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^ Autoposition


^ Background


^ Button


^ Checkbox


^ DropDown Menu


^ Ext


^ Gui


^ Image


^ Inputbox


^ Label


^ Misc


^ Screen Reader


^ Slider


^ Tabs


^ UI Elements


^ Window


^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0AutoPosition_SetNextUIElementRelativeTo

Lua: reagirl.AutoPosition_SetNextUIElementRelativeTo(string element_id)

Set the auto-positioning starting point to the position of a certain ui-element.

Means, autpositioning will place the next ui-element either underneath(when using reagirl.NextLine()) or next to the right of ui-element with element_id.

Note: when passing tabs as parameter, the next ui-element will be placed underneath it(as if you had used reagirl.NextLine())

string element_id
the element-id of the ui-element, whose position shall be the starting point for the next autopositioned ui-element

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0NextLine

Lua: reagirl.NextLine(integer y_offset)

Starts a new line, when autopositioning ui-elements using the _add-functions.

integer y_offset
an additional y-offset, by which the next line shall be moved downwards; nil, for no offset

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Background_GetSetColor

Lua: integer red, integer green, integer blue = reagirl.Background_GetSetColor(boolean is_set, integer red, integer green, integer blue)

Gets/Sets the color of the background.

integer red
the current red-color of the background
integer green
the current green-color of the background
integer blue
the current blue-color of the background

boolean is_set
true, set the new background-color; false, only retrieve the current background-color
integer red
the new red-color; 0-255
integer green
the new green-color; 0-255
integer blue
the new blue-color; 0-255

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Button_Add

Lua: string button_guid = reagirl.Button_Add(optional integer x, optional integer y, integer w_margin, integer h_margin, string caption, string meaningOfUI_Element, optional function run_function)

Adds a button to a gui.

You can autoposition the button by setting x and/or y to nil, which will position the new button after the last ui-element.
To autoposition into the next line, use reagirl.NextLine()

The run-function gets as parameter:
- string element_id - the element_id as string of the pressed button that uses this run-function

string button_guid
a guid that can be used for altering the button-attributes

optional integer x
the x position of the button in pixels; negative anchors the button to the right window-side; nil, autoposition after the last ui-element(see description)
optional integer y
the y position of the button in pixels; negative anchors the button to the bottom window-side; nil, autoposition after the last ui-element(see description)
integer w_margin
a margin left and right of the caption
integer h_margin
a margin top and bottom of the caption
string caption
the caption of the button
string meaningOfUI_Element
the meaningOfUI_Element of the ui-element(for tooltips and blind users). Make it a sentence that ends with . or ?
optional function run_function
a function that shall be run when the button is clicked; will get the button-element_id passed over as first parameter; nil, no run-function for this button

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Button_GetDisabled

Lua: boolean retval = reagirl.Button_GetDisabled(string element_id)

Gets a button's disabled(non clickable)-state.

boolean state
true, the button is disabled; false, the button is not disabled.

string element_id
the guid of the button, whose disability-state you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Button_GetRadius

Lua: integer radius = reagirl.Button_GetRadius(string element_id)

Gets a button's radius.

integer radius
the radius of the button

string element_id
the guid of the button, whose radius you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Button_SetDisabled

Lua: reagirl.Button_SetDisabled(string element_id, boolean state)

Sets a button as disabled(non clickable).

string element_id
the guid of the button, whose disability-state you want to set
boolean state
true, the button is disabled; false, the button is not disabled.

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Button_SetRadius

Lua: reagirl.Button_SetRadius(string element_id, integer radius)

Sets the radius of a button.

string element_id
the guid of the button, whose radius you want to set
integer radius
between 0 and 10

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Checkbox_Add

Lua: string checkbox_guid = reagirl.Checkbox_Add(integer x, integer y, string caption, string meaningOfUI_Element, optional function run_function)

Adds a checkbox to a gui.

You can autoposition the checkbox by setting x and/or y to nil, which will position the new checkbox after the last ui-element.
To autoposition into the next line, use reagirl.NextLine()

The run-function will get two parameters:
- string element_id - the element_id of the toggled checkbox
- boolean checkstate - the new checkstate of the checkbox

Note: to align multiple lines of checkboxes under each other, check out Checkbox_SetWidth.

string checkbox_guid
a guid that can be used for altering the checkbox-attributes

optional integer x
the x position of the checkbox in pixels; negative anchors the checkbox to the right window-side; nil, autoposition after the last ui-element(see description)
optional integer y
the y position of the checkbox in pixels; negative anchors the checkbox to the bottom window-side; nil, autoposition after the last ui-element(see description)
string caption
the caption of the checkbox
string meaningOfUI_Element
the meaningOfUI_Element of the ui-element(for tooltips and blind users). Make it a sentence that ends with . or ?
boolean default
true, set the checkbox checked; false, set the checkbox unchecked
optional function run_function
a function that shall be run when the checkbox is clicked; will get passed over the checkbox-element_id as first and the new checkstate as second parameter

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Checkbox_GetCheckState

Lua: boolean check_state = reagirl.Checkbox_GetCheckState(string element_id)

Gets a checkbox's current checked-state.

boolean check_state
true, checkbox is checked; false, the checkbox is unchecked

string element_id
the guid of the checkbox, whose checkbox-state you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Checkbox_GetDisabled

Lua: boolean retval = reagirl.Checkbox_GetDisabled(string element_id)

Gets a checkbox's disabled(non clickable)-state.

boolean state
true, the checkbox is disabled; false, the checkbox is not disabled.

string element_id
the guid of the checkbox, whose disability-state you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires SWS version requires ReaGirl version 1.1Checkbox_LinkToConfigVar

Lua: reagirl.Checkbox_LinkToConfigVar(string element_id, string configvar_name, integer bit, boolean persist)

Links a checkbox to a configvar-bit.

All changes to the configvar-bit will be immediately visible for this checkbox.
Clicking the checkbox also updates the configvar-bit immediately.

Note: this will only allow bitfield-integer config-vars. All others could cause malfunction of Reaper!

Read the Reaper Internals-docs for all available config-variables(run the action ultraschall_Help_Reaper_ConfigVars_Documentation.lua for more details)

If the checkbox was already linked to extstate or ini-file, the linked-state will be replaced by this new one.
Use reagirl.Checkbox_Unlink() to unlink the checkbox from extstate/ini-file/config var.

string element_id
the guid of the checkbox that shall toggle a config-var-bit
string configvar_name
the config-variable, whose bit you want to toggle
integer bit
the bit that shall be toggled; &1, &2, &4, &8, &16, etc
boolean persist
true, make this setting persist; false, make this setting only temporary until Reaper restart

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1Checkbox_LinkToExtstate

Lua: reagirl.Checkbox_LinkToExtstate(string element_id, string section, string key, string false_val, string true_val, string default, boolean persist)

Links a checkbox to an extstate.

All changes to the extstate will be immediately visible for this checkbox.
Clicking the checkbox also updates the extstate immediately.

If the checkbox was already linked to a config-var or ini-file, the linked-state will be replaced by this new one.
Use reagirl.Checkbox_Unlink() to unlink the checkbox from extstate/ini-file/config var.

string element_id
the guid of the checkbox, that you want to link to an extstate
string section
the section of the linked extstate
string key
the key of the linked extstate
string false_val
the value that shall be seen and stored as false
string true_val
the value that shall be seen and stored as true
string default
the default value, if the extstate hasn't been set yet
boolean persist
true, the extstate shall be stored persistantly; false, the extstate shall not be stored persistantly

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires SWS version requires ReaGirl version 1.1Checkbox_LinkToIniValue

Lua: reagirl.Checkbox_LinkToIniValue(string element_id, string ini_file, string section, string key, string false_val, string true_val, string default, boolean persist)

Links a checkbox to an ini-value.

All changes to the ini-value will be immediately visible for this checkbox.
Clicking the checkbox also updates the inivalue immediately.

If the checkbox was already linked to extstate or config-variable, the linked-state will be replaced by this new one.
Use reagirl.Checkbox_Unlink() to unlink the checkbox from extstate/ini-file/config var.

string element_id
the guid of the checkbox that you want to link to an ini-value
string ini_file
the filename of the ini-file
string section
the section of the ini-file
string key
the key of the ini-file
string false_val
the value that shall be seen and stored as false
string true_val
the value that shall be seen and stored as true
string default
the default value, if the ini-file hasn't been set yet

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1Checkbox_LinkToToggleState

Lua: reagirl.Checkbox_LinkToToggleState(string element_id, integer section, string command_id, boolean run_command)

Links a checkbox to a toggle-command-state of an action.

All changes to the toggle-state will be immediately visible for this checkbox.
Clicking the checkbox also updates the toggle-state immediately, which also updates existing toolbar-button-states.
You can set run_command=true, which will run the action everytime the checkstate is toggled.
This might be important to use, if the action behind the toggle-state needs to be run to change states in Reaper AND toggle the toggle-state as well.
Keep it at run_command=false, if you only want to change the toggle-state of the action without running it.

Note: some actions only change toggle-action, when they are run(like "Transport: Toggle repeat"). In these cases, the action will be run as well.
This shouldn't affect regular actions.

If the checkbox was already linked to a config-var or ini-file, the linked-state will be replaced by this new one.
Use reagirl.Checkbox_Unlink() to unlink the checkbox from extstate/ini-file/config var.

string element_id
the guid of the checkbox, that you want to link to an extstate
integer section
the section of the command, whose toggle state you want to link
0, Main
100, Main (alt recording)
32060, MIDI Editor
32061, MIDI Event List Editor
32062, MIDI Inline Editor
32063, Media Explorer
string command_id
the action command id of the command
boolean run_command
true, run the action to change the toggle-state; false, only change toggle-state(see note above!)

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Checkbox_SetCheckState

Lua: reagirl.Checkbox_SetCheckState(string element_id, boolean check_state)

Sets a checkbox's state of the checkbox.

string element_id
the guid of the checkbox, whose checkbox-state you want to set
boolean check_state
true, set checkbox checked; false, set checkbox unchecked

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Checkbox_SetDisabled

Lua: reagirl.Checkbox_SetDisabled(string element_id, boolean state)

Sets a checkbox as disabled(non clickable).

string element_id
the guid of the checkbox, whose disability-state you want to set
boolean state
true, the checkbox is disabled; false, the checkbox is not disabled.

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1Checkbox_Unlink

Lua: reagirl.Checkbox_Unlink(string element_id)

Unlinks a checkbox from extstate/ini-file/configvar.

string element_id
the guid of the checkbox that you want to unlink from extstates/ini-files/configvars

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0DropDownMenu_Add

Lua: string dropdown-menu_guid = reagirl.DropDownMenu_Add(optional integer x, optional integer y, integer w, string caption, optional integer Cap_width, string meaningOfUI_Element, table menuItems, integer menuSelectedItem, optional function run_function)

Adds a dropdown-menu to a gui.

You can autoposition the dropdown-menu by setting x and/or y to nil, which will position the new dropdown-menu after the last ui-element.
To autoposition into the next line, use reagirl.NextLine()

The run-function gets as parameters:
- string element_id - the element_id
- integer selected_menu_entry - the selected menu entry number
- string selected_menu_entry_name - the name of the selected menu entry

string dropdown
menu_guid - a guid that can be used for altering the dropdown-menu-attributes

optional integer x
the x position of the dropdown-menu in pixels; negative anchors the dropdown-menu to the right window-side; nil, autoposition after the last ui-element(see description)
optional integer y
the y position of the dropdown-menu in pixels; negative anchors the dropdown-menu to the bottom window-side; nil, autoposition after the last ui-element(see description)
integer w
the width of the dropdown-menu; negative links width to the right-edge of the window
string caption
the caption of the dropdown-menu, shown to the left of the drop down menu
optional integer Cap_width
the width of the caption to set the actual menu to a fixed position; nil, put menu directly after caption
string meaningOfUI_Element
the meaningOfUI_Element of the ui-element(for tooltips and blind users). Make it a sentence that ends with . or ?
table menuItems
a table, where every entry is a menu-item
integer menuSelectedItem
the index of the pre-selected menu-item
optional function run_function
a function that shall be run when the menu is clicked/a new entry is selected; will get the dropdown-menu-element_id passed over as first parameter and the selected menu_item as second parameter

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0DropDownMenu_GetDimensions

Lua: integer width = reagirl.DropDownMenu_GetDimensions(string element_id)

Gets the width of a drop down menu.

integer width
the width of the drop down menu; negative anchors to right window-edge

string element_id
the guid of the drop down menu, whose width-state you want to set

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0DropDownMenu_GetDisabled

Lua: boolean state = reagirl.DropDownMenu_GetDisabled(string element_id)

Gets a dropdown-menu's disabled(non clickable)-state.

boolean state
true, the dropdown-menu is disabled; false, the dropdown-menu is not disabled.

string element_id
the guid of the dropdown-menu, whose disability-state you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0DropDownMenu_GetMenuItems

Lua: table menuItems, integer menuSelectedItem = reagirl.DropDownMenu_GetMenuItems(string element_id)

Gets a dropdown-menu's menu-items and the index of the currently selected menu-item.

table menuItems
a table that holds all menu-items
integer menuSelectedItem
the index of the currently selected menu-item

string element_id
the guid of the dropdown-menu, whose menuitems/currently selected item you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1DropDownMenu_LinkToExtstate

Lua: reagirl.DropDownMenu_LinkToExtstate(string element_id, string section, string key, string default, boolean persist)

Links a drop down menu to an extstate.

All changes to the extstate will be immediately visible for this drop down menu.

If the drop down menu was already linked to an ini-file, the linked-state will be replaced by this new one.
Use reagirl.DropDownMenu_UnLink() to unlink the drop down menu from extstate/ini-file/config var.

string element_id
the guid of the drop down menu, that you want to link to an extstate
string section
the section of the linked extstate
string key
the key of the linked extstate
string default
the default value, if the extstate hasn't been set yet
boolean persist
true, the extstate shall be stored persistantly; false, the extstate shall not be stored persistantly

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1DropDownMenu_LinkToIniValue

Lua: reagirl.DropDownMenu_LinkToIniValue(string element_id, string ini_file, string section, string key, string default, boolean persist)

Links a drop down menu to an ini-file-entry.

All changes to the ini-file-entry will be immediately visible for this drop down menu.
Entering text into the inputbox also updates the ini-file-entry immediately.

If the drop down menu was already linked to an ini-file, the linked-state will be replaced by this new one.
Use reagirl.Inputbox_UnLink() to unlink the inputbox from extstate/ini-file/config var.

string element_id
the guid of the inputbox, that you want to link to an extstate
string ini_file
the filename of the ini-file, whose value you want to link to this slider
string section
the section of the linked ini-file
string key
the key of the linked ini-file
string default
the default value, if the ini-file hasn't been set yet
boolean persist
true, the ini-file shall be stored persistantly; false, the ini-file shall not be stored persistantly

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0DropDownMenu_SetDimensions

Lua: reagirl.DropDownMenu_SetDimensions(string element_id, optional integer width)

Sets the width of a dropdownmenu.

string element_id
the guid of the drop down menu, whose width-state you want to set
optional integer width
the new width of the drop down menu; negative anchors to right window-edge; nil, keep current width

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0DropDownMenu_SetDisabled

Lua: reagirl.DropDownMenu_SetDisabled(string element_id, boolean state)

Sets a drop down menu as disabled(non clickable)-state.

string element_id
the guid of the dropdown-menu, whose disability-state you want to set
boolean state
true, the dropdown-menu is disabled; false, the dropdown-menu is not disabled.

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0DropDownMenu_SetMenuItems

Lua: reagirl.DropDownMenu_SetMenuItems(string element_id, table menuItems, integer menuSelectedItem)

Sets a dropdown-menu's menuitems and the index of the currently selected menu-item.

string element_id
the guid of the dropdown-menu, whose menuitems/selected menu-item you want to set
table menuItems
an indexed table with all the menu-items
integer menuSelectedItem
the index of the pre-selected menu-item

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1DropDownMenu_Unlink

Lua: reagirl.DropDownMenu_Unlink(string element_id)

Unlinks a drop down menu from extstate/ini-file/configvar.

string element_id
the guid of the drop down menu, that you want to unlink from an extstate/inifile-entry/configvar

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Ext_Tab_SetSelected

Lua: reagirl.Ext_Tab_SetSelected(string gui_name)

Focuses a specific tab of a ReaGirl-gui-window.

Parameter gui_name is the same as the name set in the first parameter of Gui_Open.

You can set a focused tab even if the window isn't opened yet. It will be focused the next time the specified gui-window is opened.
It also works for opened gui-windows.

string gui_name
the name of the gui-window, whose tab you want to set to focused

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1Ext_UI_Element_GetHovered

Lua: string window_name, string window_guid, string ui_element_type, string ui_element_guid, string ui_element_name = reagirl.Ext_UI_Element_GetHovered()

Returns the ReaGirl-UI-element the mouse is currently hovering above, including the window name and its unique identifier.
This returns it for any opened ReaGirl-gui-instance, not just the ones from the current gui.

If you just want to have the hovered ui-element of the current script, use reagirl.UI_Element_GetHovered().

Returns "" if the mouse is not hovered above any ui-element

string window_name
the name of the window, as named by the Gui_Open-function in the ReaGirl-script
string window_guid
the unique identifier of the hovered ReaGirl-gui-instance
string ui_element_type
the type of the ui-element
string ui_element_guid
the identifier of the ui-element
string ui_element_name
the name of the ui-element(usually the caption)
string ui_element_tabname
if the hovered ui-element is a tab, this will have the name of the tab currently hovered

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1Ext_Window_Focus

Lua: boolean retval = reagirl.Ext_Window_Focus(string gui_name, optional string gui_identifier)

Focuses an opened ReaGirl-gui-window.

Parameter gui_name is the same as the name set in the first parameter of Gui_Open.

Returns false, if no window with the window name is currently opened.

boolean retval
the gui-window is opened; false, the gui-window isn't opened

string gui_name
the name of the gui-window, which you want to focus
optional string gui_identifier
a unique identifier(guid) of an opened ReaGirl-gui-instance

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1Ext_Window_GetInstances

Lua: integer window_count, table window_instances = reagirl.Ext_Window_GetInstances(string gui_name)

Returns the currently opened ReaGirl-window-instances.

The window_instances retval is of the following format:
  window_instance[index][1]="window name" - the name of the window-instance, as given in reagirl.Gui_Open()
  window_instance[index][2]="Guid" - a unique identifier for this ReaGirl-gui-instance
Only opened windows will be shown here!

integer window_count
the number of opened ReaGirl-windows
table window_instances
a table with all window-instance names and identifiers currently opened

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Ext_Window_GetState

Lua: integer width, integer height, integer dockstate, integer x_position, integer y_position = reagirl.Ext_Window_GetState(string gui_name, optional string gui_instance)

Gets the current width, height, position and dockstate of a ReaGirl-gui-window.

Returns nil if no such window exists/was ever opened.

integer width
the width of the window in pixels
integer height
the height of the window in pixels
integer dockstate
0, window isn't docked; 1, window is docked
integer x_position
the x-position of the window in pixels
integer y_position
the y-position of the window in pixels

optional string gui_name
the name of the gui-window, of which you want to get the states(NOT the window title!); nil, use this script's currently/last opened window
optional string gui_instance
the identifier(guid) of an opened ReaGirl-script-instance

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Ext_Window_IsOpen

Lua: boolean retval = reagirl.Ext_Window_IsOpen(string gui_name)

Returns, if a specific gui-window is open.

boolean retval
the gui-window is opened; false, the gui-window isn't opened

string gui_name
the name of the gui-window, whose open-state you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Ext_Window_ResetToDefault

Lua: reagirl.Ext_Window_ResetToDefault(string gui_name)

Resets a ReaGirl-gui-window to it's default window dimensions and dockstate.

string gui_name
the name of the gui-window, of which you want to get the states; nil, use this script's currently/last opened window

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1Ext_Window_SetState

Lua: reagirl.Ext_Window_SetState(string gui_name, optional integer width, optional integer height, optional integer dockstate, optional integer x_position, optional integer y_position)

Sets a new width, height, position and dockstate of a ReaGirl-gui-window.

To keep a parameter to its current state, set it to nil.

string gui_name
the name of the gui-window, of which you want to get the states; nil, use this script's currently/last opened window
optional integer width
the width of the window in pixels; nil, keep current
optional integer height
the height of the window in pixels; nil, keep current
optional integer dockstate
0, window isn't docked; 1, window is docked; nil, keep current
optional integer x_position
the x-position of the window in pixels; nil, keep current
optional integer y_position
the y-position of the window in pixels; nil, keep current
optional string gui_instance
the unique identifier(guid) of an opened ReaGirl-script-instance

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0AtEnter

Lua: reagirl.Gui_AtEnter(optional function run_func)

Adds a function that shall be run when someone hits Enter while the gui is opened.

function run_func
a function, that shall be run when the user hits enter while gui is open; nil, removes the function

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Gui_AtExit

Lua: reagirl.Gui_AtExit(optional function run_func)

Adds a function that shall be run when the gui is closed with reagirl.Gui_Close()

Good to do clean up or committing of settings.

optional function run_func
a function, that shall be run when the gui closes; nil to remove the function

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Gui_Close

Lua: reagirl.Gui_Close()

Closes the gui-window.

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Gui_ForceRefresh

Lua: reagirl.Gui_ForceRefresh()

Forces a refresh of the gui.

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Gui_GetBoundaries

Lua: integer minimum_visible_x, integer maximum_visible_x, integer minimum_visible_y, integer maximum_visible_y, integer minimum_all_x, integer maximum_all_x, integer maximum_all_y, integer maximum_all_y = reagirl.Gui_GetBoundaries()

Returns the current boundaries of the ui-elements. Means, from 0 to the the farthest ui-element-width/height at right/bottom edge of the gui-window.
These boundaries are where the scrolling happens. If the boundaries are smaller/equal window size, all ui-elements are visible in the window and therefore no scrolling happens.

The first four retvals return the boundaries of all visible ui-elements, the last four return the boundaries of all ui-elements, including invisible.
Sticky ui-elements will be ignored.

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1Gui_GetCurrentScriptInstance

Lua: string gui_name, string gui_instance_identifier = reagirl.Gui_GetCurrentScriptInstance()

Returns the current gui-name(as given by reagirl.Gui_Open()) and the current gui-instance-identifier.

Note: gui_name might be "" when Gui_Open has not been used yet!

gui_instance_identifier stays the same until the script stops, no matter how often you close and reopen the gui-window with reagirl.Gui_Open()

string gui_name
the current gui-name, as given by reagirl.Gui_Open()
string identifier
the gui-identifier of the current gui-instance

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Gui_IsOpen

Lua: boolean retval = reagirl.Gui_IsOpen()

Checks, whether the gui-window is open.

boolean retval
true, Gui is open; false, Gui is not open

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1Gui_Manage

Lua: reagirl.Gui_Manage(optional boolean keep_running)

Manages the gui-window.

Put this function in a defer-loop. It will manage, draw, show the gui.

Note: if you set the parameter keep_running to true, you don't need to add a defer-loop in your script.

optional boolean keep_running
true, run the gui without a dedicated defer-loop; nil or false, add a defer-loop to the gui-script that calls reagirl.Gui_Manage() frequently.

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Gui_New

Lua: reagirl.Gui_New()

Creates a new gui by removing all currently(if available) ui-elements.

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires JS version 0.963 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Gui_Open

Lua: integer window_open, optional hwnd window_handler = reagirl.Gui_Open(string name, boolean restore_old_window_state, string title, string description, optional integer w, optional integer h, optional integer dock, optional integer x, optional integer y)

Opens a gui-window. If x and/or y are not given, it will be opened centered.

ReaGirl stores in the background the position, size and dockstate of the window. Set restore_old_window_state=true to automatically reopen the window with the position, size and dockstate of the window when it was closed the last time.

number retval
1.0, if window is opened
optional hwnd window_handler
a hwnd-window-handler for this window; only returned, with JS-extension installed!

string name
name, will be used to store window position, size and dockstate when window is closed; make this name unique to your script like with your name as prefix for instance; newlines and control characters are not allowed
boolean restore_old_window_state
true, restore the window position, size and dockstate when the window last got closed
false, always open with the same position, size and dockstate
string title
the title of the window
string description
a description of what this dialog does, for blind users. Make it a sentence.
optional integer w
the width of the window; nil, try to autosize the to be opened window according to the ui-elements currently added to the gui(including invisible ones)
optional integer h
the height of the window; nil, try to autosize the to be opened window according to the ui-elements currently added to the gui(including invisible ones)
optional integer dock
the dockstate of the window; 0, undocked; 1, docked; nil=undocked
optional integer x
the x-position of the window; nil=x-centered
optional integer y
the y-position of the window; nil=y-centered

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Gui_PreventCloseViaEscForOneCycle

Lua: reagirl.Gui_PreventScrollingForOneCycle()

Prevents the closing of the gui via esc-key for one defer-cycle.

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Gui_PreventEnterForOneCycle

Lua: reagirl.Gui_PreventEnterForOneCycle()

Prevents the user from hitting the enter-key for one cycle, so the run-function for the enter-key is not run in this cycle.

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Gui_PreventScrollingForOneCycle

Lua: reagirl.Gui_PreventScrollingForOneCycle(optional boolean keyboard, optional boolean mousewheel_swipe, optional boolean scroll_buttons)

Prevents the scrolling of the gui via keyboard/mousewheel/swiping for this defer-cycle.

optional boolean keyboard
true, prevent the scrolling via keyboard; false, scroll; nil, don't change
optional boolean mousewheel_swipe
true, prevent the scrolling via mousewheel/swiping; false, scroll; nil, don't change

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Image_Add

Lua: string image_guid = reagirl.Image_Add(integer x, integer y, integer w, integer h, string image_filename, string caption, string meaning of UI_Element, optional function run_function)

Adds an image to the gui. This image can run a function when clicked on it.

Very important: write into meaningOfUI_Element a small description of what the image shows. This will help blind people know, what the image means and what to do with it.
If you can't know what the image shows(an image viewer for instance) explain what's the purpose of the image like "cover image for the project" or something.
Keep in mind: blind people can't see the image so any kind of description will help them understand your script.

You can have different images for different scaling-ratios. You put them into the same folder and name them like:
image-filename.png - 1x-scaling
image-filename-2x.png - 2x-scaling
image-filename-3x.png - 3x-scaling
image-filename-4x.png - 4x-scaling
image-filename-5x.png - 5x-scaling
image-filename-6x.png - 6x-scaling
image-filename-7x.png - 7x-scaling
image-filename-8x.png - 8x-scaling

If a filename doesn't exist, it reverts to the default one for 1x-scaling.

ReaGirl will obey transparency set in png-images.
Images can be set to draggable. See Image_GetDraggable and Image_SetDraggable for enabling
dragging of the image to a destination ui-element.

The run_function will get three parameters:
- string element_id - the guid of the image
- string filename - the filename of the image
- optional string dropped_element_id - the element_id of the destination, where the image has been
dragged to
You can autoposition the image by setting x and/or y to nil, which will position the new image after the last ui-element.
To autoposition into the next line, use reagirl.NextLine()

If you want to force the image to be displayed with correct aspect ratio, see Image_KeepAspectRatio.

string image_guid
a guid that can be used for altering the image-attributes

optional integer x
the x position of the image in pixels; nil, autoposition after the last ui-element(see description)
optional integer y
the y position of the image in pixels; nil, autoposition after the last ui-element(see description)
integer w
the width of the image in pixels(might result in stretched images!)
integer h
the height of the image in pixels(might result in stretched images!)
string image_filename
the filename of the imagefile to be shown
string caption
a descriptive name for the image
string meaningOfUI_Element
the meaningOfUI_Element of the ui-element(for tooltips and blind users). Make it a sentence that ends with . or ?
optional function run_function
a function that is run when the image is clicked; will get the image-element-id as first parameter and the image-filename passed as second parameter

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Image_ClearToColor

Lua: reagirl.Image_ClearToColor(string element_id, integer r, integer g, integer b)

Clears the image with a set r-g-b-color. It also clears the previously loaded image-filename.

string element_id
the guid of the image
integer r
the red-value 0-255
integer g
the green-value 0-255
integer b
the blue-value 0-255

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Image_GetDimensions

Lua: integer width, integer height = reagirl.Image_GetDimensions(string element_id)

Gets the width and height of an image.

integer width
the width of the image; negative anchors to right window-edge
integer height
the height of the image; negative anchors to bottom window-edge

string element_id
the guid of the image, whose disability-state you want to set

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Image_GetDraggable

Lua: boolean draggable = reagirl.Image_GetDraggable(string element_id)

Gets the current draggable state of an image.

When draggable==true: if the user drags the image onto a different ui-element, the run_function of
the image will get a third parameter, holding the element_id of the destination-ui-element of the dragging.
Otherwise this third parameter will be nil.

Add a note in the meaningOfUI_element and the name of the image/caption of the ui-element, which clarifies, which ui-element is a source
and which is a target for dragging operations, so blind users know, which image can be dragged and whereto.
Otherwise, blind users will not know what to do!

boolean draggable
true, image is draggable; false, image is not draggable

string element_id
the image-element, whose dragable state you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Image_GetImageFilename

Lua: string filename, string filename_scaled = reagirl.Image_GetImageFilename(string element_id)

Returns the filename of the currently loaded image.

string filename
the filename of the currently loaded image
string filename_scale
if the gui is scaled>1, this will hold the filename of the loaded scaled image

string element_id
the guid of the image whose filename you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Image_KeepAspectRatio

Lua: reagirl.Image_KeepAspectRatio(string element_id, boolean state)

Set if the image shall keep its aspect ratio when shown.

string element_id
the guid of the image, whose aspect ratio you want to set
boolean state
true, keep aspect ratio; false, stretch to meet dimensions of the image

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Image_Load

Lua: reagirl.Image_Load(string element_id, string image_filename)

Loads a new image-file of an existing image in the gui.

You can have different images for different scaling-ratios. You put them into the same folder and name them like:
image-filename.png - 1x-scaling
image-filename-2x.png - 2x-scaling
image-filename-3x.png - 3x-scaling
image-filename-4x.png - 4x-scaling
image-filename-5x.png - 5x-scaling
image-filename-6x.png - 6x-scaling
image-filename-7x.png - 7x-scaling
image-filename-8x.png - 8x-scaling

If a scaled-filename doesn't exist, the function reverts to the default one for 1x-scaling.

string element_id
the guid of the image
string image_filename
the filename of the imagefile to be loaded

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Image_ReloadImage_Scaled

Lua: boolean loading_success = reagirl.Image_ReloadImage_Scaled(string element_id)

Realoads an image.

boolean loading_success
true, loading was successful; false, loading was unsuccessful(missing file, etc)

string element_id
the image-element, whose image you want to reload

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Image_SetDimensions

Lua: reagirl.Image_SetDimensions(string element_id, optional integer width, optional integer height)

Sets the width and height of an image.

string element_id
the guid of the image, whose width and height you want to set
optional integer width
the new width of the image; negative anchors to right window-edge; nil, keep current width
optional integer height
the new height of the image; negative anchors to bottom window-edge; nil, keep current height

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Image_SetDraggable

Lua: reagirl.Image_SetDraggable(string element_id, boolean draggable, table destination_element_ids)

Sets the current draggable state of an image.

When draggable==true: if the user drags the image onto a different ui-element, the run_function of
the image will get a third parameter, holding the element_id of the destination-ui-element of the dragging.
Otherwise this third parameter will be nil.

Add a note in the meaningOfUI_element and the name of the image/caption of the ui-element, which clarifies, which ui-element is a source
and which is a target for dragging operations, so blind users know, which image can be dragged and whereto.
Otherwise, blind users will not know what to do!

string element_id
the image-element, whose dragable state you want to set
boolean draggable
true, image is draggable; false, image is not draggable
table destination_element_ids
a table with all guids of the ui-elements, where the image can be dragged to

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Inputbox_Add

Lua: string inputbox_guid = reagirl.Inputbox_Add(optional integer x, optional integer y, integer w, string caption, optional integer cap_width, string meaningOfUI_Element, optional string Default, optional function run_function_enter, function run_function_type)

Adds an inputbox to a gui.

You can autoposition the inputbox by setting x and/or y to nil, which will position the new inputbox after the last ui-element.
To autoposition into the next line, use reagirl.NextLine()

The caption will be shown before the inputbox.    

Unlike other ui-elements, this one has the option for two run_functions, one for when the user hits enter in the inputbox and one for when the user types anything into the inputbox.

Screen reader users get an additional dialog shown when entering text, that will NOT run the run-function for typed text. This is due some limitations in Reaper's API and can't be circumvented.
So you can't rely only on the run_function_type but also need to add a run_function_enter, when you want to use the value immediately when typed in your script(like setting as a setting into an ini-file).
Otherwise blind users would be able to enter text but it will be ignored at hitting enter by your code, which would be unfortunate.

The run-functions get as parameters:
- string element_id - the element_id as string
- string text - the currently entered text

string inputbox_guid
a guid that can be used for altering the inputbox-attributes

optional integer x
the x position of the inputbox in pixels; negative anchors the inputbox to the right window-side; nil, autoposition after the last ui-element(see description)
optional integer y
the y position of the inputbox in pixels; negative anchors the inputbox to the bottom window-side; nil, autoposition after the last ui-element(see description)
integer w
the width of the inputbox in pixels
string caption
the caption of the inpubox
optional integer cap_width
the width of the caption to set the actual inputbox to a fixed position; nil, put inputbox directly after caption
string meaningOfUI_Element
the meaningOfUI_Element of the ui-element(for tooltips and blind users). Make it a sentence that ends with . or ?
optional string Default
the "typed text" that the inputbox shall contain
optional function run_function_enter
a function that is run when the user hits enter in the inputbox(always used, even for screen reader users)
function run_function_type
a function that is run when the user types into the inputbox(only used if no screen reader is used)

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Inputbox_GetCursorOffset

Lua: integer cursor_offset = reagirl.Inputbox_GetCursorOffset(string element_id)

Gets an inputbox's current cursor offset.

integer cursor_offset
the offset the cursor has in the current text in the inputbox

string element_id
the guid of the inputbox, whose cursor offset you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Inputbox_GetDisabled

Lua: boolean state = reagirl.Inputbox_GetDisabled(string element_id)

Gets an inputbox's disabled(non clickable)-state.

boolean state
true, the inputbox is disabled; false, the inputbox is not disabled.

string element_id
the guid of the inputbox, whose disability-state you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Inputbox_GetPassword

Lua: reagirl.Inputbox_GetPassword(string element_id, boolean password_state)

gets an inputbox to show * instead of the text(for password entry, etc)

boolean password_state
true, the inputbox shows * instead of the actual text; false, shows normal text

string element_id
the guid of the inputbox, whose password-input-state you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Inputbox_GetSelectedText

Lua: string text = reagirl.Inputbox_GetSelectedText(string element_id)

Gets an inputbox's currently selected text.

string text
the text currently selected in the inputbox
integer selection_startoffset
the startoffset of the text-selection; -1, no text is selected
integer selection_endoffset
the endoffset of the text-selection; -1, no text is selected

string element_id
the guid of the inputbox, whose selected text you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Inputbox_GetText

Lua: string text = reagirl.Inputbox_GetText(string element_id)

Gets an inputbox's current text.

string text
the text currently in the inputbox

string element_id
the guid of the inputbox, whose text you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires SWS version requires ReaGirl version 1.1Inputbox_LinkToConfigVar

Lua: reagirl.Inputbox_LinkToConfigVar(string element_id, string configvar_name, boolean persist)

Links an inputbox to a configvar.

All changes to the configvar will be immediately visible for this inputbox.
Entering text also updates the configvar-bit immediately.

Note: this will only allow string config-variables. All others could cause malfunction of Reaper!

Read the Reaper Internals-docs for all available config-variables(run the action ultraschall_Help_Reaper_ConfigVars_Documentation.lua for more details)

If the inputbox was already linked to extstate or ini-file, the linked-state will be replaced by this new one.
Use reagirl.Inputbox_Unlink() to unlink the inputbox from extstate/ini-file/config var.

string element_id
the guid of the inputbox that shall set a config-var
string configvar_name
the config-variable, whose value you want to update using the slider
boolean persist
true, make this setting persist; false, make this setting only temporary until Reaper restart

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1Inputbox_LinkToExtstate

Lua: reagirl.Inputbox_LinkToExtstate(string element_id, string section, string key, string default, boolean persist)

Links an inputbox to an extstate.

All changes to the extstate will be immediately visible for this inputbox.

If the inputbox was already linked to a config-var or ini-file, the linked-state will be replaced by this new one.
Use reagirl.Inputbox_UnLink() to unlink the inputbox from extstate/ini-file/config var.

string element_id
the guid of the inputbox, that you want to link to an extstate
string section
the section of the linked extstate
string key
the key of the linked extstate
string default
the default value, if the extstate hasn't been set yet
boolean persist
true, the extstate shall be stored persistantly; false, the extstate shall not be stored persistantly

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1Inputbox_LinkToIniValue

Lua: reagirl.Inputbox_LinkToIniValue(string element_id, string ini_file, string section, string key, string default, boolean persist)

Links an inputbox to an ini-file-entry.

All changes to the ini-file-entry will be immediately visible for this inputbox.
Entering text into the inputbox also updates the ini-file-entry immediately.

If the inputbox was already linked to a config-var or extstate, the linked-state will be replaced by this new one.
Use reagirl.Inputbox_UnLink() to unlink the inputbox from extstate/ini-file/config var.

string element_id
the guid of the inputbox, that you want to link to an extstate
string ini_file
the filename of the ini-file, whose value you want to link to this slider
string section
the section of the linked ini-file
string key
the key of the linked ini-file
string default
the default value, if the ini-file hasn't been set yet
boolean persist
true, the ini-file shall be stored persistantly; false, the ini-file shall not be stored persistantly

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Inputbox_SetDisabled

Lua: reagirl.Inputbox_SetDisabled(string element_id, boolean state)

Sets an inputbox as disabled(non clickable).

string element_id
the guid of the inputbox, whose disability-state you want to set
boolean state
true, the inputbox is disabled; false, the inputbox is not disabled.

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Inputbox_SetEmptyText

Lua: string text = reagirl.Inputbox_SetEmptyText(string element_id, string empty_text)

Sets an inputbox's shown text when nothing has been input.

string empty_text
a text that is shown, when nothing has been input

string element_id
the guid of the inputbox, whose text you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Inputbox_SetPassword

Lua: reagirl.Inputbox_SetPassword(string element_id, boolean password_state)

Sets an inputbox to show * instead of the text(for password entry, etc)

string element_id
the guid of the inputbox, that you want to set to password-input
boolean password_state
true, set the inputbox to show * instead of the actual text; false, show normal text

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Inputbox_SetText

Lua: reagirl.Inputbox_SetText(string element_id, string new_text)

Sets a new text of an inputbox.

Will remove newlines from it.

string element_id
the guid of the inputbox, whose disability-state you want to set
string new_text
the new text for the inputbox

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1Inputbox_Unlink

Lua: reagirl.Inputbox_Unlink(string element_id)

Unlinks an inputbox from extstate/ini-file/configvar.

string element_id
the guid of the inputbox, that you want to unlink from an extstate/inifile-entry/configvar

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Label_Add

Lua: reagirl.Label_Add(optional integer x, optional integer y, string label, string meaningOfUI_Element, boolean clickable, optional function run_function)

Adds a label to the gui.

You can autoposition the label by setting x and/or y to nil, which will position the new label after the last ui-element.
To autoposition into the next line, use reagirl.NextLine()

It is possible to make labels draggable. See Label_SetDraggable and Label_GetDraggable for how to do it.

The run-function will get as parameters:
- string element_id - the element_id of the clicked label
- optional string dropped_element_id - the element_id of the ui-element, onto which the label was dragged

optional integer x
the x position of the label in pixels; negative anchors the label to the right window-side; nil, autoposition after the last ui-element(see description)
optional integer y
the y position of the label in pixels; negative anchors the label to the bottom window-side; nil, autoposition after the last ui-element(see description)
string label
the text of the label
string meaningOfUI_Element
the meaningOfUI_Element of the ui-element(for tooltips and blind users). Make it a sentence that ends with . or ?
boolean clickable
true, the text is a clickable link-text; false or nil, the label-text is normal text
optional function run_function
a function that gets run when clicking the link-text(clickable=true)

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Label_AutoBackdrop

Lua: reagirl.Label_GetBackdrop(string element_id, string dest_element_id)

Sets a backdrop from label to underneath a specific ui-element defined by dest_element_id.
It will be autosized. The width will be determined from all ui-elements currently visible, the height will be determined by the position and height of dest_element_id.

To use it: determine, which ui-element shall be the lowest inside the rectangle(like one directly above the bottom line of the backdrop.)
Any ui-element in the same line does the trick. However, you should choose the highest ui-element in the lowest line or the backdrop might be drawn through it.

string element_id
the label-element, that shall draw a backdrop
string dest_element_id
the ui-element, that shall be the lowest inside the backdrop(directly above the bottom line of the backdrop)

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Label_GetAlignement

Lua: integer alignment = reagirl.Label_GetAlignement(string element_id)

Gets the alignment of a label.

integer alignment
the alignment of the label
flags&1: center horizontally
flags&2: right justify
flags&4: center vertically
flags&8: bottom justify

string element_id
the id of the element, whose alignment you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Label_GetBackdrop

Lua: integer width, integer height = reagirl.Label_GetBackdrop(string element_id)

Sets a background-rectangle in line-style for this label. You can use this to "include" different ui-elements of a common context underneath this label.
That way, you can structure your guis a little better.

Set height to 1 to just have a line before and after the first line of the label-text.

integer width
the width of the backdrop in pixels
integer height
the height of the backdrop in pixels

string element_id
the label-element, whose dragable state you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Label_GetDraggable

Lua: boolean draggable = reagirl.Label_GetDraggable(string element_id)

Gets the current draggable state of a label.

When draggable==true: if the user drags the label onto a different ui-element, the run_function of
the label will get a second parameter, holding the element_id of the destination-ui-element of the dragging.
Otherwise this second parameter will be nil.

Add a note in the meaningOfUI_element of the label of the ui-element, which clarifies, which ui-element is a source
and which is a target for dragging operations, so blind users know, which label can be dragged and whereto.
Otherwise, blind users will not know what to do!

boolean draggable
true, label is draggable; false, label is not draggable

string element_id
the label-element, whose dragable state you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Label_GetFontSize

Lua: integer font_size = reagirl.Label_GetFontSize(string element_id)

Gets the font-size of a label.

integer font_size
the font_size of the label

string element_id
the id of the element, whose font-size you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1Label_GetLabelText

Lua: string label_text = reagirl.Label_GetLabelText(string element_id)

Gets the text of a label.

string label_text
the current text of a label

string element_id
the id of the element, whose label you want to set

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Label_GetStyle

Lua: integer style1, integer style2, integer style3 = reagirl.Label_GetStyle(string element_id)

Gets the style of a label.

integer style1
the first style used:
0, no style
1, bold
2, italic
3, non anti-alias
4, outline
5, drop-shadow
6, underline
7, negative
8, 90° counter-clockwise
9, 90° clockwise
integer style2
the rest, see style1 for more details
integer style3
the rest, see style1 for more details

string element_id
the id of the element, whose label-style you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Label_SetAlignment

Lua: reagirl.Label_SetAlignment(string element_id, integer alignment)

Sets the font-size of a label.

string element_id
the id of the element, whose font-size you want to set
integer alignment
the alignment of the label
flags&1: center horizontally
flags&2: right justify
flags&4: center vertically
flags&8: bottom justify

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Label_SetBackdrop

Lua: reagirl.Label_SetBackdrop(string element_id, integer width, integer height)

Sets a background-rectangle in line-style for this label. You can use this to "include" different ui-elements of a common context underneath this label.
That way, you can structure your guis a little better.

Set height to 1 to just have a line before and after the first line of the label-text.

string element_id
the label-element, that shall draw a backdrop
integer width
the width of the backdrop in pixels
integer height
the height of the backdrop in pixels

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Label_SetDraggable

Lua: reagirl.Label_SetDraggable(string element_id, boolean draggable, table destination_element_ids)

Sets the current draggable state of a label.

When draggable==true: if the user drags the label onto a different ui-element, the run_function of
the label will get a second parameter, holding the element_id of the destination-ui-element of the dragging.
Otherwise this second parameter will be nil.

Add a note in the meaningOfUI_element of the ui-element, which clarifies, which ui-element is a source
and which is a target for dragging operations, so blind users know, which label can be dragged and whereto.
Otherwise, blind users will not know what to do!

string element_id
the label-element, whose dragable state you want to set
boolean draggable
true, label is draggable; false, label is not draggable
table destination_element_ids
a table with all guids of the ui-elements, where the label can be dragged to

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Label_SetFontSize

Lua: reagirl.Label_SetFontSize(string element_id, integer font_size)

Sets the font-size of a label.

string element_id
the id of the element, whose font-size you want to set
integer font_size
the font_size of the label

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Label_SetLabelText

Lua: reagirl.Label_SetLabelText(string element_id, string label)

Sets a new label text to an already existing label.

string element_id
the id of the element, whose label you want to set
string label
the new text of the label

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Label_SetStyle

Lua: reagirl.Label_SetStyle(string element_id, integer style1, optional integer style2, optional integer style3)

Sets the style of a label.

You can combine different styles with each other in style1 through style3.

string element_id
the id of the element, whose label-style you want to set
integer style1
choose a style
0, no style
1, bold
2, italic
3, non anti-alias
4, outline
5, drop-shadow
6, underline
7, negative
8, 90° counter-clockwise
9, 90° clockwise
optional integer style2
nil for no style; the rest, see style1 for more details
optional integer style3
nil for no style; the rest, see style1 for more details

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Base64_Decoder

Lua: string decoded_string = reagirl.Base64_Decoder(string source_string)

Converts a Base64-encoded string into a normal string.

Returns nil in case of an error

string decoded_string
the decoded string

string source_string
the Base64-encoded string

^ requires Reaper version 7.03.0 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Base64_Encoder

Lua: string encoded_string = reagirl.Base64_Encoder(string source_string, optional integer remove_newlines, optional integer remove_tabs)

Converts a string into a Base64-Encoded string.

Returns nil in case of an error

string encoded_string
the encoded string

string source_string
the string that you want to convert into Base64
optional integer remove_newlines
1, removes \n-newlines(including \r-carriage return) from the string
2, replaces \n-newlines(including \r-carriage return) from the string with a single space
optional integer remove_tabs
1, removes \t-tabs from the string
2, replaces \t-tabs from the string with a single space

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1Color_EnumerateNames

Lua: string color_name = reagirl.Color_EnumerateNames(integer index)

Enumerates all possible color-names. These names can be used with reagirl.Color_GetColorValuesByName to get the corresponding color-value.

Supports all standard html-names as defined by the W3C:

AliceBlue - 240, 248, 255
AntiqueWhite - 250, 235, 215
Aquamarine - 127, 255, 212
Azure - 240, 255, 255
Beige - 245, 245, 220
Bisque - 255, 228, 196
Black - 0, 0, 0
BlanchedAlmond - 255, 235, 205
Blue - 0, 0, 255
BlueViolet - 138, 43, 226
Brown - 165, 42, 42
BurlyWood - 222, 184, 135
CadetBlue - 95, 158, 160
Chartreuse - 127, 255, 0
Chocolate - 210, 105, 30
Coral - 255, 127, 80
CornflowerBlue - 100, 149, 237
Cornsilk - 255, 248, 220
Crimson - 220, 20, 60
Cyan - 0, 255, 255
DarkBlue - 0, 0, 139
DarkCyan - 0, 139, 139
DarkGoldenRod - 184, 134, 11
DarkGray - 169, 169, 169
DarkGreen - 0, 100, 0
DarkKhaki - 189, 183, 107
DarkMagenta - 139, 0, 139
DarkOliveGreen - 85, 107, 47
DarkOrange - 255, 140, 0
DarkOrchid - 153, 50, 204
DarkRed - 139, 0, 0
DarkSalmon - 233, 150, 122
DarkSeaGreen - 143, 188, 143
DarkSlateBlue - 72, 61, 139
DarkSlateGray - 37, 56, 60
DarkTurquoise - 0, 206, 209
DarkViolet - 148, 0, 211
DeepPink - 255, 20, 147
DeepSkyBlue - 0, 191, 255
DimGray - 105, 105, 105
DodgerBlue - 30, 144, 255
FireBrick - 178, 34, 34
FloralWhite - 255, 250, 240
ForestGreen - 34, 139, 34
Gainsboro - 220, 220, 220
GhostWhite - 248, 248, 255
Gold - 255, 215, 0
GoldenRod - 218, 165, 32
Gray - 128, 128, 128
Green - 0, 128, 0
GreenYellow - 173, 255, 47
HoneyDew - 240, 255, 240
HotPink - 255, 105, 180
IndianRed - 205, 92, 92
Indigo - 75, 0, 130
Ivory - 255, 255, 240
Khaki - 240, 230, 140
Lavender - 230, 230, 250
LavenderBlush - 255, 240, 245
LawnGreen - 124, 252, 0
LemonChiffon - 255, 250, 205
LightBlue - 173, 216, 230
LightCoral - 240, 128, 128
LightCyan - 224, 255, 255
LightGoldenRodYellow - 250, 250, 210
LightGray - 211, 211, 211
LightGreen - 144, 238, 144
LightPink - 255, 182, 193
LightSalmon - 255, 160, 122
LightSeaGreen - 32, 178, 170
LightSkyBlue - 135, 206, 250
LightSlateGray - 119, 136, 153
LightSteelBlue - 176, 207, 222
LightYellow - 255, 255, 224
Lime - 0, 255, 0
LimeGreen - 50, 205, 50
Linen - 250, 240, 230
Magenta - 255, 0, 255
Maroon - 128, 0, 0
MediumAquaMarine - 102, 205, 170
MediumBlue - 0, 0, 205
MediumOrchid - 186, 85, 211
MediumPurple - 147, 112, 219
MediumSeaGreen - 60, 179, 113
MediumSlateBlue - 123, 104, 238
MediumSpringGreen - 0, 250, 154
MediumTurquoise - 72, 209, 204
MediumVioletRed - 199, 21, 133
MidnightBlue - 25, 25, 112
MintCream - 245, 255, 250
MistyRose - 255, 228, 225
Moccasin - 255, 228, 181
NavajoWhite - 255, 222, 173
Navy - 0, 0, 128
OldLace - 254, 240, 227
Olive - 128, 128, 0
OliveDrab - 107, 142, 35
Orange - 255, 165, 0
OrangeRed - 255, 69, 0
Orchid - 218, 112, 214
PaleGoldenRod - 238, 232, 170
PaleGreen - 152, 251, 152
PaleTurquoise - 175, 238, 238
PaleVioletRed - 219, 112, 147
PapayaWhip - 255, 239, 213
PeachPuff - 255, 218, 185
Peru - 205, 133, 63
Pink - 255, 192, 203
Plum - 221, 160, 221
PowderBlue - 176, 224, 230
Purple - 128, 0, 128
RebeccaPurple - 102, 51, 153
Red - 255, 0, 0
RosyBrown - 188, 143, 143
RoyalBlue - 65, 105, 225
SaddleBrown - 139, 69, 19
Salmon - 250, 128, 114
SandyBrown - 244, 164, 96
SeaGreen - 46, 139, 87
SeaShell - 255, 245, 238
Sienna - 160, 82, 45
Silver - 192, 192, 192
SkyBlue - 135, 206, 235
SlateBlue - 106, 90, 205
SlateGray - 112, 128, 144
Snow - 255, 250, 250
SpringGreen - 0, 255, 127
SteelBlue - 70, 130, 180
Tan - 210, 180, 140
Teal - 0, 128, 128
Thistle - 216, 191, 216
Tomato - 255, 99, 71
Turquoise - 64, 224, 208
Violet - 238, 130, 238
Wheat - 245, 222, 179
WhiteSmoke - 245, 245, 245
Yellow - 255, 255, 0
YellowGreen - 154, 205, 50

string color_name
the name of the color

integer index
the index of the color-name(1 and higher)

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1Color_GetColorValuesByName

Lua: integer red, integer green, integer blue = reagirl.Color_GetColorValuesByName(string color_name)

Gets the color values by a color name.

Supports all standard html-names as defined by the W3C and more(use reagirl.Color_EnumerateNames to get all names):

AliceBlue - 240, 248, 255
AntiqueWhite - 250, 235, 215
Aquamarine - 127, 255, 212
Azure - 240, 255, 255
Beige - 245, 245, 220
Bisque - 255, 228, 196
Black - 0, 0, 0
BlanchedAlmond - 255, 235, 205
Blue - 0, 0, 255
BlueViolet - 138, 43, 226
Brown - 165, 42, 42
BurlyWood - 222, 184, 135
CadetBlue - 95, 158, 160
Chartreuse - 127, 255, 0
Chocolate - 210, 105, 30
Coral - 255, 127, 80
CornflowerBlue - 100, 149, 237
Cornsilk - 255, 248, 220
Crimson - 220, 20, 60
Cyan - 0, 255, 255
DarkBlue - 0, 0, 139
DarkCyan - 0, 139, 139
DarkGoldenRod - 184, 134, 11
DarkGray - 169, 169, 169
DarkGreen - 0, 100, 0
DarkKhaki - 189, 183, 107
DarkMagenta - 139, 0, 139
DarkOliveGreen - 85, 107, 47
DarkOrange - 255, 140, 0
DarkOrchid - 153, 50, 204
DarkRed - 139, 0, 0
DarkSalmon - 233, 150, 122
DarkSeaGreen - 143, 188, 143
DarkSlateBlue - 72, 61, 139
DarkSlateGray - 37, 56, 60
DarkTurquoise - 0, 206, 209
DarkViolet - 148, 0, 211
DeepPink - 255, 20, 147
DeepSkyBlue - 0, 191, 255
DimGray - 105, 105, 105
DodgerBlue - 30, 144, 255
FireBrick - 178, 34, 34
FloralWhite - 255, 250, 240
ForestGreen - 34, 139, 34
Gainsboro - 220, 220, 220
GhostWhite - 248, 248, 255
Gold - 255, 215, 0
GoldenRod - 218, 165, 32
Gray - 128, 128, 128
Green - 0, 128, 0
GreenYellow - 173, 255, 47
HoneyDew - 240, 255, 240
HotPink - 255, 105, 180
IndianRed - 205, 92, 92
Indigo - 75, 0, 130
Ivory - 255, 255, 240
Khaki - 240, 230, 140
Lavender - 230, 230, 250
LavenderBlush - 255, 240, 245
LawnGreen - 124, 252, 0
LemonChiffon - 255, 250, 205
LightBlue - 173, 216, 230
LightCoral - 240, 128, 128
LightCyan - 224, 255, 255
LightGoldenRodYellow - 250, 250, 210
LightGray - 211, 211, 211
LightGreen - 144, 238, 144
LightPink - 255, 182, 193
LightSalmon - 255, 160, 122
LightSeaGreen - 32, 178, 170
LightSkyBlue - 135, 206, 250
LightSlateGray - 119, 136, 153
LightSteelBlue - 176, 207, 222
LightYellow - 255, 255, 224
Lime - 0, 255, 0
LimeGreen - 50, 205, 50
Linen - 250, 240, 230
Magenta - 255, 0, 255
Maroon - 128, 0, 0
MediumAquaMarine - 102, 205, 170
MediumBlue - 0, 0, 205
MediumOrchid - 186, 85, 211
MediumPurple - 147, 112, 219
MediumSeaGreen - 60, 179, 113
MediumSlateBlue - 123, 104, 238
MediumSpringGreen - 0, 250, 154
MediumTurquoise - 72, 209, 204
MediumVioletRed - 199, 21, 133
MidnightBlue - 25, 25, 112
MintCream - 245, 255, 250
MistyRose - 255, 228, 225
Moccasin - 255, 228, 181
NavajoWhite - 255, 222, 173
Navy - 0, 0, 128
OldLace - 254, 240, 227
Olive - 128, 128, 0
OliveDrab - 107, 142, 35
Orange - 255, 165, 0
OrangeRed - 255, 69, 0
Orchid - 218, 112, 214
PaleGoldenRod - 238, 232, 170
PaleGreen - 152, 251, 152
PaleTurquoise - 175, 238, 238
PaleVioletRed - 219, 112, 147
PapayaWhip - 255, 239, 213
PeachPuff - 255, 218, 185
Peru - 205, 133, 63
Pink - 255, 192, 203
Plum - 221, 160, 221
PowderBlue - 176, 224, 230
Purple - 128, 0, 128
RebeccaPurple - 102, 51, 153
Red - 255, 0, 0
RosyBrown - 188, 143, 143
RoyalBlue - 65, 105, 225
SaddleBrown - 139, 69, 19
Salmon - 250, 128, 114
SandyBrown - 244, 164, 96
SeaGreen - 46, 139, 87
SeaShell - 255, 245, 238
Sienna - 160, 82, 45
Silver - 192, 192, 192
SkyBlue - 135, 206, 235
SlateBlue - 106, 90, 205
SlateGray - 112, 128, 144
Snow - 255, 250, 250
SpringGreen - 0, 255, 127
SteelBlue - 70, 130, 180
Tan - 210, 180, 140
Teal - 0, 128, 128
Thistle - 216, 191, 216
Tomato - 255, 99, 71
Turquoise - 64, 224, 208
Violet - 238, 130, 238
Wheat - 245, 222, 179
WhiteSmoke - 245, 245, 245
Yellow - 255, 255, 0
YellowGreen - 154, 205, 50

integer red
the red-value of the color
integer green
the green-value of the color
integer blue
the blue-value of the color

string color_name
the name of the color, whose color-values you want to retrieve

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1Color_GetName

Lua: string color_name = reagirl.Color_GetName(integer red, integer green, integer blue)

Gets the name of a color by its values.
These names can be used with reagirl.Color_GetColorValuesByName to get the corresponding color-value.

If a specific color-value has no standard-name, it will return "".

Supports all standard html-names as defined by the W3C:

AliceBlue - 240, 248, 255
AntiqueWhite - 250, 235, 215
Aquamarine - 127, 255, 212
Azure - 240, 255, 255
Beige - 245, 245, 220
Bisque - 255, 228, 196
Black - 0, 0, 0
BlanchedAlmond - 255, 235, 205
Blue - 0, 0, 255
BlueViolet - 138, 43, 226
Brown - 165, 42, 42
BurlyWood - 222, 184, 135
CadetBlue - 95, 158, 160
Chartreuse - 127, 255, 0
Chocolate - 210, 105, 30
Coral - 255, 127, 80
CornflowerBlue - 100, 149, 237
Cornsilk - 255, 248, 220
Crimson - 220, 20, 60
Cyan - 0, 255, 255
DarkBlue - 0, 0, 139
DarkCyan - 0, 139, 139
DarkGoldenRod - 184, 134, 11
DarkGray - 169, 169, 169
DarkGreen - 0, 100, 0
DarkKhaki - 189, 183, 107
DarkMagenta - 139, 0, 139
DarkOliveGreen - 85, 107, 47
DarkOrange - 255, 140, 0
DarkOrchid - 153, 50, 204
DarkRed - 139, 0, 0
DarkSalmon - 233, 150, 122
DarkSeaGreen - 143, 188, 143
DarkSlateBlue - 72, 61, 139
DarkSlateGray - 37, 56, 60
DarkTurquoise - 0, 206, 209
DarkViolet - 148, 0, 211
DeepPink - 255, 20, 147
DeepSkyBlue - 0, 191, 255
DimGray - 105, 105, 105
DodgerBlue - 30, 144, 255
FireBrick - 178, 34, 34
FloralWhite - 255, 250, 240
ForestGreen - 34, 139, 34
Gainsboro - 220, 220, 220
GhostWhite - 248, 248, 255
Gold - 255, 215, 0
GoldenRod - 218, 165, 32
Gray - 128, 128, 128
Green - 0, 128, 0
GreenYellow - 173, 255, 47
HoneyDew - 240, 255, 240
HotPink - 255, 105, 180
IndianRed - 205, 92, 92
Indigo - 75, 0, 130
Ivory - 255, 255, 240
Khaki - 240, 230, 140
Lavender - 230, 230, 250
LavenderBlush - 255, 240, 245
LawnGreen - 124, 252, 0
LemonChiffon - 255, 250, 205
LightBlue - 173, 216, 230
LightCoral - 240, 128, 128
LightCyan - 224, 255, 255
LightGoldenRodYellow - 250, 250, 210
LightGray - 211, 211, 211
LightGreen - 144, 238, 144
LightPink - 255, 182, 193
LightSalmon - 255, 160, 122
LightSeaGreen - 32, 178, 170
LightSkyBlue - 135, 206, 250
LightSlateGray - 119, 136, 153
LightSteelBlue - 176, 207, 222
LightYellow - 255, 255, 224
Lime - 0, 255, 0
LimeGreen - 50, 205, 50
Linen - 250, 240, 230
Magenta - 255, 0, 255
Maroon - 128, 0, 0
MediumAquaMarine - 102, 205, 170
MediumBlue - 0, 0, 205
MediumOrchid - 186, 85, 211
MediumPurple - 147, 112, 219
MediumSeaGreen - 60, 179, 113
MediumSlateBlue - 123, 104, 238
MediumSpringGreen - 0, 250, 154
MediumTurquoise - 72, 209, 204
MediumVioletRed - 199, 21, 133
MidnightBlue - 25, 25, 112
MintCream - 245, 255, 250
MistyRose - 255, 228, 225
Moccasin - 255, 228, 181
NavajoWhite - 255, 222, 173
Navy - 0, 0, 128
OldLace - 254, 240, 227
Olive - 128, 128, 0
OliveDrab - 107, 142, 35
Orange - 255, 165, 0
OrangeRed - 255, 69, 0
Orchid - 218, 112, 214
PaleGoldenRod - 238, 232, 170
PaleGreen - 152, 251, 152
PaleTurquoise - 175, 238, 238
PaleVioletRed - 219, 112, 147
PapayaWhip - 255, 239, 213
PeachPuff - 255, 218, 185
Peru - 205, 133, 63
Pink - 255, 192, 203
Plum - 221, 160, 221
PowderBlue - 176, 224, 230
Purple - 128, 0, 128
RebeccaPurple - 102, 51, 153
Red - 255, 0, 0
RosyBrown - 188, 143, 143
RoyalBlue - 65, 105, 225
SaddleBrown - 139, 69, 19
Salmon - 250, 128, 114
SandyBrown - 244, 164, 96
SeaGreen - 46, 139, 87
SeaShell - 255, 245, 238
Sienna - 160, 82, 45
Silver - 192, 192, 192
SkyBlue - 135, 206, 235
SlateBlue - 106, 90, 205
SlateGray - 112, 128, 144
Snow - 255, 250, 250
SpringGreen - 0, 255, 127
SteelBlue - 70, 130, 180
Tan - 210, 180, 140
Teal - 0, 128, 128
Thistle - 216, 191, 216
Tomato - 255, 99, 71
Turquoise - 64, 224, 208
Violet - 238, 130, 238
Wheat - 245, 222, 179
WhiteSmoke - 245, 245, 245
Yellow - 255, 255, 0
YellowGreen - 154, 205, 50

string color_name
the name of the color

integer red
the red-value of the color
integer green
the green-value of the color
integer blue
the blue-value of the color

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0GetVersion

Lua: number version = reagirl.GetVersion()

Returns the version-number of the installed ReaGirl.

number version
the version-number of the installed ReaGirl

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0IsValidGuid

Lua: boolean retval = reagirl.IsValidGuid(string guid, boolean strict)

Checks, if guid is a valid guid. Can also be used for strings, that contain a guid somewhere in them(strict=false)

A valid guid is a string that follows the following pattern:
where . is a hexadecimal value(0-F)

boolean retval
true, guid is/contains a valid guid; false, guid isn't/does not contain a valid guid

string guid
the guid to check for validity
boolean strict
true, guid must only be the valid guid; false, guid must contain a valid guid somewhere in it(means, can contain trailing or preceding characters)

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Mouse_GetCap

Lua: string clickstate, string specific_clickstate, integer mouse_cap, integer click_x, integer click_y, integer drag_x, integer drag_y, integer mouse_wheel, integer mouse_hwheel = reagirl.Mouse_GetCap(optional integer doubleclick_wait, optional integer drag_wait)

Checks clickstate and mouseclick/wheel-behavior, since last time calling this function and returns their states.
Allows you to get click, doubleclick, dragging, including the appropriate coordinates and mousewheel-states.

Much more convenient, than fiddling around with gfx.mouse_cap

Note: After doubleclicked, this will not return mouse-clicked-states, until the mouse-button is released. So any mouse-clicks during that can be only gotten from the retval mouse_cap.
      This is to prevent automatic mouse-dragging after double-clicks.

string clickstate
"", if not clicked, "CLK" for clicked and "FirstCLK", if the click is a first-click.
string specific_clickstate
either "" for not clicked, "CLK" for clicked, "DBLCLK" for doubleclick or "DRAG" for dragging
integer mouse_cap
the mouse_cap, a bitfield of mouse and keyboard modifier states
  1: left mouse button
  2: right mouse button
  4: Control key
  8: Shift key
  16: Alt key
  32: Windows key
  64: middle mouse button
integer click_x
the x position, when the mouse has been clicked the last time
integer click_y
the y position, when the mouse has been clicked the last time
integer drag_x
the x-position of the mouse-dragging-coordinate; is like click_x for non-dragging mousestates
integer drag_y
the y-position of the mouse-dragging-coordinate; is like click_y for non-dragging mousestates
integer mouse_wheel
the mouse_wheel-delta, since the last time calling this function
integer mouse_hwheel
the mouse_horizontal-wheel-delta, since the last time calling this function

optional integer doubleclick_wait
the timeframe, in which a second click is recognized as double-click, in defer-cycles. 30 is approximately 1 second; nil, will use 15(default)
optional integer drag_wait
the timeframe, after which a mouseclick without moving the mouse is recognized as dragging, in defer-cycles. 30 is approximately 1 second; nil, will use 5(default)

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0ReserveImageBuffer

Lua: integer image_buffer_index = reagirl.Gui_ReserveImageBuffer()

Reserves a framebuffer which will not be used by ReaGirl for drawing.
So if you want to code additional ui-elements, you can reserve an image buffer for blitting that way.

nil, if no additional framebuffer is available

integer image_buffer_index
the index of a framebuffer you can safely use; nil, no more framebuffer available

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0ResizeImageKeepAspectRatio

Lua: boolean retval = reagirl.ResizeImageKeepAspectRatio(integer image, integer neww, integer newh, optional number r, optional number g, optional number b)

Resizes an image, keeping its aspect-ratio. You can set a background-color for non rectangular-images.

Resizing upwards will probably cause artifacts!

Note: this uses image 1023 as temporary buffer so don't use image 1023, when using this function!

boolean retval
true, blitting was successful; false, blitting was unsuccessful

integer image
an image between 0 and 1022, that you want to resize
integer neww
the new width of the image
integer newh
the new height of the image
optional number r
the red-value of the background-color; nil, = 0
optional number g
the green-value of the background-color; nil, = 0
optional number b
the blue-value of the background-color; nil, = 0

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Window_GetCurrentScale

Lua: integer current_scaling_factor, boolean scaling_factor_override, integer current_system_scaling_factor = reagirl.Window_GetCurrentScale()

Gets the current scaling-factor

integer current_scaling_factor
the scaling factor currently used by the script; nil, if autoscaling is activated
boolean scaling_factor_override
does the current script override auto-scaling
integer current_system_scaling_factor
the scaling factor that would be used, if auto-scaling would be on

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Window_SetCurrentScale

Lua: reagirl.Window_SetCurrentScale(optional integer newscale)

Sets a new scaling-factor that overrides auto-scaling/scaling preferences

optional integer newscale
the scaling factor that shall be used in the script
nil, autoscaling/use preference
1-8, scaling factor between 1 and 8

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1IsAnyReaGirlGuiHovered

Lua: boolean retval = reagirl.IsAnyReaGirlGuiHovered()

Returns, if any ReaGirl-window is currently hovered by the mouse.

boolean retval
true, a ReaGirl-window is currently hovered; false, no ReaGirl-window is currently hovered

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0ScreenReader_SendMessage

Lua: reagirl.ScreenReader_SendMessage()

Sends a message to the screen reader

Use this only when needed, means, don't permanently send messages. Otherwise, they will be cut off and the user doesn't get them.

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Slider_Add

Lua: string slider_guid = reagirl.Slider_Add(optional integer x, optional integer y, integer width, string caption, optional integer cap_width, string meaningOfUI_Element, optional string unit, number start_val, number end_val, number step, number init_value, number default, optional function run_function)

Adds a slider to a gui.

You can autoposition the slider by setting x and/or y to nil, which will position the new slider after the last ui-element.
To autoposition into the next line, use reagirl.NextLine()

The caption will be shown before, the unit will be shown after the slider.
Note: when setting the unit to nil, no unit and number will be shown at the end of the slider.

Also note: when the number of steps is too many to be shown in a narrow slider, step-values may be skipped.

The run-function will get as parameters:
- string element_id - the element_id of the slider that uses this run-function
- integer value - the current slider-value

string slider_guid
a guid that can be used for altering the slider-attributes

optional integer x
the x position of the slider in pixels; negative anchors the slider to the right window-side; nil, autoposition after the last ui-element(see description)
optional integer y
the y position of the slider in pixels; negative anchors the slider to the bottom window-side; nil, autoposition after the last ui-element(see description)
integer width
the width of the slider in pixels
string caption
the caption of the slider
optional integer cap_width
the width of the caption to set the actual slider to a fixed position; nil, put slider directly after caption
string meaningOfUI_Element
the meaningOfUI_Element of the ui-element(for tooltips and blind users). Make it a sentence that ends with . or ?
optional string unit
the unit shown next to the number the slider is currently set to
number start_val
the minimum value of the slider
number end_val
the maximum value of the slider
number step
the stepsize until the next value within the slider
number init_value
the initial value of the slider
number default
the default value of the slider
optional function run_function
a function that shall be run when the slider is dragged; will get passed over the slider-element_id as first and the new slider-value as second parameter

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Slider_GetDefaultValue

Lua: number value = reagirl.Slider_GetDefaultValue(string element_id)

Gets the current set value of the slider.

number value
the current default value set in the slider

string element_id
the guid of the slider, whose default value you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Slider_GetDimensions

Lua: integer width = reagirl.Slider_GetDimensions(string element_id)

Gets the width of a slider.

integer width
the width of the slider; negative anchors to right window-edge

string element_id
the guid of the slider, whose width you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Slider_GetDisabled

Lua: boolean state = reagirl.Slider_GetDisabled(string element_id)

Gets the current disability state of the slider.

boolean state
true, slider is disabled; false, slider is enabled

string element_id
the guid of the slider, whose current disability-state you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Slider_GetEndValue

Lua: number max_value = reagirl.Slider_GetEndValue(string element_id)

Gets the current set maximum-value of the slider.

number max_value
the current maximum-value set in the slider

string element_id
the guid of the slider, whose current maximum-value you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Slider_GetStartValue

Lua: number min_value = reagirl.Slider_GetStartValue(string element_id)

Gets the current set minimum-value of the slider.

number min_value
the current minimum-value set in the slider

string element_id
the guid of the slider, whose current minimum-value you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Slider_GetValue

Lua: number value = reagirl.Slider_GetValue(string element_id)

Gets the current set value of the slider.

number value
the current value set in the slider

string element_id
the guid of the slider, whose current value you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires SWS version requires ReaGirl version 1.1Slider_LinkToDoubleConfigVar

Lua: reagirl.Slider_LinkToDoubleConfigVar(string element_id, string configvar_name, boolean persist)

Links a slider to a configvar.

All changes to the configvar will be immediately visible for this slider.
Draggint the slider also updates the configvar-bit immediately.

Note: this will only allow double-float config-variables. All others could cause malfunction of Reaper!
Use reagirl.Slider_LinkToIntConfigVar() for integer-config-variables.

Read the Reaper Internals-docs for all available config-variables(run the action ultraschall_Help_Reaper_ConfigVars_Documentation.lua for more details)

If the slider was already linked to extstate or ini-file, the linked-state will be replaced by this new one.
Use reagirl.Slider_Unlink() to unlink the slider from extstate/ini-file/config var.

string element_id
the guid of the slider that shall set a config-var
string configvar_name
the config-variable, whose value you want to update using the slider
boolean persist
true, make this setting persist; false, make this setting only temporary until Reaper restart

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1Slider_LinkToExtstate

Lua: reagirl.Slider_LinkToExtstate(string element_id, string section, string key, string default, boolean persist)

Links a slider to an extstate.

All changes to the extstate will be immediately visible for this slider.
Dragging the slider also updates the extstate immediately.

If the slider was already linked to a config-var or ini-file, the linked-state will be replaced by this new one.
Use reagirl.Slider_UnLink() to unlink the slider from extstate/ini-file/config var.

string element_id
the guid of the slider, that you want to link to an extstate
string section
the section of the linked extstate
string key
the key of the linked extstate
string default
the default value, if the extstate hasn't been set yet
boolean persist
true, the extstate shall be stored persistantly; false, the extstate shall not be stored persistantly

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1Slider_LinkToIniValue

Lua: reagirl.Slider_LinkToIniValue(string element_id, string ini_file, string section, string key, string default, boolean persist)

Links a slider to an ini-file-entry.

All changes to the ini-file-entry will be immediately visible for this slider.
Dragging the slider also updates the ini-file-entry immediately.

If the slider was already linked to a config-var or extstate, the linked-state will be replaced by this new one.
Use reagirl.Slider_UnLink() to unlink the slider from extstate/ini-file/config var.

string element_id
the guid of the slider, that you want to link to an extstate
string ini_file
the filename of the ini-file, whose value you want to link to this slider
string section
the section of the linked ini-file
string key
the key of the linked ini-file
string default
the default value, if the ini-file hasn't been set yet
boolean persist
true, the ini-file shall be stored persistantly; false, the ini-file shall not be stored persistantly

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires SWS version requires ReaGirl version 1.1Slider_LinkToIntConfigVar

Lua: reagirl.Slider_LinkToIntConfigVar(string element_id, string configvar_name, boolean persist)

Links a slider to a configvar.

All changes to the configvar will be immediately visible for this slider.
Dragging the slider also updates the configvar-bit immediately.

Note: this will only allow integer-config-variables. All others could cause malfunction of Reaper!
Use reagirl.Slider_LinkToDoubleConfigVar() for integer-config-variables.

Read the Reaper Internals-docs for all available config-variables(run the action ultraschall_Help_Reaper_ConfigVars_Documentation.lua for more details)

If the slider was already linked to extstate or ini-file, the linked-state will be replaced by this new one.
Use reagirl.Slider_Unlink() to unlink the slider from extstate/ini-file/config var.

string element_id
the guid of the slider that shall set a config-var
string configvar_name
the config-variable, whose value you want to update using the slider
boolean persist
true, make this setting persist; false, make this setting only temporary until Reaper restart

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Slider_ResetToDefaultValue

Lua: reagirl.Slider_ResetToDefaultValue(string element_id)

Resets the current set value of the slider to the default value.

string element_id
the guid of the slider, whose current value you want to reset to default

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Slider_SetDefaultValue

Lua: reagirl.Slider_SetDefaultValue(string element_id, number default_value)

Sets the default value of the slider.

Will not check, whether it is a valid value settable using the stepsize!

string element_id
the guid of the slider, whose default value you want to set
number default_value
the new default value of the slider

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Slider_SetDimensions

Lua: reagirl.Slider_SetDimensions(string element_id, integer width)

Sets the width of a slider.

string element_id
the guid of the slider, whose width you want to set
integer width
the new width of the slider; negative anchors to right window-edge; nil, keep current width

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Slider_SetDisabled

Lua: reagirl.Slider_SetDisabled(string element_id, boolean state)

Sets a slider disabled.

string element_id
the guid of the slider, whose disablility-state you want to set
boolean state
true, slider is disabled; false, slider is enabled

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Slider_SetEndValue

Lua: reagirl.Slider_SetEndValue(string element_id, number max_value)

Sets the maximum value of the slider.

If current slider-value is bigger than maximum, the current slider-value will be changed to maximum.

string element_id
the guid of the slider, whose max-value you want to set
number max_value
the new max value of the slider

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Slider_SetStartValue

Lua: reagirl.Slider_SetStartValue(string element_id, number start_value)

Sets the minimum value of the slider.

If current slider-value is smaller than minimum, the current slider-value will be changed to minimum.

string element_id
the guid of the slider, whose minimum-value you want to set
number start_value
the new minimum value of the slider

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Slider_SetValue

Lua: reagirl.Slider_SetValue(string element_id, number value)

Sets the current value of the slider.

Will not check, whether it is a valid value settable using the stepsize!

string element_id
the guid of the slider, whose value you want to set
number value
the new value of the slider

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1Slider_Unlink

Lua: reagirl.Slider_Unlink(string element_id)

Unlinks a slider from extstate/ini-file/configvar.

string element_id
the guid of the slider, that you want to unlink from an extstate/inifile-entry/configvar

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Tabs_Add

Lua: string tabs_guid = reagirl.Tabs_Add(optional integer x, optional integer y, integer w, integer w_backdrop, integer h_backdrop, string caption, string meaningOfUI_Element, table tab_names, integer selected_tab, optional function run_function)

Adds a tab to a gui.

You can autoposition the tab by setting x and/or y to nil, which will position the new tab after the last ui-element.
To autoposition into the next line, use reagirl.NextLine()

You can also have a background drawn by the tab, which could be set to a specific size or set to autosize.
When set to autosize, it will enclose ui-elements currently visible in the gui.
If you don't want a background, set w_background or h_background to 0.

Keep in mind, that using auto-sizing of the background might lead to smaller backgrounds than the tabs themselves when there's only a few ui-elements available!

The run-function will get as parameters:
- string element_id - the tab's element-id
- integer selected_tab - the clicked tab
- string selected_tab_name - the clicked tab-name

string tabs_guid
a guid that can be used for altering the tab-attributes

optional integer x
the x position of the tab in pixels; negative anchors the tab to the right window-side; nil, autoposition after the last ui-element(see description)
optional integer y
the y position of the tab in pixels; negative anchors the tab to the bottom window-side; nil, autoposition after the last ui-element(see description)
optional integer w_backdrop
the width of the tab's backdrop; negative, anchor it to the right window-edge; nil, autosize the backdrop to the gui-elements currently shown
optional integer h_backdrop
the height of the tab's backdrop; negative, anchor it to the bottom window-edge; nil, autosize the backdrop to the gui-elements currently shown
string caption
the caption of the tab
string meaningOfUI_Element
the meaningOfUI_Element of the ui-element(for tooltips and blind users). Make it a sentence that ends with . or ?
table tab_names
an indexed table with all tab-names
integer selected_tab
the index of the currently selected tab; 1-based
optional function run_function
a function that shall be run when a tab is clicked/selected via keys;
will get passed over the tab-element_id as first and
the new selected tab as second parameter as well as
the selected tab-name as third parameter

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Tabs_GetSelected

Lua: number value = reagirl.Tabs_GetSelected(string element_id)

Gets the selected tab of a tabs-element.

integer selected_tab
the selected tab

string element_id
the guid of the tabs, whose selected tab you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Tabs_SetSelected

Lua: reagirl.Tabs_SetSelected(string element_id, integer selected_tab)

Sets the selected tab of a tabs-element.

string element_id
the guid of the tabs, whose selected tab you want to set
integer selected_tab
the new selected tab

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Tabs_SetUIElementsForTab

Lua: reagirl.Tabs_SetUIElementsForTab(string element_id, integer tab_number, table element_ids_table)

Sets the ui-elements for a tab from a table.

The element_ids in the table element_ids_table consists of all ui-elements that shall be visible when this tab is selected.

string element_id
the guid of the tabs, whose selected tab you want to set
integer tab_number
the number of the tab, whose ui-elements you want to set; 1-based
table element_ids_table
a table with all element_ids of all ui-elements that shall be shown when the tab is selected

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0UI_Element_GetFocusRect

Lua: integer x, integer y, integer w, integer h, integer x2, integer y2, integer w2, integer h2 = reagirl.UI_Element_GetFocusRect()

gets the rectangle for focused ui-element. Can be used for custom ui-element, who need to control the focus-rectangle due some of their own ui-elements incorporated, like options in radio-buttons, etc.

the first four retvals give the set-position(including possible negative values), the second four retvals give the actual window-coordinates.

integer x
the x-position of the focus-rectangle; negative, anchored to the right windowborder
integer y
the y-position of the focus-rectangle; negative, anchored to the bottom windowborder
integer w
the width of the focus-rectangle; negative, anchored to the right windowborder
integer h
the height of the focus-rectangle; negative, anchored to the bottom windowborder
integer x2
the actual x-position of the focus-rectangle
integer y2
the actual y-position of the focus-rectangle
integer w2
the actual width of the focus-rectangle
integer h2
the actual height of the focus-rectangle

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0UI_Element_GetFocused

Lua: string element_guid = reagirl.UI_Element_GetFocused()

Get the ui-element-guid, that is currently focused.

string element_guid
the element-id of the currently focused ui-element

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0UI_Element_GetHovered

Lua: string element_guid = reagirl.UI_Element_GetHovered()

Get the ui-element-guid, where the mouse is currently.

string element_id
the element-id of the currently hovered ui-element

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0UI_Element_GetSetCaption

Lua: string caption = reagirl.UI_Element_GetSetCaption(string element_id, boolean is_set, string caption)

gets/sets the caption of the ui-element

string caption
the caption of the ui-element

string element_id
the id of the element, whose caption you want to get/set
boolean is_set
true, set the caption; false, only retrieve the current caption
string caption
the caption of the ui-element

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0UI_Element_GetSetMeaningOfUIElement

Lua: string meaningOfUI_Element = reagirl.UI_Element_GetSetMeaningOfUIElement(string element_id, boolean is_set, string meaningOfUI_Element)

gets/sets the meaningOfUI_Element of the ui-element, which will describe, how to use the ui-element to blind persons.

Very important when seting meaning_Of_UI_Elements for images: write into meaningOfUI_Element a small description of what the image shows. This will help blind people know, what the image means and what to do with it.
If you can't know what the image shows(an image viewer for instance) explain what's the purpose of the image like "cover image for the project" or something.
Keep in mind: blind people can't see the image so any kind of description will help them understand your script.

string meaningOfUI_Element
the meaningOfUI_Element of the ui-element(for tooltips and blind users). Make it a sentence that ends with . or ?

string element_id
the id of the element, whose meaningOfUI_Element you want to get/set
boolean is_set
true, set the meaningOfUI_Element; false, only retrieve the current meaningOfUI_Element
string meaningOfUI_Element
the meaningOfUI_Element of the ui-element(for tooltips and blind users). Make it a sentence that ends with . or ?

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0UI_Element_GetSetPosition

Lua: integer x, integer y, integer actual_x, integer actual_y = reagirl.UI_Element_GetSetPosition(string element_id, boolean is_set, integer x, integer y)

gets/sets the position of the ui-element

integer x
the x-position of the ui-element
integer y
the y-position of the ui-element
integer actual_x
the actual current x-position resolved to the anchor-position including scaling and scroll-offset
integer actual_y
the actual current y-position resolved to the anchor-position including scaling and scroll-offset

string element_id
the id of the element, whose position you want to get/set
boolean is_set
true, set the position; false, only retrieve the current position
integer x
the x-position of the ui-element
integer y
the y-position of the ui-element

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0UI_Element_GetSetRunFunction

Lua: func run_function, optional func run_function2 = reagirl.UI_Element_GetSetRunFunction(string element_id, boolean is_set, optional func run_function, optional func_run_function2)

gets/sets the run_function of the ui-element, which will be run, when the ui-element is toggled

func run_function
the run_function of the ui-element
optional func_run_function2
a second run-function used by some ui-elements; type-run-function for inputboxes

string element_id
the id of the element, whose run_function you want to get/set
boolean is_set
true, set the run_function; false, only retrieve the current run_function
optional func run_function
the run function of the ui-element; enter-run-function for inputboxes
optional func_run_function2
a second run-function used by some ui-elements; type-run-function for inputboxes

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0UI_Element_GetSetVisibility

Lua: boolean visible = reagirl.UI_Element_GetSetVisibility(string element_id, boolean is_set, boolean visible)

gets/sets the hidden-state of the ui-element

boolean hidden
the hidden-state of the ui-element

string element_id
the id of the element, whose hidden-state you want to get/set
boolean is_set
true, set the hidden-state; false, only retrieve current hidde-state
boolean visible
true, set to visible; false, set to hidden

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0UI_Element_GetSet_ContextMenu

Lua: string menu, function menu_runfunction = reagirl.UI_Element_GetSet_ContextMenu(string element_id, boolean is_set, optional string menu, optional function menu_runfunction)

gets/sets the context-menu and context-menu-run-function of a ui-element.

Setting this will show a context-menu, when the user rightclicks the ui-element.

Parameter menu is a list of fields separated by | characters. Each field represents a menu item.
Fields can start with special characters:

# : grayed out
! : checked
> : this menu item shows a submenu
< : last item in the current submenu

The menu_runfunction will be called with two parameters:
  string element_id - the guid of the ui-element, whose context-menu has been used
  integer selection - the index of the menu-item selected by the user

string menu
the currently set menu for this ui-element; nil, no menu is available
function menu_function
a function that is called, after the user made a context-menu-selection; nil, no such function added to this ui-element

string element_id
the id of the element, whose context-menu you want to get/set
boolean is_set
true, set the menu; false, only retrieve the current menu
optional string menu
sets a menu for this ui-element; nil, no context-menu available
optional function menu_runfunction
sets a function that is called, after the user made a context-menu-selection; must be given when menu~=nil

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0UI_Element_GetSet_DropZoneFunction

Lua: function dropzone_function = reagirl.UI_Element_GetSet_DropZoneFunction(string element_id, boolean is_set, optional function dropzone_function)

gets/sets the dropzone-run-function of a ui-element.

This will be called, when the user drag'n'drops files onto this ui-element.

The dropzone_function will be called with two parameters:
  string element_id - the guid of the ui-element, on which files were dropped
  table filenames - a table with all dropped filenames
It's also possible, that fx were dropped onto a drop-zone, since Reaper allows that.
So if you just want to have filenames, check, if the filename is not of format "@fx:fx_ident"

function dropzone_function
a function that is called, after files were drag'n'dropped onto this ui-element

string element_id
the id of the element, whose description you want to get/set
boolean is_set
true, set the dropzone-function; false, only retrieve the dropzone-function
optional function dropzone_function
sets a function that is called, after the drag'n'dropped files onto this ui-element; nil, removes drop-zone

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0UI_Element_GetType

Lua: string ui_type = reagirl.UI_Element_GetType(string element_id)

returns the type of the ui-element

string ui_type
the type of the ui-element, like "Button", "Image", "Checkbox", "Edit" for InputBoxes and "ComboBox" for DropDownMenu, etc

string element_id
the id of the element, whose type you want to get

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0UI_Element_IsElementAtMousePosition

Lua: boolean element_is_at_position = reagirl.UI_Element_IsElementAtMousePosition(string element_id)

returns, if ui-element with element_id is at mouse-position

boolean element_is_at_position
true, ui-element is at mouse-position; false, ui-element is not at mouse-position

string element_id
the id of the element, of which you want to know, if it's at mouse-position

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0UI_Element_Last_Element_Current_Position

Lua: integer last_x, integer last_y, integer last_w, integer last_h = reagirl.UI_Element_Last_Element_Current_Position()

Returns the x and y position as well as width and height of the last added ui-element.

integer last_x
the x-position of the last added ui-element
integer last_y
the y-position of the last added ui-element
integer last_w
the width of the last added ui-element
integer last_h
the height of the last added ui-element

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0UI_Element_Remove

Lua: reagirl.UI_Element_Remove(string element_id)

Removes a ui-element.

string element_id
the id of the element that you want to remove

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0UI_Element_SetFocusRect

Lua: reagirl.UI_Element_SetFocusRect(optional boolean override, integer x, integer y, integer w, integer h)

sets the rectangle for focused ui-element. Can be used for custom ui-element, who need to control the focus-rectangle due some of their own ui-elements incorporated, like options in radio-buttons, etc.

optional boolean override
I forgot...
integer x
the x-position of the focus-rectangle; negative, anchor to the right windowborder
integer y
the y-position of the focus-rectangle; negative, anchor to the bottom windowborder
integer w
the width of the focus-rectangle; negative, anchor to the right windowborder
integer h
the height of the focus-rectangle; negative, anchor to the bottom windowborder

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0UI_Element_SetFocused

Lua: reagirl.UI_Element_SetFocused(string element_id)

Set an ui-element focused.

string element_id
the id of the ui-element, which you want to set to focused

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0UI_Element_SetHiddenFromTable

Lua: reagirl.UI_Element_SetHiddenFromTable(table table_element_ids, boolean visible)

Set ui-elements stored in a table to hidden or visible.

table table_element_ids
a table with all element_ids that you want to hide or make visible
boolean visible
true, set all ui-elements in table_element_ids to visible; false, set them to hidden

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0UI_Elements_OutsideWindow

Lua: integer horz_outside, integer vert_outside = reagirl.UI_Elements_OutsideWindow()

returns, if any of the gui-elements are outside of the window and by how much.

Good for management of resizing window or scrollbars.

integer horz_outside
the number of horizontal-pixels the ui-elements are outside of the window
integer vert_outside
the number of vertical-pixels the ui-elements are outside of the window

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Window_ForceSize_Maximum

Lua: reagirl.Window_ForceSize_Maximum(integer MaxW, integer MaxH)

Sets a maximum window size that will be enforced by ReaGirl.

integer MaxW
the maximum window-width in pixels
integer MaxH
the maximum window-height in pixels

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Window_ForceSize_Minimum

Lua: reagirl.Window_ForceSize_Minimum(integer MinW, integer MinH)

Sets a minimum window size that will be enforced by ReaGirl.

integer MinW
the minimum window-width in pixels
integer MinH
the minimum window-height in pixels

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires ReaGirl version 1.1Window_ResizedFunc

Lua: reagirl.Window_ResizedFunc()

Adds a run-function that is always executed, when the window gets resized.

^ requires Reaper version 7.03 requires JS version 0.964 requires ReaGirl version 1.0Window_SetFocus

Lua: reagirl.Window_SetFocus()

Sets window focus back to the ReaGirl-gui-window.

  Automatically generated by Ultraschall-API 5.1 - 146 elements available