^ smmaxsz
Maximum stretch marker handle size-inputbox(the first one in the line), as set in Preferences -> Appearance-Media
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>1 to 100, in pixels
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ smmaxsz_pct
Maximum stretch marker handle size ... or % of take-height-inputbox(the second one in the line), as set in Preferences -> Appearance-Media
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>1-30 in percents
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ Introduction to Config Variables
List of all Config Variables as of Reaper 7.16 and probably are missing some, but should be fairly complete anyway.
These can be used to set configuration-stuff in the preferences, the project-settings, the render-dialog, many context-menus(like MCP or transport-context-menus) and many others.
To change them, you can use the following ReaScript API-functions(requires SWS being installed):
For Integer-values, use SNM_GetIntConfigVar(), SNM_SetIntConfigVar(),
For Double/Float-values, use SNM_GetDoubleConfigVar() and SNM_SetDoubleConfigVar(),
For String-values, use get_config_var_string() and SNM_SetDoubleConfigVar()
as well as the C++-only API-functions:
For (Global) Configuration, use get_config_var()
For Project-configuration, use projectconfig_var_addr() and projectconfig_var_getoffs()
and Reaper's function: get_config_var_string()
who change Reaper's configuration-variables at run time. Just pass the variable-name to the parameter "varname".
Configuration-variables are either double, integer, or string-values. The integer-values are usually(but not always!) bitfields, where every bit stores e.g. the value of a checkbox in the preferences.
That said: one variable may contain the settings for up to 32(or more?) settings at once.
Some variables are string-variables, but they can be accessed with get_config_var_string(), which is available in pre-releases of Reaper only, at the time of writing(I tried to document them as well anyway).
They can also be accessed as integer, but only have the first 8 bytes available(64bits)
Integer-variables are usually 32bits, only those who can be accessed as string-variable can be read as integer as well up to 64bits-integers.
I documented bitfields differently than you usually use them. That means, &16384=1 is actually &16384=16384, while &16384=0 is &16384=0. This is only for better readability of the document, not for any technical reasons.
Some bitfields are documented as "unknown", though it's uncertain if they're unknown or just unused.
Sometimes, variables seem not be existing and valid until they've been set somehow. So if you discover a variable as not functioning, keep in mind it might not be set(yet) and therefore not be available. Just set it and it should appear as existing.
Some variables can't be set. Even if you can set them with new values using the SWS-functions, these new values have no effect on the setting behind them and therefore can only be used for getting their current setting.
So test this out beforehand, if you need to get/set a specific variable in your script.
Setting some of the variables results in a different behavior, as you might expect them to behave.
Such example is mastermutesolo, where you can set the master's mute and solo-states successfully, however, the UserInterface of Reaper will NOT reflect that. It rather will show the old mute-solo-state instead.
Another such example is reccfg, where you can set another recording-audio-format, but setting it to Video, GIF or AudioCD will result in strange behavior of the Project Settings-dialog, even though you can successfully record in these formats as well.
So doublecheck them twice for any side-effects. These sideeffects aren't documented much in here(too much work for one young gal like me ;) )
I also document limitations with variables within this textfile. These are not taken from actually setting these variables, but rather taken from the limitations imposed by setting-dialogs. So, even if I write about limitations, other values may be possible as well, though I would say, this could lead to unpredictable behavior of Reaper.
It is unclear, if the SWS-functions (or the underlying C++ function get_config_var) are checking for valid values to reject them, if invalid(and prevent possible crashes, etc).
So, be better on the safe side and stay within the boundaries I document.
I tried to retain the original names of dialogs, settings, menu-entries, checkboxes, etc, so you can search their names in this document to find their accompanying config-variable easier.
Many variables are also influenced by actions, so refer to Reaper-All_ConfigVars_as_toggled_by_Actions.txt to get a full list of which actions triggers which configvar.
Keep in mind:
If you change settings, these changes might not be stored in Reaper's setting-files, so they may get lost, when Reaper is exited.
If you want to retain settings, you need to set them in the corresponding ini-files as well(usually the reaper.ini) with BR_Win32_WritePrivateProfileString() Only exception I know of is edit_fontsize, which sets the fontsize in Reaper's IDE. Changing this makes this setting immediately persisting.
Project-settings should be stored the next time a project is saved, but doublecheck that, if storing projectsettings into a projectfile is a must in your script!
Some project-settings can be stored into the reaper.ini as default-project-settings. I documented that as well, when I could find that out.
documented by Meo-Ada Mespotine mespotine.de for the ultraschall.fm-project
some of the variable-names were collected by various users in the Reaper-forums, thanx for that :)
This document is licensed under creative-commons cc-by-sa-nc license. More information about Creative Commons, at creativecommons.org
If you want, you can thank me for this work at ultraschall.fm/danke, where you can find my Amazon-wishlist(hint hint, nudge nudge ;) )
396 variables documented, including settings for:
Preferences, Playrate context menu, Help-information display context-menu, Transport-Context Menus, Project Settings, the Master VU-settings,
Ruler context-menu, Metronome and pre-roll settings, Projecttab-context-menu, MixerControlPanel-context menu, Action-menu,
TrackControlPanel-context menu, Crossfade-editor, FX browser, Peaks Display Settings, Scale Finder, Screensets/Layouts
the View-menu, the Options-menu, Customize menus/toolbars, Adjust Entire Tempo Envelope, Quantize Item Positions, MIDI Editor and
Render to File-dialogs are completely documented, as well as all variables toggled by actions only.
Some variables I couldn't trigger, so the following 22 aren't documented and are unknown:
ctrlcopyitem, disk_rdblksex, itemdblclk, itemprops, itemprops_timemode, maxspeakgain, metronome_flags, midiins, midiins_cs, mousemovemod, newfnopt, projmidieditor, renderqdelay, rightclickemulate, scoreminnotelen, scorequant, selitemtop, titlebarreghide, tsmarker, vstfolder_settings, projmeasoffsruler, miscopts
The following variables can be triggered by actions only
aot, cueitems, itemtexthide, psmaxv, psminv, templateditcursor
the following variables are available in pre-releases of Reaper only
none currently
^ cueitems
View: Toggle show media cues in items as triggered by action 40691(in sections Main, Media Explorer, MIDI Editor, MIDI Eventlist Editor, MIDI Inline Editor)
It is an integer, actions variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
View: Toggle show media cues in items
>0, togglestate off
>1, togglestate on
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ itemtexthide
View: Toggle show/hide item labels
It is an integer, actions variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
View: Toggle show/hide item labels
>0, action is toggled on
>1, action is toggled off
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ envmgropts
Several settings, as set in the context-menu of the envelope manager
It is an integer, project variable.
>&1=0, Target Envelope manager when clicking track/take envelope buttons(shift+click to override) - unchecked
>&1=1, Target Envelope manager when clicking track/take envelope buttons(shift+click to override) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ help
Stores the settings for the help-information-display under the TCP, as set in it's accompanying context-menu, as well the performance meter window-context menu.
It is an integer/integer-bitfield, help variable.
>Only one of the following can be set:
0, No information display
1, Reaper tips
2, Track/item count
3, selected track/item/envelope details
4, CPU/RAM use, time since last save
>This one can be set all the times:
&65536=0, Show mouse editing-help(on), checked
&65536=1, Show mouse editing-help(off), unchecked
>Context-menu in performane meter display:
&131072=0, &262144=0, Display CPU utilization as 100% = all cores fully utilized
&131072=1, &262144=0, Display CPU utilization as 1.0c = 1 core fully utilized
&131072=1, &262144=1, Display CPU utilization as 1.0! = longest block is realtime (worst case)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ edit_fontsize
The fontsize of the Reascript/JSFX-IDE.
It is an integer, misc variable.
>negative values are treated like the positive value+1; 16 is default
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER; is updated as soon as the variable is changed.
^ g_config_project
It is a string of the filename with path of the project, though only accessible as integer, and therefore the first characters.
It is an integer, misc variable.
Don't access it as double, or Reaper might crash!
^ g_markerlist_updcnt
The number of times, a markerlist in any project has been updated since Reaper started.
A markerlist is just the list of markers, that a project contains.
Counts up, if a marker is added, set, deleted from any project opened in Reaper.
This counter includes already closed projects as well
This is an integer-value, variable.
>0, no marker has been updated yet
>1 and higher, markers have been updated in any opened project
^ ide_colors
Stores some kind of color-theme-settings for Reaper's IDE.
Seems not to store the colors themselves, but rather count up, when one or more colors are changed.
It is an integer, misc variable.
>0 to 2147483647; higher values become negative
^ ide_font_face
The currently used font in Reaper's IDE.
It is a string, misc variable.
When storing a new font, use "" to use the default-IDE-font.
Keep in mind, that only mono-spaced-fonts will look good. Other fonts might have artifacts.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ inprojmidi_wildcards
In project MIDI item-inputbox as set in Preferences -> Recording
It is a string, preferences variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ itemnotes
Settings in the Item-Notes-dialog
It is an integer, item-note variable.
>&8=0, Word wrap-checkbox(updated only, when itemnotes window gets closed) - unchecked
>&8=1, Word wrap-checkbox(updated only, when itemnotes window gets closed) - checked
>256=0, Enter to close, Shift+Enter for new line-checkbox - unchecked
>256=1, Enter to close, Shift+Enter for new line-checkbox - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ lastthemefn5
The currently selected theme.
It is a string, theme variable.
><classic> for the classic-theme; others are path+filename.ReaperTheme
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ maxspeakgain
The maximum shown peak-gain of the shown peaks in MediaItems
It is a double-float, misc variable.
>values, who change the gain range from -180(negative gain) to 3(positive gain, possibly higher?)
>0, seems to be no gain
>default is 64.0
^ metronome_flags
The Metronome through Monitor FX-menuentry, as set in Metronome and Pre-roll-settings-dialog(Action: 40363) -> I/O-Button
It is an integer, metronome variable.
>0, menu is unchecked; 1, menu is checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ mvu_rmsgain
The Display gain, as set in the RMS metering settings-section of the Master VU settings-dialog, opened when right-clicking the Master-VU.
In the dialog, it is treated as a simple float, means, 111 becomes 11.1 in the dialog. Negative values input in the dialog will be
set to +1, means: -8 will become -7.9 in the variable and the next time you open the dialog.
It is an integer, master-vu-context variable.
>-9999989 to 9999999.0; in dB; 0 for 0dB
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ mvu_rmsmode
The Master VU settings, as set in the Master VU settings-dialog, opened when right-clicking the Master-VU.
It is an integer-bitfield, master-vu-context variable.
>&1 and &2
>> 0 0, Peak Only
>> 0 1, RMS Only
>> 1 0, Peak+RMS
>&4=0, Top Label: Peak
>&4=1, Top Label: RMS
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ mvu_rmsoffs2
The Display offset, as set in the RMS metering settings-section of the Master VU settings-dialog, opened when right-clicking the Master-VU.
In the dialog, it is treated as a simple float, means, 111 becomes 11.1 in the dialog. Negative values input in the dialog will be
set to +1, means: -8 will become -7.9 in the variable and the next time you open the dialog.
It is an integer, master-vu-context variable.
>-9999989 to 9999999.0; in dB; 0 for 0dB
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ mvu_rmsred
The Red threshold, as set in the RMS metering settings-section of the Master VU settings-dialog, opened when right-clicking the Master-VU.
In the dialog, it is treated as a simple float, means, 111 becomes 11.1 in the dialog. Negative values input in the dialog will be
set to +1, means: -8 will become -7.9 in the variable and the next time you open the dialog.
It is an integer, master-vu-context variable.
>-9999989 to 9999999.0; in dB; 0 for 0dB
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ mvu_rmssize
The Window size, as set in the RMS metering settings-section of the Master VU settings-dialog, opened when right-clicking the Master-VU.
It is an integer, master-vu-context variable.
>0 to 9999999; milliseconds
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ preroll
The several preroll-settings, as set in the Pre-Roll-section of the "Metronome and pre-roll settings"-dialog(also options-menu)
It is an integer-bitfield, metronome variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Pre-roll: Toggle pre-roll on record [deprecated duplicate]
Pre-roll: Toggle pre-roll on play
Pre-roll: Toggle pre-roll on record
>&1=0, Pre-roll before playback(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Pre-roll before playback(on) - checked
>&2=0, Pre-roll before recording(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Pre-roll before recording(on) - checked
>&4=0, Start pre-roll at start of measure(on) - checked
>&4=1, Start pre-roll at start of measure(off) - unchecked
>&8=0, Start count-in at start of measure(set in the Metronome-section)(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Start count-in at start of measure(set in the Metronome-section)(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ prerollmeas
The Pre-roll measures-inputbox, as set in the Pre-Roll-section of the "Metronome and pre-roll settings"-dialog(also options-menu)
It is a double-float, metronome variable.
>0 to 1e+021; higher values can't be set in the reaper.ini, though in the variable
Stored(with higher precision) in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ quantflag
Several settings, as set in Quantize Item Positions(action 40316)
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Move grouped items with selected items(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Move grouped items with selected items(on) - checked
>&2=0, Extend start of items to overlap with earlier items by-checkbox(off)- unchecked
>&2=1, Extend start of items to overlap with earlier items by-checkbox(on)- checked
>&4=0, Shorten earlier items if quantized items overlap by more than-checkbox(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Shorten earlier items if quantized items overlap by more than-checkbox(on) - checked
>&8=0, Quantize item ends and stretch item to fit(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Quantize item ends and stretch item to fit(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ quantolms
Extend start of items to overlap with earlier items by-inputbox, as set in Quantize Item Positions(action 40316)
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in milliseconds; higher values become negative;
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ quantolms2
Shorten earlier items if quantized items overlap by more than-inputbox, as set in Quantize Item Positions(action 40316)
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in milliseconds; higher values become negative;
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ quantsize2
Quantize to-dropdown/inputlist, as set in Quantize Item Positions(action 40316)
It is a double-float, preferences variable.
>other values are possible as well, with minimum 1/256
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ screenset_as_views
The settings behind the Edit fields-Button, as set in Screensets/Layouts located in menu View -> Screensets/Layouts
It is an integer, preferences variable.
The value is negative for some reason...
>&4=0, Views -> Track cursor position(on) - checked
>&4=1, Views -> Track cursor position(off) - unchecked
>&8=0, Views -> Track scroll positions(on) - checked
>&8=1, Views -> Track scroll positions(off) - unchecked
>&16=0, Views -> Track TCP status(on) - checked
>&16=1, Views -> Track TCP status(off) - unchecked
>&64=0, Views -> Track mixer status(on) - checked
>&64=1, Views -> Track mixer status(off) - unchecked
>&128=0, Views -> Horizontal zoom(on) - checked
>&128=1, Views -> Horizontal zoom(off) - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ screenset_as_win
The settings behind the Edit fields-Button, as set in Screensets/Layouts located in menu View -> Screensets/Layouts
The value is negative for some reason...
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Windows -> Main window position(on) - checked
>&1=1, Windows -> Main window position(off) - unchecked
>&2=0, Windows -> Tool window position(on) - checked
>&2=1, Windows -> Tool window position(off) - unchecked
>&32=0, Windows -> Docker selected tab(on) - checked
>&32=1, Windows -> Docker selected tab(off) - unchecked
>&512=0, Windows -> Mixer flags(on) - checked
>&512=1, Windows -> Mixer flags(off) - unchecked
>&1024=0, Windows -> Last focus(on) - checked
>&1024=1, Windows -> Last focus(off) - unchecked
>&2048=0, Windows -> Layouts(on) - checked
>&2048=1, Windows -> Layouts(off) - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ screenset_autosave
Auto-save when switching screensets-checkbox, as set in Screensets/Layouts located in menu View -> Screensets/Layouts
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Auto-save when switching screensets(off) - unchecked
>1, Auto-save when switching screensets(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ showctinmix
Scroll view when tracks activated-entry, as set in the Mixer-context-menu.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Mixer: Toggle scroll view when tracks activated
>0, don't scroll view(off) - unchecked
>1, scroll view(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ showmaintrack
Show master track, as set in the TrackControlPanel-context menu
It is an integer, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
View: Toggle master track visible
Toggle show master tempo envelope
Toggle show master track and tempo envelope
>0, don't show master track - unchecked
>1, show master track - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ specpeak_alpha
Stores the Opacity-fader for Spectral Peaks, as set in the Peaks Display Settings from View -> Peaks Display Settings
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 255; 192 for default
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ specpeak_bv
Stores the variance-level for Spectral Peaks, as set in the Peaks Display Settings from View -> Peaks Display Settings
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0(for displayed value 0) to 256(for displayed value 1.00); default 96(for displayed value 0.38)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ specpeak_ftp
Fade non tonal content to theme peaks color-context menu for Spectral Peaks, as set in the Peaks Display Settings from View -> Peaks Display Settings
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, don't fade - unchecked
>1, fade - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ specpeak_hueh
The high-end of the spectrum, starting point for Spectral Peaks, as set in the Peaks Display Settings from View -> Peaks Display Settings
That means, the right side of the spectrum.
It is a double-float, preferences variable.
>0.513 is default settings; lower push the spectrum together; higher, stretch it apart until about 1.585(default value from specpeak_huel),
from which it's pushed together again
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ specpeak_huel
The low-end of the spectrum, starting point for Spectral Peaks, as set in the Peaks Display Settings from View -> Peaks Display Settings
That means, the left side of the spectrum.
It is a double-float, preferences variable.
>1.585 is default settings; higher push the spectrum together; lower, stretch it apart until about 0.513(default value from specpeak_hueh),
from which it's pushed together again
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ specpeak_lo
The lo-frequency-part for Spectral Peaks, as set in the Peaks Display Settings from View -> Peaks Display Settings
That means, the frequency shown in the lower part of the preview-Spectral-Peaks-area.
It is a double float, preferences variable.
>0(for displayed 14Hz to 3904Hz) to 200(14Hz to 7985Hz); default is 0
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ specpeak_na
Stores the Noise Threshold-fader for Spectral Peaks, as set in the Peaks Display Settings from View -> Peaks Display Settings
It is a double-float, preferences variable.
>16(for displayed value 0.25) to 0.5(for displayed value 8.0); default is 257(for displayed value 1.0)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ scnotes
Use all MIDI inputs-checkbox, as set Scale Finder located in View -> Scale Finder as well as in
Preferences -> Mouse Modifiers(only MIDI CC event, MIDI CC lane and MIDI CC segment-Modifiers ) and in MIDI Editor -> Options -> Velocity editing lane and
in MIDI Editor -> Options -> CC events in multiple media items.
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&2=0, Allow selecting a single event in a CC lane with a mouse click(on) - checked
>&2=1, Allow selecting a single event in a CC lane with a mouse click(off) - unchecked
>&8=0, Use all MIDI inputs(on) - checked
>&8=1, Use all MIDI inputs(off) - unchecked
>&16=0, Draw and edit on all tracks(MIDI Editor -> Options -> CC events in multiple media items)
>&16=1, Edit on all tracks(MIDI Editor -> Options -> CC events in multiple media items)
>&32=0, Edit CC-Events on all tracks(Tracklist in MIDI-Editor) ->unchecked
>&32=1, Edit CC-Events on all tracks(Tracklist in MIDI-Editor) ->checked
>&64=0, Edit previous note within current grid division(MIDI Editor -> Options -> Velocity editing lane)
>&64=1, Edit only when mouse is over velocity bar(MIDI Editor -> Options -> Velocity editing lane)
>&128=0, Right click deletes CC events-checkbox(Preferences -> Mouse modifiers -> MIDI CC segment - left click/drag) -> checked
>&128=1, Right click deletes CC events-checkbox(Preferences -> Mouse modifiers -> MIDI CC segment - left click/drag) -> unchecked
>&256=0, Draw/edit immediately on mouse click-checkbox(Preferences -> Mouse modifiers -> MIDI CC segment - left click/drag) -> unchecked
>&256=1, Draw/edit immediately on mouse click-checkbox(Preferences -> Mouse modifiers -> MIDI CC segment - left click/drag) -> checked
^ scoreminnotelen
The minimum length of a note, in the notation-view of the MIDI-Editor.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>4, one full note; lower than 4 are fractions of a note
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ scorequant
It is an integer, unknown variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ custommenu
Include default menu as submenu-checkbox in Menu-Editor as well as some settings in Preferences -> Appearance
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, include default menus as submenu(Menueditor)(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, include default menus as submenu(Menueditor)(on) - checked
>&4=0, Don't scale toolbar buttons below 1:1(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Don't scale toolbar buttons below 1:1(on) - checked
>&16=0, Don't scale toolbar buttons above 1:1 (on) - checked
>&16=1, Don't scale toolbar buttons above 1:1 (off) - unchecked
>&256=0, Frameless floating toolbar windows(off) - unchecked
>&256=1, Frameless floating toolbar windows(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ envlanes
Several settings, as set in Preferences -> Envelope Display as well as in Preferences -> Appearance and Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Show new envelopes in separate envelope lanes-checkbox(Preferences -> Envelope Display)(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Show new envelopes in separate envelope lanes-checkbox(Preferences -> Envelope Display)(on) - checked
>&2=0, Changing envelope in lane: Moves old envelope to media lane(Preferences -> Envelope Display)
>&2=1, Changing envelope in lane: Hides old envelope(Preferences -> Envelope Display)
>&4=0, Draw faint peaks in automation envelope lanes(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms)(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Draw faint peaks in automation envelope lanes(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms)(on) - checked
>&8=0, Antialiased fades and envelopes(on) - checked
>&8=1, Antialiased fades and envelopes(off) - unchecked
>&16=0, Filled automation envelopes(on) - checked
>&16=1, Filled automation envelopes(off) - unchecked
>&32=0, Filled envelopes when drawn over media(only available with &16=1)(off) - unchecked
>&32=1, Filled envelopes when drawn over media(only available with &16=1)(on) - checked
>&64=0, Horizontal grid lines in automation layers(on) - checked
>&64=1, Horizontal grid lines in automation layers(off) - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ griddot
Show dotted grid lines-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> Appearance
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, don't show dotted grid-line(off) - unchecked
>1, don't show dotted grid-line(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ gridinbg
Grid line Z order-dropdownlist, as set in Preferences -> Appearance
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Over items
>1, Through items
>2, Under items
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ gridinbg2
Marker line Z order-dropdownlist, as set in Preferences -> Appearance
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Over items
>1, Through items
>2, Under items
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ guidelines2
Show guide lines when editing-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> Appearance
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, don't show guide lines(off) - unchecked
>1, show guide lines(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ itemvolmode
Item volume control-dropdownlist, as set in Preferences -> Media
This is not(!) located in Preferences -> Appearance-Media!
When setting &16384 of config variable itemicons, you can set knob-representation
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Handle: +0dB is top of item
>1, Handle: +0dB is center of item
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ maxitemlanes
Maximum number of lanes, when showing overlapping items in lanes-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Appearance
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>1 to 2147483647; in lanes
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ nativedrawtext
Faster text rendering (reduces antialiasing)-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> Appearance
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Faster text rendering(on) - checked
>1, don't use faster text rendering(off) - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ peaks_minheight
The minimum height-inputbox as set in Preferences -> Appearance -> Peaks/Waveforms.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 999 pixels
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ playcursormode
Play cursor width-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Appearance
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>1 to 2147483647; in pixels
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ rulerlabelspacing
Ruler label spacing-slider, as set in Preferences -> Appearance
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 100
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ rulerlayout
The ruler layout-settings, as set in the Ruler layout-section of the Ruler context-menu as well as in Preferences -> Appearance and
with actions in the actions-dialog
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Ruler: Display project regions in lanes
Ruler: Display project markers in lanes
Ruler: Display tempo and time signature changes in separate lanes (when size permits)
Ruler: Display tempo changes
Ruler: Display time signature changes
Ruler: Display project regions/markers as gridlines in arrange view
Ruler: Display time signature changes as gridlines in arrange view
Ruler: Display region number even if region is named
Ruler: Display region number/name when region edge is not visible
>&1=0, Display project regions in lanes(on) - checked
>&1=1, Display project regions in lanes(off) - unchecked
>&2=0, Display project markers in lanes(on) - checked
>&2=1, Display project markers in lanes(off) - unchecked
>&4=0, Display tempo and time signature changes in separate lanes(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Display tempo and time signature changes in separate lanes(on) - checked
>&8=0, Display tempo changes(on) - checked
>&8=1, Display tempo changes(off) - unchecked
>&16=0, Display time signature changes(on) - checked
>&16=1, Display time signature changes(off) - unchecked
>&32=0, Show project regions/markers in grid(Preferences -> Appearance)(action 42328) (state on) - checked
>&32=1, Show project regions/markers in grid(Preferences -> Appearance)(action 42328) (state off) - unchecked
>&64=0, Show time signature changes in grid(Preferences -> Appearance) (action 42329) (state on) - checked
>&64=1, Show time signature changes in grid(Preferences -> Appearance) (action 42329) (state off) - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ showlastundo
Show last undo point in menu bar-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> Appearance
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, don't show last undo point(off) - unchecked
>1, show last undo point(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ showpeaksbuild
The Show status window-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> Media
This is not(!) located in Preferences -> Appearance-Media!
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, don't show peaks build status
>1, show peaks build status window
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ textflags
Draw vertical text bottom-up-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> Appearance
It is an integer
>0, don't draw vertical text bottom-up(off) - unchecked
>1, don't draw vertical text bottom-up(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ timeseledge
Solid edge-settings, as set in Preferences -> Appearance
It is an integer-bitfield
>&1=0, Solid edge on time selection highlight(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Solid edge on time selection highlight(on) - checked
>&2=0, Solid edge in loop selection(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Solid edge in loop selection(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ tooltipdelay
Tooltip delay-slider in Preferences -> Appearance
The variable is updated, when dragging the slider, but the reaper.ini-entry is only updated when hitting apply or ok!
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>200 to 1000; probably milliseconds
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ tooltips
Several settings about tooltips, as set in Preferences -> Appearance
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Tooltips for items/envelopes(on) - checked
>&1=1, Tooltips for items/envelopes(off) - unchecked
>&2=0, Tooltips for UI elements(on) - checked
>&2=1, Tooltips for UI elements(off) - unchecked
>&4=0, Envelope tooltips on hover(on) - checked
>&4=1, Envelope tooltips on hover(off) - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ trackgapmax
Visual track spacer size-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Appearance
It is an integer, preferences variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ trackitemgap
Pixels between items on adjacent tracks-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Appearance
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in pixels; higher values become negative
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ vgrid
Divide arrange view vertically every-checkbox AND inpubox, as set in Preferences -> Appearance
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Grid: Divide arrange view vertically by measures
>0, zoom dependent
>1 to 4095; measures
>&4096=0, checkbox(off) - unchecked
>&4096=1, checkbox(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ applyfxtail
Tail length when using Apply FX to items in milliseconds, as set in Preferences -> Media
This is not(!) located in Preferences -> Appearance-Media!
The accompanying entry in the reaper.ini is always config-var-setting+1.
It is an integer
>0 to 2147483647; higher values become negative
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ copyimpmedia
Some checkboxes in the Media Settings-section, as set in Preferences -> Media
This is not(!) located in Preferences -> Appearance-Media!
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: When importing, copy imported media to project media directory
>&1=0, Copy imported media to project media directory - unchecked
>&1=1, Copy imported media to project media directory - checked
>&2=0, Automatically name unnamed tracks on media import - checked
>&2=1, Automatically name unnamed tracks on media import - unchecked
>&4=0, Removing trailing numbers - checked
>&4=1, Removing trailing numbers - unchecked
>&8=0, Allow drag-import to insert tracks - unchecked
>&8=1, Allow drag-import to insert tracks - checked
>&16=0, Also copy media when pasting into project - unchecked
>&16=1, Also copy media when pasting into project - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ allstereopairs
Show non-standard stereo channel pairs(i.e Input2/Input3 etc)-checkbox in the Channel naming/mapping-section, as set in Preferences -> Audio
It is an integer, Preferences setting
>0, don't show non standard stereo channel pairs(off) - unchecked
>1, show non standard stereo channel pairs(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ audiocloseinactive
Several settings regarding closing audio-devices, as set in Preferences -> Audio
It's an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Close audio device when stopped and application is inactive(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Close audio device when stopped and application is inactive(on) - checked
>&2=0, Close audio device when inactive and tracks are record armed(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Close audio device when inactive and tracks are record armed(on) - checked
>&4=0, Close audio device when inactive and ReWire devices are open(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Close audio device when inactive and ReWire devices are open(on) - checked
>&8=0, Close control surface device when stopped and not active applications, as set in Preferences -> Control/OSC/web, unchecked
>&8=1, Close control surface device when stopped and not active applications, as set in Preferences -> Control/OSC/web, checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ audioclosestop
Close audio device when stopped and active(less responsive)-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> Audio
It's an integer, preferences variable.
>0, don't close audio when stopped - unchecked
>1, close audio device when stopped - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same in the section REAPER.
^ errnowarn
Several error-messages, that shall be shown, as set in several dialogs, as well as in Preferences -> Audio and in Preferences -> Recording and Preferences -> Track/Send Defaults
It's an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Warn when unable to open audio devices(Preferences -> Audio)(on) - checked
>&1=1, Warn when unable to open audio devices(Preferences -> Audio)(off) - unchecked
>&2=0, MIDI devices-checkbox(Preferences -> Audio)(on) - checked
>&2=1, MIDI devices-checkbox(Preferences -> Audio)(off) - unchecked
>&4=0, Warn when errors opening surface MIDI devices(Preferences -> Control/OSC/web) - unchecked
>&4=1, Warn when errors opening surface MIDI devices(Preferences -> Control/OSC/web) - checked
>&8=0, Warn when recording without tracks armed(Prompt)(Prevent recording from starting when no tracks armed)(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Warn when recording without tracks armed(Prompt)(Prevent recording from starting when no tracks armed)(on) - checked
>&16=0, Warn when changing volume envelope scaling will change envelope sound(Preferences -> Track/Send Defaults)(on) - checked
>&16=1, Warn when changing volume envelope scaling will change envelope sound(Preferences -> Track/Send Defaults)(off) - unchecked
>&32=0, Warn when enabled MIDI devices are not present - checked
>&32=1, Warn when enabled MIDI devices are not present - unchecked
>&4096=0, Stop processing audio while warning of failed disk writes/disk full - unchecked
>&4096=1, Stop processing audio while warning of failed disk writes/disk full - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ hwfadex
Tiny-fade-checkboxes, as set in Preferences -> Audio
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Tiny fade out on playback stop(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Tiny fade out on playback stop(on) - checked
>&2=0, Tiny fade out on playback stop(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Tiny fade in on playback start(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ metronome_defout
Default metronome output-dropdownlist in the Channel naming/mapping-section, as set in Preferences -> Audio
The track-number; set &1024=1 additional to select only mono-channels
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>-1, Use all project master outs
>0 to 62, stereo pairs channel 1/2 to 63/64(maybe higher possible?)
>1024 to 1087, channel 1 to 64(maybe higher possible?)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ optimizesilence
Reduce CPU use of silent tracks during playback (experimental)-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> Audio as well as
Disable FX auto-bypass when using offline render/apply FX/render stems-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> Rendering
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Reduce CPU use of silent tracks during playback (experimental)-checkbox - unchecked
>&1=1, Reduce CPU use of silent tracks during playback (experimental)-checkbox - checked
>&4=0, Auto-bypass FX (when set via project or manual setting) even when FX configuration is open-checkbox - unchecked
>&4=1, Auto-bypass FX (when set via project or manual setting) even when FX configuration is open-checkbox - checked
>&8=0, Disable FX auto-bypass when using offline render/apply FX/render stems-checkbox - unchecked
>&8=1, Disable FX auto-bypass when using offline render/apply FX/render stems-checkbox - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ useinnc
The Input/Output-channel name aliasing-checkboxes in the section Channel naming/mapping as set in Preferences -> Audio
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Input channel name aliasing/remapping-checkbox(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Input channel name aliasing/remapping-checkbox(on) - checked
>&2=0, Input channel name aliasing/remapping-checkbox(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Input channel name aliasing/remapping-checkbox(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ autoreturntime
Automation recording return speed-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Automation
It is given in seconds.
It is a double-float preferences variable.
>0 to 100000000000000.00000000; higher values are possible but produce weird values stored.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ autoreturntime_action
Automation transition time-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Automation
It is given in seconds.
It is a double-float preferences variable.
>0 to 100000000000000.00000000; higher values are possible but produce weird values stored.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ env_autoadd
Several settings from the Automation-section, as set in Preferences -> Automation.
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Automatically add envelopes when tweaking parameters in automation write modes(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Automatically add envelopes when tweaking parameters in automation write modes(on) - checked
>&2=0, Hidden envelopes: Display read automation feedback(on) - checked
>&2=1, Hidden envelopes: Display read automation feedback(off) - unchecked
>&4=0, Hidden envelopes: Allow writing automation(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Hidden envelopes: Allow writing automation(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ env_options
Several settings from the Automation-section, as set in Preferences -> Automation as well as the Envelope Manager-context menu.
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Reset latch state when looping(on) - checked
>&1=1, Reset latch state when looping(off) - unchecked
>&2=0, Default: All FX parameters expanded
>&2=1, Default: All FX parameters collapsed
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ envtrimadjmode
When adding volume/pan envelopes, apply trim to envelope and reset trim-dropdownlist from the Automation-section, as set in Preferences -> Automation.
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1 and &2, the dropdownlist
>> 0 0, Always
>> 1 0, In read/write
>> 0 1, Never
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ envwritepasschg
When adding volume/pan envelopes, apply trim to envelope and reset trim-dropdownlist from the Automation-section, as set in Preferences -> Automation.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Switch to trim/read mode
>1, Switch to read mode
>2, Switch to touch mode
>3, Remain in write mode
>4, Switch to latch mode
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ pooledenvtranstime
Default edge transition time for new automation items ms(max 200)-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Automation -> Automation items
It is a double, preferences variable.
0 to 200(though higher values can be set)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, but with higher precision.
^ autosavebackuplimit
Limit auto-saved backups to most recent-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Backups
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 - 2147483647 days
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ autosaveint
Auto-save interval-inputbox from the Auto save-section, as set in Preferences -> Backups.
It is an integer preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in seconds; higher values become negative
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ autosavemode
Auto-save interval-dropdownlist from the Project saving-section, as set in Preferences -> Backups.
It is an integer preferences variable.
>0, when not recording
>1, when stopped
>2, any time
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ savebackuplimit
Limit backups to most recent-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Backups
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 - 2147483647 days
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ saveopts
Several settings from the Project saving-section, as set in Preferences -> Backups.
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Preserve previously-saved version of project as
.rpp-back - unchecked
>&1=1, Preserve previously-saved version of project as .rpp-back - checked
>&2=0, Auto-save to project file(not recommended)(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Auto-save to project file(not recommended)(on) - checked
>&4=0, Auto-save to timestamped file in project directory(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Auto-save to timestamped file in project directory(on) - checked
>&8=0, Auto-save to timestamped file in additional directory(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Auto-save to timestamped file in additional directory(on) - checked
>&16=0, Preserve previously-saved versions of projact as -[timestamp].rpp-bak(off) - unchecked
>&16=1, Preserve previously-saved versions of projact as -[timestamp].rpp-bak(on) - checked
>&32=0, Limit backups to most recent-checkbox - unchecked
>&64, Limit backups to most recent-dropdownmenu
0 - copies
1 - unique days
>&128=0, Limit auto-saved backups to most recent-checkbox - unchecked
>&128=1, Limit auto-saved backups to most recent-checkbox - checked
>&256, Limit auto-saved backups to most recent-dropdownlist
0, copies
1, unique days
>&512=0, Limit backups to most recent-checkbox - unchecked
>&512=1, Limit backups to most recent-checkbox - checked
>&1024 &2048, Limit backups to most recent-dropdownlist
>>0 0, copies for current project
>>0 1, copies for all projects
>>1 0, unique days for current project
>>1 1, unique days for all projects
>&4096=0, Save timestamped backups to Backups project subdirectory-checkbox - unchecked
>&4096=1, Save timestamped backups to Backups project subdirectory-checkbox - checked
>&8192=0, Save auto-saved project backups to AutoSaves project subdirectory - unchecked
>&8192=1, Save auto-saved project backups to AutoSaves project subdirectory - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ audioasync
Several settings, as set in Preferences -> Buffering.
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&2=0, use native events for synchronizing (recommended)(on) - checked
>&2=1, use native events for synchronizing (recommended)(off) - unchecked
>&128=0, Use old v4.x worker thread scheduling(off) - unchecked
>&128=1, Use old v4.x worker thread scheduling(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ autonbworkerthreads
Auto-detect the number of needed audio processing threads-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> Buffering
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, don't auto-detect(allows usage of variable workthread)(off) - unchecked
>1, auto-detect(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ disk_peakmmap2
Allow memory mapping of peak-files (faster, but uses more address space)-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> Buffering -> Advanced Disk I/O options...
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Don't allow memory mapping(off) - unchecked
>1, Allow memory mapping(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ disk_peaks_mmapkb
The Fully-buffer peak files smaller than-inputbox as set in Preferences -> Buffering -> Advanced Disk I/O Settings
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647 in kilobytes
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ disk_peaks_ramkb
The Fully-buffer peak files smaller than-inputbox as set in Preferences -> Buffering -> Advanced Disk I/O Settings
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647 in kilobytes
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ disk_rdblksex
Read Buffers-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Buffering -> Advanced Disk I/O options...-button -> Disk reads-area
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>2-2147483647; number of buffers; default is 3
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ disk_rdmodeex
Preferred disk read mode-dropdownlist, as set in Preferences -> Buffering -> Advanced Disk I/O options...
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Asynchronous unbuffered
>1, Asynchronous buffered (default)
>2, Synchronous
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ disk_rdsizeex
Read buffer size-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Buffering -> Advanced Disk I/O options...
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>4096 to 2147483647; in bytes; default is 262144
^ disk_wrblks
Write buffers, as set in Preferences -> Buffering -> Advanced Disk I/O options...
Influences disk_wrblks2 to size of config variables disk_wrblks, when disk_wrblks>=disk_wrblks2
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>2 to 2147483647; number of buffers; default is 16
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ disk_wrblks2
Write buffers (maximum), as set in Preferences -> Buffering -> Advanced Disk I/O options...
Influenced by disk_wrblks to size of config variables disk_wrblks, when disk_wrblks>=disk_wrblks2
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>2 to 2147483647; number of buffers; default is 128
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ disk_wrmode
Preferred disk write mode-dropdownlist, as set in Preferences -> Buffering -> Advanced Disk I/O options...
It is an integer preferences variable.
>0, Asynchronous (default)
>1, Synchronous
>2, Asynchronous (write-through)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ disk_wrsize
Write buffer size-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Buffering -> Advanced Disk I/O options...
It is an integer, preferences variable
>4096 to 2147483647; in bytes; default is 65536
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ prebufperb
prebuffer-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Buffering
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 100; in percent; default is 100
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ renderaheadlen
Render-ahead-inputbox in the FX processing/multiprocessing settings, as set in Preferences -> Buffering.
Affects renderaheadlen2 as well!
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 5000; in milliseconds; default is 200
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ renderaheadlen2
Is influenced by renderaheadlen. If renderaheadlen is less than 200, then renderaheadlen2 is half of it. If renderaheadlen is higher than 200,
then renderaheadlen2 is maximum 100.
Affects renderaheadlen as well!
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 100; in milliseconds
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ syncsmpmax2
Allow live FX multiprocessing on-inputbox in section FX processing/multiprocessing settings, as set in Preferences -> Buffering.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>2 to 999999999; number of cpus; 0 seems to be the existing count of all cpus in the system
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ syncsmpuse
Allow live FX multiprocessing on-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> Buffering
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, don't allow(off) - unchecked
>1, allow(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ threadpr
Thread priority-dropdownlist, as set in Preferences -> Buffering
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Idle
>1, Below Normal
>2, Normal
>3, Above Normal
>4, Highest(recommended)
>5, Time Critical
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ workbehvr
Behavior-dropdownlist, as set in Preferences -> Buffering
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>-1, Automatic(experimental)
>0, 0 - Relaxed
>1, 1
>2, 2
>3, 3
>4, 4 - Default
>5, 5
>6, 6
>7, 7
>8, 8 - Aggressive
>9, 9
>10, 10
>11, 11
>12, 12
>13, 13
>14, 14
>15, 15 Very Aggressive
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ workbuffxuims
Media buffer size when per-take FX UI open-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Buffering
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 1200; in milliseconds; default is 200
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ workbufmsex
Media buffer size-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Buffering
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 6000; in milliseconds; default is 1200
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ workrender
Several render-settings, as set in Preferences -> Rendering as well as Preferences -> Buffering, as well as in Preferences -> Rendering
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Anticipative FX processing - superior multiprocessing and lower interface latencies-checkbox(the section, Preferences -> Buffering)(enables renderaheadlen and workrender&2/&16)(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Anticipative FX processing - superior multiprocessing and lower interface latencies-checkbox(the section, Preferences -> Buffering)(enables renderaheadlen and workrender&2/&16)(on) - checked
>&2=0, Allow on tracks without FX-checkbox(the section, Preferences -> Buffering)(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Allow on tracks without FX-checkbox(the section, Preferences -> Buffering)(on) - checked
>&8=0, Limit apply FX/render stems to realtime (good for some plug-ins)(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Limit apply FX/render stems to realtime (good for some plug-ins)(on) - checked
>&16=0, Allow on tracks with open MIDI editors-checkbox(the section, Preferences -> Buffering)(on) - checked
>&16=1, Allow on tracks with open MIDI editors-checkbox(the section, Preferences -> Buffering)(off) - unchecked
>&32=0, When freezing, render the entire track length if there are track or per-take FX(Preferences -> Rendering)(off) - unchecked
>&32=1, When freezing, render the entire track length if there are track or per-take FX(Preferences -> Rendering)(on) - checked
>&64=0, Include tail when freezing entire tracks(Preferences -> Rendering)(on) - checked
>&64=1, Include tail when freezing entire tracks(Preferences -> Rendering)(off) - unchecked
>&256=0, Disable media buffering for tracks that are selected(Preferences -> Buffering)(off) - unchecked
>&256=1, Disable media buffering for tracks that are selected(Preferences -> Buffering)(on) - checked
>&512=0, Disable media buffering for tracks with open MIDI editors(recommended)(Preferences -> Buffering)(on) - checked
>&512=1, Disable media buffering for tracks with open MIDI editors(recommended)(Preferences -> Buffering)(off) - unchecked
>&1024=0, Allow anticipative FX processing when rendering (better multiprocessing)(on) - checked
>&1024=1, Allow anticipative FX processing when rendering (better multiprocessing)(off) - unchecked
>&2048=0, Rendering stems for full project via action(Preferences -> Rendering)(on) - checked
>&2048=1, Rendering stems for full project via action(Preferences -> Rendering)(off) - unchecked
>&4096=0, Process all tracks during stem render (some hardware-based plugins may need this)(Preferences -> Rendering)(off) - unchecked
>&4096=1, Process all tracks during stem render (some hardware-based plugins may need this)(Preferences -> Rendering)(on) - checked
>&8192=0, Rendering stems for time selection via action(Preferences -> Rendering)(off) - unchecked
>&8192=1, Rendering stems for time selection via action(Preferences -> Rendering)(on) - checked
>&65536=0, Freeze muted items into muted silent items -> unchecked
>&65536=1, Freeze muted items into muted silent items -> checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ workthreads
Audio reading/processing threads-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Buffering
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, turns all buffering FX/processing and thread-priority off
>1 to 2147483647; higher values become negative
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ fxdenorm
Denormalization and Security-Settings, as set in Preferences -> Compatibility
This in an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Reduce denormalization from plug-ins(recommended) - unchecked
>&1=1, Reduce denormalization from plug-ins(recommended) - checked
>&2=0, Terminate REAPER immediately if a plug-in corrupts the process heap - unchecked
>&2=1, Terminate REAPER immediately if a plug-in corrupts the process heap(needs restart of Reaper to take effect) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ fxenvinterp
Automation rate when interpolating between points-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Plug-In compatibility
This in an double-float-variable, preferences variable.
>0 to 1000 in milliseconds(0=once per buffer block)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ vstbr64
The VST bridging/firewall-dropdownlist, as set in Preferences -> Compatibility.
It is an integer
>0, Automatic bridging (when required)
>1, In separate plug-in process
>2, In dedicated process per-plugin
>3, Only native (disable bridging)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ mixerflag
Show icon for last track in folder, as set in the mixer-context-menu as well as TCP-context-menu -> Show TCP on right side of arrange
It is an integer-bitfield, tcp-context-menu variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Mixer: Toggle show master track on right side
Mixer: Toggle show icons for the last track in a folder
Mixer: Clickable icon for folder tracks to show/hide children
View: Toggle master track in separate/docked window
Mixer: Toggle master track in docked window
Mixer: Toggle master track in separate window
View: Show TCP on right side of arrange
>&1=0, show icon for last track in folder(on) - checked
>&1=1, show icon for last track in folder(off) - unchecked
>&2=0, clickable icon for folder tracks to show/hide children(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, clickable icon for folder tracks to show/hide children(on) - checked
>&16=0, Master track -> Show in separate window(off) - unchecked
>&16=1, Master track -> Show in separate window(on) - checked
&16 is also for
>&16=0, Master track -> Show in docker(off) - unchecked
>&16=1, Master track -> Show in docker(on) - checked
so you can really decide, which setting to use
>&32=0, show TCP on the left side of arrange-view
>&32=1, show TCP on the right side of arrange-view
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ mixeruiflag
Several entries, as set in the mixer-context-menu
It is an integer-bitfield, mixer-context-menu variables.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Mixer: Toggle show folder tracks in mixer
Mixer: Toggle folder tracks grouping to left
Mixer: Toggle show normal top level tracks in mixer
Mixer: Toggle tracks with receives in mixer
Mixer: Toggle tracks with receives grouping to left
Mixer: Toggle show tracks in folders in mixer
Mixer: Toggle autoarrange
>&1=0, Show normal top level tracks(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Show normal top level tracks(on) - checked
>&2=0, Show folders(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Show folders(on) - checked
>&4=0, Group folders to left(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Group folders to left(on) - checked
>&8=0, Show tracks that have receives(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Show tracks that have receives(on) - checked
>&16=0, Group tracks that have receives to left(off) - unchecked
>&16=1, Group tracks that have receives to left(off) - checked
>&32=0, Show tracks that are in folders(on) - checked
>&32=1, Show tracks that are in folders(off) - unchecked
>&64=0, Auto-arrange tracks in mixer(on) - checked
>&64=1, Auto-arrange tracks in mixer(off) - unchecked
^ multiprojopt
Several settings, as set in the Project-tab-context-menu
It is an integer-bitfield, project-tab-context-menu.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Project tabs: Run background projects
Project tabs: Auto-offline background project media
Project tabs: Run stopped background projects
Project tabs: Always show project tabs
Project tabs: Hide all background project windows
Project tabs: Play stopped background projects with active project
Project tabs: Synchronize play start times w/ play background projects
Project tabs: Show project tabs on left side of window
Project tabs: Synchronize any parent projects when playing back subproject
Project tabs: Defer rendering of subprojects (render on tab switch rather than save)
Project tabs: Leave subproject open in tab after automatic open and render
Project tabs: Force project tabs visible when monitoring FX in use
Project tabs: Do not automatically render subprojects (require manual render)
Project tabs: Prompt before automatic rerender of background subprojects
>&1=0, Run background projects(on) - checked
>&1=1, Run background projects(off) - unchecked
>&2=0, Run stopped background projects(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Run stopped background projects(needs &1 to be set to on)(on) - checked
>&4=0, Offline background project media(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Offline background project media(on) - checked
>&8=0, Always show project tabs(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Always show project tabs(on) - checked
>&16=0, Hide background project FX/MIDI/ windows(on) - checked
>&16=1, Hide background project FX/MIDI/ windows(off) - unchecked
>&32=0, Play stopped background projects with active project(off) - unchecked
>&32=1, Play stopped background projects with active project(needs &1 to be set to on)(on) - checked
>&64=0, Synchronize play start times w/ play background projects(off) - unchecked
>&64=1, Synchronize play start times w/ play background projects(on) - checked
>&128=0, Show project tabs on left side of window(off) - unchecked
>&128=1, Show project tabs on left side of window(on) - checked
>&256=0, Synchronize any parent projects on playback(off) - unchecked
>&256=1, Synchronize any parent projects on playback(needs &32 to be set to on)(on) - checked
>&512=0, Subproject rendering -> Defer rendering of subprojects(render on tab switch rather on save)(off) - unchecked
>&512=1, Subproject rendering -> Defer rendering of subprojects(render on tab switch rather on save)(on) - checked
>&1024=0, Subproject rendering -> Leave subproject open in tab after automatic open and render(off) - unchecked
>&1024=1, Subproject rendering -> Leave subproject open in tab after automatic open and render(on) - checked
>&2048=0, Force project tabs visible when monitoring FX in use(on) - checked
>&2048=1, Force project tabs visible when monitoring FX in use(off) - unchecked
>&4096=0, Subproject rendering -> Do not autmatically render subprojects (require manual render)(off) - unchecked
>&4096=1, Subproject rendering -> Do not autmatically render subprojects (require manual render)(on) - checked
>&8192=0, Subproject rendering -> Prompt before automatic rerender of background projects(off) - unchecked
>&8192=1, Subproject rendering -> Prompt before automatic rerender of background projects(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ csurfrate
The Control surface display update frequency in Hz, as set in the Preferences -> Control/OSC/web.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
Default is 15
>1 to 2147483647
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ audiothreadpr
Audio thread priority-dropdownlist, as set in Preferences -> Device
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>-1, ASIO Default / MMCSS Pro Audio / Time Critical
>0, Normal
>1, Above normal
>2, Highest
>3, Time Critical
>4, MMCSS / Time Critical
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ areasel
Stretching razor edit area adds stretch markers to audio items-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> Editing Behavior
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, checkbox is on
>1, checkbox is off
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ itemclickmovecurs
Several settings for item-clicks, as set in Preferences -> Mouse Modifiers as well as Preferences -> Editing Behavior
Only for Media item, Track Modifiers
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: Move edit cursor to start of time selection, when time selection changes
Options: Move edit cursor to end of recording, when recording ends
>&4=0, Move edit cursor to start of time selection on time selection change(Preferences->Editing Behavior)(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Move edit cursor to start of time selection on time selection change(Preferences->Editing Behavior)(on) - checked
>&8=0, Move edit cursor when pasting/inserting media(Preferences->Editing Behavior)(on) - checked
>&8=1, Move edit cursor when pasting/inserting media(Preferences->Editing Behavior)(off) - unchecked
>&16=0, Move edit cursor to end of recorded items on record stop(Preferences->Editing Behavior)(off) - unchecked
>&16=1, Move edit cursor to end of recorded items on record stop(Preferences->Editing Behavior)(on) - checked
>&32=0, Clear loop points on click in ruler(Preferences->Editing Behavior)(off) - unchecked
>&32=1, Clear loop points on click in ruler(Preferences->Editing Behavior)(on) - checked
>&64=0, Clear time selection when edit cursor moves on click in arrange view(Preferences->Editing Behavior)(off) - unchecked
>&64=1, Clear time selection when edit cursor moves on click in arrange view(Preferences->Editing Behavior)(on) - checked
>&128=0, Automatically delete empty tracks created by dragging items below the last track and back(Preferences->Editing Behavior)(on) - checked
>&128=1, Automatically delete empty tracks created by dragging items below the last track and back(Preferences->Editing Behavior)(off) - unchecked
>&256=0, When drawn above media items, treat item label area the same as empty track space(on)(Preferences -> Mouse Modifiers) - checked
>&256=1, When drawn above media items, treat item label area the same as empty track space(off)(Preferences -> Mouse Modifiers) - unchecked
>&512=0, Move edit cursor on razor edit change -> unchecked
>&512=1, Move edit cursor on razor edit change -> checked
>&1024=0, Clicking fixed lane comp area -> unchecked
>&1024=1, Clicking fixed lane comp area -> checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ ripplelockmode
Locked item ripple editing behavior-dropdownlist, as set in Preferences -> Editing Behavior
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Locked items interrupt ripple
>1, Locked items interrupt ripple per-track
>2, Locked items are unaffected by ripple
>3, Locked items are affected by ripple (lock ignored)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ tabtotransflag
Several checkboxes, as set in Transient Detection Settings located in the View-menu or Preferences -> Editing Behavior and in Preferences -> Editing Behavior -> Adjust sensitivity-Button
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Tab through MIDI notes(Preferences -> Editing Behavior)(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Tab through MIDI notes(Preferences -> Editing Behavior)(on) - checked
>&2=0, Use zero crossings (not as precise but prevents clicks)(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Use zero crossings (not as precise but prevents clicks)(on) - checked
>&4=0, Display threshold in media items while this window is open(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Display threshold in media items while this window is open(on) - checked
>&8=0, Media items selection follows tab-to-transient(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Media items selection follows tab-to-transient(on) - checked
>&16=0, Treat media item edges as transients(Preferences -> Editing Behavior)(off) - unchecked
>&16=1, Treat media item edges as transients(Preferences -> Editing Behavior)(on) - checked
>&32=0, Move by at least 1 pixel when navigating by transients(off) - unchecked
>&32=1, Move by at least 1 pixel when navigating by transients(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ transientsensitivity
Sensitivity-fader, as set in Transient Detection Settings located in View-menu or Preferences -> Editing Behavior -> Adjust sensitivity-Button
It is a double-float, preferences variable.
>0.0(for displayed value 0%) to 1.0(for displayed valued 100%); default is 0.5(for displayed value 50%)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ transientthreshold
Threshold-fader, as set in Transient Detection Settings located in the View-menu or Preferences -> Editing Behavior -> Adjust sensitivity-Button
It is a double-float, preferences variable.
>-60 to 0; value is in dB; default is -17
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ locklooptotime
Loop points linked to time selection, as set in the Options-menu as well as in Preferences -> Editing Behavior
It is an integer, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: Toggle loop points linked to time selection
>0, disabled looping points to time selection
>1, enabled looping points to time selection
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ env_deffoc
When adding envelopes or setting visible, set focus to the envelope, as set in Preferences -> Envelope Display
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, don't set focus(off) - unchecked
>1, set focus(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ env_ol_minh
When drawn over media, overlap envelopes if each line is less than-checkbox AND inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Envelope Display
To check the checkbox, just make the value negative and minus -1
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647, in pixels, When drawn over media, overlap envelopes if each line is less than-checkbox(off)
>-1 to -2147483648, in pixels, When drawn over media, overlap envelopes if each line is less than-checkbox(on)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ env_reduce
Several settings from the Automation-section, as set in Preferences -> Automation as well as in Preferences -> Envelope Display as well as in menu Options -> Envelope points
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: Add edge points when moving envelope points with items
Options: Add edge points when ripple editing or inserting time
Options: Reduce envelope data when recording or drawing automation
Options: Ripple edit all affects tempo map
Options: Add edge points when moving multiple envelope points
Options: Prevent mouse edits of single envelope points from moving past other envelope points
>&1=0, Reduce envelope point data when recording or drawing automation(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Reduce envelope point data when recording or drawing automation(on) - checked
>&2=0, Add edge points when moving envelope points with items(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Add edge points when moving envelope points with items(on) - checked
>&4=0, Add edge points when ripple editing or inserting time(Options -> Envelope points)(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Add edge points when ripple editing or inserting time(Options -> Envelope points)(on) - checked
>&8 and &16, When recording automation and stopped-dropdownlist
>>0 0, Add additional point before edit position
>>0 1, Do not add additional points
>>1 0, Add points before and after edit position
>&32=0, fader scaled volume envelopes-checkbox(Preferences -> Envelope Display)(on) - checked
>&32=1, fader scaled volume envelopes-checkbox(Preferences -> Envelope Display)(off) - unchecked
>&64=0, other envelopes(Preferences -> Envelope Display)(on) - checked
>&64=1, other envelopes(Preferences -> Envelope Display)(off) - unchecked
>&128=0, Ripple edit all affects tempo map(Ripple Edit Button-context menu from Main Toolbar)(off) - unchecked
>&128=1, Ripple edit all affects tempo map(Ripple Edit Button-context menu from Main Toolbar)ri(on) - checked
>&512=0, Add edge points when moving multiple envelope points(Options -> Envelope points)(off) - unchecked
>&512=1, Add edge points when moving multiple envelope points(Options -> Envelope points)(on) - checked
>&1024=0, Prevent mouse edits of single envelope points from moving past other envelope points(Preferences -> Envelope Display)(off) - unchecked
>&1024=1, Prevent mouse edits of single envelope points from moving past other envelope points(Preferences -> Envelope Display)(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ envclicksegmode
Several settings, as set in the menu Options -> Envelope points as well as in Preferences -> Envelope Display
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&8=0, First click on unselected envelope can insert point a point(depends on mouse modifier settings)(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, First click on unselected envelope can insert point a point(depends on mouse modifier settings)(on) - checked
>&64=0, Envelope point selection follows time selection for the active envelope(off) - unchecked
>&64=1, Envelope point selection follows time selection for the active envelope(on) - checked
>&128=0, Automatically show affected envelopes when moving media items across tracks(off) - unchecked
>&128=1, Automatically show affected envelopes when moving media items across tracks(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ envtranstime
Transition time for automatically created envelope edge points-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Envelope Display
It is a double-float, preferences variable.
>0.0001 and higher; unlike in the Preferences, this value is in seconds NOT milliseconds
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ pitchenvrange
Per-take pitch envelope range-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Envelope Display
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>1 to 2147483647;
>add 256 for 1 semitone-snap,
>add 512 for 50 cent-snap,
>add 768 for 25 cent-snap,
>add 1024 for 10 cent-snap,
>add 1280 for 5 cent-snap,
>add 1537 for 1 cent-snap.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ pooledenvs
Several settings from the Automation items-section, as set in Preferences -> Automation as well as in Preferences -> Envelope Display and in Preferences -> Mouse Modifiers(only Automation item and Automation item edge-Modifiers)
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: Automation item baseline/amplitude edits affect pooled copies
Options: Loop new automation items by default
Options: Trim content behind automation items when editing or writing automation
Options: Always create new automation items when writing automation
Options: Automatically insert automation item when activating envelope that is bypassed outside of automation items and not displayed in envelope lane
>&1=0, Editing baseline/amplitude in properties dialog affects pooled copies(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Editing baseline/amplitude in properties dialog affects pooled copies(on) - checked
>&2=0, Loop new automation items by default(on) - checked
>&2=1, Loop new automation items by default(off) - unchecked
>&4=0, Insert new automation item when writing automation and underlying envelope enabled(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Insert new automation item when writing automation and underlying envelope enabled(on) - checked
>&16=0, Automatically append envelope name to automation item label(Preferences -> Envelope Display)(on) - checked
>&16=1, Automatically append envelope name to automation item label(Preferences -> Envelope Display)(off) - unchecked
>&32=0, Pool source data when pasting automation items(off) - unchecked
>&32=1, Pool source data when pasting automation items(on) - checked
>&64=0, When copying with media items(on) - checked
>&64=1, When copying with media items(off) - unchecked
>&128=0, Edits affect all pooled automation items at the same time position-checkbox(Preferences -> Mouse Modifiers)(off) - unchecked
>&128=1, Edits affect all pooled automation items at the same time position-checkbox(Preferences -> Mouse Modifiers)(off) - checked
>&256=0, Trim content behind automation items when editing or writing automation(off) - unchecked
>&256=1, Trim content behind automation items when editing or writing automation(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ tempoenvmax
Project tempo map envelope display max-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Envelope Display
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>2 to 2147483647; in bpm; must be bigger than config variable tempoenvmin
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ tempoenvmin
Project tempo map envelope display min-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Envelope Display
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>1 to 2147483647; in bpm
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ itemfade_minheight
Prevent editing fade-in/out when item is less than xx pixels tall-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Fades/Crossfades
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483648; in pixels
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ itemfade_minwidth
Prevent editing fade-in/out when item is less than xx pixels wide-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Fades/Crossfades
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483648; in pixels
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ itemfadehandle_maxwidth
Show fade-in/out handle ... pixels wide-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Fades/Crossfades
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in pixels
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ itemicons
Several settings for appearance of items, as set in Preferences -> Media as well as in Preferences -> Fades/Crossfades
This is located in Preferences -> Appearance->Media, NOT Media!
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Locked(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Locked(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(on) - checked
>&2=0, Not locked(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Not locked(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(on) - checked
>&4=0, Per-take FX(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Per-take FX(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(on) - checked
>&8=0, No FX(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, No FX(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(on) - checked
>&16=0, Muted(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(off) - unchecked
>&16=1, Muted(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(on) - checked
>&32=0, Not muted(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(off) - unchecked
>&32=1, Not muted(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(on) - checked
>&64=0, Notes(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(off) - unchecked
>&64=1, Notes(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(on) - checked
>&128=0, No notes(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(off) - unchecked
>&128=1, No notes(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(on) - checked
>&256=0, Grouped Items(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(off) - unchecked
>&256=1, Grouped Items(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(on) - checked
>&512 and &1024, Item take rate/pitch-radiobuttons(Preferences -> Media)
>> 0 0, Normal labels
>> 1 0, Abbreviate
>> 0 1, Numbers only
>&2048 and &4096, Item Properties/Item properties only if resampled media(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)
>> 1 0, Item Properties(on) - checked
>> 0 0, Item Properties only if resampled media(on) - checked
>> 0 1, Item Properties(off) and Item Properties only if resampled media(off) - unchecked
>&8192=0, Pooled MIDI(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(on) - checked
>&8192=1, Pooled MIDI(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(off) - unchecked
>&16384=0, Item volume control-dropdownlist: Knob(on) - checked
>&16384=1, Item volume control-dropdownlist: Knob(off) - unchecked
>&32768 and &65536, Show fade-in/out handle-radiobuttons
>> 0 0, never
>> 0 1, always
>> 1 0, when fade is less than(see config variable itemfadehandle_maxwidth for the inputbox)
>&131072=0, Show crossfade handle when media items are not aligned vertically-radiobutton
>&131072=1, Show crossfade handle always-radiobutton
>&262144=0, Automation envelopes(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(off) - checked
>&262144=1, Automation envelopes(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(on) - unchecked
>&524288=0, No active envelopes(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(off) - unchecked
>&524288=1, No active envelopes(Preferences -> Media, section Media item buttons)(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ actionmenu
Show recent actions-entry, as set in the Actions-menu and Preferences -> General as well as
some entries beind the context menu in Preferences -> General -> Recent project list display-button
It is an integer, global variable
>&1=0, don't show recent actions - unchecked
>&1=1, show recent actions - checked
>&2 &8, Display filename / path
0 0, Display full path
1 0, Display file name and full path
1 1, Display file name
>&4=0, Display project title (as set in Project Settings / Notes) - unchecked
>&4=1, Display project title (as set in Project Settings / Notes) - checked
>&16=0, Add to recent list when loading projects - checked
>&16=1, Add to recent list when loading projects - unchecked
>&32=0, Remove old projects from recent list when using 'Save new version of project' - unchecked
>&32=1, Remove old projects from recent list when using 'Save new version of project' - checked
>&64=0, Add to recent list when using 'Save copy of project' - checked
>&64=1, Add to recent list when using 'Save copy of project' - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ alwaysallowkb
Allow keyboard commands even when mouse-editing-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> General ->Advanced UI/system tweaks
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, don't allow(off) - unchecked
>1, allow(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ autoclosetrackwnds
Allow snap grid/track envelope/routing windows to stay open-checkbox in Preferences -> General -> Advanced UI/system tweaks.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, it is allowed(on) - checked
>1, it is not allowed(off) - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ bigwndframes
Use large (non-tool) window frames for windows-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> General -> Advanced UI/system tweaks-button
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, don't use large window frames(off) - unchecked
>1, use large window frames(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ cpuallowed
The Restrict REAPER to specific CPUs-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> General -> Advanced UI/system tweaks.
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
Every bit represents a given cpu. Set it to 1 and Reaper uses the cpu, set it to 0, Reaper will not use the cpu.
There are 32 cpus supported (0 to 31)
>&0, allow cpu number 0
>&1, allow cpu number 1
>&2, allow cpu number 2
> ...
> ...
> ...
>&31, allow cpu number 31(31 sets cpuallowed to negative value !).
For setting the checkbox, see config variable restrictcpu
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ loadlastproj
Stores the "Open project(s) at startup"-dropdownlist-setting in the "Startup Settings"-section as set in Preferences -> General
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>16, Last active project
>17, Last project tabs
>18, New project (ignore default template)
>19, New project
>20, Prompt
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ maxrecent
The Maximum projects in recent project list, as set in the Preferences -> General
Is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 100 projects
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ restrictcpu
Several CPU-settings, as set in Preferences -> General -> Advanced UI/system tweaks.
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Restrict REAPER to specific CPUs(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Restrict REAPER to specific CPUs(on) - checked
>&2=0, Do not allow the OS to relocate worker threads to different CPUs(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Do not allow the OS to relocate worker threads to different CPUs(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ saveundostatesproj
Stores the save-undo-states, as set in the Undo settings-section in the Preferences -> General as well as in Preferences -> Project
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Save undo history with project files (in .RPP-UNDO file) - unchecked
>&1=1, Save undo history with project files (in .RPP-UNDO file) - checked
>&2=0, Save undo history (RPP-UNDO)(if enabled in general prefs)(off) set in Preferences -> Backups - unchecked
>&2=1, Save undo history (RPP-UNDO)(if enabled in general prefs)(on) set in Preferences -> Backups - checked
>&4=0, Allow load of undo history - checked
>&4=1, Allow load of undo history - unchecked
>&8=0, Keep undo histories(Preferences -> Project - autosave settings)(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Keep undo histories(Preferences -> Project - autosave settings)(on) - checked
>&16=0, Timestamp backup(Preferences -> Project - autosave settings)(off) - unchecked
>&16=1, Timestamp backup(Preferences -> Project - autosave settings)(on) - checked
>&256=0, Store multiple redo paths when possible (can use a lot of RAM) - unchecked
>&256=1, Store multiple redo paths when possible (can use a lot of RAM) - unchecked
>&512=0, Preserve all previously-saved versionso of project in one (large)
.rpp-bak(Preferences -> Project - Backups)(either &512=1 or &16=1!)(off) - unchecked
>&512=1, Preserve all previously-saved versionso of project in one (large) .rpp-bak(Preferences -> Project - Backups)(either &512=1 or &16=1!)(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ uiscale
The ui-scaling of Reaper's UI, as set in Preferences->General->Advanced UI/system tweaks-dialog.
Setting this variable has only an effect, when the "Scale UI elements of track/mixer panels, transport, etc, by-checkbox is checked(usually, when the scaling-value in the inputfield is something else than 1.00).
It is a double, preferences variable.
>0.3-3, the scaling value; other values are also supported(0, turns off tabs)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ undomask
The "Include Selection" in the "Undo settings"-section, as set in Preferences -> General
Is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, item not included
>&1=1, item is included
>&2=0, time not included
>&2=1, time is included
>&4=0, When approaching full undo memory, keep newest state -> deselected
>&4=1, When approaching full undo memory, keep newest state -> selected
>&8=0, cursor position is not included
>&8=1, cursor position is included
>&16=0, track not included
>&16=1, track is included
>&32=0, envelope point not included
>&32=1, envelope point included
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, BUT stores the value differently! Maybe because it's combined with another variable?
^ undomaxmem
The "Maximum undo memory use" in MB as set in the Preferences -> General.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; higher values lead to negative values.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ verchk
The "Automatically check for new versions of REAPER on startup"-checkbox in the "Startup Settings"-section as set in Preferences -> General.
Is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, don't check for new versions - unchecked
>1, check for new versions - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ warnmaxram64
The "warn when REAPER's memory reaches x megabytes (0 to never warn)"-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> General
Is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, never warn
>1 to 2147483647; in megabytes; higher values become negative values
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ windowflags
It is the Modal window positioning-dropdownlist, as set in Preferences -> General -> Advanced UI/system tweaks
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Last window position (default)
>1, Center on current screen
>2, Center on mouse cursor
>3, OS positioning
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ workset_max
The Set process working set size-minimum inputbox, as set in Reaper -> General -> Advanced UI/system tweaks
It is an integer value, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; higher values become negative
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ workset_min
The Set process working set size-minimum inputbox, as set in Reaper -> General -> Advanced UI/system tweaks
It is an integer value, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; higher values become negative
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ workset_use
Set process working set size-checkbox, as set in Reaper -> General -> Advanced UI/system tweaks
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, no process working set size(off) - unchecked
>1, process working set size(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ bpmprojadj
Media with tempo information in metadata or file name, if project is empty-dropdownlist, as set in Preferences-> Media Import
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Prompt to adjust project to media tempo
>2, Do nothing
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ deffadelen
Create automatic fade-in/fade-out for new items, length-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Item Fade Defaults
It is a double-float, preferences variable.
>Fadelength in seconds; negative values are allowed.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ deffadeshape
The Default fade-in/fade-out-shape-button, as set in Preferences -> Item Fade Defaults
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 6, the individual shapes selectable through the button.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ defsplitxfadelen
Overlap and crossfade items when splitting length-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Item Fade Defaults
It is a double-float, preferences variable.
>overlap/crossfade-length in seconds; negative values are allowed.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ defxfadeshape
The Default crossfade-shape-button, as set in Preferences -> Item Fade Defaults
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 6, the individual shapes selectable through the button.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ splitautoxfade
Several checkboxes, as set in Preferences -> Media Item Defaults as well as Preferences -> Item Fade Defaults
&1 can be influenced by defenvs(&32768) as well!
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: Toggle auto-crossfade on split
Item: Toggle enable/disable default fadein/fadeout
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: Toggle auto-crossfade on/off
Options: Loop recording always adds takes to newly recorded items (except in track free item positioning mode)
Options: Toggle auto-crossfade on split
Options: Toggle trim content behind media items when editing
Item: Toggle enable/disable default fadein/fadeout
Options: New recording creates new media items in separate lanes (layers)
Options: New recording splits existing items and creates new takes (default)
Options: Always trim content behind razor edits (otherwise, follow media item editing preferences)
Options: Toggle auto-crossfade on/off
>&1 &512, Split media items-dropdownlist
>>0 0, No crossfade
>>1 0, Overlap and crossfade
>>0 1, Respect toolbar auto-crossfade button
>&2=0, Apply fade-in/fade-out/crossfade preferences to MIDI items - unchecked
>&2=1, Apply fade-in/fade-out/crossfade preferences to MIDI items - checked
>&4=0, Crossfades stay together during fade edits when trim content behind media items is enabled(Preferences -> Editing Behavior)(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Crossfades stay together during fade edits when trim content behind media items is enabled(Preferences -> Editing Behavior)(on) - checked
>&8=0, Split media items-Fade In/fade-out-checkbox - checked
>&8=1, Split media items-Fade In/fade-out-checkbox - unchecked
>&16=0, Right click on crossfade sets fade shape for only one side of the crossfade(shift toggles)(off) - unchecked
>&16=1, Right click on crossfade sets fade shape for only one side of the crossfade(shift toggles)(on) - checked
>&32 &65536, Imported media items-checkbox
1 0, checkbox unchecked
0 1, checkbox checked
>&64 &32768, 'Trim contents behind razor edits' enabled-dropdownlist
>>0 0, No crossfade
>>1 0, Overlap and crossfade
>>0 1, Respect toolbar auto-crossfade button
>&128=0, Fixed lane comp areas-Fade In/fade-out-checkbox - checked
>&128=1, Fixed lane comp areas-Fade In/fade-out-checkbox - unchecked
>&256=0, Limit split-created fade/crossfade to-checkbox(Preferences -> Item Fade Defaults) - unchecked
>&256=1, Limit split-created fade/crossfade to-checkbox(Preferences -> Item Fade Defaults) - checked
>&1024 &2048, Recorded media items-dropdownlist
>>0 0, No crossfade
>>1 0, Overlap and crossfade
>>0 1, Respect toolbar auto-crossfade button
>&4096 &8192, 'Trim contents behind media edits' enabled-dropdownlist
>>0 1, No crossfade
>>1 0, Overlap and crossfade
>>0 0, Respect toolbar auto-crossfade button
>&16384=0, Recorded media items-checkbox - checked
>&16384=1, Recorded media items-checkbox - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ splitmaxpix
Limit split-created fade/crosfade to-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Item Fade Defaults
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 999999 pixels; default is 50
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ stretchmarkerfade
Default stretch marker fade size for new items-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Item Fade Defaults
It is a double-float, preferences variable.
>in seconds
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ loopnewitems
Loop-checkboxes, as set in Preferences -> Item Loop Defaults
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&2=0, MIDI items-checkbox - unchecked
>&2=1, MIDI items-checkbox - checked
>&4=0, Imported items-checkbox - unchecked
>&4=1, Imported items-checkbox - checked
>&8=0, Recorded items-checkbox - checked
>&8=1, Recorded items-checkbox - unchecked
>&16=0, Time selection auto-punch audio recording creates loopable section-checkbox - unchecked
>&16=1, Time selection auto-punch audio recording creates loopable section-checkbox - checked
>&32=0, Glued items-checkbox - checked
>&32=1, Glued items-checkbox - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ kbd_override_len
Timeout for momentary keyboard sections override-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Keyboard/Multitouch
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>1-2147483647 ms
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ kbd_usealt
Some keyboard-settings, as set in Preferences -> Keyboard/Multitouch
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
I/O dialog: Close window on enter key
>&1=0, Use alternate keyboard section when recording(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Use alternate keyboard section when recording(on) - checked
>&2=0, Commit changes to some edit fields after 1 second of no typing(on) - checked
>&2=1, Commit changes to some edit fields after 1 second of no typing(off) - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ multitouch
Several settings from the Multitouch-section, as set in Preferences -> Keyboard/Multitouch.
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Enable multitouch swipe(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Enable multitouch swipe(on) - checked
>&2=0, Enable multitouch zoom(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Enable multitouch zoom(on) - checked
>&4=0, Enable multitouch rotate(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Enable multitouch rotate(on) - checked
>&8=0, Suppress inertia (multitouch swipe, when &1=1)(on) - checked
>&8=1, Suppress inertia (multitouch swipe, when &1=1)(off) - unchecked
>&16=0, Suppress inertia (multitouch zoom, when &2=1)(on) - checked
>&16=1, Suppress inertia (multitouch zoom, when &2=1)(off) - unchecked
>&32=0, Suppress inertia (multitouch rotate, when &4=1)(on) - checked
>&32=1, Suppress inertia (multitouch rotate, when &4=1)(off) - unchecked
>&64=0, Reverse (multitouch swipe, when &1=1)(off) - unchecked
>&64=1, Reverse (multitouch swipe, when &1=1)(on) - checked
>&128=0, Reverse (multitouch zoom, when &2=1)(off) - unchecked
>&128=1, Reverse (multitouch zoom, when &2=1)(on) - checked
>&256=0, Reverse (multitouch rotate, when &4=1)(off) - unchecked
>&256=1, Reverse (multitouch rotate, when &4=1)(on) - checked
>&512=0, Reverse vertical scroll(off) - unchecked
>&512=1, Reverse vertical scroll(on) - checked
>&1024=0, Reverse horizontal scroll(off) - unchecked
>&1024=1, Reverse horizontal scroll(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ multitouch_ignore_ms
The Ignore new gesture after multitouch gesture-inputbox in the multitouch-section, as set in Preferences -> Keyboard/Multitouch
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in milliseconds
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ multitouch_ignorewheel_ms
The Ignore scroll after multitouch gesture-inputbox in the multitouch-section, as set in Preferences -> Keyboard/Multitouch
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in milliseconds
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ multitouch_rotate_gear
The Gearing-input box for Multitouch rotate in the Multitouch-section, as set in Preferences -> Keyboard/Multitouch
It is a double-float, preferences variable.
>1.0 to 1e+255(a number with 255 times the 9)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ multitouch_swipe_gear
The Gearing-input box for Multitouch swipe in the Multitouch-section, as set in Preferences -> Keyboard/Multitouch
It is a double-float, preferences variable.
>1.0 to 1e+255(a number with 255 times the 9)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ multitouch_zoom_gear
The Gearing-input box for Multitouch zoom in the Multitouch-section, as set in Preferences -> Keyboard/Multitouch
It is a double-float, preferences variable.
>1.0 to 1e+255(a number with 255 times the 9)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ lv2_opts
LV2-plugin names-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> LV2
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Append (Mono) for plug-ins with single input/output - unchecked
>&1=1, Append (Mono) for plug-ins with single input/output - checked
>&2=0, Append (Xch) for plug-ins with non-stereo I/O - unchecked
>&2=1, Append (Xch) for plug-ins with non-stereo I/O - checked
>&4=0, Append (Maintainer name) - unchecked
>&4=1, Append (Maintainer name) - checked
>&8=0, Append (MIDI) for plug-ins with no audio I/O - unchecked
>&8=1, Append (MIDI) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ recaddatloop
All settings, as set in Preferences -> Loop Recording
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>When recording and looped, add recorded media to project-radiobuttons
&1=0, On stop(default, recommended)-radiobutton
&1=1, At each loop (creates new files, good for recording multiple audio layers on the fly etc)
>&2=0, Create new files on loop-checkbox(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Create new files on loop-checkbox(on) - checked
>&4=0, In loop recording, discard incomplete first or last takes if at least one full loop was recorded(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, In loop recording, discard incomplete first or last takes if at least one full loop was recorded(on) - checked
>&8=0, MIDI overdub/replace recording always creates selection-length media item(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, MIDI overdub/replace recording always creates selection-length media item(on) - checked
>&256, &512, &1024, &2048, &4096, &8192, &16384 contain the percentage-value for Threshold for complete take.
>> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0%
>> 1 0 0 0 0 0 0; 1%
>> 0 1 0 0 0 0 0; 2%
>> 1 1 0 0 0 0 0; 3%
>> 0 0 1 0 0 0 0; 4%
>> ...
>> 0 1 0 0 1 1 0; 50%
>> ...
>> 0 0 1 0 0 1 1; 100%
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ midiins
The number of MIDI-inserts currently available, as set in Preferences -> MIDI Devices -> MIDI inputs to make available -> contextmenu -> Enable Input/Input ID
Seems to be set like config variable midiins_cs, with the only difference being, that you need to check the "Enable input"-menuentry.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0(no MIDI-input) and higher
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ midiins_cs
The number of MIDI-inputs for CC-control messages currently available, as set in Preferences -> MIDI Devices -> MIDI inputs to make available -> contextmenu
Seems to be set like config variable midiins, with the only difference being, that you need to check the "Enable input for control messages"-menuentry.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0(no MIDI-input for CC-control messages) and higher
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ midiouts
The context-menu of the MIDI outputs to make available-section, as set in Preferences -> MIDI Devices
Doubleclick on a device in the list.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Enable output(off) - unchecked
>1, Enable output(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ midiouts_clock
The Send clock to output-contextmenu-entry as set in Preferences->MIDI Devices->MIDI output-devices->rightlick on the midi-devices
It is a string, preferences variable.
This string works like an integer-bitfield, means, you need to convert it to integer.
After that, each bit(1 through n) represents a MIDI-output-device. If the bit is set to 1, the "Send clock to output-contextmenu-entry"-option for this device is set to on, otherwise to off.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ midiouts_clock_nospp
The Do not send SPP to output-contextmenu-entry as set in Preferences->MIDI Devices->MIDI output-devices->rightlick on the midi-devices
It is a string, preferences variable.
This string works like an integer-bitfield, means, you need to convert it to integer.
After that, each bit(1 through n) represents a MIDI-output-device. If the bit is set to 1, the "Do not send SPP to output"-option for this device is set to on, otherwise to off.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ midiouts_llmode
The Low latency mode(low precision)-contextmenu-entry as set in Preferences->MIDI Devices->MIDI output-devices->rightlick on the midi-devices
It is a string, preferences variable.
This string works like an integer-bitfield, means, you need to convert it to integer.
After that, each bit(1 through n) represents a MIDI-output-device. If the bit is set to 1, the "Low latency mode(low precision)"-option for this device is set to on, otherwise to off.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ midiouts_noreset
The Do not send reset messages-contextmenu-entry as set in Preferences->MIDI Devices->MIDI output-devices->rightlick on the midi-devices
It is a string, preferences variable.
This string works like an integer-bitfield, means, you need to convert it to integer.
After that, each bit(1 through n) represents a MIDI-output-device. If the bit is set to 1, the "Do not send reset messages"-option for this device is set to on, otherwise to off.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ midioutthread
Restrict MIDI hardware output to one thread-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> MIDI Devices
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, don't restrict(off) - unchecked
>1, restrict(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ midisendflags
The Reset by/Reset on-checkboxes, as set in Preferences -> MIDI Devices as well as in section Playback settings in Preferences -> Playback
It is an integer-bitfield
>&1=0, All-notes-off(on) - checked
>&1=1, All-notes-off(off) - unchecked
>&2=0, Pitch/sustain(on) - checked
>&2=1, Pitch/sustain(off) - unchecked
>&8=0, Send MIDI note-offs when un-record-arming a track(Preferences -> Playback)(on) - checked
>&8=1, Send MIDI note-offs when un-record-arming a track(Preferences -> Playback)(off) - unchecked
>&16=0, Reset MIDI CC/pitch on: playback start(Preferences -> Playback)(on) - checked
>&16=1, Reset MIDI CC/pitch on: playback start(Preferences -> Playback)(off) - unchecked
>&32=0, Reset MIDI CC/pitch on: playback stop(Preferences -> Playback)(off) - unchecked
>&32=1, Reset MIDI CC/pitch on: playback stop(Preferences -> Playback)(on) - checked
>&64=0, Play(on) - checked
>&64=1, Play(off) - unchecked
>&128=0, Stop/stopped seek(off) - unchecked
>&128=1, Stop/stopped seek(on) - checked
>&256=0, Reset MIDI CC/pitch on: playback loop/skip(on) - checked
>&256=1, Reset MIDI CC/pitch on: playback loop/skip(off) - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ midiccdensity
Events per quarter note when drawing in CC lines-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> MIDI Editor
It is an integer, preferences variable.
The zoom-dependent-checkbox is signalled with a negative version of this value!
>0 to 2147483647; higher values become negative; default is 32
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ midiccdensity
Events per quarter note when drawing in CC lines-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> MIDI Editor
It is an integer, preferences variable.
The zoom-dependent-checkbox is signalled with a negative version of this value!
>0 to 2147483647; higher values become negative; default is 32
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ midiccenv
The Default shape for CC segments-dropdownlist, as set in Preferences -> MIDI Editor
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Square
>1, Linear
>2, Slow start/end
>3, Fast start
>4, Fast end
>5, Bezier
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ midiccinterp
The Playback interpolation-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> MIDI Editor
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647 in ppq
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ mididefcolormap
Default note color map-inputbox, as set in the Preferences -> MIDI Editor
It is a string, preferences variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ midieditor
Several editor-settings, as set in Preferences -> MIDI Editor as well as in the menu of MIDI Editor -> Contents -> Behavior for "open items in built-in MIDI Editor" and some actions
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1 and &2, One MIDI editor per
>> 0 0, media item
>> 0 1, project
>> 1 0, track
>&4 and &16, Behavior for "open items in built-in MIDI editor
>> 1 1, Open the clicked MIDI item only
>> 0 0, Open all selected MIDI items
>> 0 1, Open all MIDI on the same track
>> 1 0, Open all MIDI in the project
>&32=0, Close editor when the active item is deleted in the arrange view(on) - checked
>&32=1, Close editor when the active item is deleted in the arrange view(off) - unchecked
>&128=0, Active MIDI item follows selection changes in arrange view(on) - checked
>&128=1, Active MIDI item follows selection changes in arrange view(off) - unchecked
>&256=0, Only MIDI items on the same track as the active item are editable(on) - checked
>&256=1, Only MIDI items on the same track as the active item are editable(off) - unchecked
>&512=0, Selection is linked to editability(also MIDI-Editor-action 40891)(on) - checked
>&512=1, Selection is linked to editability(also MIDI-Editor-action 40891)(off) - unchecked
>&1024=0, Media item selection is linked to visibility(on) - checked
>&1024=1, Media item selection is linked to visibility(off) - unchecked
>&2048=0, All media items are editable in notation view(MIDI Editor -> Contents -> Behavior for "open items in built-in MIDI Editor")(on) - checked
>&2048=1, All media items are editable in notation view(MIDI Editor -> Contents -> Behavior for "open items in built-in MIDI Editor")(off) - unchecked
>&4096=0, Make secondary items editable by default(off) - unchecked
>&4096=1, Make secondary items editable by default(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ midivu
Several editor-settings, as set in Preferences -> MIDI Editor, Preferences -> Track Control Panels section VU meters, as well as in Options of the MIDI Editor itself and some actions.
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Show MIDI velocity on track VU(Preferences -> Track Control Panels, section VU meters)(on) - checked
>&1=1, Show MIDI velocity on track VU(Preferences -> Track Control Panels, section VU meters)(off) - unchecked
>&2=0, Show MIDI output activity on track VU(Preferences -> Track Control Panels, section VU meters)(on) - checked
>&2=1, Show MIDI output activity on track VU(Preferences -> Track Control Panels, section VU meters)(off) - unchecked
>&4=0, Flash MIDI editor keys on track input(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Flash MIDI editor keys on track input(on) - checked
>&8=0, Horizontal grid lines in CC lanes(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Horizontal grid lines in CC lanes(on) - checked
>&256=0, Double-click outside the bounds of any media item to extend the nearest media item(off) - unchecked
>&256=1, Double-click outside the bounds of any media item to extend the nearest media item(on) - checked
>&2048 and &4096, Opacity (1-3) for notes/CC in secondary media items
>> 1 0, 1 opacity
>> 0 0, 2 opacity
>> 0 1, 3 opacity
>&8192=0, Display 14-bit MSB/LSB CC data as a single entry in event list/properties(MIDI Editor -> Options)(on) - checked
>&8192=1, Display 14-bit MSB/LSB CC data as a single entry in event list/properties(MIDI Editor -> Options)(off) - unchecked
>&16384=0, Options: Enable extending parent media item when editing MIDI notes (if parent item is exactly the length of the MIDI content)(MIDIEditor-action: 40817) - off
>&16384=1, Options: Enable extending parent media item when editing MIDI notes (if parent item is exactly the length of the MIDI content)(MIDIEditor-action: 40817) - on
>&32768=0, Show tooltips in MIDI track list-contextmenu-entry in MIDI-Editor track list - checked
>&32768=1, Show tooltips in MIDI track list-contextmenu-entry in MIDI-Editor track list - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ midicctouchtimeout
MIDI CC touch-replace recording timeout-inputbox, as set in the Preferences -> MIDI Settings
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647;in milliseconds
>The highest one that can be entered into the inputfield is 4294967295, which is -1 in the configvar!
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ rbn
Some MIDI-settings, as set in Preferences -> MIDI settings as well in the Transport-context-menu as well as in MIDI Editor -> Options
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: Chase MIDI note-ons in project playback
>&1=0, RBN-friendly MIDI editor settings(Preferences -> MIDI editor)(on) - unchecked
>&1=1, RBN-friendly MIDI editor settings(Preferences -> MIDI editor)(off) - checked
>&8=0, Snap time signature change events to whole bars when importing MIDI files - checked
>&8=1, Snap time signature change events to whole bars when importing MIDI files - unchecked
>&16=0, Snap tempo change events to whole beats when importing MIDI files - unchecked
>&16=1, Snap tempo change events to whole beats when importing MIDI files - checked
>&4 and &32, Character set for exported .MID text events
>> 0 0, Latin-1
>> 1 0, UTF-8
>> 0 1, ASCII (7-bit)
>&128=0, Chase MIDI note-ons in project playback(also in MIDI Editor -> Options)(on) - checked
>&128=1, Chase MIDI note-ons in project playback(also in MIDI Editor -> Options)(off) - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ midioctoffs
MIDI octave name display offset-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> MIDI
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483646; higher values become negative; 0 based, means 0=1 octaves, 1=2 octaves, 2=3 octaves, etc
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ miditicksperbeat
Ticks per quarter note for new MIDI items-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> MIDI
It is an integer
>1 to 2147483647; default 960
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ opencopyprompt
Opening Midi-file-settings as well as some opening Media Items-settings, as set in Preferences -> MIDI and Preferences -> Media or the Consolidate Tracks-dialog.
This is not(!) located in Preferences -> Appearance-Media!
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Prompt to confirm filename on "open copy in editor" - unchecked
>&1=1, Prompt to confirm filename on "open copy in editor" - checked
>&2=0, Prompt to confirm filename on "insert new MIDI item" - unchecked
>&2=1, Prompt to confirm filename on "insert new MIDI item" - checked
>&4, Create new MIDI items as:
>> 0, MIDI items (in project, recommended) - radio button selected
>> 1, .MID files - radio button selected
>&8, Import existing MIDI files as
>> 0, MIDI items (in project, recommended) - radio button selected
>> 1, .MID file reference - radio button selected
>&16 and &32, Import multichannel MIDI files-dropdownlist
>> 0 0, As a multichannel item on a single track
>> 1 0, As single-channel items on multiple tracks
>> 0 1, Always prompt when importing multichannel MIDI
>&64=0, Export MIDI as: reference in .RPP-file(for export to REAPER only)(Consolidate Tracks)
>&64=1, Export MIDI as: .MID file(Consolidate Tracks)
>&256=0, Always prompt to import tempo from MIDI files with simple tempo maps (holding ctrl toggles) - unchecked
>&256=1, Always prompt to import tempo from MIDI files with simple tempo maps (holding ctrl toggles) - checked
>&512=0, Handle type 0 MIDI files containing meta-events as if they were multichannel MIDI files - unchecked
>&512=1, Handle type 0 MIDI files containing meta-events as if they were multichannel MIDI files - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ trimmidionsplit
Several MIDI-settings, as set in Preferences -> MIDI
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Allow trim of MIDI items when splitting (does not apply to pooled MIDI) - unchecked
>&1=1, Allow trim of MIDI items when splitting (does not apply to pooled MIDI) - checked
>&2=0, Pool MIDI source data when pasting or duplicating media items - unchecked
>&2=1, Pool MIDI source data when pasting or duplicating media items - checked
>&4, Create new MIDI items as:
>> 0, MIDI items (in project, recommended) - radio button selected
>> 1, .MID files - radio button selected
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ itemlane_minheight
Collapse free item positioning when track height is less than-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Media Item Positioning
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in pixels
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ altpeaks
Some peak-settings, as set in the Waveform media peak caching settings in Preferences -> Media, as well as in Preferences -> Paths.
This is not(!) located in Preferences -> Appearance-Media!
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Store all peak caches (.reapeaks) in alternate path(Preferences -> Path)(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Store all peak caches (.reapeaks) in alternate path(Preferences -> Path)(on) - checked
>&2=0, Store peak caches in alternate path if unable to write to media file directory - checked
>&2=1, Store peak caches in alternate path if unable to write to media file directory - unchecked
>&4=0, Put new peak files in peaks/ subfolder relative to media - unchecked
>&4=1, Put new peak files in peaks/ subfolder relative to media - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ insertmtrack
When importing multiple media items-dropdownlist, as set in the Preferences -> Media
This is not(!) located in Preferences -> Appearance-Media!
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Insert in one track (advancing time)
>1, Insert across tracks
>2, Decide automatically (by looking at lengths)
>3, Prompt user
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ itemfxtail
Take FX tail length in milliseconds, as set in Preferences -> Media
This is not(!) located in Preferences -> Appearance-Media!
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; higher values become negative
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ itemicons_minheight
Hide buttons when take lane is less than-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Media
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in pixels
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ itemlabel_hideheight
Hide labels when media item height is less than-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Media
This is not(!) located in Preferences -> Appearance-Media!
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in pixels
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ itemlabel_minheight
Hide buttons when take height is less than-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Media
This is not(!) located in Preferences -> Appearance-Media!
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in pixels
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ labelitems2
Several settings, as set in Preferences -> Media as well as toggle actions 40258.
This is not(!) located in Preferences -> Appearance-Media!
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
View: Toggle displaying labels above/within media items
>&1=0, Display media item take name(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Display media item take name(on) - checked
>&2=0, Show labels for items when item edges are not visible(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Show labels for items when item edges are not visible(on) - checked
>&4=0, Display media item pitch/playrate if set(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Display media item pitch/playrate if set(on) - checked
>&8=0, Draw labels above the item, rather than within the item(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Draw labels above the item, rather than within the item(on) - checked
>&16=0, Display media item gain if set(on) - checked
>&16=1, Display media item gain if set(off) - unchecked
>&32=0, Except when the media item height is less than the label height(off) - unchecked
>&32=1, Except when the media item height is less than the label height(on) - checked
>&64 &128 &256 -> Preferences -> Video/REX/Misc -> still image thumbnail display mode
>>0 0 0, Center/tile image (default in earlier Reaper-versions)
>>0 1 0, No thumbnail
>>1 0 0, Full height
>>0 0 1, Stretch image
for more image-settings, see config variable video_defimglen
>&1024=0, Draw selection indicator on items(on) - checked
>&1024=1, Draw selection indicator on items(off) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ miscopts
Enable "Preserve pitch when changing rate for new items'-checkbox as set in Project Settings -> Advanced, as well as
"On import of media to project"-dropdownlist as set in Project Settings -> Media
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, "Preserve pitch when changing rate" - checked
>&1=1, "Preserve pitch when changing rate" - unchecked
>&2 and &4 "On import of media to project"-dropdownlist
>> 0 0, Use global preference
>> 1 0, Copy media to project path
>> 0 1, Do not copy media to project path
>&512 &1024 &2048 &4096 &8192
>> 0 0 0 0 0 = 2 channels
>> 1 0 0 0 0 = 4 channels
>> 0 1 0 0 0 = 6 channels
>> 1 1 0 0 0 = 8 channels
>> ...
>> ...
>> 1 0 1 1 1 = 60 channels
>> 0 1 1 1 1 = 62 channels
>> 1 1 1 1 1 = 64 channels
>&65536 &131.072 &262.144 &524.288 &1.048.576 &2.097.152 &4.194.304
>> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = All
>> 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 = Mono
>> 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 = Stereo
>> 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 =
>> ...
>> ...
>> 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 = 61 chan
>> 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 = 62 chan
>> 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 = 63 chan
>> 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 = 64 chan
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ offlineinact
Set media items offline when application is not active and automatically rebuild peaks-settings, as set in Preferences -> Media.
This is not(!) located in Preferences -> Appearance-Media!
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Checkbox is checked(media items offline)
>&1=1, Checkbox is unchecked(media items not offline)
>&2=0, Automatically rebuild peaks - checked
>&2=1, Automatically rebuild peaks - unchecked
>&4=0, Allow videos to go offline (slow) - unchecked
>&4=1, Allow videos to go offline (slow) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ peakcachegenmode
The generate peak caches-checkboxes in the Waveform media peak caching settings, as set in Preferences -> Media
This is not(!) located in Preferences -> Appearance-Media!
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Generate peak caches: on import - unchecked
>&1=1, Generate peak caches: on import - checked
>&2=0, Generate peak caches: on project load - unchecked
>&2=1, Generate peak caches: on project load - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ peakcachegenrs
The Desired cache resolution-inputbox, a set in Preferences -> Media.
This is not(!) located in Preferences -> Appearance-Media!
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; higher values become negative; default is 300
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ reccfg
The audioformat for Recording, as set in the Project Settings->Media-dialog
Only includes the format, not the individual format-settings(like bitrate, etc)
Setting them changes the recording-format, though setting some will not update the Project Settings->Media-dialog properly (Video, GIF, AudioCD)
but will show WAV instead with the additional dialog-boxes for Video, GIF or AudioCD added.
If you change the audioformat, it will use the last used setting for the "new" format, as set in this project. Uses the default Reaper-settings for formats in new projects.
It is an integer, project variable.
>1179012432, Video (ffmpeg/libav encoder)
>1195984416, Video (GIF)
>1279477280, Video (LCF)
>1332176723, OGG Opus
>1634297446, AIFF
>1684303904, DDP
>1718378851, FLAC
>1769172768, Audio CD Image(CUE/BIN format)
>1836069740, MP3 (encoder by LAME project)
>1869047670, OGG Vorbis
>2002876005, WAV
>2004250731, WavPack lossless compressor
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked, but with more settings.
^ relativeedges
Duplicate take FX when splitting items-checkbox, as set in the Preferences -> Media as well as in Preferences -> Editing Behavior as well
as in Preferences -> Fades/Crossfades
This is not(!) located in Preferences -> Appearance-Media!
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&8=0, Duplicate take FX when splitting items-checkbox - checked
>&8=1, Duplicate take FX when splitting items-checkbox - unchecked
>&32=0, Allow dual trim (edit shared media item edges) only if both items are selected(Preferences -> Editing Behavior)(off) - unchecked
>&32=1, Allow dual trim (edit shared media item edges) only if both items are selected(Preferences -> Editing Behavior)(on) - checked
>&128=0, Dragging the source start offset of the active take adjusts the offset for all takes(Preferences -> Editing Behavior)(off) - unchecked
>&128=1, Dragging the source start offset of the active take adjusts the offset for all takes(Preferences -> Editing Behavior)(on) - checked
>&256=0, If no items are selected, some split/trim/delete actions affect all items at the edit cursor(Preferences -> Editing Behavior)(on) - checked
>&256=1, If no items are selected, some split/trim/delete actions affect all items at the edit cursor(Preferences -> Editing Behavior)(off) - unchecked
>&1024=0, Allow mouse on target fade-in/out curve-checkbox(Preferences -> Fades/Crossfades)(on) - checked
>&1024=1, Allow mouse on target fade-in/out curve-checkbox(Preferences -> Fades/Crossfades)(off) - unchecked
>&2048=0, Allow mouse on target fade start/end line-checkbox(Preferences -> Fades/Crossfades)(on) - checked
>&2048=1, Allow mouse on target fade start/end line-checkbox(Preferences -> Fades/Crossfades)(off) - unchecked
>&4096=0, When editing crossfades with the mouse, use crossfade editor theme colors(Preferences -> Fades/Crossfades)(on) - checked
>&4096=1, When editing crossfades with the mouse, use crossfade editor theme colors(Preferences -> Fades/Crossfades)(off) - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ showpeaks
Several peak-settings, as set in Preferences -> Media as well as in Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms and
the menu Options -> Peaks display mode and View -> Peaks Display Settings
This is not(!) located in Preferences -> Appearance-Media!
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Peaks: Toggle spectral peaks
Peaks: Toggle spectrogram
Peaks: Toggle spectrogram and peaks
Peaks: Show normal (non-spectral/non-spectrogram) peaks
Peaks: Scale peaks by square root (half of range is 12dB rather than 6dB)
Peaks: Rectify peaks
>&1=0, Display peaks for media items(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms)(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Display peaks for media items(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms)(on) - checked
>&2=0, Display while recording(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms)(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Display while recording(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms)(on) - checked
>&4=0, Only display peaks for selected tracks(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms)(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Only display peaks for selected tracks(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms)(on) - checked
>&8=0, Only display peaks for tracks and items that are soloed or not muted(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms)(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Only display peaks for tracks and items that are soloed or not muted(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms)(on) - checked
>&32 and &256 and &512 and &1024 - Display mode-dropdownlist
>> 0 0 1 0, Peaks
>> 1 0 1 1, Spectral Peaks
>> 0 1 0 1, Spectrogram
>> 0 1 1 1, Spectrogram + Peaks
>&64=0, Always generate spectral peak information (default is only, when spectral peaks enabled) - unchecked
>&64=1, Always generate spectral peak information (default is only, when spectral peaks enabled) - checked
>&128=0, Automatically rebuild peaks, if necessary when enabling spectral peaks - checked
>&128=1, Automatically rebuild peaks, if necessary when enabling spectral peaks - unchecked
>&2048=0, Scale peaks by squareroot (half of range is 12dB rather than 6dB)(as set in the ...-menu below the dB-inputbox)(off) - unchecked
>&2048=1, Scale peaks by squareroot (half of range is 12dB rather than 6dB)(as set in the ...-menu below the dB-inputbox)(off) - checked
>&4096=0, Rectify peaks (half of range is 12dB rather than 6dB)(as set in the ...-menu below the dB-inputbox)(off) - unchecked
>&4096=1, Rectify peaks (half of range is 12dB rather than 6dB)(as set in the ...-menu below the dB-inputbox)(off) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ bouncecfg
Contains the bounce-outputfile-settings, but seems not to be updated after having set it once, only in the reaper.ini
It is an integer, preferences variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when bounce-cfg-settings have been changed
^ templateditcursor
Offset track template items by edit cursor
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, toggle-state off
>1, toggle-state on
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ wiring_options
It is the context-menu from within the wiring-diagram
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, only show send wires on track mouseover - unchecked
>&1=1, only show send wires on track mouseover - checked
>&8=0, show routing controls when creating send/hardware output - unchecked
>&8=1, show routing controls when creating send/hardware output - checked
>&16=0, only show hardware output/input wires on track mouseover - unchecked
>&16=1, only show hardware output/input wires on track mouseover - checked
^ handzoom
Reverse horizontal zoom behavior when hand-scrolling-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> Mouse Modifiers
Only for Project marker/region lane, Arrange view, MIDI marker/region lanes-Modifiers
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, don't reverse(off) - unchecked
>1, reverse(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ itemlowerhalf_minheight
Disable targeting bottom part of media item when take lane height is less than-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Mouse Modifiers
Only for Media Item Bottom Half-Modifier
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in pixels
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ loopclickmode
Several settings, as set in Preferences -> Mouse Modifiers
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&2=0, Allow modifying edges of time selection over items in tracks(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Allow modifying edges of time selection over items in tracks(on) - checked
>&8=0, Allow resizing ruler by dragging bottom edge (otherwise drag below toolbar)(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Allow resizing ruler by dragging bottom edge (otherwise drag below toolbar)(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ mousewheelmode
Several settings, as set in Preferences -> Mouse Modifiers as well as Preferences -> Keyboard/Multitouch
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Window under cursor(dropdownlist)
>&1=1, Window with focus(dropdownlist)
>&2=0, Ignore mousewheel on all faders(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Ignore mousewheel on all faders(on) - checked
>&4=0, Ignore mousewheel on track panel faders(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Ignore mousewheel on track panel faders(on) - checked
>&8=0, Treat scroll message from some laptop trackpads as mousewheel(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Treat scroll message from some laptop trackpads as mousewheel(on) - checked
>&16=0, Prevent ALT key from focusing main menu(off) - unchecked
>&16=1, Prevent ALT key from focusing main menu(on) - checked
>&32=0, Ignore mousewheel on transport edit fields(off) - unchecked
>&32=1, Ignore mousewheel on transport edit fields(on) - checked
>&64=0, Use pen/tablet-safe mode -- do not reposition mouse cursor while adjusting knobs/etc(off) - unchecked
>&64=1, Use pen/tablet-safe mode -- do not reposition mouse cursor while adjusting knobs/etc(on) - checked
>&128=0, Allow space key to be used for navigation in various windows(off) - unchecked
>&128=1, Allow space key to be used for navigation in various windows(on) - checked
>&256=0, Horizontal mousewheel over mixer scrolls tracks rather than arrangeview - unchecked
>&256=1, Horizontal mousewheel over mixer scrolls tracks rather than arrangeview - checked
>&512=0, When space key is pressed in plug-in text fields, send to main window - unchecked
>&512=1, When space key is pressed in plug-in text fields, send to main window - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ scnameedit
Several settings, as set in Preferences -> Mouse Modifiers
When Reaper sets this variable, this influences config variable mousemovemod as well!
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Edit track names on single click (otherwise doubleclick required)(off) - unchecked
>1, Edit track names on single click (otherwise doubleclick required)(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ trackselonmouse
Several settings, as set in Preferences -> Mouse Modifiers
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Mouse click/edit in track view changes track selection(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Mouse click/edit in track view changes track selection(on) - checked
>&2=0, Mouse click on volume/pan faders and track buttons changes track selection(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Mouse click on volume/pan faders and track buttons changes track selection(on) - checked
>&4=0, Mouse click below the last track clears media item selection(on) - checked
>&4=1, Mouse click below the last track clears media item selection(off) - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ automute
Automute-dropdownlist in the section Mute-settings, as set in Preferences -> Mute/Solo
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, No automatic muting
>1, Automatically mute master track
>2, Automatically mute any track
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ automuteflags
Reset on playback start-checkbox in section Mute-settings, as set in Preferences -> Mute/Solo
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Reset on playback start(on) - checked
>&1=1, Reset on playback start(off) - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ automuteval
when volume exceeds-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Mute/Solo
It is a double float, preferences variable.
>1.0 for 0dB; probably a slider value
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ mutefadems10
Track mute fade-inputbox in the section Mute settings, as set in Preferences -> Mute/Solo
The value is in milliseconds*10!
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 1000
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ norunmute
Do not process muted tracks(muted tracks take no CPU time, etc)-checkbox in section Mute settings, as set in Preferences -> Mute/Solo
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Do not process(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, process(on) - checked
>&268.435.456=0, unknown
>&268.435.456=1, unknown, might be set during rendering
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, but not when &268.435.456 gets added
^ solodimdb10
Solo in front dimming-inputbox in section Solo settings, as set in Preferences -> Mute/Solo
It is the dB-value*10
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>-2147483648(-214748364.8dB) to -10(-1dB)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ soloip
Several settings in the section Solo settings, as set in Preferences -> Mute/Solo
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Solos default to in-place solo (alt+click for ignore-routing solo)(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Solos default to in-place solo (alt+click for ignore-routing solo)(on) - checked
>&2=0, Parent and hardware sends unsoloed when a soloed-in-place track sends to another soloed(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Parent and hardware sends unsoloed when a soloed-in-place track sends to another soloed(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ aot
The toggle state of the action 40239 - "Options: Toggle always on top"(all sections), which keeps Reaper always as the foremost front window.
It is an integer, options variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: Toggle always on top
>0, toggle state off
>1, toggle state on
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ envattach
Move envelope points with media items-menu entry, as set in Options -> Envelope points or settings in the Project Settings -> Advanced
It is an integer, options variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: Move envelope points with media items
Options: Automation items do not connect to the underlying envelope
Options: Automation items connect to the underlying envelope on the right side
Options: Automation items connect to the underlying envelope on both sides
Options: Bypass underlying envelopes outside of automation items
Options: Chase non-FX envelopes to automation items when underlying envelope is bypassed
Options: Razor edits affect all track envelopes
>&1=0, don't move points with item(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, move points with item(on) - checked
>&2=0, Bezier envelope segments are affected by surrounding non-bezier points(checked)
>&2=1, Bezier envelope segments are affected by surrounding non-bezier points(unchecked)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ itemsnap
Snap distance-inputbox in the Snap settings-section of Snap/grid settings, as located in menu Options -> Snap/grid -> Snap/grid settings
It is an integer, options variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in pixels; higher values become negative
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ maxsnaptrack
Snap media items to nearby media items-checkbox in the Snap settings-section of Snap/grid settings, as located in menu Options -> Snap/grid -> Snap/grid settings
It is an integer, options variable.
>0 to 2147483648; in tracks; higher values become negative
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ snapextrad
Snap media items apart by-inputbox in the section Snap settings, as set in Snap/Grid Settings located in menu Options -> Snap/grid -> Snap/grid settings
It is a double-float, preferences variable.
>Time in seconds.
Stored with higher precision in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ snapextraden
Snap media items apart by-checkbox in the section Snap settings, as set in Snap/Grid Settings located in menu Options -> Snap/grid -> Snap/grid settings
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, don't snap media items apart by(off) - unchecked
>1, snap media items apart by(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ solodimen
Solo in front-setting, as set in the menu Options.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: Solo in front
>0, Solo in front(off) - unchecked
>1, Solo in front(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ takelanes
Some take-lane-settings, as set in the menu Options -> Take lane behavior as well as togled by action 40249
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: Select takes for all selected items when clicking take lane
Options: Show empty take lanes (align takes by recording pass)
Options: Allow selecting empty take lanes
>&4=0, Display empty take lanes(on) - checked
>&4=1, Display empty take lanes(off) - unchecked
>&8=0, Allow selecting empty take lanes(only with &4=0)(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Allow selecting empty take lanes(only with &4=0)(on) - checked
>&16=0, Select takes for all selected items when clicking take lane(off) - unchecked
>&16=1, Select takes for all selected items when clicking take lane(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ altpeaksopathlist
The alternate peak cache path for the following paths-inputbox, as set in the Preferences -> Paths
It is a string, preferences variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ altpeakspath
The alternate peaks-path, as set in the Preferences -> Paths
It is a string, preferences variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ defrenderpath
The Default render path-inputbox, as set in the Preferences -> Paths
It is a string, preferences variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ defsavepath
The Default path to save new projects-inputbox, as set in the Preferences -> Paths
It is a string, preferences variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ midipeaks
Display-settings as set in Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms
It is an integer bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Program names - checked
>&1=1, Program names - unchecked
>&2=0, Text events - unchecked
>&2=1, Text events - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ peaksedges
Several settings, as set in Preferences -> Media and in Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms.
This is not(!) located in Preferences -> Appearance-Media!
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Draw edges on peaks(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms)(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Draw edges on peaks(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms)(on) - checked
>&2=0, Draw edges on waveforms(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms)(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Draw edges on waveforms(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms)(on) - checked
>&4=0, Draw edges on MIDI events(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms)(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Draw edges on MIDI events(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms)(on) - checked
>&8=0, Draw labels over solid background for easier reading(Preferences -> Media)(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Draw labels over solid background for easier reading(Preferences -> Media)(on) - checked
>&16=0, Draw faint peaks in folder tracks(Preferences -> Media)(on) - checked
>&16=1, Draw faint peaks in folder tracks(Preferences -> Media)(off) - unchecked
>&32 and &64, Display MIDI CC lanes in arrange view-dropdownlist
>> 1 1, Do not display CC data
>> 1 0, Only the first lane visible in the MIDI editor
>> 0 1, One lane combining all CC data
>> 0 0, Multiple lanes when space permits (default)
>&128=0, Draw waveform zero-lines above peaks/waveforms(Preferences -> Media)(off) - unchecked
>&128=1, Draw waveform zero-lines above peaks/waveforms(Preferences -> Media)(on) - checked
>&512=0, Scale peaks by pre-fx volume/pan envelopes(Preferences -> Media)(on) - checked
>&512=1, Scale peaks by pre-fx volume/pan envelopes(Preferences -> Media)(off) - unchecked
>&1024=0, Antialiased peak and waveform drawing(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms)(on) - checked
>&1024=0, Antialiased peak and waveform drawing(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms)(off) - unchecked
>&2048=0, Fill waveforms to zero line(Preferences -> Media)(off) - unchecked
>&2048=1, Fill waveforms to zero line(Preferences -> Media)(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ sampleedges
The Sample-level-waveform view-dropdownlist, as set in Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>1, Dots and lines
>2, Filled samples
>4, Outlined samples
>8, Stepped samples
>16, Smooth
>32, Sinc smoothed
>33, Dots and sinc
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ selitem_tintalpha
Tint strength(0-4)for selected media item background-inputbox(the first one) in section Custom Colors, as set in Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms
It is an integer
>0 to 4
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ unselitem_tintalpha
Tint strength(0-4)for selected media item background-inputbox(the second one) in section Custom Colors, as set in Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms
It is an integer
>0 to 4
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ loopstopfx
Flush FX when looping-checkbox, in section Playback settings, as set in Preferences -> Playback
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, don't flush FX when looping(off) - unchecked
>1, flush FX when looping(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ loudpeak_alpha
It is an integer, preferences variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ maxplayoffsrate
Max MIDI playback speed when applying negative track playback offset-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Playback
It is a double, preferences variable.
>0 to 99999999999999; higher values are possible
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ runafterstop
Run FX for-inputbox in section Playback settings, as set in Preferences -> Playback
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in milliseconds; higher values become negative
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ runallonstop
Several settings regarding stopping fx, as set eg in section Playback settings in Preferences -> Playback as well as in section ReWire in Preferences -> ReWire/DX
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Run FX when stopped(Preferences -> Playback)(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Run FX when stopped(Preferences -> Playback)(on) - checked
>&2=0, "Run FX on stop when ReWire devices are active" unchecked, as set in the ReWire-section as set in the Preferences -> ReWire/DX
>&2=1, "Run FX on stop when ReWire devices are active" checked, as set in the ReWire-section as set in the Preferences -> ReWire/DX
>&8=0, Flush FX on stop(Preferences -> Playback)(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Flush FX on stop(Preferences -> Playback)(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ stopendofloop
Stop playback at end of loop if repeat is disabled-setting, as set in the Transport-context-menu as well as in section Playback settings of Preferences -> Playback as well as in the section Playback settings, as set in Preferences -> Playback
It is an integer, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Transport: Toggle stop playback at end of loop if repeat is disabled
>0, dont stop - unchecked
>1, stop - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ stopprojlen
Stop/repeat playback at end of project-checkbox, as set in section Playback settings, as set in Preferences -> Playback
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, don't stop/repeat playback at end of project(off) - unchecked
>1, stop/repeat playback at end of project(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ viewadvance
Settings of the advancement of the arrangeview(scrolling), as set in the Transport-context-menu as well as in section Playback settings in Preferences -> Playback, Preferences -> Recording
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
View: Toggle auto-view-scroll during playback
View: Toggle auto-view-scroll while recording
View: Continuous scrolling during playback
>&1=0, Automatically scroll view during playback(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Automatically scroll view during playback(on) - checked
>&2=0, Scroll track view while recording (if enabled for playback in options menu)(Preferences -> Recording)(might be not updated in Reaper.ini!)(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Scroll track view while recording (if enabled for playback in options menu)(Preferences -> Recording)(might be not updated in Reaper.ini!)(on) - checked
>&4=0, Don't autoscroll view(when enabled) when viewing other parts of project(Preferences -> Playback)(on) - checked
>&4=1, Don't autoscroll view(when enabled) when viewing other parts of project(Preferences -> Playback)(off) - unchecked
>&8=0, Scroll view to edit cursor on stop(Preferences -> Playback)(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Scroll view to edit cursor on stop(Preferences -> Playback)(on) - checked
>&16=0, Continuous scrolling(off) - unchecked
>&16=1, Continuous scrolling(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ fxfloat_focus
Many setting-checkboxes, as set in Preferences -> Plug-Ins
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Set foreground to floating windows when selected - unchecked
>&1=1, Set foreground to floating windows when selected - checked
>&2=0, Only allow one FX chain window open at a time - unchecked
>&2=1, Only allow one FX chain window open at a time - checked
>&4=0, Auto-float newly created FX windows - unchecked
>&4=1, Auto-float newly created FX windows - checked
>&8=0, Auto-open FX add dialog when opening emptry track FX chain - checked
>&8=1, Auto-open FX add dialog when opening emptry track FX chain - unchecked
>&16=0, Auto-dock new FX chain windows - unchecked
>&16=1, Auto-dock new FX chain windows - checked
>&32=0, Open track FX window on track selection change - unchecked
>&32=1, Open track FX window on track selection change(only when &2 is set) - unchecked
>&64=0, Only if any FX window is open - unchecked
>&64=1, Only if any FX window is open(only, when &32 is set) - checked
>&128=0, Auto-open FX windows after quick-add - checked
>&128=1, Auto-open FX windows after quick-add - unchecked
>&256=0, Show current track FX in FX button right-click menu - checked
>&256=1, Show current track FX in FX button right-click menu - unchecked
>&1024 and &131072, FXChain-positioning-dropdownlist
>> 0 0, Cascade
>> 1 0, Automatic
>> 0 1, Modal default
>&2048 and &262144, Floating FX positioning-dropdownlist
>> 0 0, Cascade
>> 1 0, Automatic
>> 0 1, Modal default
>&8192=0, Show FX-list right side of FX Chain window-checkbox - unchecked
>&8192=1, Show FX-list right side of FX Chain window-checkbox - checked
>&16384=0, Show FX chain buttons above FX list-checkbox - unchecked
>&16384=1, Show FX chain buttons above FX list-checkbox - checked
>&32768=0, Show comment field above FX UI-checkbox - checked
>&32768=1, Show comment field above FX UI-checkbox - unchecked
>&65536=0, Do not create undo points when closing FX windows-checkbox - unchecked
>&65536=1, Do not create undo points when closing FX windows-checkbox - checked
>&524288=0, Hide FXChain until added - checked
>&524288=1, Hide FXChain until added - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ fxresize
Automatically resize FX windows "up" and "down"-checkboxes, as set in Preferences -> Plug-Ins
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, up - unchecked
>&1=1, up - checked
>&2=0, down - unchecked
>&2=1, down - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ maxrecentfx
The Recently Added list max-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Plug-ins
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 199
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ newprojdo
Several "new project"-settings from the Project settings-section, as set in Preferences -> Project.
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Prompt to save on new project(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Prompt to save on new project(on) - checked
>&2=0, Open properties on new project(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Open properties on new project(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ pmfol
Prompt when files are not found on project load-checkbox from the Project loading-section, as set in Preferences -> Project.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Prompt when files are not found on project load(off) - unchecked
>1, Prompt when files are not found on project load(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ rfprojfirst
Look for project media items in project directory before qualified path-checkbox from the Project loading-section, as set in Preferences -> Project.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Look for project media items in project directory before qualified path(off) - unchecked
>1, Look for project media items in project directory before qualified path(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ rewireslave
The checkboxes in the ReWire-Client-Settings, as set in the ReWire-section of Preferences -> ReWire/DX as well as in Project Settings -> Advanced
You must click the "ReWire client project settings"-button, to access the settings-dialog.
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Ignore tempo change notifications from master-radiobutton selected
>&1=1, Build tempo map automatically as master plays-radiobutton selected
>&2=0, Send loop point/repeat change requests to master - unchecked
>&2=1, Send loop point/repeat change requests to master - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER only, when Save as default project settings is clicked(That button is in Project Settings only)
^ rewireslavedelay
The "Play project n audio blocks early (usually 0)"-inputbox in the ReWire-Client-Settings, as set in the ReWire-section of Preferences -> ReWire/DX;
You must click the "ReWire client project settings"-button, to access the settings-dialog.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; audioblocks
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ reamote_maxblock
Network max. latency (playback)-slider, as set in Preferences -> ReaMote
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>1, Synchronous
>2 to 64, number of blocks
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ reamote_maxlat_render
Render send-ahead-editbox in milliseconds, as set in the Preferences -> ReaMote
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>-2147483648 to 2147483647
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ reamote_maxpkt
Max. packet size-editbox, in bytes, as set in Preferences -> ReaMote
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>256 to 50000; Default is 32768
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ reamote_smplfmt
The Sample format-dropdownlist, as set in Preferences -> ReaMote
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, 64-bit (default) - Maximum quality
>1, 32-bit - Reduced network bandwidth use
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ use_reamote
Enable Reamote processing-checkbox as set in Preferences -> ReaMote
It is an integer
>0, checkbox unchecked(ReaMote disabled)
>1, checkbox checked(ReaMote enabled)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ edit_flags
IDE-settings, as set in Preferences -> ReaScript
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Doubleclicking a function name jumps to function definition(control toggle)-checkbox(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Doubleclicking a function name jumps to function definition(control toggle)-checkbox(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER; is updated as soon as the variable is changed.
^ edit_sug
The max number of suggestion from autocomplete in the Reascript/JSFX-IDE.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647 ; default is 50
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER; is updated as soon as the variable is changed.
^ reascript
The Reascript-settings as set in Preferences -> ReaScript
It's an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Enable Python for use with ReaScript - unchecked
>&1=1, Enable Python for use with ReaScript - checked
>&2=0, Clear Reascript console on ShowConsoleMsg("") - checked
>&2=1, Clear Reascript console on ShowConsoleMsg("") - unchecked
>&4=0, Clear Console before running any ReaScript - unchecked
>&4=1, Clear Console before running any ReaScript - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ reascripttimeout
The Reascript-"Timeout limit for Lua ReaScripts"-input-setting in seconds as set in Preferences -> ReaScript
It's a double float, preferences variable.
>negative values are allowed, but what's the point?
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, with higher precision(!).
^ reascriptwatchms
The Reascript-"IDE watch window update interval"-input-setting in milliseconds as set in Preferences -> ReaScript
It's an integer, preferences variable.
>1(0.001) to 2147483647(2147483.647); default is 500(0.50)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, with higher precision(!).
^ adjrecmanlat
Output manual offset-samples-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Recording
It is an integer, Preferences variable
>0 to 2147483647; in samples
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ adjreclat
Use audio driver reported latency-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> Recording
It is an integer, Preferences variable
>0, don't use audio driver reported latency(off) - unchecked
>1, don't use audio driver reported latency(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ adjrecmanlatin
Input manual offset-samples-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Recording
It is an integer, Preferences variable
>0 to 2147483647; in samples
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ diskcheck
The audio-information-field in the upper right corner of the screen, as set in it's accompanying context-menu, as well as in Preferences -> Recording
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Check free disk space on record start, warn if less than-checkbox(Preferences -> Recording)(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Check free disk space on record start, warn if less than-checkbox(Preferences -> Recording)(on) - checked
>&2=0, Show free disk space/Show free disk space in menu bar(off), unchecked
>&2=1, Show free disk space/Show free disk space in menu bar(on), checked
>&4=0, Show recording path/Show primary recording path(off), unchecked
>&4=1, Show recording path/Show primary recording path(on), checked
>&8=0, Show recording format(on), checked
>&8=1, Show recording format(off), unchecked
>&16=0, Show audio device information(on), checked
>&16=1, Show audio device information(off), unchecked
>&32=0, Show recording volume name(off), unchecked
>&32=1, Show recording volume name(on), checked
set in Preferences -> Buffering -> Advanced Disk I/O Settings!
>&64=1 - Periodially close excess file handles(experimental)-checkbox unchecked
>&64=1 - Periodially close excess file handles(experimental)-checkbox checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ diskcheckmb
Check free disk space in record start, warn if less than-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Recording
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483648; in megabytes; higher values become negative
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ manuallat
Output manual offset-milliseconds-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Recording
The value in the inputbox is a float. Calculate value*100 to get the variable-value.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; higher values become negative
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ manuallatin
Input manual offset-milliseconds-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Recording
The value in the inputbox is a float. Calculate value*100 to get the variable-value.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; higher values become negative
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ maxrecsize
Start files every new x megabytes(approximate)-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Recording
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in megabytes; higher values become negative
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ maxrecsize_use
Several checkboxes, as set in Preferences -> Recording
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Start new files every x megabytes(approximate)(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Start new files every x megabytes(approximate)(on) - checked
>&2=0, When recording multiple tracks, offset file switches for better performance(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, When recording multiple tracks, offset file switches for better performance(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ peakrecbm
Build peaks for recorded files-radiobuttons, as set in Preferences -> Recording
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, On the fly(recommended)
>1, After recording
>2, Manually
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ promptendrec
Prompt to save/delete/rename new files-checkboxes, as set in Preferences -> Recording, as well as in the dialog opened when finishing recording
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, on stop(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, on stop(on) - checked
>&2=0, on punch-out/play(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, on punch-out/play(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ recfile_wildcards
Filename format for recorded files-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Recording
This is also the place, where you can store the wildcard-patterns for filenames
It is a string, preferences variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ recopts
Several settings, as set in Preferences -> Recording
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&2=0, Record audio during pre-roll-checkbox(on) - checked
>&2=1, Record audio during pre-roll-checkbox(off) - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ recupdatems
Show preview of recording items while recording, update frequency-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Recording
It isn't the value as written in the inputbox, but rather calculated 1000/xHz, like 1000/4hz=250 -> value in this variable
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>1000(for 1Hz) to 1(1000Hz); default is 333(for 3 Hz)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ showrecitems
Show preview of recording items while recording, update frequency-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> Recording
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, don't show preview of recording items(off) - unchecked
>1, don't show preview of recording items(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ zoomshowarm
Always show full track control panel on armed tracks-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> Recording
It is an integer, preferences variable.
> 0, don't show full track control panel on armed tracks(off) - unchecked
> 1, don't show full track control panel on armed tracks(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ rendermetadataflags
Write automatic data even if no other data entered-checkbox, as set in Render to File-Dialog -> Edit Metadata-dialog -> BWF
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, unchecked; 1, checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ renderqdelay
Delay queued render to allow samples to load-checkbox and length in seconds, as set in the Render to File-dialog
This is the length in seconds, while the checkbox-state is encoded using positive(checked) or negative(unchecked) version of the value.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>negative-value, checkbox - unchecked
>positive-value, checkbox - checked
^ renderbsnew
Block size to use when rendering-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Rendering
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, auto
>1 to 2147483647; in samples; higher values revert to value 4
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ rendertail
Default render tail length-inputbox as set in Preferences -> Rendering
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in milliseconds
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ disabledxscan
The Disable DX plug-ins scanning-checkbox in the Direct-X (DX)-section as set in Preferences -> ReWire/DX
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, checkbox is unchecked(DX-Plugin scanning enabled)
>1, checkbox is checked(DX-Plugin scanning disabled)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ usedxplugs
The checkboxes in the Direct-X (DX)-section, as set in Preferences -> ReWire/DX
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Enable DX plug-ins - unchecked
>&1=1, Enable DX plug-ins - checked
>&2=0, Scan DX plug-ins on startup (not required) - unchecked
>&2=1, Scan DX plug-ins on startup (not required) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ userewire
The Reqire-section-settings, as set in Preferences -> ReWire/DX
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, ReWire mixer support (act as ReWire mixer, show ReWire devices in plug-in browser) - unchecked
>&1=1, ReWire mixer support (act as ReWire mixer, show ReWire devices in plug-in browser) - checked
>&2=0, Auto-open panels when opening ReWire devices - checked
>&2=1, Auto-open panels when opening ReWire devices - unchecked
>&4=0, Check for ReWire mixer/device on startup (and automatically enter client mode if present) - unchecked
>&4=1, Check for ReWire mixer/device on startup (and automatically enter client mode if present) - checked
>&16=0, Use alternative configuration file (reaper-rewire.ini) when in client mode - checked
>&16=1, Use alternative configuration file (reaper-rewire.ini) when in client mode - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ scrubloopend
Looped-segment mode to:-inputbox in section Scrub/jog settings, as set in Preferences -> Scrub/Jog
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>-2147483647 to 2147483647; in milliseconds
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ scrubloopstart
Looped-segment mode in section Scrub/jog settings, as set in Preferences -> Scrub/Jog
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>-2147483647 to 2147483647; in milliseconds
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ scrubmode
Several setting-checkboxes/dropdownlist in section Scrub/jog settings, as set in Preferences -> Scrub/Jog
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Scrub/jog when moving edit cursor via action or control surface-checkbox -> unchecked
>&1=1, Scrub/jog when moving edit cursor via action or control surface-checkbox -> checked
>&2=0, Only play selected track when scrubbing/jogging-checkbox(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Only play selected track when scrubbing/jogging-checkbox(on) - checked
>&4=0, Limit scrub rate to 1.0x(on) - checked
>&4=1, Limit scrub rate to 1.0x(off) - unchecked
>&16 &8192, Max jog rate-dropdownlist
>>1 0 - 1x
>>0 0 - 2x
>>0 1 - 4x
>>1 1 - 8x
>&64=0, Faster responding jog-checkbox(off) - unchecked
>&64=1, Faster responding jog-checkbox(on) - checked
>&256=0, Limit jog rate when near cursor-checkbox(off) - unchecked
>&256=1, Limit jog rate when near cursor-checkbox(on) - checked
>&512=0, Engage scrub when playing (stopping playback)(off) - unchecked
>&512=1, Engage scrub when playing (stopping playback)(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ scrubrelgain
Scrub-mode controller sensitivity in section Scrub/jog settings, as set in Preferences -> Scrub/Jog
It is a double-float, preferences variable.
>0.001 and higher
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ scrubgain
Scrub/jog volume gain-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Scrub/Jog
It is an double-float, preferences variable.
Note: use ultraschall.DB2MKVOL() and ultraschall.MKVOL2DB() to convert the value from/to db.
>1.122018454302e-005 - 8.9125093813374e+049
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ itemeditpr
Seek playback on items move/size/fade adjustment, pre-roll-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Seeking
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in milliseconds; higher values become negative
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ loopselpr
Only when repeat is enabled-pre-roll-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Seeking
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in milliseconds; higher values become negative
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ seekmodes
Several Seek-settings, as set in Preferences -> Seeking
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Top ruler-checkbox(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Top ruler-checkbox(on) - checked
>&2=0, Empty areas below tracks-checkbox(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Empty areas below tracks-checkbox(on) - checked
>&4=0, Empty areas of tracks-checkbox(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Empty areas of tracks-checkbox(on) - checked
>&8=0, Seek on loop point change-checkbox(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Seek on loop point change-checkbox(on) - checked
>&16=0, Only when repeat is enabled-checkbox(off) - unchecked
>&16=1, Only when repeat is enabled-checkbox(on) - checked
>&32=0, Playback position follows project timebase (time or beats) when changing tempo-checkbox(off) - unchecked
>&32=1, Playback position follows project timebase (time or beats) when changing tempo-checkbox(on) - checked
>&65536=0, Seek playback on item move/size/fade adjustment, pre roll-checkbox(off) - unchecked
>&65536=1, Seek playback on item move/size/fade adjustment, pre roll-checkbox(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ smoothseek
Smooth seeking(seeks at end of measure)-setting, as set in the Transport-context-menu as well as in Preferences -> Seeking
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: Toggle smooth seek (see preferences/Audio/Seeking)
>&1=0, Do not change playback position immediately when seeking (smooth seek)(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Do not change playback position immediately when seeking (smooth seek)(on) - checked
>&2=0, Play to end of x more measures before seeking-radiobutton
>&2=1, Play to next projectmarker, end of current region, or start of next region, before seeking-radiobutton
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ smoothseekmeas
Play to end of x more measures-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Seeking
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in measures, higher values become negative
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ relsnap
Snap relative to grid-checkbox in the section Snap settings, as set in Snap/Grid Settings located in menu Options -> Snap/grid -> Snap/grid settings
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, don't snap relative to grid(off) - unchecked
>1, snap relative to grid(on) - checked
^ __fx_loadstate_ctx
0 if unknown, or during FX state loading: 'u' (instantiating via undo), 'U' (updating via undo), 'P' (loading preset).
It is an integer, global variable.
^ __metronome_ptr
query project metronome PCM_source** offset
It is a double-float-variable.
^ __numcpu
The number of CPUs available in your system.
It can be set, though it is unclear, what kind of effect this would have, so better leave it be.
It is an integer, global variable
>0 to 2147483647; higher values become negative
^ groupdispmode
Track grouping indicators-radiobuttons, as set in Preferences -> Track Control Panels
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Ribbons
>1, Lines on edge
>2, None
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ pandispmode
Fader unit display-dropdownlist in section Volume/pan faders, as set in Preferences -> Track Control Panels
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, 100%L.. 100%R
>1, -90%L.. +90%R
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ slidermaxv
Volume fader range-inputbox(the second one) in section Volume/pan faders, as set in Preferences -> Track Control Panels
It is a double float, preferences variable.
>0 to 60; in dB
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ sliderminv
Volume fader range-inputbox(the first one) in section Volume/pan faders, as set in Preferences -> Track Control Panels
It is a double float, preferences variable.
>-160 to -6; in dB
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ slidershex
Shape-dropdownlist in section Volume/pan faders, as set in Preferences -> Track Control Panels
It is a double-float, preferences variable.
>0.25 to 4, as well as
>-1.0, Default
>1.0, Linear dB (1.0)
>2.3, Reaper v3(scale=2.3)
>4.0, Max precision at +0dB (4.0)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ tcpalign
Align TCP controls when track icons are used-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> Track Control Panels
It is an integer, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Mixer: Group sends with (before/after) FX inserts
Options: Show FX inserts in TCP (when size permits)
Options: Show sends in TCP (when size permits)
Mixer: Group FX parameters with their inserts
>0, don't align TCP controls(off) - unchecked
>1, align TCP controls(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ tinttcp
Several settings, as set in Preferences -> Track Control Panels, as well as in Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Set track label background to custom track colors(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Set track label background to custom track colors(on) - checked
>&2=0, Tint track panel backgrounds(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Tint track panel backgrounds(on) - checked
>&4=0, Tint media item waveform peaks to: Track color(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms, section Custom colors)(on) - checked
>&4=1, Tint media item waveform peaks to: Track color(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms, section Custom colors)(off) - unchecked
>&8=0, Tint media item background to: Track color(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms, section Custom colors)(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Tint media item background to: Track color(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms, section Custom colors)(on) - checked
>&16=0, Tint media item waveform peaks to: Item color(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms, section Custom colors)(on) - checked
>&16=1, Tint media item waveform peaks to: Item color(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms, section Custom colors)(off) - unchecked
>&32=0, Tint media item background to: Item color(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms, section Custom colors)(off) - unchecked
>&32=1, Tint media item background to: Item color(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms, section Custom colors)(on) - checked
>&128=0, Tint media item waveform peaks to: Take color(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms, section Custom colors)(on) - checked
>&128=1, Tint media item waveform peaks to: Take color(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms, section Custom colors)(off) - unchecked
>&256=0, Tint media item background to: Take color(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms, section Custom colors)(off) - unchecked
>&256=1, Tint media item background to: Take color(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms, section Custom colors)(on) - checked
>&512=0, Automatically color any recording pass that adds new takes to existing media items(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms, section Custom colors)(off) - unchecked
>&512=1, Automatically color any recording pass that adds new takes to existing media items(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms, section Custom colors)(on) - checked
>&1024=0, Automatically color any media items that share pooled MIDI events(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms, section Custom colors)(off) - unchecked
>&1024=1, Automatically color any media items that share pooled MIDI events(Preferences -> Peaks/Waveforms, section Custom colors)(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ grvuscale
Scale gain reduction from plug-ins by-inputbox, as set in Preferences -> Track Meters
It is an integer, preferences variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ nometers
Pre-fader metering, as set in the menu Options as well as in section VU meters in Preferences -> Track Meters
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: Pre-fader track metering
>&1=0, Show MIDI velocity on track meter - checked
>&1=1, Show MIDI velocity on track meter - unchecked
>&2=0, Show track input when rec-armed(on) - checked
>&2=1, Show track input when rec-armed(off) - unchecked
>&4=0, Make obvious that track input is clickable(on) - checked
>&4=1, Make obvious that track input is clickable(off) - unchecked
>&8=0, Show dB scales on track meters(on) - checked
>&8=1, Show dB scales on track meters(off) - unchecked
>&16=0, Show dB scales on rec armed track meters(on) - checked
>&16=1, Show dB scales on rec armed track meters(off) - unchecked
>&1024=0, Track meters display pre-fader levels(Pre-fader metering in the menu options)(off) - unchecked
>&1024=1, Track meters display pre-fader levels(Pre-fader metering in the menu options)(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ resetvuplay
Reset meter peak indicators on play/seek-checkbox, as set in Preferences -> Track Meters
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Reset meter peak indicators on play/seek(off) - unchecked
>1, Reset meter peak indicators on play/seek(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ vuclipstick
Sticky clip indicators, as set in Preferences -> Track Meters
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Sticky clip indicators(off) - unchecked
>1, Sticky clip indicators(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ vudecay
Meter decay-inputbox in section VU meters, as set in Preferences -> Track Meters
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>1 to 2147483647; in dB/sec
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ vumaxvol
Max value(dB)-inputbox in section VU meters, as set in Preferences -> Track Meters
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>-2147483647 to 2147483647; in dB
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ vuminvol
Meter minimum value(dB)-inputbox in section VU meters, as set in Preferences -> Track Meters
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>-2147483647 to -1; in dB
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ vuupdfreq
Meter update frequency(Hz)-inputbox in section VU meters, as set in Preferences -> Track Meters
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>1 to 2147483647; in Hz
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ defautomode
The default automation mode-dropdownlist as well as the Arm new envelopes-checkbox in the section Tracks, as set in Preferences -> Track/Send Defaults
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1 and &2 and &4, Default automation mode-dropdownlist
>> 0 0 0, Trim/Read
>> 1 0 0, Read
>> 0 1 0, Touch
>> 1 1 0, Write
>> 0 0 1, Latch
>> 1 0 1, Latch Preview
>&512=0, Arm new envelopes(on) - checked
>&512=1, Arm new envelopes(off) - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ defenvs
The default visible envelopes-checkboxes and Default envelope shape-dropdownlist, as set in section Tracks in Preferences -> Track/Send Defaults
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Volume(pre-FX)(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Volume(pre-FX)(on) - checked
>&2=0, Pan(pre-FX)(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Pan(pre-FX)(on) - checked
>&4=0, Volume(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Volume(on) - checked
>&8=0, Pan(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Pan(on) - checked
>&32768=0, Mute(might influence splitautoxfade=0 as well)(off) - unchecked
>&32768=1, Mute(might influence splitautoxfade=1 as well)(on) - unchecked
>&65536 and &131072 and &262144, the Default envelope point shape-dropdownlist
>> 0 0 0, Linear
>> 1 0 0, Square
>> 0 1 0, Slow start/end
>> 1 1 0, Fast start
>> 0 0 1, Fast end
>> 1 0 1, Bezier
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ defhwvol
The Hardware output default gain-inputbox as set in section Sends / Track Hardware Outputs in Preferences -> Track/Send Defaults
Might be calculable with the Api-function DB2SLIDER
It is a double float, preferences variable.
>6.3095734448019e-008(-144.0 dB) to 1.7782794100389e+308(6165.0dB); 1.0 for 0dB
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, with a maximum length of 317 digits(as float)
^ defsendflag
Send/hardware output default mode-dropdownlist and checkboxes below in section Sends / Track Hardware Outputs, as set in Preferences -> Track/Send Defaults
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1 and &2, Send/hardware output default mode-dropdownlist
>> 0 0, Post-Fader (Post-Pan)
>> 1 0, Pre-FX
>> 0 1, Post-FX(v1 deprecated)
>> 1 1, Pre-Fader (Post-FX)
>&256=0, Sends send MIDI by default(on) - checked
>&256=1, Sends send MIDI by default(off) - unchecked
>&512=0, Sends send audio by default(on) - checked
>&512=1, Sends send audio by default(off) - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ defsendvol
The Send default gain-inputbox as set in section Sends / Track Hardware Outputs in Preferences -> Track/Send Defaults
Might be calculable with the Api-function DB2SLIDER
It is a double float, preferences variable.
>6.3095734448019e-008(-144.0 dB) to 1.7782794100389e+308(6165.0dB); 1.0 for 0dB
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, with a maximum length of 317 digits(as float)
^ deftrackrecflags
The Record arm-checkbox and Record config-dropdownlist from the section Tracks, as set in Preferences -> Track/Send Defaults
Default Recording-management is stored in here, but not the default recording-inputs!
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Record Arm(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Record Arm(on) - checked
>&2=0, Automatic record-arm, when track selected(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Automatic record-arm, when track selected(on) - checked
>&16 and &32 and &64 and &128, the Record config-dropdownlist -> Record: input-fields/menus
>> 0 0 0 0, Record: input (audio or MIDI)
>> 1 1 1 0, Record: MIDI overdub/replace -> Record: MIDI overdub
>> 0 0 0 1, Record: MIDI overdub/replace -> Record: MIDI replace
>> 1 0 0 1, Record: MIDI overdub/replace -> Record: MIDI touch-replace
>> ? ? ? ?, Record: MIDI overdub/replace -> Record: MIDI latch-replace - What is the missing value?
>> 1 1 0 1, Record: Output -> Record: Output (multichannel, latency compensated)
>> 0 1 0 1, Record: Output -> Record: Output (multichannel)
>> 1 1 0 0, Record: Output -> Record: Output (stereo, latency compensated)
>> 1 0 0 0, Record: Output -> Record: Output (stereo)
>> 0 1 1 0, Record: Output -> Record: Output (mono, latency compensated)
>> 1 0 1 0, Record: Output -> Record: Output (mono)
>> 0 0 1 0, Record: Output -> Record: Output (MIDI)
>> 0 0 1 1, Record: input (force format) -> Record: input (force mono)
>> 1 0 1 1, Record: input (force format) -> Record: input (force stereo)
>> ? ? ? ?, Record: input (force format) -> Record: input (force multichannel) - What is the missing value?
>> ? ? ? ?, Record: input (force format) -> Record: input (force MIDI) - What is the missing value?
>> 0 1 0 0, Record: disable (input monitoring only)
>&256 and &512, Monitor input-settings
>> 0 0, no Monitoring of input
>> 1 0, Monitor Input
>> 0 1, Monitor Input (Tape Auto Style)
>&4096=0, Monitor track media when recording(off) - unchecked
>&4096=1, Monitor track media when recording(on) - checked
>&8192=0, Preserve PDC delayed monitoring in recorded items(off) - unchecked
>&8192=1, Preserve PDC delayed monitoring in recorded items(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ deftrackrecinput
The Record config-dropdownlist from the section Tracks, as set in Preferences -> Track/Send Defaults
Default recording-inputs are stored here, but not the Recording-management/monitoring.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>-1, Input: None
>0, Input: Mono -> Left
>1, Input: Mono -> Right
>2-15, Input: Channel 3 to 16
>1024, Input: Stereo -> Left/Right(Channel 1/2)
>1025, Input: Channel 2/3
>1026, Input: Channel 3/4
>1027-1038, Input Stereo 4/5 to 15/16
>2048, Input: Multichannel -> Channel 1[multichannel]
>2049, Input: Multichannel -> Channel 2[multichannel]]
>2050-2063, Input: Multichannel -> Channel 3[multichannel] to Input: Multichannel -> Channel 16[multichannel]
>6080, Input: MIDI -> Virtual MIDI Keyboards -> All Channels
>6081, Input: MIDI -> Virtual MIDI Keyboards -> Channel 1
>6082, Input: MIDI -> Virtual MIDI Keyboards -> Channel 2
>6083, Input: MIDI -> Virtual MIDI Keyboards -> Channel 3
>6084, Input: MIDI -> Virtual MIDI Keyboards -> Channel 4
>6085, Input: MIDI -> Virtual MIDI Keyboards -> Channel 5
>6086, Input: MIDI -> Virtual MIDI Keyboards -> Channel 6
>6087, Input: MIDI -> Virtual MIDI Keyboards -> Channel 7
>6088, Input: MIDI -> Virtual MIDI Keyboards -> Channel 8
>6089, Input: MIDI -> Virtual MIDI Keyboards -> Channel 9
>6090, Input: MIDI -> Virtual MIDI Keyboards -> Channel 10
>6091, Input: MIDI -> Virtual MIDI Keyboards -> Channel 11
>6092, Input: MIDI -> Virtual MIDI Keyboards -> Channel 12
>6093, Input: MIDI -> Virtual MIDI Keyboards -> Channel 13
>6094, Input: MIDI -> Virtual MIDI Keyboards -> Channel 14
>6095, Input: MIDI -> Virtual MIDI Keyboards -> Channel 15
>6096, Input: MIDI -> Virtual MIDI Keyboards -> Channel 16
>6112, Input: MIDI -> All MIDI Inputs -> All Channels
>6113, Input: MIDI -> All MIDI Inputs -> Channel 1
>6114, Input: MIDI -> All MIDI Inputs -> Channel 2
>6115, Input: MIDI -> All MIDI Inputs -> Channel 3
>6116, Input: MIDI -> All MIDI Inputs -> Channel 4
>6117, Input: MIDI -> All MIDI Inputs -> Channel 5
>6118, Input: MIDI -> All MIDI Inputs -> Channel 6
>6119, Input: MIDI -> All MIDI Inputs -> Channel 7
>6120, Input: MIDI -> All MIDI Inputs -> Channel 8
>6121, Input: MIDI -> All MIDI Inputs -> Channel 9
>6122, Input: MIDI -> All MIDI Inputs -> Channel 10
>6123, Input: MIDI -> All MIDI Inputs -> Channel 11
>6124, Input: MIDI -> All MIDI Inputs -> Channel 12
>6125, Input: MIDI -> All MIDI Inputs -> Channel 13
>6126, Input: MIDI -> All MIDI Inputs -> Channel 14
>6127, Input: MIDI -> All MIDI Inputs -> Channel 15
>6128, Input: MIDI -> All MIDI Inputs -> Channel 16
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ deftrackvol
The Track volume fader default gain-inputbox as set in section Tracks in Preferences -> Track/Send Defaults
Might be calculable with the Api-function DB2SLIDER
It is a double float, preferences variable
>6.3095734448019e-008(-144.0 dB) to 1.7782794100389e+308(6165.0dB); 1.0 for 0dB
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, with a maximum length of 317 digits(as float)
^ defvzoom
The Default track height in new projects-dropdownlist as set in section Tracks in Preferences -> Track/Send Defaults
Might influence vzoom2 as well, when no track is put into the project yet.
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0(minimum zoom) to 40(maximum zoom); defaults are: 2(Small), 6(Medium), 16(Large)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ newtflag
The Show in mixer, Main(parent)send and Free item positioning-checkboxes in section Tracks, as set in Preferences -> Track / Send Defaults
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Show in mixer(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Show in mixer(on) - checked
>&2=0, Main (parent) send(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Main (parent) send(on) - checked
>&4=0, Free item positioning(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Free item positioning(on) - checked
>&128 &1024 &2048, &4096 Track meter display-dropdownlist (&8192=ignore sidechain-toggle)
>>1 0 0 0, Stereo peaks
>>0 0 0 0, Multichannel peaks
>>1 1 0 0, Stereo RMS
>>1 0 1 0, Combined RMS
>>1 1 1 0, LUFS-M
>>1 0 0 1, LUFS-S(readout=max)
>>1 1 0 1, LUFS-S(readout=current)
>&8192=0, ignore sidechain unchecked
>&8192=1, ignore sidechain checked
>&16384=0, display gain reduction(for plug-ins that support it) - unchecked
>&16384=1, display gain reduction(for plug-ins that support it) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ volenvrange
The scaling for new envelopes, as set in Preferences -> Editing Behavior -> Envelope Display and Preferences -> Track/Send Defaults.
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1 and &4, the Volume envelope range-dropdownlist
>> 1 0, -inf..+0dB
>> 0 0, -inf..+6dB
>> 0 1, -inf..+12dB
>> 1 1, -inf..+24dB
>&2=0, Amplitude scaling (Preferences -> Track/Send Defaults)
>&2=1, Volume fader scaling (Preferences -> Track/Send Defaults)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ transflags
Certain settings for the transport-area, as set in the context-menu of the transport-area, as well as the transport home/end-context-menu and Preferences -> Mouse
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Transport: Show playrate control
Transport: Show play state as text
Transport: Center transport controls
Transport: Show play position tempo and time signature
Transport: Toggle transport home/end marker navigation
Transport: Flash transport yellow on possible audio device underrun
>&1=0, Show playrate control on - checked
>&1=1, Show playrate control off - unchecked
>&2=0, Show play state as text on - checked
>&2=1, Show play state as text off - unchecked
>&4=0, Show time signature on - checked
>&4=1, Show time signature off - unchecked
>&8=0, Center transport controls off - unchecked
>&8=1, Center transport controls on - checked
>&16=0, Use transport home/end for markers(off), transport home/end-context-menu - unchecked
>&16=1, Use transport home/end for markers(on), transport home/end-context-menu - checked
>&64=0, Mousewheel moves transport time selection by beats(alt toggles)(off) - unchecked
>&64=1, Mousewheel moves transport time selection by beats(alt toggles)(on) - checked
>&128=0, Flash transport yellow on possible audio device underrun(off) - unchecked
>&128=1, Flash transport yellow on possible audio device underrun(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ ara
Enable ARA for VST3 plug-ins that support it(requires restarting REAPER) in section VST compatibility, as set in Preferences -> VST
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, enable ARA(on) - checked
>1, disable ARA(off) - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ vst_scan
The Scan new/updated plug-ins on startup-checkbox as set in Preferences -> VST
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>&2=0, Scan new/updated plug-ins on startup-checkbox -> unchecked
>&2=1, Scan new/updated plug-ins on startup-checkbox -> checked
^ vstfullstate
The settings for VST-plugins, as set in Preferences -> VST, as well as in Preferences -> Compatibility as well as in the Add FX to Track-dialog -> Options
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Disable saving full plug-in state (not recommended, set minimal undo for the plug-in instead)(as set in Preferences -> Compatibility) - checked(!)
>&1=1, Disable saving full plug-in state (not recommended, set minimal undo for the plug-in instead)(as set in Preferences -> Compatibility) - unchecked(!)
>&2=0, Do not scan VST names/type (deprecated) - unchecked
>&2=1, Do not scan VST names/type (deprecated) - checked
>&4=0, Pre-zero plug-in output buffers(as set in Preferences -> Compatibility) - unchecked
>&4=1, Pre-zero plug-in output buffers(as set in Preferences -> Compatibility) - checked
>&16=0, UAD-1 synchronous mode (reduces CPU munch) - requires anticipative FX disabled) ->unchecked; set workrender because of anticipative FX!
>&16=1, UAD-1 synchronous mode (reduces CPU munch) - requires anticipative FX disabled) ->checked; set workrender because of anticipative FX!
>&32=0, Default VST to generic UI (instead of plug-in UI) - unchecked
>&32=1, Default VST to generic UI (instead of plug-in UI) - checked
>&128=0, Don't flush synthesizer plug-ins on stop/reset - unchecked
>&128=1, Don't flush synthesizer plug-ins on stop/reset - checked
>&256=0, Inform plug-ins of offline rendering state - unchecked
>&256=1, Inform plug-ins of offline rendering state - checked
>&512=0, Bypass audio while opening plug-in config window (good for some non-threadsafe VSTs) - checked(!)
>&512=1, Bypass audio while opening plug-in config window (good for some non-threadsafe VSTs) - unchecked(!)
>&1024=0, VST-folders(as set in Add-FX-dialog -> Options -> Show in FX list)(off) - unchecked
>&1024=1, VST-folders(as set in Add-FX-dialog -> Options -> Show in FX list)(on) - checked
>&4096=0, Allow complete unload of VST plug-ins (reduced memory use, but may not be compatible) - unchecked
>&4096=1, Allow complete unload of VST plug-ins (reduced memory use, but may not be compatible) - checked
>&65536 and &131072, Knob mode
>> 0 0, default
>> 1 0, Circular
>> 0 1, Relative
>> 1 1, Linear
>&1048576=0, Don't send note-offs or pitch reset messages on stop/reset - unchecked
>&1048576=1, Don't send note-offs or pitch reset messages on stop/reset - checked
>&2097152 and &4194304
>> 0 0, Ignore when plug-in window is not open(default)
>> 1 0, Ignore when not from UI thread
>> 1 0, Ignore all notifications
>> 1 1, Process all notifications
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ bpminfnimport
Some settings as set in Preferences -> Video as well as Preferences -> Media Import
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>&1=0, If tempo is reliable -> Do nothing
>&1=1, If tempo is reliable -> Prompt to adjust media to project tempo
>&2=0, Ignore tempo suggested by media -> When media suggests bpm-dropdownlist
>&2=1, Always prompt -> When media suggests bpm-dropdownlist
>&4=0, After adjusting tempo, set imported media to auto-stretch at tempo changes-checkbox - unchecked
>&4=1, After adjusting tempo, set imported media to auto-stretch at tempo changes-checkbox - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ acidimport
When importing media-dropdownlist, as set in the Media with embedded tempo information-section in Preferences -> Video/REX/Misc
It is an integer, global variable.
>0, Adjust media to project tempo
>1, Import media at source tempo
>2, Always prompt when importing media with embedded tempo
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ reximport
The Import REX files as-dropdownlist, as set in the REX-section of Preferences -> Video/REX/Misc
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1=0, Beat slices that dynamically adjust to tempo changes
>&1=1, A single loopable media item
>&8=8, Always prompt when importing REX items(when &1 is set to 0)
>&2 and &4, REX slice tails
>> 0 0, Preserve all slice tails
>> 1 0, Chop all but the final slice tail
>> 0 1, Chop only the final slice tail
>> 1 1, Chop all slice tails
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ video_colorspace
Many setting-checkboxes and dropdownlists, as set in Preferences -> Video/REX/Misc
It is an integer-bitfield, preferences variable.
>&1 &2 &64 &65536 &131072
>> 1 1 0 0 0, Direct Show EVR(recommended)
>> 1 0 0 0 0, Direct Show EVR - Force YV12
>> 0 1 0 0 0, Direct Show EVR - Force YUY2
>> 0 0 0 0 0, Direct Show EVR - Force RGB
>> 1 1 1 0 0, Direct Show - Automatic
>> 1 0 1 0 0, Direct Show - Force YV12
>> 0 1 1 0 0, Direct Show - Force YUY2
>> 0 0 1 0 0, Direct Show - Force RGB
>> 0 0 1 1 0, BitBlit() nearest-neighbor (slow)
>> 0 0 1 1 1, BitBlit() bilinear (slowest)
>&8=0, Video window follows edits - checked
>&8=1, Video window follows edits - unchecked
>&16 and &32, When moving audio items, seek video frame to-dropdownlist
>> 0 0, Mouse cursor position
>> 1 0, Start of audio item
>> 0 1, Snap offset of audio item
>&256=0, Auto-rotate videos and images with orientation tags on import - checked
>&256=1, Auto-rotate videos and images with orientation tags on import - unchecked
>&1024=0, Disable high-resolution peaks for video items - unchecked
>&1024=1, Disable high-resolution peaks for video items - checked
>&2048=0, Use standard edit control for video code editor (for accessibility, lacks many features) - unchecked
>&2048=0, Use standard edit control for video code editor (for accessibility, lacks many features) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ video_decprio
Video decoder priority-inputbox, as set in section Video of Preferences -> Video/REX/Misc
It is a string, preferences variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, but only if it differs from the default settings:
vlc ffmpeg qt:mov,qt,m4v,mp4 dshow:!mov,!mp4,!m4v,!qt (on Windows)
^ video_defimglen
Still image thumbnail display mode -> Default length(ms)-inputbox, as set in the Video-section of Preferences -> Video/REX/Misc
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>-2147483647 to 2147483647
Negative values set length in frames; positive values, set length in milliseconds.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ video_delayms
Video output delay in milliseconds, as set in the Video-section of Preferences -> Video/REX/Misc
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 2147483647
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ fadeeditflags
Several Fade-settings, as set in Menu View -> Crossfade Editor
It is an integer-bitfield, view variable.
>&1=0, Units-dropdownlist: seconds
>&1=1, Units-dropdownlist: beats
>&2 and &4 - Preserve dropdownlist
>> 0 0, center
>> 1 0, start
>> 0 1, end
>&64=0, Audition(off) - unchecked
>&64=1, Audition(on) - checked
>&128=0, Ripple Contents(off) - unchecked
>&128=1, Ripple Contents(on) - checked
>&256=0, Edit grouped items(on) - checked
>&256=1, Edit grouped items(off) - unchecked
^ fadeeditlink
Link Mirror-checkboxes, as set in Menu View -> Crossfade Editor
Can only set, when editing a crossfade in the editor.
It is an integer-bitfield, view variable.
>&1=0, link for Shape(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, link for Shape(on) - checked
>&2=0, link for Curve(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, link for Curve(on) - checked
>&4=0, link for Center(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, link for Center(on) - checked
>&8=0, link for Start(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, link for Start(on) - checked
>&16=0, link for End(off) - unchecked
>&16=1, link for End(on) - checked
>&32=0, link for Length(off) - unchecked
>&32=1, link for Length(on) - checked
>&64=0, link for Contents(off) - unchecked
>&64=1, link for Contents(on) - checked
>&128=0, link for Volume(off) - unchecked
>&128=1, link for volume(on) - checked
>&256=0, Mirror for Shape(off) - unchecked
>&256=1, Mirror for Shape(only, when &1=1)(on) - checked
>&512=0, Mirror for Curve(off) - unchecked
>&512=1, Mirror for Curve(only, when &2=1)(on) - checked
>&1024=0, Mirror for Center(off) - unchecked
>&1024=1, Mirror for Center(only, when &4=1)(on) - checked
>&2048=0, Mirror for Start(off) - unchecked
>&2048=1, Mirror for Start(on) - checked
>&4096=0, Mirror for End(off) - unchecked
>&4096=1, Mirror for End(on) - checked
>&8192=0, Mirror for Length(off) - unchecked
>&8192=1, Mirror for Length(only, when &32=1)(on) - checked
>&16384=0, Mirror for Contents(off) - unchecked
>&16384=1, Mirror for Contents(only, when &64=1)(on) - checked
>&32768=0, Mirror for Volume(off) - unchecked
>&32768=1, Mirror for Volume(only, when &128=1)(on) - checked
^ fadeeditpostsel
Post-roll-inputbox, as set in Menu View -> Crossfade Editor
It is a double-float, view variable.
>0 to 1e+308(308 consecutive 9)
^ fadeeditpresel
Pre-roll-inputbox, as set in Menu View -> Crossfade Editor
It is a double-float, view variable.
>0 to 1e+308(308 consecutive 9)
^ envvzoomscale
Envelope lane vertical zoom, as set in the Preferences -> Zoom/Scroll/Offset
It is a double-float, preferences variable.
This is stored as 1 for 100%, 0.5 for 50%, 1.25 for 125%, etc
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ itemoverlap_offspct
Offset by xx precentage of item height-inputbox, Draw as opaque-checkbox and Arrange overlapping media items in the order they were created-checkbox as set in Preferences -> Zoom/Scroll/Offset
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0 to 255; add 256 to set the Draw as opaque-checkbox; add 512 to set the Arrange overlapping media items in the order they were created-checkbox
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ maxvzoom
Maximum vertical zoom-inputbox as set in Preferences -> Zoom/Scroll/Offset
Note: unlike the inputbox, this value is not in percentage but in doubles with 1.00 being 100%, 0.5 being 50%, etc
It is a double-float, preferences variable.
>0.125-8.00; default is 1.0
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ vscrollflag
The Vertical scroll step-radiobuttons, as set in Preferences -> Zoom/Scroll/Offset
It is an integer-bitfield, ?? variable.
> 0, % of track height (default 50%)
> 1, % of arrange view height
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ vscrollstep
The Vertical scroll step "% of track height (default 50%)"-inputbox, as set int Zoom/Scroll/Offset
It is a double-float, preferences variable.
It is stored as 0.5=50%, 1.0=100%, 0.25=25%
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ vscrollstep2
The Vertical scroll step "% of arrange view height"-inputbox, as set int Zoom/Scroll/Offset
It is a double-float, preferences variable.
It is stored as 0.5=50%, 1.0=100%, 0.25=25%
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ vzoommode
Maximum vertical zoom, as set in the Preferences -> Zoom/Scroll/Offset
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Track at view center(default)
>1, Top of view
>2, Last selected track
>3, Track under mouse
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ zoommode
The horizontal zoom center, as set in Preferences -> Zoom/Scroll/Offset
It is an integer, preferences variable.
>0, Edit cursor or play cursor(default)
>1, Edit cursor
>2, Center of view
>3, Mouse cursor
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ feedbackmode
The Allow feedback in routing (can result in lower performance, loud noises)-checkbox in Project Settings -> Advanced
It is an integer, project variable.
>0, checkbox is unchecked(no feedback)
>1, checkbox is checked(feedback allowed)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ itemmixflag
Stores the Item Mix Behavior-dropdownlist, as set in the Project Settings -> Advanced
It is an integer, project variable.
>0, Enclosed items replace enclosing items
>1, Items always mix
>2, Items always replace earlier items
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ panlaw
The Pan law-setting/dropdownlist in the Pan law/mode-section, as set in Project Settings -> Advanced
Somehow the Gain compensation (boost pans)-checkbox affects this value as well, but unknown how exactly. Maybe slider2db-conversion stuff?
It is double-float, project variable.
>1.0, +0.0(default)
>0.74989420933246, -2.5
>0.70794578438414, -3.0
>0.59566214352901, -4.5
>0.50118723362727, -6.0
>0.5, -6.02
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ panlawflags
Linear scale above -3dB pan law-checkbox, as set in Project Settings -> Advanced
It is an integer, project variable.
>0, Since taper
>2, Linear taper
>3, Hybrid taper
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ panmode
The Panmode-dropdown-list in the Pan law/mode-section, as set in Project Settings -> Advanced
It's an integer, project variable.
>0, REAPER 3.x balance (deprecated)
>3, Stereo balance / mono pan (default)
>5, Stereo pan
>6, Dual pan
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projmaxlen
The "Limit projectlength, stop playback/recording at:"-value in seconds.milliseconds as set in Project Settings -> Advanced
It is doublefloat, project variable.
>0.0 is minimum value
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projmaxlenuse
The "Limit projectlength, stop playback/recording at:"-check-box as set in Project Settings -> Advanced
It is integer, project variable.
>0, box is unchecked(no limit)
>1, box is checked(limit)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projsmpteahead
The Synchronize by seeking ahead-inputbox, behind the accompanying Configure-button, as set in Project Settings -> Advanced
It is an integer, project variable.
>0 to 2147483647; 1000 = default
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projsmptefw_rec
The Stop recording on lack of time code after-inputbox, behind the accompanying Configure-button, as set in Project Settings -> Advanced
It is an integer, project variable.
>0 to 2147483647; higher values become negative ones; 0=never
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projsmpteinput
The Use Input-dropdownlist, behind the accompanying Configure-button, as set in Project Settings -> Advanced
It is an integer, project variable.
>0, LTC: Left; to set the fps-settings, see config variable projsmpterate
>1, LTC: Right; to set the fps-settings, see config variable projsmpterate
>4159, MTC: All Inputs; to set the fps-settings, see config variable projsmptesync
>4223, SPP: All Inputs
>8192, ASIO Positioning Protocol
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projsmptemaxfree
The Freewheel on missing time code for up to-inputbox, behind the accompanying Configure-button, as set in Project Settings -> Advanced
It is an integer, project variable.
>0 to 2147483647; 0 = forever
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projsmpteoffs
The Offset incoming timecode by-inputbox, behind the accompanying Configure-button, as set in Project Settings -> Advanced
It is a double-float, project variable.
>0 to 1e+305; in seconds(yes, even though the inputbox in the dialog asks for milliseconds, this value is in seconds!)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projsmpterate
The LTC-framerate, as set in External timecode settings behind the accompanying Configure-button, as set in Project Settings -> Advanced
Only valid, when projsmpteinput is set to LTC: Left ot LTC: Right
It is a double-float, project variable.
>The dropdownlist has the following framerates:
>23.976, 24.00, 25.00, 29.97(29.97DF), 29.972(29.97ND), 30.00
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projsmpterateuseproj
Shall the LTC-framerate be used from project framerate or be individualized, as set in the Configure-timecode-settings in Project Settings -> Advanced
It is an integer, project variable.
>0, use the framerate, as set in config variable projsmpterate
>1, use the project's framerate
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projsmpteresync
Re-synchronize if drift exceeds-inputbox, as set in the Configure-timecode-settings in Project Settings -> Advanced
It is an integer, project variable.
>0 to 2147483647; 0=never
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projsmpteresync_rec
Stop recording if drift exceeds-inputbox, as set in the Configure-timecode-settings in Project Settings -> Advanced
It is an integer, project variable.
>0 to 2147483647; higher numbers become negative; 0=never
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projsmpteskip
Skip/drop frames if drift exceeds-inputbox, as set in the Configure-timecode-settings in Project Settings -> Advanced
It is an integer, project variable.
>0 to 2147483647; 0=never
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projsmptesync
The External timecode synchronization-settings and the settings behind the accompanying Configure-button, as set in Project Settings -> Advanced
It's an integer-bitfield, project variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Toggle external timecode synchronization
>&1=0, External timecode synchronization/Enable synchronization to timecode - unchecked
>&1=1, External timecode synchronization/Enable synchronization to timecode - checked
>&4=0, Start playback on valid timecode when stopped - unchecked
>&4=1, Start playback on valid timecode when stopped - checked
>&8=0, Display flashing notification window when waiting for sync for recording - checked
>&8=1, Display flashing notification window when waiting for sync for recording - unchecked
>&16=0, Playback - checked
>&16=1, Playback - unchecked
>&32=0, Recording - checked
>&32=1, Recording - unchecked
>&64=0, on lack of timecode-dropdownlist -> Stop recording
>&64=1, on lack of timecode-dropdownlist -> Re-sync recording
>&128=0, if drift exceeds-dropdownlist -> Stop recording
>&128=1, if drift exceeds-dropdownlist -> Re-sync recording
>&256 and &512, the fps-settings, when MTC: All Inputs is set (see projsmpteinput to set that)
>> 0 0, 24/30 fps MTC is 23.976ND/29.97ND if project is ND
>> 1 0, 24/30 fps MTC is 23.976ND/29.97ND
>> 0 1, 24/30 fps MTC is 24/30 fps
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ silenceflags
Auto-bypass FX that report tail length or have auto-tail set, threshold-checkbox; as set in Project Settings -> Advanced
It is an integer, project variable.
>0, checkbox unchecked; 1, checkbox checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ silencethreshdb
Auto-bypass FX that report tail length or have auto-tail set, threshold-inputbox in dB, as set in Project Settings -> Advanced
Must be negative!
It is an integer, project variable
>-1 to -2147483647
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ mixrowflags
Several entries, as set in the mixer-context-menu as well
It is an integer-bitfield, project variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Mixer: Toggle show multiple rows when space
Mixer: Toggle show multiple rows even when space to fit tracks in less rows
Mixer: Toggle show master track on right side
Mixer: Toggle show FX inserts (when size permits)
Mixer: Toggle show sends (when size permits)
Mixer: Toggle show track icons in mixer
Mixer: Toggle show FX parameters (when size permits)
Mixer: Master track visible
>&1=0, Show multiple rows of tracks when size permits(on) - checked
>&1=1, Show multiple rows of tracks when size permits(off) - unchecked
>&2=0, Show maximum rows even when tracks would fit in less rows(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Show maximum rows even when tracks would fit in less rows(on) - checked
>&4=0, Master track -> Show on right side of mixer(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Master track -> Show on right side of mixer(on) - checked
>&16=0, Show FX inserts when size permits(off) - unchecked
>&16=1, Show FX inserts when size permits(on) - checked
>&32=0, Show sends, when size permits(off) - unchecked
>&32=1, Show sends, when size permits(on) - checked
>&64=0, Show track icons in mixer(off) - unchecked
>&64=1, Show track icons in mixer(on) - checked
>&128=0, Show FX parameters when size permits(off) - unchecked
>&128=1, Show FX parameters when size permits(on) - checked
>&256=0, Master track -> Show in mixer(on) - checked
>&256=1, Master track -> Show in mixer(off) - unchecked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ afxcfg
The audioformat for "Apply FX, Glue, Freeze, etc", as set in the Project Settings->Media
Only includes the format, not the individual format-settings(like bitrate, etc)
It is an integer, project variable.
>1179012432, Video (ffmpeg/libav encoder)
>1195984416, Video (GIF)
>1279477280, Video (LCF)
>1332176723, OGG Opus
>1634297446, AIFF
>1684303904, DDP
>1718378851, FLAC
>1769172768, Audio CD Image(CUE/BIN format)
>1836069740, MP3 (encoder by LAME project)
>1869047670, OGG Vorbis
>2002876005, WAV
>2004250731, WavPack lossless compressor
Note: doesn't seem to work anymore as of Reaper 6.xx
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked..
^ projdefrecpath
The recordings-path, as set in Project Settings -> Media-tab
It is an string, project variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projrecforopencopy
The "Format for Apply FX, Glue, Freeze, etc"-dropdown list, as set in Project Settings -> Media.
This is not(!) located in Preferences -> Appearance-Media!
This will only select, but not set custom settings-media format. See config variable afxcfg for that.
It is an integer, project variable.
>0, Automatic .wav (recommended)
>1, Custom... (see config variable afxcfg to set the custom-format)
>2, Recording format
To set the format with custom settings, see config variable afxcfg
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ vzoom2
Current state of the vertical zoom
Can be set but will not update arrange view; even if you use UpdateArrange() !
It is an integer, project variable.
NOTE: When setting vzoom2, you must also set vzoom3 to the same value, or it can cause issues!
Also note: vzoom3 allows the zoomfactor in smaller steps, due it being double, unlike vzoom2.
Can be affected by the following actions:
View: Toggle track zoom to minimum height
View: Toggle track zoom to maximum height
>0(minimum zoom) to 40(maximum zoom); defaults are: 2(Small), 6(Medium), 16(Large)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ vzoom3
Current state of the vertical zoom
Can be set but will not update arrange view; even if you use UpdateArrange() !
It is an double, project variable.
NOTE: This must be set, when vzoom2 is set, or it can cause issues!
Also note: vzoom3 allows the zoomfactor in smaller steps, due it being double, unlike vzoom2.
Can be affected by the following actions:
View: Toggle track zoom to minimum height
View: Toggle track zoom to maximum height
>0(minimum zoom) to 40(maximum zoom); defaults are: 2(Small), 6(Medium), 16(Large)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ zoom
The current horizontal zoom-factor
It's a double-float, project variable.
>0.007(minimum zoom) to 1000000.0(maximum zoom)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ opennotes
Some settings, as set in the Project Settings -> Notes
It is an integer, project variable.
>&1=0, show notes on project load-checkbox - unchecked
>&1=1, show notes on project load-checkbox - checked
>&2=0, word wrap-checkbox - unchecked
>&2=1, word wrap-checkbox - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER only, when Save as default project settings is clicked.
^ autoxfade
Some settings regarding autocrossfade, as set in the Options-menu as well as in the Options -> New recording that overlaps existing media items and in Preferences -> Media Item Defaults
It is an integer-bitfield, project variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: Toggle auto-crossfade on/off
Options: Loop recording always adds takes to newly recorded items (except in track free item positioning mode)
Options: Toggle auto-crossfade on split
Options: Toggle trim content behind media items when editing
Item: Toggle enable/disable default fadein/fadeout
Options: New recording creates new media items in separate lanes (layers)
Options: New recording splits existing items and creates new takes (default)
Options: Always trim content behind razor edits (otherwise, follow media item editing preferences)
>&1=0, Auto-crossfade media items when editing(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Auto-crossfade media items when editing(on) - checked
>&2=0, Trim content behind media items when editing(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Trim content behind media items when editing(on) - checked
>&4 &8, The settings from Options -> New recording that overlaps existing media items)
>> 0 0, Splits existing items and created new takes (default)
>> 1 0, Trims existing items behind new recording (tape mode)
>> 0 1, Creates new media items in separate lanes (layers)
>&16=0, Always add takes to new recorded items when looping(only available, when &4=0 and &8=1)(off) - unchecked
>&16=1, Always add takes to new recorded items when looping(only available, when &4=0 and &8=1)(off) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked..
^ loopgran
Force selection to be multiples of-checkbox in the section Snap settings, as set in Snap/Grid Settings located in menu Options -> Snap/grid -> Snap/grid settings
It is an integer, project variable.
>0, don't force selection to be multiple of(off) - unchecked
>1, force selection to be multiple of(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ loopgranlen
Force selection to be multiples of-inputbox in the bottom part of the window, as set in Snap/Grid Settings located in menu Options -> Snap/grid -> Snap/grid settings
It is a double float, project variable
>0.03125, 1/128
>0.625, 1/64
>0.083333333333333, 1/32T
>0.125, 1/32
>0.16666666666667, 1/16T
>0.25, 1/16
>0.33333333333333, 1/8T
>0.5, 1/8
>0.66666666666667, 1/4T
>1.0, 1/4
>2.0, 1/2
>4.0, 1
>8.0, 2
>16.0, 4
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ pooledenvattach
Several automation-item-settings, as set in Options -> Automation items
It is an integer-bitfield, project/preferences variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: Automation items do not connect to the underlying envelope
Options: Automation items connect to the underlying envelope on the right side
Options: Automation items connect to the underlying envelope on both sides
Options: Bypass underlying envelopes outside of automation items
Options: Chase non-FX envelopes to automation items when underlying envelope is bypassed
>&1 and &2, other settings in Options -> Automation items; only useable, when &4=0
>> 0 0, Automation items do not attach to the underlyping envelope
>> 1 0, Automation items attach to the underlying envelope on the right side
>> 0 1, Automation items attach to the underlying envelope on both sides
>&4=0, Bypass underlying envelope outside of automation items(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Bypass underlying envelope outside of automation items(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projgriddiv
Show grid, line spacing-inputbox in the section Grid settings, as set in Snap/Grid Settings located in menu Options -> Snap/grid -> Snap/grid settings
It is a double float, project variable.
>0.03125, 1/128
>0.625, 1/64
>0.083333333333333, 1/32T
>0.125, 1/32
>0.16666666666667, 1/16T
>0.25, 1/16
>0.33333333333333, 1/8T
>0.5, 1/8
>0.66666666666667, 1/4T
>1.0, 1/4
>2.0, 1/2
>4.0, 1
>8.0, 2
>16.0, 4
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projgriddivsnap
Grid snap spacing-inputbox in the section Snap settings, as set in Snap/Grid Settings located in menu Options -> Snap/grid -> Snap/grid settings
It is a double float, project variable.
>0.03125, 1/128
>0.625, 1/64
>0.083333333333333, 1/32T
>0.125, 1/32
>0.16666666666667, 1/16T
>0.25, 1/16
>0.33333333333333, 1/8T
>0.5, 1/8
>0.66666666666667, 1/4T
>1.0, 1/4
>2.0, 1/2
>4.0, 1
>8.0, 2
>16.0, 4
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projgridframe
Stores, which of the Frames/Beats-dropdownlists are set to frame and which are not, as set in Snap/Grid Settings located in menu Options -> Snap/grid -> Snap/grid settings
It is an integer-bitfield, project variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Grid: Toggle measure grid
Grid: Set to 1/64
Grid: Set framerate grid
Grid: Set measure grid
Grid: Set to 1/128
Grid: Toggle framerate grid
Grid: Set to 1/3 (1/2 triplet)
Grid: Toggle swing grid
>&1=0, The frame/beatdiv-dropdownlist in section Grid settings is set to a beatdiv-value
>&1=1, The frame/beatdiv-dropdownlist in section Grid settings is set to Frame
>&2=0, The frame/beatdiv-dropdownlist in section Snap settings is set to a beatdiv-value
>&2=1, The frame/beatdiv-dropdownlist in section Snap settings is set to Frame
>&4=0, The frame/beatdiv-dropdownlist at the bottom of the window, it's settings is set to a beatdiv-value
>&4=1, The frame/beatdiv-dropdownlist at the bottom of the window, it's settings is set to Frame
>&8=0, Swing grid(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Swing grid(on) - checked
>&16=0, Adjust(off) - unchecked
>&16=1, Adjust(on) - checked
>&32=0, items when changing swing-dropdownlist(all)
>&32=1, items when changing swing-dropdownlist(selected)
>&64=0, grid-line-spacing set to Frame
>&64=1, grid-line-spacing set to Measure
>&128=0, grid-snap-spacing set to Frame
>&128=1, grid-snap-spacing set to Measure
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projgridmin
The minimum-inputfield in the section Grid settings, as set in Snap/Grid Settings located in menu Options -> Snap/grid -> Snap/grid settings
It is an integer, project variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in pixels; higher values become negative
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projgridsnapmin
Force selection to be multiples of-inputbox in the bottom part of the window, as set in Snap/Grid Settings located in menu Options -> Snap/grid -> Snap/grid settings
It is an integer, project variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in pixels; higher values become negative
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projgridswing
Swing grid-fader in the Grid settings-section, as set in Snap/Grid Settings located in menu Options -> Snap/grid -> Snap/grid settings
It is a double-float, project variable.
>-1.0(for display -100%) to 1.0(for displayed 100%); default is 0
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projgroupover
Item grouping enabled-settings, as set in the Options-menu
It is an integer, project variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: Toggle item grouping override
>0, item grouping enabled
>1, item grouping disabled
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projtakelane
The Take-lane-settings, as set in the Options-menu
It is an integer-bitfield, project variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: Show all takes in lanes (when room)
Options: Show overlapping media items in lanes (when room)
>&1=0, Show all takes in lane (when room)(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Show all takes in lane (when room)(on) - checked
>&2=0, Show overlapping media items in lanes(only when autoxfade hasn't set Create new media items in seperate lanes)(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Show overlapping media items in lanes(only when autoxfade hasn't set Create new media items in seperate lanes)(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ defpitchcfg
The Default Pitch Mode and Pitch shifter parameter-dropdownlists, as set in the Project Settings -> Project Settings
This is the same, as the pitchmode-settings for items(as set in a MediaItemStateChunk).
It is an integer, project variable.
>0 - Default settings
>1 - High Quality
>2 - Fast
>Simple windowed (fast):
>131072 - 50ms window, 25ms fade
>131073 - 50ms window, 16ms fade
>131074 - 50ms window, 10ms fade
>131075 - 50ms window, 7ms fade
>131076 - 75ms window, 37ms fade
>131077 - 75ms window, 25ms fade
>131078 - 75ms window, 15ms fade
>131079 - 75ms window, 10ms fade
>131080 - 100ms window, 50ms fade
>131081 - 100ms window, 33ms fade
>131082 - 100ms window, 20ms fade
>131083 - 100ms window, 14ms fade
>131084 - 150ms window, 75ms fade
>131085 - 150ms window, 50ms fade
>131086 - 150ms window, 30ms fade
>131087 - 150ms window, 21ms fade
>131088 - 225ms window, 112ms fade
>131089 - 225ms window, 75ms fade
>131090 - 225ms window, 45ms fade
>131091 - 225ms window, 32ms fade
>131092 - 300ms window, 150ms fade
>131093 - 300ms window, 100ms fade
>131094 - 300ms window, 60ms fade
>131095 - 300ms window, 42ms fade
>131096 - 40ms window, 20ms fade
>131097 - 40ms window, 13ms fade
>131098 - 40ms window, 8ms fade
>131099 - 40ms window, 5ms fade
>131100 - 30ms window, 15ms fade
>131101 - 30ms window, 10ms fade
>131102 - 30ms window, 6ms fade
>131103 - 30ms window, 4ms fade
>131104 - 20ms window, 10ms fade
>131105 - 20ms window, 6ms fade
>131106 - 20ms window, 4ms fade
>131107 - 20ms window, 2ms fade
>131108 - 10ms window, 5ms fade
>131109 - 10ms window, 3ms fade
>131110 - 10ms window, 2ms fade
>131111 - 10ms window, 1ms fade
>131112 - 5ms window, 2ms fade
>131113 - 5ms window, 1ms fade
>131114 - 5ms window, 1ms fade
>131115 - 5ms window, 1ms fade
>131116 - 3ms window, 1ms fade
>131117 - 3ms window, 1ms fade
>131118 - 3ms window, 1ms fade
>131119 - 3ms window, 1ms fade
>élastique 2.2.8 Pro:
>393216 - Normal
>393217 - Preserve Formants (Lowest Pitches)
>393218 - Preserve Formants (Lower Pitches)
>393219 - Preserve Formants (Low Pitches)
>393220 - Preserve Formants (Most Pitches)
>393221 - Preserve Formants (High Pitches)
>393222 - Preserve Formants (Higher Pitches)
>393223 - Preserve Formants (Highest Pitches)
>393224 - Mid/Side
>393225 - Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Lowest Pitches)
>393226 - Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Lower Pitches)
>393227 - Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Low Pitches)
>393228 - Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Most Pitches)
>393229 - Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (High Pitches)
>393230 - Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Higher Pitches)
>393231 - Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Highest Pitches)
>393232 - Synchronized: Normal
>393233 - Synchronized: Preserve Formants (Lowest Pitches)
>393234 - Synchronized: Preserve Formants (Lower Pitches)
>393235 - Synchronized: Preserve Formants (Low Pitches)
>393236 - Synchronized: Preserve Formants (Most Pitches)
>393237 - Synchronized: Preserve Formants (High Pitches)
>393238 - Synchronized: Preserve Formants (Higher Pitches)
>393239 - Synchronized: Preserve Formants (Highest Pitches)
>393240 - Synchronized: Mid/Side
>393241 - Synchronized: Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Lowest Pitches)
>393242 - Synchronized: Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Lower Pitches)
>393243 - Synchronized: Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Low Pitches)
>393244 - Synchronized: Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Most Pitches)
>393245 - Synchronized: Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (High Pitches)
>393246 - Synchronized: Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Higher Pitches)
>393247 - Synchronized: Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Highest Pitches)
>élastique 2.2.8 Efficient:
>458752 - Normal
>458753 - Mid/Side
>458754 - Synchronized: Normal
>458755 - Synchronized: Mid/Side
>élastique 2.2.8 Soloist:
>524288 - Monophonic
>524289 - Monophonic [Mid/Side]
>524290 - Speech
>524291 - Speech [Mid/Side]
>élastique 3.3.0 Pro:
>589824 - Normal
>589825 - Preserve Formants (Lowest Pitches)
>589826 - Preserve Formants (Lower Pitches)
>589827 - Preserve Formants (Low Pitches)
>589828 - Preserve Formants (Most Pitches)
>589829 - Preserve Formants (High Pitches)
>589830 - Preserve Formants (Higher Pitches)
>589831 - Preserve Formants (Highest Pitches)
>589832 - Mid/Side
>589833 - Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Lowest Pitches)
>589834 - Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Lower Pitches)
>589835 - Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Low Pitches)
>589836 - Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Most Pitches)
>589837 - Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (High Pitches)
>589838 - Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Higher Pitches)
>589839 - Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Highest Pitches)
>589840 - Synchronized: Normal
>589841 - Synchronized: Preserve Formants (Lowest Pitches)
>589842 - Synchronized: Preserve Formants (Lower Pitches)
>589843 - Synchronized: Preserve Formants (Low Pitches)
>589844 - Synchronized: Preserve Formants (Most Pitches)
>589845 - Synchronized: Preserve Formants (High Pitches)
>589846 - Synchronized: Preserve Formants (Higher Pitches)
>589847 - Synchronized: Preserve Formants (Highest Pitches)
>589848 - Synchronized: Mid/Side
>589849 - Synchronized: Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Lowest Pitches)
>589850 - Synchronized: Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Lower Pitches)
>589851 - Synchronized: Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Low Pitches)
>589852 - Synchronized: Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Most Pitches)
>589853 - Synchronized: Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (High Pitches)
>589854 - Synchronized: Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Higher Pitches)
>589855 - Synchronized: Mid/Side, Preserve Formants (Highest Pitches)
>élastique 3.3.0 Efficient:
>655360 - Normal
>655361 - Mid/Side
>655362 - Synchronized: Normal
>655363 - Synchronized: Mid/Side
>élastique 3.3.0 Soloist:
>720896 - Monophonic
>720897 - Monophonic [Mid/Side]
>720898 - Speech
>720899 - Speech [Mid/Side]
>Rubber Band Library - Default
>851968 - nothing
>Rubber Band Library - Preserve Formants
>851969 - Preserve Formants
>Rubber Band Library - Mid/Side
>851970 - Mid/Side
>Rubber Band Library - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>851971 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>Rubber Band Library - Independent Phase
>851972 - Independent Phase
>Rubber Band Library - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>851973 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>Rubber Band Library - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>851974 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>Rubber Band Library - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>851975 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>Rubber Band Library - Time Domain Smoothing
>851976 - Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>851977 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>851978 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>851979 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>851980 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>851981 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>851982 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>851983 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed
>851984 - nothing
>851985 - Preserve Formants
>851986 - Mid/Side
>851987 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>851988 - Independent Phase
>851989 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>851990 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>851991 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>851992 - Time Domain Smoothing
>851993 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>851994 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>851995 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>851996 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>851997 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>851998 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>851999 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth
>852000 - nothing
>852001 - Preserve Formants
>852002 - Mid/Side
>852003 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852004 - Independent Phase
>852005 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852006 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852007 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852008 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852009 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852010 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852011 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852012 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852013 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852014 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852015 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Detector: Percussive
>852016 - nothing
>852017 - Preserve Formants
>852018 - Mid/Side
>852019 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852020 - Independent Phase
>852021 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852022 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852023 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852024 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852025 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852026 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852027 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852028 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852029 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852030 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852031 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Detector: Percussive
>852032 - nothing
>852033 - Preserve Formants
>852034 - Mid/Side
>852035 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852036 - Independent Phase
>852037 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852038 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852039 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852040 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852041 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852042 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852043 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852044 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852045 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852046 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852047 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Detector: Percussive
>852048 - nothing
>852049 - Preserve Formants
>852050 - Mid/Side
>852051 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852052 - Independent Phase
>852053 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852054 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852055 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852056 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852057 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852058 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852059 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852060 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852061 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852062 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852063 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Detector: Soft
>852064 - nothing
>852065 - Preserve Formants
>852066 - Mid/Side
>852067 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852068 - Independent Phase
>852069 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852070 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852071 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852072 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852073 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852074 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852075 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852076 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852077 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852078 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852079 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Detector: Soft
>852080 - nothing
>852081 - Preserve Formants
>852082 - Mid/Side
>852083 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852084 - Independent Phase
>852085 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852086 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852087 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852088 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852089 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852090 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852091 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852092 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852093 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852094 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852095 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Detector: Soft
>852096 - nothing
>852097 - Preserve Formants
>852098 - Mid/Side
>852099 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852100 - Independent Phase
>852101 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852102 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852103 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852104 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852105 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852106 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852107 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852108 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852109 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852110 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852111 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Pitch Mode: HighQ
>852112 - nothing
>852113 - Preserve Formants
>852114 - Mid/Side
>852115 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852116 - Independent Phase
>852117 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852118 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852119 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852120 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852121 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852122 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852123 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852124 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852125 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852126 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852127 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Pitch Mode: HighQ
>852128 - nothing
>852129 - Preserve Formants
>852130 - Mid/Side
>852131 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852132 - Independent Phase
>852133 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852134 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852135 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852136 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852137 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852138 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852139 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852140 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852141 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852142 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852143 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Pitch Mode: HighQ
>852144 - nothing
>852145 - Preserve Formants
>852146 - Mid/Side
>852147 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852148 - Independent Phase
>852149 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852150 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852151 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852152 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852153 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852154 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852155 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852156 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852157 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852158 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852159 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Detector: Percussive, Pitch Mode: HighQ
>852160 - nothing
>852161 - Preserve Formants
>852162 - Mid/Side
>852163 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852164 - Independent Phase
>852165 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852166 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852167 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852168 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852169 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852170 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852171 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852172 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852173 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852174 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852175 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Detector: Percussive, Pitch Mode: HighQ
>852176 - nothing
>852177 - Preserve Formants
>852178 - Mid/Side
>852179 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852180 - Independent Phase
>852181 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852182 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852183 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852184 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852185 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852186 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852187 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852188 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852189 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852190 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852191 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Detector: Percussive, Pitch Mode: HighQ
>852192 - nothing
>852193 - Preserve Formants
>852194 - Mid/Side
>852195 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852196 - Independent Phase
>852197 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852198 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852199 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852200 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852201 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852202 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852203 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852204 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852205 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852206 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852207 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Detector: Soft, Pitch Mode: HighQ
>852208 - nothing
>852209 - Preserve Formants
>852210 - Mid/Side
>852211 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852212 - Independent Phase
>852213 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852214 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852215 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852216 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852217 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852218 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852219 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852220 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852221 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852222 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852223 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Detector: Soft, Pitch Mode: HighQ
>852224 - nothing
>852225 - Preserve Formants
>852226 - Mid/Side
>852227 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852228 - Independent Phase
>852229 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852230 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852231 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852232 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852233 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852234 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852235 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852236 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852237 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852238 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852239 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Detector: Soft, Pitch Mode: HighQ
>852240 - nothing
>852241 - Preserve Formants
>852242 - Mid/Side
>852243 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852244 - Independent Phase
>852245 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852246 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852247 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852248 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852249 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852250 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852251 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852252 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852253 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852254 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852255 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Pitch Mode: Consistent
>852256 - nothing
>852257 - Preserve Formants
>852258 - Mid/Side
>852259 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852260 - Independent Phase
>852261 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852262 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852263 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852264 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852265 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852266 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852267 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852268 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852269 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852270 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852271 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Pitch Mode: Consistent
>852272 - nothing
>852273 - Preserve Formants
>852274 - Mid/Side
>852275 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852276 - Independent Phase
>852277 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852278 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852279 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852280 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852281 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852282 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852283 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852284 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852285 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852286 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852287 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Pitch Mode: Consistent
>852288 - nothing
>852289 - Preserve Formants
>852290 - Mid/Side
>852291 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852292 - Independent Phase
>852293 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852294 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852295 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852296 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852297 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852298 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852299 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852300 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852301 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852302 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852303 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Detector: Percussive, Pitch Mode: Consistent
>852304 - nothing
>852305 - Preserve Formants
>852306 - Mid/Side
>852307 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852308 - Independent Phase
>852309 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852310 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852311 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852312 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852313 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852314 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852315 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852316 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852317 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852318 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852319 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Detector: Percussive, Pitch Mode: Consistent
>852320 - nothing
>852321 - Preserve Formants
>852322 - Mid/Side
>852323 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852324 - Independent Phase
>852325 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852326 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852327 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852328 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852329 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852330 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852331 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852332 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852333 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852334 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852335 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Detector: Percussive, Pitch Mode: Consistent
>852336 - nothing
>852337 - Preserve Formants
>852338 - Mid/Side
>852339 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852340 - Independent Phase
>852341 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852342 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852343 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852344 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852345 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852346 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852347 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852348 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852349 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852350 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852351 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Detector: Soft, Pitch Mode: Consistent
>852352 - nothing
>852353 - Preserve Formants
>852354 - Mid/Side
>852355 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852356 - Independent Phase
>852357 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852358 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852359 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852360 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852361 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852362 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852363 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852364 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852365 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852366 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852367 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Detector: Soft, Pitch Mode: Consistent
>852368 - nothing
>852369 - Preserve Formants
>852370 - Mid/Side
>852371 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852372 - Independent Phase
>852373 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852374 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852375 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852376 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852377 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852378 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852379 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852380 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852381 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852382 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852383 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Detector: Soft, Pitch Mode: Consistent
>852384 - nothing
>852385 - Preserve Formants
>852386 - Mid/Side
>852387 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852388 - Independent Phase
>852389 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852390 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852391 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852392 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852393 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852394 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852395 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852396 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852397 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852398 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852399 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Window: Short
>852400 - nothing
>852401 - Preserve Formants
>852402 - Mid/Side
>852403 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852404 - Independent Phase
>852405 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852406 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852407 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852408 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852409 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852410 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852411 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852412 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852413 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852414 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852415 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Window: Short
>852416 - nothing
>852417 - Preserve Formants
>852418 - Mid/Side
>852419 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852420 - Independent Phase
>852421 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852422 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852423 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852424 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852425 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852426 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852427 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852428 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852429 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852430 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852431 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Window: Short
>852432 - nothing
>852433 - Preserve Formants
>852434 - Mid/Side
>852435 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852436 - Independent Phase
>852437 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852438 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852439 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852440 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852441 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852442 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852443 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852444 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852445 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852446 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852447 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Detector: Percussive, Window: Short
>852448 - nothing
>852449 - Preserve Formants
>852450 - Mid/Side
>852451 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852452 - Independent Phase
>852453 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852454 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852455 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852456 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852457 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852458 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852459 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852460 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852461 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852462 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852463 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Detector: Percussive, Window: Short
>852464 - nothing
>852465 - Preserve Formants
>852466 - Mid/Side
>852467 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852468 - Independent Phase
>852469 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852470 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852471 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852472 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852473 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852474 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852475 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852476 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852477 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852478 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852479 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Detector: Percussive, Window: Short
>852480 - nothing
>852481 - Preserve Formants
>852482 - Mid/Side
>852483 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852484 - Independent Phase
>852485 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852486 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852487 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852488 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852489 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852490 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852491 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852492 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852493 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852494 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852495 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Detector: Soft, Window: Short
>852496 - nothing
>852497 - Preserve Formants
>852498 - Mid/Side
>852499 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852500 - Independent Phase
>852501 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852502 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852503 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852504 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852505 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852506 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852507 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852508 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852509 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852510 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852511 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Detector: Soft, Window: Short
>852512 - nothing
>852513 - Preserve Formants
>852514 - Mid/Side
>852515 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852516 - Independent Phase
>852517 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852518 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852519 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852520 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852521 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852522 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852523 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852524 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852525 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852526 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852527 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Detector: Soft, Window: Short
>852528 - nothing
>852529 - Preserve Formants
>852530 - Mid/Side
>852531 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852532 - Independent Phase
>852533 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852534 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852535 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852536 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852537 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852538 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852539 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852540 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852541 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852542 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852543 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Pitch Mode: HighQ, Window: Short
>852544 - nothing
>852545 - Preserve Formants
>852546 - Mid/Side
>852547 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852548 - Independent Phase
>852549 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852550 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852551 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852552 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852553 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852554 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852555 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852556 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852557 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852558 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852559 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Pitch Mode: HighQ, Window: Short
>852560 - nothing
>852561 - Preserve Formants
>852562 - Mid/Side
>852563 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852564 - Independent Phase
>852565 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852566 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852567 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852568 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852569 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852570 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852571 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852572 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852573 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852574 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852575 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Pitch Mode: HighQ, Window: Short
>852576 - nothing
>852577 - Preserve Formants
>852578 - Mid/Side
>852579 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852580 - Independent Phase
>852581 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852582 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852583 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852584 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852585 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852586 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852587 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852588 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852589 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852590 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852591 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Detector: Percussive, Pitch Mode: HighQ, Window: Short
>852592 - nothing
>852593 - Preserve Formants
>852594 - Mid/Side
>852595 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852596 - Independent Phase
>852597 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852598 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852599 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852600 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852601 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852602 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852603 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852604 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852605 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852606 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852607 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Detector: Percussive, Pitch Mode: HighQ, Window: Short
>852608 - nothing
>852609 - Preserve Formants
>852610 - Mid/Side
>852611 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852612 - Independent Phase
>852613 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852614 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852615 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852616 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852617 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852618 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852619 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852620 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852621 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852622 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852623 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Detector: Percussive, Pitch Mode: HighQ, Window: Short
>852624 - nothing
>852625 - Preserve Formants
>852626 - Mid/Side
>852627 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852628 - Independent Phase
>852629 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852630 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852631 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852632 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852633 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852634 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852635 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852636 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852637 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852638 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852639 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Detector: Soft, Pitch Mode: HighQ, Window: Short
>852640 - nothing
>852641 - Preserve Formants
>852642 - Mid/Side
>852643 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852644 - Independent Phase
>852645 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852646 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852647 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852648 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852649 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852650 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852651 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852652 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852653 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852654 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852655 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Detector: Soft, Pitch Mode: HighQ, Window: Short
>852656 - nothing
>852657 - Preserve Formants
>852658 - Mid/Side
>852659 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852660 - Independent Phase
>852661 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852662 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852663 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852664 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852665 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852666 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852667 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852668 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852669 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852670 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852671 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Detector: Soft, Pitch Mode: HighQ, Window: Short
>852672 - nothing
>852673 - Preserve Formants
>852674 - Mid/Side
>852675 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852676 - Independent Phase
>852677 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852678 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852679 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852680 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852681 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852682 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852683 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852684 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852685 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852686 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852687 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Pitch Mode: Consistent, Window: Short
>852688 - nothing
>852689 - Preserve Formants
>852690 - Mid/Side
>852691 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852692 - Independent Phase
>852693 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852694 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852695 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852696 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852697 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852698 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852699 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852700 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852701 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852702 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852703 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Pitch Mode: Consistent, Window: Short
>852704 - nothing
>852705 - Preserve Formants
>852706 - Mid/Side
>852707 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852708 - Independent Phase
>852709 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852710 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852711 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852712 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852713 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852714 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852715 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852716 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852717 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852718 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852719 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Pitch Mode: Consistent, Window: Short
>852720 - nothing
>852721 - Preserve Formants
>852722 - Mid/Side
>852723 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852724 - Independent Phase
>852725 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852726 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852727 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852728 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852729 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852730 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852731 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852732 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852733 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852734 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852735 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Detector: Percussive, Pitch Mode: Consistent, Window: Short
>852736 - nothing
>852737 - Preserve Formants
>852738 - Mid/Side
>852739 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852740 - Independent Phase
>852741 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852742 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852743 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852744 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852745 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852746 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852747 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852748 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852749 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852750 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852751 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Detector: Percussive, Pitch Mode: Consistent, Window: Short
>852752 - nothing
>852753 - Preserve Formants
>852754 - Mid/Side
>852755 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852756 - Independent Phase
>852757 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852758 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852759 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852760 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852761 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852762 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852763 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852764 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852765 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852766 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852767 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Detector: Percussive, Pitch Mode: Consistent, Window: Short
>852768 - nothing
>852769 - Preserve Formants
>852770 - Mid/Side
>852771 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852772 - Independent Phase
>852773 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852774 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852775 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852776 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852777 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852778 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852779 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852780 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852781 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852782 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852783 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Detector: Soft, Pitch Mode: Consistent, Window: Short
>852784 - nothing
>852785 - Preserve Formants
>852786 - Mid/Side
>852787 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852788 - Independent Phase
>852789 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852790 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852791 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852792 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852793 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852794 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852795 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852796 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852797 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852798 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852799 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Detector: Soft, Pitch Mode: Consistent, Window: Short
>852800 - nothing
>852801 - Preserve Formants
>852802 - Mid/Side
>852803 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852804 - Independent Phase
>852805 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852806 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852807 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852808 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852809 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852810 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852811 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852812 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852813 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852814 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852815 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Detector: Soft, Pitch Mode: Consistent, Window: Short
>852816 - nothing
>852817 - Preserve Formants
>852818 - Mid/Side
>852819 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852820 - Independent Phase
>852821 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852822 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852823 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852824 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852825 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852826 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852827 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852828 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852829 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852830 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852831 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Window: Long
>852832 - nothing
>852833 - Preserve Formants
>852834 - Mid/Side
>852835 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852836 - Independent Phase
>852837 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852838 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852839 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852840 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852841 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852842 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852843 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852844 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852845 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852846 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852847 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Window: Long
>852848 - nothing
>852849 - Preserve Formants
>852850 - Mid/Side
>852851 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852852 - Independent Phase
>852853 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852854 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852855 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852856 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852857 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852858 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852859 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852860 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852861 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852862 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852863 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Window: Long
>852864 - nothing
>852865 - Preserve Formants
>852866 - Mid/Side
>852867 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852868 - Independent Phase
>852869 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852870 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852871 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852872 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852873 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852874 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852875 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852876 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852877 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852878 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852879 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Detector: Percussive, Window: Long
>852880 - nothing
>852881 - Preserve Formants
>852882 - Mid/Side
>852883 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852884 - Independent Phase
>852885 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852886 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852887 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852888 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852889 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852890 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852891 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852892 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852893 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852894 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852895 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Detector: Percussive, Window: Long
>852896 - nothing
>852897 - Preserve Formants
>852898 - Mid/Side
>852899 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852900 - Independent Phase
>852901 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852902 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852903 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852904 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852905 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852906 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852907 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852908 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852909 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852910 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852911 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Detector: Percussive, Window: Long
>852912 - nothing
>852913 - Preserve Formants
>852914 - Mid/Side
>852915 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852916 - Independent Phase
>852917 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852918 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852919 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852920 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852921 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852922 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852923 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852924 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852925 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852926 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852927 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Detector: Soft, Window: Long
>852928 - nothing
>852929 - Preserve Formants
>852930 - Mid/Side
>852931 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852932 - Independent Phase
>852933 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852934 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852935 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852936 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852937 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852938 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852939 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852940 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852941 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852942 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852943 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Detector: Soft, Window: Long
>852944 - nothing
>852945 - Preserve Formants
>852946 - Mid/Side
>852947 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852948 - Independent Phase
>852949 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852950 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852951 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852952 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852953 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852954 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852955 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852956 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852957 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852958 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852959 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Detector: Soft, Window: Long
>852960 - nothing
>852961 - Preserve Formants
>852962 - Mid/Side
>852963 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852964 - Independent Phase
>852965 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852966 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852967 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852968 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852969 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852970 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852971 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852972 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852973 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852974 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852975 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Pitch Mode: HighQ, Window: Long
>852976 - nothing
>852977 - Preserve Formants
>852978 - Mid/Side
>852979 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852980 - Independent Phase
>852981 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852982 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852983 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852984 - Time Domain Smoothing
>852985 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>852986 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852987 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>852988 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852989 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852990 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>852991 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Pitch Mode: HighQ, Window: Long
>852992 - nothing
>852993 - Preserve Formants
>852994 - Mid/Side
>852995 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>852996 - Independent Phase
>852997 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>852998 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>852999 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853000 - Time Domain Smoothing
>853001 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>853002 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853003 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853004 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853005 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853006 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853007 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Pitch Mode: HighQ, Window: Long
>853008 - nothing
>853009 - Preserve Formants
>853010 - Mid/Side
>853011 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>853012 - Independent Phase
>853013 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>853014 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853015 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853016 - Time Domain Smoothing
>853017 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>853018 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853019 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853020 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853021 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853022 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853023 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Detector: Percussive, Pitch Mode: HighQ, Window: Long
>853024 - nothing
>853025 - Preserve Formants
>853026 - Mid/Side
>853027 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>853028 - Independent Phase
>853029 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>853030 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853031 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853032 - Time Domain Smoothing
>853033 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>853034 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853035 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853036 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853037 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853038 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853039 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Detector: Percussive, Pitch Mode: HighQ, Window: Long
>853040 - nothing
>853041 - Preserve Formants
>853042 - Mid/Side
>853043 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>853044 - Independent Phase
>853045 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>853046 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853047 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853048 - Time Domain Smoothing
>853049 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>853050 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853051 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853052 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853053 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853054 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853055 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Detector: Percussive, Pitch Mode: HighQ, Window: Long
>853056 - nothing
>853057 - Preserve Formants
>853058 - Mid/Side
>853059 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>853060 - Independent Phase
>853061 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>853062 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853063 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853064 - Time Domain Smoothing
>853065 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>853066 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853067 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853068 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853069 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853070 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853071 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Detector: Soft, Pitch Mode: HighQ, Window: Long
>853072 - nothing
>853073 - Preserve Formants
>853074 - Mid/Side
>853075 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>853076 - Independent Phase
>853077 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>853078 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853079 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853080 - Time Domain Smoothing
>853081 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>853082 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853083 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853084 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853085 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853086 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853087 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Detector: Soft, Pitch Mode: HighQ, Window: Long
>853088 - nothing
>853089 - Preserve Formants
>853090 - Mid/Side
>853091 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>853092 - Independent Phase
>853093 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>853094 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853095 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853096 - Time Domain Smoothing
>853097 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>853098 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853099 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853100 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853101 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853102 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853103 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Detector: Soft, Pitch Mode: HighQ, Window: Long
>853104 - nothing
>853105 - Preserve Formants
>853106 - Mid/Side
>853107 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>853108 - Independent Phase
>853109 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>853110 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853111 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853112 - Time Domain Smoothing
>853113 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>853114 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853115 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853116 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853117 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853118 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853119 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Pitch Mode: Consistent, Window: Long
>853120 - nothing
>853121 - Preserve Formants
>853122 - Mid/Side
>853123 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>853124 - Independent Phase
>853125 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>853126 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853127 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853128 - Time Domain Smoothing
>853129 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>853130 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853131 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853132 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853133 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853134 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853135 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Pitch Mode: Consistent, Window: Long
>853136 - nothing
>853137 - Preserve Formants
>853138 - Mid/Side
>853139 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>853140 - Independent Phase
>853141 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>853142 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853143 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853144 - Time Domain Smoothing
>853145 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>853146 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853147 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853148 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853149 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853150 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853151 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Pitch Mode: Consistent, Window: Long
>853152 - nothing
>853153 - Preserve Formants
>853154 - Mid/Side
>853155 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>853156 - Independent Phase
>853157 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>853158 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853159 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853160 - Time Domain Smoothing
>853161 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>853162 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853163 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853164 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853165 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853166 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853167 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Detector: Percussive, Pitch Mode: Consistent, Window: Long
>853168 - nothing
>853169 - Preserve Formants
>853170 - Mid/Side
>853171 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>853172 - Independent Phase
>853173 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>853174 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853175 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853176 - Time Domain Smoothing
>853177 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>853178 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853179 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853180 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853181 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853182 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853183 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Detector: Percussive, Pitch Mode: Consistent, Window: Long
>853184 - nothing
>853185 - Preserve Formants
>853186 - Mid/Side
>853187 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>853188 - Independent Phase
>853189 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>853190 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853191 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853192 - Time Domain Smoothing
>853193 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>853194 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853195 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853196 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853197 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853198 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853199 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Detector: Percussive, Pitch Mode: Consistent, Window: Long
>853200 - nothing
>853201 - Preserve Formants
>853202 - Mid/Side
>853203 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>853204 - Independent Phase
>853205 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>853206 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853207 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853208 - Time Domain Smoothing
>853209 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>853210 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853211 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853212 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853213 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853214 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853215 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Detector: Soft, Pitch Mode: Consistent, Window: Long
>853216 - nothing
>853217 - Preserve Formants
>853218 - Mid/Side
>853219 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>853220 - Independent Phase
>853221 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>853222 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853223 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853224 - Time Domain Smoothing
>853225 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>853226 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853227 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853228 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853229 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853230 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853231 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Mixed, Detector: Soft, Pitch Mode: Consistent, Window: Long
>853232 - nothing
>853233 - Preserve Formants
>853234 - Mid/Side
>853235 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>853236 - Independent Phase
>853237 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>853238 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853239 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853240 - Time Domain Smoothing
>853241 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>853242 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853243 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853244 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853245 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853246 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853247 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>Rubber Band Library - Transients: Smooth, Detector: Soft, Pitch Mode: Consistent, Window: Long
>853248 - nothing
>853249 - Preserve Formants
>853250 - Mid/Side
>853251 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side
>853252 - Independent Phase
>853253 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase
>853254 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853255 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase
>853256 - Time Domain Smoothing
>853257 - Preserve Formants, Time Domain Smoothing
>853258 - Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853259 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Time Domain Smoothing
>853260 - Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853261 - Preserve Formants, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853262 - Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>853263 - Preserve Formants, Mid/Side, Independent Phase, Time Domain Smoothing
>917504 - default FFT 32768 analysis: 1/2 synthesis: 4x
>add the following values to influence it:
>0 - FFT: 32768; analysis: 1/2; synthesis: 4x; synthesis-window: blackman-harris
>1 - synthesis: 5x
>2 - synthesis: 6x
>3 - synthesis: 7x
>4 - synthesis: 8x
>5 - synthesis: 9x
>6 - synthesis: 10x
>7 - synthesis: 3x [a bit pulsing]
>8 - analysis 1/4
>16 - analysis 1/6
>24 - analysis 1/8
>32 - FFT: 16384
>64 - FFT: 8192
>96 - FFT: 4096
>512 - synthesis-window: hamming
>1024 - synthesis-window: blackman
>1536 - triangular
>983040 - default Fade: 48ms, Randomize: 0%, Shape sin()
>add the following values to influence it:
>0 - Randomize: 0%
>1 - Randomize: 6%
>2 - Randomize: 12%
>3 - Randomize: 18%
>4 - Randomize: 25%
>5 - Randomize: 31%
>6 - Randomize: 37%
>7 - Randomize: 43%
>8 - Randomize: 50%
>9 - Randomize: 56%
>10 - Randomize: 62%
>11 - Randomize: 68%
>12 - Randomize: 75%
>13 - Randomize: 81%
>14 - Randomize: 87%
>15 - Randomize: 93%
>0 - Fade: 0ms
>16 - Fade: 60ms
>32 - Fade: 72ms
>48 - Fade: 84ms
>64 - Fade: 96ms
>80 - Fade: 108ms
>96 - Fade: 120ms
>112 - Fade: 132ms
>128 - Fade: 144ms
>144 - Fade: 156ms
>160 - Fade: 168ms
>176 - Fade: 180ms
>192 - Fade: 192ms
>208 - Fade: 204ms
>224 - Fade: 216ms
>240 - Fade: 228ms
>256 - Fade: 240ms
>272 - Fade: 252ms
>288 - Fade: 264ms
>304 - Fade: 276ms
>320 - Fade: 288ms
>336 - Fade: 300ms
>352 - Fade: 312ms
>368 - Fade: 324ms
>384 - Fade: 336ms
>400 - Fade: 348ms
>416 - Fade: 360ms
>432 - Fade: 372ms
>448 - Fade: 384ms
>464 - Fade: 396ms
>480 - Fade: 408ms
>496 - Fade: 420ms
>512 - Fade: 432ms
>528 - Fade: 448ms
>544 - Fade: 472ms
>560 - Fade: 496ms
>576 - Fade: 520ms
>592 - Fade: 544ms
>608 - Fade: 568ms
>624 - Fade: 592ms
>640 - Fade: 616ms
>656 - Fade: 640ms
>672 - Fade: 664ms
>688 - Fade: 688ms
>704 - Fade: 712ms
>720 - Fade: 736ms
>736 - Fade: 760ms
>752 - Fade: 784ms
>768 - Fade: 808ms
>784 - Fade: 832ms
>800 - Fade: 856ms
>816 - Fade: 880ms
>832 - Fade: 904ms
>848 - Fade: 928ms
>864 - Fade: 952ms
>880 - Fade: 976ms
>896 - Fade: 1000ms
>912 - Fade: 2ms
>928 - Fade: 4ms
>944 - Fade: 6ms
>960 - Fade: 8ms
>976 - Fade: 12ms
>992 - Fade: 24ms
>1008 - Fade: 36ms
>0 - Shape: sin()
>1024 - Shape: linear
>2048 - Shape: rectangular
>8192 - Fade: 1/128 note
>8208 - Fade: 1/64 note
>8320 - Fade: 1/128 note triplet
>8448 - Fade: 1/128 note dotted
>8336 - Fade: 1/64 note triplet
>8192 - Fade: 1/64 note dotted
>8224 - Fade: 1/32 note
>8352 - Fade: 1/32 note triplet
>8480 - Fade: 1/32 note dotted
>8240 - Fade: 1/16 note
>8368 - Fade: 1/16 note triplet
>8496 - Fade: 1/16 note dotted
>8256 - Fade: 1/8 note
>8384 - Fade: 1/8 note triplet
>8512 - Fade: 1/8 note dotted
>8272 - Fade: 1/4 note
>8400 - Fade: 1/4 note triplet
>8528 - Fade: 1/4 note dotted
>8288 - Fade: 1/2 note
>8416 - Fade: 1/2 note triplet
>8544 - Fade: 1/2 note dotted
>8304 - Fade: whole note
>8432 - Fade: whole note triplet
>8560 - Fade: whole note dotted
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ defstretchmode
Stretch marker mode-dropdownlist as set in Project Settings -> Project Settings
It is an integer, project variable.
>0, Balanced
>1, Tonal-optimized
>2, Transient-optimized
>3, No pre-echo reduction
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ itemtimelock
The Timebase for items/envelopes/markers-dropdownlist, as set in Project Settings -> Project Settings
It is an integer, project variable.
>0, Time
>1, Beats (position, length, rate)
>2, Beats (position only)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ playresamplemode
The Project Playback Resample Mode-dropdownlist, as set in the Project Settings -> Project Settings
It is an integer, project variable.
>0, Medium (64pt Sinc)
>1, Low (Linear Interpolation)
>2, Lowest (Point Sampling)
>3, Good (192pt Sinc)
>4, Better (348 pt Sinc)
>5, Fast (IIR + Linear Interpolation)
>6, Fast (IIRx2 + Linear Interpolation)
>7, Fast (16pt Sinc)
>8, HQ (512 pt)
>9, Extreme HQ(768pt HQ Sinc)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projalignbeatsrate
The "Force project tempo/time signature changes to occur on whole samples"-checkbox, as set in the Project Settings -> Project Settings
as well as some other unknown settings.
It is an integer-bitfield, project variable.
>&1=0, checkbox is unchecked
>&1=1, checkbox is checked
>&256=0, unknown (often set by changing to another app and then returning to Reaper)
>&256=1, unknown (often set by changing to another app and then returning to Reaper)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projbpm
The Project BPM, as set in the Project Settings -> Project Settings
It's a double-float, project variable.
>minimum BPM is 1
Stored in reaper.ini(with higher precision) under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projintmix
The Track mixing bit depth-dropdownlist, as stored in the Project Settings -> Advanced
It is an integer value, project variable.
>0, 64 bit float (default)
>1, 32 bit float
>2, 39 bit integer
>3, 24 bit integer
>4, 16 bit integer
>5, 12 bit integer
>6, 8 bit integer
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projmasternch
The number of channels for the Master-track, as set in the Track channels-dropdownlist in the Routing-outputs-dialog for the Master-channel.
It is in steps of two, means 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc
It is an integer, project variable.
>2 to 64; in steps of two(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projmeaslen
The time signature-measure length, as set in Project Settings -> Project Settings.
This is the first of the two inputboxes!
It is an integer, project variable.
>1 to 2147483647
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projmeasoffs
The Project Start Measure, as set in Project Settings -> Project Settings.
This value is zero-based, means: if you want to set 1 as start measure, use 0, if you want to set 2 as start measure, use 1(always measure minus 1).
Negative values are allowed.
It is an integer, project variable.
>-2147483647(for -2147483648) to 2147483646(for 2147483647)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projmeasoffsruler
Base ruler markings off this measure-checkbox, as set in Project Settings -> Project Settings
It is an integer, project variable.
>0, checkbox unchecked
>1, checkbox checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projsrate
The project's sample-rate in Hertz, as set in the Project Settings -> Project Settings
It is an integer, project variable.
>-2147483648 to 2147483647 Hz are allowed
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projsrateuse
Use Project sample rate-checkbox, as set in the Project Settings -> Project Settings
It is an integer, project variable.
>0, unchecked; don't use project sample rate
>1, checked; use project sample rate
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projtimeoffs
The Project-Starttime in seconds, as set in the Project Settings -> Project Settings
It is a double-float, project variable.
Stored (with higher precision!) in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER,
when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
Stored in reaper.ini(with higher precision) under the same name in the section REAPER, only when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projtsdenom
The time signature-denominator of the project, as set in the Project Settings -> Project Settings
The second of the two inputboxes!
It is an integer, project variable.
>1 to 128
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, only when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ tempoenvtimelock
Set the timebase for tempo/time signature envelopes, as set in the Project Settings -> Project Settings
It is an integer, project variable.
>0, Time
>1, Beats
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projrelpath
Save project file references with relative pathnames-checkbox from the Project saving-section, as set in Preferences -> Project.
It is an integer, project variable.
>0, Save project file references with relative pathnames(off) - unchecked
>1, Save project file references with relative pathnames(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ projrenderaddtoproj
The "add rendered items to new tracks in project"-checkbox and "Do not render files that are likely silent"-checkbox, as set in the Render to File-dialog.
It's an integer-bitfield, project variable.
>&1=0, add rendered items to new tracks in project - unchecked
>&1=1, add rendered items to new tracks in project - checked
>&2=0, do not render files that are likely silent - unchecked
>&2=1, do not render files that are likely silent - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projrenderbrickwall
The "Brickwall"-db-value-inputbox as set in the Render to File-dialog.
It is a double-float, project variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projrenderdither
The dithering for the Master mix, as set in the checkboxes next to Master mix in the options-section of the Render to File-dialog
It's an integer-bitfield, project variable.
>&1=0, Dither isn't checked
>&1=1, Dither is checked
>&2=0, Noise shaping isn't checked
>&2=1, Noise shaping is checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projrenderfadein
The fade-in-time in seconds, as set in the Render to File-Dialog -> Normalize/Limit/Fade-Button
Decimals are allowed for milliseconds.
It's an double-float, project variable.
>0 to 9999999999999999500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
>(limitation by the dialog, can be set higher)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projrenderfadeinshape
The fade-in-shape as set in the Render to File-Dialog -> Normalize/Limit/Fade-Button
It's an integer, project variable.
>0 to 6 for the various shapes available
>0, linear fade-in
>1, inverted quadratic fade-in
>2, quadratic fade-in
>3, inverted quartic fade-in
>4, quartic fade-in
>5, Cosine S-curve fade-in
>6, Quartic S-curve fade-in
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projrenderfadeout
The fade-out-time in seconds, as set in the Render to File-Dialog -> Normalize/Limit/Fade-Button
Decimals are allowed for milliseconds.
It's an double-float, project variable.
>0 to 9999999999999999500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000(limitation by the dialog, can be set higher)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projrenderfadeoutshape
The fade-out-shape as set in the Render to File-Dialog -> Normalize/Limit/Fade-Button
It's an integer, project variable.
>0 to 6 for the various shapes available
>0, linear fade-out
>1, inverted quadratic fade-out
>2, quadratic fade-out
>3, inverted quartic fade-out
>4, quartic fade-out
>5, Cosine S-curve fade-out
>6, Quartic S-curve fade-out
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projrenderlimit
The rendering-speed-dropdownlist in the options-section of the Render to File-dialog
It's an integer, project variable.
>0, Full-speed Offline
>1, 1x Offline
>2, Online Render
>3, Online Render(Idle)
>4, Offline Render(Idle)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projrendernch
The Rendering-SampleRate, as set in the Options-section of the Render to File-dialog
Although the name seems to indicate number of channels, it is actually samplerate.
It's an integer, project variable.
>0, project default setting
>everything else, the render-samplerate in Hz
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projrendernorm
The Rendering-Normalize checkbox and normalize-mode, as set in the Normalize-button of the Render to File-dialog
Can only be set, when the Render to File-dialog isn't open.
It is an integer-bitfield, project variable.
>&1=0, Nomalize to-checkbox - unchecked
>&1=1, Nomalize to-checkbox - checked
>&2 &4 &8, the normalize to-dropdownlist
>> 0 0 0, LUFS-I
>> 1 0 0, RMS-I
>> 0 1 0, Peak
>> 1 1 0, True Peak
>> 0 0 1, LUFS-M max
>> 1 0 1, LUFS-S max
>&32=0, Nomalize stems to master target-checkbox(only available with source -> Master mix + stems) - unchecked
>&32=1, Nomalize stems to master target-checkbox(only available with source -> Master mix + stems) - checked
>&64=0, Brickwall Limit-checkbox - unchecked
>&64=1, Brickwall Limit-checkbox - checked
>&128=0, Brickwall-Limit-dropdownlist - Peak
>&128=1, Brickwall-Limit-dropdownlist - True Peak
>&256=0, Only normalize that are too loud - unchecked
>&256=1, Only normalize that are too loud - checked
>512=0, Fade In-checkbox - unchecked
>512=1, Fade In-checkbox - checked
>1024=0, Fade Out-checkbox - unchecked
>1024=1, Fade Out-checkbox - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projrendernormtgt
The Rendering-Normalize target, as set in the Normalize-button of the Render to File-dialog
The value must be converted from MK 2 Volume-value. Refer to Ultraschall-API's convert-function MKVOL2DB and DB2MKVOL to convert it to/from DB.
Can only be set, when the Render to File-dialog isn't open.
It is a double-float, project variable.
>3.1622776601684e-008(-150dB) to 1.7968010801735e+308(+6165.09dB); 1.0(0dB), 3.981071705535(+12dB)
>higher values go to infinite, lower values seem to revert to -44
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projrenderqdelay
The render-queue-delay-inputbox, which holds the length of the render-queue-delay in seconds, as set in the Render to File-dialog.
This is for new projects, queue-delay variable.
It is an integer, project variable.
>0-2147483648 in seconds
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projrenderrateinternal
Use project sample rate for mixing and FX/synth processing-checkbox, as set in the Render to File-dialog
It is an integer, project variable.
>0, dont use sample rate - unchecked
>1, use sample rate - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projrenderresample
The Render Resample Mode-dropdownlist, as set in the Project Settings -> Project Settings.
It's an integer, project variable.
>0, Medium (64pt Sinc)
>1, Low (Linear Interpolation)
>2, Lowest (Point Sampling)
>3, Good (192pt Sinc)
>4, Better (348 pt Sinc)
>5, Fast (IIR + Linear Interpolation)
>6, Fast (IIRx2 + Linear Interpolation)
>7, Fast (16pt Sinc)
>8, HQ (512 pt)
>9, Extreme HQ(768pt HQ Sinc)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projrendersrate
The number of Channels to be rendered, as set in the Channels-dropdownlist in the Options-section of the Render to File-Dialog.
Although the name indicates sample-rate, this stores the number of channels instead!
It's an integer, project variable.
>1, Mono
>2, Stereo
>4, 4 Channels
>6, 6 Channels
>8, 8 Channels
>64, 64 Channels
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projrenderstems
The Source-dropdownlist, as well as the "Embed stretch markers/transient guides"-checkbox, as set in the Render to File-dialog.
It is an integer, project variable.
>0, Master mix
>1, Master mix + stems
>3, Stems (selected tracks)
>8, Region render matrix
>&16, Tracks with only Mono-Media to Mono Files;
>32, Selected media items
>128, selected tracks via master
>&256, "Embed stretch markers/transient guides"-checkbox; 0, unchecked; 1, checked
>&512, "Embed Metadata"-checkbox; 0, unchecked; 1, checked
>&1024, "Take Markers"-checkbox; 0, unchecked; 1, checked
>4096, Razor edit areas
>4224, Razor edit areas via master
>&8192, Render stems pre-fader; 0, unchecked; 1, checked
>&16384, Only render channels that are sent to parent
>&32768, (Preserve) Metadata-checkbox
>&65536, (Preserve) Start offset-checkbox(only with Selected media items as source)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ rendercfg
The render-format set in the render-dialog
Only includes the format, not the individual format-settings(like bitrate, etc)
It is an integer, project variable.
>1179012432, Video (ffmpeg/libav encoder)
>1195984416, Video (GIF)
>1279477280, Video (LCF)
>1332176723, OGG Opus
>1634297446, AIFF
>1684303904, DDP
>1718378851, FLAC
>1769172768, Audio CD Image(CUE/BIN format)
>1836069740, MP3 (encoder by LAME project)
>1869047670, OGG Vorbis
>2002876005, WAV
>2004250731, WavPack lossless compressor
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked, but with more settings.
^ renderclosewhendone
Some render-settings, as set in either the Render to File-dialog or in the Rendering to File-status window and the Project Render Metadata-dialog
It is an integer-bitfield, project variable.
>&1=0, Automatically close, when finished - checkbox in the Rendering to File-status-window - unchecked
>&1=1, Automatically close, when finished - checkbox in the Rendering to File-status-window - checked
>&16=0, Silently increment filenames to avoid overwriting - unchecked
>&16=1, Silently increment filenames to avoid overwriting - checked
>&32=0, Always embed title/date/time - unchecked
>&32=1, Always embed title/date/time - checked
>&64=0, Always embed start offset (media position in project) - unchecked
>&64=1, Always embed start offset (media position in project) - checked
>&128=0, Mark overs in render peaks display - checked
>&128=1, Mark overs in render peaks display - unchecked
>&256=0, True Peak -> Calculate statistics when rendering-button - unchecked
>&256=1, True Peak -> Calculate statistics when rendering-button - checked
>&512=0, LUFS-I, LUFS-M(integrated loudness, momentary loudness) -> Calculate statistics when rendering-button - checked
>&512=1, LUFS-I, LUFS-M(integrated loudness, momentary loudness) -> Calculate statistics when rendering-button - unchecked
>&1024=0, LRA, LUFS-S (loudness range, short-term loudness) -> Calculate statistics when rendering-button - checked
>&1024=1, LRA, LUFS-S (loudness range, short-term loudness) -> Calculate statistics when rendering-button - unchecked
>&2048=0, Calculate and embed peak/loudness value-checkbox - unchecked
>&2048=1, Calculate and embed peak/loudness value-checkbox - checked
>&16384=0, Return to render setup-checkbox as set in the rendering window -> unchecked
>&16384=1, Return to render setup-checkbox as set in the rendering window -> checked
>&32768=0, Save outfile.render_stats.html - unchecked
>&32768=1, Save outfile.render_stats.html - checked
>seems not to be available anymore as of Reaper 5.977:
>&65537=0, Save copy of project to outfile.wav.RPP - unchecked
>&65537=1, Save copy of project to outfile.wav.RPP - checked
^ rendertaillen
The render-tail-length(in milliseconds)-inputbox, as set in the Render to File-dialog.
It is an integer, project variable.
>0 to 2147483647; in milliseconds
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ rendertails
The Tail-checkbox, as set in the Render to File-dialog. Every Bounds-mode can have its own render-tail-checkbox set!
It is an integer-bitfield, project variable.
>&1=0, Custom time range Tail-checkbox - unchecked
>&1=1, Custom time range Tail-checkbox - checked
>&2=0, Entire project Tail-checkbox - unchecked
>&2=1, Entire project Tail-checkbox - checked
>&4=0, Time selection Tail-checkbox - unchecked
>&4=1, Time selection Tail-checkbox - checked
>&8=0, All project regions Tail-checkbox - unchecked
>&8=1, All project regions Tail-checkbox - checked
>&32=0, Selected project regions Tail-checkbox - unchecked
>&32=1, Selected project regions Tail-checkbox - checked
>&128=0, All project markers Tail-checkbox - unchecked
>&128=1, All project markers Tail-checkbox - checked
>&256=0, Selected markers Tail-checkbox - unchecked
>&256=1, Selected markers Tail-checkbox - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projtimemode
The shown-time-unit in the ruler-area, as set in the ruler-context-menu
It is an integer, project variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
View: Time unit for ruler: Minutes:Seconds
View: Time unit for ruler: Measures.Beats / minutes:Seconds
View: Time unit for ruler: Measures.Beats
View: Time unit for ruler: Seconds
View: Time unit for ruler: Samples
View: Time unit for ruler: Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames
View: Time unit for ruler: Measures.Beats (minimal)
View: Time unit for ruler: Measures.Beats (minimal) / minutes:Seconds
View: Time unit for ruler: Absolute frames
View: Secondary time unit for ruler: Minutes:Seconds
View: Secondary time unit for ruler: Seconds
View: Secondary time unit for ruler: Samples
View: Secondary time unit for ruler: Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames
View: Secondary time unit for ruler: Absolute frames
>-1, Use ruler time unit
>0, Minutes:Seconds
>1, Measures.Beats / Minutes:Seconds
>2, Measures.Beats
>3, Seconds
>4, Samples
>5, Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames
>8, Absolute Frames
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projtrackgroupdisabled
The setting for, if trackgrouping is enabled, as set in the Track-context-menu as well as in the Track-menu.
It's an integer, project variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Track: Toggle all track grouping enabled
>0, track grouping is disabled
>1, track grouping is enabled
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ playrate
The current master-playrate, as set in the transport-area.
This is a project-setting.
It is a double-float, project variable.
>0.01 to 4.0; higher is possible(up to 1200 and higher)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projtimemode2
The shown-time-unit in the transport-area, as set in the transport-context-menu
It is an integer
Can be affected by the following actions:
Transport: Time unit to ruler
Transport: Time unit: Minutes:Seconds
Transport: Time unit: Measures.Beats
Transport: Time unit: Seconds
Transport: Time unit: Samples
Transport: Time unit: Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames
Transport: Time unit: Measures.Beats / minutes:Seconds
Transport: Time unit: Absolute frames
Transport: Secondary time unit: Minutes:Seconds
Transport: Secondary time unit: Seconds
Transport: Secondary time unit: Samples
Transport: Secondary time unit: Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames
Transport: Secondary time unit: Absolute frames
>-1, Use ruler time unit
>0, Minutes:Seconds
>1, Measures.Beats / Minutes:Seconds
>2, Measures.Beats
>3, Seconds
>4, Samples
>5, Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames
>8, Absolute Frames
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projfrbase
The framerate of videos in the project, as set in the Project-Settings -> Video
It is an integer, project variable.
>1 to 999999999 are allowed framerates
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projfrdrop
The default-framerates for videos in the project, as set in the Project-Settings -> Video
Reflects the default-setting you chose in the dropdown-menu(without entering an individual one), that is not a "normal" integer one, like 23.076
Correspondents with settings in the config variable projfrbase
It is an integer, project variable.
>0, integer framerate-settings
>1, 29.97DF when projfrbase is set to 30
>2, 23.976 fps when projfrbase is set to 24
>2, 29.97ND when projfrbase is set to 30
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projvidflags
Individual settings for videos in the project, as set in the Project Settings->Video.
It is an integer-bitfield, project variable.
>&1 = 0, Video colorspace Auto
>&1 = 1, I420/YV12
>&2 = 1 and &1 = 0, YUY2
>&2 = 1 and &1 = 1, RGB
>&256 = 0, items in higher numbered tracks replace lower
>&256 = 1, items in lower numbered tracks replace higher
>&512 = 0, unchecked: Always resize video sources to preferred video size
>&512 = 1, checked: Always resize video sources to preferred video size
>&1024 = 0, unchecked: Always resize output to preferred video size
>&1024 = 1, checked: Always resize output to preferred video size
>&2048 = 0, checked: Use high quality filtering when resizing
>&2048 = 1, unchecked: Use high quality filtering when resizing
>&4096 = 0, checked: Preserve aspect ratio(letterbox) when resizing
>&4096 = 1, unchecked: Preserve aspect ratio(letterbox) when resizing
>&8192 = 0, unchecked: Video is affected by the solo state of other tracks
>&8192 = 1, checked: Video is affected by the solo state of other tracks
>&16384 = 0, unchecked: Video is affected by muted parent tracks
>&16384 = 1, unchecked: Video is affected by muted parent tracks
>&32768 = 0, Video processor automation-dropdownlist -> Evaluate at middle of frame
>&32768 = 1, Video processor automation-dropdownlist -> Evaluate at start of frame
>&65536 &131328 - Gamut
0 0 - BT.601 (SDTV)
1 0 - BT.701 (HDTV)
0 1 - BT.2020 (UHDTV)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projvidh
height of the video in pixels, as set in the Project Settings->Video
It is an integer allowed, project variable.
>1 to 1999999999 are allowed settings
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projvidw
width of the video in pixels, as set in the Project Settings->Video
It is an integer, project variable.
>1 to 1999999999 are allowed settings
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ audioprshift
Preserve pitch in audio items when changing master playrate, as set in the contextmenu of the master-playrate in the transport-area
This is a project-setting.
It is an integer, project variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Transport: Toggle preserve pitch in audio items when changing master playrate
>0, don't preserve pitch - unchecked
>1, preserve pitch - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked..
^ loop
The current project's loop-state, as set by clicking on the loop-button in the transport-area.
It is an integer, project variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Transport: Toggle repeat
>0, Loop is off
>1, Loop is on
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ mastermutesolo
The Mute/solo/stereo-mono-button-states of the Master-track, as set in the Master-track in both TCP and MCP.
It is an integer-bitfield, project variable
Can be affected by the following actions:
Track: Toggle mute for master track
Track: Toggle solo for master track
Master track: Toggle stereo/mono (L+R)
Track: Toggle mute for master track
Track: Toggle solo for master track
>&1=0, Master-track is unmuted(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Master-track is muted(on) - checked
>&2=0, Master-track is unsoloed(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Master-track is unsoloed(on) - checked
>&4=0, Mono mode-button, Stereo output(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Mono mode-button, Mono output(on) - checked
>&8 and &16, Mono mode - settings
>> 0 0, L+R
>> 1 0, L
>> 0 1, R
>> 1 1, L-R
Does not update state of the mute/solo-buttons or in the Track Manager, though it changes the state of mute/solo itself!
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projgroupsel
Selecting one item selects group-context menu-entry of the Item edit grouping-button in the default Main Toolbar.
It is an integer, project variable.
>0, don't select whole group, when selecting one item(off) - unchecked
>1, select whole group, when selecting one item(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projmasterpanlaw
The Pan-Law value of the master track, as MKVOL-value
Use ultraschall.MKVOL2DB() and ultraschall.DB2MKVOL to convert from/to dB
It is a double-float, project variable.
>+0.0dB = 1
>-2.5dB = 0.74989420933246
>-3.0dB = 0.70794578438414
>-4.5dB = 0.59566214352901
>-6.0dB = 0.50118723362727
>-6.02dB= 0.5
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projmasterpanlawflags
The panlaw-flags of the master-track
It is an integer, project variable.
>&1=0, Linear scale above -3dB pan law - unchecked
>&1=1, Linear scale above -3dB pan law - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projmasterpanmode
The pan-mode of the project master's pan-law.
It is an integer, project variable.
>-1, project default
>3, Stereo balance / mono pan (default)
>5, Stereo Pan
>6, Dual Pan
>0, REAPER 3.x balance(deprecated)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projmastervuflags
The Multichannel peak metering-checkbox, as set in the Master VU settings-dialog, opened when right-clicking the Master-VU.
It is an integer-bitfield, project variable.
>&2=0, Multichannel peak metering-checkbox(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Multichannel peak metering-checkbox(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projmetrobeatlen
The metronome-beat click length in ms, as set in the "Metronome Preroll Settings"-dialog(options-menu)
It is an integer, project variable.
>0 to 2147483647; higher values lead to negative values
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projmetroclick
The metronome-beat soundshape as set in Metronome and Pre-Roll-settings -> Metronome sound -> shape
It is an integer, project variable.
>0, (old deprecated); 1, Sine - soft start; 2, Sine - hard start; 3, Triangle
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projmetrocountin
The Count-in measures as set in the Metronome and pre-roll settings-dialog
It's a double float, project variable.
Negative values are allowed
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projmetroen
Sets metronome-settings, as set in the options-menu and the "Metronome Preroll Settings"-dialog(also options-menu)
Its an integer-bitfield, project variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: Toggle metronome
>&1=0, Metronome disabled
>&1=1, Metronome enabled
>&2=0, Run metronome during playback disabled
>&2=1, Run metronome during playback enabled
>&4=0, Run metronome during recording disabled
>&4=1, Run metronome during recording enabled
>&8=0, Count in before playback disabled
>&8=1, Count in before playback enabled
>&16=0, Count in before recording disabled
>&16=1, Count in before recording enabled
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projmetrof1
Sets frequency of the primary beat in Hz, as set in the "Metronome and pre-roll settings"-dialog(also options-menu)
Only integer allowed, project variable.
>0 to 2147483647; higher values lead to negative values
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projmetrof2
Sets frequency of the secondary beat in Hz, as set in the "Metronome and pre-roll settings"-dialog(also options-menu)
Only integer allowed, project variable.
>0 to 2147483647; higher values lead to negative values
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projmetropattern
Stores the breat pattern, as set in Metronome and Pre-roll settings-dialog.
It is a string allowed, project variable.
It is unknown, how it is encoded.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projmetrov1
Sets the Primary beat volume, as set in the Metronome and pre-roll settings(also options-menu)
This is probably the slider-value, not db.
It is a double-float, project variable.
>5e-051 to 1.9905358527675; 0.5 for 0dB
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projmetrov2
Sets the Secondary beat volume, as set in the Metronome and pre-roll settings(also options-menu).
This value is related to the Primary beat volume, means, influencing projmetrov1 in the dialog influences this as well.
This is probably the slider-value, not db.
It is a double-float, project variable.
> 5e-051 to 1.9905358527675; 0.5 for 0dB
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projpeaksgain
Display gain-fader, as set in Peaks Display Settings- dialog in Menu Options -> Peaks Display Settings
It is a double-float, project variable.
>1.0(0dB) to 63.826348619055(36.1dB)
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projrecmode
The selected Record mode of the project, as set in the transport-context-menu
It is an integer, project variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Record: Set record mode to time selection auto-punch
Record: Set record mode to normal
Record: Set record mode to selected item auto-punch
>0, Record mode: auto-punch selected items
>1, Record mode: normal
>2, Record mode: time selection auto punch
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings in Project Settings has been clicked.
^ projripedit
The ripple-edit-state of the current project
It's an integer, project variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: Cycle ripple editing mode
Set ripple editing per-track
Set ripple editing all tracks
Toggle ripple editing per-track
Toggle ripple editing all tracks
>0, no ripple-edit
>1, Ripple edit per track
>2, Ripple edit all tracks
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projsellock
The settings from the Lock Settings-dialog, as set by the Options -> Locking-menu as well as the Lock Button in the Main toolbar
It is an integer-bitfield, project variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: Toggle locking
Locking: Toggle time selection locking mode
Locking: Toggle full item locking mode
Locking: Toggle left/right item locking mode
Locking: Toggle up/down item locking mode
Locking: Toggle track envelope locking mode
Locking: Toggle region locking mode
Locking: Toggle marker locking mode
Locking: Toggle time signature marker locking mode
Locking: Toggle item edges locking mode
Locking: Toggle item fade/volume handles locking mode
Locking: Toggle loop points locking mode
Locking: Toggle take envelope locking mode
Locking: Toggle item stretch marker locking mode
>&1=0, Time selection(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Time selection(on) - checked
>&2=0, Items (full)(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Items (full)(on) - checked
>&4=0, Track envelopes(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Track envelopes(on) - checked
>&8=0, Markers(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Markers(on) - checked
>&16=0, Regions(off) - unchecked
>&16=1, Regions(on) - checked
>&32=0, Time signature markers(off) - unchecked
>&32=1, Time signature markers(on) - checked
>&64=0, Items (prevent left/right movement)(off) - unchecked
>&64=1, Items (prevent left/right movement)(on) - checked
>&128=0, Items (prevent up/down movement)(off) - unchecked
>&128=1, Items (prevent up/down movement)(on) - checked
>&256=0, Item edges(off) - unchecked
>&256=1, Item edges(on) - checked
>&512=0, Item fade/volume handles(off) - unchecked
>&512=1, Item fade/volume handles(on) - checked
>&1024=0, Loop points(off) - unchecked
>&1024=1, Loop points(on) - checked
>&2048=0, Item envelopes(off) - unchecked
>&2048=1, Item envelopes(on) - checked
>&4096=0, Item stretch markers(off) - unchecked
>&4096=1, Item stretch markers(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ projshowgrid
Several Snap/Grid-Settings, as set in Snap/Grid Settings located in menu Options -> Snap/grid -> Snap/grid settings
It is an integer-bitfield, project variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Options: Toggle snapping
Options: Toggle grid lines
Grid: Use the same grid division in arrange view and MIDI editor
>&1=0, Show grid, line spacing-checkbox(off) - unchecked
>&1=1, Show grid, line spacing-checkbox(on) - checked
>&2=0, Snap Media items to grid(off) - unchecked
>&2=1, Snap Media items to grid(on) - checked
>&4=0, Snap Cursor to grid(off) - unchecked
>&4=1, Snap Cursor to grid(on) - checked
>&8=0, Snap Selection to grid(off) - unchecked
>&8=1, Snap Selection to grid(on) - checked
>&16=0, Snap Media items to selection/markers/cursor(off) - unchecked
>&16=1, Snap Media items to selection/markers/cursor(on) - checked
>&32=0, Snap Cursor to selection/markers/cursor(off) - unchecked
>&32=1, Snap Cursor to selection/markers/cursor(on) - checked
>&64=0, Snap Selection to selection/markers/cursor(off) - unchecked
>&64=1, Snap Selection to selection/markers/cursor(on) - checked
>&128=0, Snap media items to nearby media items up to(off) - unchecked
>&128=1, Snap media items to nearby media items up to(on) - checked
>&256=0, Enable snapping(on) - checked
>&256=1, Enable snapping(off) - unchecked
>&512=0, Use the same grid division in arrange view and MIDI editor(also in MIDI Editor -> Options)(off) - unchecked
>&512=1, Use the same grid division in arrange view and MIDI editor(also in MIDI Editor -> Options)(on) - checked
>&1024=0, Snap to grid at any distance(off) - unchecked
>&1024=1, Snap to grid at any distance(on) - checked
>&2048 and &4096, Media items snap at-dropdownlist
>> 0 0, Mouse-position dependent
>> 1 0, Only snap at start/snap offset
>> 0 1, Snap both start/end
>&8192=0, Snap cursor to edges of media items on any track(off) - unchecked
>&8192=1, Snap cursor to edges of media items on any track(on) - checked
>&32768=0, Grid snap settings follow grid visibility(on) - checked
>&32768=1, Grid snap settings follow grid visibility(off) - unchecked
>&131072=0, Snap to project sample rate(off) - unchecked
>&131072=1, Snap to project sample rate(on) - checked
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ psmaxv
Edit: Move CC events right 1 pixel, as triggered by actions 40673 and 40676(all sections)
The purpose of it is unknown but seems to be connected to MIDI-stuff.
It is a double float, project variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ psminv
Edit: Increase value a little bit for CC events, as triggered by actions 40673 and 40676(all sections)
The purpose of it is unknown but seems to be connected to MIDI-stuff.
It is a double float, project variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ REAPER->autoclosekeymap
The "Automatically close window on key/MIDI input"-checkbox in the Keyboard/MIDI/OSC-input-dialog.
It is an integer
>0, unchecked
>1, checked
Can be set while Reaper is running and will be used the next time the dialog opens.
Stored in reaper.ini -> [REAPER]
^ REAPER->pspage_last
The last selected tab in the Project Settings-Dialog.
It is an integer
>0, Project Settings-tab
>1, Media-tab
>2, Video-tab
>3, Advanced-tab
>4, Notes-tab
Stored in reaper.ini -> [REAPER]
^ reaper_video->fx_mode
Monitoring/master FX-settings, as set in the context-menu of the Video-Processor -> Performance tweaks(experimental) -> Monitoring/master FX
This can't be set, only read from reaper.ini -> [reaper_video] !
It is an integer
>0, Monitoring FX are low latency(default)
>1, Monitoring FX and master FX are low latency
>2, Monitoring FX and master FX are processed like track FX
>3, All media and FX are not cached
Stored in reaper.ini -> [reaper_video]
^ reaper_video->misc_flags
Misc settings as set in the context-menu of the Video-Processor -> Performance tweaks(experimental)
This can't be set, only read from reaper.ini -> [reaper_video] !
It is an integer-bitfield
>&1=0, show underruns during playback as green frames - unchecked
>&1=1, show underruns during playback as green frames - checked
>&2=0, Aggressively update video during arrange/edit scrolls - unchecked
>&2=1, Aggressively update video during arrange/edit scrolls - checked
>&4=0, Send MIDI CC control messages [BB xx vv] when mouse dragging in video window - unchecked
>&4=1, Send MIDI CC control messages [BB xx vv] when mouse dragging in video window - checked
Stored in reaper.ini -> [reaper_video]
^ reaper_video->playback_cache
Rendered frame cache size, as set in the context-menu of the Video-Processor -> Performance tweaks(experimental) -> Rendered-frame cache size
This can't be set, only read from reaper.ini -> [reaper_video] !
It is a double
Given in seconds.
The menu holds the values for:
>0.100, 0.250, 0.500, 1.000(default), 1.500, 2.000
Stored in reaper.ini -> [reaper_video]
^ reaper_video->smp
Video Processor multiprocessing, as set in the context-menu of the Video-Processor -> Performance tweaks(experimental)
This can't be set, only read from reaper.ini -> [reaper_video] !
It is an integer
>- 0, Disabled(default)
>- 1, 2 threads
>- 2, 3 threads
>- 3, 4 threads
Stored in reaper.ini -> [reaper_video]
^ reaper_video->vdprefetch_srcs
Video-decoder prefetch last x sourced, as set in the context-menu of the Video-Processor -> Performance tweaks(experimental) -> Video decoder pre-fetch
This can't be set, only read from reaper.ini -> [reaper_video] !
It is an integer
the number of last prefetched video sources, defaults are 2, 5, 10, 15
Stored in reaper.ini -> [reaper_video]
^ reaper_video->vdprefetch_threads
Video decoder pre-fetch-threads, as set in the context-menu of the Video-Processor -> Performance tweaks(experimental) -> Video decoder pre-fetch
This can't be set, only read from reaper.ini -> [reaper_video] !
It is an integer
>- 0, Disabled(default)
>- 1, 2 threads
>- 2, 3 threads
>-3, 4 threads
Stored in reaper.ini -> [reaper_video]
^ reaper_video->visible
Visibility of the video-processor window.
This can't be set, only read from reaper.ini -> [reaper_video] !
It is an integer
>- 0, video-processor-window is closed
>- 1, video-processor-window is open
Stored in reaper.ini -> [reaper_video]
^ hwoutfx_bypass
The bypass of the Monitor-FX-button that appears in top-right corner when having multiple tabs opened.
It is an integer, transport variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Monitoring FX: Toggle bypass
>0, no bypass - checked
>1, bypass - unchecked
Can be set, though the UI of Reaper will not update, unless anything else refreshes the UI.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ ctrlcopyitem
It is an integer, unknown variable.
>0, unknown
>1, unknown
^ disk_rdmodeexmac
Unknown, probably diskmode on mac?
It is an integer, unknown variable.
^ itemdblclk
It is an integer, unknown variable.
>0, unknown
>1, unknown
^ itemprops
It is an integer, unknown variable.
^ itemprops_timemode
It is an integer, unkown variable.
^ mousemovemod
unknown, influenced, when config variable scnameedit is changed by Reaper.
It is a double, unknown variable.
>either 0(scnameedit=0) or 2.1219957909653e-314(scnameedit=1)
^ nativedrawtext2
It is an integer, unknown variable.
^ newfnopt
It is an integer-bitfield, unknown variable.
>&1=0, unknown
>&1=1, unknown
>&2=0, unknown
>&2=1, unknown
>&4=0, unknown
>&4=0, unknown
^ osxnomiddlemancocoa
unknown, probably mac-related
It is an integer, unknown variable.
^ projmidieditor
It is an integer, unknown variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER, when Save as default project settings has been clicked.
^ rendermastertracksub
It is a string, unknown variable.
>Default "Master"
^ rightclickemulate
It is an integer, unknown variable.
^ selitemtop
It is an integer, unknown variable.
^ titlebarreghide
It is an integer, unkown variable.
^ tsmarker
unknown, probably something with time-signature markers
It is an integer, unkown variable.
>0, unknown
>1, unknown
^ vstbr32
unknown, probably bridging for 32bit-vst-plugins?
It is an integer, unknown variable.
^ vstfolder_settings
It is an integer, unknown variable.
>0, unknown
>1, unknown
>2, unknown
^ fullscreenrectb
When Reaper is fullscreen, the position of the bottom of Reaper's window, as toggled by the fullscreen-action 40346
It is an integer, ui variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ fullscreenrectl
When Reaper is fullscreen, the position of the left of Reaper's window, as toggled by the fullscreen-action 40346
Can be negative(probably -4)
It is an integer, ui variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ fullscreenrectr
When Reaper is fullscreen, the position of the right of Reaper's window, as toggled by the fullscreen-action 40346
It is an integer, ui variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ fullscreenrectt
When Reaper is fullscreen, the position of the top of Reaper's window, as toggled by the fullscreen-action 40346
Can be negative(probably -4)
It is an integer, ui variable.
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
^ isfullscreen
Stores, if Reaper is currently set to fullscreen
It is an integer, ui variable.
Can be affected by the following actions:
Toggle fullscreen
>0, Reaper isn't fullscreen
>1, Reaper is fullscreen
Stored in reaper.ini under the same name in the section REAPER.
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