, the first entry in the array will be set to 10. refer to the upper GroupState_as_Flags list to see, which entry in the array is for which set flag, e.g. array[22] is VCA pre-F Follow, array[16] is Do not master when slaving, etc As said before, the values in each entry is a flag, that tells you, which of the groups is set with a certain flag. The following flags determine, in which group a certain flag is set: &1 - Group 1 &2 - Group 2 &4 - Group 3 &8 - Group 4 etc... |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer GroupState_as_Flags, array IndividualGroupState_Flags = ultraschall.GetTrackGroupFlags_HighState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer GroupState_as_Flags |
returns a flagvalue with 23 bits, that tells you, which grouping-flag is set in at least one of the 32 groups available. returns -1 in case of failure the following flags are available: &1 - Volume Master &2 - Volume Follow &4 - Pan Master &8 - Pan Follow &16 - Mute Master &32 - Mute Follow &64 - Solo Master &128 - Solo Follow &256 - Record Arm Master &512 - Record Arm Follow &1024 - Polarity/Phase Master &2048 - Polarity/Phase Follow &4096 - Automation Mode Master &8192 - Automation Mode Follow &16384 - Reverse Volume &32768 - Reverse Pan &65536 - Do not master when slaving &131072 - Reverse Width &262144 - Width Master &524288 - Width Follow &1048576 - VCA Master &2097152 - VCA Follow &4194304 - VCA pre-FX Follow &8388608 - Media/Razor Edit Lead &16777216 - Media/Razor Edit Follow |
array IndividualGroupState_Flags |
returns an array with 23 entries. Every entry represents one of the GroupState_as_Flags, but it's value is a flag, that describes, in which of the 32 Groups a certain flag is set. e.g. If Volume Master is set only in Group 33, entry 1 in the array will be set to 1. If Volume Master is set on Group 34 and Group 36, the first entry in the array will be set to 10. refer to the upper GroupState_as_Flags list to see, which entry in the array is for which set flag, e.g. array[22] is VCA pre-F Follow, array[16] is Do not master when slaving, etc As said before, the values in each entry is a flag, that tells you, which of the groups is set with a certain flag. The following flags determine, in which group a certain flag is set: &1 - Group 33 &2 - Group 34 &4 - Group 35 &8 - Group 36 etc... |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer height, integer heightstate2, integer unknown = ultraschall.GetTrackHeightState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer height |
24 up to 443 |
integer heightstate2 |
0 - use height, 1 - compact the track and ignore the height |
integer lock_trackheight |
0, don't lock the trackheight; 1, lock the trackheight |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
string TrackID = ultraschall.GetTrackID(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
string TrackID |
the TrackID as GUID |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer quantMIDI, integer quantPOS, integer quantNoteOffs, number quantToFractBeat, integer quantStrength, integer swingStrength, integer quantRangeMin, integer quantRangeMax = ultraschall.GetTrackINQState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer quantMIDI |
quantize MIDI; 0 or 1 |
integer quantPOS |
quantize to position; -1,prev; 0, nearest; 1, next |
integer quantNoteOffs |
quantize note-offs; 0 or 1 |
number quantToFractBeat |
quantize to (fraction of beat) |
integer quantStrength |
quantize strength; -128 to 127 |
integer swingStrength |
swing strength; -128 to 127 |
integer quantRangeMin |
quantize range minimum; -128 to 127 |
integer quantRangeMax |
quantize range maximum; -128 to 127 |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
number IPhase = ultraschall.GetTrackIPhaseState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
number IPhase |
state of the phase-button; 0, normal phase; 1, inverted phase(180°) |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
string filename_with_path = ultraschall.GetTrackIcon_Filename(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
string filename_with_path |
filename with path for the current track-icon. |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer busstate1, integer busstate2 = ultraschall.GetTrackIsBusState(integer tracknumber, optional string trackstatechunk)
integer busstate1 |
refer to description for details |
integer busstate2 |
refer to description for details |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
string lanename1, string lanename2, string lanename3, .. = ultraschall.GetTrackLaneNameState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer lane_name_1 |
the name of the first lane |
integer lane_name_2 |
the name of the second lane |
integer lane_name_3 |
the name of the third lane |
... |
... |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer lane_rec_state, integer state2, integer state3 = ultraschall.GetTrackLaneRecState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer lane_rec_state |
the lanes into which you record; 0-based |
integer state2 |
unknown; usually -1 |
integer state3 |
unknown; usually -1 |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
number lane_solo_state, number state2, number state3, number state4 = ultraschall.GetTrackLaneSoloState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
number lane_solo_state |
the lanes that are set to play; &1=lane 1, &2=lane 2, &4=lane 3, &8=lane 4, etc |
number state2 |
unknown |
number state3 |
unknown |
number state4 |
unknown |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
string TCP_Layoutname, string MCP_Layoutname = ultraschall.GetTrackLayoutNames(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
string TCP_Layoutname |
name of the TCP-Layoutname |
string MCP_Layoutname |
name of the MCP-Layoutname |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer lockedstate = ultraschall.GetTrackLockState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer lockedstate |
locked(1) or not(nil) |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer MidiOutState = ultraschall.GetTrackMIDIOutState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer MidiOutState |
MIDI_Out-State, as set in the Routing-Settings -1 no output 416 - microsoft GS wavetable synth - send to original channels 417-432 - microsoft GS wavetable synth - send to channel state minus 416 -31 - no Output, send to original channel 1 -16 - no Output, send to original channel 16 |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer MainSendOn, integer ParentChannels = ultraschall.GetTrackMainSendState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer MainSendOn |
Main-Send is on(1) or off(0) |
integer ParentChannels |
ParentChannels(0-63) |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
string MidiBankProgFn = ultraschall.GetTrackMidiBankProgFn(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
string MidiBankProgFn |
the MidiBankProg-Filename; nil if not existing |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer LinkedToMidiChannel, integer unknown = ultraschall.GetTrackMidiCTL(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer LinkedToMidiChannel |
linked to midichannel |
integer unknown |
unknown |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
string MidiColorMapFn = ultraschall.GetTrackMidiColorMapFn(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
string MidiColorMapFn |
the MidiColorMap-Filename; nil if not existing |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer MidiInputChanMap_state = ultraschall.GetTrackMidiInputChanMap(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer MidiInputChanMap_state |
0 for channel 1, 1 for channel 2, ... 15 for channel 16; nil, source channel. |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
string MidiTextStrFn = ultraschall.GetTrackMidiTextStrFn(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
string MidiTextStrFn |
the MidiTextStrFn-Filename; nil if not existing |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer Mute, integer Solo, integer SoloDefeat = ultraschall.GetTrackMuteSoloState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer Mute |
Mute set to 0 - Mute off, 1 - Mute On |
integer Solo |
Solo set to 0 - Solo off, 1 - Solo ignore routing, 2 - Solo on |
integer SoloDefeat |
SoloDefeat set to 0 - off, 1 - on |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer channelnumber = ultraschall.GetTrackNChansState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer channelnumber |
number of channels for this track |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
string trackname = ultraschall.GetTrackName(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
string trackname |
the name of the track |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer PanMode = ultraschall.GetTrackPanMode(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer PanMode |
the Panmode of the track nil - Project Default 0 - Reaper 3.x balance (deprecated) 3 - Stereo Balance/ Mono Pan(Default) 5 - Stereo Balance 6 - Dual Pan |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer PeakColorState = ultraschall.GetTrackPeakColorState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
string PeakColorState |
the color of the track |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer TrackPerfState = ultraschall.GetTrackPerfState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer TrackPerfState |
TrackPerformance-state 0 - allow anticipative FX + allow media buffering 1 - allow anticipative FX + prevent media buffering 2 - prevent anticipative FX + allow media buffering 3 - prevent anticipative FX + prevent media buffering settings seem to repeat with higher numbers (e.g. 4(like 0) - allow anticipative FX + allow media buffering) |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
number offset, integer media_playback_flags = ultraschall.GetTrackPlayOffsState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
number offset |
common values settable via UI are: -0.5(-500ms) to 0.5(500ms) or -8192 to 8192(samples) |
integer media_playback_flags |
flags for Media playback offset-settings &1=0, Media playback offset-checkbox is on; &1=1, Media playback offset-checkbox is off &2=0, value is in milliseconds; &2=2, value is in samples |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
string reccfg = ultraschall.GetTrackRecCFG(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
string reccfg |
the string, that encodes the recording configuration of the track. |
integer reccfgnr |
the number of the recording-configuration of the track; 0, use default project rec-setting 1, use track-customized rec-setting, as set in the "Track: View track recording settings (MIDI quantize, file format/path) for last touched track"-dialog (action 40604) |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer ArmState, integer InputChannel, integer MonitorInput, integer RecInput, integer MonitorWhileRec, integer presPDCdelay, integer RecordingPath = ultraschall.GetTrackRecState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer ArmState |
returns 1(armed) or 0(unarmed) |
integer InputChannel |
returns the InputChannel -1 - No Input 1-16(more?) - Mono Input Channel 1024 - Stereo Channel 1 and 2 1026 - Stereo Channel 3 and 4 1028 - Stereo Channel 5 and 6 ... 5056 - Virtual MIDI Keyboard all Channels 5057 - Virtual MIDI Keyboard Channel 1 ... 5072 - Virtual MIDI Keyboard Channel 16 5088 - All MIDI Inputs - All Channels 5089 - All MIDI Inputs - Channel 1 ... 5104 - All MIDI Inputs - Channel 16 |
integer MonitorInput |
0 monitor off, 1 monitor on, 2 monitor on tape audio style |
integer RecInput |
returns rec-input type 0 input(Audio or Midi) 1 Record Output Stereo 2 Disabled, Input Monitoring Only 3 Record Output Stereo, Latency Compensated 4 Record Output MIDI 5 Record Output Mono 6 Record Output Mono, Latency Compensated 7 MIDI overdub 8 MIDI replace 9 MIDI touch replace 10 Record Output Multichannel 11 Record Output Multichannel, Latency Compensated 12 Record Input Force Mono 13 Record Input Force Stereo 14 Record Input Force Multichannel 15 Record Input Force MIDI 16 MIDI latch replace |
integer MonitorWhileRec |
Monitor Trackmedia when recording, 0 is off, 1 is on |
integer presPDCdelay |
preserve PDC delayed monitoring in media items |
integer RecordingPath |
recording path used 0 - Primary Recording-Path only 1 - Secondary Recording-Path only 2 - Primary Recording Path and Secondary Recording Path(for invisible backup) |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer Score1, integer Score2, number Score3, number Score4 = ultraschall.GetTrackScore(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer Score1 |
unknown |
integer Score2 |
unknown |
number Score3 |
unknown |
number Score4 |
unknown |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
integer selection_state = ultraschall.GetTrackSelection_TrackStateChunk(string TrackStateChunk)
integer selection_state |
0, track is unselected; 1, track is selected |
string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk whose selection-state you want to retrieve; works only with TrackStateChunks from ProjectStateChunks! |
integer MCPvisible, number MCP_FX_visible, number MCPTrackSendsVisible, integer TCPvisible, number ShowInMix5, number ShowInMix6, number ShowInMix7, number ShowInMix8 = ultraschall.GetTrackShowInMixState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer MCPvisible |
0 invisible, 1 visible |
number MCP_FX_visible |
0 visible, 1 FX-Parameters visible, 2 invisible |
number MCPTrackSendsVisible |
0 & 1.1 and higher TrackSends in MCP visible, every other number makes them invisible |
integer TCPvisible |
0 track is invisible in TCP, 1 track is visible in TCP |
number ShowInMix5 |
unknown |
number ShowInMix6 |
unknown |
number ShowInMix7 |
unknown |
number ShowInMix8 |
unknown |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
boolean retval, string trackstatechunk = ultraschall.GetTrackStateChunk_Tracknumber(integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true in case of success; false in case of error |
string trackstatechunk |
the trackstatechunk for track tracknumber |
integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, 0 for master track, 1 for track 1, 2 for track 2, etc. |
table values = ultraschall.GetTrackState_NumbersOnly(string state, optional string TrackStateChunk, optional string functionname, optional boolean numbertoggle)
table values |
all values found as numerical indexed array |
string state |
the state, whose attributes you want to retrieve |
string TrackStateChunk |
a statechunk of a track |
optional string functionname |
if this function is used within specific gettrackstate-functions, pass here the "host"-functionname, so error-messages will reflect that |
optional boolean numbertoggle |
true or nil; converts all values to numbers; false, keep them as string versions |
integer VUState = ultraschall.GetTrackVUState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer VUState |
nil if MultiChannelMetering is off, 2 if MultichannelMetering is on, 3 Metering is off |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
number Vol, number Pan, number OverridePanLaw, number unknown, number unknown2 = ultraschall.GetTrackVolPan(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
number Vol |
Volume Settings -Inf dB(0) to +12dB (3.98107170553497) |
number Pan |
Pan Settings -1(-100%); 0(center); 1(100% R) |
number OverridePanLaw |
Override Default Pan Track Law 0dB(1) to -144dB(0.00000006309573) |
number unknown |
unknown |
number unknown2 |
unknown |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
number width = ultraschall.GetTrackWidth(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
number width |
width of the track, from -1(-100%) to 1(+100%) |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master track; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk that you want to use, instead of a given track |
boolean retval, optional string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.AddTrackHWOut(integer tracknumber, integer outputchannel, integer post_pre_fader, number volume, number pan, integer mute, integer phase, integer source, number pan_law, integer automationmode, optional parameter TrackStateChunk)
Adds a setting of the HWOUT-HW-destination, as set in the routing-matrix, as well as in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue, of tracknumber. This function does not check the parameters for plausability, so check your settings twice!
see DB2MKVOL to convert parameter volume from a dB-value
returns false in case of failure
boolean retval |
true, if it worked; false if it didn't |
optional parameter TrackStateChunk |
an altered TrackStateChunk into which you added the new hwout-setting |
integer tracknumber |
the number of the track, whose HWOut you want. 0 for Master Track; -1, use parameter TrackStateChunk instead |
integer outputchannel |
outputchannel, with 1024+x the individual hw-outputchannels, 0,2,4,etc stereo output channels |
integer post_pre_fader |
0-post-fader(post pan), 1-preFX, 3-pre-fader(Post-FX), as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue |
number volume |
volume, as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue |
number pan |
pan, as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue |
integer mute |
mute, 1-on, 0-off, as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue |
integer phase |
Phase, 1-on, 0-off, as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue |
integer source |
source, as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue -1 - None 0 - Stereo Source 1/2 4 - Stereo Source 5/6 12 - New Channels On Sending Track Stereo Source Channel 13/14 1024 - Mono Source 1 1029 - Mono Source 6 1030 - New Channels On Sending Track Mono Source Channel 7 1032 - New Channels On Sending Track Mono Source Channel 9 2048 - MultiChannel 4 Channels 1-4 2050 - Multichannel 4 Channels 3-6 3072 - Multichannel 6 Channels 1-6 |
number pan_law |
pan-law, as set in the dialog that opens, when you right-click on the pan-slider in the routing-settings-dialog; default is -1 for +0.0dB |
integer automationmode |
automation mode, as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue -1 - Track Automation Mode 0 - Trim/Read 1 - Read 2 - Touch 3 - Write 4 - Latch 5 - Latch Preview |
optional parameter TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk into which to add the hwout-setting; only available, when tracknumber=-1 |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ApplyAllHWOuts(table AllHWOuts, optional integer option)
Takes a table, as returned by GetAllHWOuts with all HWOut-settings of all tracks and applies it to all tracks.
When you set option to 2, the individual entries will be applied to the tracks, that have the guids stored in table table[tracknumber]["TrackID"], otherwise, this function will apply it to track0 to trackn, which is the same as table["number_of_tracks"]. That way, you can create RoutingSnapshots, that will stay in the right tracks, even if they are ordered differently or when tracks have been added/deleted.
This influences the MasterTrack as well!
expected table is of structure:
table["HWOuts"]=true - signals, this is a HWOuts-table; don't change that!
table["number_of_tracks"] - the number of tracks in this table, from track 0(master) to track n
table[tracknumber]["HWOut_count"] - the number of HWOuts of tracknumber, beginning with 1
table[tracknumber]["TrackID"] - the unique id of the track as guid; can be used to get the MediaTrack using reaper.BR_GetMediaTrackByGUID(0, guid)
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["outputchannel"] - the number of outputchannels of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["post_pre_fader"] - the setting of post-pre-fader of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["volume"] - the volume of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["pan"] - the panning of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["mute"] - the mute-setting of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["phase"] - the phase-setting of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["source"] - the source/input of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["pan_law"] - pan-law, default is -1
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["automationmode"] - the automation-mode of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
See GetTrackHWOut for more details on the individual settings, stored in the entries.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, it was unsuccessful |
table AllHWOuts |
a table with all AllHWOut-entries of the current project |
optional integer option |
nil or 1, HWOuts will be applied to Track 0(MasterTrack) to table["number_of_tracks"]; 2, HWOuts will be applied to the tracks with the guid TrackID |
boolean retval = ultraschall.AreHWOutsTablesEqual(table AllHWOuts, table AllHWOuts2, optional integer option)
Compares two HWOuts-tables, as returned by GetAllHWOuts or GetAllHWOuts2
if option=2 then it will also compare, if the stored track-guids are the equal. Otherwise, it will only check the individual settings, even if the guids are different between the two tables.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if the two tables are equal HWOuts; false, if not |
table AllHWOuts |
a table with all HWOut-settings of all tracks |
table AllHWOuts2 |
a table with all HWOut-settings of all tracks, that you want to compare to AllHWOuts |
optional integer option |
nil or 1, to compare everything, except the stored TrackGuids; 2, include comparing the stored TrackGuids as well |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ClearRoutingMatrix(boolean ClearHWOuts, boolean ClearAuxRecvs, boolean ClearTrackMasterSends, boolean ClearMasterTrack, boolean undo)
boolean retval |
true, clearing was successful; false, clearing was unsuccessful |
boolean ClearHWOuts |
nil or true, clear all HWOuts; false, keep the HWOuts intact |
boolean ClearAuxRecvs |
nil or true, clear all Send/Receive-settings; false, keep the Send/Receive-settings intact |
boolean ClearTrackMasterSends |
nil or true, clear all send to master-checkboxes; false, keep them intact |
boolean ClearMasterTrack |
nil or true, include the Mastertrack as well; false, don't include it |
boolean undo |
true, set undo point; false or nil, don't set undo point |
integer count_HWOuts = ultraschall.CountTrackHWOuts(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer count_HWOuts |
the number of HWOuts in tracknumber |
integer tracknumber |
the number of the track, whose HWOUTs you want to count. 0 for Master Track; -1, to use optional parameter TrackStateChunk instead |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
the TrackStateChunk, whose hwouts you want to count; only when tracknumber=-1 |
boolean retval, optional string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.DeleteTrackHWOut(integer tracknumber, integer idx, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true if it worked, false if it didn't. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk, from which you deleted HWOut-entries; only available, when tracknumber=-1 |
integer tracknumber |
the number of the track, whose HWOUTs you want to delete. 0 for Master Track. -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk instead |
integer idx |
the number of the HWOut-setting, that you want to delete; -1, to delete all HWOuts from this track |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
the TrackStateChunk, from which you want to delete HWOut-entries |
table AllHWOuts, integer number_of_tracks = ultraschall.GetAllHWOuts()
returns a table with all HWOut-settings of all tracks, including master-track(track index: 0)
returned table is of structure: table["HWOuts"]=true - signals, this is a HWOuts-table; don't change that!
table["number_of_tracks"] - the number of tracks in this table, from track 0(master) to track n
table[tracknumber]["HWOut_count"] - the number of HWOuts of tracknumber, beginning with 1
table[tracknumber]["TrackID"] - the unique id of the track as guid; can be used to get the MediaTrack using reaper.BR_GetMediaTrackByGUID(0, guid)
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["outputchannel"] - the number of outputchannels of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["post_pre_fader"] - the setting of post-pre-fader of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["volume"] - the volume of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["pan"] - the panning of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["mute"] - the mute-setting of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["phase"] - the phase-setting of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["source"] - the source/input of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["pan_law"] - pan-law, default is -1
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["automationmode"] - the automation-mode of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
See GetTrackHWOut for more details on the individual settings, stored in the entries.
table AllHWOuts |
a table with all HWOuts of the current project. |
integer number_of_tracks |
the number of tracks in the AllMainSends-table |
integer outputchannel, integer post_pre_fader, number volume, number pan, integer mute, integer phase, integer source, number pan_law, integer automationmode = ultraschall.GetTrackHWOut(integer tracknumber, integer idx, optional string TrackStateChunk)
Returns the settings of the HWOUT-HW-destination, as set in the routing-matrix, as well as in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue, of tracknumber. There can be more than one, which you can choose with idx.
It's the entry HWOUT
see see MKVOL2DB to convert the volume-returnvalue into a dB-value
returns -1 in case of failure
integer outputchannel |
outputchannel, with 1024+x the individual hw-outputchannels, 0,2,4,etc stereo output channels |
integer post_pre_fader |
0-post-fader(post pan), 1-preFX, 3-pre-fader(Post-FX), as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue |
number volume |
volume, as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue |
number pan |
pan, as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue |
integer mute |
mute, 1-on, 0-off, as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue |
integer phase |
Phase, 1-on, 0-off, as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue |
integer source |
source, as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue -1 - None 0 - Stereo Source 1/2 4 - Stereo Source 5/6 12 - New Channels On Sending Track Stereo Source Channel 13/14 1024 - Mono Source 1 1029 - Mono Source 6 1030 - New Channels On Sending Track Mono Source Channel 7 1032 - New Channels On Sending Track Mono Source Channel 9 2048 - MultiChannel 4 Channels 1-4 2050 - Multichannel 4 Channels 3-6 3072 - Multichannel 6 Channels 1-6 |
number pan_law |
pan-law, as set in the dialog that opens, when you right-click on the pan-slider in the routing-settings-dialog; default is -1 for +0.0dB |
integer automationmode |
automation mode, as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue -1 - Track Automation Mode 0 - Trim/Read 1 - Read 2 - Touch 3 - Write 4 - Latch 5 - Latch Preview |
integer tracknumber |
the number of the track, whose HWOut you want, 0 for Master Track |
integer idx |
the id-number of the HWOut, beginning with 1 for the first HWOut-Settings |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk, whose HWOUT-entries you want to get |
boolean retval, optional string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackHWOut(integer tracknumber, integer idx, integer outputchannel, integer post_pre_fader, number volume, number pan, integer mute, integer phase, integer source, number pan_law, integer automationmode, optional string TrackStateChunk)
Sets a setting of the HWOUT-HW-destination, as set in the routing-matrix, as well as in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue, of tracknumber. There can be more than one, so choose the one you want to change with idx. To retain old-settings, use nil with the accompanying parameters. This function does not check the parameters for plausability, so check your settings twice, or the HWOut-setting might disappear with faulty parameters!
see DB2MKVOL to convert volume from a dB-value
returns false in case of failure
boolean retval |
true, if it worked; false if it didn't |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
an altered TrackStateChunk, in which you've set a send/receive-setting; only available when track=-1 |
integer tracknumber |
the number of the track, whose HWOut you want. 0 for Master Track |
integer idx |
the number of the HWOut-setting, you want to change |
integer outputchannel |
outputchannel, with 1024+x the individual hw-outputchannels, 0,2,4,etc stereo output channels |
integer post_pre_fader |
0-post-fader(post pan), 1-preFX, 3-pre-fader(Post-FX), as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue |
number volume |
volume, as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue |
number pan |
pan, as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue |
integer mute |
mute, 1-on, 0-off, as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue |
integer phase |
Phase, 1-on, 0-off, as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue |
integer source |
source, as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue -1 - None 0 - Stereo Source 1/2 4 - Stereo Source 5/6 12 - New Channels On Sending Track Stereo Source Channel 13/14 1024 - Mono Source 1 1029 - Mono Source 6 1030 - New Channels On Sending Track Mono Source Channel 7 1032 - New Channels On Sending Track Mono Source Channel 9 2048 - MultiChannel 4 Channels 1-4 2050 - Multichannel 4 Channels 3-6 3072 - Multichannel 6 Channels 1-6 |
number pan_law |
pan-law, as set in the dialog that opens, when you right-click on the pan-slider in the routing-settings-dialog; default is -1 for +0.0dB |
integer automationmode |
automation mode, as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue -1 - Track Automation Mode 0 - Trim/Read 1 - Read 2 - Touch 3 - Write 4 - Latch 5 - Latch Preview |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
sets an HWOUT-entry in a TrackStateChunk |
integer count_of_lanes = ultraschall.ItemLane_Count(MediaTrack track)
integer count_of_lanes |
the number of item-lanes |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose number of lanes you want to know |
integer count_MediaItems, table MediaItems = ultraschall.ItemLane_GetAllMediaItems(MediaTrack track, integer lane_index, optional number start_position, optional number end_position)
integer count_MediaItems |
the number of items in a lane |
table MediaItems |
the found items from a lane |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose MediaItems you want to get |
integer lane_index |
the lane, whose MediaItems you want to get |
optional number start_position |
the earliest position a MediaItem in a tracklane must have |
optional number end_position |
the latest position a MediaItem in a tracklane must have |
MediaTrack track, integer item_lane_index = ultraschall.ItemLane_GetFromPoint(integer x, integer y)
integer item_lane_index |
the index of the item-lane at coordinate; 0, if no lane is existing at coordinates |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose lane is at coordinate |
integer x |
the x-position of where you want to check for item-lane |
integer y |
the y-position of where you want to check for item-lane |
number y_position, number height = ultraschall.ItemLane_GetPositionAndHeight(MediaTrack track, integer lane_index)
number y_position |
the y-position of the lane in the fixed lanes |
number height |
the height of the lane in the fixed lanes |
MediaTrack track |
the track, whose lanes-height you want to know |
integer lane_index |
the lane, whose y-position and height you want to know |
boolean retval, optional string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.AddTrackAUXSendReceives(integer tracknumber, integer recv_tracknumber, integer post_pre_fader, number volume, number pan, integer mute, integer mono_stereo, integer phase, integer chan_src, integer snd_chan, number pan_law, integer midichanflag, integer automation, optional string TrackStateChunk)
Adds a setting of Send/Receive, as set in the routing-matrix, as well as in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue, of tracknumber. There can be more than one. Remember, if you want to set the sends of a track, you need to add it to the track, that shall receive, not the track that sends! Set recv_tracknumber in the track that receives with the tracknumber that sends, and you've set it successfully.
Due to the complexity of send/receive-settings, this function does not check, whether the parameters are plausible. So check twice, whether the added sends/receives appear, as they might not appear!
see DB2MKVOL to convert parameter volume from a dB-value
returns false in case of failure
boolean retval |
true if it worked, false if it didn't. |
optional parameter TrackStateChunk |
an altered TrackStateChunk into which you added a new receive/routing; only available, when tracknumber=-1 |
integer tracknumber |
the number of the track, whose Send/Receive you want; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer recv_tracknumber |
Tracknumber, from where to receive the audio from |
integer post_pre_fader |
0-PostFader, 1-PreFX, 3-Pre-Fader |
number volume |
Volume |
number pan |
pan, as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue; negative=left, positive=right, 0=center |
integer mute |
Mute this send(1) or not(0) |
integer mono_stereo |
Mono(1), Stereo(0) |
integer phase |
Phase of this send on(1) or off(0) |
integer chan_src |
Audio-Channel Source -1 - None 0 - Stereo Source 1/2 1 - Stereo Source 2/3 2 - Stereo Source 3/4 1024 - Mono Source 1 1025 - Mono Source 2 2048 - Multichannel Source 4 Channels 1-4 |
integer snd_chan |
send to channel 0 - Stereo 1/2 1 - Stereo 2/3 2 - Stereo 3/4 ... 1024 - Mono Channel 1 1025 - Mono Channel 2 |
number pan_law |
pan-law, as set in the dialog that opens, when you right-click on the pan-slider in the routing-settings-dialog; default is -1 for +0.0dB |
integer midichanflag |
0 - All Midi Tracks 1 to 16 - Midi Channel 1 to 16 32 - send to Midi Channel 1 64 - send to MIDI Channel 2 96 - send to MIDI Channel 3 ... 512 - send to MIDI Channel 16 4194304 - send to MIDI-Bus B1 send to MIDI-Bus B1 + send to MIDI Channel nr = MIDIBus B1 1/nr: 16384 - BusB1 BusB1+1 to 16 - BusB1-Channel 1 to 16 32768 - BusB2 BusB2+1 to 16 - BusB2-Channel 1 to 16 49152 - BusB3 ... BusB3+1 to 16 - BusB3-Channel 1 to 16 262144 - BusB16 BusB16+1 to 16 - BusB16-Channel 1 to 16 1024 - Add that value to switch MIDI On 4177951 - MIDI - None |
integer automation |
Automation Mode -1 - Track Automation Mode 0 - Trim/Read 1 - Read 2 - Touch 3 - Write 4 - Latch 5 - Latch Preview |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
the TrackStateChunk, to which you want to add a new receive-routing |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ApplyAllAUXSendReceives(table AllAUXSendReceives, optional integer option)
takes a table, as returned by GetAllAUXSendReceive with all AUXSendReceive-settings of all tracks and applies it to all tracks.
When you set option to 2, the individual entries will be applied to the tracks, that have the guids stored in table table[tracknumber]["TrackID"], otherwise, this function will apply it to track1 to trackn, which is the same as table["number_of_tracks"]. That way, you can create RoutingSnapshots, that will stay in the right tracks, even if they are ordered differently or when tracks have been added/deleted.
expected table is of structure: table["AllAUXSendReceive"]=true - signals, this is an AllAUXSendReceive-table. Don't alter!
table["number_of_tracks"] - the number of tracks in this table, from track 1 to track n
table[tracknumber]["AUXSendReceives_count"] - the number of AUXSendReceives of tracknumber, beginning with 1
table[tracknumber]["TrackID"] - the unique id of the track as guid; can be used to get the MediaTrack using reaper.BR_GetMediaTrackByGUID(0, guid)
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["recv_tracknumber"] - the track, from which to receive audio in this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["recv_track_guid"] - the guid of the receive-track; with that, you can be sure to get the right receive-track, even if trackorder changes
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["post_pre_fader"] - the setting of post-pre-fader of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["volume"] - the volume of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["pan"] - the panning of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["mute"] - the mute-setting of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["mono_stereo"] - the mono/stereo-button-setting of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["phase"] - the phase-setting of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["chan_src"] - the audiochannel-source of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["snd_src"] - the send-to-channel-target of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["pan_law"] - pan-law, default is -1
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["midichanflag"] - the Midi-channel of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber, leave it 0
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["automation"] - the automation-mode of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
See GetTrackAUXSendReceives for more details on the individual settings, stored in the entries.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, it was unsuccessful |
table AllAUXSendReceives |
a table with all AllAUXSendReceive-entries of the current project |
optional integer option |
nil or 1, AUXRecvs will be applied to Track 1 to table["number_of_tracks"]; 2, AUXRecvs will be applied to the tracks with the guid TrackID |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ApplyAllMainSendStates(table AllMainSendsTable, optional integer option)
takes a table, as returned by GetAllMainSendStates with all MainSend-settings of all tracks and applies it to all tracks.
The MainSend-settings are the settings, if a certain track sends it's signal to the Master Track.
When you set option to 2, the individual entries will be applied to the tracks, that have the guids stored in table table[tracknumber]["TrackID"], otherwise, this function will apply it to track0 to trackn, which is the same as table["number_of_tracks"]. That way, you can create RoutingSnapshots, that will stay in the right tracks, even if they are ordered differently or when tracks have been added/deleted.
This influences the MasterTrack as well!
expected table is of structure: Table["number_of_tracks"] - The number of tracks in this table, from track 1 to track n
Table["MainSend"]=true - signals, this is an AllMainSends-table
table[tracknumber]["TrackID"] - the unique id of the track as guid; can be used to get the MediaTrack using reaper.BR_GetMediaTrackByGUID(0, guid)
Table[tracknumber]["MainSendOn"] - Send to Master on(1) or off(1)
Table[tracknumber]["ParentChannels"] - the parent channels of this track
See GetTrackMainSendState for more details on the individual settings, stored in the entries.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, it was unsuccessful |
table AllMainSends |
a table with all AllMainSends-entries of the current project |
optional integer option |
nil or 1, MainSend-settings will be applied to Track 1 to table["number_of_tracks"]; 2, MasterSends will be applied to the tracks with the guid stored in table[tracknumber]["TrackID"]. |
boolean retval = ultraschall.AreAUXSendReceivesTablesEqual(table AllAUXSendReceives, table AllAUXSendReceives2, optional integer option)
Compares two AllAUXSendReceives-tables, as returned by GetAllAUXSendReceives or GetAllAUXSendReceives2
if option=2 then it will also compare, if the stored track-guids are the equal. Otherwise, it will only check the individual settings, even if the guids are different between the two tables.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if the two tables are equal AllMainSends; false, if not |
table AllAUXSendReceives |
a table with all AllAUXSendReceives-settings of all tracks |
table AllAUXSendReceives2 |
a table with all AllAUXSendReceives-settings of all tracks, that you want to compare to AllAUXSendReceives |
optional integer option |
nil or 1, to compare everything, except the stored TrackGuids; 2, include comparing the stored TrackGuids as well |
boolean retval = ultraschall.AreMainSendsTablesEqual(table AllMainSends, table AllMainSends2, optional integer option)
Compares two AllMainSends-tables, as returned by GetAllMainSendStates or GetAllMainSendStates2
if option=2 then it will also compare, if the stored track-guids are the equal. Otherwise, it will only check the individual settings, even if the guids are different between the two tables.
returns false in case of an error
boolean retval |
true, if the two tables are equal AllMainSends; false, if not |
table AllMainSends |
a table with all AllMainSends-settings of all tracks |
table AllMainSends2 |
a table with all AllMainSends-settings of all tracks, that you want to compare to AllMainSends |
optional integer option |
nil or 1, to compare everything, except the stored TrackGuids; 2, include comparing the stored TrackGuids as well |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ClearRoutingMatrix(boolean ClearHWOuts, boolean ClearAuxRecvs, boolean ClearTrackMasterSends, boolean ClearMasterTrack, boolean undo)
boolean retval |
true, clearing was successful; false, clearing was unsuccessful |
boolean ClearHWOuts |
nil or true, clear all HWOuts; false, keep the HWOuts intact |
boolean ClearAuxRecvs |
nil or true, clear all Send/Receive-settings; false, keep the Send/Receive-settings intact |
boolean ClearTrackMasterSends |
nil or true, clear all send to master-checkboxes; false, keep them intact |
boolean ClearMasterTrack |
nil or true, include the Mastertrack as well; false, don't include it |
boolean undo |
true, set undo point; false or nil, don't set undo point |
integer count_SendReceives = ultraschall.CountTrackAUXSendReceives(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk)
integer count_SendReceives |
the number of Send/Receives-Settings in tracknumber |
integer tracknumber |
the number of the track, whose Send/Receive you want; -1, if you want to pass a TrackStateChunk instead |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
the TrackStateChunk, whose hwouts you want to count; only when tracknumber=-1 |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DeleteTrackAUXSendReceives(integer tracknumber, integer idx, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true if it worked, false if it didn't. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
an altered TrackStateChunk, from which you deleted a Send/Receive-entrie; only available, when tracknumber=-1 |
integer tracknumber |
the number of the track, whose Send/Receive you want; -1, if you want to use the parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer idx |
the number of the send/receive-setting, that you want to delete; -1, deletes all AuxReceives on this track |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk, from which you want to delete Send/Receive-entries; only available, when tracknumber=-1 |
table AllAUXSendReceives, integer number_of_tracks = ultraschall.GetAllAUXSendReceives()
returns a table with all AUX-SendReceive-settings of all tracks, excluding master-track
returned table is of structure: table["AllAUXSendReceive"]=true - signals, this is an AllAUXSendReceive-table. Don't alter!
table["number_of_tracks"] - the number of tracks in this table, from track 1 to track n
table[tracknumber]["AUXSendReceives_count"] - the number of AUXSendReceives of tracknumber, beginning with 1
table[tracknumber]["TrackID"] - the unique id of the track as guid; can be used to get the MediaTrack using reaper.BR_GetMediaTrackByGUID(0, guid)
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["recv_tracknumber"] - the track, from which to receive audio in this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["recv_track_guid"] - the guid of the receive-track; with that, you can be sure to get the right receive-track, even if trackorder changes
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["post_pre_fader"] - the setting of post-pre-fader of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["volume"] - the volume of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["pan"] - the panning of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["mute"] - the mute-setting of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["mono_stereo"] - the mono/stereo-button-setting of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["phase"] - the phase-setting of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["chan_src"] - the audiochannel-source of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["snd_src"] - the send-to-channel-target of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["pan_law"] - pan-law, default is -1
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["midichanflag"] - the Midi-channel of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber, leave it 0
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["automation"] - the automation-mode of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
See GetTrackAUXSendReceives for more details on the individual settings, stored in the entries.
table AllAUXSendReceives |
a table with all SendReceive-entries of the current project. |
integer number_of_tracks |
the number of tracks in the AllMainSends-table |
table AllMainSends, integer number_of_tracks = ultraschall.GetAllMainSendStates()
returns a table with all MainSend-settings of all tracks, excluding master-track.
The MainSend-settings are the settings, if a certain track sends it's signal to the Master Track
returned table is of structure: Table["number_of_tracks"] - The number of tracks in this table, from track 1 to track n
Table["MainSend"]=true - signals, this is an AllMainSends-table
table[tracknumber]["TrackID"] - the unique id of the track as guid; can be used to get the MediaTrack using reaper.BR_GetMediaTrackByGUID(0, guid)
Table[tracknumber]["MainSendOn"] - Send to Master on(1) or off(1)
Table[tracknumber]["ParentChannels"] - the parent channels of this track
See GetTrackMainSendState for more details on the individual settings, stored in the entries.
table AllMainSends |
a table with all AllMainSends-entries of the current project. |
integer number_of_tracks |
the number of tracks in the AllMainSends-table |
integer recv_tracknumber, integer post_pre_fader, number volume, number pan, integer mute, integer mono_stereo, integer phase, integer chan_src, integer snd_chan, number pan_law, integer midichanflag, integer automation = ultraschall.GetTrackAUXSendReceives(integer tracknumber, integer idx, optional string TrackStateChunk)
Returns the settings of the Send/Receive, as set in the routing-matrix, as well as in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue, of tracknumber. There can be more than one, which you can choose with idx. Remember, if you want to get the sends of a track, you need to check the recv_tracknumber-returnvalues of the OTHER(!) tracks, as you can only get the receives. With the receives checked, you know, which track sends.
It's the entry AUXRECV
see MKVOL2DB to convert returnvalue volume into a dB-value
returns -1 in case of failure
integer recv_tracknumber |
Tracknumber, from where to receive the audio from |
integer post_pre_fader |
0-PostFader, 1-PreFX, 3-Pre-Fader |
number volume |
Volume |
number pan |
pan, as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue; negative=left, positive=right, 0=center |
integer mute |
Mute this send(1) or not(0) |
integer mono_stereo |
Mono(1), Stereo(0) |
integer phase |
Phase of this send on(1) or off(0) |
integer chan_src |
Audio-Channel Source -1 - None 0 - Stereo Source 1/2 1 - Stereo Source 2/3 2 - Stereo Source 3/4 1024 - Mono Source 1 1025 - Mono Source 2 2048 - Multichannel Source 4 Channels 1-4 |
integer snd_chan |
send to channel 0 - Stereo 1/2 1 - Stereo 2/3 2 - Stereo 3/4 ... 1024 - Mono Channel 1 1025 - Mono Channel 2 |
number pan_law |
pan-law, as set in the dialog that opens, when you right-click on the pan-slider in the routing-settings-dialog; default is -1 for +0.0dB |
integer midichanflag |
0 - All Midi Tracks 1 to 16 - Midi Channel 1 to 16 32 - send to Midi Channel 1 64 - send to MIDI Channel 2 96 - send to MIDI Channel 3 ... 512 - send to MIDI Channel 16 4194304 - send to MIDI-Bus B1 send to MIDI-Bus B1 + send to MIDI Channel nr = MIDIBus B1 1/nr: 16384 - BusB1 BusB1+1 to 16 - BusB1-Channel 1 to 16 32768 - BusB2 BusB2+1 to 16 - BusB2-Channel 1 to 16 49152 - BusB3 ... BusB3+1 to 16 - BusB3-Channel 1 to 16 262144 - BusB16 BusB16+1 to 16 - BusB16-Channel 1 to 16 1024 - Add that value to switch MIDI On 4177951 - MIDI - None |
integer automation |
Automation Mode -1 - Track Automation Mode 0 - Trim/Read 1 - Read 2 - Touch 3 - Write 4 - Latch 5 - Latch Preview |
integer tracknumber |
the number of the track, whose Send/Receive you want |
integer idx |
the id-number of the Send/Receive, beginning with 1 for the first Send/Receive-Settings |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk, whose AUXRECV-entries you want to get |
boolean retval, optional string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackAUXSendReceives(integer tracknumber, integer idx, integer recv_tracknumber, integer post_pre_fader, number volume, number pan, integer mute, integer mono_stereo, integer phase, integer chan_src, integer snd_chan, number pan_law, integer midichanflag, integer automation, optional string TrackStateChunk)
Alters a setting of Send/Receive, as set in the routing-matrix, as well as in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue, of tracknumber. There can be more than one, so choose the right one with idx. You can keep the old-setting by using nil as a parametervalue. Remember, if you want to set the sends of a track, you need to add it to the track, that shall receive, not the track that sends! Set recv_tracknumber in the track that receives with the tracknumber that sends, and you've set it successfully.
Due to the complexity of send/receive-settings, this function does not check, whether the parameters are plausible. So check twice, whether the change sends/receives still appear, as they might disappear with faulty settings!
see DB2MKVOL to convert parameter volume from a dB-value
returns false in case of failure
boolean retval |
true if it worked, false if it didn't. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
an altered TrackStateChunk, whose AUXRECV-entries you've altered |
integer tracknumber |
the number of the track, whose Send/Receive you want |
integer idx |
the send/receive-setting, you want to set |
integer recv_tracknumber |
Tracknumber, from where to receive the audio from |
integer post_pre_fader |
0-PostFader, 1-PreFX, 3-Pre-Fader |
number volume |
Volume |
number pan |
pan, as set in the Destination "Controls for Track"-dialogue; negative=left, positive=right, 0=center |
integer mute |
Mute this send(1) or not(0) |
integer mono_stereo |
Mono(1), Stereo(0) |
integer phase |
Phase of this send on(1) or off(0) |
integer chan_src |
Audio-Channel Source -1 - None 0 - Stereo Source 1/2 1 - Stereo Source 2/3 2 - Stereo Source 3/4 1024 - Mono Source 1 1025 - Mono Source 2 2048 - Multichannel Source 4 Channels 1-4 |
integer snd_chan |
send to channel 0 - Stereo 1/2 1 - Stereo 2/3 2 - Stereo 3/4 ... 1024 - Mono Channel 1 1025 - Mono Channel 2 |
number pan_law |
pan-law, as set in the dialog that opens, when you right-click on the pan-slider in the routing-settings-dialog; default is -1 for +0.0dB |
integer midichanflag |
0 - All Midi Tracks 1 to 16 - Midi Channel 1 to 16 32 - send to Midi Channel 1 64 - send to MIDI Channel 2 96 - send to MIDI Channel 3 ... 512 - send to MIDI Channel 16 4194304 - send to MIDI-Bus B1 send to MIDI-Bus B1 + send to MIDI Channel nr = MIDIBus B1 1/nr: 16384 - BusB1 BusB1+1 to 16 - BusB1-Channel 1 to 16 32768 - BusB2 BusB2+1 to 16 - BusB2-Channel 1 to 16 49152 - BusB3 ... BusB3+1 to 16 - BusB3-Channel 1 to 16 262144 - BusB16 BusB16+1 to 16 - BusB16-Channel 1 to 16 1024 - Add that value to switch MIDI On 4177951 - MIDI - None |
integer automation |
Automation Mode -1 - Track Automation Mode 0 - Trim/Read 1 - Read 2 - Touch 3 - Write 4 - Latch 5 - Latch Preview |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk, whose AUXRECV-entries you want to set |
boolean retval = ultraschall.CollapseTrackHeight(integer track)
boolean retval |
true, collapsing was successful; false, collapsing was not successful |
integer track |
the track, which you want to collapse in height |
integer number_of_found_tracks, table found_tracks, table found_tracknames = ultraschall.GetTrackByTrackName(string trackname, boolean case_sensitive, integer escaped_strict)
integer number_of_found_tracks |
the number of found tracks |
table found_tracks |
the found tracks as table |
table found_tracknames |
the found tracknames |
string trackname |
the trackname to look for |
boolean case_sensitive |
true, take care of case-sensitivity; false, don't take case-sensitivity into account |
integer escaped_strict |
0, use trackname as matching-pattern, will find all tracknames following the pattern(Ja.-m -> Jam, Jam123Police, JaABBAm) 1, escape trackname off all magic characters, will find all tracknames with the escaped pattern in it (Ja.-m -> Ja.-m, Jam.-boree) 2, strict, will only find tracks with the exact trackname-string in their name(Jam -> Jam) |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetAllTracksSelected(boolean selected)
integer retval |
returns -1 in case of error |
boolean selected |
true, if all tracks shall be selected, false if all shall be deselected |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackAutoRecArmState(integer tracknumber, integer autorecarmstate, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer autorecarmstate |
the autorecarmstate; 1, autorecarm on; 0, autorecarm off |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackAutomodeState(integer tracknumber, integer automodestate, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer automodestate |
0 - trim/read, 1 - read, 2 - touch, 3 - write, 4 - latch |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackBeatState(integer tracknumber, integer beatstate, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer beatstate |
tracktimebase for this track; -1 - Project time base, 0 - Time, 1 - Beats position, length, rate, 2 - Beats position only |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackBusCompState(integer tracknumber, integer buscompstate1, integer buscompstate2, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer |
buscompstate1 - 0 - no compacting, 1 - compacted tracks, 2 - minimized tracks |
integer |
buscompstate2 - 0 - unknown, 1 - unknown |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackBypFXState(integer tracknumber, integer FXBypassState, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer FXBypassState |
0 bypass, 1 activate fx; has only effect, if FX or instruments are added to this track |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackFreeModeState(integer tracknumber, integer freemodestate, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer freemodestate |
0 - off, 1 - on |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackGroupFlagsState(integer tracknumber, array groups_bitfield_table, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
array groups_bitfield_table |
an array with all bitfields with all groupflag-settings |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackGroupFlags_HighState(integer tracknumber, array groups_bitfield_table, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
array groups_bitfield_table |
an array with all bitfields with all groupflag-settings |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackHeightState(integer tracknumber, integer height, integer heightstate2, integer lockedtrackheight, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer height |
24 up to 443 pixels |
integer lockedtrackheight |
0, trackheight is not locked; 1, trackheight is locked |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackID(integer tracknumber, string guid, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
string guid |
a valid GUID. Can be generated with the native Reaper-function reaper.genGuid() |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackINQState(integer tracknumber, integer quantMIDI, integer quantPOS, integer quantNoteOffs, number quantToFractBeat, integer quantStrength, integer swingStrength, integer quantRangeMin, integer quantRangeMax, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer quantMIDI |
quantize MIDI; 0 or 1 |
integer quantPOS |
quantize to position; -1,prev; 0, nearest; 1, next |
integer quantNoteOffs |
quantize note-offs; 0 or 1 |
number quantToFractBeat |
quantize to (fraction of beat) |
integer quantStrength |
quantize strength; -128 to 127 |
integer swingStrength |
swing strength; -128 to 127 |
integer quantRangeMin |
quantize range minimum; -128 to 127 |
integer quantRangeMax |
quantize range maximum; -128 to 127 |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackIPhaseState(integer tracknumber, integer iphasestate, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer iphasestate |
0-off, <> than 0-on |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackIcon_Filename(integer tracknumber, string Iconfilename_with_path, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
string Iconfilename_with_path |
filename+path of the imagefile to use as the trackicon; "", to remove track-icon |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackIsBusState(integer tracknumber, integer busstate1, integer busstate2, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
integer busstate1 |
refer to description for details |
integer busstate2 |
refer to description for details |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackLayoutNames(integer tracknumber, string TCP_Layoutname, string MCP_Layoutname, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
string TCP_Layoutname |
name of the TrackControlPanel-Layout from the theme to use |
string MCP_Layoutname |
name of the MixerControlPanel-Layout from the theme to use |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackLockState(integer tracknumber, integer LockedState, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer LockedState |
1 - locked, 0 - unlocked |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackMIDIOutState(integer tracknumber, integer MIDIOutState, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer MIDIOutState |
%-1 no output 416 %- microsoft GS wavetable synth-send to original channels 417-432 %- microsoft GS wavetable synth-send to channel state minus 416 -31 %- no Output, send to original channel 1 -16 %- no Output, send to original channel 16 |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, optional string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackMainSendState(integer tracknumber, integer MainSendOn, integer ParentChannels, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk, if tracknumber=-1 |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer MainSendOn |
on(1) or off(0) |
integer ParentChannels |
the ParentChannels(0-64), interpreted as beginning with ParentChannels to ParentChannels+NCHAN |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackMidiBankProgFn(integer tracknumber, string MIDIBankProgFn, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
string MIDIBankProgFn |
filename+path to the MIDI-Bank-Prog-file; "", to remove it |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackMidiCTL(integer tracknumber, integer LinkedToMidiChannel, integer unknown, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer LinkedToMidiChannel |
unknown; nil, to remove this setting completely |
integer unknown |
unknown |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackMidiColorMapFn(integer tracknumber, string MIDI_ColorMapFN, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
string MIDI_ColorMapFN |
filename+path to the MIDI-ColorMap-file; "", to remove it |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackMidiInputChanMap(integer tracknumber, integer InputChanMap, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer InputChanMap |
0 for channel 1, 2 for channel 2, etc. -1 if not existing; nil, to remove MidiInputChanMap |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackMidiTextStrFn(integer tracknumber, string MIDITextStrFn, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
string MIDITextStrFn |
filename+path to the MIDI-Text-Str-file; "", to remove it |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackMuteSoloState(integer tracknumber, integer Mute, integer Solo, integer SoloDefeat, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer Mute |
Mute set to 0 - Mute off, 1 - Mute On |
integer Solo |
Solo set to 0 - Solo off, 1 - Solo ignore routing, 2 - Solo on |
integer SoloDefeat |
SoloDefeat set to 0 - off, 1 - on |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackNChansState(integer tracknumber, integer NChans, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer NChans |
2 to 64, counted every second channel (2,4,6,8,etc) with stereo-tracks. Unknown, if Multichannel and Mono-tracks count differently. |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackName(integer tracknumber, string name, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
string name |
new name of the track |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackPanMode(integer tracknumber, integer panmode, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer panmode |
the Panmode of the track nil - Project Default 0 - Reaper 3.x balance (deprecated) 3 - Stereo Balance/ Mono Pan(Default) 5 - Stereo Balance 6 - Dual Pan 7 - unknown mode |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackPeakColorState(integer tracknumber, integer colorvalue, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer colorvalue |
the color for the track |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackPerfState(integer tracknumber, integer Perf, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer Perf |
performance-state 0 - allow anticipative FX + allow media buffering 1 - allow anticipative FX + prevent media buffering 2 - prevent anticipative FX + allow media buffering 3 - prevent anticipative FX + prevent media buffering |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackPlayOffsState(integer tracknumber, optional string TrackStateChunk, number offset, integer media_playback_flags)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
number offset |
common values settable via UI are: -0.5(-500ms) to 0.5(500ms) or -8192 to 8192(samples) |
integer media_playback_flags |
flags for Media playback offset-settings &1=0, Media playback offset-checkbox is on; &1=1, Media playback offset-checkbox is off &2=0, value is in milliseconds; &2=2, value is in samples |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackRecCFG(integer tracknumber, string reccfg_string, integer reccfg_nr, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
string reccfg_string |
the string, that encodes the recording configuration of the track |
integer reccfgnr |
the number of the recording-configuration of the track; -1, removes the reccfg-setting 0, use default project rec-setting 1, use track-customized rec-setting, as set in the "Track: View track recording settings (MIDI quantize, file format/path) for last touched track"-dialog (action 40604) |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackRecState(integer tracknumber, integer ArmState, integer InputChannel, integer MonitorInput, integer RecInput, integer MonitorWhileRec, integer presPDCdelay, integer RecordingPath, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer ArmState |
set to 1(armed) or 0(unarmed) |
integer InputChannel |
the InputChannel -1 - No Input 1-16(more?) - Mono Input Channel 1024 - Stereo Channel 1 and 2 1026 - Stereo Channel 3 and 4 1028 - Stereo Channel 5 and 6 ... 5056 - Virtual MIDI Keyboard all Channels 5057 - Virtual MIDI Keyboard Channel 1 ... 5072 - Virtual MIDI Keyboard Channel 16 5088 - All MIDI Inputs - All Channels 5089 - All MIDI Inputs - Channel 1 ... 5104 - All MIDI Inputs - Channel 16 |
integer Monitor Input |
0 monitor off, 1 monitor on, 2 monitor on tape audio style |
integer RecInput |
the rec-input type 0 input(Audio or Midi) 1 Record Output Stereo 2 Disabled, Input Monitoring Only 3 Record Output Stereo, Latency Compensated 4 Record Output MIDI 5 Record Output Mono 6 Record Output Mono, Latency Compensated 7 MIDI overdub 8 MIDI replace 9 MIDI touch replace 10 Record Output Multichannel 11 Record Output Multichannel, Latency Compensated 12 Record Input Force Mono 13 Record Input Force Stereo 14 Record Input Force Multichannel 15 Record Input Force MIDI 16 MIDI latch replace |
integer MonitorWhileRec |
Monitor Trackmedia when recording, 0 is off, 1 is on |
integer presPDCdelay |
preserve PDC delayed monitoring in media items |
integer RecordingPath |
0 Primary Recording-Path only, 1 Secondary Recording-Path only, 2 Primary Recording Path and Secondary Recording Path(for invisible backup) |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackScore(integer tracknumber, integer unknown1, integer unknown2, number unknown3, number unknown4, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer unknown1 |
unknown |
integer unknown2 |
unknown |
number unknown3 |
unknown |
number unknown4 |
unknown |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
string alteredTrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackSelection_TrackStateChunk(integer selection_state, string TrackStateChunk)
string alteredTrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk with the new selection |
integer selection_state |
0, track is unselected; 1, track is selected |
string TrackStateChunk |
a TrackStateChunk whose selection-state you want to set; works only with TrackStateChunks from ProjectStateChunks! |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackShowInMixState(integer tracknumber, integer MCPvisible, number MCP_FX_visible, number MCP_TrackSendsVisible, integer TCPvisible, number ShowInMix5, integer ShowInMix6, integer ShowInMix7, integer ShowInMix8, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer MCPvisible |
0 invisible, 1 visible |
number MCP_FX_visible |
0 visible, 1 FX-Parameters visible, 2 invisible |
number MCPTrackSendsVisible |
0 & 1.1 and higher TrackSends in MCP visible, every other number makes them invisible |
integer TCPvisible |
0 track is invisible in TCP, 1 track is visible in TCP with Master-Track, 1 shows all active envelopes, 0 hides all active envelopes |
number ShowInMix5 |
unknown |
integer ShowInMix6 |
unknown |
integer ShowInMix7 |
unknown |
integer ShowInMix8 |
unknown |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetTrackStateChunk_Tracknumber(integer tracknumber, string trackstatechunk, boolean undo)
boolean retval |
true in case of success; false in case of error |
integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber, 0 for master track, 1 for track 1, 2 for track 2, etc. |
string trackstatechunk |
the trackstatechunk, you want to set this track with |
boolean undo |
Undo flag is a performance/caching hint. |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackVUState(integer tracknumber, integer VUState, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
integer VUState |
0 MultiChannelMetering is off, 2 MultichannelMetering is on, 3 Metering is off;seems to have no effect on MasterTrack |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackVolPan(integer tracknumber, number Vol, number Pan, number OverridePanLaw, number unknown, number unknown2, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1, if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
number Vol |
Volume Settings; -Inf dB(0) to +12dB (3.98107170553497) |
number Pan |
Pan Settings; -1(-100%); 0(center); 1(100% R) |
number OverridePanLaw |
Override Default Pan Track Law; 0dB(1) to -144dB(0.00000006309573) |
number unknown |
unknown |
number unknown2 |
unknown |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval, string TrackStateChunk = ultraschall.SetTrackWidth(integer tracknumber, number width, optional string TrackStateChunk)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful |
string TrackStateChunk |
the altered TrackStateChunk |
integer tracknumber |
number of the track, beginning with 1; 0 for master-track; -1 if you want to use parameter TrackStateChunk |
number width |
width of the track, from -1(-100%) to 1(+100%) |
optional string TrackStateChunk |
use a trackstatechunk instead of a track; only used when tracknumber is -1 |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetTrack_LastTouched(integer track)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was not successful |
integer track |
the track, which you want to set as last touched track |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetTrack_Trackheight_Force(integer track, integer trackheight)
boolean retval |
true, collapsing was successful; false, collapsing was not successful |
integer track |
the track, which you want to set the height of |
integer trackheigt |
the trackheight in pixels, 0 and higher |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetTracksSelected(string trackstring, boolean reset)
integer retval |
returns -1 in case of error |
string trackstring |
a string with the tracknumbers, separated by a comma; nil or "", deselects all |
boolean reset |
true, any previous selection will be discarded; false, it will be kept |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetTracksToLocked(string trackstring, boolean reset)
boolean retval |
true in case of success, false in case of error |
string trackstring |
the tracknumbers, separated with a , |
boolean reset |
reset lockedstate of other tracks true - resets the locked-state of all tracks not included in trackstring false - the lockedstate of tracks not in trackstring is retained |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetTracksToUnlocked(string trackstring)
boolean retval |
true in case of success, false in case of error |
string trackstring |
the tracknumbers, separated with a , |
boolean retval = ultraschall.TrackManager_ClearFilter()
boolean retval |
true, clearing was successful; false, clearing was unsuccessful |
boolean retval, optional boolean new_toggle_state = ultraschall.TrackManager_OpenClose(optional boolean toggle)
boolean retval |
true, opening/closing was successful; false, there was an error |
optional boolean new_toggle_state |
true, track manager is opened; false, track manager is closed |
optional boolean toggle |
true, open the track manager; false, close the track manager; nil, just toggle open/close of the trackmanager |
boolean retval = ultraschall.TrackManager_SelectionFromList()
boolean retval |
true, setting selection was successful; false, setting selection was unsuccessful |
boolean retval = ultraschall.TrackManager_SelectionFromProject()
boolean retval |
true, setting selection was successful; false, setting selection was unsuccessful |
boolean retval = ultraschall.TrackManager_SetFilter(string filter)
boolean retval |
true, setting filter was successful; false, setting filter was unsuccessful |
string filter |
the new filter-phrase to be set |
boolean retval = ultraschall.TrackManager_ShowAll()
boolean retval |
true, showall was successful; false, showall was unsuccessful |
boolean added = ultraschall.LUFS_Metering_AddEffect(boolean enabled)
boolean added |
true, fx has been added; false, fx hasn't been added as it was already present. |
boolean enabled |
true, enable the fx; false, disable the fx |
number LUFS_integral, number LUFS_target, number dB_Gain, integer FX_active = ultraschall.LUFS_Metering_GetValues()
number LUFS_integral |
the integral LUFS-value currently measured |
number LUFS_target |
the LUFS-target currently set in the UI of the jsfx |
number dB_Gain |
the gain currently set in the UI of the effect in dB |
integer FX_active |
0, the fx isn't active(usually when playback stopped); 1, the fx is active(during playback for instance) |
ultraschall.LUFS_Metering_SetValues(optional integer LUFS_target, optional number dB_Gain)
optional integer LUFS_target |
the LUFS-target 0, -14 LUFS (Spotify) 1, -16 LUFS (Podcast) 2, -18 LUFS 3, -20 LUFS 4, -23 LUFS (EBU R128) |
optional number dB_Gain |
the gain of the effect in dB |
table AllAUXSendReceives, integer number_of_tracks = ultraschall.GetAllAUXSendReceives2()
returns a table with all AUX-SendReceive-settings of all tracks, excluding master-track
like GetAllAUXSendReceives, but returns the type of a track as well
returned table is of structure: table["AllAUXSendReceive"]=true - signals, this is an AllAUXSendReceive-table. Don't alter!
table["number_of_tracks"] - the number of tracks in this table, from track 1 to track n
table[tracknumber]["type"] - type of the track, SoundBoard, StudioLink, StudioLinkOnAir or Other
table[tracknumber]["AUXSendReceives_count"] - the number of AUXSendReceives of tracknumber, beginning with 1
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["recv_tracknumber"] - the track, from which to receive audio in this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["post_pre_fader"] - the setting of post-pre-fader of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["volume"] - the volume of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["pan"] - the panning of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["mute"] - the mute-setting of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["mono_stereo"] - the mono/stereo-button-setting of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["phase"] - the phase-setting of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["chan_src"] - the audiochannel-source of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["snd_src"] - the send-to-channel-target of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["pan_law"] - pan-law, default is -1
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["midichanflag"] - the Midi-channel of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber, leave it 0
table[tracknumber][AUXSendReceivesIndex]["automation"] - the automation-mode of this AUXSendReceivesIndex of tracknumber
See GetTrackAUXSendReceives for more details on the individual settings, stored in the entries.
table AllAUXSendReceives |
a table with all SendReceive-entries of the current project. |
integer number_of_tracks |
the number of tracks in the AllMainSends-table |
table AllHWOuts, integer number_of_tracks = ultraschall.GetAllHWOuts2()
returns a table with all HWOut-settings of all tracks, including master-track(track index: 0)
like GetAllHWOuts but includes the type of a track as well
returned table is of structure: table["HWOuts"]=true - signals, this is a HWOuts-table; don't change that!
table["number_of_tracks"] - the number of tracks in this table, from track 0(master) to track n
table[tracknumber]["type"] - type of the track, SoundBoard, StudioLink, StudioLinkOnAir or Other
table[tracknumber]["HWOut_count"] - the number of HWOuts of tracknumber, beginning with 1
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["outputchannel"] - the number of outputchannels of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["post_pre_fader"] - the setting of post-pre-fader of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["volume"] - the volume of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["pan"] - the panning of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["mute"] - the mute-setting of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["phase"] - the phase-setting of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["source"] - the source/input of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["pan\law"] - pan-law, default is -1
table[tracknumber][HWOutIndex]["automationmode"] - the automation-mode of this HWOutIndex of tracknumber
See GetTrackHWOut for more details on the individual settings, stored in the entries.
table AllHWOuts |
a table with all HWOuts of the current project. |
integer number_of_tracks |
the number of tracks in the AllMainSends-table |
table AllMainSends, integer number_of_tracks = ultraschall.GetAllMainSendStates2()
returns a table with all MainSend-settings of all tracks, excluding master-track.
like GetAllMainSendStates, but includes the type of the track as well.
The MainSend-settings are the settings, if a certain track sends it's signal to the Master Track
returned table is of structure: Table["number_of_tracks"] - The number of tracks in this table, from track 1 to track n
Table[tracknumber]["type"] - type of the track, SoundBoard, StudioLink, StudioLinkOnAir or Other
Table[tracknumber]["MainSend"] - Send to Master on(1) or off(1)
Table[tracknumber]["ParentChannels"] - the parent channels of this track
See GetTrackMainSendState for more details on the individual settings, stored in the entries.
table AllMainSends |
a table with all AllMainSends-entries of the current project. |
integer number_of_tracks |
the number of tracks in the AllMainSends-table |
ultraschall.Soundboard_Play(integer playerindex)
integer playerindex |
the player of the SoundBoard; from 1-24 |
integer current_playlist_position = ultraschall.Soundboard_PlayList_CurrentIndex()
Returns the position within the playlist of the Ultraschall Soundboard.
Playlist means, the player within all players of the Ultraschall-Soundboard.
Needs ultraschall-Soundboard installed to be useable!
Track(s) who hold the soundboard must be recarmed and recinput set to MIDI or VKB.
For other playlist-related functions, see also SoundBoard_PlayList_SetIndex, SoundBoard_PlayList_Next and SoundBoard_PlayList_Previous
integer current_playlist_position |
the position in the playlist |
Stops current player and starts the next player within the playlist of the Ultraschall-Soundboard.
Needs ultraschall-Soundboard installed to be useable!
Track(s) who hold the soundboard must be recarmed and recinput set to MIDI or VKB.
For other playlist-related functions, see also Soundboard_PlayList_CurrentIndex, SoundBoard_PlayList_SetIndex and SoundBoard_PlayList_Previous
Stops current player and starts the previous player within the playlist of the Ultraschall-Soundboard.
When the previous would be before the first, it will not do anything.
Needs ultraschall-Soundboard installed to be useable!
Track(s) who hold the soundboard must be recarmed and recinput set to MIDI or VKB.
For other playlist-related functions, see also Soundboard_PlayList_CurrentIndex, SoundBoard_PlayList_SetIndex and SoundBoard_PlayList_Next.
ultraschall.Soundboard_PlayList_SetIndex(integer playerindex, optional boolean play, optional boolean stop_all_others)
sets a new playerindex within the playlist of the Ultraschall-Soundboard.
You can optionally start the player and stop all others currently playing.
Needs ultraschall-Soundboard installed to be useable!
Track(s) who hold the soundboard must be recarmed and recinput set to MIDI or VKB.
For other playlist-related functions, see also Soundboard_PlayList_CurrentIndex, SoundBoard_PlayList_Next and SoundBoard_PlayList_Previous
integer playerindex |
the player of the SoundBoard; from 1-24 |
optional boolean play |
true, start playing of this player immediately; nil or false, don't start playing |
optional boolean stop_all_others |
true, stop all other players currently playing; nil or false, don't stop anything |
ultraschall.Soundboard_Stop(integer playerindex)
integer playerindex |
the player of the SoundBoard; from 1-24 |
ultraschall.Soundboard_TogglePlayPause(integer playerindex)
integer playerindex |
the player of the SoundBoard; from 1-24 |
ultraschall.Soundboard_TogglePlayStop(integer playerindex)
integer playerindex |
the player of the SoundBoard; from 1-24 |
ultraschall.Soundboard_TogglePlay_FadeOutStop(integer playerindex)
integer playerindex |
the player of the SoundBoard; from 1-24 |
ultraschall.Soundboard_PlayFadeIn(integer playerindex)
integer playerindex |
the player of the SoundBoard; from 1-24 |
string type, boolean multiple = ultraschall.GetTypeOfTrack(integer tracknumber)
string type |
Either "StudioLink", "StudioLinkOnAir", "SoundBoard" or "Other". "", in case of an error |
boolean multiple |
true, the track has other valid plugins as well; false, it is a "pure typed" track |
integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber to check for; 0, for master-track; 1, for track 1; n for track n |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsTrackSoundboard(integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, it is an Ultraschall-Soundboard-track; false, it is not |
integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber to check for; 0, for master-track; 1, for track 1; n for track n |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsTrackStudioLink(integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, it is a StudioLink-track; false, it is not |
integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber to check for; 0, for master-track; 1, for track 1; n for track n |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsTrackStudioLinkOnAir(integer tracknumber)
boolean retval |
true, it is a StudioLinkOnAir-track; false, it is not |
integer tracknumber |
the tracknumber to check for; 0, for master-track; 1, for track 1; n for track n |
integer key_count = ultraschall.CountUSExternalState_key(string section, optional string filename)
integer key_count |
the number of keys within an ultraschall.ini-section |
string section |
the section of the ultraschall.ini, of which you want the number of keys. |
optional string filename |
set this to a filename, if you don't want to use ultraschall.ini; it will be stored into the resource-path of Reaper, so no path needed nil, uses ultraschall.ini |
integer section_count = ultraschall.CountUSExternalState_sec(optional filename)
integer section_count |
the number of section in the ultraschall.ini |
optional string filename |
set this to a filename, if you don't want to use ultraschall.ini; it will be stored into the resource-path of Reaper, so no path needed nil, uses ultraschall.ini |
boolean retval = ultraschall.DeleteUSExternalState(string section, string key, optional string filename)
boolean retval |
false in case of error; true in case of success |
string section |
the section, in which the to be deleted-key is located |
string key |
the key to delete |
optional string filename |
set this to a filename, if you don't want to use ultraschall.ini; it will be stored into the resource-path of Reaper, so no path needed nil, uses ultraschall.ini |
string key_name = ultraschall.EnumerateUSExternalState_key(string section, integer number, optional string filename)
string key_name |
the name ob the numberth key in ultraschall.ini. |
string section |
the section within ultraschall.ini, where the key is stored. |
integer number |
the number of the key, whose name you want to know; 1 for the first one |
optional string filename |
set this to a filename, if you don't want to use ultraschall.ini; it will be stored into the resource-path of Reaper, so no path needed nil, uses ultraschall.ini |
string section_name = ultraschall.EnumerateUSExternalState_sec(integer number, optional string filename)
string section_name |
the name of the numberth section within ultraschall.ini |
optional string filename |
set this to a filename, if you don't want to use ultraschall.ini; it will be stored into the resource-path of Reaper, so no path needed nil, uses ultraschall.ini |
integer number |
the number of section, whose name you want to know |
string value = ultraschall.GetUSExternalState(string section, string key, optional string filename)
string value |
the value itself; empty string in case of an error or no such extstate |
string section |
the section of the ultraschall.ini. |
string key |
the key of which you want it's value. |
optional string filename |
set this to a filename, if you don't want to use ultraschall.ini; it will be stored into the resource-path of Reaper, so no path needed nil, uses ultraschall.ini |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetUSExternalState(string section, string key, string value, optional string filename)
boolean retval |
true, if successful, false if unsuccessful. |
string section |
section within the ini-file |
string key |
key within the section |
string value |
the value itself |
optional string filename |
set this to a filename, if you don't want to use ultraschall.ini; it will be stored into the resource-path of Reaper, so no path needed nil, uses ultraschall.ini |
integer current_preventcount = ultraschall.GetPreventUIRefreshCount()
This returns the number of times PreventUIRefresh has been called since scriptstart, minus possible restored UI refreshes.
Use RestoreUIRefresh to restore UI-refresh
integer current_preventcount |
the remaining number of times PreventUIRefresh has been called since scriptstart |
integer current_preventcount = ultraschall.PreventUIRefresh()
like Reaper's own PreventUIRefresh, it allows you to prevent redrawing of the userinterface.
Unlike Reaper's own PreventUIRefresh, this will manage the preventcount itself.
this will not take into account usage of Reaper's own PreventUIRefresh, so you should use either
To reallow refreshing of the UI, use RestoreUIRefresh.
integer current_preventcount |
the number of times PreventUIRefresh has been called since scriptstart |
integer current_preventcount = ultraschall.RestoreUIRefresh(optional boolean full)
This reallows UI-refresh, after you've prevented it using PreventUIRefresh.
If you set parameter full=true, it will reset all PreventUIRefresh-calls since scriptstart at once, otherwise you need to call this as often until the returnvalue current_preventcount equals 0.
To get the remaining UI-refreshes to be restored, use GetPreventUIRefreshCount
If no UIRefreshes are available anymore, calling this function has no effect.
integer current_preventcount |
the remaining number of times PreventUIRefresh has been called since scriptstart |
optional boolean full |
true, restores UIRefresh fully, no matter, how often PreventUIRefresh has been called before; false or nil, just reset one single call to PreventUIRefresh |
integer retval = ultraschall.DeleteArrangeviewSnapshot(integer slot)
integer retval |
-1 in case of an error; 0 in case of success |
integer slot |
the slot for arrangeview-snapshot |
integer vertical_scroll_factor = ultraschall.GetVerticalScroll()
integer vertical_scroll_factor |
the vertical-scroll-factor |
integer vertical_zoom_factor = ultraschall.GetVerticalZoom()
integer vertical_zoom_factor |
the current vertical zoom-factor |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsValidArrangeviewSnapshot(integer slot)
boolean retval |
true, if Arrangeview-Snapshot is valid; false, if Arrangeview-Snapshot is not existing |
integer slot |
the slot for arrangeview-snapshot |
boolean retval, string description, number startposition, number endposition, integer vzoomfactor, number hzoomfactor, number vertical_scroll_factor = ultraschall.RestoreArrangeviewSnapshot(integer slot, optional boolean position, optional boolean vzoom, optional integer hcentermode, optional boolean verticalscroll)
boolean retval |
false, in case of error; true, in case of success |
string description |
a description for this arrangeview-snapshot |
number startposition |
the startposition of the arrangeview |
number endposition |
the endposition of the arrangeview |
integer vzoom |
the vertical-zoomfactor(0-40) |
number hzoomfactor |
the horizontal zoomfactor |
number vertical_scroll_factor |
the vertical-scroll-factor |
integer slot |
the slot for arrangeview-snapshot |
optional boolean position |
nil or true, set arrange to stored start and endposition(and it's horizontal-zoom); false, set only horizontal-zoom |
optional boolean vzoom |
nil or true, set vertical-zoom; false, don't set vertical zoom |
optional integer hcentermode |
decides, what shall be in the center of the zoomed horizontal view. Only available when position==false The following are available: nil, keeps center of view in the center during zoom(default) -1, default selection, as set in the reaper-prefs, 0, edit-cursor or playcursor(if it's in the current zoomfactor of the view during playback/recording) in center, 1, keeps edit-cursor in center of zoom 2, keeps center of view in the center during zoom 3, keeps in center of zoom, what is beneath the mousecursor |
optional boolean verticalscroll |
true or nil, sets vertical scroll-value as well; false, doesn't set vertical-scroll-value |
boolean retval, string description, number startposition, number endposition, integer vzoomfactor, number hzoomfactor, number vertical_scroll = ultraschall.RetrieveArrangeviewSnapshot(integer slot)
boolean retval |
false, in case of error; true, in case of success |
string description |
a description for this arrangeview-snapshot |
number startposition |
the startposition of the arrangeview |
number endposition |
the endposition of the arrangeview |
integer vzoom |
the vertical-zoomfactor(0-40) |
number hzoomfactor |
the horizontal zoomfactor |
number vertical_scroll |
the vertical scroll-value |
integer slot |
the slot for arrangeview-snapshot |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetVerticalRelativeScroll(integer relative_scrollposition)
boolean retval |
true, if setting was successful; false, if setting was unsuccessful |
integer scrollposition |
the vertical scrolling-position |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetVerticalScroll(integer scrollposition)
boolean retval |
true, if setting was successful; false, if setting was unsuccessful |
integer scrollposition |
the vertical scrolling-position |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetVerticalZoom(integer vertical_zoom_factor)
integer retval |
-1, in case of error |
integer vertical_zoom_factor |
the current vertical zoom-factor |
integer retval = ultraschall.StoreArrangeviewSnapshot(integer slot, string description, boolean position, boolean vzoom, boolean vscroll)
integer retval |
-1, in case of error |
integer slot |
the slot for arrangeview-snapshot |
string description |
a description for this arrangeview-snapshot |
boolean position |
true, store start and endposition of the current arrangeview; false, don't store start and endposition of current arrangeview(keep old position in slot, if existing) |
boolean vzoom |
true, store current vertical-zoom-factor; false, don't store current vertical-zoom-factor(keep old zoomfactor in slot, if existing) |
boolean vscroll |
true, store current vertical scroll-factor; false, don't store current vertival-scroll-factor |
integer retval = ultraschall.ShowMenu(string Title, string Entries, integer x, integer y)
integer retval |
the selected entry; 0, nothing selected |
string Title |
the title shown on top of the menu |
string Entries |
the individual entries. See above on how to create such an entry. |
integer x |
the x-position of the menu |
integer y |
the y-position of the menu |
string path, integer number_of_files, array filearray = ultraschall.BrowseForOpenFiles(string windowTitle, string initialFolder, string initialFile, string extensionList, boolean allowMultiple)
string path |
the path, in which the selected file(s) lie; nil, in case of an error; "" if no file was selected |
integer number_of_files |
the number of files selected; 0, if no file was selected |
array filearray |
an array with all the selected files |
string windowTitle |
the title shown in the filechooser-dialog |
string initialFolder |
the initial-folder opened in the filechooser-dialog |
string initialFile |
the initial-file selected in the filechooser-dialog, good for giving default filenames |
string extensionList |
a list of extensions that can be selected in the selection-list. the list has the following structure(separate the entries with a \0): "description of type1\0type1\0description of type 2\0type2\0" the description of type can be anything that describes the type(s), to define one type, write: *.ext to define multiple types, write: *.ext;*.ext2;*.ext3 the extensionList must end with a \0 |
boolean allowMultiple |
true, allows selection of multiple files; false, only allows selection of single files |
boolean retval, integer number_of_inputfields, table returnvalues = ultraschall.GetUserInputs(string title, table caption_names, table default_retvals, optional integer values_length, optional integer caption_length, optional integer x_pos, optional integer y_pos)
boolean retval |
true, the user clicked ok on the userinput-window; false, the user clicked cancel or an error occured |
integer number_of_inputfields |
the number of returned values; nil, in case of an error |
table returnvalues |
the returnvalues input by the user as a table; nil, in case of an error |
string title |
the title of the inputwindow |
table caption_names |
a table with all inputfield-captions. All non-string-entries will be converted to string-entries. Begin an entry with a * for password-entry-fields. it can be up to 16 fields This dialog only allows limited caption-field-length, about 19-30 characters, depending on the size of the used characters. Don't enter nil as captionname, as this will be seen as end of the table by this function, omitting possible following captionnames! |
table default_retvals |
a table with all default retvals. All non-string-entries will be converted to string-entries. it can be up to 16 fields Only enter nil as default-retval, if no further default-retvals are existing, otherwise use "" for empty retvals. for no default-retvals, write nil |
optional integer values_length |
the extralength of the values-inputfield. With that, you can enhance the length of the inputfields. 1-500(doesn't work on Mac yet) |
optional integer caption_length |
the length of the caption in pixels; inputfields and OK, Cancel-buttons will be moved accordingly.(doesn't work on Mac yet) |
optional integer x_pos |
the x-position of the GetUserInputs-dialog; nil, to keep default position(doesn't work on Mac yet) |
optional integer y_pos |
the y-position of the GetUserInputs-dialog; nil, to keep default position(doesn't work on Mac yet) |
integer retval = ultraschall.MB(string msg, optional string title, optional integer type, optional string button1_caption, optional string button2_caption, optional string button3_caption)
integer |
the button pressed by the user -1, error while executing this function 1, Button 1 2, Button 2 3, Button 3 |
string msg |
the message, that shall be shown in messagebox |
optional string title |
the title of the messagebox |
optional integer type |
which buttons shall be shown in the messagebox, in that order 0, OK 1, OK CANCEL 2, ABORT RETRY IGNORE 3, YES NO CANCEL 4, YES NO 5, RETRY CANCEL nil, defaults to OK |
optional string button1_caption |
caption of the first button |
optional string button2_caption |
caption of the second button |
optional string button3_caption |
caption of the third button |
boolean Volume, integer Locked, integer Mute, integer Notes, boolean PooledMidi, boolean GroupedItems, integer PerTakeFX, integer Properties, integer AutomationEnvelopes, integer hide_when_take_less_than_px = ultraschall.GetItemButtonsVisible()
boolean Volume |
true, shows the volume knob; false, doesn't show the volume knob |
integer Locked |
gets visibility-state of locked/unlocked button 0, doesn't show lockstate button 1, shows locked button only 2, shows unlocked button only 3, shows locked and unlocked button |
integer Mute |
gets visibility-state of mute/unmuted button 0, doesn't show mute button 1, shows mute button only 2, shows unmuted button only 3, shows muted and unmuted button |
integer Notes |
gets visibility-state of itemnotes-button 0, doesn't show item-note button 1, shows itemnote existing-button only 2, shows no itemnote existing-button only 3, shows itemnote existing and no itemnote existing-button |
boolean PooledMidi |
true, shows the pooled midi-button; false, don't show the pooled midi-button |
boolean GroupedItems |
true, shows the grouped item-button; false, don't show the grouped item-button |
integer PerTakeFX |
gets visibility-state of take fx-button 0, doesn't show take-fx button 1, shows active take fx-button only 2, shows non active take fx-button only 3, shows active and nonactive take fx-button |
integer Properties |
gets visibility-state of properties-button 0, doesn't show item properties-button 1, shows item properties-button 2, shows item properties-button only if resampled media |
integer AutomationEnvelopes |
gets visibility-state of envelope-button 0, doesn't show envelope-button 1, shows active envelope-button only 2, shows non active envelope-button only 3, shows active and nonactive envelope-button |
integer hide_when_take_less_than_px |
the value to hide when take is less than x pixels; 0 to 2147483647 |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetItemButtonsVisible(optional boolean Volume, optional integer Locked, optional integer Mute, optional integer Notes, optional boolean PooledMidi, optional boolean GroupedItems, optional integer PerTakeFX, optional integer Properties, optional integer AutomationEnvelopes, optional integer hide_when_take_less_than_px)
boolean retval |
true, setting button was successful; false, buttons couldn't be set |
optional boolean Volume |
true, show the volume knob; false, don't show the volume knob; nil, keep current setting |
optional integer Locked |
sets state of locked/unlocked button nil, keep current state 0, don't show lockstate button 1, show locked button only 2, show unlocked button only 3, show locked and unlocked button |
optional integer Mute |
sets state of mute/unmuted button nil, keep current state 0, don't show mute button 1, show mute button only 2, show unmuted button only 3, show muted and unmuted button |
optional integer Notes |
sets state of itemnotes-button nil, keep current state 0, don't show item-note button 1, show itemnote existing-button only 2, show no itemnote existing-button only 3, show itemnote existing and no itemnote existing-button |
optional boolean PooledMidi |
true, show the pooled midi-button; false, don't show the pooled midi-button; nil, keep current setting |
optional boolean GroupedItems |
true, show the grouped item-button; false, don't show the grouped item-button; nil, keep current setting |
optional integer PerTakeFX |
sets state of take fx-button nil, keep current state 0, don't show take-fx button 1, show active take fx-button only 2, show non active take fx-button only 3, show active and nonactive take fx-button |
optional integer Properties |
show properties-button nil, keep current state 0, don't show item properties-button 1, show item properties-button 2, show item properties-button only if resampled media |
optional integer AutomationEnvelopes |
sets state of envelope-button nil, keep current state 0, don't show envelope-button 1, show active envelope-button only 2, show non active envelope-button only 3, show active and nonactive envelope-button |
optional integer hide_when_take_less_than_px |
the value to hide when take is less than x pixels; 0 to 2147483647 |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ShowAutomationItemMenu(integer x, integer y, integer AutomationIDX, optional TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope, optional HWND HWNDParent)
boolean retval |
true, opening the menu worked; false, there was an error |
integer x |
x position of the context-menu in pixels |
integer y |
y position of the context-menu in pixels |
integer AutomationIDX |
the automation item-id within this Envelope which shall be influenced by the menu-selection of the opened context-menu, beginning with 1 for the first |
optional TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope |
the TrackEnvelope/TakeEnvelope, which shall be influenced by the menu-selection of the opened context-menu; nil, use the currently selected TrackEnvelope |
optional HWND HWNDParent |
a HWND, in which the context-menu shall be shown in; nil, use Reaper's main window |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ShowEnvelopeMenu(integer x, integer y, optional TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope, optional HWND HWNDParent)
boolean retval |
true, opening the menu worked; false, there was an error |
integer x |
x position of the context-menu in pixels |
integer y |
y position of the context-menu in pixels |
optional TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope |
the TrackEnvelope/TakeEnvelope, which shall be influenced by the menu-selection of the opened context-menu; nil, use the currently selected TrackEnvelope |
optional HWND HWNDParent |
a HWND, in which the context-menu shall be shown in; nil, use Reaper's main window |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ShowEnvelopePointMenu(integer x, integer y, integer Pointidx, optional TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope, optional HWND HWNDParent)
boolean retval |
true, opening the menu worked; false, there was an error |
integer x |
x position of the context-menu in pixels |
integer y |
y position of the context-menu in pixels |
integer Pointidx |
the envelope-point, which shall be influenced by the context-menu |
optional TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope |
the TrackEnvelope/TakeEnvelope, which shall be influenced by the menu-selection of the opened context-menu; nil, use the currently selected TrackEnvelope |
optional HWND HWNDParent |
a HWND, in which the context-menu shall be shown in; nil, use Reaper's main window |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ShowEnvelopePointMenu_AutomationItem(integer x, integer y, integer Pointidx, integer AutomationIDX, optional TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope, optional HWND HWNDParent)
boolean retval |
true, opening the menu worked; false, there was an error |
integer x |
x position of the context-menu in pixels |
integer y |
y position of the context-menu in pixels |
integer Pointidx |
the envelope-point, which shall be influenced by the context-menu |
integer AutomationIDX |
the automation item-id within this Envelope, beginning with 1 for the first |
optional TrackEnvelope TrackEnvelope |
the TrackEnvelope/TakeEnvelope, which shall be influenced by the menu-selection of the opened context-menu; nil, use the currently selected TrackEnvelope |
optional HWND HWNDParent |
a HWND, in which the context-menu shall be shown in; nil, use Reaper's main window |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ShowMediaItemMenu(integer x, integer y, optional MediaItem MediaItem, optional HWND HWNDParent)
boolean retval |
true, opening the menu worked; false, there was an error |
integer x |
x position of the context-menu in pixels |
integer y |
y position of the context-menu in pixels |
optional MediaItem MediaItem |
the MediaItem, which shall be influenced by the menu-selection of the opened context-menu; nil, use the currently selected one |
optional HWND HWNDParent |
a HWND, in which the context-menu shall be shown in; nil, use Reaper's main window |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ShowRulerMenu(integer x, integer y, optional HWND HWNDParent)
boolean retval |
true, opening the menu worked; false, there was an error |
integer x |
x position of the context-menu in pixels |
integer y |
y position of the context-menu in pixels |
optional HWND HWNDParent |
a HWND, in which the context-menu shall be shown in; nil, use Reaper's main window |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ShowTrackAreaMenu(integer x, integer y, optional HWND HWNDParent)
boolean retval |
true, opening the menu worked; false, there was an error |
integer x |
x position of the context-menu in pixels |
integer y |
y position of the context-menu in pixels |
optional HWND HWNDParent |
a HWND, in which the context-menu shall be shown in; nil, use Reaper's main window |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ShowTrackInputMenu(integer x, integer y, optional MediaTrack MediaTrack, optional HWND HWNDParent)
boolean retval |
true, opening the menu worked; false, there was an error |
integer x |
x position of the context-menu in pixels |
integer y |
y position of the context-menu in pixels |
optional MediaTrack MediaTrack |
the MediaTrack, which shall be influenced by the menu-selection of the opened context-menu; nil, use the currently selected one |
optional HWND HWNDParent |
a HWND, in which the context-menu shall be shown in; nil, use Reaper's main window |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ShowTrackPanelMenu(integer x, integer y, optional MediaTrack MediaTrack, optional HWND HWNDParent)
boolean retval |
true, opening the menu worked; false, there was an error |
integer x |
x position of the context-menu in pixels |
integer y |
y position of the context-menu in pixels |
optional MediaTrack MediaTrack |
the MediaTrack, which shall be influenced by the menu-selection of the opened context-menu; nil, use the currently selected one |
optional HWND HWNDParent |
a HWND, in which the context-menu shall be shown in; nil, use Reaper's main window |
boolean retval = ultraschall.ShowTrackRoutingMenu(integer x, integer y, optional MediaTrack MediaTrack, optional HWND HWNDParent)
boolean retval |
true, opening the menu worked; false, there was an error |
integer x |
x position of the context-menu in pixels |
integer y |
y position of the context-menu in pixels |
optional MediaTrack MediaTrack |
the MediaTrack, which shall be influenced by the menu-selection of the opened context-menu; nil, use the currently selected one |
optional HWND HWNDParent |
a HWND, in which the context-menu shall be shown in; nil, use Reaper's main window |
integer conv_ycoord = ultraschall.ConvertYCoordsMac2Win(integer ycoord, optional integer height)
integer conv_ycoord |
the converted coordinate in pixels |
integer ycoord |
the y-coordinate to convert in pixels |
optional integer height |
the height of the screen in pixels, which is the base for the conversion; nil, uses current screenheight |
integer dpi = ultraschall.GetScaleRangeFromDpi(number scale)
integer dpi |
the dpi-value to convert into its scale-range-representation; 0-1539 dpi |
number scale |
the scale-value to convert into its dpi-representation; 0.001 to 6.000 is supported |
integer retval = ultraschall.GetIDEFontSize()
integer fontsize |
the currently set fontsize within Reaper's IDEs |
number minimum_scale_for_dpi, number maximum_scale_for_dpi = ultraschall.GetScaleRangeFromDpi(integer dpi)
number minimum_scale_for_dpi |
the minimum scale-value for this dpi-value |
number maximum_scale_for_dpi |
the maximum scale-value for this dpi-value |
integer dpi |
the dpi-value to convert into its scale-range-representation; 0-1539 dpi |
number position = ultraschall.GetTimeByMouseXPosition(integer xposition)
number position |
the projectposition at x-coordinate in seconds |
integer xposition |
the x-position in pixels, from which you would love to have the projectposition |
number uiscale = ultraschall.GetUIScale()
number uiscale |
the current scaling-factor of Reaper's UI |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetIDEFontSize(integer fontsize)
boolean retval |
true, if setting was successful; false, if not |
integer fontsize |
the new font-size for Reaper's IDEs |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetUIScale(number scaling)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
number scaling |
the scaling-factor; safe range is between 0.30 and 3.00, though higher is supported |
HWND hwnd = ultraschall.GetActionsHWND()
HWND hwnd |
the window-handler of the Actions-dialog |
HWND hwnd = ultraschall.GetBatchFileItemConverterHWND()
HWND hwnd |
the window-handler of the "Batch File/Item Converter"-dialog |
HWND hwnd = ultraschall.GetConsolidateTracksHWND()
HWND hwnd |
the window-handler of the Consolidate Tracks-dialog |
HWND hwnd = ultraschall.GetExportProjectMIDIHWND()
HWND hwnd |
the window-handler of the "Export Project MIDI"-dialog |
HWND arrange_view_hwnd, integer x, integer y, integer right, integer bottom = ultraschall.GetHWND_ArrangeView()
HWND arrange_view_hwnd |
the window-handler of arrange-view |
integer x |
x-position of arrange-view in pixels |
integer y |
y-position of arrange-view in pixels |
integer right |
right position of arrange-view in pixels |
integer bottom |
bottom position of arrange-view in pixels |
HWND arrange_view, HWND timeline, HWND TrackControlPanel, HWND TrackListWindow = ultraschall.GetHWND_ArrangeViewAndTimeLine()
HWND arrange_view |
the HWND-window-handler for the tracklist-area of the arrangeview |
HWND timeline |
the HWND-window-handler for the timeline/markerarea of the arrangeview |
HWND TrackControlPanel |
the HWND-window-handler for the track-control-panel(TCP)(may not work anymore in an upcoming Reaper-release! Send me a note in that case!) |
HWND TrackListWindow |
the HWND-window-handler for the tracklist-window |
HWND tcp_hwnd, boolean tcp_right, integer x, integer y, integer right, integer bottom = ultraschall.GetHWND_TCP()
HWND tcp_hwnd |
the window-handler of tcp |
boolean tcp_right |
true, tcp is on right side of arrange view; false, tcp is on left side of the arrange view |
integer x |
x-position of tcp in pixels |
integer y |
y-position of tcp in pixels |
integer right |
right position of tcp in pixels |
integer bottom |
bottom position of tcp in pixels |
integer transport_position, boolean floating, boolean hidden, HWND transport_hwnd, integer x, integer y, integer right, integer bottom = ultraschall.GetHWND_Transport()
integer transport_position |
the position of the transport-area -1, transport is docked in docker 1, transport is top of main 2, transport is at the bottom 3, transport is above the ruler 4, transport is below arrange |
boolean floating |
true, transport is floating; false, transport is docked in main-window or docker |
boolean hidden |
true, transport is hidden(its hwnd might still be available); false, transport is visible |
HWND transport_hwnd |
the window-handler of transport |
integer x |
x-position of transport in pixels |
integer y |
y-position of transport in pixels |
integer right |
right position of transport in pixels |
integer bottom |
bottom position of transport in pixels |
HWND hwnd = ultraschall.GetMediaExplorerHWND()
HWND hwnd |
the window-handler of the Media Explorer |
HWND hwnd = ultraschall.GetPreferencesHWND()
HWND hwnd |
the window-handler of the Preferences-dialog |
HWND hwnd = ultraschall.GetProjectDirectoryCleanupHWND()
HWND hwnd |
the window-handler of the "Project Directory Cleanup"-dialog |
HWND hwnd = ultraschall.GetProjectSettingsHWND()
HWND hwnd |
the window-handler of the Project Settings-dialog |
HWND reascript_console_hwnd = ultraschall.GetReaScriptConsoleWindow()
HWND reascript_console_hwnd |
the window-handler to the ReaScript-console, if opened |
HWND hwnd = ultraschall.GetRenderQueueHWND()
HWND hwnd |
the window-handler of the Render-Queue-dialog |
HWND hwnd = ultraschall.GetRenderToFileHWND()
HWND hwnd |
the window-handler of the Render to File-dialog |
HWND rendertofile_dialog = ultraschall.GetRenderingToFileHWND()
HWND rendertofile_dialog |
the HWND of the render to file-dialog; nil, in case of an error |
HWND hwnd = ultraschall.GetSaveLiveOutputToDiskHWND()
HWND hwnd |
the window-handler of the "Save live output to disk(bounce)"-dialog |
HWND hwnd = ultraschall.GetSaveProjectAsHWND()
HWND hwnd |
the window-handler of the Save As-dialog |
HWND hwnd = ultraschall.GetTrackManagerHWND()
HWND hwnd |
the window-handler of the Track Manager-dialog |
HWND hwnd = ultraschall.GetVideoHWND()
HWND hwnd |
the window-handler of the Video Window |
integer height = ultraschall.GetScreenHeight(optional boolean want_workarea)
integer width |
the height of the screen in pixels |
optional boolean want_workarea |
true, returns workspace only; false, full monitor coordinates of the returned viewport; nil, will be seen as true |
integer width = ultraschall.GetScreenWidth(optional boolean want_workarea)
integer width |
the width of the screen in pixels |
optional boolean want_workarea |
true, returns workspace only; false, full monitor coordinates of the returned viewport; nil, will be seen as true |
integer width = ultraschall.GetTCPWidth()
integer width |
the width of the TCP |
boolean retval = ultraschall.TCP_SetWidth(integer width)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer width |
the new width of the tcp in pixels; 0 and higher |
boolan retval = ultraschall.SetTimeUnit(optional integer transport_unit, optional integer ruler_unit, optional integer ruler_unit2)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
optional integer transport_unit |
the unit for the transport nil, keep current 0, seconds 1, samples 2, Minutes:Seconds 3, Measures.Beats/minutes:Seconds 4, Measures.Beats 5, Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames 6, Absolute frames |
optional integer ruler_unit |
the unit for the ruler nil, keep current 0, seconds 1, samples 2, Minutes:Seconds 3, Measures.Beats/minutes:Seconds 4, Measures.Beats 5, Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames 6, Absolute frames 7, Measures.Beats(minimal)/minutes:Seconds 8, Measures.Beats(minimal) |
optional integer ruler_unit2 |
the unit for the secondary ruler nil, keep current 0, seconds 1, samples 2, Minutes:Seconds 3, Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames 4, Absolute frames 5, None |
integer play_cursor_width = ultraschall.GetPlayCursorWidth()
integer play_cursor_width |
the width of the playcursor in pixels |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetPlayCursorWidth(integer play_cursor_width, boolean persist)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer play_cursor_width |
the new width of the playcursor |
boolean persist |
true, set the setting to reaper.ini so it persists after restarting Reaper; false, set it only for the time, until Reaper is restarted |
boolean retval = ultraschall.GetCheckboxState(HWND hwnd)
boolean retval |
true, checkbox is checked; false, checkbox isn't checked |
HWND hwnd |
the hwnd-handler of the checkbox |
integer retval = ultraschall.SetCheckboxState(HWND hwnd, boolean state)
integer retval |
0, in case of success |
HWND hwnd |
the hwnd-handler of the checkbox |
boolean state |
true, checkbox will be checked; false, checkbox will be unchecked |
integer count_ide_hwnds, array ide_hwnd_array, array ide_titles = ultraschall.GetAllReaScriptIDEWindows()
integer count_ide_hwnds |
the number of windows found |
array ide_hwnd_array |
the hwnd-handler of all found windows |
array ide_titles |
the titles of all found windows |
integer xpos, integer ypos, integer width, integer height = ultraschall.GetChildSizeWithinParentHWND(hwnd parenthwnd, hwnd childhwnd)
integer xpos |
the x-position of the childhwnd relative to the position of the parenthwnd in pixels |
integer ypos |
the y-position of the childhwnd relative to the position of the parenthwnd in pixels |
integer width |
the width of the childhwnd in pixels |
integer height |
the height of the childhwnd in pixels |
HWND parenthwnd |
the parenthwnd of the childhwnd, whose position will be the base for position-calculation of the childhwnd |
HWND childhwnd |
the childhwnd, whose dimensions you want to get, relative to the position of the parenthwnd |
integer left, integer top, integer right, integer bottom, boolean active, boolean visible, string title, integer number_of_childhwnds, table childhwnds = ultraschall.GetReaperWindowAttributes()
integer left |
the left position of the Reaper-window in pixels |
integer top |
the top position of the Reaper-window in pixels |
integer right |
the right position of the Reaper-window in pixels |
integer bottom |
the bottom position of the Reaper-window in pixels |
boolean active |
true, if the window is active(any child-hwnd of the Reaper-window has focus currently); false, if not |
boolean visible |
true, Reaper-window is visible; false, Reaper-window is not visible |
string title |
the current title of the Reaper-window |
integer number_of_childhwnds |
the number of available child-hwnds that the Reaper-window currently has |
table childhwnds |
a table with all child-hwnds in the following format: childhwnds[index][1]=hwnd childhwnds[index][2]=title |
HWND hwnd |
the HWND, whose topmost parent-HWND you want to have |
HWND topmost_hwnd, integer number_of_parent_hwnd, table all_parent_hwnds = ultraschall.GetTopmostHWND(HWND hwnd)
HWND hwnd |
the top-most parent hwnd available |
integer number_of_parent_hwnd |
the number of parent hwnds, that are above the parameter hwnd |
table all_parent_hwnds |
all available parent hwnds, above the parameter hwnd, including the topmost-hwnd |
HWND hwnd |
the HWND, whose topmost parent-HWND you want to have |
boolean retval = ultraschall.HasHWNDChildWindowNames(HWND hwnd, string childwindownames)
boolean retal |
true, the HWND has child-hwnds with that name(s); false, it doesn't |
HWND hwnd |
the HWND, whose child-hwnd-names you want to check |
string childwindownames |
a string with the names of the child-HWNDs the parameter hwnd must have. It is a \0-separated string, means, you put \0 in between the child-Hwnd-names. |
boolean retval = ultraschall.IsValidHWND(HWND hwnd)
boolean retval |
true, if running it was successful; false, if not |
HWND hwnd |
the HWND-handler to check for |
integer newxpos, integer newypos, integer newrightpos, integer newbottompos, integer newrelativeleft, integer newrelativetop, integer newwidth, integer newheight = ultraschall.MoveChildWithinParentHWND(hwnd parenthwnd, hwnd childhwnd, boolean relative, integer left, integer top, integer width, integer height)
integer newxpos |
the new x-position on the screen in pixels |
integer newypos |
the new y-position on the screen in pixels |
integer newrightpos |
the new right-position on the screen in pixels |
integer newbottompos |
the new bottom-position on the screen in pixels |
integer newrelativex |
the new x-position of the childhwnd, relative to it's position within the parenthwnd |
integer newrelativey |
the new y-position of the childhwnd, relative to it's position within the parenthwnd |
integer newwidth |
the new width of the childhwnd in pixels |
integer newheight |
the new height of the childhwnd in pixels |
HWND parenthwnd |
the parenthwnd of the childhwnd, within whose dimensions you want to move the childhwnd |
HWND childhwnd |
the childhwnd, that you want to move |
boolean relative |
true, new position will be relative to the old position; false, new position will be absolute within the boundaries of the parenthwnd |
integer left |
the new x-position of the childhwnd in pixels |
integer top |
the new y-position of the childhwnd in pixels |
integer width |
the new width of the childhwnd in pixels; when relative=true then 0 keeps the old width; when relative=false then 0 is width of 0 pixels |
integer height |
the new height of the childhwnd in pixels; when relative=true then 0 keeps the old height; when relative=false then 0 is height of 0 pixels |
integer count_of_hwnds, table hwnds = ultraschall.ReturnAllChildHWND(HWND hwnd)
integer count_of_hwnds |
the number of found child-window-handler |
table hwnds |
the found child-window-handler of hwnd |
HWND hwnd |
the HWND-handler to check for |
boolean fullscreenstate = ultraschall.VideoWindow_FullScreenToggle(optional boolean toggle)
boolean fullscreenstate |
true, video-window is now fullscreen; false, video-window is NOT fullscreen |
optional boolean toggle |
true, sets video-window to fullscreen; false, sets video-window to windowed; nil, toggle between fullscreen and nonfullscreen states |
integer count_hwnds, array hwnd_array, array hwnd_adresses = ultraschall.Windows_Find(string title, boolean strict)
Returns all Reaper-window-HWND-handler, with a given title. Can be further used with the JS_Window_functions of the JS-function-plugin.
Doesn't return IDE-windows! Use GetAllReaScriptIDEWindows to get them.
returns -1 in case of an error
string title |
the title the window has |
boolean strict |
true, if the title must be exactly as given by parameter title; false, only parts of a windowtitle must match parameter title |
integer count_hwnds |
the number of windows found |
array hwnd_array |
the hwnd-handler of all found windows |
array hwnd_adresses |
the adresses of all found windows |
integer helpcontent, boolean mouseediting = ultraschall.GetHelpDisplayMode()
integer helpcontent |
0, No information display 1, Reaper tips 2, Track/item count 3, selected track/item/envelope details 4, CPU/RAM use, time since last save |
boolean mouseediting |
true, show mouse editing-help; false, don't show mouse editing-help |
boolean retval = ultraschall.SetHelpDisplayMode(integer helpcontent, boolean mouseediting)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was unsuccessful |
integer helpcontent |
0, No information display 1, Reaper tips 2, Track/item count 3, selected track/item/envelope details 4, CPU/RAM use, time since last save |
boolean mouseediting |
true, show mouse editing-help; false, don't show mouse editing-help |
boolean show_send_wires, boolean show_routing_controls, boolean show_hardware_outputs = ultraschall.WiringDiagram_GetOptions()
boolean show_send_wires |
only show send wires on track mouseover; true, it's set; false, it's unset |
boolean show_routing_controls |
show routing controls when creating send/hardware output; true, it's set; false, it's unset |
boolean show_hardware_outputs |
only show hardware output/input wires on track mouseover; true, it's set; false, it's unset |
boolean retval = ultraschall.WiringDiagram_SetOptions(boolean show_send_wires, boolean show_routing_controls, boolean show_hardware_outputs)
boolean retval |
true, setting was successful; false, setting was not successful |
boolean show_send_wires |
only show send wires on track mouseover; true, it's set; false, it's unset |
boolean show_routing_controls |
show routing controls when creating send/hardware output; true, it's set; false, it's unset |
boolean show_hardware_outputs |
only show hardware output/input wires on track mouseover; true, it's set; false, it's unset |
integer reapers_webinterface_count, array reapers_webinterface_filenames, array reapers_webinterface_titles, integer users_webinterface_count, array users_webinterface_filenames, array users_webinterface_titles = ultraschall.WebInterface_GetInstalledInterfaces()
integer reapers_webinterface_count |
the number of factory-default webinterfaces, installed by Reaper |
array reapers_webinterface_filenames |
the filenames with path of the webinterfaces(can be .htm or .html) |
array reapers_webinterface_titles |
the titles of the webinterfaces, as shown in the titlebar of the browser |
integer users_webinterface_count |
the number of user-customized webinterfaces |
array users_webinterface_filenames |
the filenames with path of the webinterfaces(can be .htm or .html) |
array users_webinterface_titles |
the titles of the webinterfaces, as shown in the titlebar of the browser |
Automatically generated by Ultraschall-API 5 - 1623 elements available |